#tbh i might start T once i have grown my hair to my ass as planned. such that i can grow to hate the inconvenience and then
tabbyjack · 1 year
i return to Posting for one moment to put out a poll. to the transmascs in the room. how disastrous is the 20something year old balding experience for real cause it's the one thing i'm well and truly hung up on when it comes to T and while i know physiologically it's different for everyone like how has it been FOR YOU
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
I know you're super busy - so ONLY IF you have time-
Tell me about how a water balloon fight would go down at TM? Or the scrapyard? Who initiates it? Who is worried about their hair? Who says 'fuck this' and grabs a hose? Who has the balls to go after the prez? + any other shenanigan scenario you can think of.
Cricket, sometimes I swear you're living inside my brain. With the way that the last few days have gone, these types of shenanigans are exactly the type of break I need.
Let's get into it! 👀
I think that it's two vastly different experiences at T-M vs. the scrapyard. I think they're both entertaining and chaotic but the dynamics work so differently in each club.
I think that at T-M, Juice and Tig are the ones who start it. They found leftover water balloons from one of the boys' parties and decided that they were in the mood for chaos and were going to bring everyone else down with them. The second that the fight breaks out everyone is gunning for everyone. I think that the only person who people might hesitate to really go after is Happy. And you know for a fact that he takes advantage of that as much as possible. He's out there obliterating motherfuckers with the water balloons. He's living, laughing, loving it.
Everyone is going in on Jax. Everyone. Even Piney, who says that he's, "Too old for this bullshit," is trying to get Jax. (He's also trying to get Opie. And he's succeeding at both knowing that they won't really try to get him back.) Piney and Juice take turns dousing everyone with the hose on the mutual agreement that they won't go after each other. It's the only time Piney has ever agreed to do anything with Juice.
Tig Trager is living his best life. No one has ever seen the man laugh so hard. He's stuffing balloons into the pockets of his kutte so he doesn't have to stop and reload as often. It looks like he's about to reach for his gun when in reality it's just another bright yellow balloon filled with water. Every frustration he's ever had with Jax or Kozik gets let out by him soaking them.
Chibs thinks that he's staying out of it. That's what he tells himself, at least, until Juice nails him square in the center of his back. Then it's all bets off. With their hair the way it is, he and Tig look like men possessed (and tbh they sort of are) and it really just brings the whole scene together. All these grown-ass men engaging in this type of warfare in the middle of the compound at T-M.
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At the scrapyard, though. You can't convince me that Gilly and Coco aren't the ones who get everything going. No one knows where they got the water balloons from. No one cares. All they know is that all of a sudden everyone is getting pelted. There is no escape. Chucky is running behind Coco with a bucket full of the water balloons so Coco can just focus on throwing them. And, yes, his aim with water balloons is just as good as his aim with a gun. Gilly talks the most shit out of anyone, which is ironic because out of everyone he is the one who dropped the most balloons and popped them before ever getting to throw them. But that's not the point, he says.
No one goes after Bishop at first. And at first Bishop isn't really gogin after anyone either. He was willing to let it just be another dumb thing that the guys all got into amongst themselves. But then Angel launches one at him and soaks his entire torso. Because of course it was Angel. Everyone stops for a moment trying to figure out what was going to happen next, but then quick as anything Bishop is giving just as good as he got and the chaos resumes.
You know that Riz was the only one who was thinking about his hair. The thought crossed Angel's mind for the briefest of seconds but he's way too competitive to let it stop him. Riz, on the other hand, starts out annoyed, but once he realizes that this is all happening whether he likes it or not, he throws that shit up into a bun and gets into the throes of it with everyone else.
I don't know why I think that Creeper and EZ would form an alliance, but I do. I think that EZ is lethal in a water balloon fight scenario. I love that for him. He's not loud and talking a lot of shit like Angel and Gilly, but he's taking people out almost as effectively as Coco. And Creeper is right beside him . Creeper is the one with the witty one-liners. He's not loud about them, but the people that they're intended for always hear them.
Taza definitely stands out of the splash zone. What he does do, though, is grab the hose and just starts getting people from afar. Work smarter, not harder.
Hank doesn't even know how he got pulled into it. All he knows is that he's in it, and he's having way more fun than he would ever admit to anyone else. His one and only target is Angel.
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peachy-beomie · 4 years
Fellas, is it Gay to Kiss The Homies? <TEN-CENTRIC>
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Genre: Light Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Kunten (Qian Kun x Ten Lee) and implied (Ten x Everyone) [ALL SHIPS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PLATONIC]
Word Count: 1455
Warnings: Fluff overdose, might give you diabetes /t
Synopsis: Ten just really likes kisses and he wants to give them to his friends. That’s it.
A/N: I wrote this wanting it to be Platonic!Kunten but tbh it may have gotten away from me a little bit so believe what you want ig
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30021543
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Ten has always been overly affectionate. In the eyes of Weishennies, Winwin and Yangyang bear the brunt of it. On variety shows and lives Ten can sometimes be found floating around one of his two didis or entirely attached to them. It’s become a joke among fans and members, the way Ten calls Yangyang baby while the maknae responds with countless protests and whines. But something fans are unaware of is that off-camera, the Thai male’s affection extends to all the members. Ten is known to demand touches from most any friend in reach. Even Kun, despite the pairs’ constant bickering. The WayV members have grown used to Ten’s insatiable need to hold and be held. There’s a silent understanding between the 7 roommates. All the boys know that comforting Ten is just more of a physical thing. Each member understands, and some have even become fond of the actions. Most surprisingly Winwin. Though he seems like a total skinship anti, he’s all smiles whenever Ten envelopes him in a hug. 
For the endless love and acceptance of his bandmates, Ten feels so incredibly blessed. But even in such a wonderful situation, there are things Ten can’t have. And lines he dare not cross.
To Ten, there’s nothing inherently romantic or sexual about his lingering touches. To him, spooning with his friends is his way of showing platonic affection. Obviously some things are reserved for romantic/sexual partners: making out and things of the like. But the lines between friendship and partnership are far thinner to him than most. He hasn’t told his friends about his affinity for kisses, having only recently come to terms with it himself. All through his life he’s had these fleeting urges to kiss his friends, and he’d always passed them off as intrusive thoughts. But lately, these urges have become more persistent. When his members are especially kind to him, he feels his attention float briefly to their lips, wishing to give them a small peck. It’s always a peck. A forehead kiss, eskimo, cheek, knuckle, nose; always something innocent. A mere grazing of lips to skin. No matter how innocent the intent or the action, Ten can’t help but feel completely and utterly ashamed. 
Friends aren’t supposed to want to kiss each other, he chides to himself. The dancer already feels like enough of a bother asking to cuddle and hold hands, he fears that by taking the extra step, he’ll lose all 6 of them entirely. So he pushes these feelings deep down, and continues on, hoping the others don’t notice his worry. 
Unfortunately for Ten, Kun prides himself on being in tune with his members’ emotions. Kun first realizes something is wrong during one of the group’s rare off days. He and Ten had opted to stay home, the younger practically BEGGING him to continue watching Doctor Who with him. The two eldest boys have been watching it together for a couple months, and have already plowed through 2 seasons (that’s quite impressive considering how packed their schedules are). Since it’s nearly impossible to refuse Ten anything, Kun finds himself lazing the day away on the couch, carding his fingers through the soft brown locks strewn across his lap.
“Fuck. Everything,” Ten says after they finish the season 2 finale. “Whoever made this episode is a monster.”
Kun giggles, leaning down to wipe stray tears from Ten’s cheeks. “You knew it had to end eventually Tennie.” 
“YEAH BUT THAT WAS SO M E A N!” Ten removes his head from Kun’s lap as the older laughs harder. “It’s not funny!” The Thai man pouts, only eliciting more laughter. 
