#tbc I *am* having fun I just also love complaining
st-just · 2 years
Wrath of the Righteous Thoughts
Because @self-loving-vampire asked and I can't sleep, scattered and incoherent because it's like 3am
I would have liked this game significantly better if it was somehow a visual novel - started lowering the difficulty in the final dungeon because all the tough-but-contextless demon fights just got tedious
But I did like it! And at 128 hours of playtime for like $40 I really don't have much room to complain tbh
Companions were mostly actually good! To the extent that I'm tempted to ever replay this game, it's to play less of a robotic merciless bitch and get closer to the ones I mostly ignored/ended up killing
Ember and Aru probably had the best personal plots, with the best writing and most, like, relevance. Daeran's seems like it would have been great if I'd really used him at all. Laan and Seelah's arcs were well executed but super generic. Camellia is such an edgy bitch I'm half tempted to do an evil playthrough next entirely to see hers through to the end. Regil and Greybor's companion quests seem to exist entirely because they're expected, and neither really seemed to actually have any sort of arc at all. I don't care about cleric dude or his brother enough to have an opinion on theirs.
Oh also autistic foxgirl wizard was fun but I'm not doing any quest that involves hunting for random masks across the entire map so I can remember to double back and complete an elaborate puzzle, sorry. Hope her plot was cool, though
Generally, I appreciate there must be an audience for all the puzzles strewn around everywhere. I am not one of them. Every time you actually needed to complete one I used a guide, and every other time I ignored them.
Actually a pretty big fan of the crusade managment, but wish it had more depth? And wasn't so trivial - by the time I got any of my cool endgame mythic units, I'd already cleared the entire map with my deathstack of marksmen, signifiers and hellknights. The 'final boss' such as it was - the 15 strength champions of the abyss from hitting mil level 8 - was just kind of pathetic. The level up choices were fun, though!
Wish my being an Aeon had come up more in that area, though - in the acutal plot it was gratifyingly relavent pretty often, but in the NPC interactions in the citadel it was barely ever mentioned. Even after exiling all the failiable corrupt humans form my city and importing axiomites and inevitables to replace them.
Aeon quest was a real highlight generally, tbh, even though it was totally at odds with how the mythic spark was treated by the narrative - demonic corruption, etc, etc - generally. Feel like demon or angel would fit more naturally in the narrative. Not that I'm ever going to do either of those.
Like I can't emphasize enough how there was literally 2-5x more fights than were at all fun or interesting, and I deserve compensation for every time I had to rest and then reapply buffs
My understanding of the actual main plot should probably not be given too much consideration because the game outright scolded me for missing the main villain's backstory exposition in her secret lab and Iz but as a general high fantasy power fantasy thing it was fine? Like, the character writing is the selling point here, not the actual overall plot tbc, but it was well executed and hit the important beats of the genre imo.
It's legitimately hilarious and incredible stupid how many places you can - and indeed often have to - just set up a tent and get a good night's sleep in the middle of raiding some demon lair or enemy fortress with a trail of bloody carnage behind you and just, no one ever has any problem with this. The demons always wait patiently for you to have breakfast and put the ten away before continuing to slaughter them.
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satanfemme · 2 years
lately I've been very obsessively browsing etsy for animal "costume" accessories; mostly realistic fur ears, all kinds of tails, fursuit paws, etc. and also leather products on occasion cause Of Course, but that's off-topic for this post tbh. and altho this window shopping started out fun, at this point it's definitely disordered/ getting in the way of my life a little bit, cause I'll literally spend hours every other day doing this very repetitive and unproductive* activity, instead of whatever's on my actual to-do list. the latter of which, on days like today, includes actually important things that other people are depending on me for!!!
but ofc the pressure of having multiple "important" tasks to do messing with my executive dysfunction more than anything else, so here I am bookmarking 100 different ear+tail sets instead. it's kinda painful in a self-made-hell kinda way.
