onedismay · 4 months
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Tazzik awake at 3 am in his boss's arms going through an existential crisis because he's sick and it's making him feel Vulnerable (tm) and that's like, the worst feeling ever.jpg
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n0x-art · 9 months
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"Smoke Break After Work"
I do still love this character...like...ALOT. I've just had no time to draw him until recently.
If you see warped lines...No you didn't.
I know Salarians have green blood....that's not his blood...
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sparatus · 1 year
for every🌹i'll post a random sentence from a random wip
again from the prologue of make less the depth of grief:
"Find [Commander Shepard], and avenge my son."
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n0x-lupus · 3 years
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“Fuck off Feron, I’m too cold to listen to your incessant talking.”
Back on my Tazzik Bullshit™. Drew the original sketch of this by hand like a year ago, found it again and felt it deserved to be finished. Tazzik in what I headcanon as his winter outfit. Man doesn’t skimp when it comes to being warm, naturally since he’s amphibian, cold climates are not his thing, so you can bet your ass this coat cost a pretty credit and Feron is to stay 10ft away at all times to avoid spilling Tupari on it.
I was lazy with the textures so I just used royalty free ones for the fabric of the coat, straps and fur hood.
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agenttazzik · 5 years
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It's canon that Tazzik has claws and my crops are flourishing because of this fact.
Like, I imagine he takes his gloves off and taps his claws on a hard surface near Feron to A. Annoy him and B. To freak him the FUCK out.
Is Taz pissed at Feron? Toying with him? Have a hearty tune stuck in his head that hes subconsciously tapping his claws to? Hell if Feron knows but it's best to peace the fuck out of the room.
Imagine someone minding their own business and then they hear the scraping of nails/claws on metal and turn around to see Tazzik with a amused smirk on his face. Like??? If I could write half decently, I'd totally write a fic.
I also headcanon that Salarians are born with claws of some kind and have the choice to have them removed later on in life if they're gonna use haptic feedback implants or just find it easier to do their jobs without them.
((Re-uploading because it wasn't appearing in the tags properly, plus I added a couple things))
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sarcastic-slab · 7 years
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meh. old and bad
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ljandersen · 3 years
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Sideways Part 3
Chapter 14:
Fandom: Mass Effect Trilogy, post-war
Pairing: Femshep/Kaidan Alenko
Rating: Mature
Available:  AO3 (beginning, new chapter)
Summary:  She is a peaceful politician who loves her family. The other’s a hated renegade at the center of war. Trapped in the others’ timeline, it’s a race to find the impossible before getting locked in place forever. Is the way home worth the ultimate sacrifice?
James saw Shepard looking at them and broke free.  He rushed at her.  Perhaps he felt a responsibility to protect the shuttle as well as the Councilor, but she wasn’t in trouble.  It was the asari who was in trouble. 
The asari looked Shepard in the eye.  “Don’t kill me.  I’ll fight for you.”
She had attacked Tazzik.  But one Warp didn’t make up for the beating she’d given Shepard.
“Why would I trust you?”  Shepard drove her Omni-Blade down again.
It glanced off the asari’s barrier.  Her biotic barrier faltered.  She was panting.  One more hit would end it.
“I’ll help!  I surrender!” She gasped as Shepard raised her blade for the final swing.
James caught Shepard’s wrist.  “Whatcha doing?  I heard her surrender.”
“She’ll stab us in the back, Vega.”  Shepard ripped her wrist free from him.  “Get back to that monster of a salarian.  I’m fine!”
“Hey, hey, I’m not sayin’ you need me.  We need you!  That salarian and his crew -- we need you there, not rolling around here.”  He threw biotic cuffs on the ground by her feet.  “Lock her up.  Let’s go.”
James and cuffs.  It reminded her too much of the last memory she had of him in the other timeline.  She glared up at him.
“Let me take care of her my way.”  Shepard kicked the cuffs away.
“I surrender!” the asari screeched and tried to catch James’s eye.
“Help the soldiers.”  James dragged Shepard up by the elbow.  He locked the cuffs on the asari himself and left her belly down on the floor.  
