#taylor swift pale icon
erosedits · 1 year
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Cursing my name, wishing I stayed. Look at how my tears ricochet.
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Plastic Hearts - (26)
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It felt like a joke. The box feeling solid in your hands. This had been your destiny, a passed down doll that was now forgotten. But as sad as it was supposed to sound, to you, it held a different meaning.
The loneliness of being stuck here, the plastic box the only perimeter of your life, you tore out of it. Through the spell and your adventure, you were now someone of substance. But when you glanced at the doll next to yours, his pale hair swiped back in place, his face holding the same joy as you now missed. It wasn’t just you who had escaped, he did too.
He had found his freedom here, with you, however long that was supposed to last but those nights where he held you close, that was the happiest you had ever seen him.
The text on the outside was faded, the advertisement ringing in your ears but the plastic box looked flimsy. That advertisement you had heard about yourself couldn’t even hold true for the dolls present within. Against all odds, you and him were meant to break the matrix, to go against the tide.
It felt like a joke because you weren’t let to enjoy the fruit of your decisions. It all just felt a little premature. Your doll held her iconic frying pan in one hand and the other rested on his. There was no rush around you, so you stayed there in the dim warm light, admiring how her head rested on his chest. The smiles on their faces seemed more complete than a smile of your own. They existed in a world of their own, so much so you wanted to preserve it like a snow globe.
This was how your story should have gone. But maybe it was holding the box in your hand or just the fact that reality had not yet totally sunk it but you still felt tethered. That if you could close your eyes and breathe in, you could remember the smell of his cologne. His memories weren’t just memories, he was a part of you. That not even the ocean did justice to the colour of his eyes. There was only one Ken in your universe.
His doll had the surfboard he never used tucked by his side. He was in his beach clothes, it made you smile, he never liked wearing shorts in the real world, but the yearning to witness the sea was tangible in his eyes.
Can we go to the beach one day?
His question resounded in your ear. When he had whispered it in the middle of the night, as you both laid in the tent.
"Aren’t you afraid of the waves?", you had asked him then.
"Tell you’ll take me.", he had turned to you and you could understand that what he asked held a deeper meaning.
"I’ll take you", you said immediately without letting him wonder.
It was his hope, you were his hope and you had let him down. The turn of events too cruel to not get to say goodbye, to not get to tell him that his love was the one thing you can never recover from.
You held the box tighter, it was time to go back home, to the long days of trying to piece yourself back together. But now you could understand why this place had felt familiar. This had been your home in a way, that housed you and kept you safe over the years. You drew in a deep breath to let that feeling of familiarity wash over you. It was rare now. At least it was going to be.
Your world had been pulled off its axis, everything around you only felt new. You checked your watch to see the time only to note that it had only been five minutes since you had entered. It felt whimsical, it had surely felt longer but you heard the soft muffled sound of footsteps behind you. You turned to leave.
“So that proves you and I are meant to be?”
You froze, your breath hitched in your throat, the edges of your vision turning blurry. That voice. You had heard it in your dreams. You could recognize him anywhere. Your eyes settled on the man who stood next to you. His eyes lifting up to meet yours after spotting the box you carried.
Your words died on your tongue, your eyes searched his to then roam over his face, his injuries were no longer present, his hair fell elegantly over his forehead and his smile was full of life. He beamed with a freshness as though he had been revived. There was nothing you could bring yourself to say, there was nothing to question in this moment. All you knew was you needed his presence, so you reached for him like a woolen blanket in a wintry night. You buried your face in his chest as your hands wound across his torso and held him tight, like two magnets coming together. You never wanted to be separated, even if this wasn’t real. His hands wrapped around your body and you felt his warmth surround you.
You didn’t care for when the shop closed, you were going to stay here as long as you could. He didn’t peel away, he was gentle with you, holding you till you needed it, you weren’t willing to move, the rapid pace of your heart beat sobered.
“This is getting so bad now I’ve started hallucinating.”, you mumbled as you placed your cheek in line with his collar bone as you felt his finger hold you closer, as if this was just as much cathartic for him as it was for you.
