#team dark arrival (and Knuckles) two parter
blackhakumen · 6 months
Mini Fanfic #1159: The Arrival of Team Dark Pt. 1 (and Knuckles) (Sonic X SSBU)
1:03 p.m. Outside of the NDC's Airport........
Rouge: (Walks Out of the Rouge Carrying her Purse While Inhaling and Then Exhaling a Bit of the City Air) New Donky City. At last, we finally meet~
Shadow: (Walks Out of the Airport While Carrying a Duffle Bag) It looks bigger than I pictured it being.
Omega: (Walks Out of the Airport Carrying Two Sets of Packing Bags in his Mechanical Hands) The land area of the city is approximately 469 square miles, including 304 square miles of land and 165 square miles of water.
Knuckles: (Walks Out of the Airport Carrying a Mini Book Guide) Yeah, and apparently, it was named after DK's grandfather who originally went with that name during his prime time. (Shows the Trio a Picture of the Original Donkey Kong Angrily Throwing a Barrel with a Blonde Woman Standing Slightly Behind Him Horrified)
Rouge: (Forms a Bit of a Teasing Smirk on her Face) Well, look at you taking the time to learn new things!~ Enjoying your new book of yours, hon?
Knuckles: (Shrugs) It's average. But the sooner I get over that lady and her bratty kid, the better.
Flashback on the Plane
Kid: (Kicking the Back of Knuckles' Seat While Screaming) GIMME CANDY! GIMME CANDY! GIMME CANDY! GIMME CANDY! I. WANT. CANDYYYYYYYYY-
Knuckles: (Quickly Looks Back at the Kid with a Very Vicious Glare on his Face) ZIP IT, TWERP!
The rude child finally ceases his yelling and kicking immediately....Only for his eyes to water not too long before he starts letting out even louder cry, mich to the echidna's continuous discomfort.
Knuckles: (Groans While Moving his Head Back to his Seat) Swear, I can't have ANYTHING he- ('WACK') AGH! (Suddenly Felt Something Hit Him on the Top of his Head Before Turning Back Around) What the- (Gets Repeatedly Hit in the Head with a Purse by the Kid's Mother)
Mother: You. Do not. Get. To. Yell. At. My. Own. Child. In this. Plane. Do you. Understand. ME!? HUH!?
End of Flashback
Knuckles: If knew a plane ride would be this irritating, I would've glide here myself.
Shadow: (Rolls his Eyesa Bit) Assuming you would have any I where to go....
Knuckles: (Scoffs While Crossing his Arms) Please. I would've havd plenty ideas no problem. All I have to do is use that GPS thing on my phone and I'll be golden.
Shadow: (Raises an Eyebrow) Do you know how to use it?
Knuckles: Well.....No. Not yet. But little learning won't hurt and at least it'll be leagues better than having people keep bugging me on the plane.
Shadow: How about I get you noise canceling airpods for Christmas this year instead? It'll save me the trouble of thinking of getting you anything else.
Omega: I will give you custom winter theme ear muffs for substitutional back-up.
Knuckles: Really don't have to do that for me, you guys, but.....(Shrugs While Blushing a Bit) Thanks , I guess.
Rouge: D'aww~ (Playfully Pulling on Knuckles' Cheek) Is my Knuckie getting flustered already?~
Knuckles: (Gently Swats Rouge's Hand Off his Cheek) Shut up. I'm only like this cause I'm feeling hot right now.
Shadow: How could you be hot in the winter time?
Omega: The actual outdoor temperature is current 50.6 Degrees Ferin-
Knuckles: Okay, okay, I got it! Can we find something to so in this city already!?
Rouge: (Forms a Cheeky Smirk on her Face) I know what we could do first~
Knuckles: (Already Doesn't Like the Look in his Girlfriend's Eyes) Oh, please don't tell me....
Rouge: (Happily Extends her Arms Outin the Air) Shopping!~
Shadow: (Rolls his Eyes Some More) Of course......
Omega: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Zero hint of surprise detected.
