#tdv george
fitzrove · 9 months
2, 9, 12 for the musical asks!
Tysm for asking!!!! Already did 9 hehe, but:
2. Who is your current favourite musical theatre actor, and does this differ from last year?
Omg this is so hard, it's like picking between your children...
2022 was 100% Máté Kamarás' year. It's a year I spent 61 euros altogether on his mediocre hiphop and musical music lol I couldn't not pick him... But this year I haven't had as much time for him!! Still think he's awesome obviously, but I've been on a major tdv kick (I always listen to his part attentively though) and then after that a whole variety of different shows.
I've seen many super awesome performers live this year (favourites: Aris Sas, Lisa-Anne Wood, Miiko Toiviainen, Vanessa Heinz, Milica Jovanovic), some of them multiple times, but I do think I have to say that my current favourite is Lukas Permanschlager... never saw him live but nobody screams like him in Vater.... why do I always like the people who are out to take my money and why do I always end up giving them the money too... I know why. It's the screaming and crawling. Or maybe Miiko Toiviainen, but I tend to hold him in a separate category because he's Finnish (and now that I've seen him in like 5 different things I feel like I'm getting biased hajdjgkg - like I end up liking him more because I've seen more of him and he's very charismatic live)
12. Did you get into any musicals for the first time this year? Did they meet your expectations?
Hmmm... 2022 was a big year for getting into new shows hajfjg (Thrill Me, kinda Chess, Rebecca, Eierwurf von Halle...) but this year it's been quieter :'D As a theatregoer I'm strongly a creature of habit, after being displeased by Something Rotten in 2019 I haven't gone to see a Broadway-type piece that I didn't already know I'd like xD (Usually it hinges on me liking the music enough to not get bored. I'm more flexible with "artsy" music+theatre and straight plays, but even then I will have to like the plot, music or musical style, or feel some sort of connection to the themes).
Ooh, I did listen to Sunday in the Park with George for the first time!!!!! Which I really enjoyed, contrary to my initial assumptions (= I've been scared of Sondheim because of his reputation aodhgkdkd and I was always afraid he'd be boring and stuffy because of how some people talk about his work online - I mean I liked Sweeney Todd from before already but I still had Reservations) xD It's very aesthetic and pleasant musically, and I really like the performances on the original album (which was the one I listened to). I would definitely go see a prod if one happens near me sometime :') Though one of the songs makes me a bit sad/wistful for personal reasons ahdfgjkdfgk
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margridarnauds · 2 years
WIP ask meme: Vampire Peyronan and St. George and the Dragon?
Embarrassingly, Vampire Peyronan wasn’t mine -- it was shared with me once upon a time and it was saved to my Google Docs drive because of that, but it isn’t actually one of mine (though it is very good -- I always wished that one had been published.) I do have a Vampire Ronan fic that I have in common with @claradwor, though that one’s also not seen the light of day. 
Part of the confusion comes from the fact that I did have a Peyronan Vampire AU at one point that was 100% mine, and I’d sworn that I’d written down small parts of it, but if I did, they’re totally lost at this point. There might be traces preserved in DMs with friends from that time, but...I don’t really want to go back to that time in my life and those friendships, you know? The people I’ve mentioned here are obviously cool, I wouldn’t mention them if they weren’t, I loved and still love the work we created, but there are other things from that time I don’t really want to go back to and so it will have to remain a bit of an open mystery until I decide to crack it open again. Very frustrating, though. You think that you have everything locked inside your mind and then, *poof* gone.  (Incidentally: IF I AM STILL IN CONTACT WITH YOU AND YOU RECALL ME TALKING ABOUT THE VAMPIRE AU THAT WAS MINE ABOUT FIVE YEARS AGO, PLEASE REMIND ME WHAT MY GOOD IDEA WAS. I MISS IT.)
There was a Tanz crossover that I remember better. I’d thought I’d written down at least traces of it, but if I did, it’s also gone. 
-- Set Napoleonic Era 
-- Followed from the fic that begins “When they crossed the Tuileries”
-- Ronan punches Napoleon, with both him and Lazare being given a punishment: To hunt for a young pageboy that’s gone missing. 
