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lcv3r-blog · 5 years
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y’all know bombalurina, well what about paylor or taylington
@taylorswift #taylorswift #taylorswiftmeme
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umalovestaylor · 5 years
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rockr31 · 6 years
If you haven’t read The Lexington Chronicles yet- go read it! It’s the same author who wrote Eyes Like Kryptonite. @jedifighterpilot2727 She captures the characters perfectly and ya get all the feels! (PS- #Taylington would look AWESOME on a T-Shirt- just sayin’!)
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So, like many other Americans, (and others around the globe I’m sure), my work hours hours have been cut (which is ridiculous, because I’m a nurse in a busy hospital in the middle of a pandemic; but all my hospital cares about is the bottom line, def not patients or staff; but that’s a story for a different day.)
Anyway, I’m not worried (yet), cause I have some vacation time saved up; BUT I am going to have a significant amount of free time for the time being and I plan/hope to spend it writing, so feel free to send me HCs and prompts and the like if you have any you’ve been sitting on, and I’ll get to what I can!
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When you finally get the inspiration for your OTPs first sex scene
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But it doesn’t occur until the second book . . .
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So, my last day at my old job was yesterday, and I took a few days off before I start my new one because this is the last chance I’ll have at any sort of ‘vacation’ for a while. I’m definitely excited because the new job is certainly considered ‘better’ by any sort of job measuring stick; but I’m also slightly terrified! One, there’s something to be said about the evil you know versus the evil you don’t; and two because I have to learn a whole new routine and all new people (I’m sure all my fellow autistics can relate when I say - yikes!). But ultimately, I think it will give me less stress and better mental health, which should both lead to more writing, (which is my dream job). So hopefully you’ll be seeing more from me in the coming weeks both on this blog and regarding Mystic Entanglement. I also have an Eyes LIke Kryptonite chapter I’m hoping to finish soon, so we’ll see! Regardless, I’d like to thank all of you for hanging around during the dry spell, and just know that there should be lots more content, (and hopefully a book), coming soon!
Also, I have a ton of other book ideas and head cannons that if anyone wants to hear/offer feedback on I’d love to spitball! So let me know if your interested in random lgbt fic idea posts!
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So, if I were to post some teasers from the #Taylingtom book, what kinds of things would y’all want to see?
Message me and let me know! I might just invlude some sneak peaks in my response!
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Hey! In regards to angst-portunities for the 100th episode, consider this: the Kara from the universe where Reign killed Lena goes mad with grief and is willing to do anything to get Lena back. She somehow finds a way to rip through the very fabric of the multiverse and finds her way to our show's verse where Kara and Lena are on the outs and decides to kidnap our Lena and bring her lost love back with her to the other universe.
I do have a little fix it fic planned out for the 100th episode! It isn’t quite this, but I think you’ll enjoy!!
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Me, seeing your Lexington/Zendaya post: You. Are. A. Genius.
Like Lexington has a huge celeb crush on Zendaya, right, and is constantly telling Taylor that she looks just like her only prettier and Taylor is just like “oh, yeah, right, sure, I look like Zendaya, ok.” which is like super meta because taylor dream cast is zendaya!
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Is there going to be a Kara/Lena and Taylor’s dad reaction to the proposal?
Telling the Parents - I Dare You Pt. 2
“Have you seen page six this morning?” Kara asks, stepping into the ensuite where Lena is brushing her teeth.
Lena doesn’t even bother with a response, instead turning an incredulous look on her wife, one eyebrow raised as she scrubs her molars.
“Right, well, you know that alert I had you put on my phone that let’s me know whenever a new article is posted about Lexi?”
Lena rolls her eyes before turning to rinse her mouth in the sink.
“I told you, you shouldn’t pay those two-bit tabloids any mind. I know you want to protect her from bad media, but half of what those sites say isn’t even remotely based in truth.” She dries her hands on a towel before walking to Kara.
“I know, and normally I would just blow it off, but this seems pretty … authentic.” Kara turns her phone for Lena to read, and the headline stops her in her tracks.
 “Billionaire Playboy Off the Market? Lexington Luthor-Danvers Exchanges Rings with Longtime Girlfriend in Riverside Proposal.”
“What?!” Lena screeches, taking the phone from Kara and bringing i close - as if proximity will change the words on the page.
A series of photos headlines the article, showing Lexi and Taylor walking and then kissing before offering each other rings.
“What?!” Lena repeats, handing the phone back to her wife. “How come the tabloids get to find out our baby is engaged before we do?”
“I’m sure if Lexi knew the paparazzi were following her, she would have called and told us last night.”
Even though Lena knows that Kara speaks the truth, she still feels slighted; and she reaches to take Kara’s phone back.
“What are you doing?”
“Calling our daughter of course.”
* - - - - - - -
“Do you want coffee or espresso?”
Silence greets her, and Taylor looks over her shoulder to see Lexi grinning at her.
“Can I have both?”
“Both?” Taylor questions, already reaching for the espresso.
“Yeah, I mean it’s my first day as a fiancee! I want my energy level to match my mood, and it’s not my fault that you kept me up all night.”
Taylor quickly abandons the coffee machine to confront Lexington.
“Are you saying that you would rather I hadn’t kept you up so late?”
“Oh, no.” Lexi is swift to correct. “That is most certainly not what I’m saying.”
“Uh-uh, that’s what I thought.” Taylor gloats, squirming her way into Lexi’s space and grinning once strong arms give up on whisking eggs and wrap around her.
“I love you.” Lexi punctuates the declaration with a kiss, and Taylor returns it soundly before Lexi’s ringtone interrupts them.
“Just ignore it,“ Lexi pleads when she breaks the kiss, but she looks anyway.
“It’s your mom.”
“She’ll be fine if I call her back later.”
Taylor gives her a pointed look before turning back to the coffee maker, and Lexi’s shoulders drop before she reaches for her phone.
“Hey Ma, what’s up?”
“Yeah, she right here, did you need to talk to her?”