Knuckles: Do we have to do that first? I'm starving here.
Rouge: We'll head straight to the food court once we're done. (Playfully Pats on her Boyfriend's Stomach) Don't worry your cute little head and tums~
Knuckles: (Glares at his Girlfriend while Blushing) My stomach ain't a patting spot, Woman!
Rouge: (Giggles Softly While Moving her Hand Away From Knuckles' Stomach)
Shadow: You two can go on ahead. Omega and I will look around and find the Smash Family a place for us to stay at for the rest of the vacation. Just try not spend too much in there.
Rouge: (Rolls her Eyes a Little) Whatever you say, dad.
Shadow: (Glares at Rouge) Quit calling me that!
Rouge: (Uses her Wings to Hover in the Air While Carrying Knuckles' Hand) Stop acting like a responsible old fart and maybe I'll reconsider. (Turns to her Boyfriend) Come, Knuckie. Times are wasting~
Knuckles: (Could Hardly Comprehend What's Going on Here) Hey, wait a minute-
Rouge quickly herself and Knuckles to a nearby mall, leaving the rest of the Team Dark members behind.
Shadow: (Crosses his Arms) ('Hmph') Not that old.....(Turns to Omega) Am I?
Few Minutes Later at the Metro Grand Mall Center......
Cashier: Thank you come again!~
Rouge: (Happily Walks Away From the Cash Register in the Shoe Store) Man, I cannot tell you how long it's been since I've been in a perfect mall like this. I'm in love with city already~
Knuckles: (Scoffs While Following Behind Rouge While Carrying Multiple Shopping Bags) Yeah, I can tell. Didn't Shadow said not buy a lot of crap?
Rouge: Oh will you relax already, 'hun? I have still enough money to last us a lifetime. And besides, most of the stuff I brought so far are the gifts got for our peers this year, you included obviously.
?????: Well, well, welll.....
The couple turns to see a Shy Guy wearing a golden mask and a bow tie, standing next to a Whomp, glaring at Rouge in particular.
Shy Guy: If it isn't the cheating bat woman.
Whomp: (Happily Waves at the Couple) Hi!
Shy Guy: (Angrily Shushes the Whomp Beside Him)
Rouge: (Places her Hand onto One of her Hips) Game Guy. Fancy seeing you here in all places. (Forms a Bit of a Cocky Smirk on her Face) Still coping in loserville again as per usual this year?
Game Guy: For your informati-on, Ms. Bat, I've managed to gain an impressive amount of cult followings in the past few months since I've started my new gambling business. (Fprms a Proud Smirk on his Face) And I've never lost a single game of mines since-
Whomp: Except for me! I beat him twenty times in poker!
Game Guy: (Slowly Turns his Head to the Whomp Next to Him) ..........I don't think i remember asking for your INPUT KEVIN!
Kevin: (Lowers his Head Down) Sorry, boss.....It's true though.
Game Guy: AND!? I don't care! The past should stay in the past, not get brought up by your constant yapping!
Knuckles: (Chuckles Lightly at the Whomp in Actually) So you're the guy who broke his perfect win streak?
Rouge: (Smiles Brightly at Kevin) Quite a fan of your accomplishment there, dear.
Kevin: (Smiles Back at Rouge) Thanks! It was pretty easy really. All you gotta do is see the hand he has and-
Game Guy: (Angrily Shushes Kevin Again) ZAZAZAAP! ('Sigh') WHAT my personal....unpaid....nit-twit of an assistant meant to say was that I've managed to regain my streak and honor after all the numerous setbacks I've encountered. (Turns Away While Crossing his Arms) Not like a common cheater like yourself could ever hope to realize.
Rouge: (Rolls her Eyes at Game Guy) ('Ugh') You're still going on about that? You know you cheated on that game too, right?
Game Guy: No, I seem to recalled playing that game fairly, thank you very much!
Rouge: ('Scoffs') Yeah, with the rules you made upon the fly. When has there ever been a Poker Game where only YOU get to play an extra card foe every round?
