#tbh i just chose it and stuck with it ever since my first icon for gaming/speedrunning things was trans sakura miku
betaamity · 3 years
sorry abt that tag ramble but ye, i realized that model actually genuinely fits my twitch channel's aesthetic very well so i am gonna use em for that absolutely! also im still so happy cause both creators of the model said it looked great and im :'3
i dont have a name for them, but my chat nicknamed them ducky for now so thats our placeholder ^^
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xiaosean · 3 years
why you should watch douluo continent
the drama adaptation is such a good rendition of “soul land” and stayed true to the plot line and character development. it was fast-paced (perfect for me) but may be confusing for those who don’t know the story. i personally love the donghua, and i think the drama did an adequate job of portraying everything in their own way 😁 (read at your own discretion; this contains spoilers)
things i liked:
initially, i didn’t like the dreamscape bc wtf is it doing there? why is he hearing his mom’s voice in episode 1 (it just kills the entire momentum of the plot); and then after i got to episode 39... fucking ep. 39, i knew the dreamscape needed to be there in order to save tang san’s life; mr. wang who wrote the script, props to you.
the cgi 🥰✨ i had really low expectations bc if there’s shitty cgi like cql... i wouldn’t be able to handle it. but it’s so good ??? please, i know the ape soul beast was small and funny looking (bc they had to spend money on the water dragon lmao), but other than that, it was so good and how each and every character’s powers were able to shine
le outfits + makeup - they’re not super pale 😭😭😭 finally !!! and the outfits are so nice, SO SO NICE, each and every character holy hell
how they changed hu liena’s (aka. qian renxue) role in the drama --- she’s my fav female antagonist; she’s so good here, her character was annoying at first, but she’s so dynamic and independent, and just wants to impress her mom. you see her helping tang san + his squad during the last 5 eps because SHE CARES about her mom despite her strict upbringing 🥺 her and tang san have a ship name called 糖葫芦 (candied hawthorns) and i think that’s so cute hehe
the seven devils 😂 i loved the seven devils in this adaptation almost as much as i loved them in the donghua; each and every character got their own storyline, they’re not boring nor do they draw attention away from the tang san’s main plot, and you see so much development (esp. in ou sike and dai mubai)
headmaster, da shi, and er long trio! 黄金铁三角 iconic and they captured it so well 😭 they chose the actor for the headmaster so freaking well i’m screaming! he loves money so much and his little facial expressions as a third wheel is everything, the comedic relief! and da shi... i see y’all thirsting over calvin chen okay 😌 he’s so much better in the drama tbh & er long is majestic and amazingly powerful and cunning, i love her !!! and props to luo san pao, the best doggo ever!
the seniors! they basically perfected tang san’s relationship with dugu bo... it was antagonistic at first, but then they became besties over poison 😭❤️ i loved dugu bo’s character in here bc he was so funny & didn’t get social cues LMAO // the ape soul master was brief but he honestly made my day with how much he respected the tang family & how he took care of his father back in the day // 七宝琉璃 squad was also 🥰 (less hot than in the donghua lol) but they also somehow made jian yeye the comedic relief? i love how they’re so accepting of ou sike despite him being a support soul master
tang san’s mom - i can only hear her voice, but she made me cry & i love her for that
tang san ❤️❤️❤️ xiao zhan’s voice over just blended in with his character & it was just so wonderful; tang san in the donghua was smart, so fucking smart, cunning, but the kindest at heart; xiao zhan truly portrayed that and my most memorable part was when da shi said “your only flaw is that you let your emotions get the best of you” (this is so important), and you see him later try to control his emotions and not act rashly, especially when confronted with 时年 & 比比东 --- also crying scenes 11/10
bibi dong powerful, POWERFUL WOMAN, props to her voice actress, i got chills when she said, “你根本没有资格知道” // tang hao, wow he’s just like i imagined, but i wish he was a little more emotional in ep. 1 bc the blue silver plant in tang san is essentially his lover’s martial soul
how the concept of family was generated within the shi lan ke academy squad 🥺 it’s such a feel good drama, istg, makes you so happy when you’re having a bad day ✨
things i didn’t like:
xiao wu’s character portrayal (the scriptwriter’s fault, not xuanyi) // i honestly let it slide for the first 10 episodes bc i usually start falling for a character later on, it’s normal; but drama xiao wu didn’t fulfill the 小舞姐 in my heart 😔 i get that many people like her, but it’s not the same! xiao wu in donghua is beautiful, independent, and outspoken, BUT MOST OF ALL HER LOVE FOR TANG SAN IS OBVIOUS, you don’t need to say “一起去” every other line in the drama; i think this could have been remedied if they stayed true to the storyline and let tang san enter the secret dimension alone, bring the mythical herbs back, and have xiao wu prick herself to activate 相思断肠红 (they completely butchered the significance of the flower i’m so angry; fyi: the flower can only belong to you if your heart loves one person --- there’s the most beautiful backstory to the flower but drama douluo said nah). also, drama xiao wu is so clingy and she started exposing herself from the beginning... no momentum build-up whatsoever 😔 it’s 斗罗大陆, not 斗罗大陆: 小舞传 and sometimes it felt like she was being so insistent on following tang san around, i’m just 😓 
the whole canghui academy scheme --- it was confusing for 10 eps straight until they got to the end of it, but I guess the drama wanted to add that part in because they wanted to focus less on the competition and more on 变异武魂 (the mutated martial souls) in order to defeat bibi dong
how the beginning was so confusing 😫 i wish they just stuck with child tang san remembering his past life as a disciple in tang clan & then learning 玄天宝录 on his own bc that was such a great part of his character development + understanding of soul masters/their weaknesses; and the fact that he would rely less on his parents 
the kiss + confession at ep. 40 // could have done w/o it or even a simple forehead kiss; the confession from tang san was way too quick considering there’s little to no emotional build-up towards that moment (other than bibi dong doing all the work like the queen she is) and there’s no surprise element either? like we’ve been knew she’s a soul beast since ep. 5 🥲 and the kiss was awkward & like i said, sanwu’s love doesn’t need words or actions to confirm... it’s this innate thing that the audience should be able to see (if the scriptwriters focused a little more on BIG plot points that boost the sanwu relationship, then it would have been perfect) ^^ i wish they spent more time on the romantic aspect of the relationship bc even after 30 eps, they seem like siblings when OP said They’re Not.