That’s enough to catch Taylor’s attention, and she abandons the coffee, instead giving Lexi’s conversation her full attention.
“Speakerphone? Okay, sure.” Lexi covers the speaker with one hand before asking Taylor -
“She wants to talk to you on speakerphone, is that okay?”
Taylor nods, and Lexi presses a button.
“Okay, you’re on speaker, what’s up?”
“Hi, Lena!” Taylor chimes in.
“Kara’s here too.” Lena offers, and Lexi’s face pales.
“Okay, you guys are scaring me, what’s up?”
“Nothing, dear, just wanted to see if you had anything you needed to tell us.”
Lexi frowns, suspicious.
“Actually, we do.”
“Excellent! We’re all ears.”
Lexi looks to Taylor for permission, and she nods again.
“We kind of wanted to tell you in person, but I asked Taylor to marry me last night, and she said yes.”
“Hey!” Taylor exclaims before grabbing the phone. “I asked her first.”
“Oh we know, the pictures tell quite the story, Lena assures her.
“Pictures?” Lexi’s brow crinkles.
“Oh, Page Six had quite the story this morning.” Kara informs them, and Taylor feels her pulse sky rocket.
“Oh yeah, you two are all over the tabloids.” Lena confirms.
“How? I didn’t see anyone! We were all alone!” Lexi insists, but Taylor elbows her in the side.
“The guy on the bridge.”
“Shoot! The guy on the bridge, you’re right.” Lexi concedes.
“So,” Lena drawls. “Was it all a a big misunderstanding, or do we get to welcome our new daughter-in-law to the family?”
Lexi grins and Taylor can’t help but follow suit.
“Well, she said yes.” Lexi confirms, but Taylor huffs indignantly.
“After she said yes!”
“We were hoping to take you out to dinner and tell you though.”
“We can still go out to dinner,” Lena assures them. “It’ll just be a celebratory dinner instead of an announcement dinner. Maybe Mike can join us.”
It’s Taylor’s turn to pale.
“Shit, my dad! If you found the tabloids, I’m sure he will!” She reaches for her phone just as it’s ringing, her father’s face lighting up the display.
“Heey, dad!” she answers with an embarrassed grin. "I was just saying how I needed to call you!”
“To tell me that Lexington finally asked you to marry her?”
“First of all, I asked her first, and second of all, does everyone in this family read tabloids as soon as they wake up?”
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So when I write, I always have like 6381862 bajillion variations of each plot point, or Jessy so many different directions it could go. My outlines look like chose-your-own-adventure stories! I was wondering: did you have any other first kiss stories for taylington? Or anything else you really liked but you just decided to use something different as canon?
Okay so first of all, super sneaky way to try and get a first kiss chapter, so kudos! This one got me thinking!! Hope you enjoy!
Later, when she’s asked, she’ll say that the first time she thought about kissing Taylor was when Mandy steps aside to reveal Taylor all decked out for their first date.
(That’s a lie. The first time she thought about kissing Taylor, was when she was walking into physics class, and stopped to admire the girl a few rows back from the front who was doodling in her notebook - before their first date is just the first time Lexi almost follows through.)
The first actual time is one that she keeps to herself - that time when she spotted Taylor doodling. Most notebook scribbles that Lexi is familiar with are crappy caricatures or geometric shapes. But this, this is art - so much so that even an inexperienced eye like hers can tell.
It’s a scenery picture, the viewpoint from behind the counter at a coffee shop, but before Lexi can decipher which one, the person behind her is clearing their throat and she’s forced to move forward.
Only the person doodling looks up at the sound, and Lexi finds herself staring into the most beautiful pair of brown eyes she’s ever seen. The girl smiles, those same brown eyes crinkling at the edges as she scoots her backpack away from the aisle, and Lexi finds her breath catching in her throat.
Beautiful girls have always been her Kryptonite, and she probably would have stood there stuttering for days if not for the pressof eager students at her back. Instead, she stumbles forward, mutteringan apology to the pretty girl and vowing to pay attention to her name when roll is called.
That’s the pretty girl’s name.
And she may barely know Taylor’s name, but she’s already planned out their wedding by the end of the class period.
(They’ll have two children - Jaime and Taylor Jr., and their house will be decorated with Taylor’s artwork.)
She’slucky she’s already familiar with the coursework, because otherwise she would be screwed - all of her attention focused on her newfound crush.
It isn’t fair, really, for anyone to be that beautiful.
Taylor should be a model of some sort, not doodling masterpieces in Lexi’s physics class.
Bythe time she finishes talking to Dr. Camberio after class, Taylor is long gone, and Lexi’s shoulders deflate as she’s left to pine all the way to her next class.
* - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - -
Unfortunately, her run in with Taylor happened on Friday, so she has all weekend to second guess their interaction.
Cadeis skeptical that such a beautiful woman would exist - much less that such a pretty girl would be in Lexi’s Intro to Physics class.
It’s enough to make Lexi wonder if she simply imagined the whole thing, (or at least imagined Taylor’s beauty).
Sowhen she returns to class on Monday, she’s entirely too early; showing up before anyone else and completely ruining her chances of running into Taylor before class.
(She definitely doesn’t keep twisting in her seat to see if Taylor has made it yet.)
Lexidoesn’t see Taylor come in, but when Dr. Camberio calls roll, she’s there, looking just as breathtakingly beautiful as Lexi remembers.
Seems she hadn’t just imagined it - take that, Cade.
Unfortunately,Taylor is gone by the time Lexi leaves, and so it goes for the next week and half - like two ships passing in the night - she explains poetically to Cade, who simply rolls their eyes.
There are glimpses, here and there, where she thinks that maybe Taylor might be looking for her too; but it’s fleeting, and self-doubt quickly convincesher that there’s no way Taylor is looking at her.
Of course not.
Theydon’t actually exchange words again until Taylor startles her one day after class - it’s beyond embarrassing, her books and papers go everywhere, and she’s left feeling like an idiot as she tries to make eye contact.
