#techno first try challenge
trashland-llamas · 1 year
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Prompt for day 2 of @first-try-techno-challenge - Techno-chan
Didn’t know what/who Techno-chan was and instead of googling it, just drew Techno as Hatsune Miku. Also some inspiration taken from Sad-ist's design of him.
Day 4 - mixed cottagecore & punk; made an outfit w/ shoplook
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simple-persica · 8 months
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I tried the @first-try-techno-challenge and hasdkfsdfa wow this was difficult. I know it's all pretty chill but I wanted to stick to the 30-minute limit.
I rolled for the Doomsday crew and just really wanted a scene where Phil was doing the thing where a winged character uses their wings as umbrellas and uhhh yeah idk.
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prisonpodcast · 1 year
There are multiple October challenge thingies I want to do but I’m so busy these past few days I don’t have the time 😭 hopefully next week my schedule clears up a bit
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melscrate · 1 year
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this day's artwork for @first-try-techno-challenge
Pets + relaxing / hibernation
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mykaeba · 1 year
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(very late) day 3 of @first-try-techno-challenge ! i got techno and steve + butcher army and aftermath,,, hc that steve went and helped him get in the house?
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myartsing · 1 year
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It’s day one of the third edition of the @first-try-techno-challenge and my prompt was techno and eret : )
Fun fact my favourite techno and eret memory is in mcc 5 where techno just hypes up eret the entire time while praying on tommys downfall
Also here is my sketch after 30 minutes:
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vpofcookies · 4 months
Rolled the @first-try-techno-challenge all prompts wheel and got the prompt OSMP Witherblade!
Here are my sketches from those 30 minutes!
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and FIRST TRY!!!! (the finished piece after 3+ hours)
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Please pardon my no-reference skulls
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@first-try-techno-challenge Day three! I got Techno & Tommy, and The Voices™
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kestrius · 1 year
The week may be over, but I will finish these with enough denial. Day 6? Of the @first-try-techno-challenge with the Emerald Lads.
30-min version below the cut.
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mathanlin · 1 year
Foster AU where Phil emergency fosters three kids — twins, plus Tommy, who doesn’t know them. 
But according to the social worker, Phil only wants to keep one of them. 
And the twins are ready to fight Tommy for it.
“You heard her,” Tommy snaps, a week after meeting Phil — the softest week he’s ever had. “He said he only wanted one in his file.”
Both Techno & Wilbur glower back, but it’s Wilbur who speaks, voice like steel.
“Then we’ll convince him to take two.”
Two. Not three.
“He wants *one,*” Tommy repeats, voice wavering. 
“You’re louder than both of us combined.”
“Well, I’m younger,” Tommy spits, fumbling for a single thing to support himself.  “People want younger kids.” 
“Not if it means he has to spend more time with you.”
They go back and forth for ages, picking out everything that could possibly make Phil want them more. 
But they end up frighteningly even, their first battle of many — and for this, they’re all willing to fight dirty. Want the others *less.*
Starting with sabotage. 
It starts at breakfast.
The second Phil leaves, Wilbur bats his coffee cup from the table. It shatters across the floor, and Tommy’s jaw drops open in shock.
Even before—
“Tommy,” Wilbur cries out, just loud enough to catch Phil’s ear.  “Why? That was his favorite.”
“It wasn’t— I didn’t—”
“Don’t worry about it, mate,” Phil says, hurrying back in, eyes impossibly soft as he says, “You hurt, Toms?”
Tommy softens, stunned. 
But he still shoots Wilbur & Techno a glare as Phil cleans up the shards.
Challenge accepted.
Like that, the war’s started.
Phil buys a special snack for Wilbur? He buries it in the trash, making sure to leave the wrapper in Tommy’s room for Phil to find.
“I think Tommy ate it,” Tommy catches him whispering to Phil. “Can you get two next time?”
Tommy’s hands tremble. He forces them to steady. 
*My turn.*
That night, Techno’s water bottle is spilled across Phil’s business papers. Phil’s face is pinched, just a little. “Try to set it somewhere safer next time, mate.”
Techno nods frantically. “Yeah. Yeah, of course.”
Tommy almost laughs.
The twins don’t have *anything* to be afraid of. They have each other, a team Tommy envies (even if they’re united against him).
Tommy has nothing. No one to teach him gently, to defend him from the bullies at school, to hold him.
But if he wins, he’ll have Phil.
He’ll have everything.
The emergency foster contract comes to an end far too fast. 
But… Phil extends it.
For *all* of them.
Two more weeks of softness, safety, love.
Two more weeks to fight to keep it *forever,* with new desperation.
The attacks get more personal. 
Tommy’s grades start to slip? Techno smiles at him over dinner. “I’ll help, Toms. Mind if I come to your room and walk through it with you tonight?”