“You’re not hallucinating.”, he told you softly but it was said with confidence. That you could take his word and believe that your life had changed this very second. As if it was a fairytale.
But was it?
“That’s what an hallucination will say.”, you chuckled sadly unwilling to believe his words as his hands cradled you, slowly swaying you as if this was your living room.
But to your statement, you felt the tender touch of his fingertips tilting your chin up, so you could see him as he dipped his head, for his lips to find yours.
You couldn’t make this up, his fingers slipped down to your neck and you lost yourself in the way the kiss brought you back to life. As if the past week had never happened, that he had just been late from work. He pulled away and your eyes fluttered open to see that he was still here. The feeling of his pulse thrum with new found energy as your hand caught his wrist was the clue to reveal that all this was real.
The mirror behind him captured his reflection, his eyes softened as he admired you, his thumb tracing your cheek as if he was coming to terms with the fact that you were real too.
Ken let you go but you didn’t step away too far. He didn’t either. His eyes didn’t stray away from your face and you couldn’t look at anything else too. He was a meteor shower and everything else was just dust. Your lips were flushed and blood rushed to your cheeks, your fingers traced over the last place his lips had been in unbelief.
He blinked as though he had remembered why he was here, to then pat down his jacket and slide his hands into a pocket. When he pulled it out, in his hand was a little velvet box. It could have been the light but his cheeks turned red as he softly held it out to you. Like a little boy who wanted to see the treasure he had found.
You took the object from his outstretched hand, it didn’t weight much as you held it. The brown velvet soft to the touch, you looked up at him to see the rise of anticipation in his eyes. He nudged his head forward, telling you to open it and so you did. The lid popped open and within it was a crystal that glimmered a mix of colours. It wasn’t a diamond but it was entirely ethereal.
The light made the crystal to light up or atleast allude to it, it had a calming white glow to it. But as a second passed, you could draw a connection between the object in your hands and the light that blinded you in Barbieland. Your eyes snapped to Ken’s just as he his lips parted as though he was about to tell you the reason behind his reappearance, because nothing was making sense so far.
“The blinding light.”, you stated to which he nodded his head. But that didn’t seem to answer any of the questions that lingered in your mind. You edged closer.
“How are you alive?”, you asked, your gaze flickering to where he had been hurt. But to your question, he reached out to hold your hands in his. His thumbs threading over your knuckles as he phrased his answer.
“You’re the hero of my story, Brie.”, he said quietly, his eyes reminiscing the last moment he had held you. A moment he never wished to ever witness. To have to send you away. He never wanted to lose you.
It was solemn, he meant it, everyone in Barbieland could have forgotten and the world could continue to revolve as if it wasn’t a few hours away from being destroyed, but he will always remember.
For so long he had no memories or hopes for the future that it was easy, to live like the rest in Barbieland. But once he got to make a few memories of his own, he couldn’t stop, coming to the verge of losing it all was unthinkable. So as his fingers fiddled with yours, to keep him rooted in the present, there was nothing else he had so surely wanted but to continue making memories with you.
That was all. And that was all he had in him to fight for the right to survive, because he now believed that he deserved it. A life of happiness.
“But how?”, you thought out loud. All you did was be sent back here, Ken was the one who took the step you couldn’t.
“The light from the crystal”, you piece it together. That was the only moment that you could vividly remember, you held the jewel box tighter.
“That protected you from the reset?”, you asked to which he softly shook his head. So if it wasn’t the gem you held, what was it?
“Not quite.”, he narrowed his eyes as a smile spread across his face.
He reached up to the collar of his shirt to pull it to the side. Around his neck was the necklace he had worn before, the one with the heart shaped pendant. But the crystal now looked lifeless and ordinary as compared to when you had seen it before.
“It was your love that was stored with the enchantment.”, he beamed and it took you back to that night, when it changed colours as you spoke into it.
“To remind me I will always be loved by you.”, his eyes softened and a soft gasp left your lips.
“It protected me and those who were near me from the reset. So Allan and weird Barbie still remember everything that happened.”, he explained.