Somehow, she stutters through, and manages to agree to be Taylor’s tutor for physics.
(It’s a stupid idea, she doesn’t know how she’ll ever get over her nerves enough to be coherent.)
But still, she says yes, and Taylor looks so happy that she can’t take it back - even though she knows she’s doomed.
* - - - -
Shesomehow makes it through the study session without imagining grocery shopping with Taylor on Sunday afternoons, but it all flies out the window when Taylor’s lips make contact with her cheek.
She certainly doesn’t stay up all night wondering what would have happened if Taylor’s lips had landed a few inches to the left.
(Shetries to convince herself that friends kiss friends on the cheek all the time, and Taylor kissing her means absolutely nothing-  but she can’t stop the tiny spark of hope that flares.)
Once Taylor accepts her offer of an actual date, the tiny spark transforms into a bonfire, but again, Lexi’s too caught up in not stuttering or fumbling to think about kissing her.
She has to say though, once she finally gets up the courage to kiss Taylor? Totally better than any daydream she’s ever even thought about having.
And trust her, she’s had a lot of daydreams.
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Taylor Goes to College
“Dad, I’m going to be fine, I promise.”
Taylor reaches over to turn down the radio to a conversational level, before looking over at her father in the driver’s seat.
Mike Mitchell looks every bit the worried collegiate parent, hands tight on the steering wheel as he stares ahead at the brick building in front of them.
“I know.” He replies, unmoving.
“Are you sure you don’t want to just take correspondence courses? Or you could live at home and commute!”
“You mean drive forty-five minutes to school everyday?”
“Doesn’t sound that bad to me!” He counters, finally turning to face her.
“I thought I was supposed to be the worried one and you were supposed to be the one comforting me?”  She manages to keep most of the accusing tone from her voice, but lets just a little seep through.
“Sorry.” He grins sheepishly. "Are you nervous?”
“Nope!” Deep down she knows it’s a lie, but she pushes her doubts down and forces a smile. “I’m excited! This a world of opportunity in a big city!”
“It’s not that big of a city.” Her father is quick to clarify, and she grins. “Well,  no, but it’s bigger than Greenwood.”
“Everything is bigger than Greenwood.”
They share a laugh and then another long moment of silence over the car radio before Taylor tries again.
“Maybe we could go inside? Check it out?”
“Right.” His fingers shift the steering wheel and he takes a deep breath before breaking out in a wide, forced smile. “Have to get you moved in!” He turns off the SUV and Taylor grabs the few bags from the backseat before following her father to the trunk.
A host of cardboard boxes greets them, and her dad stacks up a pile of them before picking them up and gesturing for her to close the hatch.
“I’ll come back out for the rest later.” He promises.
Pulling out the map the orientation leader gave her, she directs them through the buildings until they come to one with the sign ‘Lennox Dormitory’.
It’s two flights of stairs until they reach room 314, and Taylor uses the provided key to open the door.
"Here it is! Home sweet home!”
It isn’t much, two twin mattresses situated across from each other over two simple desks with a window in the middle.
It isn’t much, but if feels like independence.
It feels like freedom.
“Well, here you have your typical two bed dorm room with attached bath, it looks a little small, but the open floor plan really gives it a spacious feel.” Mike sets down his boxes before gesturing to the walls. “The paint color is a little bland, but as I remind all my clients, it’s nothing a few posters and some artwork can’t fix up.”
Taylor laughs, feeling some of the nerves she didn’t know she had ease away.
“Dad, I’m not a client!”
“You’re right, I don’t buy all my clients mini fridges as housewarming gifts.”
“Ooh, you should though! That could be your new advertisement - ‘Mike Mitchell - The Realtor that Buys You a Mini-fridge!’”
“Ah, see, I knew there was a reason you stuck with painting and not marketing! You stay here and start unpacking; I’ll go grab another load of boxes."
He claps a hand on her shoulder before leaving through the open door and
Taylor is alone in her new home for the first time. Well, not home. Home is still the yellow two story house back in Greenwood.
More like . . . home away from home.
The starting point for adventure.  
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Who asked to marry who? #Taylington
I Dare You
“I can’t wait to marry you one day.” Taylor sighs leaning into Lexi’s shoulder as they meander down the river side, star twinkling above them.
It’s a beautiful night for an after dinner walk, and she can’t help but think about their future on such a perfect future.
“Me neither.” Lexi confesses. “Guess I should hurry up and ask you then, huh?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean there has to be a proposal before the wedding right?”
“No, not that part, the other part, the part about you asking.”
“Oh. Well, I mean, I’m totally going to be the one to ask.”
Taylor stops in her tracks, dropping Lexi’s arm.
“Why does it have to be you that asks?” she demands.
Lexi turns to face her, mouth working for a moment before snapping shut.
“I dunno, that’s just … always how I pictured it in my head!” She shrugs.
“Well, what would do if I asked you?” Taylor demands, trying to appear menacing as she takes a step forward.
A look of bafflement passes across Lexi’s face.
“I mean, I would say yes, obviously.” Lexi assures her before grinning. “But I’m totally going to be the one to ask you.”
“Oh really?” Taylor takes another step into her girlfriend’s space - so close the she can see the park lights glinting off Lexi’s glasses. “What makes you so sure?”
“I don’t know? Why are you so worked up about this?”
“Because, I want to prove you wrong.”
“So let’s bet on it. If I propose to you, I get to pick the color scheme, no negotiation.” She leans up, daring Lexi to kiss her.
To her delight, Lexi takes the bait, pressing soft lips against hers.
When she finally pulls back, there’s a teasing glint in the other woman’s eyes.
“So what do I get when I’m the one that proposes to you?”
“Whatever floral arrangements you want - I’ll leave it entirely up to you.”
“Perfect, I know just the flower shop, I’m sure they’ll be happy to -”
Taylor reaches between them, taking the jewelry box that she’d dug out of her bag during the kiss and bringing it up to chest level.