Phil beams. “That’s kind of you, Techno.”
Even Tommy almost believes it.
Techno never shows up. 
It’s Tommy’s turn to attack.
“Can you drive me today?” he says, forcing a tremble into his voice. “Wilbur drives a little fast, and I… I don’t like it.”
“Of course,” Phil says, frowning. “I’ll talk to him, too.”
Tommy hugs him, hiding his grin in Phil’s chest. “Thanks.”
But that particular lie was a mistake.
Phil’s staying late at work. Just thirty minutes, but that means time alone at school.
No. Not alone. 
Tommy’s bullies make sure of that.
It’s not anything he can’t take.
Bag thrown on the floor. Shoved against a locker. Knuckles pressed into his chest, chasing his breath away even before a fist lands in his gut. 
Tommy almost closes his eyes, ready to take it—
—and a brown-haired blur tackles the bully.
Tommy can’t see much through the mess of fists. 
But he knows. It’s Techno & Wilbur. *Defending* him. 
The bruises beneath his sweater don’t sting in the slightest, softened by the haze of relief that lights up Tommy’s heart. 
He’s… never had this.
Someone loving him. Someone protecting him — and god, do the twins do that. Techno might avoid the hits, but Wilbur takes them head-on without flinching.
For once, Tommy’s not the only one hurt. 
He’s not alone.
“Tommy,” Wilbur says, after the bullies have fled. He extends a hand, red from wiping his bloody nose — Tommy takes it, heart leaping as Wilbur helps him up.
“Thank you,” he whispers, beaming. “Thank you, you didn’t have to— I really—”
“Wilbur. Wait.”
It’s… Techno.
He gestures to Wilbur’s nose. To the blood pulsing from it.
And, voice cracked by fear, he whispers, “We can’t get into fights. Your record.”
Wilbur pales. Tommy stills, watching his expression.
Fear. No, *terror.* Realization. 
Then cold, hard determination. His hand tightens where it still holds Tommy’s.
Lightning-fast, it snaps to Tommy’s collar.
And pins him against the lockers.
“Look at me,” Wilbur spits, gesturing at his face. “You did this.”
Tommy wriggles, trembling & utterly confused. “No, I didn’t. You fought, you— you fought for me—”
Wilbur’s grip tightens, cutting him off. 
“No. You *hit me,*” he snarls, voice shaking with fear & fury. “Got it?”
It takes a second for the words to sink in.
And then Tommy understands.
Phil will be here any minute. He’ll see Wilbur, battered & pale, Tommy’s fingers stained red from taking his hand.
It’s two witnesses versus one. Tommy has no one to defend him.
Stupid to think he had Techno & Wilbur fighting for him.
Stupid to think he’d get to have Phil.
"You hit him?"
Tommy nods, shaking. He can't meet Phil's eyes — or Techno & Wilbur's, drilling into him from across the couch.
Phil sighs, breath shuddering. "Tommy... why?"
Tommy can't force himself to speak.
So Wilbur lies for him.
"He's been mad," Wilbur says, voice wavering. "He has a temper, Phil, he— he lashes out. Remember the cup he broke? My stuff he stole?"
Phil's brow furrows. "Tommy, did—"
He cuts off. Tommy follows his gaze.
To the bruises peeking out from beneath his sweater.
"Wilbur," Phil says slowly, voice quiet, "did you hit him back?"
Wilbur freezes. "What? No, It wasn't— I didn't—"
Phil's gaze flicks to Techno, who flinches hard. "Did *you?*"
Techno shakes his head, paling.
Phil's gaze hardens.
"Alright. All of you, the truth. *Now.*"
"I told you, Tommy hit me—"
"He did," Techno cuts Wilbur off, voice shaking, "Phil, we're telling the truth—"
The twins obey. (Of course they do. They're still fighting to be good, even as their world crumbles.)
"I want to hear it from Tommy."
And Tommy...
Tommy can't say a thing.
He's too scared to say a word against the twins. Too ashamed to whisper, *I just wanted you to keep /me/.*
So he stays silent.
And that's damning in itself.
"All of you, upstairs, now." Phil stands, gesturing at the stairs. "I need— I need to think."
All of them flinch, hearing the same words Phil surely means.
*I need to decide which of you I'm keeping.*
Tommy sucks in a breath. "Phil, please—"
"It wasn't Tommy."
It's Techno that whispers it, painfully quiet.
Wilbur's head snaps toward him, voice cracking. "Techno, no—"
"Tommy didn't hit Wil," Techno repeats, blinking away tears. "Wil didn't hit him, either. Please. That's the truth."
Phil's silent. It only makes Wilbur's choked sob even louder.
"Techno, why— we could've—"
"Wil." Techno's voice breaks. "He wants *one.* Make this easy on him."
