#team medi: tribe
bububorg · 5 years
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Sunday Sketchdump!!
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ao3feed-tolkien · 6 years
What We Have Sown
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2u9fE1E
by BubuBORG
After an extended mission, The USS Mediterranean is set to rendezvous with the Enterprise for resupply. But both are sidetracked by a mysterious ship in distress. What they find creates more questions than it answers.
Words: 3910, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Team Medi: Tribe
Fandoms: Star Trek: The Next Generation, TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Original Starfleet Character(s), Jean-Luc Picard, William Riker, Worf (Star Trek:TNG/DS9), Deanna Troi, Katherine Pulaski, Pippin Took, Merry Brandybuck, HotWing (SilverHawks), Geordi La Forge, Data (Star Trek), Original Orc Character(s)
Additional Tags: Team Medi Universe, Alternate Universe - Star Trek Fusion, Section 31
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2u9fE1E
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cwmnipluen-blog · 6 years
Blog - Cyfarwyddwr / Director, Gethin Evans
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Mae cyfarwyddwr Mags Gethin Evans yn nôl yng Nghaerdydd wedi iddo dreulio amser yn y National Theatre, yn gweithio ar yr anhygoel Pericles.
Dyma rai geiriau ganddo am Mags: Y bobl, y broses, y llawenydd, y bisgedi a beth y gall y gynulleidfa ddisgwyl ei weld.
Mags director Gethin Evans is back in Cardiff after his time at the National Theatre, working on the incredible Pericles.
Here are some of his words about Mags: The people, the process, the joy, the biscuits and what our audiences can expect to see.
Gydag ymarferion ein sioe newydd Mags yn dechrau ar ddydd Llun (!), rydyn ni wedi bod yn brysur yn paratoi hefo’n tîm anhygoel – Elgan Rhys (Cyd-Gyfarwyddwr Artistig Pluen) yn ddramatwrg, Cadi Lane yn dylunio, cerddoriaeth wreiddiol a sain gan CASI ac Eddy Bailhache a Ceri James yn goleuo…yn ogystal â chwestiynnu a datblygu stori a ffurf gyda’n mentoriaid hynod fedrus Cai Tomos a Hannah McPake.
Yn ystod yr ymarferion byddwn yn dod nôl ynghyd â’n perfformwyr - Anna ap Robert, Matteo Marfoglia a Seren Vickers i rannu stori menyw o’r enw Mags a’i pherthynas hefo’i chymuned a’i theulu.
Mae’r tîm yn ysbrydoledig ac yn ddeinamig, a bu ein cyfnod datblygu yn 2017 ymlith un o’r ystafelloedd ymarfer mwyaf brwdfrydig, egniol ac ymrwymedig y bum i’n ffodus i gael bod ynddi. Fedra i ddim aros i gael bod nol yn yr ystafell honno!
Yn ogystal â gyda’r tîm hwn, mae Mags wedi cael ei datblygu gyda chymuned gyfan o artistiaid ysbrydoledig – unigolion a wnaeth ymateb i’n galwad agored ar gyfer trafodaethau a thrwy weithio gyda’n partneriaid DadsCan, CAIN a Traws*Newid Cymru.
Mae’r sgyrsiau wedi bod yn llon, yn lleddf, yn ysbrydoledig, yn onest ac ar y cyd rydym wedi archwilio cwestiynnau ynglyn â chymdeithas – beth yw hi i fod yn ran o gymuned? O deulu? I fod yn ran o rywbeth mwy na ni ein hunain? Ym mha lwythi y canfyddwn ni ein hunain ynddynt – boed i ni fod eisiau bod ynddynt ai peidio? Sut mae hyn yn effeithio ar pwy ydyn ni a’r penderfyniadau a wnawn?
Bydd y sioe y caiff ein cynulleidfaoedd ei weld yn blethiad o symudiad, testun dwyieithog a cherddoriaeth fyw wrth i ni ddilyn stori Mags – ei gorffennol, ei phresennol a’i dyfodol yn y pentref bach Cymreig y mae hi’n ei garu a’i gasau ill dau. Ysbrydolwyd ei stori gan y bobl y bu i ni eu cyfarfod.
