#tbdh musings
scioneeris · 2 years
TBDH Fan art!!
Guys, it’s Quinn!! Take a look and share some love with this wonderful artist!! 😍😍😍😍😍
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scioneeris · 2 years
I’m going to guess this is asking for more info on him, yes? 😉
Blood Title? Yes. Blood Flame in TBDH. He currently has the hottest flames and permission to use a mind-melting spell in case of emergency.
He can wield and control black fire and is open for courtship, but has a friendship Suite he’s been training with. He is a Training ACE and has trained both his current King and Queen.
He is childhood friends with one of the Vega (Shadow) Jokers, but won’t say which one. He attended Mage School with three Vega siblings and graduated with honors.
Despite his high flames, he’s practiced relentlessly for the kind of control he has now.
Does that help? 🙂
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scioneeris · 3 years
Scion: *thinking very hard* I think I forgot something. 🤔 Cheez-it’s? Coffee? RBATL Chap? Snippet??
*Finds secret stash of cheese-it’s in office drawer.*
Ohhhh. Naw. I’m good. Everything is done. 😌
Also Scion: *sends ch 115 to Brissy* 😇
*forgets to mention it anywhere* 🙄
Le sigh. 😑
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scioneeris · 2 years
Are twins always the same rank?
Are both Bahn’s twins Isla’s? (and who is the third?)
And in the same vein who is the third of Isla’s three?
Lily and Petunia. I know Jun is their bearer, but beyond that are they half sisters? Like different sires/thirds?
Yes. Unless they aren’t blood twins, then yes. They might have slightly different tendencies to a specific rank, but they will be the same. This based on the sharing-a-soul lore I have for dragels, but it gives them a significant boost when combined. While not every twin will share or merge their circle/Bonded, they will keep in contact throughout their lives and their magic will tend to sync and grow mirroring each other.
Yep. This is one of the secondary reasons that Ilsa decides she has to stay. She can’t leave like she did before.
…there’s actually spoilers in there for my Soula Deveraine series, so I’m just going to say we gotta wait to find out. There’s hints. But it’s kinda subtle and you have to look for them. 😏
Yes—different thirds. All Juniper x Briar but different thirds. I think Jasmine was who I had down as Lily’s third, idr Petunia’s.
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scioneeris · 2 years
Okay new guess for Harry’s mage/maybe advisor bonded. The currently not named son of Maia who she was scrying for in chapter 111.
Also on a similar note. The Kadel family. Are they air or nameless?
Also love Raspen. He’s adorable and I hope he’s Harry’s thou I have to admit Dawn’s brother Percy is also a favorite for Harry’s Royal match.
Ohh. Good guess!! I’m going to introduce him better after the Quinn arc. He would be an AIR option for Harry’s Circle.
Kadels are an AIR Clan. All of them. A few Storm Kadels have popped out, but they’re all Air.
Cypher Kadel is the only Shadow and he lives by Kadel rules—aka, giving up something for a stronger power, which is why he can’t fly with his wings.
Hehe. There are so many royal candidates than just the crown Royals. Raspen is definitely a good option and he cares about Harry and Co. quite a bit. Perry is also going to have some more screen time as we hit the court arc.
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scioneeris · 2 years
So during my latest re-read I noticed that Wikhn said he had joker potential. Have to wonder if that’s a clue to the fact that he swears to be Harry’s Gheyo and only Harry’s. So now I’m wondering if it means he’ll hold joker rank instead of king meaning we haven’t met Harry’s king.
Good catch!! 😉
It’s a hint that he’s dangerous. Most Gheyo Kings are the opposite of their respective ACE and Queen. In Wikhn’s case, it means his ACE would also be very dangerous and so would his Queen, who would also appear to be deceptively helpless to act as perfect bait. It’s a nod to the fact that he could be more—but doesn’t want to.
Whether Harry brings that out in him or not, depends. 😏
Originally, I had three candidates per rank for Harry, but some got combined in my first attempt to pare down the character list. He has options, some who haven’t appeared yet.
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scioneeris · 3 years
TBDH CHAPTER 112 Progress
We’re like at 3k.
And I’ve just realized that naming all of Ethan’s siblings is going to give me a headache. 😑 ahhhhhhhhhhh
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scioneeris · 2 years
Is chapter 116 gonna be the trial ??
Hi Nonnie!
No, Ch 116 wraps up the main thread of the Quinn arc and then transitions into the The Trial.
Harry has to be awake for the trial.