He glances at the stairs, their room. Like he's already imagining packing up.
"Make this easy on *us.*"
"Is that what's this about?" he says, hushed. "The fighting? The lying? Blaming things on each other?"
He lets out a wavering breath, somehow managing to get quieter.
"You thought I only wanted one of you?"
*Yes,* all of them think, and none of them say aloud.
Phil sighs, short and pained. "Upstairs, all of you. I need to make a call."
There it is again. *I need to decide which of you I'm keeping.*
And this time, none of them argue.
All of them think they know who Phil's chosen.
(And Phil...
Phil has a social worker to yell at, and a school to request security footage from.
And after that?
Three sons to comfort.)
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simplepotatofarmer · 1 year
another mini fic for my 'hey loyal write this' challenge, this time based on @justcallme-ange's prompt! a slight retelling of doomsday preparations featuring doomsday trio!
“How’s preparations coming along, mate?”
Techno stopped in the middle of the cabin and sighed, arms hanging down at his sides.
“Bruh. Don’t ask me that, Phil, alright,” he said. “I have no dang idea what I’m doin’.”
“You look stressed.” A trace of worry was in Phil’s voice, hidden beneath the laughter.
“Who knew that destroyin’ a government was so complicated?” 
“Have you talked to Dream again, seen what he’s up to? It might help us figure out what we should be doing,” suggested Phil.
It wasn’t a bad idea. As much as Dream came off as mysterious and aloof, Techno had learned it actually took very little to get him talking. Or at least very little to fluster him and get him laughing which was about the same thing in the end. 
“See, this is why I keep you around, Phil,” Techno said, taking out his communicator and typing out a quick message.
[you whisper to Dream] hey man [you whisper to Dream] can we meet up and do a lil planning?
With a sigh, Phil moved some clutter out of the way, clearing a place for him to sit.
“Now we wait,” he said.
They didn’t have to wait long. Techno had barely begun pacing around the cabin, collecting supplies to brew a potion then deciding he wanted to brew a different one, before his communicator chimed. Techno fumbled with it for a moment.
[Dream whispered to you] i’m kind of busy. is something wrong?
[you whisper to Dream] define ‘wrong’ haha [you whisper to Dream] nah, it’s fine. we can come to you. where are you?
Phil quirked an eyebrow as he watched Techno type, chuckling to himself, and resisted the urge to stand up and try to read over his friend’s shoulder.
This time the reply took longer.
[Dream whispered to you] sure i guess [Dream whispered to you] i’m near by [Dream whispered to you] at my HOUSE
Techno waved the communicator in Phil’s direction.
“This man, he’s still tryin’ to convince me he’s not homeless.”
“Jesus christ,” said Phil, rolling his eyes.
[you whisper to Dream] do you mean your ‘evil lair’?
A second later, the communicator chimed.
[Dream whispered to you] WHAT?? [Dream whispered to you] how the hell do you know about that techno??
Laughing, Techno responded.
[you whisper to Dream] me and phil will be there in a bit [you whisper to Dream] sorry about the creeper man
[Dream whispered to you] THAT WAS YOU???
Techno remembered the path to Dream’s little house. It hadn’t been that long since he had watched Dream struggle to build it. He was little surprised to find that Dream had returned to rebuild it but maybe he shouldn’t have been. It seemed like a very Dream thing to do, the more he thought about it.
“You really bullied him into building a house?” asked Phil as they trudged along.
“I mean, bullyin’ is a bit harsh, Phil.” Techno paused. “But I absolutely bullied the heck out of that man.”
“You’re unbelievable, mate.”
As they crested the hill, Techno stopped.
“Huh. I guess he really did rebuild it,” he said.
The house was just as mismatched as it had been the first time Techno had been here. Shaking his head, Techno headed down with Phil following behind him. There was still a hole in the yard from the creeper. Techno knocked on the door and waited.
A moment later there was the sound of something hitting the ground and then footsteps that were almost too quiet to hear. The door opened and Dream was tugging down his mask, dirty blonde hair sticking out around the straps. When he spoke, he sounded as if he was holding back a yawn.
“What did you need to talk about, Techno?”
“Well, the whole destroyin’ the government thing,” he said, slowly. There was something about the set of Dream’s shoulders, how disheveled he looked, that made worry sprout in his chest. His armor was half on and his sleeves were rolled up, exposing his forearms covered in bandages. Techno glanced at Phil; he had been ready to grill Dream about his plans but he was silent, frowning. “You alright, man?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” Dream adjusted his mask again and glanced behind him before stepping aside. “Well… I guess you can come in, I’ll show you what I’ve got so far.”
