#tbh we cant even talk about anime sometimes without it devolving into some real bullshit bro
pettrichore · 4 years
pissed @ my ex. honestly i’ve been trying to be nice and civil and just be friendly. we dont talk that much but when we do i try to keep it to safe topics like anime and shit. i’m just trying to be nice especially bc he’s taking care of some of my shit (like my fish etc) while i’m away. but honestly this dude is pushing me to my limit. it’s one thing to bring up the girl you’re seeing or whatever even though we both specifically said we dont want to hear about the other person’s dating life but whatever. i can put up with it if i ask some vague “how are things?” question or whatever. fine. but then you start bringing her up when the conversation wasnt even going there??? like just randomly talk about meeting her family or how her mom cooked you food etc. or like talking about how she bought you expensive shoes but “i dont fw that like who does that we barely know each other” and then go into say “but it’s nice being spoiled ig” as if i didn’t do that but whatever. anywayyyy. and then be like “gtg bc i gotta see her later” like SHUT UUUUUP!!!! and i know him and i know if i say “hey honestly i would like it if you STOPPED talking about her and you and her” like UGH i know if i do that he will throw a fit. also i may very well be fulfilling the thing he wants which is like “making me jealous” idk bitch u cant send me fucking hearts but also break up with me but also want to be with me but also try to fucking shove this “we’re not together but we’re going on dates no it’s not DATING there’s a difference” bullshit down my throat. like no more mixed signals. i dont want you anymore but it fucking hurts having you shove this shit in my face constantly. im not jealous bitch im just hurt and you arent letting me NOT be hurt.
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