#tbh I think it’s bc Louis is jealous
So I’m just re-watching episode 3 and... I really love the scenes between Louis and Jonah and.. it just occurred to me how extremely human these scenes make Louis look? Like his accent getting all strong makes total sense in the context of him talking to someone from his youth, someone who is a Black man as well.
But it it also occurred to me this is the first (and only?!) time we really see Louis flirting? Like we’ve never seen him have this kind of confidence before? He was very much denying and fighting his homosexuality when he meets Lestat (you can see it quite explicitly in a couple of scenes, also him concluding this could never happen again after having sex with Lestat for the first time). But Jonah is somebody he is familiar with, someone he knows is also queer, plus it is already established there is some mutual attraction which is being rekindled. But it is Louis actively flirting with him. Asking if he remembers their shared youth [and their “early fumbles”], which is in part due to Lestat watching them, I guess, getting even with him in a way, calling him out on his “of course”. 
But but BUT what I really wanted to say (sorry for getting off track a bit there ahsdhoas) is... there is no vampire moves to it. There is no indication he’s reading his mind, influencing him in any way with his newly won powers (which he is also still rejecting to a degree at this point). Just some very human “do you remember” and “look at my cool car” (aiosdadhs Louis I can’t even 😂😂😂). It’s just so abusrdly cute and very deeply human in a way? 
And I do kinda see how Lestat is jealous here, because Louis has never been flirting with him like this. And he keeps telling Louis (and us) how much he wants Louis to explicitly say / show he loves him? 
I mean of course it is on the other hand very obvious how Louis wasn’t like that with Lestat when he met him. One part being him struggling a lot more with his sexuality and his shame about it there. But also Lestat is being very active in pursuing Louis. Louis describes it as being hunted (we’re gonna ignore the unreliable narrator level here bc I don’t wanna go this deep here - and also bc I do believe it in general terms, I guess). Like there are parts where we see Lestat taking it kinda slow, including Lilly there to ease Louis into it. But also then getting very insistent, basically jumping a distraught Louis who is in shock over the death of his brother (with he witnessed first hand, his mother blaming him for it etc.), not leaving him alone... But then here on the other hand also Louis isn’t being only passive here. I love how it is very clearly him initiating the kiss with Lestat after Lilly is out of the picture. All these nuances and complexities really are what makes their relationship so compelling I think!
And uh... I guess I also have some thoughts about Lestat courting Louis and Vampire Moves tbh (bc I introduced the absence of them in Louis flirting with Jonah) but this post is already so long 🙈 What it does probably boil down to though (not 100% sure bc I haven’t really thought this through yet). But, in my view, he isn’t even using his Vampire Moves much? Like yeah he is in Louis’ mind and showing some tricks but... more in a showing off way than in a manipulative way? Like whatever Louis is trying to tell us here, he is just really attracted to that French guy. He may also be repulsed by him in some ways (or maybe more by his visceral reaction(s) to him, hm, Louis?) but damn he wants to fuck that guy so bad it makes him look stupid. 
And yeah you might raise the argument that Lestat does use his Vampire Moves when he’s in Louis’ head, pestering him about how he is not gonna be ignored  right after Paul died. But he first walked up to him when the family were on their way to the cemetery and.. was pestering him in quite mundane ways there, you know? Like him being in his mind was driving it to a head a bit more quickly and dramatically maybe but... knowing Lestat he would probably also have been able to be an absolute pest, just showing up again and again, not taking no for an answer (and he basically does so in ep 6, doesn’t he?). So yeah Louis is talking about vampire bonds and mind gifts but... he attracted to him. Big time. I ain’t buying your angle here, Louis.
(Only that of course I kinda do, bc Lestat is a narcissistic manipulative shit in certain ways as well. And doesn’t take no for an answer. Neither in ep 1 nor in ep 6. But then ep 7... weeelll... layers and all 😅😂 But I hope you still get my point.) 
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gracefullou · 10 months
Hope this is okay to send you! As a new louis fan I didnt even realise there was a streaming event for the first away from home, I watched it the other day and omg it was so good!!!! I also didn't realise how expressive Louis' face is when he sings!!! I've watched quite a few livestreams this year and you obviously don't always get a clear picture and I was far away at my gig but it was so fun to see!!!
And when he said "what the fuck was I worried about?!" I was so proud like "go louis!!!"
Also made me want that 28 clothing green Jersey, even more lol. (I'm currently rewatching AOTV bc my dvd arrived today and also want that 3/4 zip he wore at his first US show back (dallas?))