One of the first things Techno noticed about Dream’s ‘house’ was there was no bed. The second thing was the blueprints that had been spread out and tacked up onto the wall. Some of them clearly weren’t for whatever he had planned for L’Manberg and he had quickly shoved them away. Neither Techno nor Phil said anything though they had exchanged a glance before sitting down at the table Dream had indicated. There were only two chairs so Dream had sat on a chest in the corner.
“And you got enough TNT for this?” asked Phil.
There was no answer.
Techno cleared his throat. The mask made it impossible to see where Dream was looking but the downward tilt of his head gave it away.
“Dream?” Techno shifted in his seat and nudged Dream’s foot with his hoof. “Wakey-wakey.”
Dream jerked upright.
“When’s the last time you’ve gotten some sleep, man?”
He tugged at his sleeves, rolling them down, and turned his head away.
“Well, to be fair, I’ve been pretty busy,” said Dream.
Snorting, Phil shook his head.
“Damn good way to get yourself killed, going into battle exhausted.”
“It’s—I mean, it’s fine. I’m fine.” Dream’s voice rose in pitch. “You’re the ones that wanted to come here.”
Techno frowned. The worry from earlier had bloomed.
“Alright, Dream, alright,” he said. “I guess we should be goin’. How about you walk us back, Dream?”
“What?! Why?”
It was a question that Phil had been on the verge of asking himself but he saw the look on Techno’s face and realized he had something planned.
“Haven’t you ever heard of hospitality, Dream? We’re your guests.”
“That doesn’t—That doesn’t make any sense! You came here.”
“Hospitality, Dream.” Techno got to his feet. “C’mon, walk us back.”
The groan Dream gave turned into a yawn halfway through. Standing, Dream adjusted his mask once more – it had slipped to the side – and headed towards the door.
“God, fine.”
It took about five minutes for Dream to stumble the first time. The second time, he slipped on a snow-covered log and might have fallen if Techno hadn’t caught him, steadying him with a pat on the back.
“Whoa, easy, Dream,” he said.
Dream didn’t pull away. He rubbed a hand over his face, beneath the mask, and then shrugged. He knew the argument that Techno was about to make and knew there wasn’t anything he could say because Techno was right.
“You got a death wish, mate, running yourself so ragged like this?” asked Phil.
Looking at him, Dream shrugged again because he couldn’t argue with that, either, not really.
“Good thing you decided to walk us back, Dream, you can stay with me tonight,” Techno said. “I have room, I told you that.”
“I’m not—I’m not staying with you.”
“Sure you are, Dream.” Taking Dream’s hands, Techno ducked under his arm, turning so his back was to Dream and lifting him. Dream struggled for a moment before giving up and letting Techno tug him up until he was settled on Techno’s back. “We can’t have you trippin’ and breakin’ a leg before the big fight.”
“This is so fucking embarrassing,” Dream muttered but he looped his arms around Techno’s neck.
“I mean, it is pretty embarrasin’ that I have to carry you but I don’t mind, man.”
Phil burst out laughing, slapping his knee.
“Oh, got him.”
“I hate both of you,” said Dream.
“I know, Dream.”
The laughter trailed off and silence fell as they walked. It didn’t take long for Techno to feel Dream’s head drop against his neck, chin resting on his shoulder, breathing now even. All his weight was now held up by Techno’s arms, hands under his knees.
“He’s asleep, isn’t he, Phil?”
Craning his head, Phil tried to get a good look.
“Out like a fucking light,” he said, with a huff of amusement.
“I knew it. Man was practically asleep on his dang feet.”
“Some big bad,” Phil said. “He’s like a damn toddler.”
“Not gonna lie, he weighs a bit more than a toddler but yeah.”
“So, was your plan to bully him into walking us home just so you could make him take a nap?”
“Well, when you put it like… But yeah, that was exactly my plan, Phil. That was exactly my plan.”
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prisonpodcast · 1 year
a certain SOMEONE is CLEARLY not over that time Techno generously gave them a free dental appointment 🙄
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Day one for the @first-try-techno-challenge I got Technoblade and Quackity :D (+ bonus Dream too bc he’s in the stream I’m referencing)
30 minute version under the cut:
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melscrate · 1 year
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another art for @first-try-techno-challenge
emduo my beloveds :D
a lot to fix and I maaaybe will complete this picture later but not so bad for 30-ish minutes I guess
ref used below
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mykaeba · 1 year
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techno and carl for day1 of @first-try-techno-challenge ! ref is that one viggo mortensen pic
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myartsing · 1 year
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Day three of the @first-try-techno-challenge my prompt was Wilbur and techno and bloody (watergun )battle (against phil and Tommy)
and of course my sketch after thirty minutes:
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vpofcookies · 1 year
First Try techno challenge V3!!!! My prompt for day one was Technoblade and Carl the horse!!
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