Lexi’s eyes flick downward before widening in shock.
“Tay …” she looks back up to Taylor, and she can see the disbelief on her face. “Is that what I think it is?”
“Lexington Olivia Luthor-Danvers, you are my favorite person in the whole world. I love the way you laugh - especially when you’re making me laugh. I love the way that when I’m with you everything seems right with the world - even when it’s not. I love how you always support my dreams - even when I’ve convinced myself that I can’t do it. I love how you’re always reaching for the stars - sometimes literally. I love that you’re just genuinely a good person. I love that you’re stunningly gorgeous and that you have great hair and while we’re on great things, you’re really great in bed.”
Lexi snorts a laugh, one hand coming up to swipe at the tears running down her cheeks.
“I love your passion, and your fire, and your kindness; and I would absolutely love it if I got to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Lexi lets out a sob, the back of her hand pressing against her mouth as she nods.
“Yes, yes, god yes, of course. I would love to spend forever with you.” Lexi’s hand threads through her hair, pulling her close.
As they kiss, she can taste the salt of shared tears, and she doesn’t think she’s ever been this happy. Finally, they break apart, and she can’t resist teasing Lexi with a smirk.
“And you were so sure that you’d be the one to ask.”
To her surprise, Lexi laughs.
“Yeah, and you know why I was so sure I’d be the one to ask?”
She shakes her head, and Lexi laughs harder, pulling away to dig one hand in her pocket.
“Because I’ve been walking around with this in my pocket for the past three weeks trying to figure out how to ask you.”
Taylor’s eyes settle on the object Lexi’s holding up, clutched between her thumb and forefinger. It glints in the moonlight, the intricate band and the solitary diamond, and her breath catches in her throat.
“Yeah,” Lexi taunts. “It’s your turn to cry now. Because I’m going to tell you how beautiful you are, and how special you are, and how stupid I am for not doing this three weeks ago.”
“It’s just a bet Lex -“
“Not because of the bet, because that’s three more weeks that I could have been calling you my fiancee.”
Despite Taylor’s best efforts, the waterworks really do set in now, but she makes no move to wipe them away, instead holding out the box towards Lexi.
“I’ll take yours if you take mine.”
Lexi grins.
They exchange rings, admiring them momentarily before sinking into each other’s embrace.
“This is so cute, I can’t believe we asked each other at the same time.” Lexi marvels.
“Oh no, I definitely asked you first.” Taylor protests.
“But when we tell the story -“
“I asked you first.” Taylor interrupts before conceding -  "You can still pick out the flower arrangements though.“
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So JSkippy over on AO3 sent in this prompt - Lexington (probably teen) gets kidnapped. Not by aliens or cadmus or something but by stupid normal kidnappers who just want a ransom. And the kidnappers are trying to be scary and threatening to her and she just keeps muttering "you really have no idea..." about the badassery surrounding her. Maybe a little Lexington self defense thrown in...
And this is what happened:
(Read it on AO3)
Looking back, she really should have seen it coming.
The signs were all there - the night was just a little too quiet; the lights on the stretch of sidewalk in front of the alleyway conveniently blown; the van parked at the curb.
The makings of a good kidnapping were all in front of her, but she’d been too caught up in her girlfriend.
It wasn’t her fault, really.
Taylor looked entirely too beautiful not to stare at.
It would have been a shame not to notice the way the light brown swirls in her dress made her eyes look like a nicely aged Scotch.
Or the way the curls of her hair threatened to drift into her face at any moment.
In fact, it would have been downright criminal of Lexi not to brush that hair back behind Taylor’s ear, or to not take advantage of the darkness and steal a kiss.
And really, she probably should have looked around at her surroundings instead of sneaking peeks at her girlfriend.
Unfortunately, Aunt Alex was right -  a distracted target is an easy target -  and that distraction is exactly what got her into this mess.
This mess being that she’s now squared off with a scrawny kidnapper wearing a spandex style Power Ranger mask - the blue ranger, if she’s not mistaken in the darkness.
The left side of her face is throbbing from the sucker punch that startled her out of their walk, and she can already tell that she’ll be sporting a shiny new black eye tomorrow.
Still, now that the shock has worn off, it should be an easy fight; Aunt Alex has been teaching her to fight before she could even ride a bicycle, and she swoops out a low kick - slightly surprised when her attacker manages to dodge away.
Still, she easily follows up with a nice roundhouse, satisfied with the contact she makes with his chest. The force sends him staggering backwards, and she uses the space to steal a glance at Taylor.
Unfortunately, another figure has Taylor wrapped up in a hold from behind, and Lexi lunges towards her.
“One more step and it’s a bullet in the head for this one.”
The stern voice cracks like a whip in the night air, and it stops Lexi cold in her tracks.
The metal of the gun pressed against Taylor’s temple glints in the street lights, and Lexi swallows against her rising panic.
Quickly, she weighs her options.
She can rush the attacker, hoping that the Kryptonian serum she’d injected herself with a few months ago still had enough juice to get her there in time, (and enough to render her bulletproof). She’s been testing it on her own of course, but not with anything more dangerous than a stop watch, and certainly not with gunfire.
She’s certainly willing to risk it if the attacker shows any intention of hurting Taylor, but right now they seem stable, and she doesn’t really want to test the odds.
So that leaves surrendering and figuring out an escape plan later.
She’s been some version of a Kryptonian/Human hybrid for a few months, but she’s been a tactical genius her entire life.
Needless to say, she likes those odds a lot better.
So she freezes, hands instinctively going in the air and eyes locking with Taylor's - even as a solid force collides with her and she stumbles to the side. Fumbling hands reach for hers, and after a moment they’re firmly secured in what appear to be military grade zip ties. Luckily, she finds her hands secured in front of her instead of behind; and even more luck ensures that Taylor is in the same boat.
Which isn’t great, but honestly better than the alternative.
A lot better than the alternative, Lexi tells herself as she allows herself to be lead to the waiting van - taking in the logo of a local bread company plastered on the side.
