#tbh i only took these to save the colors and scenery LOL
kirriu · 2 years
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look at my bunny
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laufire · 4 years
Black Sails
Top 5 favourite characters: Max, Silver, Jack, Madi, and Flint.
Other characters you like: Mr. Scott, Anne, Miranda, Idelle, Eleanor, Billy, Eme, the Maroon Queen, Featherstone, Ms. Guthrie, Muldoon, DeGroot...
Least favourite characters: Rogers, Ashe, Alfred Hamilton and Richard Guthrie are my Most Disliked People lol. Dufresne and Hornigold can suck it too xD
Otps: Silverflintmadi, Flintmiranda, Maxanne + Rackanne, Maxanor. Don’t ask me to choose lol.
Notps: Eleanor/Rogers, Silver/Thomas. Though not with the ~passion I dislike other notps of mine -I just find the first depressing in canon and the latter tiresome in fanon *shrugs*.
Favourite friendships: Silver & Max & Jack; Silver & the Walrus crew (THE LOVE THERE), Idelle & Max.
Favourite family: Madi’s family >>>>>>>>. It’s not like there’s many options to choose from lmao, but even if there was, I’d still pick them. What a gr10 reversal of one of most hated tropes *-* (aka: having a character of color save or prioritize a white character at the expense of their own relatives, to the point where sometimes it even costs them their lives).
Favourite episodes: this is one of the shows I have most difficulty picking favourite episodes tbh. Every one in s4 (I still haven’t watched the finale... I should stop putting that off lol) has hit me where I live. Same with s3, really. s1 and s2 were less !!!!! but I’ve never disliked a single episode, so. Choices, choices. To pick one of each so far (minus s4 since I haven’t completed it): 1x03 (probably a... controversial choice, but it’s when I knew the show was something else), 2x10 (I love having my heart broken and this episode provided that. And I love seeing Max & co-winning and I got that too!), and 3x05 (the Silverflint!! Madi’s family!! Flint & The Maroon Queen’s scene! Flint’s visions! Max forcing Rogers to make a place for her on the council!! Max’s “I AM Nassau”!! Spoken Spanish that didn’t make my ears bleed!!!).
Favourite season/book/movie: s4. Each episode has been just. too much xD. So thematically perfect. I hope the finale feels like that too.
Favourite quotes: oof. How to choose. Max’s quote about refusing to make enemies of those one day she could call friends; her rant about Rogers sitting “in [her] fucking chair!!”; her speech to Anne in 4x08; Silver’s “I am no one from nowhere” quote; Madi’s about the “multitude of voices”; Jack’s “did I make up a lot of ground to catch you” speech; Flint’s “no daylight between you and I” (WHO SAYS THAT. IN *PUBLIC*. I swear it’s somehow the most indecent moment of the show. It overwhelms me xDD); Idelle’s quote about Max when she confronts Anne; Mr. Scott’s “only YOU” to Madi. I’d say those are my ultimate favourites.
Best musical moment: the intro. I love it.
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: Silver and Max’s interacting again in s4 made me lose it. Also, that Look between Max and Flint and Jack confirming later Flint had argued to kill her so she wouldn’t fuck with their plans anymore lmao.
When it really disappointed you: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Saddest moment: me at the progressive erosion of Silverflint’s relationship -> DDD:
Most well-done character death: Eleanor’s, I’d say.
Favourite guest star: Idek what I’d count as guest star with this show... I’m going with Idelle. If she appears too much to be considered a “guest”, the Maroon Queen.
Favourite cast member: JPK. She blends so, so well with her roles? Sometimes I have an incredibly hard time remembering Max and Nora West-Allen are played by the same person, ngl xD
Character you wish was still alive: both Miranda and Mr. Scott, though the latter has an edge because I have the NEED of knowing how he would’ve acted if he was in s4.
One thing you hope really happens: that I get the time I need to finish my WIPs and that NO ONE, EVER, tries to do a spin-off/remake/ANYTHING like that with it xD
Most shocking twist: Mr. Scott’s reveal in 3x04, if only because it was one of the few major things I wasn’t spoiled at all about xD. But I love how it changes your perspective of his s1-2 storylines.
