#tbb pairs 2017
levbolton · 5 months
14 years old me really looked at Sheldon Cooper and said “this is who I want to become”
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timelessbigbang · 7 years
Pairs for the TBB 2017
Thanks so very much to all of the artists that responded so quickly; we were able to get this all sorted a whole day early! Below, you’ll find the list of authors and artists participating in the Timeless Big Bang 2017. 
Thank you, again, to all who registered! We are very excited to read/see the finished products!
And without further ado, your pairs:
001 @timeless-besthistoryclass / @child-of-the-candy
002 @deckerprestonsmoak​ / @twilight-deviant​​, @gwennieliz​
003 @missyriver​ / @abbyspencer​
004 @elizabethkween​ / @deckerprestonsmoak​
005 @olivaraofrph​ / @onlymorelove​
006 @olivaraofrph​ / @katiegracecrochet​*
007 @usaonetwothree​ / @olivaraofrph​
008 @extasiswings​ / @elizabethkween​
009 TheVelvetDusk* / @elizabethkween
010 @keirgreeneyes / @olivaraofrph
011 @jedidisneyphantomofstorybrooke / @onlymorelove
012 @superrandomfandom7 / @prairiepirate
013 @katnissisbrown / @gwennieliz
014 Mellia Bee* / @cluelessrebel1988
*participant has requested to be contacted outside of tumblr; please message an admin for contact info*
That’s all, folks! Introduce yourselves to your partners! Get started with your writing/arting. Check-In Day will be September 29th. On that day, an admin will contact you to touch base with your progress. This is when we’ll begin to gauge when you’ll post, so please be honest and please check in!! 
The ask box will be open for the remainder of the challenge, and the admins are always here to answer any questions or alleviate any concerns. 
Sad to be missing out? We are now accepting applications for pinch-hit artists and authors. In the event someone has to back out due to personal matters, we will contact everyone registered as a pinch-hit artist or author, depending on which is needed. First person to reply gets the piece. Please note: this does not guarantee participation in the challenge, but is a fun way to lend a hand if it’s ever needed. We like to be prepared! 
Thanks again for making this such a fun challenge so far! We’ll see you all again on September 29th!
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ebaeschnbliah · 7 years
Tumblr media
Revised and updated version and under the cut .... because it's a bit longish. :)))
July 2017 _______________________________________________________
THE RETURN OF BASKERVILLE  .......  Baskerville revisited in S4
HENRY KNIGHT  .......  The story of a very interesting character and a mirror for Sherlock
THE RAINBOW CROWN  .......  The vitruvian man, the rainbow crown and Sherlock's ‘I love you’
THE GOVERNOR AND HIS WIFE  .......  The first task of Sherrinford - Reichenbach all over ... with a touch of TBB
DAVID DAVID DAVID  .......  A comparison of the three David's in Sherlock BBC
FIVE FUNNY STORIES  ....... The stories Sherlock mentions at the wedding in TSOT and their  possible connection to each series of Sherlock BBC
THE ONE IN THE COCKPIT  ....... About pilots and drivers, flying and driving, aeroplanes and cabs, queens and serial killers
MOVIE WATCHING IN MYCROFTS HOME CINEMA  ....... The movie Mycroft watches at the beginning of TFP and the manipulated part of it
A COFFIN FOR LOVE  ....... The third task of Sherrinford - Sherlock and love
A SMASHED GLASS OF CHAMPAGNE  ....... Screen caps of the falling glass of champagne in TSOT
WHEN SHERLOCK LIES DRUGGED IN A CAB  ....... Musings about the strange parts of the PILOT
COVERED IN BLUE  .......  Blue from the end in TFP to the beginning in ASIP
June 2017 ______________________________________________________
THE THREE GARRIDEBS OF SHERRINFORD  .......  The second task of Sherrinford. Who are the three Garridebs?
ONE OF A KIND  .......  Sherlock is Eurus - what an image reveals
SHADOWS ON THE WALL  .......  Musings on the shadows in Faith's memory who are almost going to kiss (TLD)
ANOTHER SIGN OF THREE ?  ....... Sherlock, John, Mary - different facettes of one character
JIM'S SONGS  .......  Are the songs mirrors for Sherlock's own past?