-- Lazare and Ronan end up at the Schloss von Krolock after being warned away by the peasants (who Lazare, predictably, doesn’t listen to, even though Ronan actually does believe them, not being a stranger to peasant superstitions and growing up on his fair share of werewolf stories.) 
-- They stay with Chagal’s father or grandfather, who is literally the nicest human being in the world. Super hospitable, super nice, wonderful family man who just wants his guests to have the best time they can on their travels. 
-- Herbert falls in love with Laz at first sight because he “LOVES a man in uniform” 
-- Ronan is not amused and at one point has to beat him off. 
-- He and Krolock had this sort of dynamic where Ronan does not like or trust this man but there’s also this sort of...odd understanding, almost? It’s not the same feeling he has for Lazare, especially not after twenty years of being together, where they’re functionally married at this point, but there’s a sort of draw there, anyway, even though Ronan wouldn’t act on it. And there is kind of this thought with Ronan as far as “I could let Lazare be immortal, isn’t that what he’d want?” Herbert’s more like Laz in terms of birth, he’s eternally young, he could give him immortality, and Laz is there, stuck living this painfully mortal life with Ronan, and Ronan just got him in trouble with his boss on top of that. Meanwhile, Krolock sees these two living this life together where they’ve gotten to be in love and faithful to one another for decades without vampirism getting in the way. 
-- Obviously, at some point they realize the pageboy is fucking dead. And Napoleon is, per TdV canon, a fucking vampire, causing the two of them to go running through the snow together at a breakneck pace to escape, with Laz retiring from the army very quickly afterwards. (Obviously, he is no longer mad at Ronan for punching him.) 
St. George and the Dragon is much more recent, I was working on that one...the summer before last, after a request from @violetcancerian for a soulmate AU where only your soulmate can kill you. 
Galahad has always known, from the moment that he was born, that he had but one purpose upon this earth, and that was to purge it of evil. 
The first words he could remember hearing were not “mother” and “father”, but his grandfather holding him on his lap, a withered hand stroking his head, and calling him savior, knight, hero, paragon, and the three nuns who were in charge of his rearing reminding him, always, of the importance of submitting to the Lord’s will, tears often pricking their eyes. His first student’s reader was not some ancient, dusty Latin text, but The Book of Revelation, with its descriptions of all the depravities that the human race was capable of, his grandfather, in a creaking groan, assuring him that he was different from those foul, miserable creatures, that he was better, that he had a future ahead of him so unlike that of the base men of this fallen world. He took the crucifix along with the lance and the sword, devoting himself to both. 
It was with that goal in mind that he came to Camelot, a city of ivory layered over every vice of Sodom and Gomorrah. Knights who felt like they could take every liberty upon the poor while saving chivalry for the rich, clean streets that still made poor homes for the beggars that crowded upon them every night, and, at the top of it all, there was his father, sitting by the king’s side, perfectly at his ease in a court filled to the brim with every kind of decade, looking at the queen as if she was his own wife. 
He met Galahad’s gaze across the crowded room, eyes filled with…surprise? Concern? Affection? But Galahad turned away. There was nothing that man could give him, though he would never stop praying for his soul. True salvation, though, would have to come from within. 
“Insufferable, isn’t it?” One young man said, and Galahad bent his head to him, neither inviting him further into conversation nor rejecting him. He was slender, slender and dark, with intent eyes that were a murky green lips that seemed inclined very much to turn upwards. “All this.”
“It is the way of things,” Galahad replied evenly. 
“Don’t pretend, I can see the look on your face. Behold,” he raised his goblet, gesturing around them, “The envy of the world. A cesspit of greed, corruption, and venality, cloaked behind pretty words, fine pedigrees, and a wizard’s enchantment.” 
“You are very rash to say so. Such words are dangerous.” 
“The truth always is so, I find, but, then again, we live in dangerous times.” 
The young man cast his eyes out on Lancelot and Guinevere, who sat obscenely close, his hand on her knee as she laughed at something she said, a flush upon her cheeks. Neither of them were as young as once they had been – faint strands of silver now sat amongst the pale gold of Guinevere’s hair, and Lancelot-Lancelot his father had laugh lines about his eyes, and, while he had not so many as Guinevere, gray had started to war against the black of his hair. Two old people who thought themselves young, who thought themselves invincible. 
