#tbh i just think we all should indulge ourselves more when it comes to fun tropes even if they're cliché
tvrningout-a · 1 year
bc i've made an isekai au for chiyo being dropped into dorverold, maybe perhaps like this post if you also enjoy the idea of an isekai plot! i'll approach you about it, and we can figure out the particulars <3
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moemoemammon · 3 years
may i request hcs for a poly mc?
Poly!MC with the Demon Brothers!
(GN!MC as always✌️)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
He will never get over the fact that he's got to share you with his annoying ass brothers. But as the most patient(?) of the seven, he's learned to compromise
And by 'compromise' I mean literally making a schedule for how much time everyone gets with you, to avoid unnecessary fights. They all get you for an entire day, on a respective day of the week in chronological order. (Lucifer on Sunday, Mammon Monday, etc)
Though... we all know he abuses the system by making excuses like "MC, I need you in my office for a moment. I'd like to discuss your grades." and "Come with me for a moment, MC. I'd like you to explain something to me."
Basically he fools everyone by making it sound like you're in trouble, when he literally just wants to hang out with you some more. Maybe he can convince you that all you really need is him..? Jk he respects your decision even if it eats him alive because why his brothers of all people-
"As much as I don't understand your choice, I've lived with those six long enough to know how to deal with them. That being said... I also know how to keep them at bay. We'll have plenty of time to ourselves, hm?"
The only brother that can see through Lucifer's ruse, but he can't say anything about it because... come on, it's Lucifer we're talking about.
But that's not stopping him from arguing about that dumb schedule! Why's he got to wait until MONDAY, which is a SCHOOL DAY, just to hang out with you?? Why does he have to go second when he was your FIRST???
Keeps trying to convince you to skip classes with him so you can sneak away and spend the day together. Nobody's got to know, okay?
The whole once-a-week thing teaches Mammon the importance of time management, so he's making the most of the time he's got when you're all his. He's taking you on all sorts of dates and there's no way he'll take no for an answer, got it??
"Oi! What did I tell ya about makin' those goo goo eyes at Levi, huh?! Only look at ME like that, understand? Just you wait, I'll take ya on a date so great, you'll only be able to think about THE Great Mammon! ....Huh? Y-yeah, I want ya to hold my hand."
Tuesday has officially become his favorite day, for reasons that have nothing to do with the upcoming Ruri-chan themed maid cafe event going on soon-
Tuesday's actually used to be his raid days, when he’d get online with his rpg buddies and do dungeon runs until dawn. But now? He's sacrificed all of that just so he can take the time to enjoy being with you
He may not know much about traditional dating, but don't underestimate the power of an otaku with centuries of dating sim knowledge under his belt-! He'll show you so much moe, your head will pop!!
Just be patient with him, okay? He's seriously trying to be romantic here, even if the thought of holding your hand is enough to make his palms sweaty. But he's not passing up an entire day filled with MC-! Not even his inferiority complex will get in his way!
"Eheheh... I've spent all night coming up with the perfect plan of action! First! We're going to have a TSL marathon of all your favorite episodes! Second! We'll speedrun that game you wanted to play, because I bought it! Third! We'll make a TSL-themed dinner to enjoy in my room! Then, we- ..Huh? What do you mean there won't be enough time? S-seriously?!"
Wednesday... well, that's right in the middle of the week, so it gives him plenty of time to carefully plan what he wants to do with you when it's his turn to have you. (He also does everything in his power to ruin Lucifer's dates oop-)
We all know Satan's gonna write a whole ass dating journal filled with all sorts of romantic ideas he wants to try out on you.
It's a literal date planner, and he's got things meticulously scheduled just to ensure he makes the most out of your day. You'll have to tell him that you prefer to go with the flow, or he might get a little overzealous-
But having a chance to settle down and realize that it's alright to relax once in a while is a relief. He can't help but feel annoyed when he sees you with the others, and it makes him want to cram even more of himself into your thoughts, so a breather is definitely needed.
"You know, I've been reading more books of the romance genre lately, and it's been giving me ideas for how to spend my time with you. I know you said I shouldn't take live advice from a novel, but... when I read the stories, I can't help but picture the two of us. Shall we read some of them together?"
Thursday?? Why couldn't he have a weekend??? Everyone knows there's nothing fun happening on a Thursday night... That being said, Asmo has to get creative!
He's no stranger to improvised romance, so this boy pulls out all the stops and always delivers?? Somehow???? He can plan the perfect date in under thirty minutes-
And the time away from you makes him realize that he actually has to consider the depth of those dates. He finds he's not satisfied with cheap, devilgrammable dates anymore. He wants substance!
So he's taken to staying home with you, carefully and quietly getting to know you, and sharing himself with you. He loves it best when the date leaves him craving more and thinking of nothing but your smile. He hopes you can say the same, too.
"...Aaand that's how you do a cross stitch! Levi taught me that one, and it's saved my life a dozen times! It was a great idea that we should make matching wallets, huh? I'm just FULL of ideas like that! Go ahead and praise me all you want~!❤️"
Madame Screams does a discount on their sweets every other Friday, when they rotate their stock. He couldn't be happier! Though, he’d be fine with any day of the week tbh-
That doesn't mean he doesn't value his time with you, though. It being close to the weekend means he gets to stay up late with you, the two of you sneaking into the kitchen at night to smuggle away a mountain of snacks
Or he'll take you out into the mountains for a picnic, hoping the view of the surrounding scenery and your face will curb his appetite.
He couldn't be happier to have you for an entire day. A whole day, where hunger is just an afterthought and all he cares about is making you laugh... It makes him happy. He's starting to love Fridays even more now.
"Are you sure you're not tired? We've been hiking for a while....Here, hop on my back. I don't mind it. It's nice when I get to be close to you like this....Hm? My face is red? I think it's the heat.. maybe."
Saturday, huh? Perfect. He preps for the weekend by sleeping as much as possible on Friday, so he can stay up all Saturday with you.
And when night falls? That's when his plan really comes into play. He spends the entire day doing the things you want to do, making sure you're thoroughly worn out so when it's time for bed, he has no problem coaxing you into bed with him.
And he's exhausted at that point so once he wraps his arms around you and falls asleep, there's no escape. The longer you're stuck there, the less time he spends glaring at Lucifer for stealing you on Monday.
But really.. the highlight of it all is the big, goofy grin on your face when he watches you indulge in the things you love. Even if it might not be his cup of tea, he's just happy that you're happy. And if he can keep you away from Lucifer, it's a win win.
"If you keep smiling like that, it'll make it even harder to give you away tomorrow. But you know.. we could just run away for a day or two. We could go camping somewhere, and stare up at the stars all night long. It'll be our secret."
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singingcookie · 4 years
Why Bakugou Katsuki is a Taurus
So fun fact I find astrology (yknow the Zodiac kind) super fascinating to learn and talk about, and I’m here because recently I was reminded of Bakugou and the fact that everyone mistypes him as an Aries. And tbh it makes me a little angry because the reason tends to be “he’s hot-blooded and an arrogant brat” but ✨fun fact✨ Taureans can be too!!! Wow whoa that’s crazy it’s almost like specific signs aren’t inherently good or bad and associating them with specifically negative traits is hmm maybe not? The right way to go about it? 🤔
But with that said, I’m here to dismantle this idea with a little bit of a deep dive into the signs and how it relates to Bakugou’s character as we’ve seen it throughout the duration of the story. First things first, this is just something for fun and I don’t actually believe that we’re solely confined to our sun signs as a definition of ourselves, and with that said, I think it’s a little foolish to narrow that down for characters as well. But considering I doubt most people know or are interested in the complexities of a natal chart, this is what I’ll be focusing on lol.
To kick things off, Katsuki’s birthday is listed as April 20th; this date is commonly listed as the first day of Taurus♉, but the start dates can range by one or two days depending on the year. However, looking up a few different years online I see that this is pretty commonly a Taurus date rather than wavering between the two signs. So that’s already mark one for Taurus, technically speaking.