When did you start watching/reading?: a few months ago.
Best animal/creature: ... sharks xD. We owe them so much (if Silver’s parrot was canon here, well).
Favourite location: Nassau (aka Max’s Domain).
Trope you wish they would stop using: n/a. I love this show’s tropes and themes lol.
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: lots of stuff xD. Dialogue is one; deviating from expectations and archetypes is another.
Funniest moments: WHO’S BILLY. The Silverflintbones pseudo-triangle xD. Silver’s s1 antics.
Couple you would like to see: *coughs* I could’ve coped with Silverflintmadi going all the way xD
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Maggie Smith should’ve had a cameo ¬¬
Favourite outfit: one?!? Have you SEEN everything Max’s worn in season four?? Or Eleanor in s1-2?? Jack’s Iconique Looks?? *sighs* I suppose I have a soft spot for Max wearing red, so that.
Favourite item: “La Galatea”, the book Flint gave to Miranda as an apology. My heart :((( (not to mention it reminds me to my own original WIPs).
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: ................ the DVDs xD. They were a little over 20 bucks total and I gave them to myself for my birthday lol (I just don’t trust Netflix anymore and I don’t want to lose easy access to a HQ version the show, so fork it). I own the Treasure Planet DVD (which came along with a computer game), but I have no idea of where I put it. And I have a copy of Treasure Island ofc (that I want to re-read when I finish the show).
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: my heart is with Flintmadi’s cause but my brain and need to win with Max’s team xD
Most boring plotline: eh. I didn’t much care for Blackbeard’s deal (though I felt for his death, because it was so fucking awful).
Most laughably bad moment: n/a.
Best flashback/flashforward if any: The Sword Flirting Sparring flashbacks ofc *-*
Most layered character: Flint and Silver ofc.
Most one-dimensional character: the one-note characters that are just there at plot devices. And of those with a little more relevance to our mains, Thomas is the least expanded-on by far *shrugs* (which doesn’t mean “poorly written”).
Scariest moment: Silver’s state when he thought he lost Madi. No wonder Flint was so worried tbh.
Grossest moment: putting aside the physically gross moments (of which this show has a few, lbr. It did not shy away from injuries, etc.)... I had my most visceral reaction to Rogers speaking with Madi. Like, fuck off dude xD. ALSO: Billy’s beard. Kill it pls.
Best looking male: Joshua was a dork and a cutie. Flint is so not my type but there are... moments xD. Same with Silver when he’s in a shippy context, even if normally I’m all ??? at his face lol.
Best looking female: now this one is a lot harder xDD. I always end up saying Max because... have you seen her. They style her so lovingly *-*. But really, which of these women isn’t absolutely gorgeous in their unique way.
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Anne. She reminds me of my ~first love lol (looks-wise at least xD). And I know I’d be drawn to her...  sunny disposition lmao.
Favourite cast moment: in my lurking over blogs to add stuff in the queue, I saw twitter exchange where Silver’s actor says Silver’s actions against Billy were revenge for the potatoes xD, and Billy’s replied he should’ve made him peel carrots, since he “likes their colouring”. LMFAO.
Favourite transportation: the Walrus, obviously. I’m sentimental :(
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): Charlestown in flames was hella pretty :))))))
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: n/a.
Best promo: I’ve seen a promo picture for s3 with Flint standing over a giant British flag on fire... very evocative.
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: 1x03. I liked the previous episodes alone, but it was Max’s insistence of rejecting Eleanor’s help that took it over the edge. I’ve said before that although it made things harder for her in the short term, to me it showed how different and impressive a character it was and, knowing that things would go really well for her afterwards, made me see just how much promise the show had.
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daily-broken-vessel · 5 years
:O mod please talk about your OCs!!!