(* and tbc this is unfortunately unproductive by my own standards of enjoyment as well, not just in the capitalism sense. though I'd be lying if that weren't also a factor in my frustration)
anyways, idk what the point of this post is other than to complain about my own neurotype/disorder(s). I think I was originally going to make a "we get it, u don't identify as a human" type joke, but on second thought the problem is too depressing to me rn to joke about like that. like, YEAH, if I HAD free built-in fuzzy dog ears and/or a normal relationship with my irl body/sense of self, this WOULDN'T be an issue. that is certainly true and only funny if the situation is abstracted and decontextualized from my real life.
but, I will say these little treats are expensive as FUCK. if/when I actually purchase something, it'll for sure be just one item (instead of a matching set), and for sure be a "budget" option instead of one of the super high-quality pieces I'd really love. ntm, even then it'd be a major splurge... doubly so considering the lack of functionality. my last major splurge was on the hip bag I use DAILY for work and even then I still feel guilty sometimes for spending so much on it. so in conclusion: ~if anyone would like to paypal me $300 just for fun shopping reasons...-- 😳
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
Miss Writer
Pairing: Brian Kang x female reader
World: To Be Continued
Genre: writer au / fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: So I had no intentions of returning to the TBC world so soon, but as you can read below, I had a bit of trouble trying to write something for 2021 and this is the result of my nonsense thoughts at the time. I really am happy I wrote this as it feels like a good opening act for what’s to come this year!
Word count: 1558
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“Hey! Did you hear about the writer who didn’t want to write?”
“They what?”
“She sat there for hours on end, just avoiding every idea that came to mind.”
“But why? Aren’t writers meant to write?”
“Why am I writing this?” you complained out loud, sighing heavily and leaning back in your computer chair. Staring at the basic dialogue in your word document, you groaned.
Why was it so hard to write?
You had been through this before. Where the words wouldn’t flow the right way, and your characters felt hollow.
But that was because Brian wasn’t in the story at the time.
You couldn’t solve this the way you had back then either. Once Brian had gone back into the world he had stepped out of, you finished the story without any further mishaps. In this case, you didn’t have any other fictional characters stepping out of any novel you had written to send back in. You didn’t even have a character to write about.
That was no doubt the whole problem.
“Miss Writer,” a voice called out, and you turned, smiling warmly at the man leaning against the threshold. Brian tipped his head in your direction. “How’s it going? Is your next bestseller getting ready to leap onto the pages?”
“Ha! At the rate I’m going, I might as well retire.”
“What?” Walking over to your side, Brian then leaned down to inspect your laptop’s screen. “You’ve written only four lines in two hours.”
“Four lines are better than none, though, I can’t say they’re four impressive lines,” you muttered, pouting up at the man. “I’m broken.”
“Shall I fix you?” he murmured, leaning down to kiss you. His lips were almost on yours when the doorbell rang. Brian heaved in a heavy breath. “If that’s Sungjin, I swear…”
“It’s probably Lily,” you mentioned with a knowing smile, climbing out of your chair and heading down to the front door to answer it. When you swung it open, however, you merely stared back at the woman standing there.
“Can we help you?” Brian asked from over your shoulder, right when you gasped noisily. “Y/N?”
“You’re… you’re… no way.”
Sungjin leaned around the side of the house and grinned. “Y/N! You need to stop making people so realistic that they come to life.”
“I’m confused,” Brian announced as you began to bounce with excitement, reaching out to touch the woman’s hand before you.
She grabbed it warmly and grinned at you. “I’m so amazed to finally meet you!”
“Ella,” you murmured and then glanced at Sungjin standing all too protectively at her side. “You found your Constable.”
“Ella?” Brian echoed and then lurched forward, leaning over you. “Ella from the Protector story?!”
Ella nodded and held out her hand to Brian. “You must be the first of our kind, Brian Kang, right?”
“Our kind?”
“Well, I had to explain it somehow to Ella,” Sungjin admitted with a chuckle. “It’s not every day that characters step out of documents, now is it?”
“Maybe that’s why I can’t write,” you murmured, watching the instant despair cross over your friend’s face, whilst a smug smile appeared on your partner’s. Rolling your eyes, you shunted Brian in the side before stepping aside and letting them inside. “Come, I promise this time I’m more equipped to dealing with my characters in the flesh. I won’t be fainting this time.”
