new-components · 9 months
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An Eurocopter AS 350 conducts a Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) Survey for the U.S. Geologic Survey
from the us geologic survey, public domain source: wikimedia commons
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[ad_1] The Texas Division of Emergency Management is planning a new operations center and headquarters in southeast Austin that will give the agency a pricey, cutting-edge home. The project, overseen by the Texas A&M University System, will span 48 acres east of Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, at 4125 South Farm-to-Market Road 973, the Austin Business Journal reported. Construction is slated to begin in May. The A&M System Board of Regents in November greenlit the project with a budget of $360 million. However, development plans have expanded, now reaching a total estimated cost of $423 million.TDEM, responsible for coordinating emergency response efforts across the state, will see significant improvements in its operational capacity with the new facility. TDEM is currently housed within the Texas Department of Public Safety premises, at 313 Anderson Lane in North Austin, where limited meeting space necessitates the leasing of additional rooms at a nearby hotel. The original plan in November called for a 296,000-square-foot facility, comprising a five-story office building and the state emergency operations center, according to a filing with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.However, the increased budget has allowed several enhancements, including a 38,000-square-foot sixth floor addition to the office building, a 15,400-square-foot warehouse and a 900-space parking garage. In addition, the project will yield a 1,200-square-foot secure facility for processing sensitive information, the outlet reported. The new emergency operations center will dwarf its current setup, with the new facility capable of accommodating up to 300 employees, compared to the existing capacity of 144 people. Notably, the development will incorporate modern and sustainable building techniques, blending traditional steel-framed construction with mass timber.—Quinn Donoghue  Read more [ad_2] Source link
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jangany-acqua · 1 year
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Sono arrivati i primi riscontri dalla campagna di indagini geofisiche che un gruppo di professionisti torinesi (Dott. Luigi Benente, Ing. Taddeo Maria Fenoglio, Dott. Geol. Arianna Paschetto, Dott. Geol. Davide Vianello) ha condotto durante la missione nel villaggio di Jangany tra il 20/05/2023 e il 01/06/2023.
La missione ha avuto come oggetto la ricerca di potenziali acquiferi da sfruttare con i nuovi pozzi di prossima realizzazione, per far fronte ai sempre più lunghi periodi siccitosi e al contemporaneo incremento dell’immigrazione forzata dalla mancanza di acqua potabile.
Le ricerche sono state condotte con metodo elettromagnetico TDEM (Time Domain ElectroMagnetic), indagine geofisica che sfrutta le variazioni – normalmente molto marcate – di resistività elettrica tra suolo/substrato e acquifero per identificare riserve idriche sotterranee.
Figura 1 in alto - Esecuzione di un'acquisizione TDEM nel centro del villaggio di Jangany
Il metodo TDEM permette di studiare il sottosuolo utilizzando degli impulsi elettromagnetici generati dall’induzione di corrente elettrica all’interno di una o più spire trasmittenti (sostanzialmente degli stendimenti di cavo elettrico a maglie di geometria regolare, tipicamente quadrata) poste sulla superficie dell’area oggetto di indagine. Il campo magnetico primario che si propaga a partire dalla superficie induce, incontrando le differenti formazioni indagate, un campo magnetico secondario che viene misurato dalla spira ricevente.
Sono state realizzate cinque linee di indagine di estensione di circa un chilometro, ciascuna lungo direttive di particolare interesse per le esigenze del villaggio.
Figura 2 in alto - Localizzazione dei punti di indagine TDEM sul territorio del villaggio di Jangany
Una volta fatto ritorno in Italia, i dati acquisiti sono stati elaborati presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università di Torino, sotto la supervisione del Prof. Cesare Comina e della Prof.ssa Sabrina Maria Rita Bonetto.
I risultati delle indagini sono stati condivisi con l’ONG malgascia Saint Gabriel che si occuperà della realizzazione dei pozzi, con la quale i contatti e la collaborazione sono tuttora in essere.
Chiunque fosse interessato ad avere maggiori dettagli sulle attività svolte può contattare direttamente i professionisti che si sono recati in loco scrivendo a [email protected] .
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the-sayuri-rin · 1 year
AUSTIN (KXAN) — A child died on one of the buses that Operation Lone Star has been using to move migrants from the Texas border to other parts of the country, the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) said Friday.
According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, the 3-year-old child died in Marion County in southern Illinois. The bus was heading for Chicago.
The child started showing signs of “health concerns,” and the bus pulled over and security personnel on board called 911, the release said.
An ambulance arrived, and the bilingual security personnel translated for the parents and the paramedics who were providing care for the child, according to TDEM.
The child was taken to a local hospital to receive additional medical attention and was later pronounced dead, the release said.