[i figured i can answer this while drawing todays daily and an interaction, so- sure, okay! im probably gonna ramble a bit cos i LOVE talkin about my ocs so im puttin it under a cut, but if youd like to see one of them, please feel free to send an ask and i can post a ref image for them!!! while im always anxious to show off my ocs, when im sure people wont, like, judge me, im always excited to show them off :>]
okok so i have aboutt,,,, 4 hollow knight ocs? five if you include one thats in development-
in order of creation we have,, ram, ilea, bea, and thalia. the fifth is obviously most recent but doesnt have a name yet hjdbhjdb
ram was my first oc!! theyre a vessel with, well,kinda ram-like horns? but more like. square ish? idk its kinda hard to explain without outright showing you. theyre older than ghost, around the same age as broken vessel. quickly abandoned as a failure because they had very clearly loved the pale king and white lady as parents, so they were tossed back down, however managed to survive as they had grabbed onto a ledge halfway down the fall into the abyss. of course, they hit something before they saved themselves, so theyre cracked a bit on their horns and head, but it doesnt bother them.
basically they escape into kingdoms edge, and at that point is desperately trying to survive because they want to grow up and prove to the pale king that they are worthy to live. it. doesnt happen? lol they died :’> but because of where they died, infection got to them, and is basically forcing them to stay alive. they highkey wanna die at this point but hey at least its not noticable, if only for the orange eyes which can be fixed via bandana.
they wear a custom charm that i made up tbh. originally it was gonna be thorns of agony but then i was like “hey wait they wouldnt know where that is” so i just made one up. it formed inside of them kinda? like in their head and they noticed because jkdbcjdbhj rattlerattle. it formed from their feelings of love and betrayal and when worn grants them something similar to adrenaline, which makes them “immune” to pain for a short time when in battle, and kinda like fury of the fallen, grants them a shit ton of strength when low on health. however, its usually only a 20% chance of the first bit happening.
i love ram so much but i made their cracks so over-the-top that i cant fuckin draw them properly dhcbdhjvbdfjh i never make things easy on myself.
ilea is next! youve already seen them. theyre basically my sona!! i had a lot of fun figuring out what to do with them (a friend said im like a grasshopper so i went with that dhjbdhjbdh) and so much fun desiging them (cant remember WHAT grasshopper i based them off of) they dont really have much backstory aside from the fact they pulled a quirrel and remember jack shit lmao. they fight with a bent and sharpened paperclip.
next is bea. bea is a. um. a hummingbird. they are a hummingbird that lives in a hidden area in greenpath and grows a protien-rich fruit that is a substitue for bugs. because they dont want to eat bugs. HOWEVER, if an infected bug comes around them, because the infection cant effect them, they just monch on the infected bugs. theyre teeny but to the bugs is HUGE. like. radi size or bigger. they have a pink ribbon around their neck, as they used to be a pet but escaped and never bothered taking it off.
lastly is thalia! thalia is a butterfly (based off of the zeltus) that had been raised in a society of moths, after having been invited from a young age to join them. seer had raised her. thalia, since learing of the radicance/light, has become extremely attached, creating small sculptures of figures that are radiance-like, paintings that show the light or radi, or just  scenery. sometimes has carvings. she has a room hidden in the city of tears, and also has four arms lol. if ghost finds her and beats her in battle, she deems them worthy of the light, and after sitting on a bench (not the one inside of her room, which ill describe later) and coming back, a small painting of ghost can be seen on the windowsil.
her room is large, with a very big window in the background. ghosts painting can be seen on the windowsil in the corner, leaning against the window. there are sculptures in the foreground reminiscent of the radiance, there are beautiful paintings on the walls and on easils that are scenery of places shes visited (greenpath, dirtmouth, resting grounds, and a few other places) along with things that are basically light symbolism. a few easils have cloth draped over them, and she stays at the far right of the room, painting what looks like the radiance. again. she usually gives up her best paintings and sculptues as offerings, in an attempt to reach the radiance. there is a bench right in front of and in the middle of the windowsil. it has paintbottles and a fabric draped over it. if ghost rests on it, their cloak gets stained a random color at the bottom until they chill in a bath or die. 