It’s not all bad, she thinks, as she finds herself clumsily stuffed into the back of the van next to her girlfriend. The kidnappers obviously aren’t experienced -   which make their chances of actually getting killed or injured a little less.
Still, the back of the van does smell a lot like her favorite cheese baguette, and the ties on her hands are just a little too tight to be comfortable.
Not to mention the fact that they’re, ya know, kidnapped.
She tries to keep a brave face though, as Taylor settles opposite her on the floor of the van.
“What’s happening?” Taylor’s voice quivers, and Lexi reaches across the space to hold her hand.
“I’m not exactly sure. I think we’re being kidnapped.”
“Shh, not so loud.” Lexi glances towards the front of the van, afraid for a moment that their captors have overheard them.
Fortunately, they seem to be more intent on celebrating their victory than on keeping watch over their captives.
“Don’t worry, it happens all the time.” Lexi tries to reassure her in a soft voice.
“Lexington!” Even though Taylor is whispering now, Lexi can still feel the sting of the rebuke. “You don’t get to be calm about this! People don’t just get kidnapped on their way to dinner and act like it’s a normal thing!”
“Sorry! But it does! I mean, it hasn’t happened in a while - Uncle Lex made sure of that - but for a while there, it happened on a pretty regular basis.”
“Lex.” All of the anger has leeched out of Taylor’s voice, only to be replaced with pity, but Lexi shrugs it off.
“I mean it’s just one of those things that happen when your moms are -“ she glances toward the front of the van. “- you know.”
Taylor’s hands squeeze hers as best they can in their restraints.
“On the plus side, I think -“
“Hey!” The captor in the passenger seat interrupts her. “Shut up back there! We might think you’re trying to plan an escape or something!”
The driver lets out a loud laugh.
“How many times do I have to tell you? They’re not going to escape from this! How many times did we watch taken to prepare for this? We’ve got this down to a science!”
“Damn straight!” The passenger whoops, holding out his hand for a high-five.
The van lurches to the side as the two make contact, and Lexi and Taylor have to brace themselves so they don’t slam into the bulkhead.
“In twenty-four hours, all our problems will be over! We just gotta follow the plan and we’re home free!”
They both cheer at that, and Lexi takes advantage of their distractedness to reach for the panic button on her watch.
Only the restraints are too tight for her to maneuver, and the decree of silence  and the darkness make it impossible for her to ask for Taylor’s help - rendering the tiny, inconspicuous switch on the back of her watch useless.
Next, she tries to break the ties apart; only to discover that while her strength is greater than a humans, it’s not greater than the ties - which makes her wonder where exactly they got their equipment.
It doesn’t feel like a Lilian style kidnapping; her grandmother may employee a variety of goons, but usually they’re more professional than this.
NOTHING about this op seems professional - from the van to the whooping and hollering.
Besides, dear old grandmother has only made a few attempts over the years, most of them thwarted by Uncle Lex.
The op doesn’t seem too be anti-Supergirl themed either. Not that anyone is supposed to know who her mother is anyway, but her family has encountered a lot of hate for their ‘support’ over the years.
But neither of their captors has said a word about aliens or the girl in red and blue; so that leaves Lexi feeling that that isn’t their motive either.
Before she can put anymore thought into it, the van jerks to a stop suddenly; sending both Lexi and Taylor sliding across the slick floor.
The back doors clang open.
“Alright, out, out out; everybody out.” One of the captors, the one wearing the yellow Power Ranger’s mask, waves them out with an assault rifle.
Lexi jumps out, landing softly on the gravel before turning to offer her still bound hands to Taylor for assistance.
“Aww, how gentlemanly.” The Yellow Ranger mocks before tilting their head. “Or is it gentlewomanly?”
“Dude, just say chivalrous.” The Blue Ranger pipes up as they come around the corner of the van.
“Either way, I can see why you two make all the tabloids.” The Yellow Ranger turns to their partner. “See, I told you we made the right choice.”
“Yeah, yeah, come on; let’s get these two inside.”
‘Inside’ turns out to be an abandoned industrial warehouse converted into a squatter’s apartment. Lexi blinks against sudden lights, even more confused as to their captors’ origins.
“Who sent you?” she asks as they’re led over to a makeshift table and chairs built our of crates and pallets.
“Who sent us?” The Blue Ranger repeats. “Nobody sent us, we work alone.”
“Then what made you decide to kidnap us?”
The Rangers turn to look at each other.
“I thought you were something? Some kinda genius?” The Yellow Ranger finally asks her.
“Yeah,” The Blue Ranger chimes in. “Are you stupid? Your mom is a fricken billionaire. Do you know what kind of ransom money we’re gonna make off you?”
“Not to mention your perfect little girlfriend. I’m sure the Luthor-Danvers will double our money for her. And if not, I’m sure we can squeeze a few pennies out of her real estate agent daddy.”
“You're in this for money?” Lexi asks incredulously.
“Yes, we’re in this for money; little miss rich girl. As much as we can get, as fast as we can get it. You think I like working at that stupid bakery? Do you know how bad yeast smells?”
“Dude!” The Blue Ranger smacks their partner in the shoulder. “You’re giving away too much information.”
The Yellow Ranger only shrugs.
“Don’t worry about it! Besides, I’m already seeing our first pay check.”
“How much you think that watch is worth?” The Yellow Ranger jerks his head in Lexi’s direction.
The Blue Ranger is instantly at Lexi’s side, letting out a low whistle as they examine the watch.
“Probably more than we make in year.”
Lexi feels the rising panic as the captors' attention is turned on their only easy way out of here.
“Nah,” She bluffs, “Not that much. I found it on Craigslist.”
She definitely shouldn’t mention that it’s a custom made piece forged together from precious metals and a form of Kryptonian steel.
“Yeah right, nice try.” The Blue Ranger snorts before pulling a knife from a holder on their belt.
Lexi flinches, instinctively shrinking away from the presumably sharp blade.