Nid yw byd Mags yn bodoli heb bob paned o dê, bisged, peint, cyfweliad a gweithdy (yn ogystal ag amal i ginio gwych – o gaffi yn Cathays gyda Trans*Form i bicnic ar lanau’r Fenai gyda CAIN). Mae hi’n gynnyrch o’r Byd y cafodd ei ffurfio ynddi, fel y mae pob un ohonom. Felly, wrth i ni ymlwybro tuag at y cam nesaf yn y broses hon, hoffwn estyn diolch anferthol i’r gymuned sydd wedi creu Mags hyd yn hyn. Rwy’n gobeithio y gwnewch chi ymuno â ni yn y Sherman 25ain – 28ain Medi ac yn Galeri 3ydd & 4ydd Hydref.
Theatr Sherman -  25-28 Medi 
Galeri Caernarfon - 3-4 Hydref
With rehearsals for our new show Mags starting on Monday (!), we have been busy preparing with our amazing team – Elgan Rhys (Pluen co-Artistic Director) as dramaturg, Cadi Lane designing, original music & sound by CASI and Eddy Bailhache and Ceri James lighting… as well as questioning and developing story and form with our incredibly skilled mentors Cai Tomos and Hannah McPake.
Rehearsals will bring us back together with our performers – Anna ap Robert, Matteo Marfoglia and Seren Vickers to share the story of a woman called Mags and her relationship to her community and family.
The team are inspiring and dynamic, our development period in 2017 was one of the most vibrant, energized and committed rehearsal rooms I have been lucky enough to be in. I cannot wait to be back in that room!
As well as this team, Mags has been developed with a whole community of inspiring artists – individuals who responded to an open call out for discussion and through working with our partners DadsCan, CAIN & TransForm Cymru.
The exchanges have been joyful, harrowing, inspiring, truthful and we have collectively explored questions on society - what is it to be part of a community? A family? To be part of something greater than ourselves? Which tribes do we find ourselves a part of – whether we want to be or not? How does this affect who we are and the choices we make?
The show our audiences will see is a fusion of movement, bilingual text and live music as we follow Mags’ story - her past, present and future in the small Welsh village she both loves and loathes. Her story is inspired by the people we have met.
Mags and her world does not exist without every cup of tea, biscuit, pint, interview and workshop (including many an amazing lunch – from a café in Cathays with Trans*Form to a picnic on the Menai Strait with CAIN). She is a product of the World she was formed in, like any one of us is.  So, as we head into the next phase of this process, I would like to extend an enormous thank you to the community who has made Mags so far. I hope you come and join us at Sherman and Galeri:
Sherman Theatre - 25-28 September
Galeri Caernarfon -  3-4 October 
Cwmni Pluen Facebook
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ps-terrorism-blog · 7 years