game-speaking, if the dream no more ending is reached, and ghost/the player comes back to her room, thalia is sitting against the wall near the bench and has her legs pulled up to her chest. two of her arms are wrapped around her legs while a third is over her knees, hiding her face, and the other is weakly resting a hand on her head. if spoken to, she looks up and talks about how she feels an absance of presence now, as if something has happened and someone was gone. if spoken to again, she notes how her offerings no longer disappear like they used to, and after a pause, she asks ghost if something happened to the radiance before breaking down and being unable to be spoken to. leaving, resting on a bench, and coming back shows thalia standing and looking around her room, and cant be spoken to, however if dreamnailed she doesnt notice ghost, instead thinking of how much she took the light for granted, and how she wishes she could speak to it and apologize. what shed apologize for, she doesnt know, but she just wants to.
my final oc is in development, but theyre based around a giant centipede (cant remember the name but theyre venomous i think? orange with some blue.) but not much of them has been thought of yet.
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eulaliasims · 6 years
Replies re: pink flashing and gameplay posts. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
@immerso-sims replied to your photoset “Emilio’s new life away from the bustle of the semi-urban Greenwich...”
'growing weed and eating grilled-cheese sandwiches' if that ain't half of my ex-groupmates at uni lol
Nothing but the finest realism for my game!
@didilysims replied to your photoset “They get a little distracted, but then! After two years, they’ve...”
History is made!!
lol, I think this means I have to actually finish writing the ghost hunting career I started, uh... two years ago probably.
didilysims replied to your photoset “Mary: All I’m saying is, there’s only so many toys one baby can play...”
Some of the spare toys are highly flammable.
So THAT’s where the teddy bear in the bonfire comes from!!
didilysims replied to your photoset “Autumn means it’s time for Ella’s sweater to make its reappearance....”
Re: syncing up with real seasons--I feel you.
We’re just doing it for the... realism? Authenticity? I’ll go with authenticity.
didilysims replied to your photoset  “Hunter: Aren’t you living in the woods? Emilio: I have this thing,...”
Cemetery wedding, Hunter!! Cemetery wedding!
Cemetery wedding! CeMETery wedding! CEMETERY WEDDING! *bangs fists on desk*
I’m still waiting on one of them to roll an engagement want. Seems like most of their peers have been rolling them (ok, Emilio and Claire/Claire’s BF, anyway), so idk. Maybe they just want to focus on other things. 🤔
@nerianasims replied to your post  “Hello! I love all the (S)images you share! It’s so nice to see them...”
My pink flashing was fixed for good when I turned shadows off, on top of all the other recommendations. The game still looks good, but not as good as it did before the horrible Fall Creators' Update (which messed up way more than just Sims 2.) I'm saving up for a new/old computer with Windows 7 for Sims 2.
I’ll keep that in mind if mine starts back up again! Yeah, I’ve heard it screwed up a lot of stuff, including other games. Luckily TS2 was the only thing on my PC it messed with. Tbh, I think a used computer with 7 is a solution a lot of simmers will be looking for--you’re not the first person I’ve heard that from.
I actually liked Windows 10 a lot at first, but since that update, I feel like new releases tend to screw with something or other on my PC. Also not a fan of the times I put it to hibernate instead of closing all my work, walked away for a couple hours, and came back to find Windows had turned on and closed everything anyway so it could update during the time span it’s specifically set not to update in. :’)
@decafsims replied to your post  “Hello! I love all the (S)images you share! It’s so nice to see them...”
Ive gotta agree with your Win 10+Nvidia+Sims 2 not working together theory bc I got tons of pink flashing when I still had ~10k GB CC lasdkl I wish they were more compatible
It just seems to be Nvidia cards that show up most in problem posts! But maybe it’s confirmation bias on my part? Anyway, come on TS2, let us shove all the CC and shiny graphics in you, it’s just b/c we love you so much. :(
@dreadpirate replied to your post  “Hello! I love all the (S)images you share! It’s so nice to see them...”
