#tbh everyone after Reece is a 'lost kid'
💕 Love Day Love Story Series 💕
(AN: This is the last installment of the Love Day story series, I wasn’t planning on it being at the end of the year but it just so happened to work out perfectly 😂 Even though there are and will be more couples, we all know that no one knows much about them and they won't be included in the storyline if they haven already [including myself sskksksk] This was an idea that came to me in the middle of the night and it’s been fun to lay out the dynamics of the relationships between the various couples - anyway, onto the post!)
Beckett and Mandy
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How did you guys meet?
[B] “I’m the 7th of 13 kids, so right in the middle, and as my older siblings got married and moved out I began trying to determine what it is that I wanted to do. Ever since I was young I would admire my father as he preached a message every week, I’d ‘help’ him by going and grabbing his bible for him whenever I knew he was working on a sermon - he’d even humour me and let me prepare a small bit and let me help him’. That’s probably where my burden to become a preacher came from, and I’ve been led by that burden ever since, I got my degree in Bible & Missions via correspondents course to help me lay the foundations for the dreams I have of doing missions work. I never got to go on international missions like some in my family, but it was great when our parents would take us to go serve the eldery in care homes and assist other churches in their mission field. My father once told me ‘Son, as a preacher you’d be greatly served if you had a godly wife to assist you so that you can both serve together’; so from then on my dad put it on my heart to pray for a Godly wife. It wasn’t in the way that my sisters were and still are encouraged to pray for their spouse, but the main message stays the same. I initially met Mandy when she moved to Newcrest to serve as a mother’s helper to one of the families at our church, at the time I didn’t give her any mind as I wanted to be fully focused on my college courses and my future plans - funny how things turn out. Mandy became friends with my sisters so I ended up seeing her quite a bit, and as we talked more whenever I had free time, I realised there were qualities I admired in her that my dad told me to ‘look out for’ so to speak. We especially bonded over our shared love for missions work, some of her relatives were missionaries for a brief time period and she mentioned how she had dreams of mission work since she was young. When her parents came to visit her from Oasis Springs, I asked her dad if we could begin a courtship and he agreed, as soon as he said yes things moved so fast that it seemed we blinked and suddenly we’re engaged and planning the wedding, then we blinked again and we were married.”
[M] “I’m the oldest of 6, and my parents were very intentional to raise us in the proper way: we were homeschooled and we attended many different conferences and revivals as a way of learning and making new friends. As a little girl I was always mesmerised whenever missionaries would come into our church and speak about their experiences both domestically and abroad, I used to admire how they were so brave and willing to go out into the unknown to tell other people about the Lord - some even went into the jungle! After graduating highschool, my mother encouraged me to use my gifts to serve others and since I was good with children I volunteered with the sunday school program every week at church. One Sunday, a family friend told me that her sister had just had her 8th baby and needed a ‘mothers helper’ around the house and that she suggested me as a possibility! I was flattered by the opportunity and my parents encouraged me to do it, so I moved. Moving to Newcrest was easy I guess, I dove head first into helping around the house and the kids that I didn’t have much else to do. On my first sunday at Newcrest Baptist, Amira, Priscilla, and Annette were so gracious and welcomed me in and made me feel like I’d been there my whole life! I knew they had an older brother, but he was busy with classes quite often that I didn’t see him much, I really got talking to Beckett when he’d have a break from classes and I was given a day off from the family I helped. We really bonded over our shared love of missions work, and I thought to myself ‘this guy is...wow’ he was ticking boxes that I didn’t even know I had written down [laughs] I was so happy when he asked my parents if he could court me, and even happier when we got engaged! I never expected to find my husband because of a babysitting job - but I guess the Lord works in mysterious ways.”
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How have you changed since marriage
[b] “After we got married, we got a chance to serve as missionaries out in Selvadorada and we grabbed that chance with both hands. It’s a whole new environment out here and we love it, while it may be hot and it took a few sunburns to get us used to the proper way to be out and about in the hot sun. We’re thankful that we have a great team at home who are willing to fundraise for us anytime we mention it, and it helps us keep our lives here even though we do have to tighten our belts every now and again. We told the Lord that we’d be open to any children that he wanted to give us, and since we’ve not been blessed yet we’re taking our time and being content with what we have now. Looking into the future, it’s exciting to see how this mission field has potential to grow and possibly become something, all in good time of course.”