“Relax, I’m not going to hurt you.” The Blue Ranger says as they wedge the knife under the plastic of the tie. “Damaged merchandise doesn’t bring as much money.”
“Yeah, and you already gave her a shiner. I told you to be careful.” The Yellow Ranger scolds.
It takes a few good tugs to cut the tie - ones that dig the plastic into Lexi’s wrists and leave her fingers begging for circulation.
Finally, the plastic snaps, and her hands break free; but before she can even make an attempt for the panic button, the watch slips from her wrist and into the hands of her captor. The ties are quickly replaced, (though mercifully not so tight), and Lexi tries to rub her wrists to alleviate some of the stinging.
“We’ll save this to pawn when we get to our final destination.” The Yellow Ranger reaches for the watch. “Or who knows, maybe we’ll just wear it for a trophy. What else you got?”  
They tug Lexi to her feet, before carefully searching her pockets and pulling out her phone and wallet.
“And so phase two begins.” The Yellow Ranger crows.
“Phase two?” Taylor sounds terrified, but Lexi can see the fire in her eyes, and she finds herself hoping that her girlfriend doesn’t do anything rash.
“Phase two is when we unlock this lovely little device.” Cold fingers grip Lexi’s jaw, holding her in place as the facial recognition scanner goes over her features and the phone unlocks.
“Now,” The Yellow Ranger continues. “We’re going to call you mother -‘Mama’, is it? - and little miss heiress here is going to explain that you two are safe and sound then we’re going to tell her that if she ever wants to see her precious daughter again, she’s going to wire a billion dollars into an offshore bank account.”
Lexi snorts.
“It’s not that easy to just liquidate a billion dollars. It’s an impossible request.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll give her a few hours before we start taking off fingers.” The Yellow Ranger promises and The Blue Ranger giggles maniacally.
Taylor is beginning to look a little green.
“What happens once you get the money?” Lexi asks, mostly to take Taylor’s mind off the whole cutting off fingers business, but also because she’s genuinely curious about how they think this little plan is going to go.
“Then we leave, and catch a flight to somewhere far away from here that doesn’t extradite to America. Once we’re all safe and settled, we’ll call in an anonymous tip to the NCPD, and they’ll come release you before you have the chance to starve to death. Easy Peasy. Nobody gets hurt, and my friend and I make an easy billion dollars.” Even though The Yellow Ranger’s face is hidden by a mask, Lexi can tell they’re pleased with themself.
“Why us?” she can’t help but ask.
“Because,” The Blue Ranger pipes up. “Unlike some billionaire kids, your parents adore you; so of course they’ll pay the money. No questions asked."
“Come on, we haven’t got all night.” The Yellow Ranger admonishes, waving Lexi’s phone. “Now are you going to play along or not? I’d hate to have to threaten your girlfriend.”
Lexi gives Taylor a long look before nodding.
“I’ll do it. No funny business.”
“Perfect! Let’s give Mommy dearest a ring, shall we?” The Yellow Ranger taps the screen before kneeling down next to Lexi and holding out the phone.
“I thought you and Taylor were supposed to be out on a date?” Lena’s voice comes through the speaker after just two rings.
“We are - well, were. We uh, had a little incident.”
“An incident?” Lena’s tone is all business. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Ma.”
“Is Taylor okay?”
“She’s fine, we’re both fine. We just-  well, we got kidnapped.”
“Kidnapped! Lexington -“
“They just want money, Ma. Nothing weird, okay? Just money.”
The Yellow Ranger stands before speaking.
“Money is exactly what we want, Ms. Luthor-Danvers. A lot of it. And if you know what’s good for your daughter, you’ll give it to us without any trouble. I’m going to call you back in exactly thirty seconds from an untraceable number and give you the details.”
The telltale beep of a disconnected call sounds, and they toss the phone to the grounds, stomping it repeatedly with their boot as The Blue Ranger clamps down on The Yellow Ranger’s shoulders, jumping for joy.
“What the fuck?! That sounded so hardcore! ‘Money is exactly want, Ms. Luthor-Danvers’. Fuck yeah!”
“Chill out!” The Yellow Ranger barks out. “We still have to talk to her and get everything settled. If you celebrate, you’re going to jinx it!”
“Sorry, sorry; call her back! Call her back!”
The two head to the opposite side of the room, heads bent over one of the captor’s phones in concentration.
Lexi takes the opportunity to check on Taylor.
“Are you okay?”
“Lex, your eye. “ Taylor’s still bound hands come up to frame her face, and Lexi winces as a thumb brushes her cheekbone.
“Sorry.” Taylor apologizes. “It doesn’t feel broken though.”
“Small miracles.” Lexi offers with a wry smile. “You didn’t answer my question though, are you okay?”
“As okay as someone can be who’s kidnapped and offered up for ransom.”
“Hey, at least they’re just asking for money, that’s easy. We’ll be fine, I promise.”
“The way they were talking, it might be a couple of days before we’re found.”
“Do you really think my mom would let that happen? I’ll be shocked if she doesn’t find us before they even get the money.”
“I know you have a lot of faith in her, but don’t you think our situation is a little . . . dire?”
“You say dire, I say quality time.” Lexi winks.
Taylor rolls her eyes, not moving her hands, even as their captors join them once again.
“So, if she isn't lying, the money should be in the account in about an hour; all in all, not a bad turn around.” The Yellow Ranger declares, and Taylor rolls her eyes again.
“Well, is there any way we can get an ice pack in the mean time?”
“An ice pack?”
“For her eye?” Taylor clarifies.
“Oh, yeah, sure.” The Blue Ranger saunters off towards the kitchen area before tossing them a small bag.
“Pizza rolls?” Lexi crinkles her forehead. “Don’t you have any peas? Or maybe an ice pack?”
“An ice pack? What do you think this is? A hospital?”
“Sorry, thank you.” Lexi concedes, wincing as she places the frozen pack to her eye.