overall thoughts:
this is purely my opinion, so please take it with a grain of salt! the cons imo were minor except for the development of the sanwu relationship; it doesn’t seem like romance to me 😔 but hopefully it’ll get better in the (maybe) second season when they take some time apart to grow? i’m surprised how much they referenced the original story (characters and such), and i am thoroughly impressed with WHERE THEY ENDED IT, and how they rounded all the new/old plot points together in a way that makes sense. i also don’t hate any of the antagonists, which is why this drama is so lighthearted and easy to watch. it’s not emotionally taxing (sans tang san crying bc xz breaks me heart 😭💕), and safe + enjoyable to watch with family! you’re gonna miss it once it ends, and i think that makes a drama successful 😁 also i’m not gonna go into depth about the mysterious ending bc i might spoil it for those who want to watch the donghua LMAO (but if you want to know my theories, shoot me an ask)
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clarionglass · 3 years
tagged by @gentlemancrow, thanks for the tag! :)
1. Why did you choose your url? i think i chose this back in the heady days of uh. year 8 or 9? for my old ff dot net account and/or deviantart, and it’s just stuck ever since! it was back in my skulduggery pleasant fandom days, and the concept of chosen names has always struck me as pretty cool, so i was messing around with picking one, and clarion glass stuck! it’s been my username for literally everything for years now, and clarion/clari has become the name i respond to on the internet :)
2. Any side blogs? yes but also no? i have three, technically, but none are active anymore. one was set up for a creative project for my greek and roman mythology unit in third year (i was blogging as ariadne, it was a fun time :) ), i’m not gonna give the url to that one because it’s entirely defunct @honestoperarecaps was set up as a study tool for my opera unit bc i thought i’d remember things better if i vented about the operas i had to watch in a mildly humorous way. it worked, but i only had the time and energy for one post :’) if you want to read my vent about don giovanni act one then click on over i guess :P and lastly is the good old school of music quotebook! it’s password locked bc it was just for me and my mates to put up the weird quotes that people said around the department (it was back before the SoM had a name change and became “the con,” so that dates it), and my god there were many. damn, i need to have a reread through those :) @bejewelled2deluxe that was a good time :D
3. How long have you been on tumblr? a while and a half! i think i got it in about 2014 or 15, but i lurked on my mates’ blogs from about 2012 without actually getting an account. so i lived through superwholock, but vicariously :’)
4. Do you have a queue tag? ha ha ha ha ha ask another question (i do not. i post 50 things at once or nothing at all.)
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? like i said before, i was a lurker for a good few years before i caved! i’m a fandom nerd, as well as a sucker for a good meme, and the communities that my friends were in seemed pretty chill. i knew for ages i was gonna get a tumblr, but i just didn’t want to distract myself during Important School Times (i was entirely correct in thinking it’d be a black hole for all my time :’) )
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp? oh man, there’s a q! i’d done a few drawings from the queen’s thief series about the time i signed up (if you haven’t read it go read it, it’s Fantastic), so i nicked a headshot off one of them bc she looks vaguely slightly like me :P this one is the queen of eddis! such a good character, i love her to pieces :)
7. Why did you choose your header? it doesn’t come up in my blog theme on pc so i forget what it is..... is it the lantern tree? it was just a cool pic, i love lanterns in trees yo blog title i definitely know where that came from, as does anybody who knows me in person,,,, it’s a tempo direction off a piece of music by That Goddamn Dude, and it just clicked with me
8. What’s your post with the most notes? my crocheted tiny martin photoset :)
9. How many mutuals do you have? no idea, my love, absolutely none
10. How many followers do you have? uh 184 apparently but i do need to do a weed for porn bots :/ if you’re part of the 184 and you’re not a porn bot and i don’t know you irl then hello! i don’t know where you’ve come from (tbh it’s probably the chatfic now i think about it) but you are very welcome, and i hope you’re not too put off by my extremely sporadic posting!
11. How many people do you follow? uh. 70. i have a very,,,, curated,,,, dash experience. :|
12. Have you ever made a shitpost? not really? i’ve shat out some odd thoughts on tma, if that counts :P
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day? i like to scroll to the end of my dash (hence the answer to q11 lol), and i get bored easily, so i often scroll through on my breaks and in the morning when i wake up :) that said, i only reblog stuff when i’m on my laptop bc i like to tag ramble and that’s just too much effort on my phone
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? hell no, i’m very conflict averse plus who the hell is going to fight with me? i’m the smallest of small fry :P
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? i ignore them bc i do not need to be guilted into reblogging things tyvm (((:
16. Do you like tag games? for sure! i always take approx 2390358 years to respond to them but they’re cool as hell, plus i like being thought of :)
17. Do you like ask games? ditto the previous :)
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous? i’m mutuals with a few Fandom People, but idk if anyone’s like. big famous? and i’m pretty sure nobody who’s big famous follows me back lol i just like to stick to my small corner of the internet :) if i’m wrong that’s rad as hell tho!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? nah but i love y’all as friends!
this is the tag part! which i hate doing! if you see this on your dash consider yourself tagged if you want to do it :) @idris-the-potterhead if you need to take a break from lab work then go for it :)
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thisiscarolinerose · 5 years
Tagged by the wonderful @nellabellavita
• zodiac
Virgo Sun, Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Moon 
• height
• time
10:19 PM
• favorite band/artist
The Band Camino, Jet Black Alley Cat, Amber Run
Honorable Mentions: Hardcastle the Band, Jake Scott
• song stuck in my head
Ex Lover Syndrome - Jet Black Alley Cat
• last film i watched
Tammy lmao... I never watch movies and I turned my tv on out of boredom and that was on. Before that I watched After on Netflix. SOOOOO CHEESY!
• last thing i googled
Life Is Strange 2 Wikia to find out the the other choices/endings 
• other blogs
I have blogs, but I never post and just saved it for the handle
• do i get asks
Rarely. Every once in a while an anon will pop in. But I love getting them.