“Aw you poor thing,” Kun teases, pushing himself off the couch and holding a expectant hand out to the pouting brunette. “C’mon you big baby. Let me make you something to cheer you up.”
Never one to turn down free food, Ten trudges to the kitchen and sits down at the table while his ge gets to work. Ten watches Kun work for 15 minutes before turning to the table and placing a bowl of noodles in front of Ten. The younger looks up at the singer then, an almost indecipherable look on his face. In those few seconds of silence, Kun sees hesitation in Ten’s eyes, an uncharacteristic moment of pause. It’s like Ten wants to do something but he’s restraining himself. Then all too quickly, the look is gone. Ten thanks Kun for the meal before scarfing it down. 
Kun doesn’t bring it up then, or when he sees the same look directed at Hendery the next night while they’re playing Monopoly. He waits a week before finally confronting the boy, having seen the same hesitant gaze 5 or more times by now.
He decided to confront him after their biweekly Just Dance tournament. Kun and Ten were on a team together and kicking everyone else’s asses. After winning their 4th consecutive battle they’d hugged victoriously. When they pulled back, Ten had “the look” written all over his face. And without warning, he pecked Kun on the nose.
Ten stood straight in horror, he didn’t even give Kun a chance to say anything before bolting out of the room. The 5 other members followed him with eyes full of worry and concern. They’re only semi-placated with Kun’s promise of “I’ll talk to him.”
Kun opened the door to Ten and Hendery’s shared room to see Ten facing the wall dejectedly, curled tightly into his blankets. The older made sure he moved softly and quietly, not wanting to spook the boy. He sat himself on the bed across from Ten’s huddled figure, not missing the other boy’s flinch. Kun lays down behind the boy, wrapping his arms around his middle.
“I’m not mad Yongqin, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Kun uses Ten’s Mandarin name, knowing the younger loves the way it rolls off his tongue. “I just want to understand, ok?” The older rubs soothing circles on Ten’s arm with his finger.
“I’m sorry,” Ten whispers, almost imperceptibly quiet. 
“Qinqin I told you there’s nothing to be s--”
“No but I am sorry,” Ten says, turning himself in Kun’s hold to face the older, but still not making eye contact. “I-I shouldn’t have done that.”
“I could tell it was bothering you.” Kun says, raising the eyebrow of the dancer.
“Yeah,” Kun confirms. “So do you have a crush on me?”
“Not at all,” Ten says honestly. He fiddles with his fingers between their parallel chests rather than meet Kun’s gaze. “I just… hhh I don’t know how to begin to explain it.”
“Take your time.” Kun assures which Ten is exceedingly grateful for. Kun has always been patient and level-headed that way.
“It’s kinda like… you know how you hug your friends? To show them you care about them?” Kun nods easily. “Well, for me… kissing is kinda equivalent to a hug with a friend. It’s just...my way of showing affection I guess,” Kun nods again, taking in every word Ten says. “It became apparent a few months ago. But I didn’t want to bother you guys with it, so I kept quiet. And I know it’s weird and it’s really no big deal if you don’t want to I can--”
“Yeah, It’s too much isn’t it? Can we just pretend this never happened? I’m really sor--”
“Look Kun don’t worry about it. It’s really fine. I just want to--”
Ten finally ceases his baseless ranting. Kun rubs up and down the boy’s upper arms.
“Ten it’s fine. I never said I disliked it. If platonic kisses are something you want… something you need,” Kun smiles lightly. “Then I don’t see a problem with that.”
This time Ten actually does look Kun in the eye, cat-like eyes wide with disbelief. “What?”
“Just explain to me what you need Yongqin,” Kun whispers understandingly, and for some reason it makes Ten blush a little. “I’m all ears.”
Ten was left completely dumbfounded. He had just proposed something… crazy.... and yet Kun isn’t running. He doesn’t seem weirded out, or scared, or disgusted. He’s still there. 
“U-um…” Ten starts. “Just… small ones, I guess. Like cheek, nose, knuckles, forehead, hair, that kind of stuff,” Kun processes all this again. “A-and pecks on the lips are nice sometimes… i-if that’s not too much.”
Kun shakes his head and smiles, “Sounds good to me!” And to punctuate it, he places a small kiss on Ten’s forehead, setting the boy’s cheeks aflame once more. 
“T-Thanks,” He says genuinely.
“Of course Tenten,” The older contemplates giving him another kiss for assurance, but he decides that he shouldn’t overwhelm Ten too much just yet. “Anything for you.”
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ihavenocluedude · 4 years
The two awkward fools
Chapter 4. I forgot you call her that!
Montgomery “Scotty” Scott (AOS) x OFC
Chapter 1   2   3
A/N: Hellu, so like.. as I’ve said before I have like a few of these chapter pre-written so I thought I’d just like... drop this one before I finish le Agent Whiskey One shot, honestly wish me luck, I need to figure out how Imma finish that one... might be a long one tbh. 
Word Count: 1538
The repairs had been done just some hour later after Scotty had left. 
“I’ll just tell Scotty that everything’s under control and that he doesn’t need to check in.” Jen explained to Max as Jen looked down on her PADD, checking to see that everything was truly done and that she had done everything right, the last checks. Max nodded, it was understandable, totally understandable… But did she want to see Scotty? Of course, they’re now sort of officially friends, did she want to admit that she wanted to see him to Jen and get teased to death in public? No. 
While she found a small affection for the man even within probably the first day… That affection had… grown. It had grown, especially during the short time he spent in the medical bay during the repairs. Seeing him care so much for something, seeing him passionate for something he probably does daily? Who doesn’t love passion? And they’d talk! Sure it wasn’t some sort of deep talk but he told her about Scotland, about his home. 
Much to Max’s pleasure, Scotty checked in anyway. Max, at first being worried that he hadn’t gotten Jen’s message until her eyes caught his, throwing that worry out the metaphorical window. He had searched the room for her and in doing so, making her breathe slightly more shallowly. And then of course he started walking straight towards her, keeping the eye contact but accidentally stumbling into one of the nurses as he hadn’t taken in his surroundings completely. 
“I kno’ that Jen said everything’s fine bu’ I jus’ wanted to stop by anyway…” Scotty smiled at Max, what Max didn’t see however was his slightly antsy body language and his brain trying hard to keep the eye contact and not look away. Whilst Max tried telling herself to look away, don’t make it awkward, but couldn’t look away. 
“Yeah of course, uhm… it’s just over here… But you know that…” Max stumbled slightly, chuckling, finally averting her gaze away from Scotty’s eyes and walking towards the repaired equipment. Scotty nodded, inspecting the equipment, just maybe perhaps trying to drag out the moment by taking a really good look.
“Hello there Scotty.” McCoy of course walked over to the two fools that stood by the perfectly fine repaired equipment “I thought Jen said it didn’t need a check in?” McCoy turned his eyes towards Max with a questioning look, as well as a smug smirk playing on his lips. Max’s eyes somewhat widening at his question, McCoy’s expression constantly being in a smug state around the two fools. 
“Ach no, bu’ it can’ hurt can it?” Scotty looked up at the CMO, picking up his PADD to really get everything checked. Scotty was afraid that he was being way too transparent, to McCoy? He definitely was, to Max? Not at all. 
--- --- ---
“I feel stupid.” Max groaned as she entered her best friend’s quarters, as she had already memorized the code months ago, “Am I stupid? 
“You’re not stupid but you are quite foolish, come here El.” Jen chuckled, embracing her best friend in a hug as Max walked over to her. “Why do you feel stupid? Did you say something to him? Did he say something?” Jen rushed through her words, putting her hands on Max’s shoulders and pushing her away so she could see her face, Max’s hands hooking onto Jen’s elbows’ creases. 