[(sa)varna, ugra, [pra]jaati, ati, brahm[a,i]n, khauf[yukt,grast], k[s]hetriya, Atank]waad[i] raj(a) [ke] adam[i]log/put-sut [arajak, heinous-hideous, archaic-anarchic] (b)haavi-hue/hai.. ५ मई - सहरानपुर के 13 निहत्थे दलित, जिनपर तलवार से ज़ुल्म-काटा-आतंक-भय-डर-ख़ौफ़-जुर्म कर अंजाम/गुज़र गए [ब्राह्मण,क्षेत्रीय,आतंक]वादी-शोषक क्षत्रीय-खेत्रीय-ठाकुर-अराजक/राज[आ] के पूत-सुत?/Sharanpur Dalit Victims hospitalized: https://youtu.be/gIiaLBvZreY Gadkari and the 'Brahmin' Janata Party: https://youtu.be/nn98r6yyRp0 भारत के न्यायालयों पर वामन मेश्राम की सुपर स्पीच: https://youtu.be/vaXLsx1D3NI Brahm[a,e,i]n[ism,s] eXPosed: https://youtu.be/q2s3AcQZJd0 Brahm[a,e,i]n Girl rePly: https://youtu.be/EQKgVytO-90 सहारनपुर दंगे [ज़्यादती,अति,ज़ुल्म,काटा,जुर्म,आतंक][वि]वाद/gRound rePort from Saharanpur: https://youtu.be/oiIJdf6YewA 85% [बाहुसांख्यकी, अधिकांक्षी][क] [संघठन, चेतना, सुविज्ञ[आन], प्रज्ञा] ज़िंदाबाद-सम्भावित !? दोनों[म,व,मा]रनेवाले [ज़्यादा,अधिक]तर [अधिकांक्षी,बहूजन,बाहूसँख्यक]85-90%[शूद्र-OBCs, दलित-Dalits, आदिवासी-Ad[h]iwasis, धार्मिक-अल्पसंख्यक-साँस्कृतिक-नृजातीय-minorities] होते रहे गुज़[-ा]रे-गए। [brahmenब्राम्हणb[al]ramhu[ma]n, k[s]hetriya, tradest] बस घट[-ी,ना] को {स्क्रिप्टित, son-culp-rit, स्वीकृत}अर्थवा[स्कृप्ट-लिखते, [मा,ता][नसिक,न्त्रिक]क्रियान्वित{करते}[अ]हिंसा, तमाश[बीन]बनते[नरसिँहित,गौरीमा]] गुज़[-ा]रे[ते]गए। https://brahminterrorism.wordpress.com https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=414847158909004 राष्ट्र[प्र]देश को वर्ण[su,क़ु,सम्][वर्चस्व,प्रभुत्व]ता के प्रोपेगैंडा[अ,दुर्]बोध[आतुर]एजेंडे से बचाना। an aMazing Fake News Show on Zee News by-through Sudhir Chaudhary : https://youtu.be/fHStIl06CiI जितनी गहराई में जाँचोगे-पुरखोगे, {धर्म के आधार पर बनाईं गयीं, धार्मी[आ]धारित} [शोच,संशोध]नीय प्र[शो,को]ष[ण,क़] व्यवस्थाएं समझ[पा,ते,जा]ओगे। https://brahminsexposed.wordpress.com How to identify Fake News in India?? by Dhruv Rathee: https://youtu.be/Ezcng6hyWp4 राष्ट्र[प्र]देश को [सम्]प्रबुद्ध [पौरुष, स्त्रीत्व, आत्मियत] प्रदान [करें।, कराया?] [[प्र]जाति, वर्ण, नस्ल-नक्सल-नक्षर-नक्षा-नशा, अखंड-पाखंड-ढोंगी]वाद racism-casteism aMong[st] inDian mammalian nationals aLien-aRyan-aRe-a-n, Buffalo-Brahm[i,a]n, Cow-Gau, Dalits-Dasa: https://youtu.be/E_u-1_-zuwU https://brahminsexposed.wordpress.com [Brahmanic, Are-a-n] [crime, terror-horror, b/p-lunder]ism https://brahminterrorism.wordpress.com last two CMs [15-years-governance] SC & OBC. cm ajay singh beast k[s]hetriya 5%, deputy CM dinesh sharma bhramin 7.5%, [OBC]keshav prasad maurya 52%. Dalit, Muslim, adivasi representations-leaderships [नेतृत्व, प्रतिनिधित्व, नीति, नैतिकता] have been cut-off/missing from the top. These are the castes, classes, tribes who truly need [urgent] representations, education, health, expertise, leaderships, in al[most a]l inDustries, areas, fields, professions, institutions, of life and life-after-death[afterlife] 85%विलम्बित-अनविकसितlag[ging, ged]belated-deferred [52% OBCs, 16% SCs, 8% STs , 12% muslims, 2.5% christians, etc], time and again. बाकि तो सब 12%लाभित-वर्धित-विकसितenlarged-enhanced, advanced-advantaged[ब्राह्मण,ज़ुल्म-जुर्म, क्षेत्रीय,आतंक]वादी क्षेत्रों का [तमाश[आ,बीनी], ढोंग, विकास-विनाश, पाखंड, लूट[पाट,खसोट,मार]-ठगी-चोरी [a]chieph[ism] खेल-खिलवाड़ भ्रम-ब्रह्म-मिथ्यत्व-हवा[ई]पवन जाल-साज़ि[श] चाल-बाज़ी षड़यत्र-खड्यंत्र-अभियांत्रिकी-तानाशाही-माती कला-कलह] है, 85%+15% मनुष्यों-मानवों[टीमों]मनुष्यीय-मानवीय का विकास-नहीं, विनाश. २३ मई - सहारनपुर हमले की हकीकत, अस्पताल में भर्ती घायलों से सुनिए/Saharanpur Sores aGain [ब]ग़ैर[बराबरी, क़ानूनी] [आ,सन्,अति]क्रमण, शोषक-शोषण, पोषक-पोषण