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bloodiedbiotic · 5 years
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Thanks to BioWare and their well-practiced ability of not giving us lore for key things  ( ie. the Lazarus Project ), not much is known in detail about Shepard’s reconstruction. What we do know is it took two years and over four billion credits to complete; and even then, it wasn’t officially complete as Wilson’s betrayal put a halt to things  ( thus why Shepard has facial scarring )  but it was still a success with Shepard regaining full neurological activity.
Not to mention that throughout Mass Effect 2, you can upgrade Shepard’s cybernetics through the research terminal in the Tech Lab. So, after garnering small bits of description text from those upgrades and screen caps of the Lazarus Project, I’ve decided to go into detail about Shepard’s reconstruction during the Lazarus Project and elaborate on the extent of their cybernetic implants.
As far as the details go regarding Shepard’s body and what’s what, it’s stated that cybernetic implants were used to reconstruct their skeleton, which, as evidenced by the Lazarus Project cameras and scans, was heavily damaged due to crashing through Alchera’s atmosphere groundside. Granted, the damage could have been a lot worse; it’s clear their hardsuit absorbed much of the damage, the breastplate more than likely reaching its breaking point and falling into pieces  ( as evidenced by Legion and Liara’s apartment in the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC ).
Still, the damage done to Shepard’s body as a whole was enough to make them nigh-unrecognizable, a salarian named Tazzik stating that it's “hard to tell if it's even a man or a woman, blown to hell like that” when observing their body in the stasis pod. Of course, while this was also a playful reference to Shepard’s gender being player-determined, it still meant that their body went through so much damage prior to reconstruction, they couldn’t even be recognized. As Jacob said, “meat and tubes”. 
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As seen here, there’s a lot of the damage done to the skeleton, though I feel that a good part of it is focused on the upper body: rib cage, arms, and the spine  ( granted, the legs are definitely looking pretty gnarly as well ).  Look closely at the lower half of the spine between the rib cage and pelvis and you see a large part of it is missing. We’ll get back to that later. 
One interesting thing to notice is the little amount of damage to the skull. If the Normandy Crash Site DLC is played, you can find Shepard’s old N7 helmet and have it kept in their cabin, and upon inspection, it’s relatively intact. And it’s a good thing it is, because it kept the most important part of Shepard intact: their brain. While Shepard was confirmed to be clinically brain dead — thank you, Mass Effect 3, for that — their brain was intact and that more than likely saved tons of time for the Lazarus Cell.
Of course, Shepard needed more than a functioning brain to get back to action. All those breaks in the skeleton had to be fixed and considering that there’s nothing in ME2 or ME3 regarding the Lazarus Cell regrowing any bones, it becomes apparent that most, if not all, of Shepard’s skeleton was reconstructed via cybernetic implants. Remember that part of the spine that was missing? We actually see cybernetic implants being augmented for that missing section!
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We also know it’s that part of the spine being augmented due to the scene overlooking Shepard’s repaired body.
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In addition to the cybernetic implant for the spine, other parts of the body share the same blue-tinted highlight, indicating there are other cybernetic implants in place. From the screen caps, there’s one in Shepard’s left forearm and two in the right  ( and one in the upper right arm ), one in their right shin, as well one in their right quad and two in their left. Something I noticed that I find interesting is the five ribs highlighted on the right side. Looking back at the damage sustained to the skeleton, it’s reasonable to assume that those ribs were completely replaced with cybernetics.
Now, that’s just covering the SKELETON.
It’s stated that the Lazarus Project moved from simple organic reconstruction to bio-synthetic fusion. I believe that the simple organic reconstruction started and ended Shepard’s internal organs and circulatory system. The extensive damage to Shepard’s skeleton is what led the move over to bio-synthetic fusion. It’s comfortable to say that Shepard’s skin was more than likely all bio-synthetic fusion, given the facial scarring they can experience through the games. 