I have Win10 + a mid-range laptop NVIDIA card + 10GB of CC, and what kept me relatively pinkless is reducing my resolution + having NVIDIA handle smooth edges (turning off smooth edges in game settings) + reducing view distance depending on how large the lot I'm playing is
Good tips! I’ve definitely started keeping the view distance on medium or smaller most of the time. Which makes me sad, because I like to see the scenery around lots, but I also like being able to play.
immerso-sims replied to your photo   “Phineas: What do you think about cake for dinner? Emilio: I say go for...”
Awww that look. And also yes, cake for dinner - always. :D
His face when looking at Finn is just so sweet all the time. 💕
@dramallamadingdang replied to your photo  “After Carlos heads home, Emilio takes a moment to primp before meeting...”
He's goooooin' to the chapel and he's...goooona get ma-a-a-ried... Or so he thinks, anyway. :)
He’s definitely got wedding bells on the brain! He’s rolled that want for Peeta (the redhead) once before, but, like... Peeta isn’t as interesting as Finn. :P
dramallamadingdang replied to your photoset   “Spotted: Clara chatting with local cultist; and the park has acquired...”
I miss your game! I missed a chunk because Tumblr "helpfully" unfollowed you for me and it took me a while to realize it, and then I just haven't been keeping up with Tumblr in general. I need to just go to your blog and binge on it one of these days. If nothing else, I have no idea what's currently up with JAYNE! ;) And these pics are pretty, with the fall color. We need MOAR seasonal plants. MOAR!
Hi! Maybe someday Tumblr will stop unfollowing people for us and that will be the first sign of the apocalypse. :D Ben-Jayne hasn’t shown up for a few months, so you’re probably not behind there, don’t worry. And thank you--I love the fall colors. It helps me pretend it’s not still 80 degrees out here. :’)
moocha-muses replied to your photo  “After Carlos heads home, Emilio takes a moment to primp before meeting...”
How many husbands can he fit out there in the woods?
Currently, none! The cabin def needs some expansions first.
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 41
3901. What is the most annoying tv ad? idk, i hardly watch tv anymore. 3902. If you died, how would you hope others would remember you? for making them happy. 3903. Name 2 questions that you will most likely never say 'no' to: 1. do you want a massage? 2. do you want free tickets to (anything)? 3904. What is the softest part of your body? boobs lol. 3905. What family do you want to see in place of the Osbournes when they finally stop doing their show? none. never really got into those family reality shows.
3906. If you could pick 3 bands to go on tour together who would they be? meh, idk. solo artists would be cooler. 3907. What is a main differance between western and eastern philospohy? i don’t knowwwww. 3908. Would you be fooled by Joe/Josephine Millionaire? yeah but i wouldn’t let that stop me if i actually fell in love with them. 3909. Do you believe Michael Jackson does innoprpriate things at his Neverland Ranch? Like what? honestly, unless there’s solid proof i don’t think we’ll ever know.  3910. What do you think of gov. Ryan who cleared out Illinois' death row? idk anything about it. 3911. Would you want a $500 gift certificate to: Kmart or Target? either or, i’d gladly take it. Macy's or Hot Topic? macy’s. Border's Books or Spencer Gifts? borders. Victoria's Secret or Frederick's of Hollywood? vs. 3912. What do you think of this website: www.blackpeopleloveus.com/ feeling too lazy to click it lol. 3913. Man vs Elephant. A zookeeper was treating a constipated elephant. He gave her too much laxitive. Suddenly everything exploded out onto the zookeeper. He was knocked to the ground where he hit his head on a rock and got knocked out. There he suffocated under a pile of elephant dung. True story. Is it a funny story? If yes, what is funny about it? Why is it so taboo to laugh at death? i think it’s unfortunate. it’s not funny to joke about death. 3914. What are your favorite five things from this list: alternate realities, animals, astronomy, birds, camus, cats, cheap trick, cocaine, cooking, costumes, dancing, elvis, gambling, greta garbo, james dean, jeff buckley, joy division, marilyn monroe, mixed drinks, moody blues, morrissey, mozart, my bloody valentine, orbital, pizza, playing flute, prince, radiohead, rummy 500, scrabble, table tennis, talk talk, van morrison, writing cooking, mixed drinks, scrabble, gambling, pizza. 