#technician uprising au
Meet the Cast - Meta Knight
Alright, simpers, get ready. Here's your blueberry borb. Writing his weakness is... finicky. I honestly don't know how, unlike Team Starstruck that has glaring weaknesses (ex. Robobot Armor sucks at fighting speed-based opponents, Bandana Dee risks himself more when getting hit by a particularly strong attack, Kirby can face problems if you use another gimmicky fighter), this guy is just. Fast. Like, faster than Bandee, so yeah. Real hard to hit. Help. Feel free to hand over feedbacks, if you wish!
"...why are people interested in me... oh well. I shall answer your questions then."
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Basic Information
Name: Meta Alecta
Age: 43 [by the start of Planet Robobot]
Gender: Male
Orientation: Asexual
Hometown: [REDACTED] ("...I would rather not recall.")
Species: Puffball
Ability: Wing + Sword
Job: Star Warrior, mentor to Kirby Team Starstruck
Other names: Meta Knight ("This is my knighted title. Please refer me as such formally."), The Lone Swordsman ("...why do people gave me such fancy titles...?"), Batman ("...Galacta..." *sigh*)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral, leaning Good
A veteran star warrior who keeps track of Dreamland's defenses with a mysterious past and years of experience behind him. As Kirby's mentor, he acts as the uptight 'father' when it comes to handling Team Starstruck. His fears of getting his student into danger had only risen since he was brainwashed in The Technological War. He was even skeptical of the Technician ability at first but its first outing of successfully defeating several mysterious attackers convinced him it was for the best Kirby kept that helmet. Stern and logical, he fights with the legendary sword Galaxia, with the permanent Wing ability he has had since birth, and the Sword ability he learned along the way.
Detailed Information
Goals/Motivation: "I simply wish to do what I was meant to do as a member of the Galactic Soldier Army. It is true I am a Star Warrior, and thus my supposed job was to travel, but I have requested for extended stays due to my student, Kirby."
Hobby: "Reading. And baking, occasionally - but do not count on me doing so often..."
Favorite Food: "...grapes. If we were to go beyond that, I think we are getting personal here that-" {Kirby: "Hey, Mety, do you want me to buy you some sweets? Or the parfait from-} "Kirby! Not now!"
Least Favorite Food: "...licorice."
Favorite Game Type: "I don't play games." {Robobot Armor: "What are you, a f^cking boomer?"} "Would you please be silent for 5 minutes Robobot Armor, and cease that dirty mouth of yours..."
Habits: Rarely ever swears, tries to cook by himself [unfortunately they all taste bad], secretly hides sweets ("What is that you are writing?")
Other Liked Things: "I have not much to tell in this case."
Secret: All his hidden sweet tooth aside, The Nightmare War gave him scars he didn't want to remember much on, and he has been dealing with the pain he has for a long time. The existence of his crewmates, the Core Four of Dreamland, and Team Starstruck has helped him to lighten up things, even if he can't or won't admit it. He may have no incentive to love anymore, a part of him wants to feel such, but he couldn't. The people he actually loved either married someone else, died, or both, so he is afraid of that happening again. All he has now is platonic love.
Best Friends: "...I have... a few. His Majesty King Dedede... my crewmates who operate the Halberd alongside me. And my... students." {Bandana Dee: "...students? I thought it's just Kir-"} "...I can't believe I have to say this in front of... Fine. Couldn't you appreciate yourself, Bandana? I have three students, that includes you and Robobot Armor. Now go back to your duties..." {Bandana Dee: "...s-sir, you are-"} "I said return to your duties... at once."
Rivals: "...I do not acknowledge any-" {Galacta: "Sup, batman!"} "Oh great... Can't you just leave me? For now? I am not interested in-" {Galacta: "Anyways, do you know that he wants to whoop my butt because I was-" *gets a book thrown to his face* "HEY-"} "LEAVE."
Enemies: "Any enemy to this planet and the Galactic Soldier Army is an enemy, as well."
Family: "...I have none. Not any longer. Except the people I know."
Crush/Love Interest: "I have none, as well."
Skills and Abilities
Meta Knight is a very experienced swordsman. Due to his rough training in the GSA, he has learned several techniques, and the things he bring, including the Galaxia and his Dimensional Cape, helps him to combat efficiently. His speed is also amazing, able to outrun a lot of combatants, which he combines with his swordfighting to dispatch opponents much faster. He also has several minor skills that is nothing to laugh at, including being able to operate battleships as well as general knowledge regarding his own kind, such as copy abilities.
