#ted lasso x trc
squash1 · 1 year
the lynch brothers x ted lasso on forgiveness & brotherhood
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andrea-lyn · 3 years
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#okay but really i am so glad that i am basically just being a listening post and an accountability person because their fics are fantastic
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it took him a while, but michael guerin finally found his forever home, huh
76 notes • Posted 2021-09-28 02:50:50 GMT
Okay, let’s do morning thoughts on Nate, specifically after this last episode:
First and foremost, I don’t think the narrative is asking us to root for him. If anything, they are bringing up the fact that he is not to be rooted for by giving us a sympathetic ‘done nothing wrong’ character in Will to show that this is bad, this is not what we want.
That said, I love that Ted Lasso and its writers lets its characters have shades of gray so much. I think what this episode tells me is that Nate is desperate for extrinsic approval because he’s too insecure to have his own self-motivation/self-confidence. Again, this is not to excuse him, but we see the blocks of not getting approval (father), getting insufficient approval (mother not getting it right), or one voice being critical in a sea of approval on Twitter (not being 100% approved of). He is constantly seeking it from external sources and when it’s not there, he needs to feel powerful or “better”.
And I’ve seen other comments about how he goes after “weaker” people or those lower on the totem pole (Colin, Will), and I think that’s very apt. He knows that he’s not going to get pushback. Even with Colin, think about last season. When he roasted Colin and the other players, he got approval. The team LOVED it, they lauded him for it. They laughed and he was laughing and everything was fine. So now he does it again, except he’s in a position of power now and hasn’t adjusted and it’s okay that he’s learning. It is okay that he is fucking up. It won’t be okay if he keeps going without consequence, but even Beard has started to notice. Given that the apology definitely left Colin little option but to accept it (as others have said, public, only prompted when ‘caught’), and that Ted has actively asked if he needs to get involved, I really do not think we’ve seen the last of it.
And I do think Nate is going to end up in that therapy chair and he’s going to learn that you can be hurt, but as Rebecca learned last season, hurting others to make yourself feel better is a nasty thorny path to go down. 
But right now? Believe. Because I love the narrative and the nuance and just like the episode said: The truth’ll set you free, but first it’ll piss you off, and right now, we get to be angry, but I do think they’ll set up the path out of the dark forest.
96 notes • Posted 2021-09-03 12:43:12 GMT
I can’t wait for Michael and Alex to be making out at/near his bedside when Kyle wakes up from his coma, so we can get a ‘uhhhhh how long have I been out’
101 notes • Posted 2021-09-14 02:00:39 GMT
look at me, I am old, but I’m happy
(for @christchex because I truly believe her to be #1 Sanders supporter)
The damn kids are keeping something from him. None of them are good liars at the best of times, but every time Sanders shows up when Michael’s friends are around, suddenly they go real quiet. At first, he writes it off as stupid youthful hormone shit. It’s probably something to do with that Manes boy that Michael doesn’t want to talk about. Only, then Alex Manes starts coming around, Michael’s a lot happier, and the weird behavior keeps going. Something’s up, and it’s something Michael’s actively not telling him. “You know, I ought to fire you,” Sanders says one Sunday, when he and Michael are working on the sunflower fields. Michael scoffs, glancing up from the seeding mechanism he’s been working to fix, but he avoids meeting Sanders’ eyes. He’s known this boy since he tripped out of a pod and he knows when he’s about to be lied to. “I’d like to see you try,” he mutters, but his curiosity is sparked. “Why are you bothering to do that when most of my time is volunteered?” “Because you and your friends are keeping something from me.” “We’re not,” Michael lies. “You’re a terrible liar, boy,” Sanders warns, but he lets him get away with it. Just this once, he lets him. Michael waves him off and grabs his bundle of sunflowers to take back to the Airstream. He doesn’t say what or who they’re for, but Sanders knows. It’s the Manes boy, who’s been lurking around and grinning like an idiot all the time. With Michael gone, Sanders is left to consider what it is that’s being whispered about behind his back. There’s enough alien secrets in this town to fill a gossip rag, but Michael’s been fairly honest with him recently, even if he’s been trying to hide how gone he is over his thing with Alex Manes. The truth is this -- he’s an old man. The boy he used to be is a memory and a distant one at that. He’s taken Walt and locked him away behind mountains of bottles and liquor. There’s so much trauma related to those days that he actively works as hard as he can to forget it, and that’s why it takes him so long to realize that maybe he actually knows a bit more than he realizes when it comes to one of those alien secrets.