“Nope… But I mean… Ugh! I just met this man, tell me I’m not being stupid? I haven’t had feelings for anyone since like the academy!” Max groaned remembering the stupid guy she had fallen for years ago. His hair was brown instead of blond but he was still slightly older and quite quirky… and yes also an engineer… of course. “What can I do? Like what are my options?” Max then asked Jen, going back in for a hug from her best friend who had started overthinking it all the second she caught Scotty’s eye contact. 
“You can tell him-”
“You could try to get to know him more before you do anything?” Jen then suggested, running her hand over her best friend’s hair, keeping her other arm now locked around Max’s shoulders. They had always been very close with physical contact, Jen was basically the only person Max let that close to her, her thoughts, her heart, herself. It almost felt like a requirement to have someone there for you during the lonesome years in space, even if the ship is flooded with people, you need your number one. The person you could call home. Jen is that person for her. 
“I could… I mean I’m… He and I could probably be just friends right?”
“Why are you so determined on keeping him away from you-” 
“I’m not!” Max walked away a little from Jen, shaking her head and rubbing her hands over her face, trying to beat the sleepiness that was starting to seep in.
“You are, I know it won’t be some… well some whirlwind-falling in love within just a day or whatever but don’t be afraid to let him in Elfie!” Jen told her quite loudly, gesturing with her hands like she was some sort of mad scientist. “He likes you too, you do know that right?” Jen almost whispered now, stepping towards Max who now stood there, her hands just covering her face as she breathed deeply. But at Jen’s words she let her arms go cross over her torso instead. 
“No he doesn’t, we can’t know that. Let’s just let this all be, I’m too tired for this. Let’s go eat and then go sleep.”
--- --- ---
“Scotty you can’t deny this, you like her.”
“Who likes who?”
“Scotty just met Max last week and he’s already falling in love.” McCoy teased the scotsman, Keenser laughing at the teasing as Kirk sat down, joining the three who were eating together. 
“-I’m not in love, she’s jus’ very…-She’s simply a friend.” Scotty stammered slightly as he looked at the unconvinced facial expressions of his friends. Keenser nudged his friends in the ribs, shaking his head and went back to eating his- very small meal. Scotty had of course teased Keenser sometimes about being able to eat just one bean and being satisfied, but most times, such as this one, it meant that he dragged out the time of eating that one bean just to sit there with his friends. However at this moment Scotty wished that Keenser would just eat his food so he’d at least have one less person teasing him about his affection for the doctor he’d newly met.
“God- Maxwell, I haven’t seen her in a while, where has she been lately?” Kirk spoke with fondness before shaking his head with a small chuckle.
“Over there, joined at the hip with Ms Rogers as always.” McCoy chuckled, looking over at the two girls who just walked in. Scotty’s eyes may have just may have snapped over to the entrance as he saw the girl he still hadn’t stopped thinking about and was anxious to see again. “And you say she’s just a friend huh? Hope you don’t look at me like that.” McCoy joked as he looked back at his food. 
“We should call them over, have them join us. I don’t think I’ve talked to Maxwell since… way too long ago.”
“Do you really not remember your drunken little fight?”
“Our what?” Kirk questioned McCoy before recalling the last time they had been on shore leave a few months ago. Kirk, Max and McCoy had sat down in a bar, drinking way too much too fast and eventually Kirk and Max had found something to fight about; pretty much everything in this god damn universe “-ooh.” Kirk realised that he hadn’t spoken to her since then. “Do you think she’s still… irritated?” 
“No it should be fine, the kiddo doesn’t dwell on things.” 
“-I forgot you call her that!” Kirk’s laugh could’ve probably been heard from every corner of the canteen, which of course made Scotty’s eyes widen at Kirk, trying to tell him to shut up.
“Look I’ll talk t’ her, I’d talk t’ her everyday if I could but-”
“You can.” McCoy muttered, almost wanting to lock the two crewmembers in some closet or turbolift for a few days and see if they’d eat each other up or eat each other up so he’d finally get some peace from the craziness Max brings around. “It’s not that hard Scotty, visit the medical bay once in a while, make up an excuse for her to come down to the engineering station, I bet she’ll take any excuse. I’ll even help you god damnit.”
“Christ McCoy, calm down.” Kirk chuckled, rolling his eyes at his friends. He missed this sometimes, even when he had it, he missed these moments of laughter at the expense of his friends. Especially when it came down to one of his friends falling in love with another of his friends, however with Maxwell and Scotty, he knew it’d take way too long before they’ll truly show their emotions towards each other. Hence why he and McCoy would have to try and push them together. 
A/N - Okay so I’ve already written this on AO3, but like this whole thing about ‘your person’ is so fucking true and I like wrote that weeks ago! Like uni is as I said, kicking my ass. And I’m starting to get hella homesick and just wanting physical affections (hugs pleaaase!). Like I do have friends and such here but damn how I miss my friends and family from back home. 
Next chapter
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Feeling kinda dumb asking this tbh. Not sure if you even watched TVD, but in case you did, you know how Bonnie uses Expression Magic which is considered extreamly dark and powerful form of magic (I mean, she literally destroyed hell!) do you mind writing Freddy x victim!reader oneshot where he mets a witch who also practices Expression and is extreamly powerfull? He tries to kill her at first obviously
Omg, this one started out so light hearted but oh my god.
Don't feel dumb!! Its a good ask!! I do watch TVD, and I hope you like this ^^ 
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I wake up the same way I have for the past 3 weeks. With messy hair, slashes through my favourite pyjama shirt and a finger in my hand- well, it isn’t always a finger. Sometimes its an ear, a portion of his ugly sweater, his hat, once even his eyeball. You get the picture though. Unimpressed, I watch the finger turn to gunky, dirty dust. Then promptly get up and tiredly get out the vacuum cleaner to clean up the mess.
Once I’m done, I put the vacuum back in its cupboard down the hall, which at this point I could totally do just from muscle memory and no other senses due to how often this month I’ve ripped something of Freddy’s back out into the real world in my attempt to take him out and kill him off the clean way.
But, I take a deep breath and let it out, exhausted and resigned, as I pull on pants and search through my closet for a shirt to wear out today. I guess I’m going to have to do it the hard way.
Finally, I discard the ruined shirt and wrench on a clean, yellow t-shirt and leave my house.
“Hey, Bernard,” I beam towards the grassy haired barista. The café’s basically empty, apart from a group of teenagers watching Netflix and Disney plus on their laptops and phone sin the far corner, so I think we’re fine to talk. He looks up from the mug he was drying out, sees my expression and promptly scoffs. Immediately he starts down the bar, past the glass case with all the sweets inside including a delicious jelly slice with lavender for safety that I get when I come here for breakfast, rounds it, and comes all the way to stand very close to me. He holds up his pointer finger between us sternly, almost mad and I focus instead on his hair rather then his face. It really is grassy- not because he’s been playing footy which he likely was before he came to work and not just because its green. Its messy, and multiple shades of different, environmental green. Representing his element.
“Don’t you dare.”
I sigh, and roll my eyes as I sit down in a bar stool, successfully putting space between us as he doesn’t move. “Its kind of a dire situation.”
“A demon?” He doesn’t look at all like it would change his mind on the subject of my using magic if it were a demon. Which it is.
“What kind?”
“The kind that draws strength from attention, lets move on.” Again, I roll my eyes. Not at Bernard though, this time its Freddy. Yes, he totally is that kind of demon. Not even just because he needs people to believe he exists to work. He’s just an attention whore.
Bernard crosses his arms and rolls his shoulders back, more than expressing his parents’ shared fire element. And, also, his cranky streak. “You will not use magic.”
“I’ve tried doing it the easy way. I’ll be safe, I promise.”
“I’m not worried about you, I’m worried about your neighbours, and the rest of the known universe if you fuck up. Actually, scratch that. Unknown universe, too.”