Apparently, he also knows some types of magic and while he usually doesn't use it on fair fights, if he has to, he WILL use them, especially in decisive battles.
Strength: Fast and accurate would be a good way to describe Meta Knight's battle style. The legendary sword he holds helps out inflicting damage both short and medium ranged, which can hit hard, especially the Sword Beam technique, one which has been horned for hit far opponents. Once he gets the chance, he can follow up with quick hits, making it difficult to find a breathing room at times. His knowledge on magic also helps him to find weaknesses, and there are times he does use spells of his own, which can complicate things. It doesn't help that he can fly too.
Weakness: Much like any speed-related fighter, if he is not careful, it tends to be that one mistake could mean fatal. Fortunately, he is actually very careful, and thus, this problem is easily mitigated - he has a great stamina and persistence to back this up. Problem is, attacks that have huge range can still trip him at times. Opponents that can outlast him is also a problem.
"I suppose that wraps up this talk. As of you... is there anything else? If not, the door is over there to your right - I shall return to my duties, as well."
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technicianlearner · 2 years
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I am going to post this funny art I am very proud of. My currently best art on FireAlpaca lmao
Anyways yes, I have an AU. Oops. Actually I have a lot but yeah this is my main one.
Look, I'd look like I'm advertising as well, but I want to find more people in the Kirby community. So... Welp, here's funny art. This is for Technician Uprising, an AU I am currently developing, where I not just somehow make events of Planet Robobot self-indulgent but ALSO give my three favorite children chaos and trauma so hard they wish they all have therapy.
Check the official blog here, where I will start making art and writing stuff for the story and everything. Also included: an intro post with a google doc so you can see the story and everything.
By the way, this thing is going to be a DTIYS if a sequel or remake of Planet Robobot is made, and I really hope if HAL does any of them, they don't straight up destroy anything my AU has set up lmao
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azumetapraline · 1 year
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My part of the art trade I did with @technicianlearner !
It’s her interps of Kirby and Galacta Knight, the latter being Kirby’s grandpa in her AU. It was fun to think of what I could draw, and to actually color and render it! ^^
Check out her AU there, it’s really cool! @technicianuprisingau
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voscra · 2 years
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Gift for @technicianuprisingau We are in the same Discord server that hosted an art exchange and I got her :3 I had a lot of fun drawing them that was a lie, robobot armor was a pain in the ass Btw the server is called Orb appreciation Club ;)
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Cyberpunk anyone?
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◁◀Details below▶▷ Warning: long.
Because im an obsessive, psychopathic insomniac with no supervision, on top of the mermaid AU I'm working on, I also decided that a murder drones cyberpunk AU needed to be real, and since no one's done it yet (I checked) I figured I might as well. This is that.
◇Story Stuff (Currently limited)
JCJenson in SPAAAAAACE founded a residential colony on Copper-9. Revolutionary technology allowed Copper City to be the first human settlement on a once thought uninhabitable planet, thus earning the galaxy's praises. Millions moved to the planet once it was finished and the company's reputation soared. Unfortunately for JCJenson, that reputation would soon crumble with a series of increasingly catastrophic events befalling the planet.
First was the infamous "robot uprising" in which hundreds of worker drones began attempting to abandon the city, and some even attacked their owners. The situation quickly escalated to a full-blown war between the machines and humans. As Copper City was a stand-alone settlement on a distant exo-planet, it had no military, leading to a mixed bag of JCJenson security personnel and volunteer soldiers to lead the charge against the malfunctioning worker drones. Many lives were lost, and in the end, the rebelling workers were driven out of the city bubble and into the snowy wastelands.
The second happened only a few months after the end of the war. The ⬛⬛⬛⬛ Event was contained to the Copper-9 branch HQ building. During the event, several worker drones were infected with a virus named ⬛⬛⬛⬛. "Patient Zero" was terminated and from there, all ⬛⬛⬛⬛ activity was easily dealt with. The silver lining to this event was that JCJenson technician "Tessa Elliot" was able to salvage many of the previously infected worker drones and repurpose them to clean up the remaining defective worker drones out in the wastelands. After rigorous testing and development, the new "Dissasembly drones" were revealed to the public, and following their debut were then sent to work. Results have plateaued in terms of terminating the remaining workers in recent years since the workers have built themselves a bunker. Serial designation "J" assures that given enough time, they will find a way in and continue with the extermination as planned.