THE NOTE IN THE BOOKCASE  .......  A piece of lost information
FATHERS AND SONS  .......  David Welsborough and Major Barrymore
A DOG BARKS IN THE NIGHT  .......  When John wakes from his nightmare in ASIP
ELLA THOMPSON  .......  The changeable therapist
May 2017 _______________________________________________________
TWO TIMES CHARLES  .......  Carl Powers and Charlie Welsborough
THE IMPORTANCE OF LITTLE THINGS  ....... Boomerang, hairpin and hairband - are they connected?
EXPLOSIVE - IT'S MORE ME  .......  A metaphorical reading of ASIB and Irene Adler
MAGIC AT SPEEDY'S  .......  The 'vanishing' mirror behind Mycroft and 'endless mirroring'
MRS. WENCESLAS  .......  Good king Wenceslas and a Chrismas song
April 2017 _______________________________________________________
SOME MUSINGS ON DAMP COATS .......  Faith's coat - a possible connection to the pink lady from ASIP?
STALKING THE DEERSTALKER  .......   The silly hat throughout the series (used as a port key to change levels in the Mind-Palace?)
THINGS COMING IN PAIRS ....... It started with the kidneys - but didn't end there
SHERLOCK, THE STAG AND THE SKULL ....... Colors & symbolism in TAB
I DON'T WANT TO KNOW HOW  ....... Asking for an explanation
A . N . Y . O . N . E  .......  One word throughout the story 
ABOUT DETECTIVES AND DOGS  ....... A name and its history
March 2017 _____________________________________________________
AN INCANDESCENT MIND BEING USED ....... Genius, brother, prisoner (Sherlock = Eurus)
UNDER THE SIGN OF FOUR .......  A.G.R.A.  Alex, Gabriel, Rosamund & Ajay - Who are they?
ADDITIONS to UTSOF  .......  A.G.R.A.  and the 4 assassins from TRF
LITTLE ROSIE - THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM  .......  An interpretation
PLAYING WITH COLORS AND THOUGHTS  .......  Not the common color code
ONE  -  TWO  -  THREE  .......  Three players, three bombs
AROUND THE PATIENCE GRENADE  .......  What images are telling
WHEN THERE'S NOTHING TO SEE THROUGH ....... Touching the glass that isn't there
VIVIAN NORBURY  .......  Who is the person who almost outsmarted them all?
February 2017 ___________________________________________________
A E R O P L A N E S  .......  The importance of aeroplanes throughout the story
A STRANGE PERSPECTIVE  .......  Eurus cell - shot in different angles
THE ROADS WE WALK  ....... From 'headless nuns' to sisters turned into 'ghost stories'
THE BLOOD CARPET .......  Like a puddle of blood on the floor
ON THE ROLL OF A DICE  ....... Mary's hiatus in TST - really neat?
DEATH & CHESS & MANY CASES  .......  About the appearance of death in each episode
FOUR STAGES & FOUR CASES    ADDITIONS  .......  Stages inside stages
TALKING ABOUT THE FINAL PROBLEM  .......  Steven Moffat, BFI Screening Q&A  01 2017
AJAY - SHERLOCK - JIM  .......  Characters with similarities
OH HAVE YOU  HAD SEX  ....... How I reed that scene
A STUDY IN MIRRORING  .......  Eurus/Sherlock vs. Eurus/Jim
January 2017 ____________________________________________________
THE FIVE HOSTAGES  ....... Connections between TGG & TFP 
YELLOWBEARD'S HAIRBAND  .......  Eurus, Victor & Sherlock - Symbolism
THE SYMBOLISM OF EXPLODING BOMBS  .......  221b hit by explosions - TGG and TFP
RIGHT UP YOUR STRASSE  .......  DI Lestrade using german language
HOLMES FAMILY PICTURES  .......  Mycrofts manipulated movie from TFP
IT'S AN EXPERIMENT  .......  More thoughts about the PILOT theory (EEMP)
THE FINAL PROBLEM  .......  First impression - symbolism and subtext
A DETECTIVE LYING DOWN  .......  Throughout the whole story
