#teddy has never acknowledged ross
medicallymercury · 5 months
one of my favourite things I ever saw happen was when the Holby Wiki seemed to suddenly be like “TEDDY AND ROSS ARE COUSINS” when Gethin died and they both got added to each other’s Familial Information sections on their pages
maybe it’s just funny to me because Gaynor was already on Ross’ as his aunt??
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writeturnlove · 2 years
Summary: Your friend, James Buchanan Barnes, always comes over to your place to hang out with all of your mutual friends. Then one night, Bucky comes over alone and he wants to do a little more than just hang out. The late night visits quickly turn into something unexpected and you soon realize your world has turned upside down...in more ways than one.
Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes x Black Female Plus Size Reader
Warnings: Mentions of insecurity, sex, NSFW, hurt, comfort, and a few tears.
Stay With Me
By V.C. Turner
It started about a month ago. A knock sounded on my door and I opened it after I looked through the peephole. Bucky Barnes stood on my doorstep, donning his red Henley shirt and a pair of black sweatpants. He looked like he had something on his mind that he wanted to discuss. I waved him inside. He’s a friend and I usually did my best to help him out when I could. Once he walked inside, he wrapped his right hand around mine and led me to the bedroom.
Since he often had nightmares, I figured he just wanted someone to cuddle with; to keep him company so he could fight the demons of his past as they assaulted him in his sleep. I get that. I’m nice and plump. I’ve been called a cute little Teddy Bear because of that fact.
That first night, he stripped down to his boxers and a t-shirt, then he slipped between the covers of my bed as if he belonged there. I slid in bed and scooted down on my pillow. I didn’t expect him to pull me into his arms, but he did. He gave me a light squeeze and held onto me...like a teddy bear. After several minutes, I felt his breathing slow and a soft snore exited his throat. I patted his forearm and snuggled into his embrace before I fell asleep.
I woke up first that following morning. I didn’t know what he wanted, but had he wanted to talk, he would have done so. I turned over and watched him sleep for another hour. Once he began stirring, I slipped out of bed and started to make breakfast. I made enough for two, but it wasn’t necessary.
I heard shuffling in the bedroom. Once I looked up, he was walking to the door. He gave me a half smile, a quick nod, and left. I swallowed hard and continued making a meal that I would eventually eat alone.
I went to work, not knowing what, if anything to say to him about the previous night. I made sure to carefully study my computer screen when he passed by my office and stopped in to say hello.
“Hey, y/n,” he said in his usual tone.
“Hey, Buck,” I said back.
I looked into his eyes and saw nothing different than any other morning. He behaved as though him coming to bed and sleeping over at my place was something normal. It wasn’t. We were just friends. He never came over alone… until the night he did.
“What’s up?” he asked, taking a bite of a donut.
“I’m just trying to decipher some of the ledgers you guys found at the last Hydra base. Secretary Ross wants an update from all the analysts by the end of the week,” I told him, briefly scanning his features for anything that resembled a deeper familiarity.
“We’re getting ready for the next operation, running drills in the simulator,” Bucky explained.
I nodded my head and gave him a half smile.
“You guys will kick ass,” I said.
Sam and Steve walked by in the hallway, glancing in before continuing on their way. Bucky acknowledged them and said “Later” to me before heading back out the door.
I ignored the twist in my stomach. It was just cuddling anyway. Why would he want anything more than a comfy, human pillow? I guess my brown-skinned, thick ass fit the bill last night, but it was a one time thing, probably done out of desperation.
I continued my work for the rest of the day, doing research and analysis and answering questions of people in the agency that needed my expertise. The day ended without incident. I stopped by and grabbed a chef salad from the deli on the way home. I changed into a long tank top, propped up my feet, ate my dinner, and fell asleep on the couch. It was a typical night for me.
The knock at my door scared the shit out of me. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock, which read 2:05 a.m. With my heart pounding in my chest, I looked and saw it was James Buchanan Barnes at my door again. I opened it. He walked inside, his right arm brushing against my chest as he passed me.
I was about to ask him what was going on when he looked me up and down. I’d forgotten that all I was wearing was a tank top. My panties, thighs, and everything out on display because I didn’t expect anyone else would see it. He swallowed, then reached for my hand and for some reason I gave it to him.
Bucky led me back to the bedroom again. He stripped off his t-shirt and jeans and crawled into bed. I followed the same routine as the night before. I slid in bed next to him, facing away from the super soldier as I covered myself up with the sheets and comforter.
I was about to say “goodnight,” to him when I felt his hand run from my shoulder, along my side, down to my hips and then eventually my thighs. It felt somewhere between a caress and a massage. I tried to ignore the fire that built up in my core. He didn’t want me like that. He would never want me like that. He was just being friendly, I told myself. He’d stop soon.
But he didn’t stop.