“I’m not asking you for permission anyway. Just- come on, gimmie the book.” I hold out my hand, looking around for where he could possibly be hiding it. Cupboards? Behind the cupboards? Has he digitised it? He just continues to glower, and its so forceful that I lower my hand and pout. He’s always been the scary cousin in our family.
“Oh, you so are asking me for permission. You don’t know where the book is!” He sneers, and I deadpan deeply at his immaturity.
“Look, Ber, we’re grown adults. Grown! Ass! Adults! I can make my own decisions, now- where is the book?”
“I’m older than you, and I say no!”
“Berrrrrrrr- Oh hi Boyd.” I pause in glaring at my Bernard to look at his brother, Boyd walk by from the upstairs apartment, clipping the vizor attachment to his glasses as he’s going out. He looks boredly at me smiling at him and keeps going to the door with an old-fashioned bell fixed to the top.
“You’re here for the grimoire?” He asks, opening the door and turning over his shoulder, and I nod sweetly- he’s sure to be more helpful! “Yeah, Bernard lost it. Hid it so well even he cant find it anymore. Now, I have a date.” He leaves the, now very tense and cold café with a curt, “Later.”
Slowly… I turn to Bernard. He is now avoiding eyecontact. He misplaced… our families… century old… grimoire??! “Find. It.”
Having a change of heart, he heads behind the counter again with a lowered head. “Oof, I’m on it.”
It must take hours, before I give up looking alongside him and sit down to take a rest. The teenagers have gone by now, and Bernard turned the ‘Open’ sign on the front window around to say ‘Closed’. I don’t know how it happened, but at some point, I rest my head on the bench and the exhaustion from not getting full rest for weeks catches up to me, and I fall asleep.
“Back so soon?”
I jump. “Gah!” Turning around to where the voice came from and I see Freddy- clearly, not in a creative mood because otherwise he wouldn’t have appeared so quick. “Why are you here?!”
“This is my domain, sweetheart.” Freddy explains, something I already knew and he knows I already know and I groan.
“It’s the middle of the day! Can’t I have this one moment to sleep in peace??” A wide smile spreads across his face, and I slouch over. Course not. Oh god, I am so tired. Another yell escapes me though, exhaustion making me incredibly jumpy, when suddenly he appears beside me. Physical form and everything, I can feel the fuzz of his sweater on my arm. “Don’t touch me.” I flash him a glare, not daring him. Definitely not daring him- he’ll take it. Just telling him to back the fuck off because I’m tired not only from his unfaltering ability to keep me busy and working, even when I’m asleep, and also now because my dear older, moronic cousin has lost our grimoire which was entrusted to him, which I need to get rid of Freddy, in order to sleep and actually feel rested!
Oh, my goodddddd, I would do almost anything right now to dream about stupid normal stuff like flying, or running from an encroaching car, or falling. Even falling, which wakes you up. At least I can fall right back to sleep.
“Okay, now, see, if you tell me that, I’ll just wanna do the opposite! ~” The clawed glove nears my face and my right eye twitches, but I stand still there with my arms crossed and glare at it. The rusty, nearly black metal nearing my eyes, reflecting the sharp, gross grin on Freddy’s burnt face.
“So, its opposite day then?” I ask, humouring him because what else are you going to do? When he gets bored, he’s even more dangerous.
“Yep!” Visibly, the stripe sin his sweater switch places so its green and red, and not red and green. He thinks he’s funny.
And, clearly I’m exhausted otherwise I never would’ve fallen for that. “Then please touch me Fredrick.” As soon as the words leave my mouth, raucous laughter escapes him, and he holds his belly as he doubles over and laughs. I groan and dig the heels of my hands into my eyes. I need to wake up. “Out of all the obnoxious murderers out there… “I got the worst of the lot.
“Yep, you got me. Now, let’s stop fucking around shall we? Let’s get to the good stuff!”
“Oh no.” I half groan, half whine in dread and fear. Suddenly, the fact that I fell asleep feels like stupidest move ever- at any time, he might kill me. Its just blind luck that he hasn’t felt like ending the game so far. But he could at any time, including this time.
Freddy disappears again, and I whip around to look for him. My heart starts to beat thunderously in my chest because nothing good has ever occurred when Freddy disappears. I’ve been shot, I’ve been crushed under a stone slab, I’ve been choked with 80’s twisted telephone phone cables- I’ve even been kissed. And every time, I get closer to dying. I lose oxygen, I lose blood, I lose morale. Every time I get hurt, Freddy takes me closer to death then before and I think I’m actually gone this time. He’s bored, I’m not enough anymore, the torture is over.
Which is both a relief and even more horrifying then anything else. Tears cluster in my eyes as time goes by and nothing happens. I just see the boiler room around me, everything tinted red and everything damp and shiny with grease and rust. I don’t want to die.
Suddenly, smoke starts to fill the room. Until I can’t see anything at all except the white in front of me and my hand if I would raise it, but I don’t. I just stay very still, afraid of what’s about to happen. “Fr-Freddy?” I call, weak and disappointing myself. I’m a fucking witch… but that doesn’t really mean much in this world. Not without the spell that I need from the grimoire that’s nowhere to be found. I’m a witch, and I’ve raised to think that means something, means I’m a force to reckoned with, but here I am being reckoned with and I’m useless.
The ground underneath me starts to vibrate, and the smoke slowly starts to clear.
I squint, but I can’t see much through the remaining smoke and the tears shielding my eyes except a bright light.
The vibrating gets worse, and I look down and notice that the smoke has cleared enough at the point to see what beneath my feet, and the realisation of what’s there makes fear swarm throughout every crevice of my being. Mind, body and soul.
Train tracks.
My head snaps up again to see the light, a train, barrelling closer and closer to me. It’s so loud now that I’ve realised, I’m about get his by a fucking steam train, that my ears pop and protest to the pain of it all. The train gets closer and there’s Freddy. The fucker. Wearing a conductor’s uniform and hanging out the side of the driver’s compartment. He grins and waives.
I try to use rational sense and move out of the way, but rope shoots out of the earth between the tracks and twists tightly over my shoes. I try to wrench my feet out of my shoes, panicking now as the train tracks are practically jumping, but the ripe starts to climb… higher and higher up and around my legs and my hip and my arms, until I can’t move at all. It’s so tight I can’t barely even breath- not that I’ll need to for much longer.
I brace myself, and squeeze my eyes shut against the now blinding, all-encompassing brightness of the trains light. And then the train hits-
I’m wrenched suddenly, and violently from my sleep on the counter and straighten up so vigorously that I nearly slip right off the bar stool. There’s drool on the bench from my sleep, my cheek feels stiff from resting on it for a while, and whip around to look at Bernard who’s standing beside me now with the leather bound, yellow paged book that he’s found. I snatch it from his fingers, dropping it on the bench and start frantically looking through it, eyes still filled with tears and now they start falling. I slap a hand over my mouth, stifling the heavy sob that racks my back and shoulders and mouth from the shock and horror of what just nearly happened. I can still see fuzzy blue dots in my vision from the light, and my nose tingles because the train just touched. It smelled like smoke and coal and that’s still in my nose. Theirs white scrapes on my wrists from the rough rope.
“Y/N,” Bernard touches my arm and I don’t push him off, but I don’t respond, either. I barely notice him, too preoccupied with looking for the right spell. I need this to be over, that can’t happen to me again! I’m not brave enough for it. Another terrible sob forces its way from my chest and I feel half like curling into my cousins chest and crying my heart out and half like killing that bastard Freddy. Wrenching his entire nasty existence from unwritten history and tearing it so it will never be salvaged again.
The second half wins, as I go back through the book backwards, and this time find the spell. “Ow-Okay.”
