#tbh i just want it to be a cb bc im too poor for a tour atm
sweetestmochi · 5 years
Sharing my thoughts on this tweet bighit just made:
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I have reasons to believe that this was a teaser for the SHADOW comeback and not the actual tour??
First of all the wavy font, which was formed from the PERSONA album cover:
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It reminds me of Love Yourself flowers connecting:
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Also the posted image itself is clearly a SHADOW concept theme. I doubt they would have a tour with just one album.. that’s not even out yet.. ‘Map Of The Soul: The Tour’ would be more likely the actual tour name.
Third thing the labelled companies on the announcement.. match with previous movie posters.. so I assume it’s a cb teaser, and the cb show is gonna be aired in movie theatres
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Map Of The Soul : SHADOW
Let’s follow the map and take a TOUR inside our SOULS
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greenghostlyjekyll · 3 years
Starlight Express Characters' Corn Nut Ratings 🚂✨
rated by @smarticaleparticales , Aka Dr. Throw Rounds If You Disagree MD. Who doesn't know much about Stex outside of the bits I've told them. This is based mostly on first impression of seeing the character.
Rusty the steam engine: hmmmmmmmmmmm he looks like shy boy soooo original, don’t wanna give him anything too spicy
Greaseball the diesel engine : he gets none, he looks like an asshole
Electra the electric engine: there isn’t a corn nut worthy enough literally nothing could be as perfect
Poppa Mccoy : BBQ looks like he’d genuinely enjoy them, he seems sweet
Belle the sleeping car: i only have a ring…does she like ring flavored cornnuts? [so your rating is a marriage proposal?] Yes.
Pearl the observation car: oooooo jalapeño she can eat spicer if she wanted tbh. [lol goes to give her boyfriend a kiss but uh oh jalapeño.] AW NO WAIT POOR THING THE ORIGINAL IS ALREADY PROBABLY TOO SPICY--
Dinah the dining car: she can get ranch ones
Buffy the buffet car and Ashley the smoking car: they’d share the nacho corn nuts
Duvay the sleeping car: she seems sweet, she could get the Chile picante ones
Carrie the luggage van: looks like she thinks she can handle jalapeño flavored but she really can only handle bbq
Belle the bar car: gets ranch bc she looks like she’s cool af
Dustin the big hopper and Flat-top the brick truck: they'd share cheddar cheese ones
The Rockies: they seem hella goofy they get the party mix
The Hip Hoppers: i’ll give them whatever Rusty dropped eating, they can’t tell. Put ‘em in a bowl and sprinkle popcorn butter powder they won’t know
CB the red caboose: he gets original dipped in windex and draino, he wouldn’t know.
Joule the dynamite truck, Volta the freezer truck, Wrench the repair truck, Purse the money truck, and Krupp the armaments truck: i’m gonna just create a gay mix and give it too them
Killerwatt the security truck: he looks like he’d tell me my cornnuts were contraband
Espresso the Italian national champion: he is adorable. I would make him a pasta flavored cornnut. I will die for Espresso.
Brexit the British national champion: oh fuck this guy. He looks like he’d correct me on not calling my fries chips. Unsalted cornnut or crisps.
Hashamoto the Japanese national champion: his face paint makes him look ready to cry tbh. he’d get a seaweed flavored.
Ruhrgold the German national champion: HNG. HEAR ME OUT. [WHAT?] JUST LISTEN. HANG ON. [HUN.] JUST. I HAVE NO REAL DEFENSE BUT LIKE WAIT. DONT PUT ME IN HORNY JAIL I HAVE A LICENSE. [Still giving this engine a holy water corn nut?] Honestly its for me chief. [Lmao.] LOOK I WASNT PREPARED TO SIMP FOR A FUCKING TRAIN.
Turnov the Russian national champion: the drama. He gets sweet and sour corn nuts.
Bobo the French national champion: Bobo looks like a hobo. Viva la fuck you France. [Im guessin no corn nut for him then?] He gets one with all the flavor licked off.
BONUS (post 2018 rewrites)
Elektra the electric engine: to hell. Absolutely not. Not my Electra. Put him back in the depths. Where tf is the flavor? this is the definition of gentrification.
Momma Mccoy: y'know what i love it. The spunk is there.
Pearl the first class carriage: why are they unseasoning the trains
Caboose: a swift kick to the train nuts and force fed windex/draino corn nuts
Voltar the freezer truck: hmmmm i mean not bad. Its not good but its there. Its so plain.
Coco the French national champion: she looks mean. [She is.] I fucking knew it.
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notsimplysusurrus · 5 years
So...I’m back on my bullshit, y’know, watching more documentaries about “father-daughter purity balls” and writing my feelings about them. 
But this time, they interviewed frat boys, which tbh was much better than I imagined it would be. They were surprisingly sex-positive? One guy straight up was like “too many people put sex up on a pedestal, but it shouldn’t be”. I agree random, frat boy. 