Taurus is often symbolized by the 🐂 bull. The Cafeastrology site has this to say regarding the bull’s association with the zodiac sign: 
“For centuries, the bull has been a symbol of strength, tenacity, virility, and power. Left alone, a bull will happily graze; but if it is bothered, it will charge! Similarly, the Taurus personality is thought to be calm and peaceful, but when their anger is aroused, their temper can be wicked. Taureans are often quite disturbed by sudden changes–they prefer their lives stable and secure. Taureans are thought to be persevering, strong individuals, who can also be quite “bull-headed”. They can be dogged and determined when they have a goal in mind. Taureans are also quite sensual and, often, self-indulgent “beasts”.”
So look at that, Taureans are known for having a pretty intense temper when they get heated! It’s almost as though any sign can easily be angered or a “brat” particularly so when you add that temper to the typical Taurean stubbornness. That’s so wild. /pretends to be shocked
More seriously though, I’m sure a few of you read “calm and peaceful” and are scoffing because that does not sound like Katsuki. But let’s think back to Chapter 1, in addition to later flashbacks to him as a child. The first “official” introduction we have of Katsuki is with him in class, and claiming how much he wants to get into UA. During this segment he’s excitable but clearly and unequivocally not angry. The same can be a said of any flashbacks set before receiving his Quirk/before finding out Deku was Quirkless. But therein lies the caveat…
Enter Deku. 😱
Now something I would like to note is from what Deku tells us and what we see, prior to Deku being confirmed as Quirkless, these two boys get along really well. They were best friends right up until his Quirklessness was discovered and then shortly after that we had the scene where Katsuki falls down and into the pond.
All their other friends wonder if he’s okay for an instant before continuing on with “Of course! Kacchan’s really strong!” which is an idea we saw Katsuki take to heart from all of his peers and the adults around him telling him so. It puts an idea in his head that because of his Quirk and potential he’s among the best of the best. But Deku (diagnosed as Quirkless) comes down to help and asks if he’s hurt and this is where Katsuki’s inferiority/superiority complex starts.
Any time this complex is touched on, whenever Katsuki’s dynamic with the world at large (the idea of being “greater”) is threatened from here on, Katsuki gets angry. And to add to this looking up Taurean children online one thing of note is “Any disruption of relations he perceives extremely painful, but does not suffer openly. Taurus is afraid of change, he gets used to a new one for a long time, but it is difficult to get rid of the entrenched habits. All this can lead to serious psychological problems - complexes and phobias.” Which sounds rather apt all things considered.
This continues on into UA but it expands not just from Deku, but to the entirety of the class who (following the chapter/episode Deku vs Kacchan) he realizes are all just as capable and threats in their own ways. It’s why he quietly leaves class that day without talking to others (more reserved like a typical Taurus) but blows up on Deku when he comes out and issues a(n unintentional) challenge to him.
The thing about sun signs is not every trait fits every person to a T, and this also has a lot to do too with the concept of the natal chart (which expands potential facets a person could have) but also the concept of nature vs nurture. The way we grow up, the way we’re raised, and the issues we deal with can all severely impact the way we interact with the world and can’t often be defined as simply as “they’re a Gemini so they’re two faced” etc.
I could go on to explain some other facets of Taurean sun people and how it relates to Katsuki. Explaining, for example, how the “possessiveness” and “want of the finer things in life” can also be associated with his insistence on going to UA by holding on tightly to the idea that he’s better than others and thus will be the best of the best and should, therefore, be the only student from their school to get into UA—but frankly I managed to touch on the main points that are easily refuted regarding Katsuki being an Aries.
Maybe if anyone was interested I could go in on an idea of the main planets of his natal chart (listen Aries mercury and rising but Capricorn moon--) but I don’t really need to and that’s a much more specific topic than this essay is meant to be.
TL:DR Bakugou Katsuki is a Taurus because Taureans can also be hot-blooded and arrogant brats in the right circumstances :)
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sumeshi-t · 4 years
when to shutcho bitchass up.
so i had this long ass reply as i was about to reblog a haikyuu writer’s response to a hate ask but i had to eat lunch, and my wifi’s acting up so it all got deleted. but anyway, after lurking in the shadows for god knows how long, i decided to speak up about this on-going issue of hate being poorly masked as “constructive criticism”. 
it doesn’t just happen on haikyuu blogs, like, every fandom has it. and it saddens me because i’ve seen the greatest blogs out here just vanish into thin air (or has gone on hiatus and never returned/archived the blog/deactivated) for getting hate that they absolutely do not deserve. nobody does. nobody needs that hate; not now not ever. most often than not, there are people who hide behind the anon feature in asks. but i guess some people lately have now learned how to own up to their own mistakes; and yes, everyone’s opinion is valid, is welcome to be entertained; however the way you word these things out also matters. it’s just like when someone writes something, you know? why do you get to complain, “your writing suckxz” when you can’t even write down why you think so? lol gtfo. people can interpret your words in however way they want, and that’s the one thing you cannot control. so at least, when you attempt to apologize for something you “didn’t mean to” or “was just a joke”, at least make it sound like you mean it. if you want your opinion to be taken seriously, learn how to say it with manners.
anyway, this post will be terribly long, probably longer than the shit i’ve ever written anywhere lmao. some of the things i’ll say here might come off as redundant but because the same thing happens over and over again, what else would you expect?
Exhibit A: “constructive criticism” does not mean, or shall never be equated to “hate”
if you go around tumblr, there are tons of posts which educate people how to properly write a critique, how to decently and reasonably critic someone’s work, whether it be in the form of writing, or digital art, etc. even if you type “constructive criticism” on that google search bar, tons of websites are going to tell you how to do it, so it really is unacceptable to use “it’s constructive criticism” as an excuse when all you’ve said is “your writing sucks”. literally, how can “constructive criticism” go from “you’re not even a good writer, why the hype?” to “you’re too positive, too fake, if you’re sad, show that you’re sad.” that ain’t it chief. constructive criticism is given to the works of a content creator, not directed at the content creator itself.
ever heard of the sandwich method? yeah, yummy and easy, right? basically it means, you start it off with the positive things about the content creator, then the negative ones in the middle, then reinforce them at the end. okay, i’ll repeat that here, let me break it down if that isn’t enough for cute little noggins to understand:
tell the content creator what made you hooked on their works in the first place. what made you indulge in all that deliciously free content, that has brought you to tears, to laughs, to orgasm. you don’t necessarily have to praise them, but acknowledge that you’re aware of what they’re doing and how it is, or how their progress is so far.
now here comes the critique part. this where the “however” and the “but” words come in, to transition from (for example) “your way with words is breathtaking” to “sometimes i feel they’re too much to digest all at once”. get it? pinpoint to the content creator just exactly what aspects in their current state do you wish they could improve on, or areas do you think they are lacking or weak, so to speak. be concise, be comprehensive, be nice.
lastly, my favorite part, is you give them tips or advice or just a fucking hint how you think they can achieve the things you said from #2. even if you know or assume that they’d understand your point, or “it’s their job to find it out by themselves”... well, a little input or jumpstart wouldn’t hurt, would it? so from the example, “your way with words is breathtaking” to “(however) sometimes i feel they’re too much to digest all at once” you end it with a, “i think or why don’t you try doing so, and this, and that,”
lemme go back to the “it’s their job to find it out by themselves” aha, news flash honey: this isn’t their job. it’s their way of enjoyment, their leisure, their free time that they use up just to bring out free content for lots of people like you to indulge in. most people come here, or on ao3, or basically anywhere where you can post your work, just for fun. you cannot be demanding, that’s why they have their rules and all, but i digress. content creators feed on feedback, and feedback alone. i hope you have an idea how something as simple as “asdflkjshdls” in the tags can bring a phat smile to a content creator’s face, what more, if it’s something coherent. just fucking keyboard smash is a boost to their confidence (trust me, it’s very fun knowing that how “asdfgjkl” i was when writing something, is the same as the “asdfgjkl” the readers had when reading)
this sandwich method thing doesn’t only apply to this certain situation. in fact, this is an effective means of communicating your point across to people in school, at work, and even in the comforts of your home. right? 
didn’t you feel bad when your teacher returned your paper to you and just said, “i gave you that grade just because” and nothing more? or when that classmate of yours said, “no, i don’t like this idea. think up of something else” for a project? didn’t you ever question them, “why, and on what basis?” 
how about, when your boss returned your report, only saying, “revise this” but what is “this”? sure, there are bosses who do this to try to teach their employees to find things out and find solutions on their own, but you cannot deny that some are just being disgustingly rude about it. 
how about at home you say? well... remember that time when your parents compared you to their friends’ children, or even compared you among your own siblings? or that time you were lashed out on? actually, you know, what, i’m sorry for bringing this up, as light as this was worded out, some people might get triggered simply from those two phrases i put out. however, i will address this issue next.