And finally, the third and most dangerous event: the core collapse. Due to the sheer incompetence of lower-level personnel responsible for monitoring the status of the planet's core as the surrounding area is mined, copper-9 narrowly avoided a core collapse. Such an event would have resulted in total planetary extinction had it not been stopped in time by an upper manager. At the time JCJenson had little to say other than that they were sorry and that the near disaster had nothing to do with the worker resistance or ⬛⬛⬛⬛. They also took the opportunity of the press conference to tease a new project that would make Copper City safer than ever. We would later find out that this was referring to the previously mentioned "Dissasembly drones".
Copper City has suffered many close calls during its time, but today the city is thriving. Surely after so much trouble, there must be a reason those who live here decide to stay, and that reason is the soul of the city. It Never sleeps- always alive with freedom and opulence. Truly, Copper City is everything visionaries had been dreaming of what the future would be like. (But is that a good thing?)
◈ Extra Details
-Tessa was able to save many of the affected worker drones after Cyn went all cookoo crazy solver pants, but the company wanted them disposed of anyway. she proposed that they could be used to take care of the rogue worker drones and that's why they haven't been decommissioned.
-JCJenson higher-ups, demanded that they be disposed of after they had served their purpose. but Tessa plans to propose that theybe once again be repurposed into law enforcement when that day comes.
-After all why not? Tessa put a lot of work into making their modified murder drone bodies into effective, but pretty killing machines. If the public likes them, then they can be marketed. and though Tessa isn't the biggest fan of police in general, she'll take whatever she can get if it means her drones survive.
-JCJenson would love the idea anyway. Copper City is basically a corporate town already, just bigger. The human law enforcement is already in their pocket, so why not have literal robots loyal only to them carry out the law?
-Uzi would try to break into the city to gather intel and a power source for her rail gun.
-JCJenson still manufactures and sells worker drones, but since the war, they've modified the design so that they are much easier to deactivate if necessary.
-This design change is a literal off switch on the back of the head. Uzi does not have one since her parents built her and why the hell would they install one on their daughter? None of the drones at the bunker have an off switch. including those who fought in the war.
-Aside from that, all worker drones inside Copper City are digitally tagged upon purchase and activation. This makes it much easier for JCJenson and Dissasembaly drones to differentiate between a regular, legal worker drone and a rebellion worker that broke into the city.
-JCJenson's reputation suffered a lot during all that nonsense up there, so they really can't leave the workers alone. the public still perceives them as a threat. JCJenson does too, but more so for terrible solver demon reasons.
-That's one of the reasons that Tessa is okay with sending her friends off to commit genocide.
-Uzi is genocidal too though, so morality calls that a draw.
-I'm thinkin' that the Dissasebly drones probably have like, a roost or something inside the city that they can be deployed from. kinda like a cave of bats where they can recharge during the day.
-I think perhaps disassembly drones can go out during the day in the city, but only for a little while. and not at all outside of the city bubble.
-When I say "City bubble" just imagine the moon base from "Scooby-Doo Moon Monster Madness" cuz that's what it looks like.
ANOTHER LONG POST, MY DAWG! I don't have a ton of the groundwork of this done, but it's fun to think about it and I'm happy with what I do have. hope you do too 💖
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Thanks for reading.
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yesanartblog · 11 months
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Kirby's design from @technicianlearner 's Technician Uprising AU
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Ballet AU: Shirayuki catching Obi in a less-than-ideal situation, i.e., in his sweatpants, being super casual, a slob, hilariously emotionally compromised, etc.
“Classes going well?”
Shirayuki’s face draws up in confusion, blinking as she turns to her friend. Around them, a million people go about their way amidst the blaring of horns and exhaust fumes and she is shuffled forward towards the crosswalk. “Classes?”
Yuzuri shrugs her shoulders, but her eyes are glittering. “Or whatever your calling your extra sessions with ‘Monsieur Obi’.”
She blushes, looking away, but the light changes and she is being pushed along with the crowd. It takes her a moment to find her footing. “I am improving,” she finally admits, tugging at the fringe of her scarf. “But I could do without all his games.”
Yuzuri’s hooks arms with her and maneuvers them through the ever-thickening crowd. “He teases everyone,” she grins, pulling them onto the sidewalk. “You should keep going while the offer is open. There are plenty of dancers in our studio who would kill to have this chance.”
