A Old Friend and A One-Way Ride
Holy sh^t that took a while out of me WOW
I struggled a bit with the uh, dialogue, I should add at least a bit more, gotta love our muffin boy Bandee, but WAHOO it's done now time to speedrun the next chapter I hope
Kirby having a breakdown? We love to see it right fellas??? Also Bandee the responsible little bro is now my favorite flavour me thinks???
Okay, enough with that. Shoutout to my beloved friends @zombiecicada, @rustysapphire, and GrayscaleGolden on discord for proofreading some of this for me!
We would like to apologize for the inactivity. But I swear I still remember this AU I really do
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Into the First Contact
Wake up babe, new Origins rehash chapter just released
But yeah! Look guys! Actual content! That took a long while, ey?
This is a continuation of Calm Before the (Technological) Storm. As you know, anime stuff is mixed in Technician Uprising (not all of them though) so I decided that this chapter would show at least one character from that specific material... and it's a very unlikely hero. I just thought it would be interesting to redeem a divisive character into this crowd... and there's Meta Knight too!
So! Please enjoy this mess!
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The First Ride Experience
Holy sh^t. I actually finished this yesterday but I asked opinion of others first.
Welcome to the party, Robobot Armor!
This one is quite fast for me to write because most of the structure from the original stayed the same! So all I do is just ctrl c ctrl p most of them, haha. Okay, partial lie, I had to rewrote some parts, but it wasn't as intense as the last one. I also added some... *ahem ahem* FORESHADOWING *ahem*
Thank you again to my beloved friends @thepokemonchamp AND @zombiecicada for proofreading some of this for me!
Also writing interfaces make me want to die, f^ck me
Oh! And ending song reveal! Here's the song and its lyrics:
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A Spark of Hope Under the Stormy Night
Wake up babe. New Technician Uprising content dropped
I asked some mutuals for prompts, and @azzie-tangerine asked for something related to storm. So... welp, free reunion during the storm it is.
There will be one more (or maybe two) eventually, so uhm, look forward to that.
For now, you are all permitted to cry
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A Mechanical Interlude
A progress is a progress~
Hehehe, what an interesting cliffhanger. Anyways. I've been lost further in RP land, but wahoo bababooey I did it!
This was a struggle to write, the battle scene especially, but hey! I did what I can do. Now time to write Kirby screaming in confusion about what he just got himself into.
Enjoy this part of Origins, and forgive me for not writing long enough lmao helpppppp
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The Beginning of a Barking Walkthrough
Wow breaking news I actually did something are you proud of me now
This one was a hard thing to churn out even after using parts of the old version to help me out. Wahoo. I decided to end it on a cliffhanger before I go crazy again.
Shoutout to my beloved friends @thepokemonchamp AND @zombiecicada for helping me out with the grammar, as well as throwing suggestions. Man I love writing isn't it FUN to feel self-deprecated?!
I hope you enjoy this chapter of Origins! This is still World 1! It's been 3-4 years! And we have NOT gone anywhere but World 1! Really cool Learner!
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The Argument
Wake up babe, even more Origins stuff just dropped
This is actually an old writing on Discord restored. With the help of @flaredust giving suggestions on the first few paragraphs when it was first released, I was able to study some stuff. So uhm, I revitalized it. Please enjoy the great tragedy that totally didn't lead into Kirby getting even more traumatized when he is alone!
Spoiler alert: it totally did lead into Kirby getting even more traumatized when he is alone
(And this is set after the Dedede Clone fight, btw)
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Smokes and Mirrors and Databases
Tumblr media
Oh hey, the new fanfic's out now. It even has new art! Check it out!
Just like before, I asked mutuals if they want to submit some prompts, and @greatdetectivesaturn was craving some Amazing Mirror-related stuff which I translated as "give us more Mirror World content damn it". Which means time to give our mirror puffball a tiny spotlight! Honestly, I was writing this and fighting against my exhaustion, and had to finish this with a phone as mom basically told me to screw off my laptop as the family was going to sleep.
Enjoy this... significantly shorter writing. And there's a bit of a surprise at the end too... Hm...
...maybe there will be one more fanfic incoming, then we'll be doing more Meet the Cast stuff. Maybe. We'll see.