Exhibit B: you don’t know the people you are talking to, therefore you do not know what they are going through
you can’t say, “oh, you’re all just so sensitive” or “it’s just an opinion” when clearly, this (tw: depression, suicide, family issues, gender and sexuality, body positivity, etc) topics is/are sensitive to most content creators, to most people. some brush it off fine, and take a while to reach their boiling point, but not everyone’s like that. you can’t tell people how they should react to your random spewing of hate. each person has their own level of tolerance, so don’t go off and assume that everybody online is the same and grew from the same fucking tree. 
some or most people use writing/drawing/etc. as a means to cope with what shit life has thrown at them; and then you, being so stupidly ignorant, just waltz in and drop that bomb on what possibly, could be the only ray of sunlight they have in their life, especially now in this bleak year. 
receiving anon-hate or hate-asks should not be the norm. it is not and never will be okay. i thought you were here to critic their work, why even joke about something that could have been personal to someone? why even joke about these kinds of things in the first place? why even bring up something that might have been a personal issue when all you had to do was critic their work? 
my god, stop acting like a boomer already. tbh the audacity of some people here, idk. if you’re not going through anything at all, then may god/brahma/allah/whichever supreme being you believe in or whatever good karma it is, bless you. 
it’s not that one should sympathize, or, it isn’t also expected of people to full on empathize, but a little respect goes a long way. why don’t we try to put ourselves in the shoes of the person we’re about to send that hate-ask to. if not us, how about that close friend who’s easy to bring to tears, or mom, or cousin? wouldn’t it be aggravating? wouldn’t it be painful?
well... who am i to assume, i don’t even know you. get it?
just please, acknowledge that everyone here is human. they have emotions, they have their own thoughts, they have their own lives outside of the screen. how they choose to portray themselves here has nothing to do with you. how they choose to react to that hate ask doesn’t have to do with anything you should concern yourself with. 
i know this post won’t get too far, but i have had enough of seeing the nicest people, who just wanted to express their creativity and share the happiness and the fun, be put down just because of unnecessary hate. i hope those people who send those in never get to experience that, or if they have, i hope they understand that doing so to others isn’t going to change anything about themselves.
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Lena Luthor x reader (For as many miles and hours apart, I’m with you)
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Request: "You look super cute right now , and it's really hard not to kiss you " with lena
a/n: well well well... guess who’s back again from gallivanting around a very small corner of the world... yes, that’d be me! I’ve taken the time I needed to recover from the jet lag... tbh I am still very affected lol. I think I’m done for this year, no more trips for now unless the universe decides to surprise me! Time to get this blog back in running order LMAO. I have a masterlist now for all you wonderfully organized people as well since it’s been asked for. Moreover, it’s kinda made me realize how very little I’ve written... I definitely want to expand my collection! Thank you all for sticking around though! Whether you’ve read one thing or a handful of things, I appreciate you all so very much :D
Now... guess who seems to be moderately inspired by their adventures that directly influenced the direction of this fic! Yeah, LOL. This one’s pretty fluffy... just pure fluff actually who am I kidding. A very cute fic for a very cute prompt?? Why the heck not! And because I always need to have at least one cracky headcanon in all the things I write, for whatever reason, I just want to say Lena would be the absolute worst with dogs, because she would be the biggest Sucker of all time, and she has the dumbest nerdy baby voice she uses for them, I don’t make the rules y’all
- - - - -
You’d say you did quite alright thank you very much, if anyone were to ask what it was like dating someone as big of a deal as Lena Luthor. It’s no surprise that having a big-time CEO for a girlfriend would have its perks as well as its challenges, but like any other relationship, you figured all that was needed was to just take things in stride.
Much to your delightful discovery, in fact, Lena had a harder time letting go of you than you did of her. She travelled less often for work than you anticipated she would. She’d told you once she tried not to travel too much if she could avoid it - you found it rather peculiar that someone wouldn’t want to indulge such an opportunity as she could.
You realized then Lena had a fear of flying, and moreover after having an incident with a helicopter and her brother (you’d only discussed this once), she was even more disinclined to be anywhere that wasn’t on solid ground.
She travelled on her private jet if she absolutely had to, and though you weren’t too shocked by this, she was just as quick to admit her fear of flying commercially with so many other innocent people on board and how she wouldn’t be able to live with herself if anything were to happen to them on her account - that made you all the more reluctant to let her go.
Still, she’d left your apartment with her head held high and a steely resolution. And still, it wasn’t even ten minutes before she’d messaged you and sent you one inconsequential heart emoji and a smiley face, just because she wanted to.
Lena wouldn’t be gone for too long, and you’ve become used to not missing her too much like you first did, but you knew you’d miss her now for not being able to kiss her when she did stupidly adorable things like that.
You supposed it could wait for when she came back - absence makes the heart grow fonder, after all.
It would only be a few days, she surmised, no longer than a week. She would be staying in Rome, and though you knew she was hasty to come back to National City, you reminded her of the benefits of a vacation.
Petulantly (with a pout, actually), she remarked that she doesn’t take advantage of her time away on business - and what exactly is the point of travelling for leisure if the only person you’d have fun with isn’t there anyway?
Needless to say, you kissed her then.
Your life had gone on as usual. For the most part, it seemed like any other week regardless - you saw less of Lena these days anyway.
Truthfully, the reality of Lena actually being out of the country only hit you with her “I wish you were here” messages, and only then did you realize you couldn’t really actually do anything about your absence - that didn’t stop you from replying “I’ll be over soon” regardless.
Lena: “You shouldn’t keep a girl waiting, you know. You’ve told me the same exact thing two days ago.”
you: “I’m only collecting all your favourite foods together. It’s taken me exactly one business day just to reconcile the fact that you prefer gluten free cookies over chewy Chips Ahoy”
Lena: “You’re so rude, I merely grew up with those. It’s a force of habit.”
you: “I cried outside of the natural food market parking lot for five minutes before walking in”
Lena: “You are so brave and selfless, my hero.”
you: “thanks, I know. It’ll take another business day to process the kale and spinach though”
Lena: “Oh? Well, that’s too bad, I’ll be gone by the time you get here. I have someone very important I have to kiss when I get back. Better luck next time? :)”
you: “wow, lucky asshole I bet ;) what am I gonna do with all this junk then?”
Lena: “Junk? I think you’ve got your definitions confused, darling. But you will figure it out <3″
Your banter with Lena was arguably one of your favourite things about her, and it didn’t hurt that it helped you forget how much you could miss her if you really let yourself think about it.
From the very start, she was a bit of a goofball, and you had to wonder where it was people got off on glamourizing and over-exaggerating just how evil a Luthor could really be.
In fact, she has arguably the biggest heart of anyone you’ve met. And the fact that you could make such a statement said quite a lot in and of itself.
You met Lena through your friend Winn, who finally relented to you after you caught him in a lie (but you didn’t really have to try hard at all) about where he really worked, and he’d tripped over himself explaining how he met Lena “through work” when you knew he still worked at CatCo and she most definitely still worked at L-Corp.
You thought he was still hiding something, but that was Winn and you always knew he’d come around if there was anything he really couldn’t handle.