नहीं unlawful violation-infringement-encroachment-transgression. DHongi-पाखण्डी Go[r,l]ak[s]ha-n के नाम पर [gulLible, deHAtiyon, गवारों, ज्वालों-ग्वालों] के प्रति [daRinde-gi, ज़ुल्म-cRime-जुर्म, ख़ौफ़-terRor-आतंक-ismवाद[-े,-ी]दाव] Hypo[crit, thet, theatr]i-cal anarchy: archaic [hin, heen, deen, die-n][do,dua,sa,dava] hypo[crisi, thes]es https://www.quora.com/Why-is-Buffalo-not-worshipped-like-cow-in-Hinduism sutch-mutch cow[bull-ox, bullock [castrated]] [butch[er]ing, s-laughter, [after]life] rePreSentation of colorful-cow but not black-buffalo family [सियासी, राष्ट्रीय] [दास, नग्न, खुलेआम-नीलाम[ई बाज़ार]] [पशु, स्तनीयजन्तु, माता] https://youtu.be/r34iQQKS3Ok दासता, ढोंग, पूर्ण-नग्नता, पाखंडवादिता "गाय माँ हे तो नग्न गउ माँ को बाजार में नीलाम किउ कर देते हे" [political, national] [domesticated-tamed, slave, nude] [animal, mammal, mom-mummy] slavery, pretense, full-nudity Cow (bred): already [inter]national-regional [religious, social] [pashu, animal, mammal].  political [pashu, animal, mammal] [inter]national mother!? [दुग्ध, मलाई, खोया, मेवा, मिठाई] किस-किसने गाय-बैल-भैंसों-बछड़ों को [नहीं] खिलाई-पिलाई? [return-gifts from the masters] Bull (intact), -ock, ox[en] OR steer (castrated): already [inter]national father!? Calves, heifer, heivers (not bred): already [inter]national [brothers, sisters, cousins]!? buffalo, bison, camel, horse, elephant, bovine, any other bigger-larger mammal? Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animal_names गौ-हत्या सत्य:: Osho: https://youtu.be/eu11_jhEmKM gaay hamari mata hai, aage kucch nahin aata hai, [not even greeting Lagging-beHind follower-fellow-victim Dalit-Adivasi-SC-ST Mata-Mummy, Pita-Papa, chacha-chachi, Tau, Tai, ST, OBC, Religious Minorities, let alone providing psychological-pseudoScientific-priestCraft-medi[cin]al care, cure, racial transformations-purity, ever for sure?] [de-PreDations, discrimination, incrimination, victimization, opPosition] inStead of [reparation, restitution, rePreSentation]s [rehnumai, numaindagi, pratinidhtva, netrutva] bail hamara baap hai, number dena paap hai, bacch[d]e hamare bhai-behan hain, aur hum fultoo-paltoo-faltoo a[n]ti racist-casteist hain! मां का दर्जा देके सदीयो से गाय पे अत्याचार कर रहे: https://youtu.be/fC17CRfopBY "hindu" means [slave, robber, thief, waylayer, black, et al] https://youtu.be/kjkHI6PtrEY?t=4m30s https://www.google.co.in/search?q=hindu+means+thief   FAKE GAU RAKSHAKs EXPOSED by Dr. Ram Punyani: https://youtu.be/hqyurMDtigg यहाँ गाय के पेट में छेद क्यों किया जाता है: https://youtu.be/yilqjfey0hg There have been too many-much propaganda for [iDeoLogical, feuDal, {p}aRTificial, reliGiose-reLigious, eThnic, reGional] battle-war-priest[Craft]s, inStead of proViding good-better living conditions for its-their nationals. Insaniyat Fir Hui Saramsar I Chalti Train Me Rape, Bijanor, UP: https://youtu.be/Egi1YCDQmUM http://en.southlive.in/india/2017/05/31/a-burqa-clad-woman-accuses-rape-by-a-railway-police-personnel-on-a-moving-train-in-uttar-pradesh The Tyranny of [Script,Text][s,ure]: https://youtu.be/6BaGHKe5oi0 मोदी-योगी की आलोचना करने पर छात्र को जेल https://youtu.be/wAN6RXuDspI https://youtu.be/Oz7pvFtp4wY [qa, kha]miyan of palan-poshan {[pull,push]an?