• why did i chose this username
I was tired of making my handle around a fandom because my blog is random shit that I like so I made it my name. First name: Caroline Middle name: Rose
• following
213... I should prob follow more.
• average amount of sleep
5-7.. depends on the day or what I have to do.
• what I’m wearing
A black long sleeve and black leggings.
• dream job
I am in school to become a teacher.
• dream trip
I have always wanted to do an RV trip ever since I was a kid. I want to visit the mountains too. Hoping to do that soon. TBH travelling far is exhausting
• favourite food
Chicken Parm babbyyyyyy
• play any instruments
No. Not ever.
• eye color
• hair color
• languages you speak
English. I took Spanish for six years. Kind of wish I continued it and became fluent. I know how to spell my name in ASL
• most iconic song
Bernstein - The Band Camino
• random fact
My name was supposed to be Savannah
• describe yourself as aesthetic things
DUDEEE.... I am the least aesthetic person in the world that I don’t even know what counts...
Black clothing, riding boots, long hair???
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camcantarella · 6 years
Tagged by the AMAZING @knownasemrys! (Hey Jay it’s me Davette on my current obsession’s blog)
Wow I’m so late doing this.
Nicknames: Um I don’t really have one anymore tbh. In my first semester of college my friends used to call me Awkward. It was kind of like an inside joke for 3 of us, then it spread bc that’s how they introduced me to the rest of our friend group lol. Now though? I pretty much just let people call me “D” because they’re always fucking my name up even though it’s not hard to say 2 syllables Zodiac: Libra Height: 5′8ish Time: 9:38 PM Favorite Band: too. many. to. choose. from. Timeflies? 5sos? A R I Z O N A? Imagine Dragons? Hearts & Colors? Dan+Shay? Lady Antebellum? Eli Young Band? Rascal Flatts? That’s as far as I can narrow it down Song Stuck in my Head: Hooked by Why Don’t We - the chorus has been stuck in my head since I first heard it like a month ago Last Movie I Saw: Lion King Last Thing I Googled: Daniel Henney Other Blogs: wow okay so it’s finally my time to shine lol (and show yall I wasn’t 100% kidding when I said I was addicted to creating new blogs)
currently own: @dcharmaine @favefanfaves @livbarba @choicesguide @choicesbirthdays @mymarrishheart @marrishzone @marrishvibes @bansheesonfire @teammarrish @letsgetclassic @the one that shall not be named
gave away: maleozone
deleted: beyondzone
100 % contemplating creating at least 10x a day? choiceszone - an archive of purely fanmade content
I’m still an admin on: deputyparrishmartin marrishweek  Do I Get Asks: If I’m playing ask games, sure! Or in the rare occasion that someone needs help with the game Why I Chose This Username: It had to match choicesguide so I could keep my ask tag as “cg answers” Average Amount of Sleep: not enough lol like... since school’s currently out I’m getting more than my 8 hours. But most of the year I’m in school so more like 2-3 a day? Lucky Number: um I tend to go with 7 bc of my birthday. Hasn’t truly let me down yet What I’m Wearing: the summer set band tee Dream Job: I’m going for Victim Advocacy, but even when I planned on becoming a counselor I didn’t have a name for it. A community center of sorts? But not exactly like that. Kinda like a half community center, half crisis center vibe Dream Trip: me, uncultured - hawaii or somewhere like that. Favorite Food: Pizza!! Mac & Cheese!! Play Any Instruments: Well I mean... Back in 7th grade (and also a few years ago bc my Captain cousin decided he was gonna buy me professional guitar lessons I didn’t even want but he’d just laid down 200 bucks for lessons, to get my guitar string replaced, a tuner for my guitar, and picks and I wasn’t about to waste it) I was learning guitar. In 12th grade I was learning piano. I still have my guitar and keyboard, but they haven’t been touched in years. 
Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Dark brown Languages: English, little bits of spanish and french (I will forever hate Patrick Sacleux, the worst professor teacher I’ve ever had my God. French 2 could’ve gone so much better than it actually did last year) Most Iconic Song: Um idk... maybe Don’t Trust Me by 3OH!3 Random Fact: I’ve already talked about my occasional country accent so... Ya know how I mentioned in the last one that my stepsister broke my finger back in middle school? Well the very next day I was asleep and I was having a total foodgasm worthy dream about the best strawberry shortcakes I’ve ever seen in. my. life. and I woke up in pain biting my broken finger lmao and to make matters worse my dog (who I was still slightly afraid of at the time - the cutest pitbull/lab mix ever) was staring at me all confused. Yeah, King. Me too. 
(Ooh y’all. I got some stories about King)
Tagging these amazing people: @alanakusumastan @lizeboredom @christopher-powell @client327 @purple-whispers @mariamatsuo @damienazariostan @gmsrrn98 @delphinuskelly @choices-ho @hbicfalloncarrington @davesreyes @thedepthsremember @an-indecisives-choice @choices-sideblog @drakewalkerwhipped @indescribablechoices @endlesspaywalls
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jihopi-remade · 6 years
tagged by @04pluto (ily ♥) to answer some questions about myself
nickname: el, preferably, but i have many nicknames
zodiac: leo sun, gemini moon, who the hell knows what rising everyone already hates me for the first two anyway lmao
height: 5′9
age: 22 on aug 9
time: 12:10 am
fave bands/artists: bts, bigbang, exo, 2ne1, bap, vance joy, sam smith, ed sheeran, hozier, harry styles, watsky, nf, mumford & sons, qveen herby, post malone, tbh i’ll never stop if not now
song stuck in my head: dynasty by miia and im emo as fuckin hell
last movie i watched: oh god, i havent been watching movies lately. i cant even remember.
last thing i googled: tsukishima x kuroo bc i couldnt remember kuroo’s name and knew i’d find it by typing ‘tsukishima x’ skdjfkj
other blogs: i have a score of other blogs tbh but i barely use them and dont rly wanna just publicly link them?? if ur a mutual n wanna know u can mssg me.
do i get asks?: ive gotten 1 ask since making this blog 3 weeks ago and it was someone saying they were tempted to unfollow me SO thats a no lmao
why i chose my username?: bc all the Good urls are taken and i love jimin and hobi. plus everyone kept thinking i was a tae stan with my taehob url.
