#technoblade is a vesca kinnie but if instead of lying she was just extremely socially incompetent
febo-asoma Β· 3 years
Here's how I read Technoblade. Techno is a guy who's first instinct is violence, and whose use of violence is very very effective. However, he still has ideals he wants to find the best way to move forward on.
He understands violence, he respects violence (and the capacity for violence), and is inclined to resolve things in a violent way. And Yet, he acknowledges violence has not been a good enough way to further his ideals, so he changed strategies. He wanted to get people to see that governments would only make everyone miserable (And He Was Right, Tubbo Wouldn't Have Exiled Tommy Had He Not Been President, because of the responsibilities he had over what he personally believed was good, Tubbo resolved the issue enough in his eyes by going for reformation, while Dream forced his hand. sooner or later a situation like that was Going to arise.) so he tried fighting beside them, and then he tried to force them to see Via violence as a last resort, fueled by hurt and frustration. It wasn't a cold rational decision, and it's one he sees as a failure. However, he still enjoyed blowing stuff up.
Then, against all his instincts, but following his Ideals (and trying a different strategy) he attempted pacifism, staying out of it, living in the snow. It didn't go well (butcher army my beloveds), but at every turn, until he had no other choice, he stuck to his ideal, this new way of going about it, he prepared a defense for a trial that never came and only in the end did he resort to violence. And then, on the way back, seeing pacifism fail, he picked a new strategy, total reciprocity.
Doomsday for Technoblade wasn't really about the moral corruption government poses, it was about repaying tenfold the injustice he was served. You can call it whatever you'd like, and he wasn't Right to do it, it didn't really help to further his ideals, he still came out as the bad guy. However, it's any other revenge plot but on a Technoblade scale. He allowed himself to be used by Dream, and Philza had his own motivation, because This Wasn't A Moral Battle For Technoblade, It Was An Act Of Revenge. And in the incredible violence only that specific team could bring, he had a lot of fun.
And BECAUSE it wasn't a moral victory, it wasn't any way to further his goals, he forms the Syndicate. He acknowledges that he's a bad example of what he's attempting, he's fucking SHITTY at his one goal (getting others to see the inherent flaws in a corruptible system that gives some people the capacity to decide over others regarding their own freedom), and yet he keeps trying. And Yet. He is the person in the Syndicate with the most power of decision. Philza just doesn't really chime in on decisions and the rest of them are rightfully scared of him. Once more, he has dominated with violence, driving himself at the top of the hierarchy by pure force, what a hypocrite. Except, by the design of the Syndicate, he's clarified time and again none of them have to do anything they don't want to (even attend meetings!), and he makes an active effort to listen to every member's opinions (to the point where Niki was surprised by how much she was being listened to).
When they back Ranboo into a corner, Technoblade is leading the charge, purely as a first reaction to someone potentially hostile learning of the Syndicate's actions. His first reaction is, once again, violence, the threat of violence in this case (which against Ranboo, certified coward, is very effective). What's also notable is that after that he has a moment of oh shit, he probably feels obligated to do this, I need to clarify that he doesn't have to do anything, that's what I Stand For.
Techno enjoys violence, he has fun threatening people, and he still strives for a world where people won't have to fight meaningless wars. He's a complex character and this duality expresses itself for example in how Phil hides Ranboo's marriage and Michael from Technoblade. Technoblade IS a ticking timebomb of violence, and when taken off guard and put on the spot he WILL blow, Schlatt abused this in his time, but he doesn't WANT meaningless carnage (despite how much fun it can be), he wants a better world, and he's trying to get to it.
I'm curious to see how he reacts to Eret now that she's back, considering they basically agree on most things, and they hold basically the same position (power over others while still wanting to bring better circumstances to them), except Eret has the soft power of being king and being friends with people (Tommy refers to her as the real king, for example) and Techno has the hard power of Raw Military Mightβ„’.
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