Now, throughout Mass Effect 2, there are upgrades — I’m sure everyone knows about those. There are different categories for the upgrades, but the one I want to focus on are the Cybernetic Upgrades. There are three that can be upgraded multiple times throughout the game:
—  LATTICE SHUNTING: Strong synthetic fibers can be woven through the skin, dramatically reducing damage taken from most attacks. These fibers also act as a medi-gel conduit, improving healing. —  MICROFIBER WEAVE: Perforating the muscles with micro-fibers increases overall strength and decreases the potential for muscle damage from exertion. —  SKELETAL LATTICE: By reinforcing the skeleton with a synthetic weave, bones can be made almost unbreakable. In the event of bone trauma, medi-gel conduits allow for bone regeneration in a matter of days.
Taking these into consideration is honestly insane; Shepard’s skin has synthetic fibers woven through it, and their skeleton, which has already been augmented in numerous places with implants, is reinforced with a synthetic weave. The latter honestly explains why in Mass Effect 3’s Citadel DLC, Shepard is able to walk off that fall through Ryuusei's fish tank without any broken bones.
These upgrades also explain how Shepard can achieve and display certain feats of indescribable strength and durability across Mass Effect 2 and 3, including but not limited to:
—  Matching the strength of a fully grown Yahg, even hitting it hard enough to knock it back —  Headbutt a Krogan on their crestplate hard enough to stagger them without sustaining any injuries —  Knock out the fully-armed guards on The Project  ( Arrival DLC )  with their bare hands —  Survive high falls with no impact on functionality  ( Vancouver and Citadel DLC ) —  Lift up the Virmire Survivor  ( while they are clad in battle armor )  fireman-style with ease —  Use weapons such as the M-98 Widow and M-300 Claymore, guns that both tout in their description that a normal human is not capable of firing them without serious injury; the Widow can shatter an ordinary human’s arm after firing and the kickback on the Claymore has enough force to break a human arm —  Lift the giant metal slab that was on top of them and one of their squadmates following the destruction of the Human Reaper Larva
Now, with these augmentations, Shepard’s humanity comes into question. Technically, Shepard is a cyborg. Something about that, however, doesn’t quite feel right. It’s basically told by the games that they’re a super soldier, already having gone through genetic enhancement as an Alliance recruit to improve their natural human abilities: their strength, speed, reflexes, etc. Though, that was genetic engineering and comparing that to bio-synthetic fusion is like comparing apples to oranges. Shepard’s humanity and their take on it is a headcanon for another day!
This is definitely something I have as a personal headcanon, but in regards to Shepard’s facial scarring, I fully believe that morality has no part in the healing process. I believe that stress has an adverse affect on those incomplete cybernetics, thus as Shepard gets into more stressful situations, the scars worsen. This explains how Shepard can turn themself in to the Alliance with their face laced with glowing scars after destroying the Alpha Relay and then face the Committee scar-free, having spent the past six months in Vancouver on house arrest.
Also, this is something I’ve seen people talk about, but people question how their Shepard can be biotic in Mass Effect 2 when they played a non-biotic class  ( Soldier, Engineer, Infiltrator ). Well, according to developer documents, Shepard had already been exposed to eezo in utero, being born with latent biotic potential. It was only when they received secondary exposure to element zero at the age of fourteen that biotic abilities began to manifest. Fast forward three years, and Shepard is “officially” detected as biotic and outfitted with L3 implants at the age of seventeen. Upon enlisting at eighteen, it’s completely possible that Shepard chose not to develop their biotic abilities as an Adept, Vanguard, or Sentinel in the Alliance. Yet, they are still capable of biotic abilities  ( ie. Barrier, Throw, Lift, Stasis, etc. ). This explains how a Soldier / Infiltrator / Engineer Shepard can use biotic abilities in ME1.
With ME2, Shepard is given a new biotic implant, an L5 that is one of three variants. My guess is that Shepard’s combat style is determined by their implant while they’re fighting for their life aboard the Lazarus Research Station. An L5n-implanted Shepard finds themself capable of charging across the battlefield, while an L5x-implanted Shepard discovers their ability to generate a singularity. If they’re not fitted with one of those two implants, then that leaves the other four classes with their own abilities, and Shepard still being able to generate mass effect fields  ( for the sake of bonus powers for Soldier / Infiltrator / Engineer ). 