following: 515
average amount of sleep: it varies from like 5-9 hrs
lucky number: ive always liked 9 but maybe thats bc it’s my day of birth
what am i wearing: honestly??? ...... a fuckin mini mouse pajama shirt with marvel pajama bottoms bc i didnt feel like looking through my clothes to find the matching piece of either set
dream job: successful poet / psychotherapist
dream trip: im easy to please and love to travel so like anywheres fine. though esp id like to travel to wherever my friends and mutuals are :( ♥
play any instruments: i can play piano, but i don’t claim i can play it well
fave song: i dont really have one, but dont worry be happy and dave matthews band version of cortez the killer have special places in my heart.
play any sport: wii sports (rly casual family games of volleyball and badminton is the closest ill ever get to playing sports)
hair colour: red rn, brown naturally
eye colour: hazel/green ?? it depends on who you ask tbh hazel seems to be a disputed eye color
most iconic song: the most iconic song of my childhood
language(s) you speak: english only bc im a dumb bitch who cant force herself to actually study
random fact: when i was like 10 i had a cousin in puerto rico who looked a lot like me but darker. ive never met her and tbh i still think about this like ... whats she look like now....
describe yourself as aesthetics: music coming from another room, sunlight on skin, wildflowers blowing in the breeze, telling ghost stories in the dark // lightning storms at night, sad words scribbled in odd places, sleeping close to the person you love, glow in the dark stars on the ceiling
tagging @agusth0e @crossroadswrite @izbelles @taetaez @honeystae @jooncafes @mygjhs @ktheaven @jijkooks @hibiscous @taehyunger @min-yungii @lesbianhoseok @selsouth if you wanna :)
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supehsoph · 6 years
i just felt like doing another one of these
it’s kind of invasive for some questions so some answers won’t be very accurate
tagged by @cinnamon-bat
1. Nickname: supeh, sups, supes, and other such variations. don’t call me mario it’s just part of my username cause it’d feel weird to cut it off at this point. mario isn’t even my real name
2. Zodiac:  ♌
3. Height: tallish
4. Time: t i m e   t o   t a k e   a   p i s s
5. Favorite band/artist: i love clark powell
6. Song stuck in my head: Inkwell Isle One (Piano) from Cuphead
7. Last movie I saw: The Cat Returns (that was like two months ago)
8. Last thing I googled: “leo sign unicode” :v
9. Do you get asks?: maximum one or two a month, usually anons answering my questions from the tags or a friend asking/answering something from an ask meme
10. Other blog: my main blog is my only one :0 (for now.......)
11. Why did I chose this username: was supposed to sign up to the terraria online forums to only ask for help with wavebanks back in 2011 but then i came back in 2013 and ended up sticking with the username since then. it’s actually the name of my first terraria character cause he was supposed to be mario but ended up looking really shitty
12. Following: i’m following like 178 blogs but i should do some cleanup for inactive blogs
13. Average amount of sleep: should be 8 but my dumb ass likes to wake up after 5 or 6 hours sometimes
14. Lucky number: 316???? idk it’s just a number that gets my attention a lot
15. What am I wearing: really don’t like this question
16. Dream job: ????????????????
17. Dream trip: i just wanna go to japan or new zealand just for the scenery tbh
18. Fave food: a fuckin....... pulled pork pizza i ate at a local restaurant. nothing has ever beaten this pizza for me. otherwise for less specific food: cookies
19. Play any instrument?: love me some fuckin piano but i’m bad at making both hands play different parts simultaneously. i don’t actively play the piano however
20. Eye colour: Brown
21. Hair colour: B r o w n
22. Describe yourself as aesthetic things: do i look like someone who has an affinity with making aesthetics? i’m just tired bro
23. Languages you speak: french and english
24. Most iconic song: i can’t even answer this. one favourite song?? one???? buddy chum pal i don’t even know. my mood changes a lot and my favourite tracks change at the same time. 
but it’s probably The Journey to the West from Princess Mononoke (or the entire soundtrack!!)
25. Random fact: i enjoy doing 100% playthroughs of majora’s mask in the least amount of cycles possible (in a more casual manner, i’m no speedrunner) without slowing down time or skipping ahead. it generates stress but it’s good stress, which i can handle. i might know the game almost like the back of my hand by now but it’s still fun
i’m supposed to tag 20 blogs but like fuck that. i’m not tagging anyone because i don’t wanna pressure my precious mutuals
feel free to do this thing if you wanna
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sugaurora · 6 years
Rules: Answer 29 questions and then tag blogs you’d like to know better.
I was tagged by @ditzymax, someone with excellent taste in biases tbh.
Tumblr media
Nickname: Kay
Gender: Female
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5’8″/173cm
Age: 8,741 prolly
Time: 10:16 AM
Favorite bands/solo artists: In no particular order -
K-Pop: BTS, A.C.E, SHINee, Ladies Code, Pristin, TWICE, EXO, KNK, NCT, Block B, Got7, Dreamcatcher, Monsta X, CLC, Seventeen, BAP, Up10tion, SuJu, SNSD, KARD, EXID, Red Velvet, APink, 24K, SO MANY MORE GROUPS RLY
Non K-Pop: Marina and the Diamonds, 65 Days of Static, Kesha, Angela Aki, Utada Hikaru, Arashi, KAT-TUN, Florence + The Machine, Jasmine, Koda Kumi (this isn’t fair because I tend to care more about individual songs than I do an artist)
Song stuck in my head: “Glass Heart” by Sam Tinnesz
Last movie I saw: The Incredibles 2
Last think I Googled: Examples of sadomasochism
Other blogs: None, I can barely stay consistent with one
Do I get asks: Sometimes. Depends if I am producing any interesting content I suppose, which pfft, I don’t ever write or anything.
Why I chose my username: I liked my old name (btsofmyheart), but as a Hoseok stan, I wanted something involving him that felt lighthearted and cute. And it just popped into my head, based on Breakfast at Tiffany’s Holly Golightly. Although, since I’m now a traitorous OT7 stan, I probably should change back to something more all inclusive, but I’m dragging my feet about it.
Following: I follow 517 blogs, wow
Average amount of sleep: If I’m not suffering w/ anxiety, 7-8 hours. If I am, about 3.