“Very dangerous times, indeed. Sir Mordred, son of Morgause of Orkney.” He paused, suddenly very interested in the little cracks along the table. “And Lot of Orkney, of course.” 
“Sir Mordred,” Galahad replied evenly, “I have heard of you.” 
Mordred raised a goblet that, from the few shadows that danced along the depths, appeared mostly empty. “Surprised to find no devil horns, hm?”
“Actually,” Galahad gave a tight smile, studiously avoiding the other man. “I had expected the tail.” 
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emptymasks · 4 years
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Alexander Sukhanov (#69), Rostislav Kolpakov (#913/#914), George Novitsky (#119), Alexander Safronov (#001), Kirill Gordeev (#3310), and Ivan Ozhogin (#666) introducing themselves before performing Hey Producer /  Эй, продюсер (a parody of Hey Big Spender)
Notes: Kirill looks down at his number because he introduces himself as #339 and gets corrected. Rostislav is #913 and his ‘alter ego’ Edward Rasputin comes out (a nod to him playing Jekyll and Hyde). Ivan’s number being #666 is a nod to him playing the devil in The Master and Margarita and possibly also Graf von Krolock.
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ask-alfred-tdv · 7 years
average person eats 3 people a year" factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 people per year. Herbert Georg, who lives in castle & eats over 10,000 people each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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englishenthusiast · 4 years
“Where wealth accumulates, and men decay” - Goldsmith
“Where Weath Accumulates and Men Decay” -  a short essay by George Bernard Shaw from his book The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism and Capitalism.
I love real world connections, my main squeeze Goldy would be Stunned let me tell ya
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Hi! Your TdV Santa here again! Loved reading your thorough Chess reply – I don't talk about the show all that often either, so it's really nice to read your thoughts! I'm a big fan of the Danish recording, it's one of my biggest favourites. (I also loved that video with Chris Murray's You'll Be Back. Agreed, he'd make a fun German King George!) :D How do you feel about the new production of Chess with Raúl Esparza and Ramin Karimloo?
OH MY GOD I’M SO FUCKING EXCITED. I’m also excited for the London revival thing next year. Really wonder who the cast is. Really cool how star studded the Kennedy Center one is, though I think it’s maybe only gonna be a concert as the Kennedy Center is kind of a concert venue. Thou it really sucks that both shows are for so short of a time (5 days in America and 5 weeks in London I originally thought it was 6 days as the Playbill article says it ends May 1st when it really ends June 2nd) Although there’s currently a production in Sweden? I think? 
Pretty cool that Raul Esparza is Freddie since he played the Arbiter 15 years ago in that American concert with Pascal and Groban. 
Also have you heard that cover of Anthem Karimloo did back in 13 at a concert? Really Bluegrassy but still pretty cool
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politicalfilth-blog · 6 years
Prepare For The End of Governments, Says Immortal Technique [VIDEO]
“My words will expose George Bush and Bin Laden… as two separate parts of the same seven-headed dragon…”
Bold words… especially when you consider they were spoken nearly two decades ago, just a couple years after the staged September 11 attacks—deep in the Orwellian era of the Iraq War.
And even more so when you realize they were said by a rapper who was paving a serious dent into the world of hip hop with insanely catchy music filled with conscious messages and important questions.
He’s known as Immortal Technique, a name that exploded on the underground scene and spread virally at a time when the internet was hardly as mainstream as it is today.
“In my early teen years… I realized that there’s really no such thing as a ‘government,’” says Immortal Technique in episode 451 of Anarchast, “that it was simply people who ruled over other people, and found creative uses of systems to implement in order to create a buffer between the people that make everything happen.”
Music to my ears…
Although he doesn’t straight-out use the term “anarchist” to describe his political views, and although he acknowledged some of his past album artwork could be misconstrued as “communistic,” I was fascinated by his views on Karl Marx and European “socialists.”