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scioneeris · 3 years
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Worked on the Molly and Sadara scene today. Whew. It’s kinda exhausting. 😅
Also, a new fluff snippet on Patreon if you had a lousy Monday too. 😔
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scioneeris · 3 years
Want some headcannons for Harry’s Pareyas? Yes? Ok. 😎
Ethan would be the Pareya that sprinkles crushed Ritz crackers on top of Dutch Apple pie crumb topping and make the best s’mores + mixed drinks. He’s a student. He studied. 😆
George is the Pareya that always has candy in his pocket. Different kinds depending on the day or week. Always knows a favorite candy for his Bonded and kids. Also has cough drops/throat lozenges, calming crunchies for anxious kiddos and ginger drops for upset tummies. He’s a big bro and a protective twin. He has plenty of practice. 🥰
Fred is the Pareya who makes weird sandwiches. He knows eating is important, but isn’t particularly bothered by odd combinations or strange ingredients that he’s never tried. If you ask, he will make you a sandwich. If you don’t ask, he’ll make you one anyway bc you should eat something and are you sure you’re okay? He gives headpats and hair ruffles with his sandwiches. Surprisingly, he makes a really good tomato soup. He’s a protective twin and likes using his big brain for chaotic good. 😋
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scioneeris · 4 years
Fic Meme Ask!!
For @qtsarahanne for #8 & 9 (and yes, should totally be one question, lol!!) 😊
It kind of changes a bit as I go, but:
Top 3 easiest characters to write:
😆Charlie!! He’s just so—sweet. Charming. And DRAGON!! Once I think of sweet dragons, I can’t help but want to write Charlie.
🥰Ilsa! — one of my first fave OC gheyos. She’s just such a fierce, sweet character and I’ve always seen her so clearly in my mind these days, that it’s easy to write her.
💕Surajini—my fave mama figure to write, because she’s always there for her kids and tries her best to guide her Circle as well. I love writing her triad especially. They’re so adorable together.
Top 3 hardest characters to write:
😏Bahn! —good grief, he was hard to write. I’ve gotten better with him, which is one reason why he’s in the earlier chapters so much, because I was trying to figure out how to write him.
📚Hermione! — for some reason, as much as I admire her character and her witch skills, she’s SOOO hard to write the way I want.
😤Severus — I think there was soo much more to explore with Severus’ character than what canon gave us and I always feel like I’m never quite doing him justice. I rewrite a lot of his scenes, trying to balance him out.
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scioneeris · 5 years
So I hope this doesn’t bother you but I had a question about there be dragons. With a Gheyo child do both parents have to be Gheyos or could Harry and one of his bonded have one?
Not a bother at all, hun. 😊
It kind of works like this—and remember, dragels can have three parents and most usually do. Usually a Sire, Bearer and a Third.
Sire tends to be the dominant rank
Bearer is usually the most powerful magic/elemental holder
Third can be strongest protective/offensive magic, usually the opposite of the Bearer. This is how Nameless dragels are born—the three powers can’t win out and nullify a dominant element. They usually have a strong affinity for two elements because of this.
So to answer the question—YES. lol. 😅 in the Terrible Trio Tale, we can see an AU if Harry had a son with Wikhn and Fred. 😉
Thanks for reading!! 💕
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scioneeris · 3 years
Hi! I'm just curious is you're still posting on ao3...I feel like I'm missing stuff you say you finished, unless it's only on your patron which is cool too. Just want to know...
Hey nonnie! 😊
No worries—you aren’t missing anything~! I tend to use acronyms for all of my projects and it’s a pretty even mix of original dragel stuff and HP stuff this month. I’m still posting on AO3, though the long gaps are mostly me writing and rewriting. 😅 I have not posted anything new since January, I think.
But, I’ve been working extra on writing Chapter 111 of TBDH this month—with hopes to finish the chapter this coming weekend. (Send good vibes. Lol. This chapter needs them). 😭
I also have chapters for Professor Loki, the Snape Circle and the Stay Beside Me all halfway written and/or edited. I try to focus on finishing one or two things per month. Sometimes I actually manage it. 😆
My Patreon currently has three different Patreon-only series running at the $1,$ 5,$10 tiers, respectively😉Starspun Holiday ($1) that is a Kalzik-centric holiday fluff/slice of life story, A Tender Light ($5), a Ryker’s Bane-centric hurt/comfort story and Beyond This Realm ($10) a dragels-in-another-realm Urban Fantasy story.
I also post short drabbles and specific prompt requests there when my muse is happy. Some of them do get crossposted over to AO3 and FFN, but some stay on Patreon. I also share a monthly schedule that highlights what I’m working on and how it’s going. 😄
The rest are sequels to my original dragel series and my main WIPS. For example: HH2 is book 2 of my Haunted Hearts series with Violet Morgane and SOT3 is book three of my Soula Deveraine series that will be published later this year.🤩
Mostly—I have a lot of stuff very close to “done” and updates are coming soon☺️. Since I tend to introvert when I’m really focusing on a specific project or juggling WIPs, I share a progress post so y’all know I’m still puttering around somewhere and haven’t fainted over my keyboard or anything, even if it’s just to say that I’m working on stuff I haven’t finished yet. 😅
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