#tbh i waited for this show for so long and i'm so sad this era is coming to an end so nothing can really ruin it
baifengxis · 4 months
one last post about 23.5 episode 10 because i've thought about it a lot and also someone reminded me things (thanks mischa) and i just wanted to say to everyone feeling upset, remember two things and maybe it'll get better:
they're teens, so like it or not, a lot of their behaviours, even the ooc ones, make a little more sense when you think that they're teens and as teens they're allowed to even act out of character, since they don't even know who they are exactly most of the time and they often change...but also
the fact that they're teens doesn't excuse bad writing, and some of it really is bad writing but also...in my experience this happens in 99% of the thai dramas (the ones i've watched at least and i have watched quite a lot) so...they all somehow forget what their characters are like or forget to develop them or write them ooc towards the end...mostly for the dramatic effect i guess and just to give them some conflict before the end
soooo...yeah after remembering those two things i do feel better, i do wish they'd somehow still have done this in a way that doesn't piss people off 2 episodes before the finale but it's...normal and expected when you really think about it
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Greece anon here
Thank you for what you said about the eras tour rant I went on, it's really helped to calm some of my nerves.
Also good news! We didn't sell the tickets to strangers but to someone my mum works with and they will probably be able to grab the merch we want when they go to their show if we give them money for them so I probably won't have to worry about merch lines at all which is good. But if the lines are short when we go we might go anyway just to see what's left yk.
I have got the loop experience 2 earplugs because I saw a bunch of people recommending them but I'm really scared I'll be able to hear my voice really loudly in my head. I'll see when I get there whether the noise is bad enough to have to wear them.
It is almost only 10 days away and i am freaking out!!!! There is no way I am seeing Taylor swift in 10 days that's not real. She's literally my favourite person in the world and I'm going to see her in real life I am so EXCITED!!!!!!!!!
How did you organise your bracelets? I want to put the ones I get from other people on my wrists and keep the ones I've made separate but I just found out that wembley don't allow metal carabiners inside so I am trying to come up with a new way to hold them. My bag has a bunch of compartments (because I like to organise) so I might just have them loose in one of the big compartments lol
I'm going out with my friends on Wednesday (including the one I'm going to the eras tour with) and I'm going to be yapping about it so much they're going to be sick of me but I don't care because I'M GOING TO THE ERAS TOUR!!!!
I'm trying to get everything that I need to get done over summer break done before my show so after I can just lay and think "oh my god that was amazing I'm so sad it's over" but I tried to open the book I have to read yesterday and I just kind of stared at it for a while, not a lot of reading happened... But I opened it!!! And that counts as progress 😌
I'm so happy I'm actually going to the eras tour!
I got my tickets over a year ago (11th July 2023) and I have been waiting so patiently I can hardly control myself anymore. Like on the 16th August I am going to be AT THE ERAS TOUR!!!!! it's crazy I can't believe it. I watch a livestream of every single show (yes, every. Single. One. I know it's excessive but I just love it so much) and soon it will be MY show. I have seen it through over 100 grainy livestreams at like 2am and during classes and MY SHOW is so close I am so excited I could throw up, my stomach hurts if I think about it for too long.
This was long and it was mostly me rambling but once I get talking about it it's hard for me to stop so sorry but hey it could have been worse! How are you? I hope you're doing well, summer sucks sometimes cause of the heat but sometimes it's great, and I hope it's going great for you!
Hi!!! Ahhh, I'm so excited for you! You have to update me on how it goes, okay?
I organized my bracelets where I had my inappropriate ones on one arm and my g-rated ones on the other lol. Because I knew kids would be there. TBH my biggest regret of the show was that I didn't trade a lot though! I'm super socially awkward irl so I was scared to go up to people, so I only got a few trades done, so don't do what I did! Luckily when I went to the movie later on I was braver, but I still have like ten of my own bracelets left :(
I'm doing pretty good, my summer is going well! I can't wait to hear about how amazing your show is! <3
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forevertrueblue · 5 months
Notes taken during Eras Tour Paris N1 livestream
I like the new Lover outfit(s). I've been waiting for Taylor to embrace orange more so that was nice to see! Sad about The Archer getting cut but I guess I get it?
Nice to see the silver brought back from the Fearless tour. Not much else to say about that era.
Red third now, okay. Nice shirt lol and also like the new bodysuit! I don't care for most of the inclusions in this era tbh since it's mostly the singles and the majority of Red's singles are mid IMO. And All Too Well 10 Minute Version staying is surely going to end up pissing me off in the long run when we find out what else is cut.