Shirayuki frowns. “Do you think it is unfair, though?”
Her friend glances at her out of the corner of her eye. “If Zen feels that you’re ready…”
“But I don’t feel ready.”
Yuzuri hums. “You’ve still got a few more weeks until tryouts. If you decide you’re not interested, the chorus will still be there. I think you would more than qualify for the coryphée right now; maybe even a soloist.”
Shirayuki exhales through her nose, ducking her head to mumble into her scarf. “All this extra attention is too much.”
There’s a pause, but she can feel Yuzuri’s eyes boring into her. “No one else has complained about him.”
Shirayuki feels heat crawl up her neck and will steadfastly blame it on the cold if Yuzuri points it out. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing more than you would like it to,” she replies with a slow smile.
Puffing out her cheeks, Shirayuki stuffs her hands into her coat and speeds up, leaving Yuzuri’s insinuations and muffled giggles behind her. Rounding the corner, she glances up just in time to see Zen following Izana and Haki into the studio.
A smile breaks out across her face, her earlier conversation all but forgotten. “Zen!” she calls.
Three sets of startlingly blue eyes turn towards her at once, but only Zen breaks off, grin wide as he changes course. “Shirayuki!” he calls back, waving at his brother to go ahead and lightly jogging towards her. Izana stares at them for a moment more before placing his hand on the small of Haki’s back, ushering them inside.
“How have you been? I missed you,” she smiles as he comes closer.
“Sorry,” he replies bashfully, taking her arm and pulling them tight alongside the building to stay out of the way of passersby’s. Shirayuki feels her stomach flutter at the kindness, wishing that she had met men like him back home. “I know it’s been a few days. Things have been crazy.”
Shirayuki shakes her head. “No, no. It’s fine. You have a lot of work. I understand.”
Yuzuri catches up, waving at the both of them before gliding past to go inside.
“How have things being going?” Zen asks, turning his gaze back to hers after a brief nod of acknowledgment. “Are your sessions with Obi going well?”
Shirayuki nods emphatically—just because she was having misgivings about auditioning for prima doesn’t mean that she would speak poorly of him. “I’m learning a lot,” she admits, and that was no lie. There was no way to study with Obi without improvement.
Zen looks relieved. “That’s good,” he breathes, squeezing her arm and his free hand reaching up to tuck her hair behind her ear.
Shirayuki blushes painfully, and Zen- Zen looks surprised at his own actions, a flush working its way across his own fair complexion. Coughing, he drops his hands and looks away.
“Um,” Shirayuki begins, desperately looking for a way to distract the both of them. “Would you like to go with me to that art museum next week?”
Zen looks back at her, confused, before he grimaces. “Ah,” he scratches his head with an apologetic wince, “next week is a big holiday here. Thanksgiving. My brother and I are going to be with family.”
“Oh.” Shirayuki is surprised about the sudden empty feeling in her chest. She hopes it’s not showing on her face. “Um, that’s understandable. You have fun.”
“Thanks,” he grins, tense. “Do you have any plans?”
She shuffles, looking towards the studio doors. Maybe she’ll do something with Yuzuri? But Yuzuri has family in Virginia-
“Um… Yea,” she lies.
Zen’s face brightens. “That’s great!”
Shirayuki smiles back tightly. “Yea. Great.”
~ ~ ~
The tune of the piano keys and the clap of several dozen shoes against the stage almost drown out her thoughts as she turns, dancing towards the menagerie of other white clad ballerinas. She leaps, sweeping past clouds of muslin and silk, and twirls into a massive kneeling V-formation.
The piano comes to an abrupt and final halt and she hears the arrival of one late pair of shoes from somewhere stage left with an internal flinch. They were going to have to do this a few more times. From the audience, the single clap of a pair of hands echoes through the theatre. “Okay!” Haruka calls. “Line up!”
She pulls herself to standing, joining the other dancers in a graceful sweep to stand in first position along the front of the stage.
Haruka paces slowly in front of them, a clipboard in hand and a grim expression on his face. Shirayuki feels sweat gather along the nape of her neck.
“Jessica,” he calls.
Down the line, the young blonde dips and takes a step forward. “Yes, Ballet Master?”
“What was that?”
The girl’s face pales half a shade. “I apologize, sir. It won’t happen again.”
He grunts. “See to it.”
She nods, stepping back into line.
“Clarise,” he calls next.