3915. Do you have to read lots to be able to write well? not always but it can definitely help expand your vocab. 3916. Vanilla ice. Everyone loved him, suddenly everyone hated him. What was the deal?? too young to have followed him. 3917. If you could kick one person out of the grammies who would it be (Avril, Eminem, etc)? taylor swift lmao. 3918. Studies have revealed that when sending out a resume a person has a 50% higher chance of getting a responce if their name is white sounding than if it is black sounding. What do you think about this? it sucks. it’s not even just ‘black sounding’, it’s just ‘ethnic sounding’. Why do companies respond this way? ask them. 3919. Should Big Fat Greek Wedding really be a Big Fat Greek sitcom? idk. 3920. What are you addicted to? sleep. 3921. What fascinates you? a lot of things. i’m easily amused lol. 3922. What is fascinating about you? idk :( 3923. Personality wise, is anything the same for all human beings and if so, what? we’re all conscious? idk lol. 3924. What kind of a contest woud you have a shot at winning? post your favourite travel photo and tell us why. lol idk. 3925. You see a dirty punk kid who had a giant cowboy hat on who is rolling his own cigarettes. Your impression? nothing. who am i to judge? 3926. What would you never want to have more than 2 of? cars. lol idk. 3927. Is there a movie you just could not finish watching? What and why? star wars, the one with natalie portman and hayden christensen. idk i was really young, everyone at school talked about how cool star wars was so my godmother took me to the movies and it was just way too long and boring. 3928. Is there anyone that you love and want to be around for no explainable reason? sure. 3929. Would you go to times square for new years? no, it’s a living nightmare in my eyes. only way i’d do it is if my hotel room overlooked times square lol. 3930. Do you think that there are to many signs blocking up the scenery? not really, it’s part of the appeal. 3931. Did video really kill the radio star? meh. 3932. What was your favorite atari game? idk. 3933. what is your favorite neon color? blue/purple. 3934. Do you get depressed eveytime it rains? If yes, why? no, i actually love it. i do feel a little gloomy if i have to go to work while it’s raining though. 3935. 'The more you admit that all your actions are robotic, the less robotic you are.' What does Tim leary mean by this? you’re acknowledging you’re being robotic so it suggests you’re actually conscious of it rather than just doing it without realizing. Do you agree or disagree and why? eh, neither. i don’t really relate to it. How much of your actions do you admit are robotic? not much tbh. 3936. Are we not men? i’m not. 3937. Is it easy to be you? Would being someone else make it any easier? it’s actually very easy to be me right now. 3938. Why are sex religion and politics such taboo subjects? too many conflicting opinions, that’s why. 3939. Is there really a differance between republicans and democrats? different beliefs. 3940. Imagine someone has a great personality, sense or humor, family and job. they also really really like you a lot. Would you consider dating them if they: were fat? limped? were a midget? had hiv? were paralized in one arm? had a glass eye? had only 6 months to live? i would honestly consider all of these. i’m not one to really analyse a situation if i start falling in love. 3941. What makes you experiance nostalgia? old photos, music, movies, memories etc. 3942. What do you remember about these historical figures: Woodrow Wilson? an american president? lol idk i’m not americans. Hellen Keller? she was both deaf and blind. amazing woman, google how she used to communicate with her carer, it’s awesome. Christopher Columbus? founder of places and shit. 3943. Out of the above three figures, one is a huge racist, one is a socialist and one is a slave trader. Can you guess which is which? Racist: no idea. socialist: slave trader: 3944. Betcha they didn't tell you that in american history. Wilson, Keller and Columbus are painted as heros, impossibly good, ideal people. Why are so many things ommitted from and lied about in american history text books? i’m australian, i wasn’t taught american history.  