I like the new Speak Now dress but Long Live being cut is AWFUL, like there were only two songs in this era to begin with, cut something from Red instead ffs. (I swear I do like Red but the album is better than the way it's represented on this tour.)
Reputation is the same which I'm cool with since I liked the way that era was to begin with!
I've been predicting Folkmore combined which I'm not happy about but I think this is it. Pretty yellow dress. Glad Cardgian is safe but she's singing it on the roof and I do prefer Invisible String or The One. :( Glad all three triangle songs are safe because it's weird to do some but not the others especially if she's talking about that storyline in the Betty speech. Some of them were chopped down but that's okay, I guess.
Okay yeah Champagne Problems so a combo. I knew that one was gonna be safe from the rehearsal footage. Few more Folklore songs...okay finally more Evermore! Marjorie and Willow! It would have been weird for her to cut either of those (for different reasons). But TLGAD and Tolerate It are pretty big losses. I don't LOVE Tolerate It but the performance was different from anything else on the tour.
1989, nothing cut. (Something really should have been cut from both this and Red, but it probably would have been Wildest Dreams which is one I really love so glad it's safe!) I don't like the new outfit because of the colors looking strange together in this context.
TTPD looks like the dancers are prisoners for the first part of the set which eh, don't really love how basic the outfits are. Taylor's dress with the poetry is nice though (can't wait for someone with eagle eyes to decipher it!). Happy that So High School was included, if only for a bit, to get that Anthology rep in there. Pleasantly surprised by WAOLOM because people had me convinved she'd destroy her voice if she did it (hoping they're wrong lol). Some of these song choices are dull af (both Fortnight and Down Bad for a stadium show, really?) But LOVE the intro and performance of ICDIWABH! I kind of think this should have been the new finale set but I get why it's being kept the same.
Nice new dress for surprise songs. Paris was a predictable choice and I figured the other would be from TTPD, but was expecting an anthology track.
I love the Midnights set (surprising since the album isn't my fave) but if she doesn't cut something from it I'm gonna be annoyed. And that something better not be Vigilante Shit. Aaaaand the whole thing remains intact.
TLDR: The best eras (literally my top 4 albums were the ones that lost songs and my top 2 were combined) were chopped down and the more basic (dare I say mid) ones remain completely intact making the tour a bit more of a generic pop show on the whole. I understand cuts needed to happen but the wrong ones were made IMO.
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wikiangela · 1 year
just finished Ted Lasso s2 and I fucking love this show omg
some chaotic thoughts:
I can't believe they got me to care about this stupid fucking game - at least in the show lol, you still won't catch me even knowing when any match is, let alone watching it - and I'm actually excited when they play and I look like all the fans watching lmao
I loved dr Sharon, I hope we'll see her again
all the backstory this season was amazing, it was so sad and deep and emotional and I cried a couple of times lol
Keeley and Roy are still my faves, but I gotta say, Sam is stealing my heart, he's so adorable - and I lowkey ship him and Rebecca tbh 😂
I'm worried about Roy and Keeley, I'm sensing a breakup coming (they've been hunting at it for like at least the last couple of episodes, I bet it's gonna happen) and I'm sad - but like, I'm cool with it as long as they end up together in the end, and as long as Keeley never goes back to fucking Jamie 😂 (almost every tv show has to have the break-up era, it's fine, I'm fine, I'm gonna just be in denial about it lol, they have to be endgame and that's that haha)
I did love Roy's arc and how he came around to finally coaching, he's so great - and I'm so happy for Keeley and her new job, she deserves all the best haha
I actually really enjoyed Jamie's character this season, his growth was amazing, and he had a few moments with Roy that were actually so sweet, I love their dynamic 😂
fuck Nate. I've seen this coming, and his descent was actually so well done, but oh my god he's the worst, and as soon as Rebecca said that Rupert bought that club, I just knew fucking Nate would go work for him - I can't wait to start s3 fr (and I can't believe I'm almost caught up and soon I'll have to wait for new episodes wtf why do I always start shows just as a new season is coming out 😂)
I really love Rebecca, she's been one of my faves since like half of s1, and she was even better this season, I really enjoyed her story
and Ted - god I love what they're doing with his character, those panic attacks were heartbreaking but I'm so happy he finally reached out for some help, and finding out about his tragic backstory was just so sad, I love him
also, coach Beard's episode was insane, I was like: what show am I even watching rn 😂 he's the best
oh, and Higgins is awesome, I fucking loved him this seasons
all the characters are so good, I adore them all (apart from the assholes we're supposed to hate lol) and all the relationships and dynamics are just amazing - but my fave is officially Roy and Phoebe, they're the best 😂 (followed closely by Keeley and Rebecca and their most adorable friendship haha)
imma watch what's available of s3 tomorrow, but oh my god this show is fucking amazing
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dullahandyke · 1 year
If someone was to mayhaps want to draw one of your OCs do you have any drawings of them or any more information about the kind of clothes they wear?