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“I’m starting to get worried now,” Brian confessed later in the evening as he carried your cat Binks around. “If Ella’s here too, who’s going to be next?”
“Well, considering I can’t seem to create anyone, you won’t have a problem any time soon.”
Brian pointed at you in warning. “Don’t you dare go opening Destined’s file.”
“Ooh, now there’s an idea!” you teased, grinning at Brian as you approached him. Stretching up to kiss him softly, you shook your head. “I doubt I could love anymore more than you if I tried.”
“And you always say I’m the charmer yet here you are causing my heart to go erratic with lines like that,” Brian stated with a giddy smile, his eyes disappearing and turning into little crescents.
“Well, you can’t be the one with the upper hand all the time.”
“Miss Writer.”
“I don’t think Ella is the problem this time. I think you’re just putting too much pressure on your shoulders.”
“Pressure?” you repeated with a frown and Brian placed Binks down before nodding at you. “Of course, I’m under pressure! I have to get my first chapter to Lily by next week, and I have nothing, not even a name.”
“You’re trying to write the next best thing, aren’t you?”
“That’s the whole concept of being an author, Brian. Writing something better than your last story. We’re always on the path of personal growth during this journey, Brian.”
“I know,” he agreed initially, rubbing your shoulders affectionately. You let out a small whine, not realising how tense your body was until he touched you. Brian instantly moved behind you and started working out the knots residing there. He stopped, leaning close to your ear. “But can’t you just write something for fun?”
“Isn’t that the whole point of writing? To enjoy the world you create. You’ve been non-stop since I’ve known you. Before my world, you write a four part series with Jinyoung, then a three part series with me and Charli. Right after that, you completed Protector, and now you’re looking to follow that up as quickly as you can even though it’s only in the publication stages.”
Brian stepped around to face you, his face growing concerned. “Why don’t you slow down? Write something just for yourself.”
“I have. I wrote you into existence,” you reminded, and Brian slid his hands around your waist and tugged you closer. Placing your palms upon his chest, you gazed up at him lovingly. “I have to write something worth publishing.”
“Do you?”
“Why not write something that the world will never see?” Brian offered and you chewed on your bottom lip in thought. “I think you’ve forgotten the joy of writing just for yourself, Miss Writer.”
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The following morning, you sat at your desk deep in thought. Brian’s words had played over in your mind throughout the night and still were at the forefront of your mind now.
Did he think you had lost your personal enjoyment along the way as an author?
“Hey, that can’t be right,” you hummed, shaking your head before posing your index finger back up to your lips.
Had you?
The last time you had written something just for your own pure enjoyment was Destined. Sure, you had been excited by your ideas ever since, and laughed, cried, grown frustrated and been endlessly happy with the words you had crafted. But you were also contracted to write down those words. Since the third part of Destined, you had been signed under the publishing house you belonged to and had written consistently since. You hadn’t taken any time to write for yourself, aside from short stories here and there when you didn’t feel like working on a bigger story.
Even though you had enjoyed the journey thus far, it hadn’t been one you took alone.
“Maybe Brian’s right,” you said, blinking a couple of times before reaching into the top drawer of your desk for your external hard-drive. Glancing at the clock to see how much time you had left before Brian got home from running errands, you took in a deep breath, opening up your older fiction files.
Back here you were full of naivety and fresh ideas. The world was your oyster, as the saying went, and you had been hoarding many of them. As you scanned the title of projects you once hoped to write, you shook your head in amazement.
“There’s so many ideas here that I haven’t tried yet,” you breathed, stopping on one and clicking to expand the notes on it. “Wow, an enemies to lovers story.”
You continued to make your way through, finding an assortment of ideas. From fluff to angst, and all those in between, you had ample inspiration here to fill an entire year of stories.
“Should I indulge myself in writing these for a bit and come back to writing my next novel at a later date?” you wondered, your smile growing as your computer’s cursor hovered over an idea that piqued your interest.
“I’m back!” a voice called out and you spun around in your chair, leaping up and dashing into the arms of the man you loved. Brian chuckled. “Well, I missed you too!”
“You were right! Instead of looking for the best idea for my next story, I need to take some time off and write for me.”