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digitalmore · 2 years
บริดจสโตนคว้า 2 รางวัล จากงาน “2023 TDEM Annual Supplier Conference”
บริดจสโตนได้รับ 2 รางวัลอันทรงเกียรติจาก บริษัท โตโยต้า ไดฮัทสุ เอ็นจิเนียริ่ง แอนด์ แมนูแฟคเจอริ่ง จำกัด (TDEM) จากงานประกาศรางวัล “2023 TDEM Annual Supplier Conference” โดยบริษัท บริดจสโตน เอเชียแปซ… อ่านเพิ่ม from BangkokStyle https://ift.tt/IrKEF8W
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dfwnews · 2 years
Gov. Greg Abbott preparing for severe weather
Gov. Greg Abbott preparing for severe weather
AUSTIN, Texas (FOX 44) – Governor Greg Abbott has directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) to increase the readiness level of the Texas State Emergency Operations Center (SOC) to Level II (Escalated Response). Interactive Weather Radar This was done to coordinate the state’s response to severe storms expected to impact communities across Texas on Friday. Severe storms with…
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kokuhga · 4 years
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A mi, no me enamoró tu cuerpo. Me enardeció tu mente, esa revoltosa y exageradamente bella. que no tiene limites, que no conoce la palabra imposible y que sueña con un mundo Mejor. No fueron tus ojos, ni tu boca, fue la sensualidad de tu alma la que me atrapó. No fue lo que portabas en dinero si no la riqueza de tu espíritu me sorprendió. Aprendí a quererte desde la pureza de tu corazón, desde tus anhelos apenas llegaste a este mundo, desde tus instantes donde ni siquiera sé quien eres, desde los miedos que te hacen despertar por las noches y abrazarme, Me enseñaste a descubrir a través de la piel, a sentir con la imaginación, a vibrar en la distancia, a conocerme a través de tu presencia.. Ahora se que nunca me arrepentiré de haber mirado más dentro de ti. Si por fuera eras una piedra preciosa, he descubierto que por dentro eres el tesoro más grande que he podido encontrar. @kokuhga #kokuhga #amor #alma #almasgemelas #trascendental #TdeM ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CFhgovDBkKH/?igshid=1xypcknrob2vj
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wwwcalljesusnet · 4 years
City of Galveston Drainage Vision 2025 and Capital Improvement Program (CIP):
Good morning City Council. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to develop and share the Drainage Vision 2025 for the City of Galveston! First, I'd like to thank the City Council for their proactive  leadership in drainage. Drainage investment in Galveston provides a far broader benefit than the City Limits itself. During Hurricane Harvey, the Galveston international airport kept the heart of Houston, Texas City and all others in this region alive, while Hobby and the International Airport were flooded. Therefore, drainage investment in Galveston provides a regional not just a local benefit. Galveston has been through its major challenges but our proactive City Council turned these challenges into opportunities.  After Hurricane Ike which devastated the City, the City started its rebuilding with the Ike recovery funds we received for repairing the damage to our infrastructure.  Majority of these projects were in full motion in 2014. Drainage infrastructure resiliency improvement started as a subsidiary to the Streets Ike Recovery projects and has advanced to its primary focus in the City today.   Our City Council has consistently shown a strong emphasis on Drainage Infrastructure Investment and has empowered City Staff to find innovative funding mechanisms such as City and County Bonds, IDC, CDBG, FEMA and TDEM Grants. We’d also like to say a special thanks to our Citizens who approved the Bond Election of 2017 to improve our roads, water and sanitary sewer infrastructure.  Drainage was a sub or minor component of these projects with the major drainage projects approaching final design and construction.  So the improvement can be evaluated by our citizens after these projects have been built. Our lessons learned during Ike Recovery and Bond projects implementations and the weathering of the numerous storms since Ike, has advanced our team to develop a 2025 drainage vision for the future Galveston’s unique challenges have advanced us to develop an unique 2025 Drainage Vision Plan. In this presentation the focus will be on the vision, the solution, and its implementation. A model solution is in design right now, it has never been done before in the Houston-Galveston Region, and its implementation Island-wide could have far reaching Benefits to project Galveston’s leadership in Drainage Solutions. Houston is only 3 times longer than Galveston but has a tax base that is 100 times the size of Galveston for the same length that it spans. This means we have to provide roads, drainage, water and sewer service for 1/3 the length of Houston with 1/100th the Tax base of Houston. So  where does the funding come for drainage? Let’s look at service fees.  Looking at our fees for ROW construction drainage permits and drainage culvert installations these fees are a very small fraction of the cost of drainage permit and field installation service by our most efficient staff Environmental Uniqueness: Our terrain is flat, slow drainage, and bounded by the Gulf of Mexico and the Bay. We are affected by high tides and storm surges and take the first hit from hurricanes and stormsOur rainfall is high intensity short time span and our City so historical that you'll never know what you find when a trench is opened to install drainage pipes even though we perform feasible investigations  in advance. In this presentation the focus will be on the vision, the solution, and its implementation. A model solution is in design right now, it has never been done before in the Houston-Galveston Region, and its implementation Island-wide could have far reaching Benefits to project Galveston’s leadership in Drainage Solutions. Too often teams try to find solutions before understanding the problem and that leads to a path of failure.  Galveston has been the graveyard for Contractors, Engineers and many others because they did not understand Galveston is unique and tried to implement a Houston, Austin or Boston solution for Galveston and failed. Solutions need to be realistic and cost effective providing the best return on investment for the community Nothing happens without funding. And to get funding and compete for funds with the entire US, we have to communicate to the Citizens and the Grant Agency that our solution provides the best return on investment.  Providing that communication needs extensive research, conceptual design, modeling and presentation of a grant application to the funding agency, bond election, and addressing communities’ questions factually.  Once we Secure the funding we are on the clock to implement the solution. The D in drainage is not Do something. It represents Designing the effective, feasible and cost sensitive solution for the community.  The I in drainage represents investment and E is the exit, our outfalls where drainage flows into the bay. Challenge: Pipe Clogs, High Tides, Marine Growth, Outfall Pipe Clogging-Cleaning the outfalls will be temporary & last only until next high tide.  