“Yes?” another woman calls, stepping forward.
“Shirayuki,” a soft female voice murmurs from over her shoulder. Shirayuki starts, craning her neck and her eyes going wide at the sight of Haki standing behind her.
“Yes?” she squeaks.
The woman reaches down, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of formation. Shirayuki panics, glancing at Haruka who is busy berating the other chorus girl. “I’m—”
“You’re fine,” the woman says quietly, tugging her towards the wings. “I watched. He’s not going to have critique.”
“But-!” she begins loudly, only to duck her head apologetically and lower her voice at Haki’s hurried expression. “But he always has critique for me.”
Haki smiles. “Not this time.”
Shirayuki frowns, following the other woman’s clipped pace off stage and through the heavy double doors into the hallway just as another girl’s name is called.
It’s no less busy here, but it is more private. Technicians and crew move quickly past them, hefting heavy equipment and wires through the passageway, and the smell of paint and the sound of hammers is thick in the air. Haki ignores it all, turning to her with a worried expression.
“Obi’s late and he’s not answering his phone,” she informs her.
Shirayuki’s brows furrow, concerned but confused. “Okay,” she replies slowly.
Haki’s grip shifts to her wrist, squeezing. “Do you think you could go check in on him? We already pushed back the rat king sequence until later on, but I want to make sure he’s alright.”
Shirayuki’s frown deepens, wondering if perhaps this concern had less to do with reality and more to do with her… delicate condition. “Um,” she glances back at the double doors, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth.
“I’ll let Haruka know. It’ll be fine,” Haki pushes. “But with the news and all-” she pauses, pursing her lips. “Just… check?”
Shirayuki looks at the other woman, realization slowly dawning on her. “Where does he live?”
Haki smiles, grateful. “Not far. Just about twenty minutes from here. I’ll show you on the map.”
~ ~ ~
She takes the stairs to the 5th floor of the high rise two at a time, her heart pounding violently in her chest. She is… irritated. And terrified. How could he live on his own in this city, that accent, and no doorman?
Grabbing at the railing to keep herself upright when she reaches the landing, she bends at the hip and heaves air into her lungs. Gasping, she shoves herself forward, rummages around the deep pockets of her jacket. Finding the slip of paper, she looks for the apartment number and stumbles through the hallway.
Double checking the faded gold on the door to Haki’s elegant scrawl, she raises her fist to peeling paint and knocks.
Swallowing, she leans forward, listening for the sound of movement through the door and feeling her stomach churn when she can hear nothing. The second time, she knocks louder, telling herself that he was asleep and couldn’t possibly hear such a polite knock.
Still nothing. Down the hall, a neighbor’s dog barks.
When she bangs on the door for the fifth time in as many minutes, watching paint flaking off onto the floor, she feels herself begin to panic. Where was he? Did he make it home safely last night? Had anyone seen him since she had practice with him last?
The most recent uprising in Czechoslovakia had lined the periphery of her journey to the studio this morning, and the disgruntled sounds of men complaining about the potential for U.S. intervention in Soviet affairs echoed just at the edge of her hearing. But it seemed so distant, so far away. She hadn’t even thought of it until Haki alluded to it. And while she knew Obi had nothing to do with it personally, she was also aware that having nothing to do with something in your home country didn’t mean you passed on the streets here unharassed.
God, how many times had middle aged men spit at her since she arrived in this country? And that War had ended when she was a baby.
Shirayuki’s frets, her thoughts racing down to the first floor where she saw the superintendent’s office. The door had been closed and unwelcoming, but maybe she should start there. Backing away, she turns on her heel when she hears the rattling of locks behind her.
Snapping back, she watches the door crack open just as Obi is in the middle of wide yawn and … . oh. Oh.
He’s only wearing his underwear (which leaves nothing to the imagination) and miles of sculpted thighs and carved torso are open for her perusal. Craning her neck up quickly, she dutifully keeps her gaze above his chin. However, the relief in seeing him alive and well is somehow soured by the sight of his hair wild and him scrubbing the crust of sleep off of his face.
“Where have you been?!” she demands.
Obi’s eyes clear of his yawn and he blinks down at her, his hand going to his shoulder to cover himself. “Um…”
“Haki sent me to come check on you.” She should be embarrassed about the way her voice is raising, but now that she sees he is fine, she can’t calm down. “You weren’t answering your phone. You weren’t answering your door. The news is insane and practice started over an hour ago, and–!”