“Wow”, you said almost breathlessly , you needed a moment. That all it took to save him wasn’t a grand gesture or the most valuable object you owned. It was what you had given freely.
So when he had closed his eyes, sure that he was at the end, his world lit up around him. Engulfing Allan and weird Barbie too as it covered the three of them with a pink sheer protection veil. But as he was in it, all he could feel was the depth of your love. Slow motion captures of the times you had thought of him, fast paced replays of the time he had spent with you and as he was there witnessing all of it, he could feel his wounds seal. His heart that had been shattered with the thought of losing you had been put back together.
When the blinding light faded, Barbieland was reset but he wasn’t. He still remembered the warmth of your lips against his and he fell back in relief.
All he wanted to do then was run back in search you that very instant.
“How long have you been here?”, you asked noting that he looked all dressed up.
“Got here a few hours ago.”, he told you.
“Wanted to help Allan settle into Weird Barbie’s dream house. I told them I’ll be back for Christmas with you. If you want to come that is.”, he raised his hands up defensively knowing that Barbieland had caused you enough hurt.
But Allan and weird Barbie were the closest to family you had before you met Melissa, so it wasn’t too hard thinking of visiting them.
But before you could say you would love to join him,
“Actually.”, he shook his head as though he had found the courage he needed.
“I came by your restaurant earlier and they told me you had quit.”, he tilted his head.
“I thought it was time I started my own place.”, you smiled and he inhaled deeply, his face lighting up with a sense of pride for you.
“Finally”, he raised his eye brows.
You held up the velvet box to him, waiting for him to tell you why he was giving it to you although you were now beginning to guess the reason.
“About that.”, he began looking at the box. He reached for you his hands effortlessly finding your waist again.
“I found it in the cave near the lake. It’s a love stone.”, he said.
“It’s shines the brightest when it finds the purest form of true love.”, he told you but the awe from this revelation filled you up with a happiness you could never describe.
Just when you had thought you had lost everything, you were actually receiving it all back. Now that you thought about it, it had glowed every time you were near him
“So our … love.”, you began softly.
“The purest form there is.”, he finished your sentence.
Maybe this was the moment you had been waiting for. That the wish for your dreams had come true.
You placed your hand on his chest, to smooth down the edge of his coat but it was only so that you didn’t breakdown thinking of how utterly hopeless you had felt a few minutes ago.
“I felt so alone the past week”, your voice broke but he pulled you closer, to place his chin on top of your head as he shushed you to calm you down.
“Which is why I wanted to ask if you would like to have me as your forever partner?”, he whispered against your ear.
“For your new business, to share your home with or to just be there to hold your hand whenever you wanted.”, he explained further as you pulled away to see him.
He waited for your answer. It all made sense and only proved you right as the edge of your lip tipped up, his sophisticated attire, the gelled back hair and the velvet box. He was a man on a mission.
There was no reason to think it through, or give it more thought because the answer was already on your lips.
“Yes.”, you say and watched as his eyes light up again.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes.”, you held the sides of his face as you kissed his cheeks, his forehead and his lips in happiness and that feeling doubled when you heard the sound of his laugh.
He set you down half heartedly after giving you another soft peck. He didn’t want to stop but now he had forever. So he intertwined his fingers with yours and walked back to the cashier.
The old man smiled at the two of you as though he knew or maybe he had heard everything. You placed the dolls on the counter and bought them. With one final look at the dolls in the box before you put them into your bag, you exited the store with your own Ken.
With your only Ken.
The city lights sparkled and the breeze felt sweeter than before. He turned to look at you and you knew that you were finally home.