“I was, huh?” he mused with satisfaction, cupping your face within his hands. “So what do you plan to write next?”
“I have so many ideas! There’s general domestic stories and a murder mystery, some periodic pieces about pilots and regency era based ideas. Of course, there’s a bunch of fluffy ideas, with a few royal au ones and even pirates! But you know, there’s one I really want to try first.”
“Which is?”
You grinned before poking his nose fondly. “You’ll just have to wait and find out what’s to come.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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justjen523 · 6 years
Save You
Saeran x MC, Saeyoung
Rating E (18+)
Sorry for the delay, had a lot of family matters to attend to. However, I made this chapter longer to hopefully make up for it. Thanks for your patience! :)
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Chapter 6 - Games
I awoke to the smell of breakfast being made. When my eyes opened, Saeran was still passed out next to me, his face angelic in sleep. What a precious and adorable sight. It was impossible not to gaze at him and smile lovingly. Seeing him so peaceful had become one of my greatest wishes and always satisfied me so much to see it happen. I couldn’t help myself from wanting to touch him. My fingers gently caressed his cheek causing him to stir. 
“Nm?” His eyes slowly opened, blinking the sleep away. A perfect smile greeted me immediately.
“You spoil me.” He chuckled pulling me against him to cuddle.
“Do I?”
“Mmm yes. Though I’m certainly not complaining. I love having your beautiful face be the first thing I see when I awake each morning.” 
The door flung open and in walked Saeyoung dressed from head to toe in a nurses outfit, heals and all carrying a tray. I couldn’t suppress my laughter and immediately covered my mouth with my hand trying to absorb it. Saeran on the other hand had frozen in place a moment seemingly too shocked to figure out how to respond yet. His brother took advantage of this opportunity and made his way to my side of the bed.
“Well good morning to you two. I trust you slept quite well brother.” Oh shit! That’s right.....last night.....I couldn’t help but laughing harder and burying my face in my hands. 
“S-Seven! Oh my god I’m so sorry.....pfffft! Hahaha!” Poor Saeran was completely lost and just stared with a furrowed brow trying to catch up with everything.
“Umm......yeah so....about that.” I start but Seven just waves his hand as if to say ‘I get it but I really don’t want to talk about you blowing my brother.’ 
“Why the hell are you dressed like a nurse?!” Saeran finally finds his voice startling the both of us.
“Aww, what’s wrong with that? I think he looks good as a nurse!”
“I knew you’d get me _____! She knows beauty when she sees it. I am fabulous, don’t be jealous.”
“Shhhh....stress gives you wrinkles.”
“Here, have some pancakes.”
“I don’t want-
“Saeran don’t be rude!” Rolling his eyes he sighs dramatically.
“Just so you know, I’m only eating them because of _____.” Seriously these two. Definitely brothers even now after all this time and hurt feelings.
“Why are they shaped this way?” I hadn’t paid any attention to them till Saeran mentioned something.
“Are these.....?” Seven smiles mischievously at me before turning his expression back to completely innocent.
“Celebratory Rocket-ships!”
“Seriously.....?” Saeran’s expression is flat and unamused as he stares at his brother. 
“Well I should be off! Looks like our little patient is on the mend. I will be back later to check in on-”
“No. Don’t.” I elbow Saeran who doesn’t even budge when it makes contact.
“Yes, thank you Nurse Seven for your generosity!”
“You are very much welcome! And now I bid you, adieu.” With a rather impressive curtsy he leaves and shuts the door behind him leaving me with Mr. Grumpy Bear.
“What? I think that was a wonderful gesture. He’s trying to make up with you!”
“By making me penis pancakes?” He asks incredulously and I can’t help but laugh.
“Celebratory Rocket-ships.” I correct.
“Uh-huh....sure. I may be inexperienced but I’m not stupid.” He folds the pancake over several times before fitting all of it in one bite. 
“Someone must be hungry! I’m so glad to see you have an appetite. It means you are definitely on the mend!”
“Why was he dressed like a woman?” Pfffft....I should have known he wasn’t going to let this one go. 
“Does it bother you?”
“That my brother was dressed as a female nurse? No, it’s the most natural thing in the world.” 