ANON ILL KISS UUU um I have a couple drawings but they're old, let me grab them n also describe more accurately their appearances....
Ok as for the drawings please ignore the copious style shifts and bear in mind that most of these cunts r like OLD old. Like 'drew her on the open night for the secondary school I have since graduated from', 'ex-danganronpa oc' old. And that's not as much to do w how recent the drawings are bcos most of them are like 2 years old or so but like. I keep trying to keep certain aspects of their designs and it shows. ANYWAY heres some Ames designs that can get smushed into one
Ames Spector
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Stocky build, on the short side
Black hair, the middle picture is pretty much it, tho I'm still attached to her with a ponytail if u wanted to go for that
Black button-up with the sleeves rolled up
Yellow tie with a star-shaped tie pin (listen she's had a star pin for 6 years and even if it's not a hairpin anymore it's still hers)
See I really do like the vibe of the blazer tied around the waist ala picture 1 but I couldnt make it work colour-balance-wise so I ended up just making her slacks yellow. If u think u could make it work then go for it my guy
Sturdy black boots
Eyebrow piercing on her right
See I did vibe w her having a tattoo but I dont think the snake suits her... omit it or freehand it as u like
Ringo Fleming
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I'm not entirely happy with the balance of the outfit but it's a good idea of its style (which is 'was born sad and alone in a Claire's)
I think I put his cane on the right side? It's his right leg that he needs it for
It has hearing aids that it definitely dangles earrings off of
Snake bites
Pink dyed hair with some sort of undercut
Oh yeah hes noticeably tall. I'm not good w heights but like 6'6 even without his penchant for platform boots
Large nose
Very reedy build
Thea del Arte
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Heavily based on Arlecchino (predecessor to the harlequin, from Italian renaissance-era theatre) with the right picture as my heaviest inspiration
Hes pretending to be Italian bcos it's better for PR but hes actually Catalan
Tan skin
Short curly dark brown hair
Black mask is more masquerade or superhero than arlecchino, it emotes when she has it on, you know the drill
Wears reading glasses over his mask in his 'reading documents' animation
Neck ruff
In the drawing I have her down as wearing shorts but tbh I think she'd cover as much of herself as she could for the intrigue
White gloves
Black lipstick
Shirley Fortunis
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See I like her current design but it doesnt feel very ace attorney to me. Trying to incorporate a dice/coin/luck motif.
Long black locs with silver jewelry
Big purple cardigan somewhere in her design
Officewear under the cardigan
Maybe a trench coat of some description over the cardigan to make it feel more detectivey? Idk spitballing
Maybe a coin necklace?
Miren Diez
And now we get into the area of 'all my drawings for this one are so old theyd do more harm than good'
Sickly pale and visibly malnourished
Long dark brown hair, untrimmed beard
Bcos of spirit medium shenanigans I dont think they have much in the way of their own clothes tbh. Mostly its theas clothes that they're left in once they stop channelling her.
If they are wearing their own clothes, probably just a very oversized steel samurai sleep shirt and sweatpants that used to fit but Uh Oh Drastic Weight Loss
Septum piercing
Raph Porter
Tbh I dont have much for them
Light hair in a ponytail
Brown reporter-type hat
White button-up, brown slacks, brown suspenders, brown tie
Brings an entire typewriter into court
Btw this isnt a design thing but like u gotta know that she is just WAITING to be revealed as the big bad so at all times she is wearing an evil outfit under her normal one. It is not at all visible in her normal outfit that's just a fun little fact for u
Generically pretty
The judge
Does not look like the judge from ace attorney
Has robes
Has at least one hand
Has a mouth(?)