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old-lorarri · 10 months
hiiii! i wanted to congratulate you on 4k and request a "─ lost cause . . . ❨ send me a description of yourself + a fandom and gender preference, and i’ll ship you with a character. ❩" for real madrid (mens team)
im not sure if you do football teams in specific, and if you dont im sorry but i saw you do a few football related posts and so why not
im a 20 year old american girl studying in university. im from the city (and a city girl deep down) but moved to a small town for my high school. im into a lot of things, skincare, fashion, doing nails, formula one, watching movies, music (tswift mostly but lots of r&b and latin music too), reading, writing, but especially football (or soccer!) im a rma fan (obvi), and ive been one since the sergio ramos (my man if he wasnt old and married <3) x luka modric day
i hope to be an author/actress/screenwriter/director, something of a mix of those three! ive always been into making stories and writing scripts, and i think itd be fun to cast myself in a movie i made! my main idol in the film industry is definitely greta gerwig because she can't write a bad movie.
for appearence im a mostly pale white chick who thrives to be tan all the time. i have blue eyes, a heart shaped face, good cheekbones a high hairline, and brown hair. i could be a model if i wasnt 5'4 im convinced, but only high fashion cause my look is kinda alien. i like to do my makeup and nails (ive gotten prtty good at gel manis!) in minimalist ways, ex. no makeup makeup and nuetral colors. i want to be clean girl but i just dress however i want. for fashion i really like baggy pants/jeans, mini skirts, sweatpants (its the american in me), tight tops, baggy graphic tees, cool hoodies, crewnecks, and lots of accesories. if i had more money id be so fashionable.
a few random things are, i love summer, swimming, and fruits. i cant do a small town because in the city theres just so much better food, clothes, and more stuff to do. i want to learn more languages, and visit lots of countries
obvi since you are a madrid fan
both of you are fan's of rnb
let's you do his nails from time to time
sings taylor swift songs with you
buys you a penthouse in the city
kinda jealous of ramos and luka cuz of how much you love them
is your proof reader of all of your scripts
loves your natural look
fashion icons
buys you everything u want without you even needing to says it
shows you his home country
and takes you all around the world
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gayshipsandanxiety · 2 years
For the ask game: music recs?? Please??? I've listened to the front bottoms' whole discography like 5 times now i have nothing to listen to
your music taste is already iconic but here ya go <3
the psychedelic furs: i started listening to them because they're my dad's favorite band and GOD there is some gay stuff there. they do mostly synthpop (i think??? i'm bad at recognizing music genres). a lot of their stuff can be interpreted as a disdain for typical hetero white picket fence families/relationships. you absolutely HAVE to listen to love my way that song slaps so hard and some of my other favorites by them shock and soap commercial.
echo & the bunnymen: i found this band from this video (https://youtu.be/ek52acrA1lw) and lost my fucking mind. i have no idea what genre they are but they're and 80s british band and no 80s british band has ever done me wrong. some of my favorites by them are villiers terrace, it's alright (bestie you're gonna start crying when you hear it), clay, ripeness, and never stop (discotheque). the entire porcupine album slaps so fuckin hard.
tears for fears: this band has So Much Gender and they're one of the few 80s bands that i like their 21st century stuff. bestie the instruments!!! so many instruments!! pale shelter and memories fade are both mike wheeler anthems and they are very close to my heart. raoul and the kings of spain is a great album, head over heels is fantastic, and shout makes me astral project.
bronski beat: fuckin bronski beat!!! they're another synthpop band and jimmy somerville's vocal range is just *chef's kiss*. their songs are gay as fuck and their music is just so. music. i'm gonna be honest their songs kinda played a part in me realizing i was mlm. some of my favorites are why?, junk, need a man blues, punishment for love, and ofc smalltown boy.
arctic monkeys: yeah so you might not have heard of them because they're suuuper underground and indie /s. i'm pretty sure typing that sentence made me grow a beanie directly out of my skull lmao. anyway i really like vibe of their music and they go surprisingly hard. the am album is a banger, 505 is of course a classic, and the favorite worst nightmare and whatever people say i am, i'm not albums are also pretty good.
the smiths: either everyone in this band is gay or britain was just like that in the 80s idk. they have a lot of angsty gaycoded songs so ofc i'm obsessed with them. how soon is now?, back to the old house, sweet and tender hooligan, there is a light that never goes out, this charming man, and i started something i couldn't finish all gave me psychic damage but i reccomend you listen to all their songs because literally everything they make is a banger.
