#tdi Millie
highfrogs · 3 months
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Mille was definitely at least a little gay for Priya (Trust)
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adpixie · 5 months
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Just a sketchy pastel Millie for the soul 🥰
I used a pink screen layer to achieve the pastel effect 🙂
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marrfixated · 3 months
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canonically47 · 6 months
my contribution to the TDI fandom: last names
you've heard of gen 1 last names, now get ready for gen 4 last names!
Hezekias ‘Zee’ Abara. abara means spirit and i think it's a name that fits zee a lot
Damien Calvin. 'calvin', as inspired by melvin calvin, an american biochemist
Ripper Marchetti. in italian, marchetti means warlike, and i like to think ripper has some italian heritage!
Bowie Finley. finley = fair-haired hero, and hasn't our fair-haired boy proven to be a knight in shining armour, rescuing raj from tapioca pudding sharks and giving his very best until the finale?
Raj Bhatti
Wayne Curran (Curran = hero. our little guy is badass c'mon!!! also this was of irish descent i think? i can see it)
Chase Cooper. while researching names, for chase, i looked up 'youtuber last names'. one thing led to another, and i discovered some buddy of that annoying ass loser ben shapiro, whose last name was cooper. considering i hate chase (and i love double initials), i thought this would be fitting!
Caleb Campbell. shares his name with a model. no need to go into more detail.
Axel Ectorius (Ectorius = hero in latin. don't tell me you can't see it. also very close to victorious, which i wished for her to be this season *sad emoji*)
Julia Amana. amana means trust, faithful, which is a very ironic name for julia to have, so therefore, a must-have
Mary-Kate ‘MK’ Nghiem. nghiem = stern, strict, rigorous; similarly to julia, MK is not at all what her name represents, so, funny
Nichelle LaDonna (canon name not much to say here)
Emma Baker (both because baker is a simple name to me and i see emma as just a simple girl (just like me fr) and because i could totally see her as a baker)
Priya Chanda (Chanda = of the moon)
Millie Nisim. nisim, as in, miracles, because millie, unprepared and under pressure, still made it to the finale... and because her voice actress also voiced zoey, and both millie and zoey were, coincidentally, the third contestant in their respective debut season
Lauren ‘Scary Girl’ Graves (do i need to explain this?)
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ccircusclwn · 6 months
I'm going to explode I need Millie in your artstyle
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this somehow snapped me out of artblock so. thank you anon!!!!!! :-)
heres millie!! <3
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cureyumyumspigtails · 4 months
Why does everyone hate Millie? I personally think she is really cute some people need to leave her alone she didn't do anything to y'all 😖
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minaxsq · 3 months
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learning about art of persuasion and arstoliean triad or what that shit is🧍‍♀️
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itsprjc · 8 months
The first stickers are complete!
Both should be up for sale next week, and I wanted to display them first.
Pick your favorite team!
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maddythesadone · 6 months
Hi guys, sorry for dying like the 172637 time!! Anyways, here have this of my top 3 favorite reboot characters! (I'm sorry if my words are sloppy .)
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td-snake-anon · 30 days
Milliemma rambles!!
• When they first move in together they adopt a Birman cat (I just think they’re cute)
• Emma has always wanted a cat but couldn’t get one because of her mom’s allergies
• Millie is hesitant at first but eventually agrees to adopt one because how can she say no to Emma?
• (I think it would be funny if the cat warmed up to Millie quickly but was scared of Emma for a while. Millie pets it a few times and then goes back to whatever she was doing, while Emma tries and fails to get it to come to her.)
• Millie trying to break up Chase and Emma because he’s annoying and her being with him makes her a worse teammate and maybe because she thinks Emma is really pretty and nice to be around and deserves so much better than him!!
• Millie writing about Emma in her notebook, but it goes from criticism of her generation to teenage-girl-esque rambles about her crush
• Priya questioning her about her newfound fascination with Emma, to which Millie replies casually that she writes about other people too!! And her entries are only so admiring because she wants to be less judgmental!! Obviously.
• Emma temporarily thinking that Millie wants Chase for herself (which couldn’t be less true)
• Emma then confronting Millie about it, for her to respond with “I don’t even like guys!!” They are both shocked by this and Emma is like “oops.. my bad!!”
• Emma feeling flustered around Millie and feeling bad because she has nothing against Millie being a lesbian and she feels guilty for being uncomfortable around her.. only to realize that she has a crush on her!!
• Then they fall in love and everything is yuritastic!!
• Ummm that’s it for now!!
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thedramaandthedead · 4 months
"There isn't much you can do alone."
Character Design 9/16 - Millie
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Having to fend for herself was never a choice she'd want to make. But will it bring Millie to the end? Find out in The Drama and The Dead, Chapter 2 to release soon!
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starlover2 · 1 year
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Decided to design cat versions of the TDI 2023 cast
I used cat bases made by supurrnovae on DeviantArt 
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adpixie · 5 months
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Happy New Years! It'ssss Millie again in a winter sweater! <3 Thanks @scarygirlshairdye for inviting me to draw her!
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marrfixated · 2 months
Painful lack of content for Millie/MK content!!! Where are they???
I think it’s funny because it’s like the “uptight nerdy girl x delinquent bad boy” trope but better (yuri!!!)
And we have Millie who criticizes people doing stupid/dangerous things for fame learning about MK who does stupid shit for… fun? The thrill? Who IS this girl? MK is also a lot smarter than Millie gives her credit for, which confuses her even more. She’s sneaky, despite the blunt insults she gives to others… and has an interesting choice in alliances. Maybe Millie doesn’t know everyone as well as she thought.