This continues on into Mass Effect 3, only that Shepard is stuck with the implant they received from the Lazarus Project, but because of just how powerful a biotic Shepard is, they’re still capable of abilities such as: Reave, Flare, Slam, and others. As Kaidan states in the Citadel DLC, he worked to learn how to Reave, meaning it’s more than possible for Shepard to learn other abilities. 
I’ve just about tapped out everything I had for this headcanon, even going further than expected to bring up those extra details about the facial scarring and how Shepard can still use biotic abilities as a non-biotic class. I know this was a long read, and if you’d like to share your thoughts or opinions, I’d love to hear them! ^^
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notsogreathornedowl · 7 years
tazzik: okay i've been asleep for like 3 months what'd i miss
des: paying slug with slim jims to light emotions on fire
slug: finding creative ways to hide slim jims in a backpack
me: sitting in a chair with master chief's helmet taped to my head, wearing a "i
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kultderneunaugen · 7 years
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SL Screens aus dem Brachland + Zwei von Tazzik (Kann mich nicht entscheiden)
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onedismay · 5 months
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hug without plot. FUN FACT: the pose was referenced from a sumo match. i love it when one guy just picks up the other guy like excuse me, i'm taking you out of here now. it was hard but interesting to try and adapt the pose to non-humans. yahg look super wrong upright but oh well. butts,
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buralarsensizlik · 6 years
rehberimi komple sildim hepinizden kurtuldum uzak durun benden yallah tazzik
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sparatus · 5 months
Could I have some Tazzik headcanons please thank you
cracks open brain. let's see i used to make a lot of tazzik content back in the day what did i do with those hcs
Sexuality Headcanon: somewhere on the ace spectrum methinks, i think probably demi? like, generally not interested, but for certain people he's really especially tight with he'd be down
Gender Headcanon: listen i started thinking about this when i got this ask and my brain fell down the rabbit hole of how salarian society being as loppy-sided as it is wrt their matriarchy and sex ratios probably affects their gender stuff too but let's not get into that for now, i feel like tazzik specifically like. he hasn't really thought about gender much, it doesn't matter, but he also doesn't really care? so kinda agender in a way
A ship I have with said character: listen okay @onedismay kinda got me down for tazzik/shadow broker like i didn't use to be into it but dismay makes a very compelling case i love it i'm in let's go
A BROTP I have with said character: this is an old leaning-towards-crack theory i had but i like to think he and tela were bros, in the "you are literally the only other person in this organization i can stand working with" kinda way. like they get on each other's nerves and bully each other for fun but also they work together REALLY well, neither one is interested in anything beyond that but they're each other's first call when they want an extra set of guns around
A NOTP I have with said character: i don't think i've really seen any ships with tazzik other than with the sb tbh which is probably for the best. being an obscure hyper-niche character enjoyer is both a blessing and a curse.
A random headcanon: i wrote a fic for it ages ago but honestly. y'know how in me3 there's that one email you can find on liara's terminal from feron suggesting tazzik wasn't aware liara was in charge and feron was no longer a prisoner? i don't buy that, if you're as high up in the org as tazzik is and the sb's right-hand man there's no way you don't notice. i like to think he did know, he caught on pretty fast in fact (it's not like liara's whole rampage is exactly subtle), he just. didn't see a point in having a whole big confrontation about it. sure he's kinda peeved, but he's a salarian, his life is short enough, and liara didn't fuck up his paycheck at all, so he just keeps his grousing to himself and moves on.
General Opinion over said character: genuinely love him so much, he's such a great antag in the comic and personally i think he steals the show whenever he pops up. i should figure out how he and the rest of the sb crew work into exdiff, i love this giant grumpy frog man
send me a character
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n0x-lupus · 5 years
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So... this happened... because I'm a horrid goblin child.
This started because @beyonddarkspacenew and I were on discord and he quickly re-sketched an old picture I half finished of Tazzik, but it looked 9000% better than my original one. I liked it so much I finished it.