[m] “Serving as missionaries out in Selvadorada has truly been a wonderful experience for me, it took a while to adjust to the oppressive heat and humidity, the bugs, and the culture - but I’m happy for the progress we’ve made. Whilst we’ve not been blessed with children yet, not everything goes the way you want it, I’m using this as a lesson in contentment; The children in the outer villages are a great distraction and love learning, which I am happy to help them do. While I don’t know what the future holds, I’m happy that I get to do it with my person”
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gabbysdawsons · 3 years
I would love to know everything about your pjo ocs
oooo thank you so much for this ask!!
the main three i have at the moment are Aisha, and Reece. this might bet super long because i'm gonna try and explain all three of them.
aisha credence. death's door
she's a roman demigod, and the daughter of Letus (the roman form of Thanatos)
she's kinda shuffled away into the Fifth Cohort with the other kids with "freaky" parents like Hazel, Percy, and August (an oc), or the ones who come off as less useful than others, like Frank or Moriarty (an oc)
a group of kids in the Fifth Cohort have taken on the nickname of 'The Exiles', and she considers these people her closest friends
the other kids are quite honestly scared of her because she's the first daughter of Letus to be born in centuries, and the last one was quite a tragedy, even though no one really knows the specifics of her death.
her main weapon is a stygian iron dolabra (which is basically like a pickaxe but like a weapon)
her main love interest is Percy, and she actually strikes up a friendship with him relatively fast because the Romans are equally distrustful of their godly parents
personality wise she's pretty serious because she has to be when everyone else in her cohort is either younger or just a little off the rails.
she had been at the camp for almost as long as Jason.
the two of them and August were basically inseparable before the events of The Lost Hero.
here's her pinterest board for ✨vibes✨
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reece carlson. 50 ways to say goodbye
ah yes, my indulgence crackfic-esque baby
so the entirety of this fic takes place after all the PJO / HoO books and it's basically just a roadtrip literally running from hell
but more about Reece
she's a daughter of Hermes, she was one of the older campers during the PJO books, but she joined Luke's side during the war because tbh Hermes was a dick and Luke was her brother
she actually kinda like... died during the battle of new york, but she slipped through the doors of death during HoO, and just like refused to do whatever Gaia wanted she is literally the daughter of the god of travellers, she can outrun anyone. That is until Hades realizes she is in fact missing, and sends actual monsters (ie; furies) after her.
this is right around the time she steals a truck in New York and almost runs over Percy, who she more or less kidnaps and drags on her whole adventure.
Reece is such a chaotic force, I adore her
Her powers include: communing with the dead, and genreal enhanced speed
(here's a list of other talents I imagine her to have)
anyway she's basically traumatized but covers it up with humour ❤
i don't have much for her; just vibes.
literally the song 50 ways to say goodbye just highlights the insanity of this fic
she is from Canada though, and does derail the whole road trip to get a beaver tail. It drives Percy insane.
here's her pinterest board for ✨vibes✨
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blairwarner · 7 years
2017 wrap-up
this is essentially for the sake of posterity (so i can look back and remember things bc my memory can be shit)
2017 was one of the biggest years of your life so far.
you completed your first year of school back after taking a break for your health and the sake of your family. you also completed it at a new school. it was lonely sometimes, but you discovered your path, choosing to be an english major after one of your professors suggested it - something you are thankful for. you fell back in love with learning and have high hopes for the future - thinking of becoming a teacher.
your grandmother died, leaving your mom without either of her parents on this earth. the last interaction you had was when she pulled you close and felt your hair and face, as if she was committing the feeling to memory. one of the last things you heard her say as she was coming in and out was, “george, i was looking for you.” you like to think that she saw grandpa, welcoming her to wherever her soul went. father john came around a few times and led prayer. she was surrounded by family and love with singing and prayers. near the end when she was waiting for billy, mom played mario lanza for her. billy, dottie, and nina arrived, and grandma was finally ready. you sat by her side, holding her hand. everyone was there the morning she died. we were all in the room, supporting her and each other. shayna had grandpa’s eagle with her.
that same morning, you were in the elevator with mom and dad which is when they told you that dad relapsed and was going back to rehab. you had this overwhelming feeling of something for mom. a mix of sadness and anger - probably a few more things thrown in there.
the next day, plans were made for the funeral and the family ate dinner at an italian restaurant. on the way home, you got pulled over for an expired license tag. it was also the day you were asked if you would sing at the funeral. you said yes, of course.
the next day was the day when preparations went into effect. that morning, dad took you to the car place so you could get henry inspected. while you waited, you went to hardees and talked to him about being nervous about singing. afterwards, all of the girls got their hair done and mom took you and jill to get pedicures/manicures at the place where grandma liked to get her nails done. the women working that day remembered grandma - you’re skeptical if they actually did, but it was nice nonetheless. while we got our nails done, jill had her checklist, making sure the important things weren’t forgotten about.