“Y/N, take a moment- “
“No,” I snap. I nearly got h i t, by a t r a i n. A monstrous thing the same colour as Freddy’s blades. Bernard can’t understand that, but I sure as fuck can. Stammering, but sure, I start to recite the incantation under my breath. Slowly it gets louder, as words start to become harder to say and I need concentrate more. Latin mixes together into one big word, and its har don the best of days but when there’s expression magic involved, it takes an army. More.
And I am that, right now.
Bernard looks around as wind, not coming from an open door or window, starts picking up in this room and rushes to shut the curtains and block the rest of the world from seeing in. Napkins go flying, then the chairs topple over, and then finally the wind is so strong that coffee maker rips from the wall and smashes into the glass sweets case.
I don’t see it, because I’m still following the words in the book, but I hear it. But only just, over the terrible wind screaming through my ears. Finally, the spell reaches its peak and the air in front of Bernard and me, who has gotten back to where I am, opens up. Like someone took a knife and tore literally through the fabric of space and time and magic, revealing the familiar boiler room.
The words start to speak on their own. Whispering in the wind and my lips don’t even have to move, so I let Bernard take the book. Its all so chaotic, I don’t know how I know what to do. But I reach forward and just, lightly touch the hole and its like the magic knows exactly what I want.
Dirty dust, like what Freddy turns into when you bring out of a piece of him from the dream world that I’ve been vacuuming for the past weeks appears, connects together into the shape of a man and then twists together slowly, disturbingly like vines until it isn’t dust and vines anymore. Its burnt flesh and knitted, red and green cotton.
And he looks mad. “You bitch.” Is all he manages to say, but it’s got so much hatred and fury in it that I nearly get scared. I feel it creeped into my bones and organ in my chest.
But then I remember. This is my world.
And I don’t want him in it. “Get out.” I spit, and just like the world seems to crash. Eliminating an existence -anything. Much less a person, - is a lot of work and a big deal. It shouldn’t be possible at all, and I believe that. But I believe it like some who believe murder shouldn’t be possible.
But it is and sometimes it happens, in dire situations.
It feels like I’m being torn on the inside, and scraped clean on the outside- punishment, for doing such a thing. Something to make the world balanced for this.
And Freddy warps like The Scream or a computer glitch. Half of him gong up and the other half going down. Its horrifying sight and I’m in so much pain, but I make my eyes stay open.
And then everything goes black.
___TIME SKIP: A Week___
The whole week has gone by like dream. Not a Freddy dream. Not even a happy dream. Just, like its unreal. I don’t feel much, except a slow, soft blankness like when you’re totally out of it in class after a really, really bad day.
Its not particularly a bad feeling, not compared to the horrors I endured before. Its just like I need to rest, after I used so much power, and feeling so much in general.
Oh, and I have. I’ve been sleeping all the time. Day and night. It’s been uninterrupted and nearly… empty, feeling. Bizarly, I’m well aware now when I’m asleep that I’m dreaming. I’m lucid. Like when Freddy would be there, but without him. Its not exactly restful, but still. It’s better than the nightmares.
Right now, I’m going to sleep. Feeling tiredness expand and unconsciousness take over.
Immediately, I nearly jolt right awake again from fear. Nearly. But his hand grips onto my arm before I can.
Freddy’s right in front of me, smiling sharp like a much madder, pissed off the Cheshire cat. “Heya again sweetheart.” His voice sounds too real. His touch feels to real. This cant be- “It took a fucking lot. Pulled a few strings, don’t know how. Don’t ask. But I’m back. Don’t worry though, I’m not about to kill you. That was a real neat trick you pulled… “I jump, and whimper when the a blade on his glove touches my cheek, and he leans much closer.
“So, we have a lot to talk about.”
You didn’t think you could rid of this Slasher, did you?
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 6 years
Monsta X as FWB
Summary: Monsta X as FWB Anon Request
A/N: Finally writing about these grown ass smokeshows...I am so fucking thirsty. I really struggled writing Changkyun (my bias) because I’m so in love it hurts I’m so sick of him
Warnings: Smut and s o f t b o i s
Word Count: 2657
Hyunwoo (Shownu)
He would be SO BAD at not catching feelings
You smile at him one time and he’s in love he couldn’t handle a fwb arrangement
The only way he’d even do it is if he really liked you but was afraid you didn’t want to commit
He’s really that bitch who’s like “if i dick her down real good maybe she’ll love me”
He might be right tho
If you ever take a shower at his place you won’t exactly be getting clean
In fact any time you show any amount of skin he’ll be all blushy and handsy
Def shy and hesitant until he gets comfortable with you
After he does it’s on, though, he’ll never wear a shirt if he doesn’t have to and you’ll be constantly thirsty
He’s the best at eating you out don’t @me
He doesn’t know how smoking hot he is so he’d be so proud when he made you flustered or made you come real hard
Not very vocal in bed but he’s got a low pitched whine when he’s close that sends you over the edge
Won’t dirty talk and will blush if you do but he’ll love it
If he’s horny he’ll send you a text like “hey” that’s it
Bad at sexting he’ll just send you pics and you know what a picture is worth 1000 words
Does that low-key possessive thing in public where he’ll lead you with his hand at the small of your back
Otherwise not very affectionate in public though, he’s worried you’ll reject him if he tries to hold your hand and he’s f r a g i l e
Smiling and lots of affection from this big teddy bear
Likes to take care of you, he’ll tear your ass up and then clean your apartment while you sleep and wake you up with takeout and a movie
He is never not buying you food it’s his way to say he loves you ok epitome of “how many food until date”
He will bruise you a lot by accident and feel so bad about it, kiss every one with an apologetic smile
Is it that he doesn’t know how strong he is or that he wants every guy around to know you’re his? Little from column a, little from column b
Please don’t let it slip if you’re seeing anyone else he will break your heart he’ll be so sad
Not even salty just will be a whole kicked puppy dog
Will dick you down hard after you tell him and then apologize and be the softest cuddly baby, won’t want to let you leave afterwards
Depending on how comfortable he is, he’ll either avoid you or be totally honest
Not in person though you’ll get a lot of emo texts he’s too shy to tell you
Your phone will be dinging as you walk out his door, tbh
“I don’t like this” “come back let’s talk”
But then when you do talk again he barely says anything just holding your hand and caressing your palm with his thumb
He’s likely to end the arrangement if he thinks you won’t choose him
He’ll be so sweet and apologetic tho he’ll say “I’m sorry but I’m just not built for this. I want you all to myself.”
You WILL choose him I mean it’s a no brainer, really
So you’ve chosen Lee Minhyuk as your fwb, huh? Good luck not falling in love, sis
He’s so. Much. Fun
He’ll wanna take you to amusement parks and carnivals and finger you on the Ferris Wheel
He’ll try and make you fall apart while at the dinner table with his hand under your skirt with the most innocent smile on his face
He’s down for anything in bed and he is a switch for sure
Loud AF when you tease him such whiny moans
If you spend a couple days with him y'all won’t get anything done because you’ll be trying to get dressed and he’s taking your clothes right back off
Doesn’t give a fuck if you leave marks and will be offended if you complain about him leaving them
He won’t get very salty if you have other partners but he’ll be competitive and try to occupy all your attention and be real extra in bed
You’ll probably catch feelings before he does he’s so talkative and fun you’ll get to know him fast and start to love all his little quirks
If you tell him he’ll be sweet about it and just be like “shit ok let’s try it’
If he catches feelings on the other hand and you’re not very perceptive, you’ll never know
He’ll get real weird, v quiet and sulky like he’d hate catching feelings and not know if you did or not
Would try to find out what you thought v obviously like "hey so if we did date how do you think it’s go?”