“So if we’re going to be stuck together for another hour, what should we call you guys?” Taylor asks, and Lexi rolls her eyes, because of course her girlfriend is trying to make friends with the kidnappers.
The Yellow Ranger and The Blue Ranger look at each other.
“Isn’t it obvious?” The Yellow Ranger asks.
“Yeah,” chimes The Blue Ranger. “They're The Yellow Ranger, and I’m The Blue Ranger.”
“So you don’t have names?” Taylor prods.
“Oh come on!” The Yellow Ranger throws their hands up in the air. “Haven’t you ever seen Reservoir Dogs?”
“What does this have to do with dogs?” Lexi drops the ‘ice pack’ from her eye to stare incredulously up at them only to have Taylor reach over and put it back.
“It’s a movie.” Taylor explains before turning back to their kidnappers. “So we’re just supposed to call you The Yellow Ranger and The Blue Ranger?”
The captors look at each other before nodding.
“Perfect.” Lexi can’t help but roll her eyes, despite the pizza rolls.
“I’m beginning to wish we’d done dinner and then a movie, instead of the other way around.” Taylor mutters before turning to the kidnappers. “Is there any chance we can get some food while we wait?”
“Uhh, yeah, the only food we have is those pizza rolls.” The Blue Ranger gestures to the pack on Lexi’s eye.
Lexi can practically feel Taylor’s rage.
“Are you serious?”
“Okay,” she interrupts before Taylor can go off. “You literally just took my wallet - there’s a platinum credit card in there that’s good for a least a couple hundred pizzas.”
The Yellow Ranger appears to study them.
“You two promise not to make any trouble?”
“Pinky promise.” Lexi promises, offering her pinky finger.  “Please just order some pizza?” somehow she manages to keep her voice one step above pleading.
“Yeah, please can we order some pizza?” The Blue Ranger chimes in.
“Fine, yes, let’s order pizza, If that will just keep all of you quiet!” The Yellow Ranger groans.
The Blue Ranger flips through Lexi’s wallet.
“Should I use the black card or the gold card?”
“Dude, what does it matter? Just pick one!” The Yellow Ranger huffs before storming over to a desk in the corner with laptop set up on it.
“It’s a legit question! What if one gets more rewards?”
“Gold is fine.” Lexi cuts in. If she remembers correctly, that particular card is set up so that an alert will pop on Lena’s phone as soon as a charge is made. It’s not much of a clue, but maybe it will help to speed the whole rescue process up.
“Sweet!” The Blue Ranger fiddles with their phone before looking up to Lexi and Taylor. “Oh, did you guys have any diet restrictions? You cool with pepperoni?”
Lexi nods, and Taylor does the same before leaning in so only Lexi can hear.
“At this point, I’m pretty sure the pizza could have anchovies on it and I would still eat it.”
Lexi can’t help but grin, bumping shoulders with her girlfriend before reaching for her hands.
“Lex, I love you, but we can’t hold hands and hold the pizza rolls to your eye.”
“So we’re going to hold hands?”
Taylor rolls her eyes before taking Lexi’s hands and pushing them back up to her face.
“We’re gonna make it out of this, you know.” Lexi promises, thinking she might sound a little more confident if she didn’t have a bag of combination pizza rolls pressed to her face.  
“I know.”
“And I’m sure this isn’t one of those things that you thought you’d have to deal with when you started dating me -“
“Lexi,” Taylor says sternly. "I know what you’re doing, and you need to stop.”
“What am I doing then?”
“You’re over thinking things and trying to blame yourself for this.”
“You think you would have gotten kidnapped if you were dating somebody else?”
“No, but I also wouldn’t be dating you.” Taylor points out with a soft smile.
“Still, I think I definitely owe you dinner when all of this is over.”
“Are you kidding me? You definitely owe me dinner. Preferably fish tacos."
Lexi grins.
“It’s a date."
The hand on her leg squeezes again, and Lexi finds herself relaxing into the touch.
“Pizza’s going to be here in 20 minutes!” The Blue Ranger announces before launching themself over the back of the couch.
The warehouse drifts into silence, save for The Yellow Ranger typing away on his keyboard, and The Blue Ranger playing some sort of first person shooter game that Lexi can’t quite make out from the angle.
When this whole thing started, so much adrenaline was pumping that she didn’t have much of a chance to feel overwhelmed or dissolve into a panic attack. Now though, her heart rate has returned to normal, and her brain has an opportunity to dissolve into anxiety.
This is certainly not how she planned on her night going.
She was planning on enjoying a nice dinner with Taylor before inviting her back to her apartment under the guise of not wanting to disturb Mandy so late. (It definitely wouldn’t have had anything to do with getting to see Taylor wear her shirt to bed or waking up to sleepy cuddles.)
So not only are her plans ruined, she’s also in a life or death situation -  one her brain is only deciding now to come to terms with. Not only that, but Taylor is also in a life or death situation, and that just makes things infinitely . . . worse.
She wants to scream, or cry, or - or - something. Anything to relieve the itching feeling burning the inside of her skull.
Everything is just too much - the restraints on her wrists, the wetness leaking from the bag of pizza rolls onto the cuff of her sleeve, the fake gunfire squealing too loudly from the television.
She clenches her fist, the one that isn’t holding the pizza rolls, digging her fingernails into her palm until it hurts - the pain giving her a distraction.
What she needs, is for everything to stop, just for a minute. For the world to not feel like it’s moving so fast that she can’t keep up.
“Hey,” Taylor’s whisper cuts into her racing thoughts. “You okay?”
Lexi nods jerkily.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s just . . . a lot.” Every muscle in her body is clenched up, and she feels like she could take flight with the vibration of it.
Taylor’s hand on her thigh starts to move back and forth, her nails scratching through the fabric of Lexi’s pants.
Slowly, she feels her brain begin to clear, all of the sensory overload beginning to dull - if only slightly - but at least she doesn’t feel like she’s about to lose her mind.
“You okay?” Taylor asks again after a few minutes.