You’d gotten along with Lena right off the bat when you’d met her one night at a bar with some of Winn’s other friends. He’d introduced you to everyone, and they were all very welcoming of you and eager to bring you in, but you just couldn’t bring your attention away from Lena.
You wouldn’t admit it then, but you would say you could tell she was just as taken by you, and by how much closer you two physically got throughout the night, somehow ending up sitting beside each other rather than across from each other like you’d started the night - it was quite obvious you two had chemistry.
It was a bit of a surprise to you, just how much you had to talk about with a 24 year old billionaire, but what was even more of a shock was how much you still liked her despite her having something contrary to say about all the things you liked.
You two had bickered and teased each other all night, you realized Lena was just stringing you along after she’d noticed the keyring on your keys and teased you about your favourite soccer team.
She conceded later in the night with a dangerous smirk on her face (after another double jack and coke) that she didn’t actually care as much as she made it seem about soccer - she knew enough about it to poke fun at you, and you were too impressed by her ability to bullshit her way through a conversation with you to feel antagonized.
You’d all departed the bar that night and said your goodbyes, slightly buzzed and happily tipsy, and you were the last to bid Lena a goodnight.
It was only after you watched her sneak a wink over her shoulder at you as she walked away that you acquiesced to the realization that you didn’t remember to give her your number.
You didn’t have to wait too long, however, before you ran into her at the park while walking your dog one morning.
“Hey, Lena, how’s it going?” you smiled at her.
“Good morning, (Y/N),” she said, taking notice of your companion. “Who’s this big guy?”
“This is my puppy, Justin.”
Lena regarded your dog again, and stared questioningly at you and then at your full-sized Doberman, and back at you again.
“You named... your puppy... Justin?”
You grinned broadly at her and watched your dog shyly go up to her.
“Yeah, I love him. Still haven’t given him a middle name. I’ve got a few in mind though.”
She smiled peculiarly at you again, “what were you thinking, then?”
“Justin Time, Justin Case, Justin-credible.”
Lena broke out into laughter and nodded sagely, “right, of course.”
You watched as Justin warmed up to her and let himself be pet by her, Lena seeming to know what to do around unfamiliar dogs.
“We should go out again some time,” she said as she smiled at Justin’s inquisitive head tilt.
“Yeah! That’d be awesome, I had a great time with everyone last time. I don’t know when Winn’s gonna hit up everyone again though-”
“Oh, I meant you and I.”
“Oh. You mean like, by ourselves?”
“Yes, if you’d like, of course.”
“I totally would, I was actually thinking about how I didn’t get your number the other day-” your eyes widened and you snapped your mouth shut.
Lena grinned, “is that so?”
“Yeah,” you let out the affirmation in a sound that resembled more of a squeak than an actual word.
“Well, I suppose that just means I wasn’t the only one so carried away by how much fun I had.”
The rest of the encounter was spent in a blur, and you don’t think you can recall exactly what had happened, but you remember Lena hugging you (which you suppose was precisely the moment you blanked out) and her leaning down to pet Justin one last time as he tugged lightly on the leash to go after her, and you had your phone in your hand.
It wasn’t until you were at the door of your apartment that you really realized Lena saved her number into your phone, and it was another ordeal in itself for you to figure out when to text her and how and just what exactly you would say.
Lena made things easier for you, despite her affinity for making you a bumbling, happy mess sometimes.
You’d gotten better at being more composed around her, and you gave yourself all the credit for it.
And so it was, now you were waiting for her to come back, and you only had one night left before you’d be able to kiss your girlfriend again.
It was early in the evening and you’d just got back from walking Justin when you get an incoming Skype call from Lena.
You answer the call on your laptop with a beaming smile, Justin trailing happily behind you at the ringing.
“Hey, angel, what’s up?”
“Hi. I missed you,” she grumbles.
You didn’t have to see Lena’s pout to know it was there, and you smile to yourself. It didn’t take much for you to figure out she was laying in bed and on her phone.
“I missed you too, baby. Isn’t it 1 in the morning there? Why aren’t you sleeping?” you chastise lightly.
“I couldn’t sleep.”
“Did you even try?”
There’s a guilty pause on her end, and then, “I will...”
You laugh softly at her sleepy voice, and you thought to yourself how the hours really couldn’t go by any quicker, “alright, I’ll believe you.”
“Where’s my boy, Justin?” she asks.
“Oh don’t worry, he’s here. Slobbering at attention and all. Say hi to Lena, buddy!” you tilt the laptop screen closer to the ground and half of Justin’s face gets into the shot.
He immediately perks up when he sees Lena and he tries to get closer to the screen, putting his front paws up on the desk to get a better look.
Lena laughs, “hi, Justin! I missed you! Are you being a good boy? I’ll be back so soon to feed you all the food I know (Y/N) won’t let you have.”
You huff indignantly at her cooing and shake your head in amusement.
“Justin’s gonna get chubby because you keep feeding him your gourmet salmon.”
“He runs you in circles, my boy will never be a little chubster,” she grins.
“Seems like you missed him more than me,” you joke.
“Oh, I most certainly did.”
You click your tongue in mild offense and tilt the laptop screen back up to your face.
“I’ll hang up now, seeing as I’m unwanted.”
“Okay, leave the laptop on for Justin.”
You lift the dog up with considerable effort and put him in your lap. He’s a bundle of hair and everything when he’s trying to get comfortable and repositions himself on your legs.
“At least I can tell you in no uncertain terms how much I missed you. I don’t know if you speak the language of dogs,” you remark with a sulk.
“I don’t need to, I know it by how excited he gets whenever I come to visit.”
“Are you saying I need to drool on everything you own and chew up your one favourite heel for you to see how much I missed you?”
“Justin is a majestic creature, I let him do what he wants. You, on the other hand, should know better.”
“Maybe he does know better and he just knows you’ll let him off easy.”
“He’s a good boy regardless, I love him very much.”
“Go to sleep, Lena,” you smirk at her increasingly sleepy rambling.
“Okay, I love you too, you know.”
“I do know, baby. I’ll see you in a few hours.”
“Okay. You don’t have to pick me up okay? I know I’m going to be rather grumpy when I get back. I just want to crash at yours and cuddle.”
“Of course, we can do whatever you need.”
Lena hums sleepily and her eyelids seem to become heavier with the threat of sleep.
“I can’t wait to see you, goodnight,” she manages to mumble.
“Goodnight,” you murmur softly as you wait a moment before ending the call.
When you go to sleep just hours later, it’s with the fondness of knowing just how much of a nerd your girlfriend is, and how much you missed her.
It’s only with the promise of seeing her again that you finally convince yourself to fall asleep and be that much closer to reuniting with her.
When you get the text from her in the morning informing you that she’s close to your apartment, you can’t stop buzzing with even more excitement than you woke up with, and you figure Justin can feel some of that excess of energy too if his pacing around the apartment is any indication.
“You too, eh?” you mutter to him.
Justin merely huffs and keeps his guard on watching the door.
“You’re almost worse than me, you big sucker,” you say fondly as you tousle his fur.
It’s a few more minutes before there’s a knock on your door and Justin springs up from his sleepy post and you jolt to life.
You barely open the door before the entirety of Lena’s form slips through and melds into you, and you laugh as you feel her weight in your arms.
“Holy shit, I missed you so much,” you mutter into her hair.
You feel her pull away as she looks up at you, looking every inch the immaculate woman she is and not at all the exhausted woman you know she is.
She brings her hands to your cheeks and smiles as she pulls you in for a kiss. She runs her fingers through your hair and you bring her closer to you.
Justin waits patiently between the two of you, you can sense his presence even without having to feel his body pressed up between the two of you expectantly.
Lena hums lowly into the kiss and it’s only when you two break apart that you realize how sleepy she must be.
“Coffee, or sleep?” you ask.
“Kisses,” she grumbles, and she moves in for another kiss as you relent with fond admiration.
“You didn’t sleep much last night, did you?”