SHERLOCK is ANYONE  ....... Sherlock fighting his demon(s) - drug addiction
THE STAGE IS SET (once again) .......  Possible startingpoints for EEMP
HE'S STILL NOT MOVING  .......  The bloodhound and John
THE APPLETREE ON THE GREEN WALL  ......  Apples and roses - symbolism
ON THE TRESHOLD OF SAMARRA  .......  Sherlock will be epic
JUST LOOK - HOW BEAUTIFUL  .......  Mirrors of the special kind - buildings mirrored in car roofs
ACTION MAN & GINGERBREADMAN  .......  Burned to a crisp - parallels
WHERE IT BEGAN - WHERE IT ENDS  .......  Carl Powers & Charlie Welsborough
THE MASKS ARE CRUMBLING DOWN  .......  Sherlock's facade is falling
PORKY PIGS AND LOTS OF BLOOD  .......  Dead pigs throughout the series
NORBURY  .......  The yellow face in TST
AMMO STRIKES AGAIN  .......  Parallels and the Urban Dictionary
December 2016 __________________________________________________
WHAT MIGHT HAVE HAPPENED ON JANUARY 15th ... (first post of it but Tumblr 'ate' it - restored in January)
THE STAGE IS SET - THE CURTAIN RISES ... (first post of it but Tumblr 'ate' it - restored in January)
THE BAFTA CYMRU MONTAGE  .......  A very special kind of montage 
TPLOSH or TILOSH  .......  Somtimes silly thoughts arise ... or maybe not?
November 2016 __________________________________________________
A DOCTOR IN HIS NATURAL MILIEU  .......  Two surgeries and their very different lightning
PRETTY GRIM FAIRY TALES  .......  Following the trace of media
A MIRROR HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT - EDITED  ......  More parallels between Sherlock & Mary
A MIRROR HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT  .......  Parallels between Sherlock & Mary
READING INFORMATION  .......  Sherlock and Magnusson reading people - a comparison
SOME COURTROOM DEDUCTIONS  .......  Courtrooms and Hearing rooms
A LITTLE GIRL, BLOND WITH BRAIDED HAIR  .......  The traces of hair, hats and pigtails in Sherlock BBC
DRESS MEETS BELL  .......  The doorbell of 221b and Mrs. Hudson's dress
October 2016 ____________________________________________________
THE EMPTY HOUSES  .......  Three different Empty Houses in Sherlock BBC
UNDERGROUND NETWORKS INVISIBLE ENEMIES  .......  Cults, agents, terrorists in TEH & TAB
A SHADOW OF MASSIVE PROPORTIONS  .......  Magnusson & Mycroft - another comparison
THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE .......  'Impossible' cases - in TEH and TAB
THE EMPY HEARSE - THE EMPY HOUSE  .......  The Reichenfach Fall - a comparison between Sherlock BBC and ACD canon
THE GAME IS AFOOT  .......  Shoes, feet and footprints throughout Sherlock BBC
I'M ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU  .......  Mycroft & Moriarty - another comparison
MOUTH LIKE A CRIMSON WOUND  .......  The trace of lipstick throughout Sherlock BBC
BOOMERANG  .......  The boomerang-effect, backfiring, the back of heads and blunt instuments
IT'S YOU MAJOR SHOLTO  ....... A perfect Sherlock mirror
September 2016 _________________________________________________
THE ONES AND THE OTHER ONES  .......  Musings about the different tenor of episodes - are the middle episodes revealing the Holmes family history?
MYCROFT AND MAGNUSSON  .......  A dark comparison
STRANGE SIMILARITIES  (edited list here) .......  ASIB revisited in HLV - recurring motivs and situations
THE BOND AIR CONUNDRUM  .......  From the rehearsal to the cancelled 'Flight of the Dead'
NEAT - DON'T YOU THINK  .......  Reichenbach and Bond Air under the lens - not as neat as one would think
CONNIE KENNY AND RAOUL  .......  Mirrors for Mycroft, Sherlock and John?