Kevin: She kinda got you there, boss.
Game Guy: Kevin, why can't keep your mouth for five seconds (Angrily Points at his Assistant) YOU PARASITE- (Quickly Calm Himsel Before Turning Back to Rouge) What happened in the past is complete irrelevant right now.
Rouge: You're the one who keep bringing it up.
Game Guy: SHUTUP! (Starts Calming Himself Down Again) Okay, you know what? I don't need this. I did not spent months and hours revamping and reopening my empire to hear this right now. Which reminds me.....(Points at Rouge in Front of Him) YOU and your little ragtag of hooligans are hereby banned from ever stepping foot on any of my newest casinos locations. (Points at Knuckles) That includes your boyfriend here as well.
Knuckles: What did I do?
Game Guy: Exist, that's what!
Knuckles: (Gives Game Guy a Confused Look on his Face Before Turning Away and Crossing his Arms) ('Tch') Well, screw you too, jackass.
Rouge: Keep your five dollar mask in place, shortie, the boys and I were never interested in going to any club you own to begin with.
Game Guy: My mask is SOLID GOLD, YOU- (Calms Himself Sown Yet Again) Fuck it. I'm done. I'm not gonna stand here and waste any more minutes of time arguing with you. (Starts Storming Off) We're leaving, Kevin.
Kevin: You got it, boss. (Follows Game Guy)
Rouge: (Waves GoodbyeAlong with Knuckles) Have yourself a Merry Christmas, dear~
Knuckles: And a Happy New Year!
Game Guy: Don't you need holiday pity!
Rouge: We were was talking to your assistant there, smartie.
Kevin: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Oh! Uh....(Turns to the Couple and Happily Waves Back at Them) Thanks, guys! Hope you two have a Happy Holidays too!
Knuckles: (Happily Gives the Whomp a Thumbs Up) No problem. Take it easy out there, man!
Rouge: Yeah, don't let that mean boss of yours get you down this year, alright?
Kevin: (Chuckles Lightly) Don't worry, I won't! (Leaves Out the Store) Byee!
Rouge: ('Sigh') Such a sweetheart.
Knuckles: Yeah. He deserves to run those casinos more than his boss does.
Rouge: Indefinitely. (Felt her Phone Viberating in her Coat Pocket as She Takes it Out and Reads a New Message Given to Her) Hm. So this where the family stays at.
Knuckles: Where?
Rouge: (Shows Knuckles the Picture of the Place and GPS) New Donk Glorious Hotel & Suite. Shadow just sent the location of it and everything. It seems our shopping adventures has to postpone for now.
Knuckles: ('Sighs in Relief') Oh thank god- I mean....Oh no. How tragic. (Makes his Way Out the Door) Let's Go-
Rouge: (Stops Knuckles From Going Any Further by Grabbing his Arm) Upupup! Not so fast.
Knuckles: (Groans While Turning Back to Rouge) What now?
Rouge: (Forms a Another Smirk on her Face While Pointing Up) Look what's above us~
Knuckles looks up to see a bright red Mistletoe hanging down on the entrance door.
Knuckles: .........Oh.
Rouge: Oh is right. (Moves Knuckles Head to hers in Front of Him) Now, c'mere~ (Gives her Boyfriend a Passionate Kiss on the Lips For a Brief Second Before Kissing Him on Both his Cheeks)
Knuckles: (Starts Blushing Again) You're having fun with this, aren't you?
Rouge: (Casually Shrugs) What can say?~ The holidays are upon us are we speak~
To Be Continued
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blackhakumen · 6 months
Mini Fanfic #1160: Arrival of Team Dark (And Knuckles) Pt. 2 (Sonic X SSBU)
Meanwhile at The Sidewalks of New Donk City......
Shadow: (Sighs While Walking and Scrolling Through the Christmas Parade Pictures with Omega) I swear. The one time I missed out on a parade this year and it's my float that gets featured.
Omega: It is well-crafted parade float in retrospect.