} [pra]shikshan shosha[n,k]? shoshit? [ni,pa]rikshan [pra]shashan ram[ayan]iyan[maha]bharat ri-gh/o-t-center-wings up[bring,rise,horror,terror-ize]ing, and center-left-b[l]ack[ward,en]ed-d[e]own[ed]-poor wings suffering, being enslaved, time and aGain. 15% aryan-err[e,or][ians]are-a-n [bhraman-brahman, k[s]hetriya, vaishya-bunia, varna, [pra]jati-nasal]wadi racists-casteists fair-failing-foul [shoshaq-zulmi-zaalim-varna-varg-jurmi] dabaye, dobaye, quchle, shoshit, etc kiye ja guzar/[guzaare ja] rahe hain  85% [dalit, adivasiy, gareeb, picchd, religious/regional minoritiy, muzlum]on ko, hypo[crit, thet, theatr]i-cal man[maani, marzi] karte hue. Zulm-jurm pe/ke badle qya kar guzar/[guzaare ja] rahe hain? सिखों की आरएसएस,बजरंग,बीजेपी को खुली चेतावनी। https://youtu.be/VE7OFwF9Y9E यह है योगी आदित्यनाथ की असलियत Dhruv Rathee eXPosed Reality of Yogi Adityanath alias aJay sin-gh-ar beast https://youtu.be/CqfsjABygiU [gullible-youth-naive-propagandized-provoked] people-public-crowd turned into d-ange-r-ous murdering ri-gh/o-t Mob-e demo-n-strate Mode-operande झारखण्ड में [दांया-दक्षिण]पन्थी जंगल-राज? भीड़ का [आतंक, उग्र, खौफ, ज़ुल्म, जुर्म]वाद! [सज़ा-कारागार, कारवासी-कामगारी, व्यक्तित्व-अस्तित्व में सुधार]? https://youtu.be/EG2TMClYAtU Babu Bajrangi exposed Marendra Modi's involvement in 2002 genocide: https://youtu.be/2itWClCClsI अडवाणी, गोधरा, मोदी,  जनता, राम: https://youtu.be/Njf0ZQWWx_4 Godhra genocide disCovered: https://youtu.be/IREXMJwJr_Q religiose-political strategics[pseudo]science: कूटनीति-राजनीती शास्त्र-कला[कारी]कलह: enSuring benefits of own[selves,serfs-slaves], [exe,perSe]Cuting surgical-strikes on other[familie,team,organisation,opPosition,partie]s, time & again; pu[sh,ll][ed,an] them in hell. अपनों के लाभ[मंदे,तेज़,slow,fluent]फ़ायदे [साध,सुलभ,सरल,सहज,निश्चित,निश्चिन्त]कर, अन्यों-विपक्षियों पर कर[गुज़र]ते चले[गुप्त]भागे शल्य-शैल्य-शोषण-प्रहार-हानि, बार-म-वॉर; उनके-ऊपर [भाड़,वर्चस्व:,प्रभुत्वं] बना/ उनको [भाड़,वर्चस्व:,प्रभुत्वं] में धकेल, जीते जिए? किफ़ायती पन्थी? वादा-खिलाफ़ती-दावे Oath breaker-brokers OR expensive-hurtful-de-predator wings-organisations-party-टाल-म-तोल-[ट]टोलियां-टीलें-सटोरिये-pervert-ठिठोलियां सीधे-साधे-भ[ट,ड़]काऊँ-भूले[-ं]भोले-भालें-तीरें [कठो,कोठ:उ,ठोक,ठुके]र-िये[दुर्ग:propa[g,p,b-h]anda(ef)Forts]mob[उग्र]भीड़->भाड़-hell:भिड़े-भड़-बुझे, उठाईगिरे, डुचे-ठुके, ड[न्-ग]रे, दबे-ढके, डँ[-ा]टे, सँते-सटे, मुड़े-बुढ़े, मरे-खबे, [[इति]आदि,अद्]-भुत[क़ाले, go[र,ल][क्षे,-े,खे]], etc. [ri-gh/ot-ist, varna, [p]artificial] log notenki baaz rahe gaye guza[a]re gaye hain. ये 4 राज्य होना चाहते हैं भारत से अलग! क्या है कारण? जानिए पूरी खबर: https://youtu.be/kLtRTUTCfkY बिहार: क्या गलती उस सड़े हुए सिस्टम की है जिसने गणेश को टॉपर बनाया? https://youtu.be/7zUpEYHQwCI दिल्ली के डिप्टी सीएम: [प्र]शाशन का आंदोलन/की क्रांति पर [दावे: वादे-काम-टीम-वर्क पूर्ण होने पर] मोदी-केंद्र-दायाँपंथियों को चुनौती/ Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodiya Challenge to Demo-Mode-Operande-center-ri-gh/o-test-wings on governance-team-work-completion Vs jumla sar[o]kar: https://youtu.be/WxlnflHCUP0 मनीष सिसोदिया: [प्र]शिक्षण का आंदोलन/की क्रांति: https://youtu.be/L3cAxNpU1yg