Lucky number: 8
What I am wearing: White capris and a blue and white flowy top.
Dream job: Any form of linguistics study, speech therapy, dietetics (more on the research side), writer, travel blogger.
Dream trip: A tour of East and Southeast Asia. All over the world honestly. I love traveling and exploring.
Favorite food: Fruit or anything deep fried.
Play any instruments: Nope. I sing, though probably not very well anymore as it’s been a while.
Favorite song: Impossible choice. Currently, I’m super into Naked by James Arthur.
Play(ed) any sports: Tennis and swimming. Both things I’d like to get back into, but I’d need to move to a bigger city for that.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Most iconic song: “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston
Languages you speak/are learning: English. I used to be able to speak elementary level Japanese, but if you don’t use it you lose it and I certainly haven’t used it. My life goal is to learn Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and French at a conversational level. I have plenty of time.
Random fact: I love to bake, but I’m not a huge fan of sweet things. A lot of times I won’t even eat what I bake, I just give it away.
Describe yourself as aesthetics/things: grandma’s chocolate chip cookies, late night radio dj giving love advice, comfy sweaters on the first chilly winter day, plants slowly rising towards the sunlight, waves lapping against the shore on a sunny afternoon, wind chimes outside a forest cabin, stoner giggles
I tag @94hixtape, @overthemoonjoon, @promixity, @anon-luv, @wildernessuntothemselves, and anyone else who would like to play! Of course, if you’ve already done it or don’t want to you don’t have to.
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stevethehairington · 6 years
Rules: Answer these questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better.
I was tagged by @crackandcanonships @memequeenpeter @notwith-outyou and @julian-dahl <33 Thank you guysss <3
1. Nickname: Mack, though not very many people irl call me that lol; my dad called me G when there were two Mackenzie’s on my soccer team when I was younger
2. Zodiac: Gemini
3. Height: 5′4
4. Age: 19 in 6 days lmao
5. Time: 12:30 PM
6. Fav bands/artists: The 1975, The Neighbourhood, Sleeping at Last, The Script, Ed Sheeran, Hozier, Causes, Bleachers, Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness, Cigaretters After Sex, Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Halsey, SYML, Arctic Monkeys, Lana Del Rey, Rihanna, Frank Ocean, Sufjan Stevens, tbh the list goes on and on and on (i love music if you can’t tell)
7. Song stuck in my head: I currently have Glitter & Gold by Barns Courtney stuck in my head
8. Last movie I saw: I just saw A Quiet Place last night, it was pretty good 
9. Last thing I googled: This is so lame lmao but I’m working on my homework for my Nevada Constitution summer class (which is complete and utter bullshit, by the way) so my last google was “in what article is the size of nevada legislature discussed? what is the given limit of the legislature”— and I’d like to thank Quizlet for coming in clutch and having a set with all the answers on it haha 
10. Other blogs: Oh boy. So I don’t have any active other blogs, but I have a shit ton of side blogs that have literally nothing on them because I’m saving the urls lmao
11. Do I get asks: Lol no. Send me stuff my dudes.
12. Why I chose my username: It was the first nickname I had on the skam server I’m in and I loved how it sounded so I changed all my fandoms social medias to that lol 
13. Following: 913 lol oops. That’s kind of a lot but tbh the number would be way lower I’m just lazy and havent gone through to unfollow all the tumblrs from old fandoms yet
14. Avg amount of sleep: I try to get at least 7 hours a night, sometimes I get more, sometimes I get a little bit less
15. Lucky number: 3! It was the first number I ever had on my soccer jersey and it’s been my jersey number ever since and thus, my lucky number
16. What am I wearing: A dark grey UNR tank top that has the wolf symbol on it and a pair of dark jean shorts
17. Dream job: Profiler in the FBI
18. Dream trip: Oh boy this is so hard, I want to go like everywhere. Umm I’d sayyy I really really want to visit Russia one day, I feel like that would be hella cool. Or maybe Greece or Italy. 
19. Favorite food: I have so many favorites haha. I think sushi or pasta are my Ultimate Favorites though.
20. Play any instruments: I used to play the flute in elementary school lmao. I played recorder for a year at school (it was required don’t judge lmao). And I was in my school’s choir for a year too so I guess I can sing a bit. 
21. Favorite song: Uhhh this is so hard, I love too many songs. It kind of changes all the time depending on my mood and what I feel like listening to atm. But I guess a song I’ll never get sick of is either Loving Someone by The 1975 or Somebody Else by The 1975. 
22. Play(ed) any sports: Soccccceeeeerrrrrrrrrr!!!! This has been and always will be my number one sport! I’ve been playing since I was 3/4. I took a break from it my senior year of high school because I took so many AP classes and needed to focus on doing well in those. And I didn’t play this past year in college because I didn’t find out when intramural was until after it had already happened -_- I think I’m going to try to play this coming semester though. I miss it so much. I also was part of a swim team for twelve years and this past summer was my last on the team, and I played basketball for a few years when I was younger.
23. Hair color: Light brown
24. Eye color: Blue
25. Most iconic song: Ummm, can I go most iconic performance of a song? Because Tom Holland’s performance of Umbrella by Rihanna in the Lip Sync Battle will never not fuck me up so.  (But I guess if you want a real answer I’ll go with Bohemian Rhapsody because that song is fucking jam and it’s so damn Iconic.)
26. Languages you speak/learning: I speak English of course, and I’ve been taking Spanish in school since 6th grade. I tried my hand a bit in Norwegian via Duolingo, though I kind of haven’t done that in a few months... oops. I should get back to it. I desperately want to learn Russian and Romanian and there are so many others that would be so amazing to learn too.