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flymotion · 5 years
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Our team is exhibiting and meeting with public safety agencies from around the state at the Texas Department of Emergency Management conference. TRIDENT, one of our mobile command vehicles is on display along with the latest in drone, sensor and networking/communications technology. Our UAS training staff is on hand to answer questions and provide consultation regarding our end to end, turnkey solutions. #FLYMOTION #dronesforgood #TDEM #publicsafety https://www.instagram.com/p/BwR8iM8nGTg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mhcvosejzuky
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igorearl · 4 years
i am now at 1006 kills at mirage <#
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
A bus from Texas arrived in Washington, D.C. Wednesday morning, transporting dozens of illegal immigrants as part of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s new plan to counter federal immigration policies during an ongoing border crisis.
Abbott announced last week that he was directing the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) to transport migrants released from federal custody in Texas to the nation’s capital and other locations outside his state.
The bus pulled up at approximately 8 a.m. local time, blocks away from the U.S. Capitol building. Fox News has learned that they came from the Del Rio sector in Texas, after coming to the U.S. from Colombia, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.
Upon the bus's arrival in Washington, D.C., individuals disembarked one by one except for family units who exited together. They checked in with officials and had wristbands they were wearing cut off before being told they could go.
According to TDEM, Abbott’s plan is already working. The agency told Fox News on Monday that many of the communities that originally reached out for support – from the Rio Grande Valley to Terrell County – say the federal government stopped dropping immigrants in their towns since Abbott's announcement on April 6. 
Some had questioned whether Abbott’s plan to bus migrants was genuine. The White House dismissed it as a "publicity stunt." Even Texas state Rep. Matt Schaefer, a Republican, called it a "gimmick." 
TDEM said it dispatched buses over the weekend to border communities where it coordinated with officials to identify these immigrants. The agency added that each bus has the capacity and supplies necessary to carry up to 40 migrants released in Texas communities and transport them to Washington, D.C. 
Still, the governor's legal authority to transport busloads of migrants to the U.S. Capitol remains in question. The 2012 Supreme Court case, Arizona v. the United States, prevents states from making their own immigration policies. 
Abbott insists that the federal government is failing to adequately address the situation. President Biden recently announced that he would be rescinding Title 42, which was used to expel migrants swiftly due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Texans demand and deserve an aggressive, comprehensive strategy to secure our border—not President Biden's lackluster leadership," Abbott said in a statement. "As the federal government continues to roll back commonsense policies that once kept our communities safe, our local law enforcement has stepped up to protect Texans from dangerous criminals, deadly drugs, and illegal contraband flooding into the Lone Star State." 
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toweakforthislife · 3 years
Ich bin nur voller Angst..
was denken andere von mir? Rede ich zuviel? Ist das was ich sage übertrieben? Verstehen die anderen die dinge anders als ich es meine?
Ich weiß das ich nicht von allen gemocht werden kann und meine ängste durch mein dauerhaftes denken kommen aber ich versuche tdem es jeden iwie so gut geht recht zu machen.. Ich spüre natürlich das ich es umsonst mache und mich umsonst da reinsteiger.. zuviel mache.. zu übertreibe indem ich halt zuviel mache.. weils am ende eh nicht richtig ist
Ich weiß nicht weiter ich will am liebsten nicht existieren… dann bräuchte ich mir über den ganzen mist keine Gedanken machen
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prolifeproliberty · 4 years
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disastergis · 4 years
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I created a series of maps for TDEM as we continue to work to assist the region, this one is for region 5....
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rotten-dan · 5 years
facebook post: body shape references
cool one of the pics
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wow, look at tdem variety in women ,, , ,amazing...............
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digitalmore · 2 years
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