3945. Do you drink super caffinated energy drinks? no. 3946. eminem or moby? eminem. 3947. spongebob or the animanicas? animaniacs. 3948. Why do people rush to grow up only to wish they were a child again? idk. that’s just how life is. 3949. Why do people sacrifice their health to obtain moneya d then use the money to restore their health? i don’t think they realize they’re doing that. 3950. Jetsons or Flintstones? jetsons. 3951. What are you saving up for? a house. 3952. Would you rather improve your cooking, creativity, body,logic or charisma? body. 3953. Is it more important to have stregnth or speed? strength. 3954. What is your favorite thing to do each day? sleep. 3955. When you are driving do you ever feel like turning the car towards someplace unfamiliar and not comming back? no, i absolutely hate driving to places that i’m unfamiliar with lol. 3956. Have you ever gone to lunch at a job and never gone back to the job? no. 3957. What kind of a dining room set defines you as a person? a normal plate, knife, fork, spoon and glass lol. 3958. Kiss, with or without the make up? without is a lot easier. 3959. Madonna or Courtney Love? madonna. 3960. Are you down with james Brown? i only know one of his songs. 3961. Do you believe in miracles? not really. actually, sorta. 3962. Are you living a lie? no. 3963. If you had to give up one would it be caled ID or call waiting? call waiting. 3964. Are you ready to switch to an electric or solar powered car? i’d love to if i could afford it. 3965. What is the greatest band of the 90's? idk lol. 3966. What's the appeal of Alley Mcbeal? nothing. my mum did love that show though. 3967. Fill in the blank. ___ aint the kind of place to raise a kid. a casino. 3968. What song goes: starry eye surprise, sundown to sunrise, we're gonna dance all night to this dj' and who is it by? idk. 3969. What ever happened to the mtv vj Kennedy? no idea.  3970. if you could sing with one band for a day what band and what song would you want it to be? haha idk. 3971. Josie and the PussyCats or Jem? josie and the pussycats. 3972. Wouldn't oyu like to be a pepper too? no. 3973. Britney spears, school girl or sexy, which do you prefer? either or. the britney in toxic was fire. 3974. Would you get married on tv? no lol. 3975. Where do you go looking for the secrets of life? nowhere. i don’t care for secrets. 3976. What is the fuel for your soul? inspiration. 3977. Why do people watch american idol (I think it's for Simon)? no idea. 3978. What makes life sweet? being around people you love and doing things you love. 3979. What does it take to make a great band? chemistry. 3980. What do you think of when you hear the word 'devo'? devastated. 3981. What song or movie represents the 80's for you? the breakfast club. 3982. What song poem or other piece of writing would you want read when you died? not sure. 3983. Is a stable job home and family pretty much your goal or do you want more than that and WHAT? i would definitely want that and more. mostly happiness really. 3984. What tv show that is no longer on tv do you miss? the office! 3985. Remember when Chris from nirvana threw his bass in the air and hit himself in the head with it? nope. 3986. What commercial is really annoying you(almonds, want some almonds, you're a big fellow aren't you)??? i hardly watch tv. 3987. Nominate a rockstar for president: kanye lol. 3988. Who amazes you? myself haha. 3989. What's the best musical act to come outta your own country? another country? idkkkkk. 3990. Is your life glamorous and exciting? not at all. 3991. Greatest oldschool rap artist: tupac. greatest newschool rap artist: kanye or kendrick. 3992. DJ Jazzy jeff or Will Smith, which persona? will smith. 3993. Ever try yoga? no. i’d like to though. 3994. Are you a brick shit house? no. 3995. What products do you use? depends for what? i use a lot of products for different things. 3996. How good do you look? not good right now. 3997. Tonight you're going to party like_________ i’m about to sleep lol. 3998. Have you ever written a song? as a kid, yes. if yes did you record it? no. 3999. What would you like to have 999 of? $100 bills. 4000. Do you own a metal detector? no.
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