Skin is a maybe
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rrxnjun · 1 year
if i could i would fight the school system just so u would have the time and mood to write >:T but i'm glad u could write a bit and waiting for ur next fic!!!🥳🥳 (your post about a fic u are writing seems pretty fun :o and love jihoon as a side character!!!) AAA IM HAPPY TO HEAR THAT I WOULD LOVE TO READ TREASURE FICS FROM U ESPECIALLY THE JIHOON ONES HIHI!!! I AM VERY GRATEFUL FOR UR FRIEND WHO CONVINCED U!!!!
hmmmm idk if its reveal vibe or not but my fav ep from them is the thrill ride ep (probably has a special place in my heart cuz that was my first cb with them lmao but that era was so well done and i really love the songs!!) i think their new ep is really great my favs are especially awake and savior aaanndd their breaking dawn album slaps as a whole i love it so muchhh and for my last recommendation from them would be survive the night which is a song that was fully written by sunwoo and it's definitely one of my favs (there is also a song from giuk featuring sunwoo that just dropped and u might like it if u are interested) and i really hope u will like some cuz idk if any of these would be the type of songs u would listen to;-; the last longer content i watched from them was come on the boyz but eric isn't in it cuz he was on a hiatus at the time:( but it's really fun! i also started to watch back the boyz timeout (and had to stop cuz school >:T) and that is also really good and everyone is there:D so i would recommend those if u want like a series (?) type of thing with them but for "shorter" contents their mafia games are very fun to watch!!! their idol human theater videos are great as well!!! and the last one i would say is they just made a video with the fo squad and that seemed very funny although i didn't have the time to watch it yet;-; (IM VERY SORRY ABOUT JUST RECOMMENDING SO MANY THINGS AND FOR THIS LONG ASS LIST I WENT A BIT OVERBOARD D: )
KEVIN IS SUCH A LOVELY GUY his bubble messages are usually either very funny or just very meaningful and his posts are always top tier🤌 i think he would just solidify his place in ur heart lmao and eric is just such a bestie material!!! well u know i just came in here in the middle of ur treasure era being like 🧍the boyz🧍and i don't want to interrupt u with just randomly talking about them 🧍(which i deff did so im sorry and sorry again for the long ass list of recs)
ooo god gifted kid burnouts suck so much;-; but tbh yeah the grade doesn't really matter just pass and get the paper in the end cuz that's the most important ig and u would get it with even just passing (although im just🤡 cuz i will never think like this sadly so) i don't think my experience will be different ngl;-; so im trying to get myself ready to just not be sad about it cuz it's bound to happen lmao
SJSJSJ its okay because the motivation is that once its over i have the whole summer to write is making me go through this more easily 😙😌 also im handling things a lot better than last semester LMAO so im good over here 🤞 DJSJ glad u liked the posts abt the fic so far, jihoon is kind of the main character unfortunatelt (he is in the fic more than mark i-) but the brainrot cant be helped. IM GRATEFUL FOR MY FRIEND TOO she's a real one 😙 i'll let u know abt the blog if i manage to set one up after all hihi
first comebacks with a group are always the most special istg i thought about this the other day. like for me rock with you, hot sauce and can't you see me? are really special too😭 i havent had time to listen to these but i promise that by the time we talk again i will and i'll have my reviews ready!! 😌😌 also i love how u can kinda get my music taste w western artists (like when u recommended me hungarian songs and were spot on) but w kpop u rlly cant tell😭😭😭 i love me some kpop group variety shows tbh so i will definitely watch all of these later !! DONT BE SORRY ABT RECOMMENDING SO MUCH I GET U IF I WAS ASKED FOR RECS FOR ANY OF MY FAV GROUPS I WOULDVE DONE THE SAME THING. i saw kevin's weverse (?) replies on tiktok today and i- 😭 my man is a comedian i love him. the same w eric. icons. SJSJS dont worry about interrupting my treasure era i can handle it (im also suddenly into cix as well so i can handle everyone atp)
and u get it u get it !!! like it does feel good to get academic validation from time to time (i got a 45/50 on my essay today❤❤❤) but as long as its not an F i do not feel disappointed. esp when i get reminded of the fact that im studying on one of the best unis in my country and that my major is actually kind of hard 💀💀 get ready for the terrors of university i mean u can expect it but actually experiencing it will be just as shitty so i just pray u dont take it as badly as i did for a lil while🤞 im here for u if that happens tho!!
always appreciating u and smiling at your asks, mwah mwah ‼
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rocketmuse · 3 years
I thought I'd share my playlist for the anniversary of the boathouse kiss. :)
Song translations, MANY thoughts, and timeline under the break.
Noise warning for song 19, Hinahanap-Hanap Kita. 4:23 to the end. Loud high pitched beeps.
YouTube music version to be made soon.