the rest of the day was spent getting things ready, and the family gathered at grandma’s/donna’s. we were each allowed to take a scarf of hers. you took two (with permission). you also dropped by the theatre to print off the music for the singing. “they long to be (close to you)” the song grandma sang to mom when she was a baby and the song you remember mom singing to your brother. it was also the song you sang for grandma for her 80th birthday. you know it by heart.
there’s more that happened in these days such as going to the crematorium, shopping for a dress (something of a tradition now), and discussions about where dad was going to rehab. it’s hard to remember, even now, what happened when. those days are a blur.
the day of the funeral arrived. you wore a floral dress with grandma’s green scarf. you separated yourself from the family once you got to church because there was no way you’d be able to sing if you were surrounded by them beforehand. at the start of the service, you were the first family member to walk in (everyone else waited until you were done singing). the church was full. as soon as the music started, you closed your eyes and held onto your scarf. you didn’t open your eyes again until you were done. somehow you managed to make it through without your throat closing up and tears falling down. you felt something positive surrounding you. you felt taller. sometimes you think it was grandma.
the family came in, and the service started. father john’s speech was memorable. he talked about the first time he met grandma and remarked on how intently she listened. he talked about how she grew orchids and how each of her children were like orchids. she truly was the backbone of the family.
you can’t remember the rest of the day, but there was an overwhelming amount of love in the best way possible.
the day after the funeral was also the day dad left for his second round of rehab. mom drove him - although you had reservations about that, you respected mom’s decision.
this round of rehab was different from the last - shorter. you visited once (since it was further than last time). this rehab had a more residential feel, and was in the mountains, and dad seemed to enjoy the quirks of the program (like yoga).
a month later, he was supposed to drive himself back home (part of his therapy). you got a call from jill, telling you that something happened. on his way back, dad had a drink (most likely more than one), was arrested, and got a dui. mom bailed him out. you wanted to go back home, but you were told to stay at school.
because of his dui, dad lost his license to work. he was put into a program where they monitor him (does a breathalyzer everyday at certain hours, goes to a meeting everyday, etc). if he stays sober and follows the program, the board might give him his license back. so far, he’s done everything he’s supposed to. he seems dedicated to his sobriety - has run tattoo ideas by you that would have his sobriety date on it. he’s working hard.
you interviewed to teach at a theatre camp and got the job. they didn’t get enough kids, and when you found out, the summer had already begun. you rushed to find a job, and jill suggested seeing if they needed help in the kitchens at the camp that she was a counselor and camper at. within a week, you applied, interviewed, got the job, and drove halfway across the country to begin a job as a cook - something you had 0 experience in whatsoever.
before you left for camp, you went into a gas station, and that’s when that girl told you you look like blair, and your life was changed tbh as you were introduced to ‘the facts of life.’ it wasn’t until you got back from camp that you really got into it. i don’t need to write much about it because your blog is evidence enough. 
as i’m sure you remember, you went in thinking you’d be getting a week of orientation, but unlike the rest of the kitchen staff for the camps, you and reece were thrown into the deep end after one day. remember when you met reece? from the start, he was goofy, and he was the first friend you made there. the second was samantha. she drove you and reece to the camp where you’d be working. she reminded you a lot of alie, and you felt welcomed by her.
for a week, you worked with a smaller crew. you would have had to do breakfast all by yourself (which you didn’t know) on your second day if it weren’t for chrissy. she watched out for you and came in after she heard that they were just gonna have you do it all by yourself even though you didn’t know what you were supposed to be doing. she saved your ass that morning. you were told that you’d be doing lunch by yourself the next day. you were hella scared, but chrissy saved you again and got someone from the culinary department to come in and help.
once the first week was over, you were able to work for your camp. it was just the high schoolers at first, so a smaller group, but everyone embraced you. you felt a part of the camp even though you were “just” kitchen staff.
soon, the entire camp was there, and you and chrissy and reece were working together now as a team. you usually did the breakfast/lunch shift (although, that always contained more to do such as snacks and prep). however, i’m sure you remember, you ended up working more than you were supposed to (remember that one 15 hour shift? you were practically a zombie. thank god for reece). to wake up on time, you’d listen to music to help you sleep (usually “she’s like the wind” and “open arms” were the songs you’d listened to right before sleeping). your favorite breakfast to make was croissants because they tasted delicious. you also started drinking your coffee black because you stopped caring at that point - you just needed the caffeine.