27. Random fact: I have a job interview tomorrow and I’m nervous af :))))
28. Describe yourself as aesthetics/things: Hmmm.... I guess... cityscapes (New York to be specific heh), listening to music, the sound of rain against a window, iced coffee, the flickering of candlelight, the sound of a camera shutter, thick cozy socks, tapping of a laptop keyboard lmao
Okay so I definitely can’t tag  t w e n t y (20) people so I’ll just tag how many ever I can. If you’ve already been tagged oops sorry here’s another tag! lol @femmevilde @skamfairy @unendeligtid @my-doctor-is-sherlock @hanmira @canonicallyanxious @fxckxxp @julieseven
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survivormoheli · 6 years
Rites of Passage
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Becca - i never met u but i’m sure u’re a p cool chick! Matt J - i didn’t get to meet u either but if u turn ur name around to tamm it’s like tim tam and i rly like tim tams Eric A - i never got the chance to meet u either!!! but eric k is p cool and u guys share the same name so u must b alright too!! Akito - omg it sucks how we were kind of aligned w different people and never got the opportunity to talk much or work together. i rly valued everything you told me though and it would be cool if we got the opportunity to work together in future games since i’ve heard a lot of good stuff about you! Bryan - omg!!!!! )))))))))-: i’m so sorry i wasn’t able to save you. you’re literally so much fun and i can’t wait until the seasons over so we can start talking again! i also rly hope we get another opportunity to play again!! i wishhh you made merge so we could stir up shit and annoy everyone else. send me more finger pics too plz xx love uuuu Elliot - I’M SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was way too pushy and i wish we spent one world chatting and having fun n talking instead of arguing over who to vote. i miss you so so so so so so so so so so so much and i regret EVERYTHING!!! i really hope we can talk after the seasons finished bcos i actually love you and want to hang out with you more. i hope schools doing great u rock!!!!
Andreas - omg our late night chats (early morning for you) were my favourite and i had so many laughs whilst talking to you. i really hope all your other discord orgs are going good and i’m having fun checking on the Egypt one occasionally, goodluck in ftc!! i hope we can continue talking after the game! say hi to isa from me!!
Annmarie - omg even though we didn’t get to talk too much, my like one encounter with you on call was like the funniest and I hope we get another opportunity to talk or play bcos you are soo iconic hahaha. i’ve heard a couple different things about why you left and i’m not sure which one is the real one but i hope you’re doing good and you’re healthy!
Raffy - i am sooo lucky to have met you!!! thank you for like keeping me sane in this game lol and taking the stress off of my shoulders for all of premerge n the beginning of merge. love how i could finally witness your famous weird camera angles! i got so many laughs out of the calls with you, jg, and bryan and i can’t wait until we’re all reunited!! goodluck in your other games, i know you’re going to kill them!!
JG - omg we actually got redemption for isle of skye? i am sooo happy and like privileged that i got the opportunity to talk to you and work with you! you have such a bright and bubbly and happy personality and i really hope we continue talking after this game so i can hear more mcdonalds horror stories and learn more about the exciting things that are coming up in your life! ooh and so i can watch u n raffy mess around in fortnite.
Dani - hows jury?? xx
Richie - omg you are actually sooo funny and i’m like mad at myself that i didn’t try to get to know you better. i think i was a bit intimidated by you because i heard from others that you weren’t my biggest fan eek! but the few conversations we did have were my fave. we need to start up that face mask company, me n blake came up w an amazing marketing scheme but we need our model!  my fave nicole gif btw:
Tim - i’m rly bummed that we didn’t work as closely as we did in isle of skye bcos that was so much fun. your final memes that you sent me were so funny and gave me heaps of nostalgia. i hope everything goes well for prom and you n your friends have heaps of fun!!
Blake - i keep reading funny things or spot a hot guy or something n go to message you but realise i can’t. i rly made my life a lot less interesting huh!! becoming friends with you was probably the best experience for me of this game. i really hope that voting you out doesn’t change our relationship and we can still be friends and talk heaps, and watch horror movies, and be mean to people. HAHHAHA. i love you lots!!!
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Blake: You are such a great guy and an awesome player! From being the only two from Sima that stuck together at the first tribe swap, to getting back together on Thueban. You were a great ally and I was to have to cut ties.
Tim: Tim! You’re a really great guy and I still really loved the flag you made for the merged tribe challenge all on your phone, especially the beret and mustache :P Have fun at prom when the time comes and hopefully you found a nice tux!
Richie: You played hard right up to the end and I respect that! You played a great game. Keep dropping your Survivor/BBCan/BBUS knowledge and you’re bound to get a job on the spot! I guarantee it!! Haha Remember, you’re a survivor of grad school, no matter how long you were in it
Dani: You played an awesome game but I guess the odds just weren’t on your side in the end. I wish you the best of luck with your goal of getting on Survivor! :) I’m sure you’ll get on it, just got to keep on trying. I can’t wait to see you on my TV screen.
JG: We often kept our chats to game talk and I felt like we had a really good bond and shared a similar mindset in terms of threats and allies. I was sad to see you get voted out and wish we could have played together for longer. Keep on killing it at Overwatch for me and I’ll keep on killing on Mario Kart for you :)
Raffy: Raffy! You were definitely a character from the moment we interacted right until the very end. Causing tribe drama by forfeiting that challenge was something I’ll never forget. Good luck with the rest of high school and keep enjoying those video games.
AnnMarie: Look at you causing drama with a MedEvac! Haha I’m glad to hear that you were okay. Best of luck with school and make sure to take the time to destress once in a while. You honestly won me over when I saw that you chose Michaela as your picture haha
Andreas: I’m sorry to hear about the frustration you had during the early portion of the game. It was nice to connect with another non-american player! Hopefully your job search went well and your fun interview turned out for the best!!!
Elliot: You were so great! I’m glad we shared a lot of same opinions and it was always great to get my frustration out and screaming into the void with you when needed. You were somebody I saw myself aligning with before you got voted out and that tribal really sucked.
Bryan: We never got to chat much sadly simply because we were never on the same tribe, except for the One World twist. You’re obviously a huge presence in these games which is something to be respected. It would have been cool to play alongside you and learn a bit of your skills. Hopefully see you in the next one!
Akito: We never really talked much, and I blame my busy work schedule for that, but I remember suffering through the duolingo challenge with you from beginning to end. Talking about our progress and how much we didn’t want to do it anymore. Sorry for accidentally congratulating you for getting the highest score only to immediately realize I misread the results haha
Eric A: All the way back to the original Sima tribe. I had a great time shit talking about people who spell their name as Erik over the more superior Eric. But I’m sure we weren’t bias or anything haha We never went far together but I enjoyed the time we had early on in the game,
Matt J: I’m sad that I never actually met in the game. As a first time player myself, I was excited to chat with you. I hope your early elimination won’t stop you from playing again in the future!