taylor swift: you're already gay and a byler stan so you're halfway to becoming a swiftie /hj. i can't put into words what her music does for me i'm just so in love with her songwriting. some of my faves by her are you are in love, new romantics, gold rush, exile, cardigan, cruel summer, paper rings, it's nice to have a friend, all too well, don't blame me, delicate, look what you made me do, dress, i did something bad, and wildest dreams. the midnights album comes out on the 21st!!!!
violent femmes: if you like the front bottoms you'll LOVE the violent femmes they have a lot of folk punkish queercoded songs. just like my father and mother of a girl will turn you into an angsty bisexual male character, no killing is a religious experience, love love love love love is the queer agenda, their violent femmes album i literally cannot listen to without headbanging, and their why do birds sing album could be the soundtrack to literally any steddie fanfic.
gin wigmore: i'm gonna be honest i need to listen to more of her stuff but i was soooo obsessed with her back in my mcu era. i loooove her voice it's so raspy and cool. she does country??? but Woman Country that's actually really good and about heartbreak and becoming stronger. her songs make me feel like the main character of a western. written in the water, black sheep, happy ever after, hbic, and hallow fate slay so hard.
black pistol fire: ahhhh i love them omg. they're grunge rock i think? biggg boot stomping energy. black halo, fever breaks, hope in hell, level, look alive, and well wasted are all blorbo anthems.
des rocs: ehehe i'm so obsessed with this weird little rat man (affectionate). his music is just so !!!!!!! idk how he doesn't have a million listeners already. he's a rocker and sings a lot about mental illness and toxic relationships. let the vultures in is a fantastic ep although huge tw for mental illness, mmc is great, suicide romantics absoultley Destroyed me, wayne is a Song, and his album a real good person in a real bad place is the best thing ever god i love his songs.
bishop briggs: another artist from my mcu era lol. literally every fandom has an edit to her song river but dark side, jekyll & hyde, and high water also slay. the emotion she puts into her songs is so <3333 and GOD her voice is amazing.
barns courtney: GENDER MAN GENDER MAN DOES WHATEVER A GENDER CAN <3 another rocker but he has some acoustic stuff too. his albums 404 and the attractions of youth are just incredible and sinners is also fantastic.
sleepover asks <3
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urnderworld · 3 years
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headers :) 
no one of these pics/arts are mine. credits to all owners
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tswiftstuff · 3 years
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false god headers by tswiftstuff
like or reblog if you save is always appreciated ♡
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divorcebf · 4 years
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pastel rep polaroids' icons
— please like/reblog if you save/use
— requests: open!
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ncutii-gatwa · 4 years
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TAYLOR SWIFT ICONS(‘Lover’ photoshoot, 2019) reblog or like if you save. credit me if you use.
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Pale/Pastel Matching Folklore Icons and Headers
Pale/pastel matching folklore icons and headers Requested by @tylorswft​ 🤍💓
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Don’t claim as your own, re-upload or edit please!
Reblog and like if you use, please.
If you have any trouble using them, just send me an ask! (but everything should be okay)!
Set your background color to #fffff to make the header fade into your blog.
If you want any other colors or a specific image of Taylor that I didn’t use, please just ask me and I’ll make another set for you!
I hope these are what you were thinking of/what you wanted! 🤍
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sunflwerhouiis · 4 years
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Taylor swift pack ✨
I started to do a different type of pack for twitter and I really loved 💜
if you save or use please reblog or fav 💖
and follow me on twitter @Sunflwerhouiis
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erosedits · 1 year
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I've been sleeping so long in a twenty year dark night (now, I'm wide awake) and now, I see daylight.
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corneliaedits · 5 years
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taylor swift pale packs | like or swiftgustin ♡
headers are not mine
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intorares · 5 years
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taylor swift for instax sets
⋆  like   ⋆ ⋆ ⋆   twitter for credits  ⋆
© for header art @heavensghost & @pastellyricswallpapers
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oikawalines · 5 years
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𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭+𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟓 𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬
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urnderworld · 3 years
random headers
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like if you save :)
no one of these pics/arts are mine. credits to all owners!
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tswiftstuff · 4 years
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begin again headers
like or reblog if you save is always appreciated ♡
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