Translations for foreign songs:
Ewan [Dunno] — Apo Hiking Society — Filipino/Tagalog
Amour plastique [Plastic love] — Videoclub — French
Panalangin [Prayer] — Apo Hiking Society/Moonstar88 — Filipino/Tagalog
Hinahanap-Hanap Kita [I'm Looking For You] — Rivermaya — Filipino/Tagalog
This is a collaborative playlist made with my friend.
Thought Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy would be a good starter song. Something about the music. Represents a good start of Alec persuing Maurice, like, hey, I can be yours... Whatcha doin'?
I added Puppy Princess because of the chorus but I know some people don't like that song so... You can skip if you'd like. KISS MEEEEE KIISS ME WITH YIIR EYESSS CLOSED . ALL I WANT IS YOU YEAH YOU. TELL ME I'M NOT FUNNY TELL ME I'M LEGIIIIT
Ewan. OH MY GOD this song is so them. Alec cares for Maurice, and doesn't like not being taken seriously or being treated badly and brushed off.
"I don't know why you're like that, you're difficult to talk to and you're a snob" COME ON IS THAT NOT THEM — Just a smile from you, and I'll be in heaven. Please give me a response, anything but "No idea"... What a perfect representation of Alec's continuous persuit of Maurice, always talking, always trying...
I could go on with every lyric.
Edit: I just realised this song fits so well for Alec's letters and meeting at the museum. Must resist the urge to add the same exact track twice.
So about Touch Me... Some of the lyrics apply better in other versions. Spotify just has this version tho. Touch me, just like that.
All I've Ever Known. Maurice discovered so much that night about touch and sharing and being with someone. He wants to be with Alec. "All I've ever known is how to hold my own, but now I want to hold you too. [Hold you close, I don't wanna ever have to let you go. Hold you tight, I don't wanna to back to the lonely life.]" Alec opened up his eyes and he'll never be the same.
Can't Help Falling in Love With You. 'Did you ever dream you'd a friend, Alec? ... Someone to last your whole life...' 'Alec, you're a dear fellow and we've been very happy.'
I'd Like To Walk Around In Your Mind was added from Maurice's perspective. Perhaps it fits Alec too...
I think Love At First Sight has the double meaning of the literal title, as well as "wouldn't you like to kiss her" perhaps being... Something Maurice would hear.
I Don't Dance. Based on this post/edit. Please watch this video oh my God.
Pink in the Night. Alec yearns for Maurice in the boathouse. He hasn't come. He hears his heart breaking tonight.
Every lyric is perhaps pulled straight from Alec's brain, to be honest. I remember seeing a post with this song in other contexts with them too. So yes, a few meanings.
Amour plastique. Alec reminiscences on the night in the Russet room. Why hasn't he come?
In my mind, everything goes wild. I lose myself in your eyes. I drown myself in the vagueness of your loving gaze.
And at night I cry tears that stream down my cheeks. I think of you only when the days ends, only when my sad demons descend upon my mind, into the bottomless abyss.
Waiting in the boathouse at night, when the day ends.
I ring out in kisses all down your chest. Lost in the avalanche of my heart astray. Who are you? Where are you?
The moments of then repeat in his mind. Where is Maurice?
I suppose Hopelessly Devoted To You and I'm A Fool To Want You are self explanatory. Maurice should really come... Alec really toughed it out, 2 days he spent in the boathouse, really wanted to see Maurice, really knew they had something, and doesn't want to be treated like a dog. Generally, his 1st letter.
Moon Song. My friend said they added it as a general love song. — Why do you treat me like this? Why didn't you come to the boathouse? — Alec's 2nd letter as a whole. Plus bits of 1st.
And you pushed me in, and now my feet can't touch the bottom of you. ... So I will wait for the next time you want me, like a dog with a bird at your door.
Ewan would fit here tbh.
Panalangin. My only prayer in this lifetime: to be beside you, to be together with you, that's my prayer.
"I since cricket match do long to ... place both arms round you and share with you, the above now seems sweeter than words can say."
And this heart won't allow if you will be away from me, my love, please listen.
It also fits the end of museum.
I Want You. Maurice, can you come to the boathouse already? Alec has no power to teleport you there. I hold one card that I can't use.
I found you. I found the door, but when I stepped through, there was no floor. He found Maurice, bit he's not being here for Alec.
You're coming back And it's the end of the world We're starting over And I love you, darling And I am done, dear
Alec wishes this would happen. Also, he does come back later and they love again over, and "it is finished".