Will wait for you to ask him out even if he liked you first
Would be hesitant about an fwb arrangement bc he’s highkey salty when he doesn’t get his way
Would probably wanna cuff any meaningful sexual partner bc he’s territorial so you might worry it’s because of that and not because he actually likes you
Very respectful about things like consent would never fuck you while you were at all inebriated (like even two glasses of wine) even if you begged
Quiet with you in public he wouldn’t want to go out a lot because too much social interaction drains him
He’d be the type to be seeing other people but not wanting you to smh
But he’d feel bad about it and know it was dumb
He’d be really honest with you even to the point of hurting your feelings but if he wasn’t sure how he felt about you he’d just keep quiet
So much salt and shade thrown if you’re seeing someone else will get pressed if you so much as mention the other guy’s name while you’re with him
“Hey, this is my time, right? Focus on me.”
Rough in bed and a smirky little shit, knows he’s good
A whole dom he’d like you submissive but bratty
Loves to bark orders and dirty talk in foreplay but will be quiet during the act, low grunts
He’ll buy you lingerie almost be a low-key sugar daddy, really, you’ll mention a purse you like and find it shipped to your house
If he caught feelings he’d tell you immediately and force you to make a choice he won’t wait around for you to decide
If you caught feelings and he wasn’t ready he’d avoid you for a while but expect you to be ready to talk about it when he calls you a week later outta nowhere
Hoseok (Wonho)
This boy is all talk
He’d flirt like mad, tease you in public, hands all over you
When he got you alone he’d be a little shy and s o f t tho
Would be eager to try an fwb arrangement because he wants to think he’s a fuck boy
Spoiler alert: he is N O T
He’s almost worse than Shownu about catching feelings
Big showoff in bed after the second or third time
Likes to manhandle you
Highkey has a praise kink so it drives him crazy when you tell him how good he’s fucking you
Loud whiny moans, lots of dirty talk but he’s shy right after he comes and uber affectionate
Will sext you constantly
Wants to meet up every damn day
He’s rough in bed at first, pulling your hair, smacking your ass
When he catches feelings tho every once in a while he’ll go all sweet and slow
If he starts going down on you a lot you’re in trouble sis he’s in his feelings
He’s only a dom until he loves you then he’ll switch whenever you want
He will never not cuddle you after sex either way this man would stroke a one night stand’s hair for three hours after sex
Will mark and bruise you everywhere and be proud of it
He’d be pouty if you wore something to cover his bite marks and hickeys
Speaking of pouty just please like don’t let him find out you got another man
Your life is now constant d r a m a
Would follow you around at bars, salty af if he saw you dancing with someone else
Will make a whole scene
Tug you away into the hallway and if he’s drunk he might be crying
You’ll have to take him home and comfort him smh
Wears his heart on his sleeve so he’ll tell you he loves you like 2 weeks after y'all start fucking
His mom knows about you by week 3, ok, he’s a whole mess
Will cry about you to his friends, Shownu won’t like you bc Hoseok is listening to sad music and coming in his room at 3am being a emo baby
If you end the arrangement you’ll have to block his number he’ll be such a mess
Will lie and promise never to get salty about you seeing someone else if you just come back
He’s real cute if you like him back though, eager puppy and will make you know you’ve made the right choice by not letting you out of his bed for a full two days
Would probably be among the best at not catching feelings
He can’t be bothered to fall in love tbh
He might if you really understood him, though, like if you’d nap with him midday and talk to him about nothing for hours
You’d only be meeting up twice a week for sex he’s not that pressed
He knows he’s pretty and you are too and it works for him but it’s not that serious at first
Will not give a fuck if you’re seeing someone else but he won’t be bc he’s too lazy to maintain more than one arrangement
He would get a little salty if you cancelled a meeting with him for someone else though how dare you
He isn’t a sub but he likes you to do all the work in bed if you’re down, likes to see you riding him
Not rough at all
Quiet in bed, just short breaths
He may just call you over for a blowjob tbh
You’ll know he likes you if he goes down on you
Like he always will get you off but if he’s taking extra time he’s got it bad
Not rough in bed, almost romantic sometimes so that might get you in your feelings even though it’s just how he is
If you catch feelings first and try a dramatic confession and he doesn’t feel the same way he’ll ghost you
If he does like you he’ll call you sometimes just to talk when he can’t fall asleep
Won’t exactly tell you if he catches feelings you’ll just go out somewhere like to get breakfast and he’ll run into a friend and he’ll introduce you as his girlfriend
So anyway you’re dating now
Another “try not to fall in love” challenge
He’d suggest an arrangement just to make you blush and he shocked when you said yes
A real giver in bed, loves to eat you out and won’t even ask you to reciprocate but will be very grateful if you do
He’s so loud, wake the neighbors loud but his dirty talk is low key sweet
Also has a praise kink of sorts but likes to give rather than receive
Will fuck your brains out while singing your praises, “Look at you, baby, you’re so beautiful like this.”
He’d love to take you out, fancy dinners sometimes, would just kind of act like you’re his girlfriend even if it were casual
Will actually be your friend you can call him in the middle of the night crying and he’ll drop everything to help
Y'all will go to karaoke and shit he’s really like your bff who also dicks you down
If he wants to see someone else he’ll talk to you about it first and if you’re even a little uncomfortable, he won’t
He won’t be too salty if you see someone else but will be pouty and needy the next time you see him
Lots of cuddles and his dimpled smile
If you catch feelings it’ll make him catch feelings he’ll look at you in a whole new light
If he catches feelings he’ll just tell you
The second he realizes it he’ll deadass stick his head in the shower when you’re in there
“So hey I like you, let’s date, yeah?- why are you screaming it’s just me”
Changkyun (I.M)
He’s the most likely to be a whole fuck boy
He’s also probably the best in bed and he knows it
He’s a cocky little shit, knows how to make you tremble with a look and a slow wink
Will be your friend first and your sex partner second, if you’re upset or in a bad mood he’ll talk you down and make you feel better before even thinking of touching you sexually
Most blunt
“wya I’m horny come through”
Will talk to you about everything and nothing your pillow talk might be the best thing about your arrangement
Otherwise he won’t take you out much though he’s somewhat shy in public
Low groans and deep growls in bed
Absolute master of words in Korean or English lord help you if he dirty talks in bed p h e w
He won’t sext you much bc his deep ass voice is what makes your legs shake and he knows it
All about the foreplay wants to make you beg him to fuck you but he doesn’t last long because it gets him just as worked up
Rough in bed, sweet aftercare
Likes to wash your hair in the shower and shit
Makes you laugh a lot will send you memes when you’re having a bad day
Won’t initiate cuddling but loves it when you do and pulls you to against him
He will definitely be salty if you’re seeing someone else even if he is too but it’ll be quiet salty
If it’s in public he’ll just seduce you away from the other guy
“You like me better anyway, right honey?” Deep voice right against your ear as he ushers you into the cab and he’s all smirks when you let him up your skirt on the ride home
You WILL catch feelings even if you’re the most jaded bitch alive if you spend enough time with him
If you’re the type to run from feelings he will chase you
You’ll be talking to him after sex and he’ll give you that sweet smile when he shows his low-key dimples and your chest starts hurting and you’re like “I gtg”
He will follow you out the door fr
Blow your phone up
Even if he isn’t sure how you feel about him or he feels about he’ll want to make sure you’re ok
Would never ghost you even if you ended things
Would be the type to have a long conversation with you about your feelings
If he fell for you though you’d have to pin him down and talk about it he’d stop calling you as much and try to avoid talking about it
If you tease him about it he’d groan and almost get mad
“You loooove me”
“Shut up you’re dumb ion even like you”
Compliments you when you look nice but it’s lowkey
“Your hair looks good like that” or “your legs are nice you should wear skirts more often”
Suggests you to get serious very casually
“So you’re my girlfriend now, okay? Where do you wanna eat and if you say you don’t care I swear to God”
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glowrioustrash · 6 years
Breaking The Law
Summary: Parole Office Kat Williams had seen Dean Ambrose’s mugshot from his file. She was expecting the scrappy, shaggy kid in the photo, not the man who walked into her office.