Becca: It was sad to see you go home first :( I hope you had a good time throughout your time in the game and hopefully we’ll actually cross paths one of these days.
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Blake- ohhhhhh my god. i love you so much and everyone knows who already really won this game (you) even without the actual title! can’t believe you were done like that and if you play other survivor games (or real survivor) you’re gonna win! Tim- we didn’t talk much but i really  like how you never gave up even when you had like 0 hope. Richie- we didn’t talk much like at all but you’re obviously vvv smart and was always on the top for challenges. Dani- you really were the queen of surviving tribal council and i fully respect your gameplay and you turned into the threat pretty quick! JG- we’ve had our differences but now i really appreciate and respect you!! so glad we got these chances to talk lol! i’ll be rooting for you your next game lol!
Raffy- it was nice talking to you for the short period we did. sorry it ended so shortly but threats can’t stay threats!!!
Annmarie- idk what to say like you flipped on me and after bryan was out you were basically nonexistent Andreas- so you voted for me and that’s completely cool i feel for your awful timezone situation and how you played even with the struggle!
Elliot- i don’t think we were ever on a tribe together but i heard enough about you from blake to feel like we were tbh Bryan- …… i mean the first time didn’t work but the second time was a charm?? Akito- idk you just really tried to throw me under the bus which is kind of an awful thing to do but look who’s here now taquito Eric A- ya know this was my first attempt at trying something and it didn’t work out agdbd but rip to you i really tried
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Blake: You are so cool, unfortunately you just were too good :-( hope to play with you again!
Tim: I really want to play with you again, you are a really good player
Richie: I wish you were still in the game! Unfortunately they targeted our alliance...
Dani: I would have gone to the end with you, I hate that you're not here...
JG: I hope to play with you again! You are a really good player
Raffy: lol your name always autocorrects to Taffy, I hope to play with you again and you're really cool!
Andreas: I'm really sorry that you got voted out, it's a part of my game that I regret the most... Hope to play with you again :-)
Bryan: it's unfortunate that you had to get voted out, I really enjoyed playing with you!
Matt J: I'm sorry that we voted you out early, but you were going after me!
Becca: I wish you could have stayed longer... Good luck!
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magniloquent-raven · 7 years
Rules: tag 10 people you would like to know better Birthday: October 6 Gender: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Relationship status: so very, very single ...soooo single. like, i said two sentences to a pretty girl today and nearly died Zodiac sign: Libra Siblings: one dickhead older brother (who just got engaged, which is very weird) Wake up time: my alarm is set for 7am, but it’s sort of a range lol, usually anywhere between 6:30 and 7:45 Lemonade or sweet tea: tea? Day or night: night Coke or pepsi: ....sprite. WHICH I RECENTLY FOUND OUT ALSO COMES IN CRANBERRY FLAVOUR AND IT’S AMAZING Calls or texts: texts Met a celebrity: maybe? when i was really little i think. don’t remember who though, so...no i guess lol Smile or eyes: eyes Country or city: if six years of living in a town (albeit a small one) has taught me anything it’s that i was made to live around trees, not people Last song I listened to: Demons, Icon for Hire
Nickname: never really had one Star sign: Libra Height: 5′....5″? i think. it’s been so long since I’ve actually been measured, but I’m taller than my mum now (by a little tiny bit) my posture is awful though, so who knows lmao Time right now: 5:47pm Favourite music artist(s): at the moment, Icon for Hire, been sort of in love with them for like... eight months now, after getting back into them last summer. their most recent album was the first cd i ever pre-ordered lmao, i listened to that and pretty much nothing else for like a month after it came out, and i got a tattoo with a quote from one of their songs Song stuck in your head: that fucking...little meatball song... i can’t remember the title but my nephew was singing it really loudly a little while ago Last movie watched: uhhhh........ i... think the last movie I watched was Rogue One, like two weeks ago lol Last tv show watched: might have been Star Trek: Voyager, according to Netflix haha What are you wearing right now: pjs and a sweater When did you create your blog: little over a year ago What kind of stuff do you post: i’ve been reblogging a lot of animal pictures lately, idk, harry potter’s pretty much a constant, whatever i’m into at the moment Do you have any other blogs moved to / saved URL: nope Do you get asks regularly: lol no Why did you chose your URL: uhh, i wasn’t in the mood to try out a bunch of urls and find out they were taken, so i figured i’d just choose something random that i figured wouldn’t be taken? magniloquent was the dictionary app word of the day lol, and i like ravens. it’s also a bit of an inside joke Gender: nah Hogwarts house: SLYTHERIN Pokemon team: idk Favorite color: green is nice Average hours of sleep: usually around 8-9 nowadays Favourite characters: fffff....um. just a few off the top of my head, Minerva McGonagall, Captain Janeway, Athena & Janey Springs (from Borderlands, i started replaying the pre-sequel a few days ago) Korra, Tiffany Aching....etc. there are many How many blankets do you sleep with: three rn, Dream job: technically i already have my dream job i’m just not being paid to do it lmfao. I’d love to be an actual published author, like, if i just finish a book i’ll be happy tbh Following: er. people? probably?
I tag @deanthomasfinnigan @strangelypensieve @this-total-fuck @dreadpiratedash and if anyone else wants to do this, please do :)
Thank you @mirakcis and @queerly-i-am-right for tagging me! :D
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autocon23 · 3 years
Thanks for tagging me @lilythemadqueen
1. Why did you choose your URL?
Well, I have two URLs. My main being @fandomsaremykryponite . I chose that one because that’s what I was feeling at the time and it’s kinda true. My other one is @autocon23 which is actually the URL for my writing blog. I chose it bc it would be the easiest to remember…..also bc it’s both my AO3 name and my gamer tag so basically it’s been turning into my identity and I’m now dying inside lol
2. Any side blogs?
My writing blog @autocon23 is my side blog. I wanted some place that could be exclusively for my writing, plus whatever I want to post that ties in with whatever fandoms I’m either writing or found writing for. It’s also kinda turned into a Norman Reedus tribute since I’m positive that most of the reblogged posts on it are gifs or pictures of him. Lol
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
Honestly, idk…….uuuuuuhhhhhh………WAIT I REMEMBER!!!! l think like 2013 or 2014???? I’d have to do a shitton of digging, but i think it was around there. I only ever followed Transformer blogs and achievement hunter and a few other things. My blog didn’t get this crazy until like the last two years now.