Credit for suggesting the next two songs goes to @beatle-capaldi!!! He also wrote was in quotations!
English Summer Rain
The Most Radical Thing To Do
Hinahanap-Hanap Kita. 1st letter, he's looking for Maurice. Thinking about them together.
In my thoughts and dreams, in every turn of destiny, I look for you. Also applies to that hotel/post-hotel feeling. I look for you, even if I try to forget you, saying goodbye, looking back...
Wildest Dreams. They think a lot of each other. They share once more. But they must say goodbye. Alec saw this coming. Maurice hopes that Alec will remember him like this.
I Hear a Symphony. Alec truly opened up Maurice's eyes. Maurice was meant to be with him. He helped Maurice, changed his life. But now Alec is leaving on ship... Or is he? The symphony leads into...
An orchestral sountrack. The Boathouse. Unfortunately the Maurice soundtrack is not on spotify. It's on my personal YouTube music version. I added it because it just captures the boathouse the only way the sountrack itself can.
The Word of Your Body (Reprise). MLM people have moment of romantic tension, which culminates in confessions of love. Just had to add it. "Haven't you heard the word of your body?" perfectly describes Alec gifting and showing Maurice the wonder of truest physical affection and love. He lets Maurice be okay with himself, and again, changes everything. Every lyric is perfect.
Also, sorry JBW, I like other versions more... Too bad Spotify is mean.
I See The Light. Yeah. Every lyric. Maurice is Rapunzel. Movie Blond too. Both the morning at Russet room and the museum. And the world has somehow shifted. All at once everything is different, now that I see you. "By now they were in love with each other consciously."...
Suddenly Seymour. Suddenly see more, yeah? Clive = ass and someone gives him affection for once, wow! Sidenote, I want to sing this with them and their accents... Suddenly SCUDDER...
Helpless. Musical theatre songs seem to be good retellings of their love story. It's why they belong in post boathouse. Summaries and retellings. They're also good at conveying love they'd feel for each other in general, all times ever. Like loving men, retelling a story.
I'll Cover You. Cute love song feat. gays. I like to imagine them dancing around, declaring their love and devotion for each other. Walking and dancing around like in the original scene, sometime post canon. In my own imagination, I thought of Alec as Angel and Maurice (Christopher) as Collins.
Video Games. They must love spending time together. I thought this to be Maurice POV. Only worth living if somebody is loving you I mean, come on.
It's you, it's you, it's all for you. Everything I do. I tell you all the time, heaven is a place on Earth with you.
Un sospiro. I headcanon that Maurice picks up the piano and plays for Alec. Perhaps he picked it up bc of/after Clive, but now can play it for someone who gives a shit.
Something about the melody reminds me of them. And then it gets more intense... A bit like the passions of love, showing up in sharing and touch and more, too.
Liebestraum. I mean, it means love dream/dream of love. I just had to. Also I just like Liszt.
Take Me Up With You, Dearie. This song is just so sweet... So soft... Edwardian to boot... I love how quintessentially 1909 it is. Discovered it in a YT video. The thought of them getting married makes me cry. This song in general makes me want to cry, it's so romantic, tender, and exudes my favourite era...
Let us float, float, float through the clouds, and just have a lot of fun. We'll go up, up, up as two and then come down as one.
Put Your Head on My Shoulder. We Belong Together. I always imagine Maurice and Alec slowdancing to songs that come on the radio together, when the 1950s hits... Alec probably rests his head on his shoulder as this plays and they dance...
I'm using a lot of ellipses, am I secretly Rupert Graves?
Welcome to the 70s and 80s. They love dancing together and being with each other. Now, Panalangin can be a happy song. My only prayer for this lifetime ... To be together with you. And this heart won't allow if you will be away from me.
Just the Two of Us. What a nice, vibey song. Great title, great scenario of them dancing to this...
Tiny Dancer. Your Song. MLM people in the 70s + Radio, being happy and in love with each other. — I just thought I should add some Elton. A different friend, and I, like him. Maurice sings to Alec, "And you can tell everybody this is your song." That I put down in words how wonderful life is with you in the world.
Electric Love. Fun fact: this song got me to share the playlist. Got me thinking about them and their anniversary again. The funky busy instrumental describes well their passionate love. The highs of electric LOOOOOOVE describe the intensity of them.
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Alt text continued: themselves together under and the love. And the love. The song has its own tension and it perfectly pictures their own tension. So yeah, this is THEIR song quite literally.