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Welcome to the Mechanized World
F^ck tumblr's posting feature, it's broken as hell
And with that, the story of Team Starstruck can finally begin (?). I don't even know why it's so hard to make a goddamn writing work on Tumblr.
Just take this and have fun, okay? And I added an opening, just like what you guys voted. Haha. The cringe has spread
Opening song AND the lyrics:
I will try to uh... use less mainstream songs next time. Have fun, and see you next time!
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As the dust settled, the two partners felt some sort of fatigue. The drill arm barely grazed their foe, who only stared back at them in return. It was clear that the new technique they invented was working pretty well.
"…we won, b•tch," Robobot Armor hissed at Bonfire, the person who had masquerading everything from the beginning, the one who had tried to make a rift between them and their master, the one who — admittedly — taught them more things about this world and how they work, the person that also separated their system with their body to stir another problem… Honestly, they decided to deal with it later, because to be fair, this entire fight is a pain in the ass.
"Disengage that drill, Robobot…" Kirby called out to the other. "We don't need any murder to solve this."
"Understood," Robobot only responded, still miffed that they can't eliminate — no, kill — this annoying waste of space, but obeyed anyways. They looked around after flipping their arm back to normal, slowly coming to realize how the whole infiltration took what could be counted as hours. Yet there's still a part of them that still has all that adrenaline going. Really shows how bonds can lead a long way. Kirby got off his trusty friend's cockpit and sighed, looking at what remained from the room.
To say it was a mess would be an understatement.
"I see that you have made your choice…" Bonfire spoke, as the mechanical suit moved off. "To be fair… I should've not done that procedure on you, haven't I?"
"Shut the f•ck up," Robobot grunted angrily, staring at the haltworker sharply. "You're pretty damn lucky my master is not the one to drip blood."
"…still with your dependance on your 'master'. I thought you were planning to make a change?" Bonfire asked.
"Yeah, but not with your way, dipsh•t," they grumbled again. "I want to be strong but I don't want to be used as a f•cking tool either."
"It's like your master is any better. He is unwilling to understand how his kindness can kill him. Don't you think his softness could stunt you from your own strength?" Bonfire looked at the pink puffball, seemingly unamused. "I still can't believe you were born from him. How strange it is that such a weak individual gave birth to someone like you. But it doesn't matter. This war is a hopeless fight. The natives will always fall at the end. And with them, you will, too. You're just a machine, and you too wouldn't last long."
As the last sentence echoed around the room, Kirby turned his head straight at Bonfire, giving him quite the cold glare.
"I'm sorry, that's my friend you just insulted over there!" he stood up, but not moving from his spot. "They are more than just a machine! And I don't care if they ended up different because I was the one who accidentally woke them up! I am glad they grew up to be themselves!"
"Oh, now you're talking?" Bonfire sneered, picking up his gun. "You need to realize that you were just lucky all these times."
"And I am GRATEFUL for that, actually!" Kirby retorted. "I've nearly died several times in fact. And now that I have a friend, the chances of not dying has now increased significantly. And yes, Robobot's my friend. You have problems with it?"
"How could you be so lonely that all you do is to be friends with a scrap of metal that would inevitably die?" Bonfire shot back with venom within his words. "You're nothing but an inferior being. In fact, you don't deserve this technology at all. At the end of the day, you don't matter much but as a fodder for your kind. So it's best that you step back. You don't deserve to be an admin, or a 'master', for that matter. Now-"
Before Bonfire could add more words to his supposedly demoralizing speech, Robobot Armor had enough of what he just said. Detriment themselves? That's fine. Detriment their master? That crossed the f•cking line! Seething with nothing but pure rage, the mechanical suit simply cuts the haltworker's words with a deck to the face, much to Kirby's… surprise? Horror? He doesn't know how to react here, he was speechless as Robobot finally went loose.
"Couldn't you shut the f•ck up?!" Robobot shouted at the top of their voicebanks, finally losing it. The mechanical suit grabbed Bonfire and slammed the poor bastard to the ground, before yelling even more to drive their point across. "MY MASTER ISN'T SOME F•CKING IDIOT! YOU ARE THE IDIOT FOR ALL OF THIS BULLSH•T YOU'RE CAUSING!"
"Robobot, please-" Kirby attempted to console, only for the armor to ignore.