August 2016 ____________________________________________________
OH! IT'S CHRISTMAS!  .......  In each series of Sherlock BBC it is Christmas at some point
PLAYING WITH MIRRORS .......  Ricoletti, Carmichael and Sholto  
DREAMS ARE TRICKY  .......  The 'Bride' is aiming at a bakery
THREE TIMES JIM  .......  Three times Jim brings Sherlock back from the verge of death
LIFTING THE MASK  .......  Extended Mind Palace Theorie - a possible version
MARY MARY QUITE CONTRARY  .......  Different faces of Mary Morstan
JOHN - MARY - SHERLOCK  .......  Comparison of the three shootings - John/Hope  Mary/Sherlock  Sherlock/Magnusson
JOHN MOVES HIS ARM  .......  A closer look at Magnussons assassination
COMING BACK - GOING BACK  .......  Sherlock coming back from death to go deeper
July 2016 _______________________________________________________
MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL  .......  Dark Mycroft and his possible motives 
OF KINGS AND QUEENS  .......  Who is the 'King' in Sherlock BBC?
MORE THAN JUST A TWIN  .......  Who could be 'Sherrinford' - a speculation
AM I SENSING A PATTERN THERE  .......  The antagonists of each episode in Sherlock BBC
June 2016 ______________________________________________________
THE BUS STOP SCENE  .......  A Harry Potter connection?
AT THE REICHENBACH FALLS  .......  About Moriarty's motives to kill himself
THE GREAT GAME  .......  Carl Power's shoes starting the Great Game and even more shoes at setlock
A STUDY IN SHERLOCK  .......  Pictures from each episode and setlock
A STUDY IN JOHN  ......  Pictures from each episode and setlock
May 2016 _______________________________________________________
ABOUT AGENTS AND EX-AGENTS  .......  The CIA agents of ASIB vs. Mary
April 2016 _______________________________________________________
IT'S NEVER TWINS ... UNLESS IT IS  .......  Mummy Holmes - the secret twin?
March 2016 _____________________________________________________
THE RUG-PULL EXPERIMENT  .......  Dark Mycroft - the secret puppet master? 
VICTORIAN GHOST STORIES  .......  Thoughts about Mark Gatiss's statement
MAGIC IN SHERLOCK BBC  .......  Real magicians involved in Sherlock BBC
January 2016 ____________________________________________________
WHAT MADE HIM LIKE THIS  .......  Hints at Sherlock's past in Sherlock BBC 
THE MYSTERIOUS CULT  .......  The disguised women in the crypt
THE CARMICHAEL CASE I  .......  Connections to THOB
THE CARMICHAEL CASE II  .......  Thoughts about different mirrors    
About EMP and EEMP
Extended Mind-Palace Theorie - Starting point at the CAM Tower shooting
Extraordinary Extended Mind-Palace Theorie - Starting point any time before the CAM Tower shooting
EMP-Masterpost ....... Collected works of the fabulous EMP-Group
Reasons for EEMP  (24.11.2016) .... About the possibility of an extended Mind-Palace going further back than CAM Tower.
A possible EEMP-Structure  (30.08.2016) ....  First post about the possibility of EEMP
SCHWANENSEE  .......  Tatort Münster - Thiel & Boerne (a lot of Sherlock-like visuals)
SHERLOCK HOLMES (2010)  .......  Octopus, dinosour & dragon combined with a deadly feud between brothers (Sherlock vs. Mycroft)
YOU CAN'T KILL AN IDEA  .......  'V for Vendetta' in Sherlock BBC (an Underground full of explosives ready to blow up parliament)
NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN  .......  'V for Vendetta' in Sherlock BBC
SHERLOCK HOLMES IN NEW YORK  .......  Roger Moore as Sherlock Holmes (Moriarty, bank robbery, tons of gold, tunnels, Irene Adler)
WILLIAM SHERLOCK SCOTT HOLMES  .......  Excerpt from 'SH in New York'
YOUNG SHERLOCK HOLMES - THE PYRAMIDE OF FEAR  .......  How Sherlock Holmes and John Watson met at school and their very first case (AU)
JUST A MAGIC TRICK  .......  The magic trick in 'Sherlock jr.' the silent movie
SHERLOCK JUNIOR  .......  Silent movie with Buster Keaton (solving a crime while dreaming of it)
THE GOLDEN YEARS - TV Series with Christopher Lee as Sherlock Holmes