Shadow: (Simply Nodded in Agreement) It is. Amd it doesn't look like it was tampered with thankfully.
Omega: (Turns to Shadow) If another version of your parade float is given another opportunity to be shown in the public, would you allow me to be it's personal bodyguard?
Shadow: I doubt the general would be generous enough to give my float another go anytime soon, but if I'm wrong, then I say go for it. Just try not to go overboard, especially if you know who somehow gets involve.
Omega: Fear not. I will try to restrain myself from eliminating Eggman for Sage's sake. (Squints his Eyes a Bit) Keyword being "Try".
Shadow: (Chuckles Lightly) Look at you having a soft side.
Omega: (Angrily Points at Shadow) Do NOT twist my words and motives, Shadow the Hedgehog! I am only doing this to refrain Sage from ever being emotionally distress.
Shadow: (Smirks a Bit) Cause you care about her?
Omega: (Stares at Shadow For a Few Seconds Before Sighing in Defeat).....To some extent. (Glares at Shadow) Mark my words, if any word on this comes out in any form of transportation, I WILL eliminate you.
Shadow: (Snickers a Bit) We both know Rouge would never let you go through with that in the long run. But I'll pretend this conversation never even happened. (Place his Hand on his Chest) You have my word.
Omega: (Pulls Out his Pinky) Seal of Kept Promises?
Shadow: It's called a Pinky Promise, Omega. And sure. (Wrap Around his Pinky Around Omega's For a Brief Second Before Letting Go) So speaking of Sage, do you have any ideas on what we should get her for Christmas this year? I was thinking about getting some books, but I don't think I have the slightest clue on what she reads to begin with.
Omega: Futuba-Chan has informed me of these VR headsets everyone of all ages playthrough in their daily schedules. Maybe we could give her that instead.
Shadow: (Starts Nodding to the Idea) Yeah, I think that might be something she'll enjoy too. Let's just hope they aren't too expensive to buy.
Omega: From what I've heard, the prices range from $60-$200 depending on which brand you want to purchase.
Shadow: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) Is that so? Then how about we try and get the one with the lower price? It'll save us more money and we have a plenty of other people to get gifts for in the meantime.
Omega: Does the select few involves Eggman as well?
Shadow: ('Sigh') Unfortunately. Believe me, I'm not a fan of doing this as much as you are right now, but given that Sage sees us as part of her family as well, it's only fair that we give him something for the occasion.
Omega: I say we order a box filled with stone cold coal and have it delivered directly towards his doorstep. It's what the fatman in a messy mustache truly deserves.
Shadow: (Turns to Omega witha Raised Eyebrow) People sell COAL on the internet?
Omega: The world of the cyberspace is truly an unusual specimen to behold.
Shadow: (Rolls his Eyes) Unusual is putting it lightly........
Omega: (Suddenly Stops Walking Before Tapping Shadow on the Shoulder) Shadow. (Points Shadow to What is Above the Two of Them) It appears we have reach our potential stopping stopping point.
Shadow: (Looks Up at the Large Sign that Reads "New Donk Glorious Hotel & Suite" Before Looking Down at the Plave in Front of Him) Hm. We finally found ourselves a hotel around here. (Grabs his Chin While Thinking and Making his Way to the Door) But is this the same one everyone else has been staying at?
Shadow was about to open the entrance door for himself until......
Younger Smash Crew: (Suddenly Rushes Out of the Door) SHADOW!~ (....And Hug Tackles the Ultimate Lifeform into the Ground)
Omega: (Looks Down at Shadow) Does that answer your question?
Shadow: (Groans a Bit in Pain) One way or other....(Glares at the Giggling Huggers) Who's idea was it to hug tackle me?
Hat Kid: (Happily Pops Herself Up Close to Shadow) Guilty!~
Shadow: (Chuckles Lightly the Moment He Sees his Little Sister's Face) The Little Gremlin herself. Should've known.
Hat Kid: (Gives Shadow a Big Kiss on the Cheek Before Hugging Him)
Sonic: (Looks Down at Shadow with a Welcoming Smirk on his Face While Putting his Hand Out For Him) Took you long enough to get here, Faker.