“No,” she supplies helpfully, and you think you’ve got enough for your answer.
You help her take her coat off and you hang it quickly before you jog to your room to get some of the comfy clothes that she keeps at your apartment.
Lena’s already settled into the couch and yawning as she curls into the cushions, and you almost feel bad about having to disrupt her.
“Baby, you should change, I don’t think that’s comfortable.”
“It’s fine, that’s a later problem,” she says sleepily, and you find yourself laughing again.
“You didn’t want to even sleep in a bed?”
Lena hums sleepily and you can tell she’s about to fall asleep again. You crouch down beside her sleepy form on your couch and smile at the sight of her. You place a hand gently on her cheek and rub your fingers at her temple.
She smiles contentedly and leans into the touch, and you kiss her on her forehead before you bring your hands up and tug at her ponytail.
Somehow in her sleepy state, she gets the idea and she lets you ease her hair out of the tie. She groans happily at the ease of pressure and you leave the hair tie on your wrist.
You move to stand up to let her sleep, but she feels you move away and reaches her hand out to stop you impressively quickly for someone who should have one foot in the dream world.
She mutters disapprovingly and her pout is out in full force. You grin at the display and roll your eyes.
“What do you want me to do, baby?”
“Cuddles, please,” she says quickly, and you only have half the mind to think about how difficult she makes it to not smile so much around her.
She readjusts to make room for you. You fall asleep holding Lena snugly, and you know it already that she’d never admit it even if all the proof in the world stacked against her that she fell asleep within a minute of being in your arms.
It’s a few hours later, you deduce after waking up from your nap, and you feel Lena’s body still pressing against you firmly as if preventing your escape.
You try to slip away from her slowly and you see Justin laying quietly in a heap beside the couch and he looks up at you when he notices your movement.
You cock your head into the direction of the kitchen when you finally stand up, successfully not having woken up Lena and Justin follows obediently behind you.
It’s mid-afternoon, but you know coffee is always appreciated so you boil water for when Lena wakes up.
Only half an hour later, you walk back to check up on Lena after you hear significant movement coming from the living room.
Lena’s grinning as Justin sticks his entire face into her lap to coax all the cuddles out of her.
“I couldn’t have forgotten you, sweet boy. You did such a good job of protecting me while we were sleeping didn’t you? Yes, you did,” she says in her baby voice she uses specifically for Justin.
You smirk at the voice and leave momentarily. When you come back, it’s with a cup of coffee in hand for her.
She smiles brilliantly at you, in much better condition than when she first arrived and eyes the coffee mug you have.
She only purses her lips in challenge after she’s taken a few sips, and the expectant eyebrow that ticks at you makes you wonder what her problem is.
You glance at the coffee cup and it’s your favourite mug that Alex gave you for Secret Santa, the one that has “Good Morning, Asshole” written in a nice handwritten font on it.
You try to contain your laughter but your smile gives you away and Lena ticks her tongue at you.
You move to sit beside her and you bring an arm around her as she leans into you. You turn the TV on and leave the sound on a low volume as you sit in contemplative silence, and Lena leaves her coffee on the table. Justin lies in a heap like a carpet in front of the TV with you, finally content that he can take a nap.
“I’m really proud of you, you know,” you say after a moment.
“What? Why?” Lena asks with perplexity.
You suppose it’s justifiable, you hadn’t shared more than several words with her and you do have a bit of a habit of vocalizing things to continue a conversation you’ve been having solely in your head.
“No, it’s just- you’re out there doing your thing, travelling the world and also doing what you can to help it. I love being able to say, ‘that’s my girlfriend’. You make it hard to not be proud of you, actually.”
You smile to yourself, and you only pull yourself out of your reverie when you realize Lena is considerably quiet. When you turn to look at her, you see the mistiness of her eyes.
“Come here, you nerd,” you say fondly as you wrap Lena in an embrace. “This isn’t meant to be a crying moment.”
“If you didn’t keep saying wonderful things like that maybe I wouldn’t feel the need to cry as often.”
“You’re going to make Justin cry,” you say teasingly.
“I’ve missed both of you,” she says.
You bring her hand to your lips and place light kisses on her knuckles.
“Lie down,” is all you say, and she smiles at you, both parts in total adoration and in question.
You bring her feet to your lap and turn the volume of the TV up just a little bit higher. You start massaging her calves, leaning back into the couch as you continue your ministrations on Lena.
From the corner of your eye, you can feel her gaze on you, and you smile a little to yourself. You try not to, but you can’t help it - you sneak a glance at your girlfriend and realize just how lucky you are to have her relaxing on your couch with you.
She looks radiant with her hair down, her hair sprawled a little messily across the cushion and falling into cascades off her shoulders, and you think she’s the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen.
You wonder if the tension in her calves has anything to do with her wearing heels far too often, and you muse deeper and deeper into just how much a creature of wonder Lena really is.
You stare blankly at the TV as you bring your hands blindly to her feet, but then she’s poking at you with her foot to get your attention.
“What?” you smile with amusement.
She’s silent for a beat before she says, “hi.”
“Hi,” you reply with a grin.
You laugh at the foolishness of the scenario - the lightness you feel now that Lena’s back and how easily she makes you feel weightless seems a lot like being home, regardless of whether you’ve left or where you will go.
You think that’s part of the magic of her.
“You look so cute,” she says.
You smirk, “thank you. I could say the same thing, but it goes without saying you always look amazing.”
“It’s really hard not to kiss you right now.”
“Oh yeah? What’s stopping you then?” you ask.
“You’re too far away,” Lena says simply.
You grin at the statement and turn to get a better look at her.
Then she adds, “come here,” more suggestively.
You stare at her in challenge, heavy with the weight of anticipation, and you move her legs off you gently before leaning in to hover above her.
“I really missed you, baby,” you say as you bring your lips just inches within hers.
“Really?” she whispers. “Care to show me?”
You smile mischievously as she tugs at the front of your shirt and wraps her legs around your waist.
You only have the vague notion that Lena Luthor is a little troublemaker, but you don’t have time to ponder it before you feel yourself getting lost in everything that makes her the remarkable woman that she is.
You feel nothing but happiness with the sudden realization of just how much you love her.
You would take the handful of moments you can steal with Lena if it meant being the only one to know fully and intimately the bliss of being the one who can love her the way you do.
For you, that was enough, and for now, the days you share until she has to leave again are enough.
For you, Lena is more than enough.
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mymemoirs · 4 years
Unrecorded Memories and Missing Taiwan #4
I’m back again with the continuation from my previous posts! Although I need to admit that it does get boring that I have to write the same topic over and over again while personally wanting to write a different post (literally been itching to write something new), but I don’t like the idea of not finishing this post series till the end (just because it looks great to have 1, 2, 3, and so on side by side without having something unrelated in between).
If I have to describe my last two weeks in Taiwan, I would say that it’s just like a holiday rather than a summer exchange program. 
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Me and My Roommates: Karen, Vincy, and Iris (from left to right) in Gaomei Wetlands
12) I have never mentioned my dorm roommates in my previous posts, that’s because they just moved in when I’m on my last week of AI program. I was actually quite busy with the AI studies (yes, when I get back to my dorm, I do try to revise what the professors have taught us) and trying to blend in with the students in my class that I didn’t have any time to hang out with my roommates. I feel bad for always rejecting them whenever they ask me out. They were really kind to even include me in most of their outings.
Since I lived in a room for 4 people, I have three roommates and they were from Hong Kong. Their names are Vincy, Karen and Iris. The three of them join the same summer program class and they’re also from the same university. Although they said that they didn’t know each other yet before this program, they were so close together. Maybe having a lot of similarities help them bond. Vincy and Karen were from the same major which is social work, while Iris came from journalism major. Among the four of us, Vincy was the oldest as she is a senior (class of 2015) while the rest of us were juniors (class of 2016). 