Do you have a favourite moment from the AFHF21 stream? (And are there any other big things I should know about and watch? Can't believe I didn't know I could watch it!! 🤣)
Hi Anon! Welcome to the fandom ❤️ and of course it's ok, i love these kind of asks! Afhf21 is just so special to my heart. I was missing him so much and then he came up with a free festival as his first live show since the pandemic, looking like a dream wearing his self designed beautiful jersey (iconic!), singing his heart out 🥹. It was just so good. There are so many moments that i absolutely love from the streaming event like the sweet moment with his grandparents after the show, that scene when he was stress cleaning, his scenes with Helene (love he actually cares about his vocal performance and works on it he even had a vocal coach with him on tour and how he doesn't shy away from being vulnerable and actually shows us how nervous he was before the show), and of course his actual performance ❤️. I'm so bad at recommendations 😭 and tbh Louis' career was kind of held on pause for a long time so there wasn't a lot of content before walls' tour (right now is the best time to be a louie bc we have enough content, i can't tell you how hard it was to be a louie before walls' release 😭). Anyway, i think the other big thing that happened besides releasing his albums and tours is the live from London streaming show so if you haven't already, i'd recommend watching it (it's available on YouTube). You can watch the igtvs from ltwt too. These next ones are not big things that happened but interviews of his that i love like his breaking down walls interview he did for walls (it's up on his YouTube channel), the track by track for walls the album and for fitf. I love his interviews with Zach Sang and the fun ones like the ladbible ones and the wired interview. The GQ one (i think it's called actually me) he did from walls era and that la resistencia interview are one of my favorites i'm obsessed so you can watch those if you haven't already 🤗. You have THE aotv dvd (which also has bty studio version and fitf bonus tracks) i'm so jealous but good for you! What a nice thing to have 😍. And saw him live in concert ! You're living the dream ❤️. Also, you're absolutely right about the 3/4 zip he wore at Dallas, it's one of my favorites and i don't see enough appreciation for her 😒, if you want to and can afford it, you should get one when they release it, it's so pretty. If you don't mind me asking, when and how did you become a fan? And what are your favorite walls and fitf songs?
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yuyu-bi · 1 year
the one thing that will always bother me about this show is how are you going to be in competition with your own child??? like i still cant get over that especially since i've experienced similar feelings and situations with my own dad w my mom :((( like it's the one time i really feel for louis bc like it's shown that he loves both of them but they're both like.....really intense w their love lmao like he does strike me as someone who doesnt open up easily when it comes to that type of emotion so it's really hard to get a read on just how much he loves either of them and it does eventually get shown but it's an...incredibly painful process lmao
like when claudia left for all those years it caused him to go into a depression that entire time bc he couldn't deal w the fact that her and lestat just didn't get along and actively disliked each other bc lestat didnt even want her in the first place sjkdfikfjka he turned her for louis lmaoooo (i dont think this about my own dad but he def doesnt like that i'm willing to disagree w him when my mom just agress to disagree just not to argue) and bc of that depression it caused him to also neglect lestat who v much needs attention....lmao an understatement
but tbh i will say her disappearing for like 7 years then coming back, saying she's going to europe and literally just came to get louis is so wrong lmaooooo i'd say it's almost hilarious tbh just w lestat's reaction to the whole situation but i get it lmaooo
tbh they're both insanely petty at times like ofc what happened after is not something you can forgive and forget but like it's kinda insane that she did that and expect everything to be fine like he would just walk out of there fine???? no tussle at all??? like what omfg but she didnt know how bad it got i guess bc louis and lestat's relationship had essentially deteriorated during that time kinda bc of her leaving being the last straw if im being honest especially seeing the type of affection louis gave claudia upon seeing her while he got nothing for like 7 years im not justifying it but i guess i get it lmao but this is what happens when you have an insanely jealous partner who you're not even sure you love in the same manner as he does you and he sees you showing a huge amount of affection towards your child while you give him nothing for years???? i'd be a bit salty idk lmao
anyways i did say later on towards the end of the season claudia just hated lestat and vice versa and wanted him gone but knew that louis wouldn't/couldn't agree to that so i do lowkey wanted to say like her concern for louis was not 100% genuine she did had her own intentions but honestly? poor louis in all of this this is why i wish he had more agency as a character bc he literally couldn't do anything for himself he lets other people decide his fate he let lestat turn him into a vampire under duress he let claudia make this whole plan for them to get away from lestat and not to mention his actual family like.....bruh i need him to have more agency :((
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fruitylouis · 2 years
How as the show????
(also totally didn't mean to unfollow and refollow you just now...)
oh thank you for asking 🥺 i’m gonna try to make this as short and coherent as possible but it’s just gonna be me rambling fvsjdf
the show was just… magical. louis is magical. uh where do i even start KDJSKF ok. he’s so PRETTY??? i mean wbk but oh my god… photos and videos don’t do his beauty justice!! and of course i need to mention how much tinier he is in person. he’s so so sooo pretty and tiny <3 as soon as i saw him i was like “pixie on stage!”