THE LEADING LADY  -  Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson on a Viennese adventure with bombs, anarchists, 'Die Fledermaus' (the bat), Dr. Freud and Irene Adler
'Undercover in Eastern Europe'     
'Un Ballo in Maschera'      
'Digging for gems'      
'Detective, doctores and trains'
THE INCIDENT AT VICTORIA FALLS  -  Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Waton on an African adventure with hidden treasures, secret twins, elephants and rainbows
NEW RUSSIAN HOLMES - Igor Petrenko, Andrei Panin ... by Andrey Kavun
GRANADA HOLMES - Jeremy Brett, David Burke, Edward Hardwicke
VALIANT SHERLOCK HOLMES  .......  The Eligible Bachelor - Granada Version (recurring nightmare, ghosts from the past, facing demons)
OMNE IGNOTUM PRO MAGNIFICO  .......  What happens when mysteries get explained (The Redheaded League - Granada Version)
CHISWICK .......  Connections to 'The Six Napoleons'  Granada and ACD
OH ... IT ISN'T 3G ... IT IS 3G  .......  'Three Garridebs' vs. 'Three Gables'
LA BELLE DAME SANS MERCI  .......  'The Three Gables'  in Sherlock BBC
DEATH IN THE CLOUDS .......  Detour to Agatha Christie's Poirot (eyes with clocks in it)
ABOUT SMOKE AND MIRRORS  .......  Poirots 'The big four' in Sherlock BBC (when a big terror network turns out to consist only of one man - who is an actor)
THE MYSTERIOUS BELLYBUTTON  .......  House MD 'No reason' references (investigating inside the head)
A BABY IN 221b BAKER STREET  .......  Episode with Ron Howard 1954-55 (Tony .... is it a girl's or a boy's name?)
ROBERT BALDWIN ROSS  .......  The man who loved Oscara Wilde
IT WAS WORTH MANY WOUNDS  .......  Poem by mrspencil
THE SACRED BAND OF THEBES  .......  Gay warriors in ancient Greek
NORTH GOWER STREET & HS2  .......  'Baker Sreet' and HighSpeed 2
IT'S FORTUNATE THAT I'M NOT A CRIMINAL  .......  Canon reference
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joesbrownusa · 8 years
Houses For Sale in North Grafton, MA
12 High Point Dr, North Grafton, MA
Price: $485900
ONLY SIX LOTS REMAIN IN THE ENTIRE PROJECT. PHASE I new construction TBB–ACT FAST AS ONLY LAST FEW REMAINING LOTS AVAILABLE TO build the “Parmenter” Model! Amazing 4 Bedroom New England Colonial @ High Point Estates. Granite Counters, Hardwood Flrs, Ceramic Tile, & Kohler fixtures. Great North Grafton Neighborhood w/ 34 Acres of Recreational Open Space & Abutting 100 acres of Conservation Land w/ Walking Trails, Picnic/Play Area, Sidewalks & Pond. Just Minutes to I90, Rt 495, Rt 9 & the Train. 2X6 Construction. Your choice of Gas or Oil-fired Heat. Ask for details on this builder incentive offering.
7 High Point Dr, North Grafton, MA
Price: $474600
ONLY SIX LOTS REMAIN IN THE ENTIRE PROJECT. PHASE I new construction TBB -ACT FAST AS ONLY LAST FEW REMAINING LOTS AVAILABLE to build the “Arborwood” Model! Amazing 4 Bedroom New England Colonial @ High Point Estates. First floor features a cathedral family room with fireplace, seperate office, formal living room and formal dining room. Open concept kitchen with eat-in area includes granite counters, hardwood flrs, & Kohler fixtures. Great North Grafton Neighborhood w/ 34 Acres of Recreational Open Space & Abutting 100 acres of Conservation Land w/ Walking Trails, Picnic/Play Area, Side walks & Pond. Just Minutes to I90, Rt 495, Rt 9 & the Train. 2X6 Construction. Your choice of Gas or Oil-fired Heat. Ask for details on this builder incentive offering.
9 High Point Dr, North Grafton, MA
Price: $470000
ONLY SIX LOTS REMAIN IN THE ENTIRE PROJECT. PHASE I new construction TBB ACT FAST AS ONLY LAST FEW REMAINING LOTS AVAILABLE– to build the “Briarwood” Model! Amazing 4 Bedroom New England Colonial @ High Point Estates. Granite Counters, Hardwood Flrs, Ceramic Tile, & Kohler fixtures. Great North Grafton Neighborhood w/ 34 Acres of Recreational Open Space & Abutting 100 acres of Conservation Land w/ Walking Trails, Picnic/Play Area, Sidewalks & Pond. Just Minutes to I90, Rt 495, Rt 9 & the Train. 2X6 Construction. Your choice of Gas or Oil-fired Heat. Ask for details on this builder incentive offering.