one of the most eventful days was the day of the christmas banquet. it was all hands on deck, and you three got the brunch out on time, and it was a beautiful spread - a full fish, nutella, croissants, multiple kinds of salads, fruit, caviar, smorbror, eggs, bacon, and more. it went on for a few tables, and it looked beautiful. however, chrissy was sick, and had to leave, so the big dinner banquet was fully up to you two. thank god reece was with you. in case you’ve forgotten, you’re truly grateful for reece. he remained calm and worked steadily. together, you got the food out, and it tasted delicious.
there are so many more memories from camp, to write them all out would take hours, so here are fragments that might mean something to you whenever you read this again:
spiderman/dairy queen with reece, pool bar/karaoke/walmart/doodles with reece, that time we didn’t have chocolate, switch to spanish, “golden girl,” katherine, aebleskiver, walking back to camp with reece, laundry, pandora, bug music, bread, norwegians made room for me, pink floral pajamas, spiderman again, washing dishes to go to spiderman, going to dq with whole crew, bruno, girls trip with nosara, day we went to the lake thing and went to that bookstore and chocolates, chopping up all those rice cakes, owning the taco stand, dancing to despacito, night we stayed up late w/closing, that time we frosted that cake badly, so many bunk changes, “you guys are gonna get married,” happy birthday golden girl, sabri, linnea, gas station, jill’s car, lavender lotion, red hands (tomato acidity), google earth game, kitchen survivors, all the cake, walk-in moments, reece prepping and laughing while you recapped your fave movies for him, the first time you put on your chef’s coat, hey arnold hat, virtual reality, no makeup.
all in all, you worked your ass off and felt true pride for one of the first times in your life. before the summer, you were feeling like you were living in the wrong life. after the summer, you felt more confident than ever before. the experience was life changing. 
on the day you flew back home from camp, you met your brother and his (now) wife, along with your nieces. you went to subway and talked for a tiny bit before they dropped you off at the airport. you both made the same comment about a taco bell. you have similar sense of humor. it’s very clear that you’re related. you need to send them their wedding gift still. 
your birthday this year was one of the best. the night before, you went to the bar with kylie and danielle and had some drinks. then, on the day of, you went to go see baby driver again (all by yourself). you felt such peaceful happiness, and the sky was golden. this is also the birthday when you got your oil diffuser. 
halloween was awesome this year. you wore your leather jacket and went to the bar with kylie and tysun (and danielle, but she left early), and then aaron came too. and you got the most drunk you’ve ever been, and that one random guy said you were glamorous, and you all went to waffle house at the end of the night bc the mcdonalds drive-thru had an odd vibe happening and the line wasn’t moving so. it was a good night. 
you made a tinder this year. you never use it, but it’s a step. again, your confidence is at an all-time high. 
mom was approved by the bishop to move onto seminary. 
you went to a kesha concert with jill, and it was so much fun. beforehand, you both did your makeup together in her bathroom (jill wore rainbow sparkles, and you did a green eye with killer eyeliner). when you got there, you were some of the first people in the venue bc jill got her tickets earlier. you found a spot behind a ledge, so you were able to rest your drink on it. you had some cider :) the preshow music was really wonderful (included “piece of my heart”). you guys were also right behind the light and sound booths, so you were able to see the color thing that’s like what you use on photoshop. it was very cool. the opening act was savoy motel, and you enjoyed them. greatly. kesha was awesome - even better live. her energy was wonderful, and there was a lot of love in the room. you and jill had a good time. you pretended to sing along bc you didn’t want jill to know that you hadn’t listened to the cd she gave you for your birthday yet. it was kesha’s stage manager’s birthday, and at one point, she called him onstage and they gave him a cake. it was sweet. after the concert, jill took you to this really nice coffee shop/bakery. you got some macarons and tea (also a lemon tart). when you got back to her apartment, you talked for a bit and called ben to wish him a happy birthday (this is also the time he told you about taco bell)
these are only some of your memories from this year, here are some fragments that might mean something to you bc i’m too lazy to write even more out:
that girl who said your hair looked like brigitte bardot’s, shaking oaks, alie visit, curlers, meetings with professor, human rights colloquium, stability realization, fam’s help moving in, day in shakespeare with apples to apples type game (good group), mary tyler moore, MOONLIGHT BEST PICTURE, gay, thrift shopping with kylie, popsicles, whitney, early american authors, william apess, adidas, hair cut, first fanfic, sPOTIFY, lady bird with morgan, get out with kylie, guardians of the galaxy 2 (music - father and son), beauty and the beast with matt and nora, matt driving u to camp (listened to thing about churchill), watched dirty dancing for the first time, grandma said you would make a good teacher (she also said you would make a good guidance counselor), chelsea, the crown season 2, pizza after jazz with kylie and aaron and a couple of others, grocery shopping, sugar daddy, cucumber/salmon/remolaude/gruyere/onion appetizer
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