his voice. how do i talk about his voice? well instagram lives definitely don’t do it justice! we’ve heard him sing live so many times but being there while he performs is just something else. he sounded so so incredible i was in awe the whole time. i mean i know he can sing but he’s been touring for months now and he doesn’t sound tired at all? his voice never falters? it’s actually the opposite? he just gets better and better with every show. and listen. i know nothing about singing but i do know louis’ voice is perfect and one of my favorite things in the world ❤️‍🩹
his band is also SO GOOD omfg i love them. the guitar solo in fearless. holy shit. it was just 👩🏻‍🍳😙👌🏻 michael 👩🏻‍🍳😙👌🏻 ah and seeing the band thank the fans for the show as they left the stage was so cute <3
oh i almost forgot to mention sun room rip. they were so much fun!! when we got inside i was so tired from being in the sun the whole day and then running and climbing stairs but when the music came on i suddenly got all my energy back and more lol ✨
the only thing that wasn’t so great about my experience was my spot ☹️ i was at the barricade but on the right (or louis’ left) and i’m beating myself up for this bc that was CLEARLY not a good spot but my dumb ass thought it was :( then i couldn’t leave bc the middle of the pit was even worse at that point. i’m trying not to dwell on it but it’s hard fjskdf after all i queued for 10 hours :/ (apparently not nearly enough bc a lot of people camped for WEEKS. i kinda hate brazilian fans tbh) and people who were behind me in line got way better spots (including a girl who kept singing the entire 1d discography while we waited. yes i am petty and jealous). i won’t even post the videos and pics i took bc they’re embarrassing 😭 but i watched the show next to oli and krystle lol (and chris too for the first few minutes)
but anyways! LOUIS WAS SO HAPPY!!!! and to think i was part of that… AHHHH 🥺 i mean the things he said specifically about brazil and our crowd just from his FIRST solo concert here… it has already done more for me than therapy! that moment during beautiful war when he just stopped to take it all in??? i almost fell to my knees and started sobbing. i’m proud of making him feel so loved and appreciated 💗 also after last night i can’t understand how there are fans who care about anything other than him???? like. nothing else matters.
i’ve lost 50% of my voice and i can’t wait to lose all of it tomorrow when i see him again hehe <3 i think that’s a nice reminder that i screamed songs i love and have waited so long to hear live :’) i truly had an amazing experience and the thought of him not being back in a few years is even more terrifying now 😵‍💫
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anne-i-write · 4 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons
| requested by anon: Hiya! Could you maybe do something for the Moriarty brothers and a reader who does tarot readings? Thanks in advance! |
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader
word count: 665
a/n: hhh remember when i said i would be more active,,, yeah me too. not to make excuses, but i am in my senior year and i’m really cutting it close with all these deadlines but i do have some free time in my days so i’ll try and do everything by then! so, please enjoy these headcannons! also, i don’t do much tarot readings so i hope this is okay!
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william: 276 words
to be frank again, i don’t really see the men believing in tarot
william loves you though so he supports it either way
he’s gentleman enough to hold back his actual thoughts
he doesn’t have the heart to tell you though
you know he thinks its all fake
tbh you’re not even bothered, so many people have told you to “get lost” bc they didn’t believe in it either
however, you both find a middle ground after he saw you hustling some nobles at a party
it’s a perfect combination
you get money and william gets easy access into nobles’ manors
sometimes he catches you picking out cards for yourself
he likes it bc you get a cute smile on your face when you pull a card
he also stays with you when you do pick your card bc u tend go quiet for a bit
nothing serious, just meditating
he falls asleep sometimes and when you are finished meditating, he’s sleeping quietly and ur heart just,,,
man needs some rest too please he’s always thinking
does entertain you though
is it bc he’s also lowkey curious??? we’ll never know
he asked you to read his cards once and the smile you gave him when you knew he was being serious made his his heart just,, boom
dw you’ve been doing this long enough to know you won’t be biased in your readings
has thought about taking it seriously
i mean,,, your cards did give good advice and they were pretty effective
comes to you for readings when he’s really REALLY stumped on how to go about some things
all in all 10/10 bf
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louis: 182 words
tries to be nice about it lmao
oh you were able to read for someone? amazing! can you help out around the house now pls i beg
doesn’t really like having something other than his brothers telling him what he is supposed to do
after all, their word is kinda law??
but after running into sherlock on the train, he’s kinda confused
why would william let him sit with them? why would they help catch the criminal? sherlock would have easily solved the case himself
isn’t william’s team enough? why lead sherlock on and possibly incriminate himself?