“For a long time, what people called ‘a left leaning influence’… I would challenge that and say that Karl Marx, who’s seen as the father of communism… and I have this debate with all my leftist friends, I’m sorry but, the people of Latin America and Africa, the indigenous people, we really didn’t need a European man from the 19th century to come to the dark jungles of Africa and Latin America and explain to us the complex concept of sharing… we knew what that was for thousands of years…”
Can’t argue with that.
It sounds like Tech is alluding to the ironic tendency of first-world European liberals to “fight racism” and oppression by wagging their finger at “minorities” and telling them how to think and behave.
Immortal Technique and I talked about everything from modern political theater, illegal immigration, and preparing for permanent government shutdown, to the illuminati as faceless corporations, the rap industry and “selling out”.
Enjoy Our Full Discussion Here:   
It was really a no-brainer to have this man on for an interview and pick his brain, just as it was the perfect fit to book Tech to perform on Valentine’s Day at Anarchapulco 2019.
That’s right! Last year we hosted incredible performances by the likes of Wu-Tang Clan members Sunz of Man (big proponents of cryptocurrency), and this year’s main concert will feature Immortal Technique on stage and on fire with his powerful combination of entertainment and enlightenment.
Of course, we’ve also got a remarkable lineup of guest speakers presenting between February 12-17, including Ron Paul, David Icke, Andrew Napolitano, Cynthia McKinney, and so many more.
For those who can't make it to the TDV Summit or Anarchapulco, you can still experience every speech in real-time. Enjoy The World’s Premier Liberty Event from the comfort of your own home! Check out the virtual livestream event now: https://dollarvigilante.com/virtualsummit
The post Prepare For The End of Governments, Says Immortal Technique [VIDEO] appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
from The Dollar Vigilante https://dollarvigilante.com/blog/2019/02/11/prepare-for-the-end-of-governments-says-immortal-technique-video/ via The Dollar Vigilante
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davidfalor-blog · 7 years
via TDV via Annette Thomas on Inoreader http://ift.tt/2s4Kia8 via Blogger http://ift.tt/2r2C6ZF
via George Foreman 2-Serving Classic Grill $8.41 ~ Target or Amazon Add-on — brandshoppingnetwork
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Hi! It's your Tanz der Vampire Secret Santa! Thought to say hi! :D It seems like we have another favourite musical in common, too, besides TdV – I'm just listening to Chess. What is your favourite song from Chess? :)
I love all the songs from Chess. But probably The Deal no Deal is my fav. I love the ensemble overlapping songs, ya know?
Have you heard the Denmark cast recording? It’s all in english and it’s so good. The Anatoly, Stig Rossen, is great. The 1991 Long beach bootleg is also amazing! The Freddie’s voice is completely my headcannon of him, high and kinda whiny. OH! and the Walter is GREAT! “No Contest” was the first song I heard from it and it hooked me. I love it. ALSO the Florence is Jodi Benson, the voice of Ariel in the Little Mermaid.
I also love Chris Murray in the role of Freddie. (Freddie’s my favorite character from Chess, btw.) I love his voice. His acting is sometimes...eccentric, but I love him. I’m such a big fan of his. There’s videos of him in that role, Jekyll and Hyde, and Dracula on youtube and he’s so good if not kinda odd with acting choices. Funny thing, he’s actually sang the song “You’ll be Back” from Hamilton multiple times at concerts and he’s never been in it, obviously. I really hope that if there’s a German version of Hamiltion he’s King George. His mix of great voice and kinda kitschy acting would be great in the role. In one concert he said, before the song, “King George does not do the Hippity Hoppity”. A+
Oh, and I love Chess in Concert. It was my first intro to the musical so it holds a special place in my heart. Adam Pascal is really good in the role. I actually met him after Something Rotten few months ago. Josh Groban was good in it too. Saw his Stages Concert back when it was in Chicago. Did you know that around 5 years before that concert there was another Chess concert but in America with the Broadway plot, but staring Pascal and Groban in the same roles? Their mics sometimes went out and I think Pascal misses some lines in One night in Bangkok. I’m more of a fan of the London plot anyway.