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4. Do you have a queue tag?
Imma be real…..I don’t know how to do that. I don’t even know how to do the ‘keep reading’ thing or how to set up a master list. Otherwise I would be posting my fic itself onto my blog as well instead of just providing links to it on AO3. I’m a very smart person, but I’m also like SUPER DUMB and I’m not even kidding.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Well, I started my main blog bc I wanted to another place to read fanfics and I wanted to see cool fanart other than on deviantart (yes, i have one. No, I’m not telling you what my username is there, i never posted anything lol). My writing blog I created bc I wanted to have some place specifically for my to do my writing. I plan to post other stories like one shots (see Optimism), drabbles, writing prompts, and my askbox is even open in case anyone wants to give their own prompts to write. I do however need to get around to writing out my rules on what i will and will not write about since that seems like a good thing to have.
6. Why did you choose your icon?
My main blog’s icon is a character called Tailgate who says that he’s having a panic. Not panic attack. Just panic. I forgot what was happening that led to that, but it was really funny and honestly, I kinda relate to Tailgate in how, if possible, I too would miss six million years of my own planet’s history by being stuck in a hole in the middle of nowhere on my planet.
For my writing blog…….well……let’s just say I’m a thirsty bitch and I like staring at him.
7. Why did you choose your header?
In my main blog, it’s a screenshot from Godzilla: King of the Monsters. It’s that scene in Mexico with the volcano. Ghidorah has become the new king of the monsters and that shot was always cool to me. Like the first time I saw it, I got literally chills it was so dope.
My writing blog……..uh…….
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8. Which post has the most likes?
Uuuuuuhhhhhhhh……one moment *pulls out phone* okay so my top posts in my main blog is uhhhhhh *insert confused noises here* video about a sheep being freed from a crevice only to jump to try and get over it and instead find itself stuck in it again. *pulls up next post* a screenshot of someone’s twitter post about how people turning gay by watching Keira knightly in POC movies ……..which is fair i mean……she’s fucking hot and i cheered when she finally started wearing pants in it.
*grabs next post* i have an otter hugging an orange tabby and tbh it’s hella cute. A meme about fanfic writers trashing canon lol, a video about a snorlax coffee cup and it’s hella big (why do i want one so bad? I will literally die if i make a cup of coffee that big), a post about peanut allergies and celery allergies????, alien graduate students kidnapping everything in a specific ecosystem and thinking that it’s all balanced………then i got some doggie volleyball…..
You get the gist. A lot of my posts on my main blog are reblogs. I do have a few posts that I actually made, but i don’t want to go looking for them.
In my writing blog…..my top posts are links to my fic, a writing dead reblog, a post i made just before i went into surgery for my wisdom teeth, a post i made when i was looking up if whether an 18month old baby is capable of swearing and i mentally freaked out bc the first thing google pulls up is the number to report child abuse and stuff and i was worried that my FBI/NSA guys might think i was doing something sketchy, a post i reblogged about interacting with fanfic writers (which i totes support), and a gif set of Daryl about his character development
Yeah, i have a problem so sue me
9. How many mutuals do you have?
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10. How many followers do you have?
Main blog: 357
Side blog: 20
I don’t really expect my side blog to pick up until my main fic series gets to TWD, but also I’m like really surprise that anyone wants to follow me bc all I do is reblog gifs and shitposts. But hey thanks for the follow lol
11. How many people do you follow?
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So i looked at the number of tumblrs i follow and…….uuuuuhhhhh……. I follow 2,780 of them……….might have to go through and unfollow a few now….that feels like too much lol is that too much?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Do headcannons or some random ramblings about Transformers count? Because I made a few of those. As well like like one or two different posts about She-Ra and BNHA/MHA
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
Lol…..uh……well….you see……..uuuuuuhhhhhhhh………..
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14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
I try to avoid those. I don’t care for drama and honestly, since coming to tumblr, I’ve thankfully haven’t had any. Though, I’m sure somebody is gonna get all huffy with me eventually over something. I just hope that it’s something I can laugh about though. Since starting my fic series I’ve only met like really nice people who like my work and that I chat with so we can gush over our fics together. So, strangely enough, I haven’t had any problems on Tumblr.
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I mean……depends on what it is people are telling me to reblog……i have a pretty small platform and, yeah I’ll admit, i do reblog some political posts, but i try to stay neutral of a lot of things. I do reblog posts with links to charities and such, but i mostly come to tumblr to get away from all the shitty stuff happening in the world. Call me an idiot or a coward, but i just feel drained of everything whenever I see bits of the news and it’s just a constant bombardment of how shitty our government and our law enforcement and such are.
16. Do you like tag games?
Yeah, I guess. I’ll probably be pretty choosy on which ones I participate because I try to keep my online and private life separate. Like I don’t like giving out my real name on this blog, but the bloggers I gush about my fics with have my gmail which has my name so i don’t mind that they know. That and i didn’t realize that it still had my name when i created a side email specifically so me and the others could email excerpts of our fanfics to each other since tumblr and discord don’t let you send docs to each other.
17. Do you like ask games?
Yeah, I won’t mind do those either. Again, I’ll probably be picky as to which ones I do if they get a little personal, but I’m game. I like trying new things and I wouldn’t mind giving ask games a shot.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
Honestly, anyone who knows more people on Tumblr is probably Tumblr famous in my eyes. Idk. I don’t really care for that, though, there are a few Tumblrs I follow that if they messaged me, I’d probably die bc I really like their stuff.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Weirdly enough, I’m the kind of person who falls a little bit in love with everyone. So I guess I got a crush on a good chunk of my mutuals bc they’re all super awesome and have been super supportive about my writing. So I try to give that same kindness to others.
20. No pressure tags:
@phoenixblack89 bc i ain’t letting you forget to do this lol and uuuuhhhhh @writingdeadangel bc these two and @lilythemadqueen are really the only ones I’m currently interacting with here
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