13) I think I started going out with them after my AI summer class ends. Every time we didn’t have any class trip on the weekend, we would plan our trip around the city. My friend, Iris, were like the tour guide among us because she was always the one who plan out our day (researching the best routes and where we should go)
I also get to befriend Singaporean friends, Jasmine and Hui En, who also took the same class as my roommates. They came with us during one of our trips and that was the time I were introduced to both of them.  
14) Our first trip, if my memory still serves me well, is going to various places during the weekend. We went to Taichung Old Train Station, which is a heritage building and the trains are still operating in there! I forgot if we went there by bus or taxi, but I think it’s more likely by bus. 
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Taichung Old Train Station can be seen together with modern buildings.
Since the EasyCard/ Youyou Card that is used in public transportation allows a free 10 Km of ride by bus, we didn’t spend a lot. In fact, when I was there for a month, after buying the card for 100 NTD and depositing another 100 NTD (I think?), I had never recharge the card again. Some people say, they can even not recharge it for a year or so if you just make use of the 10 Km free ride (if you know what I mean). 
15) After that, we went to ride the bus to our next destination which is the Miyahara Ice Cream Shop. When we get there, there was a long queue line and it was packed with people. The shop is one of the tourist spot in Taichung and besides selling ice cream (duh), they also sell souvenirs and other delicacies like traditional cakes and so on. The shop is quite big and if we go further inside beyond the ice cream display, we can see a souvenir shop like below. The interior of the shop also gives off a Harry Potter vibe which is really cool and could also serves as a potential photo spots (although it would be hard with the place being packed with tourists). 
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Inside Miyahara Ice Cream Shop where they sell their various souvenirs
It was a good experience overall. You would think that a long queue would mean waiting long but since I came with my friends, time flies so fast. We were also given a menu to choose and tick off while waiting in our queue, so we were really busy debating what flavor we would want to try. Pst, by the way, they also give out unique toppings for the ice cream. I have to admit that the ice cream is quite expensive but worth it for the size and taste. I especially love ice creams so when we arrived there, I was really excited (hahahaha!).
16)  For our lunch, we went to a mall to find a place for us to eat together and ended up with an Italian themed restaurant, which is one of the most expensive meal I had in Taiwan. Fortunately, we split it among the six of us and shared various menus ranging from main dish to dessert. I think it’s also the main reason it’s expensive, we ate 6 different dishes with 3 of them in large servings. For those who’s interested, the name of the Italian restaurant is called Miacucina located in Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Taichung. However, I don’t recommend eating here if you want to eat on budget. 
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The Ice Cream Waffle shared between six people
17) Another destination for our Saturday Adventures is the Gaomei Wetlands in Taichung. We went there using taxi because we didn’t want to run late especially since we wanted to be there before the sunset. Aside from wetlands, there’s also a Wind Turbine. In fact, one of the bus station near Gaomei Wetlands is called Wind Turbine No. 18, which is also around the location where we alight. I remembered walking through the bridge, but I think to get to Gaomei Wetlands, we need to take a shuttle bus or walk more to get there. 
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We took a photo on the bridge viewing the Wind Turbine (Strong Wind!)
After arriving at the Gaomei Wetlands, we need to cross a wooden jetty to actually accessed the wetlands (wet feet here I come!). This is because below the jetty there were baby crabs and we were not allowed to walk there for fear of crushing those precious lives. There were even staffs who’s guarding it, sometimes blowing his whistle when he spots someone trespassing. We were there for a limited time because we need to beware of the high tide after certain hours. 
When we get to the end of the jetty, there were a lot of shoes left there because we all wanted to get into the wetlands and it would be a no go if your shoes get wet too. This is where I think I made a mistake on my choice of outfit that day, because as you can see I was wearing long black jeans. So, I had to roll my jeans up but thankfully because of the low tide, our feet didn’t get too submerged into the water. I took a lot of pictures and videos that day because of the unique experience. TBH, I rarely took pictures of my activities but I just had to that day because it was an all new experiences for me. 
You can even bring your dog there, because I’ve seen one or two dogs walked by their owners. We even had the chance to actually take pictures with the cute dog and it was taken by the owner who later send us the pictures. 
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This is one of the pictures I took when I reached the wetlands. Most of my picture were backlighted so this is the best one among the others. 
18) After watching the sunset for a while, we went to our last destination. I think we took a taxi to the night market. I forgot which night market it is but I think it should be Yi Zhong Night Market. We had our dinner there by indulging ourselves from one stall to another. I also tried Xing Fu Tang, my first brown sugar bubble tea, upon my friend’s recommendation and it was only around 50 NTD (which is much cheaper then the Xing Fu Tang on my country). The first time I tasted the bubble tea, I came to love it so much for its rich and surprising taste. It was sweet warm caramel at the top and cold milk tea at the bottom, it was mixed together but in a good way. However, when the franchise is available on my country, it wasn’t as good as the first time I tasted it. I wonder why. 
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Pedestrians @ Yi Zhong Night Market
19) So that’s it for our Saturday adventure! After walking for a few hours tasting snacks and delicacies we found on the night market, we went back to our dormitory by bus. It was exhausting to walk all day outside, but I really enjoy going out with them because there were a lot of places I wouldn’t go if it weren’t for them and they were fun to converse with. I also am not confident enough yet, to go solo travelling in a country foreign to me so I was really grateful.
That night, we took a late night bath and I for one were taught on an early age not to take a bath late at night because it was not good for our health but because of our activities, I had to. Fortunately, the dormitories in Taiwan provide water heater (All hail water heater!). 
While we’re on the topic of ‘bathing’, I just realized this after observing my roommates for a few days, they tend to take a bath late at night before they went to sleep and they didn’t take a bath early in the morning before they go out. They just wash their face and did their makeup. I was actually very surprised with this since all three of them did it. So, I was intrigued to ask them about it and they explained that since they took a bath last night and going out will get them dirty, so why bother take a bath before going outside? Instead, they would take a bath before hitting the hay because that way the bed won’t get dirty. I thought to myself that their reasoning makes complete sense to me too apart from my own reasons to take a bath twice a day. It was trivial but I think these small things shapes our cultural behavior and it was actually interesting for me know that people from different country have different ‘normal’ too. While I think taking a bath twice a day was normal, it was not the case for my roommates.
I guess I’ll continue my ‘Sunday Adventure’ with my roommates in the next post because I think this post has been too long. There were a lot of places we visited that eventful Saturday and I had fun reminiscing about my trip. Since today’s Saturday, I think it’s the perfect time to actually post this! So, enjoy~!
PS. It has been so long since I write and this post have been on my draft since forever! I had been busy trying to find jobs (but not lucky yet) and tried to make my time more meaningful by studying online. 
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reticexce · 8 years
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 yoooooOOOOOOO you all have no idea how grateful i am to reach this milestone. this blog was a reboot of alison, and i was really worried that i wouldn’t be able to play her like before since i was basically starting from scratch again, but i’m really glad to see that she ( and the boys!! ) have been accepted and loved, and i’m so happy i’ve gotten the chance to create meaningful relationships both ic and ooc! 
i’ve never actually done a bias list before despite how many years i’ve been rping on tumblr, but i think it’s about time i make one since i think this blog is one of my best experiences in terms of shipping, friendships, and threading and i really should just make a shoutout to some very special people and say thank you to everyone for sticking with this blog and helping me flesh out my muses!
mostly an inside joke formed in a skype chat ( tbt nerdie wormies lmaoo ) , but there’s a reason why they’re my pingu children and i’m pingu mum!