“This seems to be common seeing as you’re not the least bit surprised.”
“I think it’s cute.”
“Cute? My brother cross-dressing is...cute?”
“Honestly? He makes for a sexy woman.” Saeran practically chokes on a bite of pancake making me pat his back as I chuckle to myself. After handing him a glass of orange juice to wash it all down he looks at me suspiciously. 
“What?” I smirk at him playfully. He just shakes his head and goes back to eating still staring at me.
“Would it make you feel better if I told you I think you’d make a gorgeous woman too?” He stops chewing and tilts his head to the side as if he heard me wrong.
“Ohhhh pleeeeeeease let me do your make-up though! I could make you so much hotter than your brother!”
“A-Are we seriously having this conversation right now?” I give him a quizzical stare and he exhales sharply.
“I just want to eat my breakfast without having to think about where my brother buys his pantyhose.”
“I bet you would look sexy in pantyhose...”
“You’re not gonna let this go are you?” He says this with a mischievous smile I have never seen before and it makes my heart race. There is so much I really don’ t know about him and the thrill of learning more has become quite entertaining. From what I have learned this far about the man formerly known as “Ray”, he is not as fragile and desperate a boy as I first imagined. He is actually quite complex and considering how gentle and afraid he originally came across as, he is strong, stubborn, has quite a temper and freely speaks his mind whenever his brother is concerned. 
“You’re a mystery to me.” I finally manage and his eyebrows raise as if I said something extremely unusual. 
“I’M the mystery? I find you far more mysterious. I mean, any girl who wants to see men dress as women are fascinating all by themselves.” I can’t help but laugh as he says this. He does have a point. 
“So does that like....turn you on?” 
“W-Woah! For being so shy-”
“-who said I was shy? I told you. I’m inexperienced that’s true, but that doesn’t mean I’m not still a man.”
“True but, before last night.....” That expression. No....
“Saeran Choi! You little pervert!” I swat at him careful where I am hitting but he is laughing so hard I want to knock him out.
“You lied to me!”
“I didn’t lie. I have never touched another person sexually before nor has anyone touched me. I never had the time or desire for my mind to think about such things before so the need to...well it just wasn’t necessary. That doesn’t mean I don’t know how that stuff works.”
“So you knew damn well what I was...,why didn’t you say anything!?”
“Where’s the fun in that? You absolutely love the idea of corrupting me don’t you? I thought I’d play along a little.” What a sadistic grin!
“I want to know more about you.”
“Yeah? What do you want to know? You only get one free question per day, everything else you’ll just have to discover the old fashioned way.”
“Aww only one? Hmmm....” I really needed to think about this one. It had to be something I couldn’t learn unless I asked.
“Okay but this is a little complicated so it may take a couple questions to get the answer?”
“That’s totally cheating.” I give him my best pouty face and he rolls his eyes. 
“Fine, but this is the only time I’ll allow it.”
“Yay! Okay so. What I want to know is who was “Ray”? You are definitely not the same man you were when we were at Mint Eye together. You’re like a completely different person! Not in a bad way don’t get me wrong but just, wow. Were you pretending to be someone else?” He smiles gently and his eyes show confidence as he gazes at me lovingly.
“Ray was a name given to me by the Sav- Rika. When I drank the elixir it allowed all of my repressed anger, rage, resentment and pain to come to the surface. It pushed down all of the love, hope and capacity for kindness creating a barrier between the two. In truth, it eventually split me in two leaving each with it’s own personality. Like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide. Ray was the embodiment of everything Rika thought was worthless and so she gave him a name that meant nothing. Ray. However, Saeran was hard to control and destructive so she had no choice but to let Ray do the work most of the time.” 
“S-Saeran. I....I’m so sorry.” I didn’t even realize I had been crying until his finger wipes the tears ready to fall down my cheek. 
“It took me a while to piece everything together. After the elixir wore off and had been fully out of my blood stream, the two personalities started to merge back together. The me you see before you now is the real me. All the pieces of the puzzle put back in their proper place.”
“You’re perfect Saeran Choi. The most beautiful, wonderful soul I have ever met and I can’t believe you’re mine.”