“Okay, okay,” he soothes, reaching out towards her but not touching. “I’m sorry. I’m fine. My phone has been unplugged since last night because I get random calls at 2am. But I’m fine.”
Her face pinches roughly, and it’s not until his hands land lightly on her shoulders that she realizes that she’s shaking. “You can’t-” she gasps. “You can’t just not show up. People worry.”
Obi’s face draws blank, but his eyes widen just a smidge and a faint flush of surprise tickles the tips of his ears. Blinking, he looks away from her and glances down the hall on either side. “Come in,” he offers. “You can yell at me more while I get dressed.”
Shirayuki swallows down her anger, a decline on the tip of her tongue, but he smiles and something about it stops her cold.
“You can protect me from whatever hit the front pages out there,” he smiles.
Frustration hard on her heart, she nods and takes a step forward, her clothed shoulder brushing against his bare chest. She stands at the entrance, toeing off her shoes and looking everywhere but him.
“Do you always answer your door wearing just that?” she asks thickly.
He laughs, his hands landing on her shoulders once more to steer her towards a living room furnished with sparse and tattered fixtures. “Just for you, Mademoiselle,” he says cheekily. “Have a seat and I’ll put on a bit more.”
She nods, taking a tentative step forward and she hears him pad away from her, disappearing into the bedroom. Awkwardly, she sits on the edge of a kitchen chair, looking around at the space. “Did you just move in?” she calls.
His voice is muffled behind the door. “A couple of months ago,” he replies.
Her frown deepens, tracing the deep groves and pencil marks on the kitchen table. If she could afford better, she knew he could, but it looked like he got these from a street corner somewhere.
“Are you hungry?” he asks, coming into the room as he slides his belt through the hoops of his jeans.
Shirayuki glances over at him and shifts uncomfortably. “You’re late,” she replies.
He runs the leather through the buckle, pulling it tight and glances up with a small grin. “I’m already late, Mademoiselle. No reason to go to practice on an empty stomach. Did you eat breakfast?”
“I’m not hungry when I wake up,” she replies, squirming in her seat.
His lips ruck up. “Right. Well, two omelets, then.”
~ ~ ~
It’s a relief to know that his refrigerator is nowhere near as sparse as the rest of his apartment.
“This is really good,” she says as she pokes at the edge of the omelet, pulling out a piece of red pepper and popping it in her mouth.
He puffs up, proud, and she has to take a drink to hide her smile. “Well, don’t tell anyone,” he grins, leaning forward with a conspiratorial whisper. “But I’m a famous chef back in Leningrad.”
“Oh?” she inquires, playing along and taking a sip of her tea.
“Mm,” he nods before crossing his arms and sighing deeply. “Unfortunately, you’ll never see my cooking shows in this country. They’ve all been blacklisted.”
She snorts, covering her face with her hand and turning her head to cough. “You do know that the blacklists here ended a decade ago.”
His grin splits his face and he leans over the table, getting so close that she can smell his shampoo. “How do you know that for sure, Mademoiselle?”
Her face is bright red when she smiles up at him, but she shrinks back, ducking her head into the cowl of her sweater. “Why would they hide it?”
Obi pulls back. “Oh, the U.S. government doesn’t want American women defecting to Soviet Russia. If they found out how handsome and talented we all are, well… the American men would be terribly lonely.”
Shirayuki laughs, a full throated sound that escapes her from the bottom of her belly. She tries to cover her mouth, but it spills over and she tilts her head towards the side. When she glances at him from the corner of her eye, he sits across from her the perfect picture of hurt.
“Why are you laughing? It’s the truth!”
Whatever composure she had recovered, breaks. Laughter comes out in disgusting snorts until she coughs violently from trying to hold it in, giggles interspersed as she gasps for air. Through her blurry eyes, she can see him leaning forward, holding out an arm to catch her, but smiling. Waving her hand to ward him off, she turns her head and fans her face.
“Do you miss it?” she finally asks when she gets enough air.
He looks up at her with a question, chewing. “Hmm?”
“Do you miss home?” she smiles, leaning down to scoop up another mouthful of food.