They have a chat with the despicable institutions known as “[crisis] pregnancy centres”. You don’t have to be a doctor/nurse to work there--only a “Bible-believing Xtian”. We love manipulating pregnant people into doing things they don’t want to do /s/. Moreover they, of course, offer abstinence-only sex education. 
Wowza, people seriously talking about religious guilt in regards to sex (and in general). And he’s still an Xtian yet not shitty! That’s not to say I dislike all xtians but rather to say ive had enough bad experiences with them to be cautious. Good for you, mate. He said that Xtianity dampens a person’s ability to express themselves sexually--even if they are married (as in his, personal experience but I believe it).  Xtian man strikes again, saying that saving yourself for marriage doesn’t make you better than anyone else. Again: good for you, mate.
An American Idol contestant is being interviewed on a radio show? She’s so pure uwu /s/. SHE SANG A SONG ABOUT PURITY. I fucking can’t. It’s called “Count Me Out” if you were wondering. This concept of “spiritual purity” after you’ve chosen to lose your virginity (and done so consensually) is so silly to me. 
Damn one (1) queen points out that “saving yourself for someone special” is shit when you get married to someone you later find out isn’t all that special. Then they provide a quote that says “Evangelical Christians have the highest divorce rate out of any social group in the United States” (source provided: The Barna Research Group). 
1996 - “The Silver Ring Thing” was founded
*TSRT is apparently a stupidass abstinence-only education program
*“gOd cReAtEd SeX aND MarRiaGE”
*“PRO VIRGINITY MUSIC AND SKITS” WHAT IS THIS? Every time I watch one of these videos, I feel more powerful as a non-married, non-virgin
*They claim “safe sex isn’t”....okay Karen AND the US Gov fucking aids in its funding im going to kms
*“Are you both virgins?”
“My religion is Catholic” --> this carries so much “I thought you were aMeRiCan” energy
*“a “women” [who they define as “women”] is supposed to bleed the first time they have sex” NOnoOnonononononnoNOoo. You might, but that’s not a given if you’re properly aroused STOP TEACHING YOUNG PEOPLE LIES
*This mans also claims, basically, that you’ll never bleed again after losing your virginity when you’re “supposed to” but that is NOT true--people with vaginas can bleed any time that penetration occurs. Again, it depends on how lubricated and/or aroused you are--not virginity (lube is your friend, trust me.)
*I’m going to punch him “spIriTUal HeALiNG maDe heR BLeEd on Her WedDinG niGhT”. NO, IT DIDN’T! She just wasn’t properly aroused and or lubricated (probably because your virgin so-called friend is ignorant asf). He also considers this “healing” IM GOING TO LOSE MY MIND
*...the story wasn’t really about his “friend”...it was about him...so he’s the dumbass here--USE FUCKING LUBE. ANd he shares this story with people???
2005 - ACLU sues TSRT bc it uses tax dollars to promote Xtianity 
2006 - TSRT refuses to change and loses federal funding 
Good for the ACLU. The US Gov is supposed to be secular (though it’s often not, and I recognise that). 
Dr. Douglas Kirby “The Grandfather of Sex Education” appeareth and local fucker compares safe sex to drunk driving while wearing a seatbelt and smoking filtered ciggies. More at six. Dr. DK throws down about the merits of comprehensive sexual education.
Aforementioned fucker claims that his “research” on condoms revealed that they’re “not effective” (when used properly, they most definitely are btw--in regards both to pregnancy prevention and preventing STDs). 
“When you’re using a condom you’re having unsafe sex. When you’re [practising] abstinence, you’re having safe sex.” -aforementioned fucker
Journal of Religion and Society (2005): “Higher rates of a belief in a Creator correlate with higher rates of STDs, teen pregnancy, and abortion. 
A woman who had an abortion (unknowingly) makes the case that religious guilt often makes people feel bad about having an abortion. Also, her ex-boyfriend was a real wanker, so I wish Penny the best. 
Annnd some of the frat boys end up being expectedly shitty later on -.- “no woman with my baby is getting an abortion”. Go fuck yourself. 
Aforementioned fucker doesn’t believe there ought to be exceptions for abortions in the case of rape or incest. I’m...disappointed but not surprised.
Abortions used to be covered by Medicaid?? Why is the US so good at going back on decent decisions and being an asshole, instead? And the feminist writer who points this out is a whole ass comrade, talking about how the poor are being especially fucked over by anti-abortion legislation. 
Dr. Claire Brindis points out that the “pro-life” movement is really hypocritical because it doesn’t support government programs that would aid poor, single mothers they so desperately want to keep from having abortions. 
Ffs Teddy is complaining about being sleepy and ready to go to bed, so idk if we can finish this tonight. There’s less than 30 minutes left though! Maybe I can bribe him.
Dr. CB - some women tell me “the only way I could get out of a gang was by getting pregnant” oh deer, oh my. But also...that’s probably not the best environment for a child. DR. CB also says that CSA can cause [afab people] to engage in/want relationships with older men...so that explains a lot about me.