83 Adams Rd, North Grafton, MA
Price: $479900
Designated Historic Road. 3+ Acres w/ colonial stone walls. Vaulted gourmet kitchen center island – granite everywhere! Inviting Family RM fieldstone gas FPLC w/ raised hearth – floor to ceiling (built in hidden safe). Double crowns, raised panels, wainscoting, granite, first floor hardwoods, Huge master bedroom and walk in closet, finished basement, screened in porch and more. Come and see and make this your next home!
20 Lincoln Ln, North Grafton, MA
Price: $325000
OPEN HOUSE 1/22 FROM 1-3! This well-maintained townhome in a popular North Grafton complex can now be yours! The open floor plan has a fireplaced living room opening up to a deck overlooking a private, tree-lined backyard. Watch TV while you prepare your meals from the fully applianced kitchen with plenty of space on the granite counters. Whether you use the bonus room on main level as an office, study, or playroom, the choice is yours! Upstairs leads you to two large bedrooms, a cozy sitting area & the second floor laundry. The master suite has dual closets plus a well-sized walk in fo r extra space. Relax after a long day in the master bath soaking tub or take a quick shower before heading downstairs to your fully finished walkout lower level for additional time to enjoy your new home. Not a fan of shoveling or landscaping? Leave that to the professionally managed staff to take care of that for you! Convenient to Tufts, UMass, & commuter rail to South Station!
189 Brigham Hill Rd, North Grafton, MA
Price: $215000
Cozy 2 bedroom with attached 2 car garage in desirable GRAFTON! This is a Fannie Mae property. Sale is Subject to HUD Guidelines 24 CFR 206.125. Only offers at or above list price will be considered Call for a showing before it is gone!
27 Valley View Dr, North Grafton, MA
Price: $875000
This home has undergone an extensive home makeover including White Dove cabinets, fresh interior paint, stunning black hand rails, and a refreshed deck space with over 600sf of outside living. This amazing home has more than 5000 square feet of living space on the first and second floor. This design will WOW you..with soaring 2 story space, open kitchen, oversized family room, sun room, conservatory, spacious master suite, even an Au Pair space. The owners are original and spared no expense from the 9 foot ceilings in the ready to finish walk out basement, hydro air heating, security , central vac and many more upgrades this home is meticulously maintained from top to bottom. The yard is magnificent perfectly manicured and fully fenced featuring an in ground pool with landscape galore creating a true oasis. This is truly an opportunity to live in North Grafton in a beautiful neighborhood with access to the top notch schools and community with convenient commuter access.
43 Flint Pond Dr, North Grafton, MA
Price: $387400
Welcome Home to your Beautiful, Freshly painted End Unit, with walkout basement in desirable Flint Pond Estates. Kitchen has upgraded cabinets, Granite countertops, hardwood floors and large picture window . Open Concept Dining Room and Living Room with hardwood, Cathedral ceilings, Gas Fireplace. You can walk out to your great deck with views of Flint Pond or just view from indoors through the large windows. Wonderful space for entertaining family and friends. First Floor Master bedroom offers a Master Bath with Granite, Double sink, Glass Shower with Duel shower heads & Walkin closet. On the second floor you have Two Bedrooms with large windows and nice closets. A full bath with granite counter tops with double sinks. The second floor loft overlooks the livingroom. Walkout basement is ready to be finished. It even has a patio right off the slider. 2 Car Garage. Great access to major routes & commuter rail. Come and see all this home has to offer you!!
