#technoblade analysis
generallyunskilled · 3 years
I really hate to burst a lot of c!rivalsduo fans bubbles but like… c!Techno does not care about c!Dream. And c!Dream does not care about c!Techno. The fanart of Techno taking care of Dream post-prison is nice but so incredibly canon divergent. They’re not buddies. Techno owes Dream a favor and that’s literally it currently. They’re not hostile against each other, either mind you, because they have no reason to be. Whether or not it’s being used, Techno and Dream are the most power people in the server and they’re smart. Neither of them want to make the other an enemy.
They’re separate people who live very separate lives. They don’t team up out of any sort of camaraderie. They team up when their goals overlap. I say overlap for a reason here. They’ve never had the same endgoal. When it came to Doomsday, they both wanted L’Manburg gone but for different reasons. They each just needed each other’s respective power and resources for a common short term goal. Their long term goals do not currently align. Odds are, once Dream uses that favor, he won’t have anything to do with Techno unless they have a similar goal again. Dream’s got other fish to fry once he’s out of prison.
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kotalefanzu · 3 years
okay don’t roast me but when i’m bored i watch gacha react videos and a common type i watch is people reacting to technoblade. and a lot of times i see a characterization of him that makes me laugh because boy howdy is that absolutely not it.
imagine chilling there settling down to watch my hero academia or what ever reacting the blood god and you see some pig eared pink man just grinnin’ to himself like “i’m the best.” you’re sitting there like lol who dis supposed to be. then you’re like oh.
technoblade is definitely self assured, but not egotistical. he knows he is good at pvp and takes pride in that, but doesn’t aggressively flaunt that skill with condescending smirks and serious comments admiring himself. man is too awkward for such cringe. technoblade is wholesome af under all that murder skillz.
he treats his ability to murder people as a causal background thing in competitions and that’s probably one of my favorite things about him. he isn’t an aggressively competitive sweaty try hard, he’s a chill dude with a dry and kinda dark since of humor.
so forgive me for absolutely dying at some portrayals trying to convince me this man is super duper egotistical, “i am king” type, big leader man. because the social anxiety says otherwise.
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pinkelotjeart · 3 years
What makes me the most annoyed when people say c!techno has a victim complex, is that it just dismisses anything he went through.
C!techno felt betrayed and hurt by people. that’s not a victim complex, thats having emotions and reacting to people hurting you.
Just because you don’t agree with a characters actions, or just because a character isn’t fully morally correct doesn’t mean they can’t be hurt. Even people you don’t like can be victims.
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