Shadow: You thank G.U.N. for that. (Grabs onto Sonic's Hand as It Help Him Get Back Up On his Feet While Carrying Hat Kid with One Arm) It's a miracle we were able to finish those paperworks in time.
Sonic: Again with that? Don't you guys have accountants to do that sort of stuff or something?
Shadow: We used to, but the last accountant we had quit a while ago, so position has been open ever since. (Forms a Bit of a PlayfulSmirk on his Face) 'Less you want to take the job yourself.
Sonic: (Chuckles Lightly) And waste my time and energy cooped up in the office all day? No thanks.
The sound of soft grunts catches Omega's hearing sensors behind him as he turns around to see Futuba Sakura stretching both her arms out in her tippy toes before her eyes starts to widen as she quickly hides one behind her back, awkwardly giggling and waving hello to her robot friend.
Lavenza: (Smiles Sheepishly at Omega) Please do not mind our simple minded Oracle there, Omega-kun.
Morgana: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face) She thought it would be a swell idea to try and play the "Guess Who" game with a bulky robot.
Futuba: (Comically Glares at the Young Couple Behind Her) Well, excuse me for being a tad bit playful here, you little twerps!
Yusuke: (Grabs his Chin) You do know there are other ways to properly greet him, yes?
Futuba: Oh don't join in on this crap too, Inari! Get off my back already!! (Suddenly Hears a Mechanical Like Sound) Hm? (Turns to See Omega Bending his Knees Down) Whatcha doing there, big guy?
Omega: i am lowering my stance in order to give you the opportunity of covering my visual functions.
Futuba: (Stares at Omega For a Brief Second Before Giggling Softly and Hugging Him) You big goof!~ You don't have to do that for me. I really appreciate the thought though~
Lavenza: Is Ms. Rouge here as well?
Omega: She is currently shopping at a well known mall center, dragging Knuckles along with her.
Sonic: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) No way. You guys actually got Knucklehead to leave Angel Island for once?
Shadow: No, he actually asked to come along with us. Says he wanted to get out and explore the world more without any worries at the moment.
Sonic: Exactly what he told me a year ago back the desert. (Forms a Genuine Grin on his Face) Good for him.
Shadow: Yeah. Omega and I are planning on doing the same tomorrow after we get everything settled here.
Omega: In the meantime,, we are also planning on ordering a present box filled with solid sets of coal and have delivered to Eggman for Christmas this year.
Morgana: Wait, people are selling literal COAL on the internet nowadays!?
Shadow: (Shrugs) I'm just as surprised about it as you are.
Sonic: (Chuckles Lightly) Shoot, if that's the case, you mind adding my name on the Receivers List too?
Futuba: (Happily Raising her Hand Up) Ooh! Add me there too! That way I won't have to feel bad about not getting him anything!~
Yusuke: I would also like to be included in this exchange.
Hat kid: Me too!~
The Gang: (Raises Their Habds As Well) Us three!~
Lavenza: (Raise her Hand Up as Well) Me forth!~
Morgana: (Turns to His Girlfriend Next to Him) You too, Lavenza?
Lavenza: (Smiles Brightly at her Boyfriend) I don't see why not. It'd be quite funny even.
Morgana: Pretty sure he would try and destroy everything if he sees a box of coal laying around on his doorstep.
Futuba: I wouldn't worry too much about that. Sage could easily make him not go through with it if we convince her beforehand.
Lavenza: Being Daddy's Little Girl does have it's benefits after all, especially in a younger age.
Omega: If that doesn't work, I could always annihilate him.
Shadow: Omega.
Omega: (Quickly Turns to Shadow) ONLY if the first option proves unsuccessful in the end!......Hopefully.
Shadow: What was thar?
Omega: Nothing.
Morgana: ('Sigh') Well, if you two are certain, then count me in too I guess.
Shadow: Then it's settled. Here's hoping this doesn't cost too much.
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