The secret they’re keeping comes to roost soon after. Well, roost ain’t exactly the word. “They still allow relics like you in this place?”
When Sanders had still been a child and had been happy with Miss Nora and Miss Louise, he’d always recalled their tension around the man they called Jones. They tried to keep it a secret from him then, too, and it’s irritating as hell that history’s repeating it-damn-self. “Relics like me belong more than you do around here,” Sanders scoffs, tossing the wrench into the toolbox. “I’m looking for Michael.” Sanders turns to take in the look of him. He blames his age on the fact that Max Evans never made him feel that icy chill down his spine to spark recognition. All those years with that face in front of him and he never remembered Jones, not until the alien himself busted out and started scaring Sanders all over like he’s a kid. He’s not a kid, though. He’s an old man tired of this bullshit and he’s not about to let an asshole push him around. “Michael,” Sanders says sharply, “ain’t none of your business.” “He’s none of yours either,” Jones says calmly. “Besides, you’re right. It’s not business. It’s family.” It comes back in fits and starts. Miss Nora’s discomfort with Jones’ hand on her shoulder, but the possessive way Jones held onto her. The way Jones had always seemed more occupied with one of the pods. The possessive and keen look in his eye when he’d looked at Walt dismissively, like a human child that Nora took a liking to could never pass muster. There’s only one explanation that Sanders sees, but as far as he’s concerned, it’s crap. “You’re not that boy’s father,” Sanders scoffs. “Or, you might be by blood or whatever alien junk flows through those veins of yours. That boy needed a father growing up and I sure as hell didn’t do the job well enough, but at least I’ve been here. At least I’ve been trying. That’s a hell of a lot more than you can say.” He’s an old and very stupid man, seeing as he knows how much Jones can hurt him. That raised alien hand glowing furiously red is a bad sign, but Sanders decides that if this is how he’s going out, defending Michael is the way he wants to go. “I might have been late getting my act cleaned up, but I still gave him everything I could. I’d die for that boy,” Sanders vows. “For my kid.” Jones scoffs, amused by Sanders’ loyalty like it’s a joke, but then, he always has been an ass, hasn’t he? “Funny you should say that, because today’s your lucky day for getting what you want.” He approaches swiftly, but before he can seal that glowing hand on Sanders’ chest, he just … stops. Sanders refuses to blink. He’s going to stare down his death as long as Jones wants to kill him, which is why he doesn’t notice that he’s being held in place by someone else’s alien powers. “Try,” Michael Guerin snaps at Jones, where he’s holding a bundle of sunflowers in one hand, and holding Jones in place with the other. “You’re not gonna like what happens to you.” Sanders is pretty sure Michael’s bluffing and that when it comes to these two, Michael’s not the one with the upper hand. Still, Jones is playing some kind of long game, because he steps back and lifts both hands up, stepping back and away. “Just two old friends catching up,” he insists, a look in his eyes that says he’s coming back to find Sanders when Michael’s not around. Still, he goes. He goes and he doesn’t look back, leaving Sanders to exhale, slumping over the pick-up truck he’s been working on. “What the hell were you thinking?” Michael demands. “Taunting him like that? He’s an evil dictator! He’s…” “Yeah, yeah, I got the gist decades ago,” Sanders cuts him off. “All I know is what he’s not, and that’s any kind of father to you. Because I might not be the world’s best Dad, but when it comes to it these days, he doesn’t get to swan in and make you feel like you owe him anything. He doesn’t get to make you feel like you belong to him.” This is all getting too damn emotional for him, but he wants to make one thing clear. “I know I didn’t manage the way I should’ve, but if anyone’s a father to you these days, it’s me.” With that said, he gives a firm nod, and hopes that he’s not going to do anything