@kingofevcrything: hoooly shit can you believe we’ve known each other for like four years? practically four years?? since my first year having alison, emile and cedric?? and i’m pretty sure you had a part in me adding nate to the blog too, seeing as how his only ship is your muse lmao. i really can’t say enough about you because i think you’re just so special to me, and i hold you so near and dear to my heart. i can’t express how thrilled and grateful i am to have you still be my friend after all these years. i’ve had rp partners leave and it’s always heartbreaking especially when memorable relationships have been formed. but our friendship has passed the test of time, and i hope, hope, hope with all my might that we’ll stay friends for many more years to come, even if one of us decides to stop rping. i really can’t express how important our friendship is to me, like you really have no idea. my soul weeps for our muses and our threads. i just love you lots and i always wish for good things to happen to you, and i am so glad to be your mum. i am so thankful for our friendship, and i still really can’t believe we have so many fucking aus like holy shit wtf <33
@halsionic: my bby pingu child <3 we also have a shit ton of aus lmao and i also treasure those even if we’ve only touched on them in chat and never in thread. i also can’t express how thankful i am to have met you. pure chance had us meet, and i’m just so happy that you reached out to me. i can’t imagine us still being strangers on the dash, our muses so foreign to each other. like, alien literally coNSUMES both of us now, and it’s just so taboo to imagine otherwise. i love you to bits, especially since you’ve always been so supportive to me no matter what i’m going through. i can always count on you to help me through hard times, even if it’s just a short conversation about what’s bothering me. but i appreciate everything you’ve done for me as a listening ear. and not to mention those shitposts you send to me every day too---our friendship wouldn’t be complete without good ole shitposting and sIN. smooches from pingu mum to pingu child!! i look forward to screaming about our feelings to each other in the future!
those whom i also consider dear friends on this site ooc ( but we don’t have a pingu family thing going on haha )
@gloryundimmed: aaaaAAAAAA G R A Y oh my god you’re gonna laugh at me but i was really scared of interacting with you at first. like, i was so happy you liked my starter call?? because that made it super easy for us to interact?? i was really worried that we’d end up being those blogs that follow each other but never interact buT NO WAY WE TOTALLY INTERACT NOW!! and i have so much fun rping with you holy shit i really do. i get real excited whenever you reply or answer my asks ( no matter how long it’s been; you can always take your time! ) because i just adore kai and alison like---i didn’t think their ship would be so wholesome but it totally is. and i love it. i also never thought we’d be such good friends, especially since we haven’t known each other for very long, but i’m super, duper, happy that we are. like our conversations are always so interesting and non stressful, and i’m just really happy that i’ve gotten the opportunity to befriend you and thread with you! also, i think your editing and themes are hella rad. also!! i’m really looking forward to more aus with you in the future if you’re up for it, and also ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) if you’re up for it too with kai and ali ( yes i totally used this as an excuse to put in a lenny face but i also meant what i said lmaoo broADEN MY WRITING HORIZONS ). anyway!! i’m glad to have you as a friend, i love your writing, and i would totally be down for interactions with your others muses too because i think they’re also great! 
@wintercursed​: i absolutely adore alison and hiro’s dynamic, and i guess in a way you could say it’s sort of our dynamic too. not exactly, not perfectly, but i suppose a little piece of ourselves could be seen in our muses. ahh, i wish i could shower you in all the memes and threads you’ve ever wanted, but alas, i’m too distracted and my muses are too fickle for such a thing. but i really do love talking about our muses together and just having fun like that; the brotp between alison and hiro is one of my favorites tbh. i also!! am really flattered you see me as a friend. i’m so glad i get to call you one of mine! i get so happy whenever things go well for you, and i hope things will keep going well for you!! we may have lost touch in the last few months ( year? has it been a year? i hope not ), but i still admire you and your muse as much as i did before. fun fact: i actually followed you even before this blog! but that was before i really got a chance to interact and talk with you haha. anywho, i hope the best for you, and let’s stay in touch! <3
@travaileur / @dulcetxdreams: ro!!! ro, ro, ro, ro!!!! man i can’t even put my finger down on how we met. i guess it started on aito’s blog with the chatzys and then it moved to here when ali and eden were struggling to figure out their feelings? and you were one of their fans haha. that was a very eventful time. and now, look at where our bbies are now! claire and alison have developed their own friendship, and it is literally goals. alison is just so good to claire, and i cry it’s just so cute. our interactions have been limited with both of us being busy bees, and that’s okay! i look forward to seeing ali and claire together no matter what, and i’d love to keep talking about them more whenever you’re free! also, i always appreciate those cat pictures your send me or those bird photos you tag me in. bless, bless, those always make my day. anywho, you’re a sweetie pie and i lov u lots and i’m so happy i got the chance to meet you and have my muse have such a cute friendship with your muse. i can’t wait to see how that will develop!
@textsfromeponinet / @evangrantconrad / @whocaresaboutlonelysouls: i’m fairly certain you followed me from blog to blog! from my old alison blog to this one, i’m so glad that you decided to stick around even through the big switch. i’ve had lots of fun playing all of my muses with you, from your eponine blog and beyond! you helped me flesh out cedric in a way too, giving rise to his pretentious character now thanks to our beauty and the beast au haha. i really have to thank you for that! and now, with emile, we have such a sweet ship, and i’m looking forward to all of the cuteness that awaits! you’re such a good friend to me too, even though i stink at replying to ims, so i’m really thankful you haven’t been deterred from chatting with me. you’ve also given me such nice advice over the years, and i’m very, very thankful for your college advice <3 i hope we can remain friends and have more threads!
@ivorybled / @hyoukan: i think about how we met sometimes and like---it’s such a unique way of meeting?? like our muses both lil shits and therefore would attract each other because they would love doing shitty things together, and that blossomed into one of my favorite brotps. lanzo and aito will always be my shit because they’re just hilarious to me, and add in eden and it’s even more of a mess. but this isn’t a bias list for aito’s blog so i’ll save that fangirling for another time, but !!! i love?? your writing?? so much??? it’s a very unique style and oh my god it’s like fking poetry and i can just indulge in your writing like it’s just so good. and speaking of what’s good, you’re good!!! we haven’t talked much recently, but i’m so flattered to be one of your fave boofs bc you’re one of mine too!!! technically you’re a bird now but that’s even better because you love birds!! i always have such a fun time talking with you on ims even if it’s just a short chat, whether it’s lanzo/aito, lanzo/alison, or eru/alison because the ideas are literally limitless with you. and it’s such a blast to yell at each other about our muses and their relationship; i can feel your passion and that’s just really great okay. i hope we can keep yelling at each other and keep in touch even if we’re both busy bees, and i’m really glad we became friends <3
those whom i’ve interacted with a few times ( whether recently or a long, long time ago ) and would love to stay in touch, get back in touch, get to know better! these people are also those who i see on the dash every day and sort of consider them my friends because of how long you’ve stuck with me, even i we haven’t said much to each other! but i see you liking and reblogging my stuff! hello to you too! 
@cfdualities / @mostpeculiarmademoiselleetmsieur / @chichini / @silent-severity / @shiracpt / @lvmier / @vernxte / @noxuous / @gumihosverdict / @langvor / @tommy-is-the-rudest-bitch / @fornaxa / @manipulationandmemes / @princely-etiquette / @smolhoney / @shite-prosecutor / @amxrtentiia / @overoutrage / @forgottenelysium / @auccntraire / @smolbabysittingangel / @pushingthewinter / @omnecosmos / @neverforgiiven / @psuedogaiety / @likecottxncandy / @lachalaine / @nanpoghan / @bastardiised / @oshunokaminari / @dont-wake-sana / @enthrxlling / @faillte / @haperx / @we-all-burn / @togovernwithdecorum / @chvssbelle / @ffortunato / @minugahanax​ / @risiox / @solepaura
those whom i haven’t gotten a chance to really interact with yet ( due to busy schedules, lack of a good opportunity, being a new follower, or just me being too shy ) but admire greatly and would love a chance to write with! we may have had a handful of short interactions before, or maybe none at all, but in either case, i’d love to have more!