“Are you not? Was I-”
“Haha relax. Of course I’m yours. Is it safe to say then that you are mine also?”
“Yes, my heart and soul belong to you and only you. I love you.”
“I love you too ______.” We share a sweet and tender kiss, the kind only lovers do and my heart feels like it’s home.
“Go away Saeyoung!”
“Saeran, at least try to be nice....”
“Housekeeping!” Seven enters in full maid attire complete with feather duster. I can’t help but laugh loudly this time while Saeran sips his orange juice staring at his brother with a displeased expression. It might just be me but I could swear there’s a hint of a smile hidden beneath that gruff exterior he’s presenting. 
“Wow Miss! I absolutely LOVE that color lipstick!”
“Oh bless your adorable little heart! Girls secret? Russian Red Matte lipstick by MAC. I absolutely love their entire line.”
“Thanks! I am definitely going to go check that out! Would you two excuse me a moment? I have someone I KNOW would look gorgeous with the right shade. Be right back! I lean in and give a surly looking Saeran a smooch on his cheek before whispering in his ear.
“Behave and I may have a very special way of saying thanks.” With a wink I disappear out the door giving the twins their first chance to be alone and talk. I wish with all of my heart they can find their way home to one another.
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jhom09-blog · 8 years
Love at the band
Summary: Yuko and Eunjung form a band together (this fic is requested by my two great great friends and asking a Eunyeon fic.)
Kojiyuu and Eunyeon
Just a  fluffy fic
Yuko Pov
 Being in the band is hard but we enjoy the gig, the fans, the people screaming our name while were in the stage. I love the adrenaline, I love the music. I love how the vocalist sing the song I compose. I love my position, I’m not the center of attention but playing the bass is the one I love the most. We build this band 1 year ago and now everyone knows our name the ‘88’s Band’ our effort paid off, we already have an album that sell a millions in Japan.
 But even though this fame brings me on top, I missed someone, my very first fan, the one always cheering when we have a gig in the small bar. The first person, who squeal loud when we first heard our song in the radio. She’s my muse the reason I can compose a love song, but lately we drift apart. Because of my busy schedule, I don’t have time for her, if were on a tour, she’s always complain she can only see me in some TV Show. And was worse, she’s so jealous every time she will hear the ‘Eunyuu’ or the Eunjung and Yuko ship. Eunjung is our Lead Vocalist, were close because in real life were best friends. She’s a Korean but live here in Japan since she’s 10 years old. Were neighbor and we both love music when were teenager we dream that we want a band together so here we are, our dream come true. I can’t blame my girlfriend, the Eunyuu video is all over in the internet, she can watch that in youtube and some of the fans write a fanfic for us and sometimes I read them and I enjoy that. And the pictures we post in our twitter makes my girlfriend crazy, I always say don’t be jealous with that simple picture but she will pout hard in front of me and take lot of pictures together and post that in her twitter and name us ‘Kojiyuu.’ Our relationship is not a secret, a famous model Kojima Haruna that every boys in the Japan drool for her, why I will hide that? We met in some event when were just starting our band and for the first time she laid her eyes on me? She fall hard and follow me wherever I go. She’s so protective with our relationship and I’m so contented what we have.
 But these past few weeks she’s so weird, she plan a double date with me and Eunjung she said she met someone in Korea and a famous actress. And she thinks Eunjung will like that actress and till now she didn’t tell me the name of that Actress or she look like.
 “Nyan-nyan are sure about this?” I ask my girlfriend beside me, we sit in the table chair in the restaurant we reserve for that double date.
 “Yuuchan?? You didn’t trust me?” she said and right now pouting.
 “Of course I trust you but this? I lied to Eunjung, you know that!!! I didn’t tell her you want to introduce someone to her” I cross my arms in front of her.
 “I know.. but trust me with this Yuuchan.”
 “Are you doing this because you still bothered about the ‘Eunyuu’ ship?”
 “I’m not bothered with that.. you know that..”
 I furrow my eyebrow because her eyes show that she’s lying, I want to say more but someone suddenly appear in front of our table.
 “I’m so sorry I’m late, there’s a heavy traffic earlier..” Eunjung said and sit across us.