Millie, to MK, isn’t so much a nerd as someone who plays the game better than she does. She made it into the TOP THREE by doing what MK said she was going to do, which was staying unnoticed. And she used Priya to sail through pretty much every challenge! (Well, Millie would never say she used Priya, but MK can admire the strategy.) Sending Damien down the 4 point slide was savage, but she can’t say she wouldn’t do worse to get out of a challenge.
They both aren’t very interested in making friends and are sarcastic and judgmental, and their slander of others led to their elimination. They both think they can bad-mouth people behind their back, but they can’t. They’re both lesbians also! I think they would make each other better/worse (pick one) They could fail miserably at challenges together 💗
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ethereal-originate · 4 months
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AXEL: (B) S1, she really didn't leave an impact to me, since she was eliminated early. All she was is a person who believes the zombie apocalypse will happen. But she nice enough to make breakfast for everybody (even tho it was gross). S2, I started to like her more since she tries to be nice and makes friends as possible. It great that she has hobbies of Art 🎨(I will like to see more of that than Zombies since no teenagers talks about Zombies). I honestly didn't expect her and Ripper will happen. It actually cute pair together. But, I didn't like how they were making out a lot in ep 7. But I understand why the writer did it so they can be double eliminated. It feels dirty that she got eliminated bc she a “biggest threat” even tho there Caleb & last season winner, Priya. If there S3 , I want both of them to agreed to focus on the challenge while together. If Ripper is eliminated early, the writer can focus on Axel. I wonder how Axel family will react if she brings Ripper for family dinner. 😆
BOWIE: (B) S1, he alright. I like his friendship with Emma. Wishing they talk more. S2, I like when he giving relationship advice to Ripper and he feels bad for cheating when Raj doesn't like it.
CALEB: (B) S1, Actually surprised he the first person to be eliminated. S2, from the person to be eliminated to a person who actually got to the finals. He alright. He got more role this season. His relationship with Priya is alright. I didn't like when they are fighting again when Caleb ally with Julia, it was nonsense.
CHASE: (D) He a jerk. He delusions and has no remorse for cutting Emma car brakes. I don't know why no one defend Emma when she trying to tell Chase it over.
DAMIEN: (B) One of my favorite characters.
EMMA: (C) S1 is just about her and Chase. She could have simply ignored Chase. And just say no whenever he says something. S2, she finally break up with Chase and hope in S3 it won't be the same as S1
JULIA: (B) Julia & MK friendship came out of nowhere. I won’t be surprised since the writer always write things out of nowhere and it only 13 episodes they can make, so of course they will fast paced.
MILLIE: (C) She was ok.
MK: (C) She was meh in S1. But the writer did good for making me hate both her & Julia. Isn’t it dumb that she exposed herself that people shouldn't underestimate her in a live reality show?? She literally caught stealing! Like how come no contestants aren't threatened by her? Shouldn’t she be arrested? I feel S3 she won't have no purpose since everybody knows she & Julia are cheaters. I won't be surprised she will be the first person to be eliminated. I will like to see 2 new villains taking their places, pretending to be nice as Alejandro did.
NICHELLE: (B) Same as Caleb & Axel. She didn’t left an impact but revealed she doesn’t do her own stunts. S2, I actually thought she will be in the finals. But sadly no. Hollywood should hire her for the hard work she been doing. I like her friendship w/ Damien and hopefully in S3 she will train him.
RAJ: (B)
RIPPER: (B) S1 he gross. I waited for this guys to be eliminated early. When they hint that his parents are abusive, I felt sorry for him. In S2, I started to like him more. He become a better person this season. Did he realize that girls are strong & wise bc of Priya & Axel? I’m honestly surprised he developed a crush on Axel. This guy has a lot of confidence to win Axel heart. 😆 It so romantic once he found out Axel interest, he wrote a poem just for her. Very Sweet! 💕 Hope these 2 last forever and isn’t written terribly like the other former couples.
WANYE: (B) Just like Raj, he such a goofball. I’m ok that he S2 winner. ZEE: (A) Also one of my favorite characters! He funny and nice. Im so glad they don’t have to shove down my throat that he disabled, like very dumb woke shows/movies. He just a guy who born as an amputee. Nothing wrong with that! I actually love that a Soda company made him to sponsor their drinks! 😆 Never change Zee!
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foreverevanescent · 5 months
Millie headcanons;
1. Millie is autistic (she stims when she's alone, has a sensitivity to loud noises, isn't really used to social interactions with people her own age)
2. Millie’s parents are a lawyer (mother) and a heart surgeon (father) who are supportive and love her very much.
3. Julia was Millie’s worst bully in middle school, and the reason Millie doesn't seem to remember is that she hides those memories far into her mind after months and months of therapy.
4. Millie is gay
5. Millie works for her local newspaper as an editor, though works from home.
6. Millie is very good when it comes to writing and taking tests, which is why she's a straight-A student.
7. Millie is actually a really good singer thanks to her mother convincing her to join the Choir at school.
8. Millie’s first hyper-fixation was dinosaurs.
9. Millie has a pet kitten named Annabeth that she loves very much.
10. Millie is an animal person, loving furry and fuzzy animals the most.
11. Millie has a weighted blanket and sensory headphones with her.
12. Millie sits the way she does because her mother taught her that so that she doesn't constantly move her legs and arms while sitting.
13. Millie’s scared of spiders along with birds.
And that’s all I have for now. Let me know yours and how you like mine.
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