so he’s not too thrilled
he comes to you, extremely hesitant
because no, tarot cards are not for telling the future like what everyone thinks
but because cards are supposed to help during troubling times
you have to remind him of that
there’s no divine powers, nothing supernatural, just fate and the world giving you advice
does it in secret though
and you respect that entirely
he is definitely more comfortable around it now tho
but he won’t go to another tarot reader
only you >:/
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albert: 207 words
hhh you first meet him bc he paid you to do his reading
he didn’t believe in it
but he was bored and was like “i have nothing better to do”
you also tell him that it doesn’t predict the future
so your cards give him the advice
and he used it once 
it worked wonders
so he was like,, aight maybe i should see that reader again
but when he sees you again, there’s a woman harassing you and he steps into your aid
you thank him with a free reading
he wants to get to know you better after
so he takes you to a restaurant you are FAR underdressed for
he doesn’t care and so you both start chatting
fancies you INSTANTLY
he knows you can swindle people if you don’t like their energy
not by giving them false advice, but just really, really, really vague answers
introduces you to his brother and team
you’re very pleasant to be around so they accept you immediately
albert becomes very protective of you around sebastian
he’s just jealous lmao
you help the men get close to their desired target easily
and his mind opens just a lil when you read for him
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moriarty the patriot general taglist: @zoehanji
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hazzabeeforlou · 3 years
Tbh I think now many people don't really think h is straight, but they use the excuse of "h said he is unlabeled" (?) so with fans saying he's gay (altho we just mean he's not straight, bcs we don't really know his sexuality), it's wrong haha
I mean I’m jealous you weren’t here last week when *someone* on this website literally said we should respect Louis saying he’s “straight” and Harry’s stunt relationships lol. But besides those of us who SHOULD know better, a ton of het harries sadly exist and they’re not even antis, and they make up a HUGE portion of his fanbase. I do hope (and believe) that lots of them will come to change their minds and still adore him, but I’ve been disappointed by cis het people on a constant basis so uh..... not holding my breath nony ;)
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zot3-flopped · 3 years
tbh people who are usually either loved or hated are quite controversial, Harry just chills and does his thing! I can’t imagine having any kind of hate for a someone like him. If his music isn’t your cup of tea fine but his reputation in general is that he’s a nice guy who minds his own business. ppl who hate him are usually fake woke internet gays trying to gate keep fluid sexualities and gender non conforming fashion, and other jealous stans. it’s usually a reflection of you and your insecurities when you despise someone for ridiculous and often made up reasons. And rads are just scary and not normal because they obviously see themselves in Louis and need to make someone the villain, in this case Harry bc he’s everything they wish they were as well as Louis
He's definitely more loved than hated, and nobody cares what 1d stans and Trump supporters like Candace think.
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pop-punklouis · 5 years
While listening to louis and Harry’s songs what comes to your mind about their personality when they’re together ? Like who fights the most ? Who says sorry first? Who kisses and cuddles the other one more? when they have an argument who sleeps in another room? Who’s more dramatic and who’s more romantic? Who’s more jealous ? Who’s asks for loyalty? Tell me your thoughts?! ☺️
Fights most: i think they both do tbh. they’re both so passionate and fierce i think they’d both get lost in arguments with one another and they’d go round and round until the flame died down lol
Sorry First: oh harry’s ass definitely would not. he’s way too prideful. he’s the one who is in the kitchen loudly chopping veggies while louis is trying to watch footie and purposefully slamming fridge doors to get his attention until louis turns around and sighs before giving in even if harry was the one in the wrong
Kisses & Cuddles more: I think they share this but i think harry is way more kissy overload especially when they haven’t seen each other in a bit and he just peppers louis’ face leaving prints in the shade of his lip tint while louis preens over the attention but also pushes him off calling him “my lovely oaf.” louis is def the cuddle bear though. piling up behind harry, snuggling up right behind him and ever so slightly rubbing his stubble across his ear just to annoy him and make him giggle. he loves to protect and comfort so he’s the big spoon who clambers on top of harry while harry just thrives being the ultimate baby spoon™️
Sleeps in another room: i think they both can be this petty but i think harry throws the biggest fit over it and justifies it by saying he needs to stay in the bedroom bc it helps heal his aura and recharges his energy.
Dramatic vs. Romantic: dramatic wise.... have you met harry big baby bitch styles? he thrives on the drama. romantic wise... they both are super romantic in their own way but i think louis takes the cake. he’s an earth sign so he really plans out his gifts and expressions of love. harry will casually say he likes something when they’re out and louis will write it down in his notes & he’ll buy it weeks later as a surprise gift. he also has cute little touches like leaving little funny dumb love notes around the house in harry’s routine places like the snack cabinet, the workout lounge, the ring box saying things like, “good morning darling. you are my flower, but also ______ is not the best song by The Beatles” (also lets remember that louis wrote out everything he loved about harry on that homemade birthday card when harry turned 17 like a sucker for love). and then i believe harry would draw some of his strange little doodles and leave them around the house for louis with sappy little remarks.
Jealous: Again have we met Harry E. Styles? the E stands for Envy.
Loyalty: I don’t think either really ask for loyalty. I believe they are both incredibly loyal to each other. so.
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meyhew · 4 years
hi love. im 17 and i became a one direction fan last week. stayed up and binged every single damn thing i could find. rn, im certain that larry is real, ziam is real and none of the babies (or coming babies) are real. am i off? anyways i was watching fetus vids and? harry? really? decided to? fall in love with the most beautiful boy in the world? wow okay maybe i am jealous. (no lmao but forreal, golden souls aside, louis and zayn are so PAINFULLY beautiful i might cry just thinking bout it bye)
hi welcome to... whatever this fanbase is now ✨ larry and ziam and the babies are all controversial topics tbh and everyone has a different opinion but here’s where i stand: larry is real, ziam was real but i’m not sure what they are now, all the babies are real — it’s just their parentage that’s a question. briana and louis aren’t freddie’s parents; briana was literally never pregnant so thats just like... a fat no. bear is cheryl’s kid but ppl cant decide if liam is or is not the father. i dont have a firm opinion on that honestly and i dont judge anyone for thinking either way. 