@stckhlmr / @godstarved / @condicionibus / @hippestbarista / @mulni / @weismanniisms / @contrasting-blood-brothers / @phlegmxtical / @charmingrebel / @cantiio / @fierydog / @perhiemate / @bathed-in-red / @parcelhoarder / @poppicede / @wondcrkid / @bloodyrogues / @cruthaich / @nightmcnsters / @bokctto / @destinsia / @elfen-archer / @pvrehearted / @corvialitis / @sakashiima / @starvd / @itaidoshin / @praeliix / @rosideae / @xnquisitor / @mahounx / @clemenstine / @siderion / @tenxcious / @drugrattes / @prideful-outcasts / @withoutviolence / @preciousyellowidiot / @atelouus / @flowersvein / @merakiis / @bcbybats / @ignirae / @popokki / @lingering-mind / @bitchidivine / @cxriseanglo / @torschlusspcnik / @chirisaku / @eraseourscars / @tillsoil / @bittersilvertruth / @hellhcunded / @hasetsui​
keep in mind none of the names are in any particular order! and ahh and i know i must have forgotten some people because there were just so many blogs to look through, but even if you aren’t on this list, you’re a great writer, very special, and have lots of potential! and i love you and think you’re great! and to those who are on this list, i know i must have sounded really roundabout and probably said the same things over and over again, but really, you guys make coming onto tumblr really fun, and you all are really special people to me. i really appreciate you all for sticking with me after all this time ( and even following me from blog to blog! ) and i just can’t say how much i appreciate your support <333 
also i sort of did have trouble determining if some people were canaries or parakeets but whichever one you are, feel free to hmu for interactions but i love new partners and new ideas and just meeting new people so please reach out if you’d like to! (〃^▽^〃)
ps do u guys like the little birbs i added to my promo bc i really do. 
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patrickbaeddman · 8 years
btw this wall of text is funny and has jokes so dont be afraid to read it in full♥( like i never read theory posts i just skim cuz they’re usually really boring)
im genuinely asking all you girls lol. i think that theory and stuff is fun but its got a lotta girls caught up in it to where they think all issues are equal. because in theory they are. but this is totally war, like, our numbers are limited. and also we cant afford to make things any easier for people who are invested in killing us.
 like in theory what if we had a utopian capitalist society; trans women would be treated perfect, cis women would be treated perfect, etc, except for that capital would exist lol but im just saying its capitalist because of the epistemological impossibility of describing a post-capitalist society. so cis women would have their uteruses respected and all that stuff (what do cis women care about????? idgi tbh) and trans women would y’know, not be in the absolute shithole. 
so in that situation theory coincides with and applies to society so if a misogynist trend appeared it wouldnt hurt trans women to work with cis women on whatever was an issue with them with that. well the only thing that would hurt would be being seen in public with such unfashionable people. but i digress. 
however in this late capitalist metadata-shaped reality, if we want to really center and support ourselves and our sisters, we have to preform some kind of triage. triage is a practice in medicine and more specifically field, military, and emergency medicine by which doctors quickly determine prognosis (oversimplified: how likely someone is to survive) and more importantly the effect of treatment on said prognosis. and then decide the order to treat injured based on that analysis. so basically they treat the ppl with severed limbs first so they dont bleed out, but the people cut in half last cuz it would be near impossible to save them anyway. you probably already knew all this, like, if you’ve seen apocalypse now or anything but i just really like talking about medical science lmao. humor me. 
so we have to decide where the focus of social and material resources is most important and will do the most good for tw. thats pretty intuitive. i think if i said that to any tw i know shed agree. well tw dont usually agree with my taste in icecream muchtheless politics so maybe not. anyway :p♥
looking at it from a military/conflict analytical perspective, because there’s little difference between physical and emotional conflict and often its helpful to look at them the same, there are a lot of people working on cis womens “rights”. in fact many men also work with cis women on their ~issues~ ; trans guys being especially invested in this cuz its a way to be transmisogynist and gain power 4 free basically. cis women have that shit on lockdown, lemme tell you. they’re bringing their boyfriends and everything. meanwhile our boyfriends or cis girlfriends dont wanna be seen with us. but like i said a bunch already, nobody’s even working for trans womens basic needs (not rights) except ourselves. let me say: every time we go participate in a womens march, in a trans march, we’re getting played hard. 
like hard girls. like major funny business. like serious shenanigans. why? because cis women and trans men use us and our incredible skill, talent, etc, and get us to organize, direct, speak at, etc the march and they get all the benefits. we get none. in fact we usually get sexually assaulted, traumatized, verbally assaulted, et ceteraaaa. like, are you seeing what im seeing? my triage says that thats definitely NOT something i should get within 10 miles of. dont rhetorically defend that, dont go, dont give your labor to ppl who are lookin to simply exploit you and send you home with less that you masked up with. or pussy hatted up. god thats the worst. fashion nightmare. 
everybody has limited resources. it simply doesn’t make sense to spend our resources as tw on stuff which doesnt give back. every time you theoretically defend cis women in even a minuscule way i wonder why?? cuz the problem is you’re not gonna get anything from it! i mean maybe this is too max stirner but not really cuz what i’m saying is that we are small in active numbers, and we dont get any tactical assistance from anyone but our selves, and thus its crucial to focus solely on gaining resources for and preserving our own selves. especially when its not just a waste, its dangerous. the more leeway cis women get from trans women, the more they will exploit that and exploit the trans women in their movements; and use those women to decredit the women outside of their movements. dont be a token! i’m not kidding when i say you won’t get anything out of it.
remember the study that said trans women participating in communities are more depressed than trans women who dont. cis womens movements will suck you dry. okay that sounds kinda hot. they’ll do it in a non-hot way. they will use your brilliance for their own ends and dehumanize your daily life. 
so when you give your energy to them, whether you’re a fulltime h8r like me or you dont really h8 anyone (i bet theres someone you h8 dont lie to yourself, we’ve all got that dark side hatred inside us), its not useful to ever focus on cis women. even if you like them a lot they dont really need your help. unless you’re a hardcore masochist and wanna never focus on yourself and only focus on others, which i get, its kind of a thing with tw, but lemme tell you its the most dangerous goddamn thing when done with cis women. at least if you put the needs of other tw over your own they will prolly help you in return! anyway please become an egoist and put your needs above others. thats not even actually egoism, so dont even worry about karl marx’ ghost coming to haunt you. 
trans women need to use that kind of thinking more than any other kinda people, but we like put ourselves first the least! we are way too selfless. and literally everyone is conspiring to play the fuck out of us so we are sooo vulnerable to being tokens and hurting ourselves by giving energy to communities that just wanna exploit us. it sux!! 
the moral of the story is, please never talk about uteruses and vaginas and reproductive rights and petty acts of misogyny like catcalls ever again lol, cuz the (millions) of cis women who talk about those things have got way more resources to fight those things which are comparatively nothing to what threatens trans women, and they are also 100% invested and complicit in your exploitation and demise! also it makes me sad cuz i want sisters to care about me and focus on me (and themselves) cuz i’m super vain. 
i feel like what politics posts are missing on tumblr is like, honesty! ive become way more honest this year and i dont think it detracts from what im saying to say that posts focusing on trans women and validating us and totally tossing out all the cis bs thats constantly around us make me feel more cared about and more happy. i want people to care about my experiences and listen and share my passionate emotions. im extremely passionate about trans women fucking winning at life. and i know that cis women, men, every non trans woman always tries to stop me and my sisters from winning at every fuckin turn! damn! that sux!! but we have to deal with it, forreal, like, we can and will win by ourselves. nobodys gonna help us, as fucked up as that is, we have to make our own lives and come into our own resources and contacts and happiness and safety. but i know we can. and i know that cis women especially, who are very sneaky and try to pull like 10 fast ones on us a minute, (how do they do that) can be soooo harmful for us. anyway indulge me and just try not really focusing or contributing to cis womens or “transgender” movements et cetera et cetera cuz it’s the way2go. focus on yourself, real life, not theory, (like not theory as a huge major thing in your life its totally fun as a hobby, just dont let it control how you like, relate to people! cuz i see that a lot), your sisters, and winning. dont put your energy towards movements that really, honestly, will never be able to truly see you as human and give you any support or benefit whatsoever. jeez why’d i write this post this is so long wtf i never go on tumblr ok bye girls♥♥♥
dont believe the hype, bitches are the lowkey fbis sis !! ♥♥♥
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