#taxic bros
sweetcheesburger · 1 year
I have been into many different fandoms in my life and its kinda feel like living with random people who you haven't ever seen but you feel unexpectedly close to them and sadly tmnt fandom is the opposite of that you cant have a healthy contact with other peaple and its super taxic !!
The fans are always complaining!! When a new series comes out instead of cheering they complain for the smallest thing they can see more than the peaple outside the fandom!! April is black turtles are goofy i dont like the plot extra..... so my question is that if you dislike tmnt that much why are still staying in the fandom? To say hi im a cool complainer?
And the problem is not going to end with just normal fans the shippers and shipping career is a full disaster!!
Antigay shippers complain why usagi and leo would want to date each other they are bros!! You think they're bros not the other peaple you asshole!!
This types of fans are everywhere and try really hard to make you regret your ships and its not only about gay ones sometimes they make randome excuses like april is there sister you're sick if you try to ship her with turtles and that's where i snapped so you think they're siblings?? Who told you that shipping them is incest and out of character??
Leonardo himself or donnie?
Or you probably was in the show and read there mind for whatever interest they might have!! If you dont like a shipp just ignore it dont you have a life out there?
fandom is a place you suppose to take a break and have fun not fighting with every assholes who are hiding there big but in every corner of internet
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unchecked-unneeded · 5 years
Aight, i just caught up to taxic bros and wth
Shariq is going to ask Shazain about his lack of a highschool degree, in order to ~expose~ how often politicians in Pakistan aren't educated, except he full and well knows why this was the case for Shazain and probably shouldn't be asking a question he knows is going to make it personal.
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unchecked-unneeded · 5 years
Me, watching the latest ehd e wafa episode: haha ew okay
Me, watching the promo: (mails dua birth control) wth bro pls
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unchecked-unneeded · 5 years
A little runner up*
(*to the huge post I’m gonna make when the finale drops, because I feel like complaining A LOT.)*
What was this episode? 
The centre of conflict of some 16 episodes give or take just got dropped because of? literally no reason??
Let Saad’s faults come to the spot light for once, and let him reflect on it, instead of just letting that happen in the background. He deserves it. Please. Im begging.
Saad’s whole “Sowwy i didn’t wanna listen and you didn’t wanna talk” made me laugh. Like, no honey, Shazain did want to talk. And you’re the one who drove the nail into the coffin with that little stunt you pulled at the ‘get together’, over an assumption (he had no way of confirming anything, and the first time he sees Shazain post the whole crap show the guy is literally happily showing them his wife to be’s pictures, who is clearly not Dua.) I hate the narrative is still pushing most of the blame onto Shazain, and making Saad out to be a ‘perfect soldier boy’ archetype. 
 Shazain was given horrible development and was made to look horrible just for?
For what? Like seriously, they picture him as this abhorrent and evil politician who is willing to manipulate literally anybody and then we’re just supposed to ignore that? It still hasn’t been shown if he actually did any of the things he promised he would for his village (or at least i don’t remember it. please correct me if I’m wrong.), and after all of that, he’s going to get redemption through being accepted by Saad again. Of all things, this was the worst way to do it, in my opinion. Everything else he did doesn’t vanish. Everything else that happened to him doesn’t vanish. i refuse to accept canon.
 Khursheed (is that his name?) and his father are reintroduced and???
I don’t really even get it. I would have liked it if they didn’t just throw both these characters at the main casts feet so randomly. It would’ve been better to slowly reintroduce them, maybe even actually show Khursheed’s arrest. You know, actually made them key characters in the climax of the story instead of... uh whatever that was.
I’ll whine about Shariq and his wasted character arc/potential in another post in more detail, but he literally feels so off in all the recent episodes. 
And also the show is trying too hard to portray Sheheryar as an empath. It’s getting annoying, especially since the script is really, really 50/50 about that. Like one moment he’ll be all depressed about hoomanity and then he’ll be all dick-ish. I don’t even know what to say about him anymore, actually. I guess his beard is cool.
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unchecked-unneeded · 5 years
I have a lot of ehd e wafa takes that i will be drafting now and posting tomorrow.
Yesterdays episode has me completely pissed lol.
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unchecked-unneeded · 5 years
this isn’t super detailed or anything but, like, wth is up with ehd e wafa.
like, saad and shazain are having the universes pettiest dick measuring contest. literally. the minute shazain realizes his mistake and starts actually paying attention to where his life is going, saad decides to whomp in with a trash can of comments.
they’re both petty and usually i love that in characters but? these two? especially saad? taking it too far man. way, way too far.
saad had no way of knowing why a malik allahyar was asking for dua’s rishta, and the first thing he hears from shazain is, ‘hi bro im getting married and i totally want you here for it :D.’ and then instead of, as sheheryar put it, ‘burying the dead before the whole village smells it’, he decides to do the exact opposite, like, ‘oh boy, its been a hot minute since i dug up graves, phew. damn pma, you got me all outta practice.’
more thoughts coming later but ayeeeeeeeee.
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unchecked-unneeded · 5 years
v random and stupid coz i haven’t even watched the full episode yet, but I suddenly hate Shahzain a lot less and want to write depresso fic with him and i hate dua and saad together even more, (no hate to zorro, he’s good. a good boyo).
Also Sheheryar, man, lmao. I feel bad for him because he’s literally, LITERALLY, the only character with a goddamn brain lol.
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unchecked-unneeded · 5 years
Okay so the star of the last episode was Gulzar. Thats it. He's the only one who has rights.