gigi is pregnant and i think zayn is the father. there is absolutely zero reason for her to fake a pregnancy. it was different with briana bc she was a literal nobody and still people dont know her — i saw louies on twt just finding out that she’s supposed to be freddie’s mom. gigi on the other hand is a huge celebrity and faking a pregnancy just doesnt make sense for her. and the general fandom consensus is that zayn may have bolted earlier than planned bc he refused to be part of babygate — why would he fake having a child now, if he went to such extreme lengths to avoid it before? not to mention that his family is still pretty traditional and a fake child simply wouldn’t work. he’s not white, us desi folks dont fuck around with children that way. 
the rest of what u said abt the early videos..... i felt that. its alway such a trip watching old footage bc they were all babies. literal babies. who fell in love. and grew into such amazing people 🥺 now i miss zouis 😔
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indigodawns · 5 years
Eline omg can you tell us how it was / what happened in details? Do you have pics? So happy for you and a bit jealous tbh mfnfmf
hi!!! sorry for taking a while to get back to you but YES I CAN!! thank you, love, and djhfjhgjhfj valid
lemme put this under a read more to spare everyone else fmgnmgn
ok SO flore @flowerforaheart had won tickets for the listening party and asked me to come along. I’ve lived in Cardiff for the past few months so London is only 4ish hours away so obvs I said yes. also, neither of us really believed/thought louis would be there or that it wasn’t all a huge prank fgjhgjfhg. anyways, it was all quite Official and there were guards (and a lot of fans without tickets??? some of them had even flown in from different countries for this, w i l d) and our names were on a list and everything. 
it was at Wembley Stadium, so we were led up some stairs there to what I think was a VIP box or smth??? we had to hand over our phones and then there was food and drinks and cupcakes with the x-eyed smiley on it. there were seats in a row facing a small stage, so we took place there (and to our right we could see the arena, all of that was honestly almost cool enough already dfjhdf). a scottish guy hosted it and louis came in for a small q&a (we could send in questions, I don’t remember a lot of it, but I think it’s all stuff he’s said before! he did emphasise that he put Always You on the album bc he knew how much we’d hyped it up bc of that teaser back then. he was like “do I think it’s great? no. do I think it’s good? sure! but it’s definitely not one of the best, but I wanted to put it on there for you guys” dfjhdjfhjhf bless. he said he’d done the same with one of the songs that got a big reaction when he played it in madrid, he wasn’t originally gonna put it on the album (flore said it was defenceless?). he also repeated how it really is the fans who keep him going and how he knows it took a while to find his sound, but that he feels good about it now) 
and then he left when we were about to listen to the album (unlike SOME people who prefer looking people dead in the eye when they’re listening to his album huh mdfmdnfmfn). I really really enjoyed the album. lots of people were singing along bc of madrid and the singles and it was a bit odd at times (the atmosphere/situation I mean) but also v v good
then louis came back in and we applauded and cheered etc and we got to watch the video for walls (it was cute to see louis watch it too, people cheered and whistled esp at the scenes where he’s in a suit and he laughed dmfndmfn I’m glad he got that appreciation as well)
so then we were like oki! great!!! and THEN the guy was like “ok time for photos! pls queue!!” l i k e. I wasn’t prepared dfjhdjfh that’s how I’m justifying the everything about me in the pics (that haven’t been sent to us yet I think??). oh! and at the end of that all the host-guy (he’s known louis for 10ish years he said) was like “keep backing your boy, he’s a good/special one” or something like that, it was super touching honestly. he was clearly fond of him.
anyways, I was Terrified djfhjdfh and the queue moved FAST and he was in front of a screen-thingy, so when it was your turn you had to put your stuff to the side. so when flore and I were up (if you were in a pair you had to go together) (also I’m so glad we did djfhdjfh) I was like “HI!” and mumbled smth about dropping my stuff (which I did) (ik I’m SUCH a storyteller huh dfjdhfjhdfjhd I’m so sorry) and when I turned around he already had his arms open like :((( it was such a good, solid hug. he was wearing a knitted (?) black jumper and he was generally very soft. I forgot to breathe I think, but flore said he smells like smoke, if you are interested mnfmgn. I told him thank you for doing this, and that we don’t take it for granted and he was like “oh thank you for coming!!!” like SIR. OBVIOUSLY? and we got ready to take the pic and I just blurted out “also the album is fucking brilliant” (istg my english went to SHIT I used completely random vowels for all the words djfhjdfh Mortifying) and he laughed and said thank you. and that was it!!
after that we got to pick up our phones again and we all stood to the side to watch everyone else take pics and god, he was so fucking sweet and calm with everyone, he really took time to listen and joke around with everyone. some people were crying and he hugged them extra (we saw that happen before our turn) and he wrote stuff down for people or signed things. which. I WISH I’d thought of that/realised that was okay/had taken my time but hey. some people also made some conversation with him and he really listened, making eye contact and everything. oh, I think there was also a girl who was like hmmm I don’t think I’ll do a pic it’s okay!!! and he was like “are you sure??? come on, love” and so she did, it was super pure. 
and theeeen they did group pics, so we all got split up into slightly smaller groups and he’d sit in front (as you might’ve seen? v cute) (there is a pic with me in it and it’s super weird djfhdjfhdjh). he also thanked us all again, and we thanked him djhdfjdh and then that was it!!!
honestly, I’m so thankful and happy about all of it, it was an amazing experience and I still can’t quite believe it!! I also just had a really good time??? so yes, that was the full story, I think!! thank you again, and I really hope you get to meet him as well!