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bububorg · 5 years
Chapters: 9/9 Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation, TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Video Games), Warcraft - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Original Starfleet Character(s), Jean-Luc Picard, William Riker, Worf (Star Trek:TNG/DS9), Deanna Troi, Katherine Pulaski, Pippin Took, Merry Brandybuck, HotWing (SilverHawks), Geordi La Forge, Data (Star Trek), Original Orc Character(s), Guinan (Star Trek), Lorne | Krevlornswath, Ratbag the Coward, Brûz the Chopper, Thrall (Warcraft), Garrosh Hellscream, Varok Saurfang, Mikey (Bright), Krimp the Enchanted, Dranosh Saurfang, Medivh (Warcraft), Torvin (Shadow of Mordor), Shagrat (Tolkien), Az-Harto | Ranger, Eltariel (Shadow of Mordor), Forthog Orc-Slayer (Shadow of Mordor), Akoth Slayer of the Dead (Shadow of Mordor), Varric Tethras, Sam Gamgee Additional Tags: Team Medi Universe, Alternate Universe - Star Trek Fusion, Section 31, Orcapalooza Series: Part 4 of Team Medi: Tribe Summary:
After an extended mission, The USS Mediterranean is set to rendezvous with the Enterprise for resupply. But both are sidetracked by a mysterious ship in distress. What they find creates more questions than it answers.
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bububorg · 5 years
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Dominion War-era Azkh, Ratbag, and Garrosh
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Isolated Garrosh portrait
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bububorg · 5 years
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Sunday Sketchdump!!
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bububorg · 5 years
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Sunday Sketchdump, Memorial Day edition!
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bububorg · 5 years
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Passing it on.
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bububorg · 5 years
Chapter 5 Posted!
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bububorg · 5 years
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Sunday Sketchdump!!
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bububorg · 5 years
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“An’ here’s Ratbag, with a blade to his throat, all over again,” the orc said, chuckling. “We’re either gonna be mortal enemies, or best friends.”
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bububorg · 5 years
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“We get on well enough, though we’re oil and water for most occasions.”
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bububorg · 5 years
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Sunday Sketchdump!!
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bububorg · 5 years
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Sunday sketch dump is back baby!!
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bububorg · 5 years
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Sunday Sketchdump!
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