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unchecked-unneeded · 5 years
Wow guys, there's this drama I'm really enjoying nowadays. Its like, really fun (like kinda has trash direction but).
It's called "100 ways to torture Shariq".
I kid you not, guys, this drama is so fun. Like, guys-
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unchecked-unneeded · 5 years
The second Ehd e Wafa post
AHOY! It’s time for the ladies, though I’m afraid there might not be much.
Basically, there’s only 2 major female characters in the show right now.
Lets start with Dua, the lead heroin, the center of conflict, the much famed and stalked girl. She’s introduced as a bright, generally happy and pretty girl, who’s best friends with her cousin, is pampered by her parents (I’m assuming she’s an only child) and has remained more or less the same until the end of episode 3, where she’s clearly mad at being babied by her cousin (aka the one whose name i cant be bothered to recall but who also happens to be crushing on her and also happens to be someone i HATE. lol). She makes this more clear in the fourth episode.* In the same episode, she also appears to dislike failure, crying over being second instead of first (gee I hate her for this thing.)  Uh also I don’t really want her to consider (consider) anybody romantically until we have been through some 6 more episodes. No not even Saad though I do think the idea of it is cute but please, not too quick.
Then there’s Rani, the girl I literally can’t see as anything more than a comic relief character so far. She cheats in her exams, fails them, lies, is pretty happy go lucky about life and doesn’t have a care in the world. And has a potential crush on Shahzain, (except mera hero bathroom se entry nahi karta.) which I’m fine with. They’d probably make a good couple if Shazain can come back to his senses in time.
Uh, that’s it? I guess? lol. 
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unchecked-unneeded · 5 years
Guess who
Tumblr media
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unchecked-unneeded · 5 years
the tag list
To make life easier, drastic measures
for the queue
politics for the queue
okay i laughed
rounding up inspo
important life help tag
hello its me
highly talented friends
Own stuff:
crochet blogging is a thing
the fic tag
hello i do the art thing
bibo writes
screaming into the void
bibo’s unnecessary emotional rambles
bibo’s unnecessary thoughts
Fandoms and stuff:
taxic bros/ehd e wafa
ancient chinese gays
a story about powerful jewelry
marvel (movie tags are separate!)
Study tags:
when studies
alright baby i know the law
Funny word studying
Dead west centric old people topic
(Note: more may (will) be added!)
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unchecked-unneeded · 5 years
small thing about ehd e wafa
i didn’t like the latest ehd e wafa episode at all :/ ?
like i had kinda guessed it was gonna come together like this but? it was so rushed and that saad and dua scene was so, so annoying. so batta so annoying. :/
the only saving grace was gulzar. he’s the only character who has rights. 
oh and the scene where the news agency’s boss is announcing the bonus was poorly done but funny enough i was heppy :3
okay but im still not happy with it :/
pretty sure there is something in the constitution about how criminal it is to give characters such disproportionate flaws. why is saads only problem the fact that he’s overly emotional and then shazain is just? 50 types of problematic items packaged into one poorly designed character?
and he’s redeemed just? like that? within what, 5 minutes?
rude :/
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unchecked-unneeded · 5 years
May I just say:
The new episode and the next episode of ehd e wafa can go to hell for all i care.
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unchecked-unneeded · 5 years
Another ehd e wafa post
wow i really, really hate saad right now.
like, dude, chill out. What happened happened frickin 1-2 months ago, was never brought up again, and could’ve easily been brushed of as coincidence. I mean there’s probably hundreds of Malik Allahyars in Pakistan. Any of them could’ve come over for a Rishta. Saad should’ve kept his mouth shut and given Shazain the benefit of doubt upon realizing that he was actually bothering change.
 Like I mentioned a bazillion years ago, Shazain atleast shuts his mouth when he’s told why he’s wrong. Saad straight up refuses to accept it.
This can easily be linked with his continuous need to be the perfect kid for his parents, specifically his father. His father almost subconsciously pressurizes him, and then when an actual issue happens (harassing women), that pressure snaps and sends him off board. Now he’s desperately trying to distance himself from everything he was when the thing that disappointed his dad happened, except the problem is that not all of it was bad.
His friendship with Shazain caused a lot of bad stuff, true, but that doesn’t mean that’s all it was? The day it all goes to shit is also the day Saad kind off accuses Shazain of lacking basic morals and then straight up refuses to talk to him for the next uhhhhh 4 months? 5 months? Thats not how you tell a friend that what happened was not good and break the friend ship off.
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unchecked-unneeded · 5 years
Some more unnecessary Ehd e Wafa thoughts.
Look, look, I’m not saying I hate Saad, but I hate Saad. 
Somebody needs to slap some sense into him. Or send him to therapy over his daddy issues. What I’m mad at is the fact that he is absolutely refusing to allow Shahzain to even begin making amends for his attitude. 
Turns out Shazain may just be better at understanding how other peoples choices may differ from his due to their backgrounds than Saad. I mean, atleast when they spelled it out for him, Shazain got it. Saad refuses to even acknowledge the fact that its a thing (or maybe he’s doing it just for now because he’s pissed but ffs its been over a month you damned fool)
Like, okay, don’t talk to Shahzain, because he clearly started the whole issue and has a lot of self reflection to do, but at least hear Sheheryar out? Maybe call Shariq, the least guilty, if at all, of the other three?
He doesn’t do anything to make amends, and I’m guessing he isn’t going to realize how much of a mistake that is until later, after joining the army. 
(Also where is my 560k friends to enemies to lovers fic on Saad and Shahzain?~ my brain after episode 5)
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