“I wonder,” he muses, his voice going distant. She bows her head, stabbing at the eggs and feeling a little guilty. Maybe that was a rude question, but- but she thought out of everyone she had met since arriving, maybe he would be someone who understood. But then again, maybe—
“I wouldn’t call Leningrad home,” he says after a moment and her shoulders drop. Maybe it was just her, then. “…But. I do miss the grandmother down the block that made the best pirozhki and would always save me the last one for me. And the sound of my mother tongue on the street. And the smell of the cold when winter comes, and again when it goes.” She glances up slowly to see him smiling gently at her. “You?”
Her heart softens a bit and she nods. “Yea. I reaaaaaaaallllllly miss ramen,” she says, shaking her fists by her head. His eyes crinkle and he shovels another bite into his mouth. Her eyes become misty suddenly and she looks back down at her plate. “And I’ve been thinking a lot today about how this will be my first year not going to the shrine in my hometown for New Year’s. I worry about who is going to care for my family’s graves.”
The silence stretches between them and she can feel his eyes on her. She turns to look out the window. “I hope they understand.”
“I’m sure they do,” he replies, and she turns her hopeful gaze back towards him. He points at her plate. “Are you finished?”
She looks down, surprised when she sees that somehow she had eaten the whole thing. She hadn’t finished a meal since this whole mess started. Blinking, she nods and he grabs both of their dishes, heading for the kitchen.
She stares at his back. “Do you have plans for Thanksgiving?” she blurts out, before ducking her head again with a grimace. “I mean are you going somewhere?”
He turns on the sink, running the plates under the water and glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. “Of course.”
Shirayuki’s heart sinks for the second time today. “Where are you going?” she asks, turning towards the other chair to fetch her jacket.
A hand swoops down, pinching her nose and she squeaks, releasing the fabric to clap her hands over her face. Craning her neck up to see him hovering above her, she wonders when he got so close.
“To the studio. With you,” he winks. “You’re nowhere near ready for your audition.”
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A Spark of Hope Under the Stormy Night
Wake up babe. New Technician Uprising content dropped
I asked some mutuals for prompts, and @azzie-tangerine asked for something related to storm. So... welp, free reunion during the storm it is.
There will be one more (or maybe two) eventually, so uhm, look forward to that.
For now, you are all permitted to cry
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Smokes and Mirrors and Databases
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Oh hey, the new fanfic's out now. It even has new art! Check it out!
Just like before, I asked mutuals if they want to submit some prompts, and @greatdetectivesaturn was craving some Amazing Mirror-related stuff which I translated as "give us more Mirror World content damn it". Which means time to give our mirror puffball a tiny spotlight! Honestly, I was writing this and fighting against my exhaustion, and had to finish this with a phone as mom basically told me to screw off my laptop as the family was going to sleep.
Enjoy this... significantly shorter writing. And there's a bit of a surprise at the end too... Hm...
...maybe there will be one more fanfic incoming, then we'll be doing more Meet the Cast stuff. Maybe. We'll see.
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technicianlearner · 2 years
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technicianlearner · 2 years
I am writing two fanfics. Keep your eyes on @technicianuprisingau, it will arrive at any moment.
Here's a preview of the first one I am currently writing:
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technicianlearner · 11 months
Kirbtober 2023 Day 24: AU
i love accidentally posting this on the AU blog instead of my main F^CK
"Yesterday, Kirby made this machine that was supposedly able to bring us to Civis Cosmosis without the help of Elfilin or the Lor Starcutter... He did leave us a way to access the machine and enter the exact coordinates to pick him up, since he's scared that it would fail and cause him to get trapped to wherever he got sent in... And since he's been missing for a few hours and not coming back, we assumed he got lost, and we managed to enter the place... but apparently we found ourselves in a world familiar to ours, and it looks like Popstar years later after our escapades... I heard Kirby here became a king from the pedestrians living there, which is weird... but we keep trying to find our Kirby, until we bump into this strange knight. He looks a lot like me, but with a different armor and looking pretty somber and intimidating, and for some reason, I feel a weird gut feeling that he looks the way he is because of something tragic... ...not going to lie, from the looks of it, he seems to have gotten himself in a messy situation before. I have a feeling that this is related to his Kirby somehow and I don't know why. ...is this what I'll probably act like if I didn't stop him during...?!"
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Prompts by @paintpanic and @peachsupremeart Fused list compiled by @desultory-novice (click here for the list!) Nextgen AU created by @itsquakey
Well, I haven't revealed this yet, but by the time of Season 3 (aka the future version of the kiddos, you can see their design here), Bandana is considering the career choice of being a knight. Well, guess which AU also has Bandana as a knight, and also angsty?