Sorry if my music taste is perhaps basic. I just made it for when I hear songs that are Them.
Falling for Ya. Alec falls for Maurice. "I saw you when you first drove up, Mr Hall..." Something about Maurice, right? Plus really nice vintage vibes with the music. The bit about Into your arms and it's a secure sure sounds like Maurice. Awh, they're falling for *each other*...
Rainbow Connections. Gay and bi people. Marriage. Everything that Maurice and Alec went through to get here, where they were meant to be. Clive. Working for Clive. Leading up to now.
All the things that had to go right, all the things that had to go wrong, that lead us to the place where we were going all along.
On the YT version there's a soft/jazzy cover of Panalangin here. Because they're old and spending time together and being happy. What a throwback, a defined meaning in their lives over time.
Still Into You. After all these decades... Old and grown, together... True soulmates... Two men can defy the world... Maurice and Alec still roam the greenwood. Imagine Maurice meeting Alec's mom in this context. If only.
Postmodern Jukebox cover, because they are a quintessentially 20th century couple. They exude vintage.
Some piano playing for Alec. Soft, tender, romantic, emotional, true. Feels like nighttime. Feels like Maurice and Alec. And a throwback to the pre 1914 world as well. Claire de Lune feels like... A credits of life piece. Time spent in the early 1980s. Nocturne feels like that too, but more romantic. Smidge less nighttime. Ah yes, Gymnopédies. The truest credits feel of them all. None of these actually are credits for Maurice and Alec, but I struggle to find the word for this feeling. But yeah. These all have Them vibes to me. Piano of the time just does I suppose. Glad to be reminded of them at any time.
What a long playlist. Like going through almost their whole lives together. 1:52 hrs. Almost like a movie. Imagine that. A full movie of THEIR lives... But leaving to the imagination was a good thing. Led to this such action. Thank you E.M. Forster.
1. Pendersleigh
4. & 5. Russet Room. Night, then Morning
9. Cricket
10. Boathouse Nights
18. The Museum
20. The Hotel
21. After
23. The Boathouse
24. They Still Roam the Greenwood
I just like to imagine them dancing to songs on the radio, for decades to come...
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Miss Baek I forgot to include this in my previous message:
NOT MY DREAM but my friend who barely has any dreams was probably influenced by me talking about Hwa, so he showed up in her subconscious. This is what she sent me:
"I was camping on a beach in Alaska with some river guide, a few other random people and Seonghwa. The guide was trying to figure out how to feed us for the night so he slaughtered a giant whale. Hwa was mad that he killed something massive just to sink the rest of the body. We were also arguing over how he cut up the meat. I woke up in the middle of everyone arguing over why we killed the whale."
Sounds pretty awful ngl, they were also on a small wooden boat, BUT SEONGHWA HAD WAIST LENGTH BLACK HAIR 😭😭😭😭 how can I enter her mind I NEED TO PERCEIVE THIS SEONGHWA 😳😳😳😳
What about an AU... minus the whale killing maybe, but... lost somewhere on the sea with long haired Hwa. Rapunzel era Seonghwa when 😩 - DV 💖
hi !!
Baek?! Jwyeuusshahs was it a good dream?! 👀
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Laundry boy Hwa my beloved <3 my brain is creating its own AUs every single night, lol
LMFAOOOO no bc same 😭😭 some of those scenarios id never put out omg 😭😭 i rmr having this one dream where i was in the sm practice studio? and u know the beginning song of that porn thing 😭😭 the one ppl did challenges too where they played it and see who’s head turned 😭😭😭 i did that in my dream where i played it fhfhf coincidentally baekhyun was there and he shot his head up and then i got scolded for it???? bRO U RECOGNIZED IT FBWMFJWK
I did take a photo of me giving the middle finger to SM's building, so it was the first step in my revenge, lmaooo. Gonna plan my next move soon... I really don't wanna give my money to any big company, but SM especially yet I can't stop cause Shinee and Taeyeon and Hyo and some other soloists... I bought Kai's and Baekhyun's albums too 😩 I wanna be free from SME so bad
YES YES OH MY GOD WHAT A ICON !!!!!!! there should be a trend to do that pose tbh,, but then sm would sue 😭😭 YEAH NAUR SAME but their artists 😩😩 not the new ones but the older one’s music is so 🤌🏼🤌🏼✨😮‍💨 i can’t help but do it,, sm rly has us fans on the slave contract for more than 10+ years
At least Hannah could still sing, right?! Feetless, but still slaying. And please don't ask about the head thing, I had problems okkk...