4 N Main St, North Grafton, MA
Price: $375000
Need Lots of Room for Extended or Growing Family? Wonderful, Affordable, Contemporary Style Home! First Floor features an Open Floor Plan, Cathedral Ceilings, Master Bedroom, full bath and updated kitchen. Slider in Combo L/R & D/R Opens to an oversized deck leading to a beautiful in-ground swimming pool and fenced in yard. The Second Story features all hardwood/bamboo flooring and 4 Additonal bedrooms, Full Bath with ceramic tile plus separate room perfect for an office, playroom, or walk-in storage. Recent updates include, updated kitchen with granite ’09,Bamboo Flooring in 2 bedrooms ’09, Pool liner, ’13, Hot Water Heater’ 14, Pool Pump & Chlorinator ’16 and Roof over Main House ’16. All this plus Gas Heat & 2 Car Garage. Lots of potential to finish additional rooms in the basement or just keep as- is for tons of storage. Easy Commuter Access and plenty of parking. Showings Start on Sunday at the Open House Noon til 2pm! Celebrate the Holidays with Plenty of Room for All!
163 Worcester St, North Grafton, MA
Price: $260000
Buyer lost financing! Yesterday’s Charm and Character meets Today’s Modern Conveniences! Circa 1800 Center Hall Colonial has been lovingly maintained,tastefully updated, and enjoyed for over 30 years by the same family. The first level features 8+ ft ceilings, wide pine floors, updated cabinet packed EIK with S/S appliances, double sinks, walk-in Pantry and built in hutch. Enjoy a 1st Floor Master Bedroom, with updated ½ bath, double closet and fireplace. Dining and Living Room have their own fireplace as well.Bonus features include an updated laundry room plus and enclosed porch lead ing to your private fenced back yard with lush mature landscaping, perennial flowers, fruit bearing plants and cozy pergola. The second story features recently remodeled full bath with separate tub and shower plus FIVE additional bedrooms. Plenty of room for extended or growing family. Commuter Dream Location with several major routes as well as access to commuter rail all under 5 minutes
7 Falmouth Dr, North Grafton, MA
Price: $245066
Investor opportunity! This property was recently foreclosed by a bank or financial institution and is now available to purchase online at Auction.com ending 03-10-2017. Visit Auction.com now to view additional photos, Property Reports with title information, Plat maps with property lines and Interior Property Inspection Reports when available. Auction.com sells properties across the country online for financial institutions and government agencies who are very motivated to sell to investors. Don’t miss this special opportunity to buy homes at wholesale prices! In our online auctions and live Foreclosure Sales, Auction.com currently has 50 properties scheduled for sale in Worcester County and 176 throughout Massachusetts. All properties and sale details can be found with a simple search at Auction.com. Create a FREE account today to find more properties like this one, save searches of properties that meet your investment criteria and have the properties you’re looking for emailed directly to you when posted in an upcoming sale event. To view the complete details of this exact property, click the Auction.com link below or paste the Property ID 2284816 into the search bar at Auction.com
142 Worcester St, North Grafton, MA
Price: $164900
The property at 142 Worcester St, North Grafton, Massachusetts is a Residential Single Family property with 5 bedroom(s) and 4.0 bathroom(s), built in 1850 and is 3349 square feet. Live bidding is ACTIVE for this property, sold in “as is” condition without contingencies or warranties. Make your bid now!
37 Deernolm St, North Grafton, MA
Price: $375000
Pristine and move in ready colonial style home, with 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, central air, gas heat, city sewer, city water, and located just a short drive to the Mass Pike or the Grafton Commuter Rail! The exterior of the home features ample off street parking, a spacious back yard for family events, and an attached garage. Just inside the front door, you will find a tiled foyer/breakfast nook opening up into a spacious family room with lots of natural lighting, and to the right you’ll find a tiled galley kitchen with newer stainless appliances. Additional features of the main floor are the half bath, a formal dining room with hardwood flooring, and formal living room with a fireplace. The second floor is accessed by two separate stair cases and features 4 large bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. New Viessmann gas furnace in 2015, newer replacement windows, and exterior painting/stain. Don’t miss your chance for this well maintained home in such a convenient location!
4 Village Ln, North Grafton, MA
Price: $199900
Build your own dream home in this quiet residential cul-de-sac neighborhood. This parcel is at the end of the cul-de-sac with over 1.6 acres. Some of the lot has been cleared. Proposed house site set about 35 ft from road. Perc test completed in 2016. Septic plans for a four bedroom house and survey plans in hand. Waiting for approval from the town. Conveniently located near highways, shopping, restaurants. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!