Basically this cocky bastard is in his quarters chillin' like a villain in his under suit, schemeing and just being the Devil that he is.
It looks a little rough around the edges because it literally is, it wasn't supposed to be a serious picture.
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agenttazzik · 5 years
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Tazzik mood board/Aesthetic
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dirtylittlemuses · 6 years
Mass Effect Relationships Week— Day One: Hello and Goodbye
For MER week I am going to focus on a lesser known pairing: Liara and Feron. Feron only appeared in comics and in the shadow broker DLC but, well, as the artist for the comics wrote “I drew her looking at the device with love in her eyes. He sacrificed himself for her and for Shepard. It should be love!” So, basically canon, right? Anyway, for day one, I focused on the time between ME and ME2, the first time Feron and Liara parted after they teamed up to rescue Shepard's body and...well you’ll have to read to find out. (Most of the dialogue is from the comic itself, so I do not claim ownership to that!)
“This is is. You know what to do —” She could hear the voice, she knew the words, but for the life of her, Liara couldn’t find the source. And, by the Goddess, did she want to. “ — The body and the data.” He was right. That’s what was important. 
The body.
She was blinded by the glow of the stasis pod in front of her. This was what she came for. She swore she could even see a wisp of red through the small pane of glass on the front, hair or blood, she didn’t know. She never found out. 
“No matter what happens, get them out of here!”
I did, Feron. 
That’s who she was talking to! She hadn’t been able to see him until then, and when he was revealed he was backlit by the glow of the stasis pod — which wasn’t really logical, as they were hiding behind a stack of shipping cargo. As soon as she remembered that, the boxes piled around them, and they were once more cloaked in shadows. She also remembered what she said to him next. She tried to stop the words as they came out, but her jaw was unusually heavy and hard to control. 
“I know what to do. I just hope you do. We’ve been here before. You’re not going to ‘accidently’ let Taz get away again, are you?” It hadn’t seemed so harsh in the moment, and perhaps they were justified, he had screwed her over a couple of times, after all; but considering they were some of the last words she’d gotten to say to him, considering what happened next, she wished she’d just kept her mouth closed. 
Or better yet, she wished she would have insisted they stay together. 
But that’s not what she did.
Just like her jaw, her body seemed to be too heavy to change anything now. All she could do was watch. 
Feron did what he did best, smooth talk, manipulate  — sacrifice himself. And when it came to Liara’s turn to act, she did what she did best, act selfishly. She’d only done what he’d told her, she’d got the body and the data, but now all she could see was the look on his face. The horror in his eyes, his bloody face, trapped and strangled by Tazzik, watching his only hope abandon him, it was seared into her brain. 
“Liara, go! Go now —” She’d tried to save him? Hadn’t she? “—Save Shepard!” Not hard enough. He’d risked his life for her so she could have Shepard, who had been just a dead body to him. And she’d let him. She’d had a gun. She had her biotics. Why didn’t she try harder to save him?
“I’m sorry!” The heaviness in her jaw didn’t make changing the script easy, but she could feel her lips forming the words this time, only she couldn’t hear them. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Feron —” The hardened look of heartbreak on his face said that he couldn’t either. The ship’s door locked into place, putting a thick shield of glass between them. Her fists pounded against it, to no avail. 
The ship blasted out of Omega’s dock, the force of takeoff knocking Liara backward. She scrambled back to her feet, trying to peer out the glass again, only the sight was not one she’d expected, nor was it one she’d seen before. She wasn’t welcomed with the cold expanse of space like usual, but instead, she saw Feron, so bloody and beaten she could barely recognize him. And he wasn’t moving.
Liara woke up sick to her stomach. She’d had this same nightmare for months, but never had it ended like that. What did that mean? Could he really be dead? No— the better question was, could he possibly be alive? She doubted it. The dim orange light of her Omnitool bathed her in a soft glow, an unread email prompting her to open it. Confirmation of her rental of an office. An office on Illium. She and she alone was going to take down the Shadow Broker. “I will avenge you, Feron. By the Goddess, he will pay.”
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