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25 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
Here, have my comments on 365 Day: This Day
(I kinda gave up with the comments after half the movie tho)
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30 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
So I’m just re-watching episode 3 and... I really love the scenes between Louis and Jonah and.. it just occurred to me how extremely human these scenes make Louis look? Like his accent getting all strong makes total sense in the context of him talking to someone from his youth, someone who is a Black man as well.
But it it also occurred to me this is the first (and only?!) time we really see Louis flirting? Like we’ve never seen him have this kind of confidence before? He was very much denying and fighting his homosexuality when he meets Lestat (you can see it quite explicitly in a couple of scenes, also him concluding this could never happen again after having sex with Lestat for the first time). But Jonah is somebody he is familiar with, someone he knows is also queer, plus it is already established there is some mutual attraction which is being rekindled. But it is Louis actively flirting with him. Asking if he remembers their shared youth [and their “early fumbles”], which is in part due to Lestat watching them, I guess, getting even with him in a way, calling him out on his “of course”. 
But but BUT what I really wanted to say (sorry for getting off track a bit there ahsdhoas) is... there is no vampire moves to it. There is no indication he’s reading his mind, influencing him in any way with his newly won powers (which he is also still rejecting to a degree at this point). Just some very human “do you remember” and “look at my cool car” (aiosdadhs Louis I can’t even 😂😂😂). It’s just so abusrdly cute and very deeply human in a way? 
And I do kinda see how Lestat is jealous here, because Louis has never been flirting with him like this. And he keeps telling Louis (and us) how much he wants Louis to explicitly say / show he loves him? 
I mean of course it is on the other hand very obvious how Louis wasn’t like that with Lestat when he met him. One part being him struggling a lot more with his sexuality and his shame about it there. But also Lestat is being very active in pursuing Louis. Louis describes it as being hunted (we’re gonna ignore the unreliable narrator level here bc I don’t wanna go this deep here - and also bc I do believe it in general terms, I guess). Like there are parts where we see Lestat taking it kinda slow, including Lilly there to ease Louis into it. But also then getting very insistent, basically jumping a distraught Louis who is in shock over the death of his brother (with he witnessed first hand, his mother blaming him for it etc.), not leaving him alone... But then here on the other hand also Louis isn’t being only passive here. I love how it is very clearly him initiating the kiss with Lestat after Lilly is out of the picture. All these nuances and complexities really are what makes their relationship so compelling I think!
And uh... I guess I also have some thoughts about Lestat courting Louis and Vampire Moves tbh (bc I introduced the absence of them in Louis flirting with Jonah) but this post is already so long 🙈 What it does probably boil down to though (not 100% sure bc I haven’t really thought this through yet). But, in my view, he isn’t even using his Vampire Moves much? Like yeah he is in Louis’ mind and showing some tricks but... more in a showing off way than in a manipulative way? Like whatever Louis is trying to tell us here, he is just really attracted to that French guy. He may also be repulsed by him in some ways (or maybe more by his visceral reaction(s) to him, hm, Louis?) but damn he wants to fuck that guy so bad it makes him look stupid. 
And yeah you might raise the argument that Lestat does use his Vampire Moves when he’s in Louis’ head, pestering him about how he is not gonna be ignored  right after Paul died. But he first walked up to him when the family were on their way to the cemetery and.. was pestering him in quite mundane ways there, you know? Like him being in his mind was driving it to a head a bit more quickly and dramatically maybe but... knowing Lestat he would probably also have been able to be an absolute pest, just showing up again and again, not taking no for an answer (and he basically does so in ep 6, doesn’t he?). So yeah Louis is talking about vampire bonds and mind gifts but... he attracted to him. Big time. I ain’t buying your angle here, Louis.
(Only that of course I kinda do, bc Lestat is a narcissistic manipulative shit in certain ways as well. And doesn’t take no for an answer. Neither in ep 1 nor in ep 6. But then ep 7... weeelll... layers and all 😅😂 But I hope you still get my point.) 
43 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
Me watching Vikings Valhalla like
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You call this a man? He doesn't even have hair on his chest. What kind of Viking is he supposed to be? Where is the chest hair? Okay who am I kidding he hot but. Still. Where?? dggdfhg
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Well now, this is a man. A fine man.
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44 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Okay erm... episode 1x05 is certainly very visceral and also very complex and I’ve already seen a lot of interesting thoughts about.. 
I just wanna concentrate on a very small thing and how I read it, and it’s Daniel slapping Louis. Because to me it was very very clear that that slap was a desperate (and very obvious to everyone in the room) attempt of Daniel trying to pretend he has any kind of control over the situation. Because he very clearly has not. Louis could literally tear him apart without lifting as much as his little finger and he kinda knew all along but that scene is when he really *got* it like rationalized it and he was freaking the fuck out about that. 