Pairing: Dean Ambrose x OC
Word Count: 3000+
Author’s Note: This is a piece of what was originally a bigger fic - a very dark fic tbh - but I’ve been struggling with it since Dean’s return. I decided I could cut this out, post it as a PWP for everyone’s enjoyment, and if I ever get around to writing more, just posting it as a second part. (Tag list is back down to like no one, because once again I wasted so much fucking time between posting shit that most of y’all were either lost in the purge or changed your names. Sorry.)
Tagging: @softarthurmorgan / @kakakatey / @thirstiswet / @calwitch / @dirrrtydeeds
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Kat grabbed the file for her next appointment, a new parolee she was being assigned. The folder was fairly thin, which typically meant an easy job… or a first time offender at the beginning of a long path through the system. She read the name on the tab, “Ambrose, Dean,” and opened the folder.
The man’s mugshot was paperclipped to the first page, his piercing blue eyes striking her immediately, even in the washed out, overexposed photo. The glare on his features was not uncommon in the many mugshots she’d seen, but he made it look more like a brood. It made her think of classic movie stars when they’d hit that pout that made the women swoon. His shaggy hair, she couldn’t tell if it was brown or blonde from the photo alone, was matted to his forehead. He looked mostly clean shaven, although with the poor quality of the photo she couldn’t tell if he had a bit of stubble or if it was just an odd shadow or printing mistake.
She moved the photo out of the way, quickly reading through his file. Ambrose was 32 years old, only a few years older than herself. He was charged with stealing a firearm and had pled guilty, earning a 5 year sentence but was being released early. Reading through the file, Ambrose had kept to himself in prison and stayed out of trouble. There were only a handful of reported incidents from his time in jail, all of which had guards vouching that he acted defensively.
It seemed promising, really.
Dean had served his time in Ohio but had applied to serve parole in Iowa. The paperwork showed he had someone to live with and a job lined up. The planning, paired with his good behaviour, led to an easy approval. This also meant that she hadn’t met him prior to his release as she had most of her parolees.
He had been pleasant enough on the phone when he made his appointment, his voice gruff and his answers monosyllabic when possible. He called within the 24 hours necessary of arriving, ready with his file number. Overall, her impression so far was that he was a nice man who got caught up in something bad.
Her phone chirped at her from the corner of her desk, the familiar tone signalling an interoffice paging.
“Williams.” She answered.
“Your 2:30 is here. Mr. Ambrose.” Nicole, the receptionist, responded.
“Great, send him in.” Kat told her. She heard the click on the other end and hung up her phone. Seconds later, a steady, strong knock sounded from her door.
“Come in.” She called, standing in anticipation of meeting her new parolee. She straightened her blouse as the door opened.
The man who entered was nearly unrecognizable from the mugshot if not for those amazing blue eyes. If the young man in the mugshot could be compared to a scruffy but lovable mutt, the man currently standing in her office was a prize pitbull. He’d clearly spent his free time while locked up in the gym. His neck alone had nearly doubled in size and the crisp t-shirt he was wearing looked ready to pull apart at the seams. She found herself wondering what the rest of him looked like before he went in, only having the lone mugshot showing him from the shoulders up. His hair was shorn and his beard was grown in, but groomed.
“Officer Williams?” He asked, standing in the doorway.
“Yes. Come in, Mr. Ambrose.” She instructed. Dean crossed the small office quickly, only taking a few steps with his long legs. His file had listed him as 6’4, but his mass made it seem much more intimidating.
She gulped subtly as she offered her hand to shake. Dean adjusted the papers he was holding into his opposite arm before taking her hand in his own. His hand was warm and his grip was firm.
“Please, call me Dean.” He told her as he released her hand.
“Alright Dean.” She nodded, sitting down. “Why don’t you have a seat and we can get started.”
Dean sat, setting the papers on her desk. “So, your file was transferred to me from Ohio where you served your time, correct?”
“Yes, ma’am.” He confirmed.
“And what brought you to Iowa?” She asked, watching him closely for any signs he might be lying.
“Good friend of mine offered me a place to live and helped me set up a job.” He explained, turning to the papers he’d brought in, leafing through. “He filled out the required paperwork here.”
Kat took the papers he offered, looking through them. The forms were typical, that Mr. Rollins understood that he was living with a Parolee, that he understood the rules that were expected of the parolee’s living situation, and that even if Mr. Rollins brought the prohibited items into the home, Dean would suffer the consequences.
“Great, these all look in order.” Kat nodded. “You say he set you up with your job as well?”
“Yes. He owns a gym and he’s hired me as a trainer.” He explained, handing over the proof of employment.
“You’re very prepared, Dean. I appreciate that.” Kat muttered as she scanned the documents.
“I’m just lookin’ for this to be as smooth as possible.” He told her.
She stapled the papers together, tucking them into Dean’s file.
“Now it says here your prior officer in Ohio, uh…” She paused as she looked for the officer’s name.
“Officer Regal.” He supplied.
“Ah yes, here we are. Officer Regal. It says he went through the expectations, but just to make sure nothing slipped through the cracks, I’m going to go over it again. Eases my mind.” She explained with a smile.
“Of course.” He nodded.
Kat went over the conditions of Dean’s parole, which were fairly typical. Curfew, travel restrictions, things Dean was prohibited to do or own. She went over how to report change in address or job. It was the same spiel she’d given her whole career, with only a few variations from crime to crime.
“Any questions?” She concluded.
“No, ma’am.” He shook his head.
She slid a copy of her business card across her desk towards him. “There’s how to get a hold of me if you need anything or have a question. If you get into any legal trouble I will find out, but both of our lives will be easier if you call me first.”
“Understood, but that shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Well, I hope not. Even still, I tell that to everyone.” She told him with a polite smile.
Kat woke up with a soft groan at being pulled out of a peaceful slumber. The two arms wrapped around her, one below and one over her waist, both tightened, pulling her backwards into the strong chest. She smiled at the motion but didn’t open her eyes yet. She loved waking up in his arms. She never felt more safe than when she was wrapped up in Dean.
“G’mornin’.” He grumbled into her ear, nuzzling her neck. Her smile widened as she squirmed against him, his beard tickling her.
“Morning.” She mumbled back. “I was dreaming ‘bout you.”
“Mmm,” Dean hummed, the sound vibrating through his chest. “What about?” He asked suggestively as he ran his hand down her torso until he reached the sliver of skin between her sleep shirt and panties, stroking the bare skin.
“Day we met.” She answered, ignoring his implication.
“Real version or,” Dean pressed his hips against her, fingers dancing along the waistband of the panties she wore. “Our version?”
She scoffed and batted at his hand. “Real version.” Even though she was playing hard to get - as if he didn’t already have her - she couldn’t deny the heat that grew in her belly at Dean’s question. The two had role-played their own version of that first meeting many times, sometimes with Kat as the hard ass, domineering parole officer who threatened to write him up unless he did exactly as she said and sometimes with Dean as the asshole, “won’t take no for an answer” criminal, but all with the same satisfying outcome for both.
“Bummer.” Dean hummed against her skin, making her giggle. “I like ours better.”
“What time is it?” She asked, still not wanting to open her eyes.
“Who cares?” Dean whispered, his breath tickling her ear as he pushed his luck a bit more, slipping his fingers into her waistband.
“Dean,” she whined, wiggling in a lame attempt to escape him. The low growl from Dean let her know the wiggle did nothing but spur him on. “I’ve got appointments this morning.”
“Fuck ‘em.” He hissed, fingers slipping lower. “We got ‘til the alarm.”