That reminds me of the Drew Sarich concert few years ago. Poor guy, the room must have messed with his voice as his Pity the Child was so bad. His upper registry was shot. He talk song those parts, it was so bad. And it also affected the Anatoly. In the Endgame, his last NEVER was horrible and screechy and he then came in too early and then missed the next few lines to come in at “is there no one in my life...”. The first act was pretty good thou...
ALSO did you know that the guy who played Giles in Buffy was Freddie in the London production? His brother, Murray Head, originated the role, so after he left Anthony Head took over. He was in this movie-musical REPO the genetic opera and he was so good in it. I love REPO, btw (I actually meet the guy he made and starred REPO a few months ago at his concert The Donner Party)
I just really love Chess and don’t talk about that it often.
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politicalfilth-blog · 6 years
Bitcoin Hater George Soros Finally Admits He Wants In On Crypto
America’s favorite power broker, the evil bloated Ringwraith himself, George Soros, is now poised to invest in cryptocurrency, despite trashing Bitcoin just a few months ago.
In addition to calling Bitcoin a “bubble”, Soros ironically stated that digital currencies are a tool for dictators:
As long as you have dictatorships on the rise, you will have a different ending, because the rulers in those countries will turn to Bitcoin to build a nest egg abroad.
Bloomberg is now reporting that Soros Fund Management has been approved to start investing in virtual currencies.
So the tide has turned, and Adam Fisher, the fund’s manager of macro investing and no doubt one of Soros’ Orcs, has finally been given the greenlight on crypto. As of now, though, no wagers have been made.
It’s a big move by someone notoriously dubbed “the man who broke the Bank of England” thanks to his incredible financial scheming back in the 90’s when he was essentially the good guy, not the bad guy.
On Black Wednesday, September 16, 1992, Soros sold short over $10 billion worth of British Pounds against the BoE—a massive amount back in the day.
The cunning maneuver earned Mr. Ringwraith around $1.1 billion—and he was soon invited to meet with the Dark Ring Lord herself, the Queen of England. Not long after, though, Soros started his foundation, and so began his decades-long quest for global dominance.
Is Soros’ move into crypto a sign that decentralized digital currencies are actually taking over?
Or does the diabolical investor have something more sinister up his sleeve?
I have to admit, I feel very queasy about him getting involved now… but we’ll see how things turn out in the coming years.
In the past, we here at TDV have followed a few of Soros’ financial moves---now he’s following ours.
This probably make some libertarians feel sick to their stomachs yet, still, we both expect to enjoy massive profits---but while the Ringwraith has shown he intends to use his wealth for a globalist, statist agenda, we’re using our riches to spread freedom far and wide.
It’s an epic battle and no one knows who the eventual winner will be yet. But if you care about all things good, you’ll be cheering for our side.
You can find our winning strategies and perspectives in The Dollar Vigilante newsletter. Not only do we present profitable positions each month that our subscribers have acted on, but we have anticipated Soros by months and, in some ways, even by years.
If you read TDV (subscribe HERE), you know we're fighting the system by selling the government’s tanking dollars and buying gold and gold-related securities. We’re also protecting ourselves by taking many other innovative approaches.
In fact, the “Dollar Vigilante” name was inspired by what Soros did in the 90s. He was dubbed a “bond vigilante” which sounded awesome at the time. Since then, though, he clearly has gone down the dark path. Apparently that happens whenever anyone gets too close to that goddamned ring.
See, in The Lord of the Rings, the ring of power symbolized the state---it’s a tale about freedom written by anarchist J.R.R. Tolkien. While the men, elves, dwarves, and hobbits fought against the ring’s absolute power, we are dollar vigilantes battling the State’s absolute power... in real life.
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About the Author
Anarcho-Capitalist.  Libertarian.  Freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks.  Jeff Berwick is the founder of The Dollar Vigilante and host of the popular video podcast, Anarchast.  Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment and cryptocurrency conferences including his own, Anarchapulco, as well as regularly in the media including CNBC, Bloomberg and Fox Business.  Jeff also posts exclusive content daily to the new blockchain based social media network, Steemit.
from The Dollar Vigilante https://dollarvigilante.com/blog/2018/04/18/bitcoin-hater-george-soros-finally-admits-he-wants-in-on-crypto.html via The Dollar Vigilante
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