The United States has the highest rape rate among countries that repost such statistics - 4 times higher than Germany, 13 times higher than England, and 20 times higher than Japan. 
Yikes, yikes, yikes. Feminist writer woman is back with straight facts: “age-appropriate sex education starting in kindergarten can protect children from sexual abuse bc if you’re not talking to [them] about what parts are private, [they aren’t able to tell an adult that they’re being abused because they don’t always realise what’s happening is abuse].” 
Random aside: there is a stripper talking about how she was raised Catholic and now teaches pole dancing, and she’s...very talented. 10/10 do support. you go, gurl.  
95% of young people have sex before marriage acc. to Dr. Douglas Kirby
Okay, the woman who teaches pole dancing is a straight queen, talking about how she wants her daughter to have safe sex if she’s going to with a guy or a girl, and I love this woman. Aforementioned fucker, on the other hand, says that he wouldn’t tell his daughter to use a condom bc it “wouldn’t protect her”. Again...incredibly disappointed but still not surprised. 
My ex-stripper QUEEN SAID “MY FATHER DOES NOT HAVE CONTROL OVER MY PUSSY” What a goddamn queen?! Gods and she says that this whole purity ball bullshit is about male power. Be my friend. Realise how powerful you are! I love her. 
Awww in the post-credit scenes, it says that the girl who I talked about having had an abortion feels much better about her decision now. Good for her!
Anyway, @ntis this is why not educating children and teens about sex is super no bueno. 
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fmdjoosungarchive · 3 years
sung vs mun goals
word count: 755
tldr; tbh idk just read it if ur curious pls n thx
when it comes to storylines, i’ve learned in the past three years that it’s good to be able to complete a story all on ur own. so while connections sung may make with other muses could change this, i like having a,,, back up plan so to say?
and as it comes to relationships i think it would be fun to keep tugging sung around rather than make him happy w the dream relationship he wants lol i’m trying to be more loose this time around, so i’m not sure on the specifics, but it could be fun to have sung in another relationship with a woman, maybe test his morals and say he cheats on a gf? or maybe have him go down a series of men he can’t manage to keep long term
i want to challenge him and keep things interesting for myself too
depending on if that goes more awry, there could be some alcohol dependency issues/general poor coping mechanisms
i also have a short term plot idt ive written about yet, over the today seoul rumors. it’s hilarious to me tbh. so sung’s rumor gets back to his fam and they’re over the mooooooon that he’s got a gf n bab on the way. not so happy abt the premarital sex part but it’s not as big of a deal bc the same thing happened w his younger brother. n i have it in my head that his parents are convinced it’s yujin (who is an idol turned actress n still sung’s bestie) and have already started planning their shotgun wedding and want yujin to move into the family home so they can take care of her
i’m not gonna write in stone how sung will react to all of that or the fallout but it’s such a Peak choi fam thing to happen and i adore it
this is just a little blip of a thot but im Thinking when fever part 1 comes out, i wanna have sung wear a skirt in public for the first time. hongjoong wears a couple for stages and he’s not that position anymore but i still wanna use it as a plot point, so i think he’ll b inspired n feel like for once it’s Okay
i’ve shifted my thinking on sung’s claims as well
i’m gonna drop that sung is pushed to be fashion forward, like going to fashion weeks and shit. it was based a lot around element and finding a niche he could thrive even with their minuscule fame, and it’s just a hassle to upkeep now
instead his being pushed for visuals can be more focused on public appeal, in magazine shoots and cfs. and in cfs, i wanna be more loose in their concepts, because sung’s image is bright and friendly, and that doesn’t need to be masked by sexuality in order to be mildly appealing. quantum is all about concepts, so sung can be more multifaceted than he could before. and magazine shoots are where the sexy marketing would have its biggest push, because it’s easy
i’m thinking i wanna keep sung as ambassador to cleantopia, and i just renewed for lancome. i dunno if i’ll keep them past these next renewals, but i think a year is a solid amount of time to show he has a good relationship w the companies n whatever. in the future i think non luxury brands suit sung best for ambassador. he has everyday energy, comes with a side of bf energy
i alsoooo wanna have sung take on a second charity ambassador
like with any of this pls don’t hold me to it i’m wishy washy as shit
but i just claimed taemin’s sayonara hitori for valentine’s day bc it’s fuckin hilarious, and that song will be about sung’s ex, very on the nose and i’m into it for that. and looking forward, i Think what i want is a promoted single afterwards, something brighter, lighter, bc most of his discography up to this point is a bit darker? i want his concepts to have a lot of variation. and then an album later in the year since im p sure there’s gonna b a rly big gap in cbs for quantum n it makes sense there
like i said i’m trying to be more loose so beyond keeping up w renewals i kinda wanna make claims whenever i feel like it. to ppl that regularly do that, this explanation might seem like a lot, but fuck it
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