 “It’s ok.. we got here not that long” Nyan-nyan said and forget my interrogation.
 “So what is this dinner about?” Eunjung look at me and Nyan-nyan.
 I glare at Nyan-nyan for her to talk first, “Nothing.. I just missed having a dinner with you..” Nyan-nyan said.
 I look at her because I can’t believe she can lie like this, “Oh.. me too” Eunjung said, “I think we can order now..” she said again.
 “No we still cant.. my friend still not here” Nyan-nyan said.
 “Oh?? I thought this dinner is for the three of us..” Eunjung look at me and asking me through her eyes if I know about this, but I only shrugged my shoulder.
 “Oh she’s here” Nyan-nyan said excitedly.
 We both look at the door and we saw a girl with a tall girl with a slender body, wearing a white tank and a skinny jeans and I pair of boots. I raise my one eyebrow because Nyan-nyan is right she’s beautiful. When I look at Eunjung she look at the girl with intense eyes and when I look at Nyan-nyan she’s smirking and I think this going to be fun.
 “I’m so sorry Haruna, I’m so late.. I need to attend this interview earlier..” the girl said and look all the people in the table.
 “It’s ok.. you can take a sit now..” Nyan-nyan gesture her hand in the vacant chair, “By the way, I want to introduce to you my girlfriend, Oshima Yuko..” I extend my hand.
 “Nice meeting you, Oshima-san.. And I’m Jiyeon..” she said.
 I think for a while because her name is familiar.
 “And the girl beside you is Eunjung the lead vocalist, you mention you want to meet her right?” Nyan-nyan said. And then look at Eunjung, “Because Jiyeon said she’s a fan..”
 Jiyeon blush, “Well yes, I love your band’s songs and when I have a chance to work with Haruna-san and I heard her girlfriend is part of 88’s Band I ask her a favor to meet you..” Jiyeon said.
 Eunjung can say anything and this is the first time she’s speechless because of a girl, “Well, were flattered..” I said when I know Eunjung can’t say anything.
 But even if I’m the one talking she can’t take off her eyes on Eunjung, Nyan-nyan hit me with her elbow and smirk at me.
 “Well you need to introduce yourself Eunjung..” Nyan-nyan said, when the two just  look at each other.
 “Ah ye.. yes..” Eunjung is stuttering, “You can call me Eunjung, and I’m also a fan, I watch all of your movies and drmaas and right now I’m so nervous because you’re in front of me, you’re really beautiful..”
 “Thank you..” I watch Jiyeon blush with the compliment.
 “I mean.. oh wow…” Eunjung is giggling like a teenager while Jiyeon is blushing hard.
 And now I remember who is Jiyeon, she’s the one in the magazine and I heard her too with Eunjung and she said she have a crush with that girl. I look at Nyan-nyan and she just look at me and her eyes saying ‘I told you.’  
 “I think we can order now..” I said.
 “Ah yes..” Eunjung said.
 But we heard Nyan-nyan phone receive a text, “Sorry guys I need to read this first..” and after she done reading, “I’m so sorry… my parents want to see Yuko today..” she said.
 “They are?” I’m surprise about this.
 “Yes and we need to leave...” I’m still don’t have a clue what’s happening, “I’m so sorry guys, it’s ok if we leave the two of you? It seem you two both like each other..” the two blush with Nyan-nyan comment.
 “It’s ok… you two can leave, I think it’s important..” Eunjung said.
 “Are you sure?” I ask her.
 “Yes I’m fine and beside I want to ask lot of question to Jiyeon..”
 “Oh… okay…”  I said.
 We sat up in the chair and said our goodbye, when I glance at them again, I saw they are talking and Jiyeon is laughing with something. I smile wide, “I think this the best thing you do for Eunjung…” I said to Nyan-nyan when we’re walking in the parking lot.
 “I told you Yuuchan, I think they perfect for each other..”
 “You really match make her with Jiyeon are you?” I ask my girlfriend.
 “I’ am and  in the future they will forget the ‘Eunyuu’ and they will remember the ‘Eunjung’” her confession
 I shook my head because I can’t believe what Nyan-nyan said, my girlfriend is really scary if she’s jealous.
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