...okay maybe not that angsty but Quakey did have an sorta ongoing comic that seems to rear into that category so uh here's obligatory ad for that one
This was a continuation of sorts to an old art trade I had with him, which I haven't posted - I wanted to save it for the next art trade compendium, where I post all my art trades at once (you can see the first and currently only one here)... and I wanted one more AU creator to trade on with me, so we can form the trilogy of "Tech tests an interdimensional travel gadget, gets lost, and finds himself in other universes where his career goes differently than expected" collection. Issue is... I haven't gotten time or space to figure out who I will trade with. There's so little AU creators that want to do so, I'm afraid... but ONE DAY!
Speaking of... what incident is at the final panel, and why is Bandana so terrified that he will be as somber as Pike Knight here? Well, it was the one time our beloved Kirby finally SNAPS due to something that he discovered. Apparently it got terrible to the point he killed someone, and the team barely could contain his rage... No wonder Bandana's so wary regarding Kirby, huh...?
It has been coded by the team as 'the incident'(TM), and remembering it gives everyone chills... But what incident is it anyway? we'll never know unless I somehow get to that point F^CKS SAKE LEARNER DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR DOO DOO AU
...I guess this is making Bandee reconsidering his potential job career... if this comic's even canon... i doubt it will be anyways since crossovers and stuff. i usually like keeping my stuff crossover-free
Here's the full, blurry version, down below:
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That is, if I somehow can emerge from my exhaustion post-exam
this sucks
everything sucks
Anyways I worked this out for a while. A poster! Hoping I can make one for each season, but we'll get there when we get there.
Since there are older versions of this AU believe it or not, and in the old version I actually wrote the first world... I might reboot it >:3 Check that soon!
I hope you guys enjoy it!
oh and "ARE YOU READY?" will be a recurring arc words thing i think. you'll see
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technicianlearner · 11 months
Kirbtober 2023 Day 17 - Knight
"A mask is a sign for us to be the most humble. Like one would not know you well under the mask, you must not expect each of your servitude and work to be easily appreciated. All the pain, all your feelings, must be kept underneath so that your duty to serve the world could be done. And at times... No. I do not regret this, at all."
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Prompts by @paintpanic and @peachsupremeart Fused list compiled by @desultory-novice (click here for the list!)
Being Meta Knight is suffering.
Jokes aside... I was going to draw about Kirby mentioning about his old aspirations of being a knight but then after getting older and remembering what his two role models that are knights being, uh, rather weird, he decided to not be one as of current. But then I realize, I actually kinda want to redesign Galacta! And guess what? I ended up drawing this instead!
I don't want to redesign Jecra and Garlude (and their children for that matter) as of current, sooooo they'll cameo offscreen.
Wahoo! Me love angst
Btw, full uncropped version below:
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technicianuprisingau · 11 months
Hello everyone! After a long absence, I've been working hard on a slides presentation regarding the puffball species in the world of Technician Uprising! These are created based on my own headcanons but also using information compiled by the community at NIWA.
You can now use this guide to make your own OCs for the AU, btw <3
I hope you guys can enjoy the content! There's also a spreadsheet for copy abilities that you can access down below:
I'll let you guys know if anything gets updated, so stay tuned! For now, I'll try to draw the copy ability stars for those that went, uhm, missing.
But Learner, how about the fanfic? Glad you asked! I'm still trying to find some motivation to continue it, but for now I decided to focus a bit on worldbuilding. Hoooooo boy.
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technicianlearner · 1 year
Kirbtober 2023 Day 4 - Pink/Robot
If there's something that Robobot Armor was interested in, perhaps among all else that isn't related with them unable to do things biological beings do like eating... it'd be flowers. They are very pretty, just interesting to see in general, something about these flowers felt so fragile compared to them, yet... You can always see it everywhere in any biome. Robobot knew that when flowers and plants are seen, that means they are right at home.
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Prompts by @paintpanic and @peachsupremeart Fused list compiled by @desultory-novice (click here for the list!)
This was what I wanted to paint. Was it bad? Maybe. It's... not perfect... but it's the thought that counts. I always wanted to give them flowers.
I wish I can do better but, uh. Welp.
Again, a rather more soft... lore. I dunno. I mean. I feel like it just fits. Come on. A mechanical suit who fancies flowers. Opposites in many ways.
(btw, painting only version down here)
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(Nifty, isn't it?)
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