NO BATTERY 😭😭 no bc anon what the fuck were u and ur friend on 😭😭😭🔫
Damn the scent must be strong then :o omg do you know them?! https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51xurg7EyqL._AC_SY355_.jpg I had the 🍑 one also 🍒 and they were so cute plus smelled nicely, I carried them in my pockets
I DO BUT I NEVER EVER GOT THEM 😭😭😭 id get those glare eyes and a shake of head and i knew i wasn’t getting, do u rmr the chapstick phase 😭😭😭😭 LIKE A BOX OF CHAPSTICKS
I actually only like half of the Ep Fin 🙊 I had a change of heart and love Ep 3 now (Illusion is not my beloved, but it's bearable) I also revisited their debut back in 2020 and tbh no skip for me, love the tropical vibes. Still ZFP1 is my fave fave! I really can't wait for what they have in store I'm hoping for something hard-hitting and rock inspired, but from that little spoiler Seonghwa was giving I'm not sure...maybe he's fucking with us. Shit I almost forgot we're getting the JP cb soon, ROOOOOCKYYYYYY. Hopefully people don't abandon bodyguard Hwa in favour of boxer Hwa 😳
i would like to say, dazzling light superior >>> FBWMDHEK UR A WAVE GIRLIE ME TOO !!! no bc kpop needs more tropical music, we need winner back 😭😭😭😭 HEY HEY I WILL HUNT U ALL DOWN IF U GUYS CHANGE BODYGUARD TO BOXER 🔫 I WILL GIVE THAT SAD ENDING FHKWHDKW
Yes, ofc I interview myself, I argue with myself, I agree with myself kausiayshshwgdsh Kokobop omfgggg and Wave 💙 I do like fresh scents the most, fruity ones too! Not a big fan of flowery, many flowers make me sneeze. And pls don't steal everything or I will have to arrest you :(
YES YES 😭😭😭 and utopia! i feel like u give those vibes! some flowery scents r labeled as not strong but they are SO strong???? I WILL MAKE A HEIST AND ROB YOU RN ARREST ME 🔫
You're living my dream damn! Loverholic, robotronic, loverholic, robotronic 🤪
LMFAOOOO idk what sm was on during that era but truly so legendary along with snsd’s hypertonic supersonic 😭😭😭
Today I have this lil video to offer. I'm obsessed with it and it's back on my tl 😭 he's ao cute, Seyoung my baby. I mean that's just Hwa let's face it. 🥨 boy, pls give him all the pretzels in the world: https://twitter.com/hwalilac/status/1522602163494879232?t=FIDYL5wscxM0TUD3Vnh9sg&s=19
So I haven't been reading webtoons recently I seriously need to catch up on reading and some kpop content 😭😭😭😭 but I found a new webtoon called Long After The Ending and the plot is so interesting and pretty unusual!
👁👁 gonna go add that in rn!
Uhm also do you know those ASMR NSFW videos on YT? Sometimes when I search for MARS ASMR I get that one video called "ASMR Seonghwa moans" in my suggestions 😬 It's obviously not him, though some people in the comments genuinely thought so 💀 I never listened to it for longer than 10 seconds. But today I was showing someone his AMSR content and they were like "uhhh and what is THAT"
i DO! theres a what… 👁
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And then my bestie reminded me of a cam boy Seonghwa and porn star Seonghwa fanfics. 🤚🏻 Jesus has left the chat long time ago... there's no hope for us - DV 💖
NOT MY DREAM but my friend who barely has any dreams was probably influenced by me talking about Hwa, so he showed up in her subconscious. This is what she sent me:
"I was camping on a beach in Alaska with some river guide, a few other random people and Seonghwa. The guide was trying to figure out how to feed us for the night so he slaughtered a giant whale. Hwa was mad that he killed something massive just to sink the rest of the body. We were also arguing over how he cut up the meat. I woke up in the middle of everyone arguing over why we killed the whale."
LMFAOOOO????????? SEONGHWA FISHER!AU?????? seonghwa titanic au…
Sounds pretty awful ngl, they were also on a small wooden boat, BUT SEONGHWA HAD WAIST LENGTH BLACK HAIR 😭😭😭😭 how can I enter her mind I NEED TO PERCEIVE THIS SEONGHWA 😳😳😳😳
he what.
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What about an AU... minus the whale killing maybe, but... lost somewhere on the sea with long haired Hwa. Rapunzel era Seonghwa when 😩 - DV 💖
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