embarrassing like start crying about it. Well, he might not, but Michael’s struggling to keep it together, by the looks of it, so maybe that’s exactly what it is he needs to hear. “What the hell are you doing back here anyway?” Sanders grunts, when the awkward silence drags on too long. Michael clears his throat, gesturing to the Airstream with the flowers (and conveniently wiping at his nose). “I forgot some papers that I wanted to go over with Alex,” he says, “Lucky I did, or you would’ve been alien dust.” “I got a few tricks up my old sleeves,” Sanders promises, even if he doesn’t have them yet. “So. You and Alex Manes, huh? You ready to admit to me that it’s a thing yet?” Michael wrinkles his nose, but he’s clearly not thinking about Jones anymore, so Sanders considers it a mission accomplished. “How about you start worrying about how much of a thing it is when Alex needs to come get permission from my Dad to marry me,” Michael quips, and he sounds free and happy and brazen and goddamn high. It’s the most that Sanders could ever hope for. “That likely to happen anytime soon?” Michael shrugs, ducking back out of the Airstream with the papers. “You know I don’t do things slow.” “Don’t I ever,” he mutters. “Just warn me before I got alien grandchildren running around the damn scrapyard, will you? The place needs to be alien-proofed.” The look of sheer glee on Michael’s face settles something in Sanders’ chest. He knows he’s happy. He knows he’s settled. He might have missed too many damn years when he was younger, but at least he’s trying now. “Go on,” Sanders encourages. “Go be with your friend,” he teases. “You gonna be okay?” “I’ve survived worse,” Sanders promises. “Now, get,” he insists, and watches Michael leave the scrapyard, off to woo his paramour. As for him? Well, he’s got a hell of a long drive ahead of him to get to the reservation if he wants to pick up some pollen, but after tonight, Sanders figures he ought to protect himself. He’s got a family to worry about, after all. 
214 notes • Posted 2021-09-21 21:51:11 GMT
I have a thousand thoughts about Ted Lasso, but really it boils down to how heartbreaking it was that Nate was wrong that Ted stopped caring, but it also doesn’t matter because it’s not like he knew better. Ted telling him that he keeps that photo with one of his son won’t make it better and Nate’s so far in his own spiral and issues that it’s not going to change.
But really, the rest of the match, what became so clear is that Nate does not have a place at Richmond because Nate does not believe in the same coaching tactics and theory. He sees Ted’s credit as potential blame. He benefits from Ted and Beard’s team building. The false nine only works because Roy gave good advice from experience about talking to the players. He’s gonna have a rude awakening at West Ham when the stick doesn’t actually work.
And yet, god I loved the episode. Richmond is STRONG and Richmond is SUPPORTIVE and Jamie has grown so much (DANI!) and the TINY LITTLE HELMET! And you know what? Nate doesn’t have a place in that. He willfully chooses to not have a place in that.
Maybe that will change in s3? Maybe it won’t. I think he’s in for some hubris at West Ham, but I appreciated them painting it to show that Nate does not belong because he made a choice not to. He made a choice not to be a team player, not to support his players, not to foster an environment of teamwork.
And now? He’s gotta live with those choices because you know, time is linear.
EDIT: And I’m doing my first rewatch and I think what starkly contrasts this is Jamie making a choice that promotes teamwork over glory, but also over strategy? They just mention that he’s the best penalty scorer but Jamie KNOWS what is more important is the team and his teammate. It’s giving Dani redemption. Nate makes the opposite choices and that’s why he will be a very different type of coach (aka, one whose team will fall apart at the first sign of adversity)
EDIT #2: Oh, also? After Rebecca’s “don’t work for that man”, interesting that Nate went to him. He knows who Rupert is. He knows what he might do. Also, Rupert is not hiring Nate out of the kindness of his heart or to support him. This is to get at Rebecca and Ted, so Nate is kind of screwed the moment he messes up because why would Rupert have his back?
236 notes • Posted 2021-10-08 12:57:24 GMT
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squash1 · 1 year
on life being a kind of sowing time <3
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[trk / ted lasso, quote from vincent van gogh / greywaren epilogue / ? / greywaren]
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squash1 · 1 year
ronan lynch & roy kent, you will always be famous
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and maybe y’all should meet to talk about your issues. just a thought.
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squash1 · 1 year
three headed gay person
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squash1 · 11 months
pov you’re an insane person rereading trc
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feeling very much this:
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squash1 · 1 year
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squash1 · 2 years
i present to you, trc x ted lasso:
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mostly gansey bc ted is gansey lol
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