And Louis and Rashid also understood that for what it was and therefore let it slide in a “yeah let’s all go with the pretense the human can defend himself in any way, shape or form here” when he very very clearly can’t? Like let’s all take a deep breath and pretend it’s fine / nothing of that happened.
Which says nothing about Daniel being an asshole but... man was frightened to death there tbh
64 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
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eeveedel · 4 years
How does Louis cheer his chubby alpha Harry when he gets jealous and very insecure after seeing Louis laughing and joking with his chubby coworker that has just been introduced to him?
I think when Louis sees Harry getting a little cagey and jealous, he def turns up the attention on Harry. Holds onto his arm or his hooks his arms around him, kisses him little kisses on his shoulder and nuzzles into him, lets Harry know all his attention is on him. When they have some time alone he turns that up, climbs into Harry’s lap and plays with his hair and gives him kisses all over his face. And if Harry is still cranky Louis turns up the dirty talk a little, talks about how much he adores Harry, he only has eyes for him, yeah, Louis has a type, but Harry blows them all out of the water, he’s so handsome and his body is so perfect and nobody can fuck Louis as well as Harry can (which is the line that ALWAYS works bc Harry is a knothead lol). Usually after Louis gets handsy and lays it on thick Harry feels a lot better -- tbh he mainly gets jealous bc he wants attention lol so Louis just has to give it to him 
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eddiegirls · 5 years
I think you're jealous of Harry tbh. So jealous bc his "supposed boyfriend" Louis haven't lifeted a finger to do a thing. What Louis has done after 2016? I'm so glad so have a fave who I can be proud of his decisions in his career, not hiding under a shadow.
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subskywalker · 5 years
have fun at the concerts!!!! i'm lowkey jealous bc all i want is a clear version of medicine, is that too much to ask??? :') but seriously, have fun!
Thanks for sending this love!!💛💛💛😊😊😊 And thank you!!!!🥰🤗💛 (I know I keep yelling about it on here and I’m sorry @ all my followers but!!! i'm just!!! so #shook!!!) 🥺🥺🥺🥺
(But no tbh if I hear the opening chords of sweet creature imma peace out bc I will have died)
I’m letting y’all know now that it was nice knowing y’all but once June and July come imma be dead like rip Cas here they lay...dead from going to the concerts!!
Just thinking about the concerts has me so distressed oh mY gOd
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beginagain · 6 years
taylor swift meet my friends on tour challenge part 3/3
taylor!!! listen, i had the absolute time. of. my. life. at my rep shows. like, the time!!! of!! my!! life!!! and i don’t think i’ve ever been as happy and free as i was dancing in the crowds along with you and my friends i’ve met on here because of you/your music. and it just so happens that i have a lot of friends who haven’t had their chance to hug you. i’m 100% okay with waiting for mine, but it would make me so happy if you were able to squeeze my honeys.
@shadesofruin: 08/10/2018 + 08/11/2018 - atlanta || caroline!!! my sweet lil’ angel. honestly, she and i weren’t really “friends” (we were happily mutuals!!!) until last october when you happened to like her pretty lil face off my blog when lurking. she FREAKED. OUT. because it was her first notice and it was so contagious and adorable i scooped her right up and never let her go again. turns out her house in GA is only like 15 mins from one of the houses where i grew up!!! so now i’m gonna hug her in person ASAP. do you think you can beat me? better hurry tho. i’m competitive.
@longlivethegirlinthedress: 08/18/2018 - miami || marishelle is seriously so adorable. she’s been seeing you since back in the speak now tour and believe me when i say i’m JEALOUS. she’s also had her blog for you since 2011, which is some crazzzzzy dedication i believe is long due for some love. not to mention she’s flying ALL THE WAY FROM THE NETHERLANDS TO SEE YOU?!!! let’s make this happen, please please please please.
@ikywt: 8/11/2018 - atlanta || mallory is such an angel. seriously, she’s so kind to everyone and the day we met is the day we grew close. it was instant. she sent me a really, really kind message that made me melt into mush and from that day i’ve wanted nothing short of the world for her. part of that includes seeing her meet you, and i’d really love if it happened for her in atlanta :)
@andyoucallmeupagain: 08/25/2018 - nashville || ugh, annie. writing this one is almost PAINFUL i’m so passionate about wanting it to happen for her. annie is so kind and patient and funny and asfnlasgas;gagsag wow. she’s seeing you many times this tour, with 2 cities’ dates having already passed. but fret not, there’s still 2 more cities!!! she’s decorated her cane so cutely for the show, too, you’ve gotta see it. you’ve just got to see her. and hug her for me. like, really tight please.
@andreaswift: 09/15/2018 - indianapolis || lizzzz! liz is someone i’m pretty sure you’ll recognize on this list bc she’s super funny and loyal and passionate and pretty much everyone loves her for who she is. she’s already been to one show and indianapolis is her last stop this tour (but she’s been a fan since 2006)!!! please hug her, everyone would be so thankful for it.