"You expected me to DIE?! TO GET F•CKED LIKE THE REST?! ACTUALLY, YOU CAN KINDLY GO F•CK YOURSELF, BECAUSE I. AM. NOT. GOING. TO DIE! I WILL SURVIVE WITH MY MASTER!" they announced loudly, not showing signs of stopping as they pinned Bonfire to the ground with one hand and getting ready to punch with the other before beating the ever living crap out of him with little mercy. "I'LL LIVE AS LONG AS I WANT TO, UNTIL THE LAST OF MY BREATH, AND IF YOU WANT TO PROTEST, YOU CAN PROTEST ALL YOU F•CKING WANT IN HELL!"
The eyes of Kirby only widened at the violence his friend was causing. Last time he was only able to barely hear them going berserk at that… hologram thing. But now, he got the front seat on the situation, and honestly… It was kind of terrifying. From the shouting and the yelling, it was clear how strong the mechanical being's emotions are, as it was far stronger than his own. Dear Nova.
As the beatdown commenced, Robobot had devolved into ranting about how stupid the whole thing was. All they wanted was to know why they feel off in this world, all they wanted was to find confirmation as why all of this fell into place, all they wanted was to find their origins, but no, instead they find themselves unable to protect anyone they are supposed to be protecting, and they find themselves being used to kidnap their master's best friend. What a sh•tshow and a waste of time it all was, they remarked between all that rage-fueled shouting. Eventually, Kirby gritted and backed off several meters away… before jumping straight inside of the cockpit, swiping control before his friend would have dealt even more of a fatal blow.
"Stop!" Kirby shouted.
The room was sunk into silence afterward.
"…foolish child. I thought you'd use this chance to let me die," Bonfire snarled.
"Well we just want all of this crap to end, actually," Kirby said, still trying to restrain Robobot as their pilot-in-charge. "And you're not making it any better!"
"I'm just doing orders, I do whatever is the best for the company," Bonfire stated.
"Then whatever is best for the company… Is pretty much sh•t," Robobot finally stated back before they threw the haltworker to a nearby wall.
As soon as his body hits the steel wall, Bonfire grunted in pain. His gun was no longer in his hands. Like he could move anyways, since what Robobot did likely broke his spines and joints. It hurts to do anything now.
Kirby huffed, deciding to, well, just take whatever while he still can. He grabbed the gun, kept it within his helmet's inventory, and looked at the haltworker that had been quite the nuisance to his friends.
"You know, no one's going to harm my friends like that without any sort of payment, so… I'll be taking these," Kirby grumbled as he pulled out Bonfire's gloves from his hands, before keeping them inside his inventory. "I won't kill you since I believe in second chances — and I know that people usually learn from their mistakes anyway — but if you try anything stupid with my friends again after this, MIGHT AS WELL YOU DIE!"
The warning echoed throughout the room, twice louder than Robobot's own 'ranting session' or whatever that was. It was clear that he meant business this time. The pink puffball groaned in annoyance over the events that had happened before heading to the exit door.
"Come on, Robobot, we gotta free Bandee…" Kirby told his friend.
"Give me a f•cking minute, Master Kirby," Robobot respectfully answered. "I'll get my ass there shortly."
"Alright! Just… don't stay too long, okay?" he nodded, leaving first.
Robobot Armor only nodded, watching as Kirby entered the door. They still have something to tell to the haltworker, and they were going to make sure this one sticks as well as what Kirby just said. They knelt to Bonfire's level, before whispering quietly so only him alone can hear them.
"F•ck you and your stupid ass company. Even if my 'vessel' was your stuff or whatever that hell that was, you're NEVER my creator to begin with, you little sh•ts. Master Kirby is, and now it is my obligation to keep him safe as his guardian, and if anyone else in your sh•thole says otherwise, they can f•ck off for all I care, or if not they can meet something more than just a damned punch to the face," they said, before flipping their arm into a drill arm again and pointing it to Bonfire to make their point. "I. QUIT."
Once a few seconds passed, they flipped their converted arm to normal and walked unflinchingly to follow Kirby, clearly showing more resolution, while Bonfire huffed, calling for an SOS to be sent back to the mothership above before muttering to himself.
"…it seems like that chip did something more than just replicating bonds…"
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