“Dean.” She whined again, this time a begging, keening whine as she rolled her hips back into his growing erection. She knew he was right, they had time.
“That’s more like it, doll.” She could hear the smug grin in his voice, let alone feel it against her skin. He kissed her neck and shoulder as he slipped his fingers between her lips, easily finding her clit.
She gasped, gripping his forearm as he rubbed lazy circles on her bundle of nerves. “You’re such a stereotype.” She scolded him, her voice no longer rough with sleep but breathy with arousal.
“Hmm? What stereotype is that?” He hummed, keeping his leisurely pace as she rolled her hips against his hand. Their closeness meant that she was also grinding against his cock as she searched for more pressure.
“Horny convict.” She muttered with a grin.
“I could stop.” He sang, his tone warning.
“Don’t stop.” She urged, gripping his arm tighter.
Dean laughed, satisfied that he already had her so desperate. “Such a spoiled princess. Eyes aren’t even open yet and you’re making demands.”
Kat looked over her shoulder, turning her head towards him and slowly opened her eyes, blinking against the early morning light spilling through the curtains. Dean looked down at her, her eyelids heavy with sleep, pupils blown with desire, lips parted as she panted for breath. He could hardly believe how lucky he was to wake up next to a masterpiece like her.
“There she is.” He praised, leaning down to kiss her. The kiss was as lazy as his fingers, tongue probing into her mouth slowly. She curled her tongue against his, whimpering into his mouth.
Dean’s fingers roamed lower prompting Kat to lift her leg, bending it at the knee to give him better access. Dean moaned appreciatively, unsurprised to find she was already wet and ready for him to easily slip his middle finger nice and deep into her.
She whined at the intrusion, her hips stilling as she squeezed his arm. She kissed him with more urgency as he moved his finger in and out, feeling her walls flutter around him. A few pumps and he added a second finger.
“God, Dean.” She whimpered, pulling away from his lips to catch her breath.
“One of us is here, I don’t know about the other guy.” He teased as he curled his fingers inside her, searching for the spot that would drive her crazy. He knew he’d found it as her breath hitched, hips bucking.
“That’s it, kitten.” He purred, unable to resist the urge to grind against her. “You like that?”
“Uh-huh.” She breathed shakily, nodding. She released his arm, moving to grip his hip instead. He could feel her nails digging into his skin even through his boxers, making him growl.
His thumb found her clit again, rubbing back and forth over the nub until she was reduced to a shaking mess of whimpers and stuttered breaths in his arms.
Her shaking hand reached between them, gripping his hard cock. She tried to stroke him, the angle working against her as she tried to twist her arm to the right angle to touch him.
“Is that what you want?” He asked, nipping her ear. “You want me to bury my hard cock deep inside you?”
“Yessss-” She hissed, nodding emphatically. She gave up trying to stroke him, clawing instead at his boxers. She managed to barely slide them down his hips even as he lifted himself off the bed. She huffed in frustration as they caught on his erection.
“My fingers aren’t enough? Need my thick cock instead?” He continued teasing.
“Pl-ease.” She moaned, breath hitching.
Dean chuckled, reluctantly pulling his hand away from her heat to help pull his boxers down to his thighs. Kat whined at the loss but took the opportunity to shimmy her panties off. She started to turn towards him but Dean stilled her with a strong hand on her hip.
“No, just like this.” He murmured, pressing up against her back again. The arm below her held her tight to his chest as he lifted her leg over his hip, stroking at her inner thigh once it was in position.
“Dean, please.” She begged, pushing her ass against him.
“Shhh, ‘m right here.” He pacified as he lined himself up. Their matching moans echoed through the room as he entered her slick heat. He moved his hand to her hip, holding her steady as he began to thrust, a slow, steady rhythm that matched the pace of the morning.
Kat gripped at his hand, rolling her body in time with the movement of his hips. Dean buried his face into her neck, inhaling deeply and letting the scent of her sweat-slicked skin surround him.
“Don’t stop.” She begged, moving his hand up to her chest, under her shirt. He took the note, groping at her breast.
“Never.” He panted, sealing his promise with a bite to her collar bone. Kat cried out, toes curling as she felt that coil in her stomach begin tightening. Her hand left his to bury itself between her legs, rubbing at her clit in tandem with his thrusts.
“Fuck, you’re so sexy.” He growled, looking down her body and seeing her pleasuring herself. The sight made his stomach flip. He deftly rolled her nipples between his fingers, pinching it the way he knew would drive her crazy. He knew, with all the different stimulations, that she wouldn't last much longer.
“Shit…” She whimpered under her breath, the first sign to Dean that she was creeping up on her orgasm. She began a mantra of whispered curses with his name mixed in as she sped towards that knife’s edge.
“That’s it kitten.” He encouraged, leaning down to kiss and lick at her neck. He nibbled softly at her skin, tasting the salt of her sweat.
“H-harder.” She begged and stuttered, body shaking under him. She sped up her own motions, rubbing her clit faster as she felt herself about come undone. She moaned loudly as Dean’s hips started snapping forward more forcefully, the lazy pace being abandoned as they chased their pleasure. The sound of their bodies slapping together echoed through the bedroom.
“So tight.” He groaned, squeezing his eyes shut as he willed himself to hold out until she came. If he could just hold out a bit longer- he could already feel her pulsing around him.
“I… I’m…” She tried to warn, her breath catching each time he thrust deep and hard into her. She couldn’t manage the words, her body starting to seize up.
“Let it go.” He growled through gritted teeth, thrusting erratically. “‘M right there.”
Kat threw her head back, squeezing her eyes shut tightly as her orgasm wracked through her whole body down to her toes. She screamed Dean’s name, shuddering in his arms as her walls convulsed around him. Dean groaned loudly in her ear as the pulsing tipped him over the edge, spilling deep inside of her.
Too soon, the intense pleasure made way to the ecstatic post-haze, both of them panting to catch their breath from their exertion.
“I love you.” He breathed, pressing a kiss to the bite mark that had formed on her collar.
“Love you, too.” She replied, tapping him on the hip with a shaky hand. He pulled out of her, both of them groaning softly - Dean at the loss of her warmth, Kat as he moved against her over sensitive nerves. Her toes curled as she felt his seed spilling out of her, dripping down her thigh.
She rolled over, burying her head against his broad, defined chest. Dean hugged her tightly, knowing she liked to be held close after sex, no matter how or where it happened. Hard, fast, rough and punishing or slow, lazy lovemaking. Bed, shower, counter, the car. She liked to be squeezed to him. She clung to him as she came down from her high, breathing in his musk.
They laid like that as the sun rose higher in the sky, more and more light sneaking into the room through the curtains. Kat was nearly asleep when the alarm on her phone chimed.
“Them’s the breaks, Kat.” Dean told her, patting her twice on the ass before reaching for her phone to silence the alarm.
She groaned and reluctantly pulled away from him, rolling away to collect herself for a few deep breaths. Dean watched her, taking in her chest heaving with each breath. He let his eyes trail down her profile. Her tummy sneaking out under her shirt they’d never gotten around to taking off, her bare hip, her long legs.
“Get up, kitten. You need to shower before work.” He told her. As much as he’d like to know she was still covered in his cum as she dealt with all her parolees, almost like staking his claim, he couldn’t imagine it would be very comfortable for her.
She groaned as she sat up, stretching. “And what about you?” She asked, looking at him over her shoulder.
“Mrs. Souriol is on vacation this week.” He reminded her, sitting up in bed. “No one to train until 10:30.”
“Lucky asshole.” She grumbled, forcing herself to stand. She inhaled sharply at the persistent ache in her core, a satisfied grin painted her face as she dragged her feet towards her ensuite.
Dean watched her go with his own smug smile. He recognized that look and was proud to have brought it out of her. Once he heard the shower start, he slipped his boxers back on to start on breakfast for both of them.
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