@shouldhavesaidno: 09/18/2018 - st louis || tbh i don’t even remember how megan and i grew to be this close because it just happened so naturally i was one day just like... yea that’s my friend!!! she’s really infectious and lovely and i just want the world for her. i know it’d mean the world to her, specifically, to be able to hug you tight in st. louis. she’s so supportive of her friends and incredibly giving and kind-hearted and exactly the kind of person i know you’d adore being able to meet face to face. love u!!!
@taylorkeepdancing: 10/05/2018 + 10/06/2018 - dallas || you’ve gotta know aner by now, right? she and i met by chance, really, about a year ago i think??? and since literally the DAY we met, aner has inspired me to be a better person. she’s so giving and kind and selfless. she was invited to a secret session and it broke her heart (and mine tbh) when she wasn’t able to go so please, please let’s make one of her show dates the night for her to hug you? :’)
@drugismybaby: 10/06/2018 - dallas || leah, ugh. where do i even start with leah? she’s got an absolute heart of GOLD and it shines through without her even trying to make it. she just radiates warmth and acceptance and passion. she loves game of thrones and word on the street is u do too so like, how about the two of you hug it out and discuss it? sounds good to me. your move.
@nanciiwheeler: 10/26/2018 - melbourne || kaitlyn is so sweet. she’s always one of the first people to jump to try and cheer anyone up she sees is sad and it feels like such a breath of fresh air to have her around. she’s also wicked creative and intelligent and i would absolutely do anything for her. i know she’d do anything for you, too. i’d love, love, love to see her get to meet you.
@darkandtwistymeredith: 10/26/2018 - melbourne || tanya has been to multiple shows this tour already, all of them ones she had to leave australia and come to the US for (santa clara + seattle). that’s a LOT of dedication and watching from the sidelines has been an absolute joy because it’s made her SO HAPPY. melbourne is her last concert and i know it would mean the absolute world not only to her but to all of her friends like myself to see it end in a hug. the idea of it alone is givin’ me little goosebumps. let’s make it happpppennnn!!!
@flowersgrowback: 10/26/2018 - melbourne || ugh, my aya. aya is so pRECIOUS i’m gonna sqUEAL i love her so much. and guess what??? not only is this going to be her first time seeing you live, but it’ll be her FIRST CONCERT EVER. she’s so excited and i’m so happy for her bc she’s just wonderful. i think it’s pretty awesome that your concert is the first she’ll go to and i think it’d be even more awesome if the experience were notched up a bit by a hug from you.
@blankspaces: 10/26/2018 + 11/02/2018 + 11/09/2018 - sydney + melbourne + auckland || lucyyyy!!! lucy is such a sweet person and makes me laugh so much. she’s so supportive and dedicated as a friend, which i think is super obvious by the fact that she’s managing to see you 3 times in different places!!! i fully believe you’d be missing out if you were unable to love on her during tour and so i really hope that i can see it happen. thank u.
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perladivenezia · 6 years
//Okay Blood Communion comes out tomorrow (?!) and I still have to finish PLROA, so I will give it a shot now. Here is a quick recap of what I remember that happened already from the top of my head bc no way I’m reading from the beginning again 
Last time in Prince Lestat and the Disappointment of Not Having Mermaids:
Part I
Riccardo is here!! He is ghost but its okay. He an Armand get together often, share long walks, converse all night and play fencing They laugh a lot. All of that is canon it’s right there in the book fight me
Amel is like a child but kinda a jerk too, a jerk kid basically
Lestat loves to be called a slut 👍
Dr Fareed is getting along with Gregory, his boyfriend Seth isn't jealous or anything, no sir
Despite the supporting evidence, there isn't any suspicious female doctor making illegal and groundbreaking experiments in Gregory company using Gregory money and resources without his knowledge, of course, there isn't
Rosh is mad, he only wants his babe back but his babe has new friends and his new friends don't like Rosh because of the kidnapping and murdering
we had diversity for like five seconds but I guess AR got tired of having to describe so much melanin every time Killer appeared so now he is dead (watch out Arion). And of course it had to happen in Armands territory and of course he had to be inside Killer’s mind when it happened and of course it’s up to him to neutralize the hazard because my sweet boy can't get a break
Eleni is here. Killer’s killer escaped from Armand super secure facilities leaving Eleni almost dead in my boys’ arms #GiveArmandABreakAlreadyI’mBeggingYou
Louis and Lestat go in a date. Louis even dressed nicely and everything. Amel likes Louis (such a surprise, it isn't as if every male character in this series likes Louis or anything)
I don't know why Rosh thinks that kidnapping people and cutting their arm is like, going to help his situation?? He lost Benedict and is like he lost his ability to think clearly or give a fuck. It’s super cute actually. And Alessandra is around but she isn't of much help tbh
you will never feel lonely if you can make friends out of your severed arms (see instructions)
Rosh was ready to burn it all and/or die trying but then got his boyfriend back and, like, that’s all he wanted so he is out, bye losers
I don’t care for/ like any of the non-human people, they are all super creepy. I totally second Armand in his motion to destroy them, or his revised plan to confine them. Armand’s and Gabrielle's commentary were the only interesting part of the conversation with those no-humans. 
And now into: Prince Lestat and the Realm of all the fucks I don't give
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