2 Woodbridge Ct, North Grafton, MA
Price: $399900
Tri Level Style Stunning three year young unit in Flint Pond Estates. Walk in from your two car garage or beautiful foyer, with a staircase that will bring you to the main level. This home has a beautiful open floor plan with so many upgrades. Master suite with walk-in closet and hardwoods throughout the main floor. Gas fireplace and cathedral ceiling in living room. Kitchen has upgraded cabinets, granite counters and stainless steel appliances. Dining room features crown and picture frame molding. Main level laundry. Private deck and patio to enjoy dining al fresco or just lounging. Co nvenient to Commuter Rail, major routes, retail shopping and more!
18 Lincoln Ln, North Grafton, MA
Price: $349900
Absolutely stunning 2 bedroom 2.5 bath end unit in sought after Forest Hills! Sunny open and spacious with gleaming hardwoods throughout 1st floor and transom windows. Beautiful custom Maple kitchen with granite and SS appliances, tile flooring and peninsula with breakfast bar. The living room offers a cozy gas fireplace, and is open to the dining room with crown molding and sliders to the deck. 2nd floor bedrooms are spacious and Master suite has 2 closets and a luxurious tile bath with soaking tub, double sinks and separate shower. Laundry is also found on the 2nd floor along with ano ther large bedroom and full bathroom. The lower level has 2 finished rooms and sliders to the stamped concrete patio. Gas heat, a yard that backs up to woods and central air conditioning top off the amenities in this great home located close to the MA Pike, Rte 146 and the T station!
29 Bernard Rd, North Grafton, MA
Price: $194988
Welcome to 29 Bernard Rd, North Grafton! Come view this adorable 2-bedroom bungalow w/white picket fence & loads of charmReady for you to call home! House situated on lot in a way that makes the .22 acres feel quite spacious, allowing plenty of space for gardens & chickens (chicken coop included!). Major updates include: NEW ROOF, HIGH EFFICIENCY BOILER & WATER HEATER all in 2013. More great features include vinyl siding, large 18×10 STORAGE SHED, FRESH PAINT through out, WASHER & DRYER, WOODEN BLINDS in most rooms, loads of windows and plenty of storage in the walkou t basement. Enjoy relaxing in your 3-SEASON PORCH. Beautifully UPDATED KITCHEN & BATH with plenty of cabinet space. Master BR large enough for King size bed, bedside tables and more. Great walkability neighborhood very close to Lake Ripple, shopping, restaurants, banks and ice cream! Commuters dream w/T-station just about 3 miles away, easy access to Mass Pike, Route 20, 122, 122A, and Rt. 30. WELCOME HOME!
135 Worcester St #3, North Grafton, MA
Price: $89900
3 unit Bldg. Spacious rooms and new deck. New carpet is needed and some updates but good opportunity to be in Grafton for investor or Owner occupied. Convenient to all major routes. Easy to show!!
100 Old Westboro Rd, North Grafton, MA
Price: $399900
Conveniently located near Westboro line, and nicely set off the road, this oversized Split Entry Home will impress for sure! Enjoy large, sun filled Country Kitchen with skylight,center island,and dining area. Great open floor plan with 4 Season Sunroom off the Kitchen with sliders to composite deck. Living Room with custom brick wood burning fireplace opens to formal Dining Room. Three generously sized Bedrooms and full Bath on the main floor. Need more room? Check out professionally finished lower level featuring large Family Room, Guest Bedroom with fireplace, full Bath and Laundry R oom. New roof (2011), replacement windows, new vinyl siding, new 4BR septic system (2004), a whole house Generac propane powered generator, and the list goes on. A wonderful place to call home! Just minutes to T-train, highways, shopping and schools! FIRST OPEN HOUSE THIS SUNDAY MARCH 5TH, 1- 3PM! DON’T MISS IT!!
41 Hingham Rd, North Grafton, MA
Price: $269900
This bright, charming 3 bedroom ranch located in desirable North Grafton is full of updates and move-in ready! The property features 1 acre of land in a beautiful neighborhood setting with community playground. Kitchen is equipped with stainless appliances, granite countertops, hardwood floors and offers two possible dining areas! Perfect location for commuting, this home is minutes to the Mass Pike, Route 9 and Route 20. You won’t want to miss this one! Welcome HOME!
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-north-grafton-ma/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158170976895
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