This time, Lexi nods with more confidence, already feeling the sharp knife of panic begin to dull.
“Here, give me the ice, okay?”  Taylor reaches for the makeshift ice pack and sets it on the pallet table before tugging at Lexi’s sleeve. “Let me fix it.”
Lexi holds out her hands as best she can, and watches with glazed over eyes as Taylor’s fingers fumble with the cuff; bound hands struggling to roll the sleeve so that the chill of the transferred water is at least dulled. Once she’s done, she grips Lexi’s fingers with her own, silently offering her support.
It helps.
A little.
There’s still nothing she wants more than to be free of these stupid zip ties. To be able to get away from the din of the mundane.
Unfortunately, as much as it pains her, her hands are still bound, and she’s forced to wait out her captivity in relative silence -  the only reassurance her connection with Taylor.
She isn’t worried about whether or not her moms will send reinforcements -  in fact, she pretty sure that DEO agents have been on her tail since she was born.
She’s actually more shocked that one of her family members hasn’t come bursting in yet.
Not that they’ve been missing all that long, but still - not exactly what she expected from the Luthor-Danvers clan.
Still, she’s sure something will come together soon.
She’s concentrating so hard on their lack of rescue, that when there’s a loud knock at the door , she jumps two feet in the air - almost knocking over the crate she’s sitting on.
Her captors don’t seem to be any better off, both of them scrambling over each other to access the laptop.
“Who is it? Who is it?”
“I can’t tell yet, just calm down, let me get the feed pulled up.”
There’s a moment of silence before The Yellow Ranger shouts out.
“Would you look at that! Marco’s Pizza logo right there on his jacket!”
“See, I told you we shouldn’t be worried about the feds finding us!” The Blue Ranger does a little dance before heading towards the door. They stop just before they leave Lexi’s line of sight.
“You two, be quiet, capiche? I’d hate to have to take drastic measures.” They end with a thumb drawn agains their throat, and both Lexi and Taylor nod.
Lexi can’t see the door open, but she hears it, and she briefly wonders if The Blue Ranger even bothered to take their mask off before answering.
“Yo, just bringing you some tubular slices from good ol’ Marco’s pizzeria! You need any extra sauces with that?” A new voice speaks, (Lexi can only assume that it’s the pizza delivery person), and she finds herself wondering who in the world still talks like that.
“You got any ranch?"
“Do I have any ranch? Of course I have ranch! Two okay?”
"So, I notice you already paid on the app, sweet tip by the way, thanks for that. So all you gotta do is sign here and I’ll be on my way, leaving you with these rad pies!”
Taylor’s questioning eyes meet hers, and she shrugs her shoulders. Maybe it’s an alien pretending to be hip with pop culture, or maybe it’s someone who’s literally been under a rock for thirty years. At this point, she couldn’t really care less - unless of course it involves either actually eating the pizza or getting rescued - but still, it’s humorous.
She waits impatiently for the pizza exchange to happen, and for The Blue Ranger to come around the corner bearing cheesy goodness, but it never happens.
Instead, there’s a loud bang, and Lexi instinctively throws herself forward, shielding Taylor’s body with her own.
The next few minutes happen in slow motion.
First, there’s a woosh of air as Supergirl flies over them, pulling them upright and snapping their restraints.
Second, an entire DEO team storms the warehouse, no less than three agents tackling The Yellow Ranger, forcing them to the ground.
Third, is Lena Luthor- Danvers and Mike Mitchell making their way inside, flanked by DEO agents.
Lexi doesn’t think she’s ever been so happy to see her mothers in her life.
And she’s been pretty fricken happy to see her mothers.
“You’re here!” She breathes as two sets of arms wrap around her.
“Of course we’re here! No barbarian is going to use my child as a barter for cash, that’s ridiculous.” Lena sounds harsh, but Lexi recognizes it as her business voice.
“Ma, I’m fine.” she protests.
“Oh, you better be, or else someone here is getting their ass kicked.”
“Ma.” She protests again, but it’s weak; as she sinks into her mom’s embrace.
“All clear, suspects contained.” Aunt Alex’s voice sounds throughout the warehouse, and the mood visibly lightens. Unoccupied DEO soldiers relaxing their shoulders and lowering their weapons.
Grandpa J’onn steps around  the corner as a full Martian, and Taylor gasps.
“That’s my Grandpa," Lexi explains, "He’s a Martian."
“A Martian?!” Taylor looks baffled. “So they really are green?”
“Only some of us, and only sometimes.” J’onn laughs before shifting back into his Hank Henshaw persona.
“Well, that’s neat.” Taylor mutters under her breath.
“And sometimes, we can look high schoolers that deliver pizzas.” J’onn continues, shifting until he looks like the pizza delivery guy.
Taylor blinks.
"I don’t think I’ve had enough food to be able to process this.”
J’onn laughs again before shifting back.
“Unfortunately, the pizza is a loss, and we’ve got a few things to take care of here before we can let you leave.”
Taylor manages to hold back a groan, but her face falls; and Lexi can’t help but take pity on her, rubbing a soothing hand over her back.
“Come on, I know where Aunt Alex hides the fun size Snickers."
It takes roughly an hour for everything to get sorted; initial statements taken and evidence marked. By the end, Lexi is absolutely starving, and by the look on her face, Taylor is one step away from hangry.
“Is there anyway we can get some food now? Grateful for the rescue and all, but we were really counting on that pizza.” Lexi jokes, slinging her arm around Taylor’s shoulders.
“Yeah, can we get some food?” Kara chimes in.
“Oh my god, there’s two of you!” Lena groans with a smile. “Come on, the 24 hour diner is still open, we can still catch the all-nighter menu.’
And maybe - Lexi thinks as they make their way to a DEO van, - maybe it wasn’t the best night, but it was still a good night.
Attempted kidnapping et al.
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Here it is! The official artist rendering of #Taylington!
Artwork by Kenzie Rose @somanywaystosketchbook
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