Tags: @toniinhere ; @terensebastianstan; @diehardlover-blog; @parker-barnes-af
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@therealhousewivesofidris @yknott81 @youremysuperstar
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wandlores · 6 years
Pairing: Ginny Weasley x Blaise Zabini Words: 3,797 You can also read this on AO3. This is a Muggle AU for the @slytherdornet and @hprarepairnet Valentine’s Day Challenge!
Blaise was a notorious womanizer. He wasn't ashamed of that fact, but he didn't take pride from it either. Sex was sex, relationships were weakness. That is what his mother had always taught him, anyway. Use people to protect yourself and get what you need and make sure to get out fast. It was second nature to Blaise at this point; it was a way of life. Why should he change it now even though his mother was thousands of miles away? It had been working for him for years.
The truth was, Blaise didn't know any other way, and he was afraid to step away from what he had always known. He was afraid of that vulnerability. He had been humiliated once in his life by someone he thought he could care for, and he wouldn't let it happen again. So when his least favorite holiday came around, he decided to use it to his advantage. There would be lonely girls around that would give him what he wanted - information on the dean's son, who was also a notorious womanizer, and it would give him a few minutes of pleasure. And who knows, he might learn a few new tricks from these women. Blaise knew you learned something from everyone you met.
Campus was overflowing with couples mastering the art of PDA and over-exaggeration of their feelings that probably didn't really exist. He smirked to himself as he watched a girl swoon over her boyfriend giving her a stuffed teddy bear he saw at Wal-Mart for five dollars two days before. If only she knew he got that as a bargain, or maybe she knew and didn't care. She just wanted to feel important like everyone else.
Blaise walked with his hands in his pockets across the campus grounds until he saw her. Her blonde locks were flowing down her back, and she gave him a flirtatious smile that hinted "you will be getting fucked in the near future" while also appearing like she had better things to do. It was truly an art.
As he approached her, she kissed him forcefully on the mouth. He didn't push her away, this was the game he played.
"Now Blaise," she started, "You are taking me out tonight, right?"
He knew it wasn't a request, it was a demand. He would oblige for now, get what he wanted, and leave her the next day. That was his pattern.
"Yes, Daphne," he reassured her, "I will be taking you out tonight. But I have to be in by eight, alright, love?" He kissed her on the cheek then, and he felt the blush against her cheeks. He knew she wanted to protest that he had to be in so early, but he also knew she wouldn't turn down some time with him. That's how it always was for him. The girls would flock after his name and fortune, even if they knew their fate. But there were always the ones that were too naive to see the game he was actually playing.
Daphne was looping her arms around his neck when they were suddenly hit with wet sludge. Daphne squealed and stepped away from him, but Blaise didn't move. He just glared across the campus lawn to see who their attacker was. Snowballs were a very childish tactic, if he said so himself.
It was then he caught side of her. Her blazing red hair was blowing against the winter air, and she was preparing another snowball. He raised his brow, deciding to challenge her. She gave him just what he wanted and chucked the snowball in his direction. This time, he diverted it rather easily.
"If you want to play dirty," he called after her, "You might as well come up close and personal."
Daphne giggled, and he saw the red head glare back at him. He figured she would run off at that point, but instead, she marched towards him in her hideous combat boots that he was pretty sure he saw through the window when he walked by Ross last week. She would be the type to bargain shop.
When she finally approached him, he realized she was smaller than he would have expected. He was almost a foot taller than her. Her light brown eyes were blazing like her hair. If she would be any element, it would be fire. He tried to recognize her face, but her name was not coming to mind. The only reason she could be angry with him though was because he hooked up with her at some point and didn't call her back.
Daphne latched onto Blaise's arm. He wanted to push her away, but he was a gentleman, after-all. You don't do that, even if she is just a casual fuck. He did have more respect than that.
The redhead finally spoke, "I'm not surprised to see you have another gremlin attached to your hip, Zabini."
"And you are?" He asked.
She rolled her eyes, "That doesn't matter. All I know is that you broke my friend's heart for another one of your pets."
It was now Daphne's turn to glare, "I am not his pet, you wretched whor-"
"Stop-" Blaise interrupted her, "She has a right to be angry."
Daphne gave him a shocked expression, but then he kissed her on the cheek watching the redhead's face as he did so. She looked like she was going to blow chunks. He loved her revulsion. It gave him an adrenaline rush.
Daphne leaned into him and he whispered into her ear, "See you later, love. I'm going to take care of this."
Daphne smiled up at him and flung her blonde locks over her shoulder. She gave the redhead one last dirty look and walked away in the snow in her six inch heels. He wondered how she didn't fall in them in this weather. Talent, he figured.
Blaise turned his full attention to the redhead now and crossed his arms. He studied her up and down, and she snapped her finger in his face.
"I'm not here for you to study and oogle at. Yeah, I'm hot, but I'm here for revenge."
He lifted his brow and laughed. He actually laughed. Full belly laughing was not Blaise's thing, but he couldn't stop.
"Stop laughing at me!" She spat, "You are such an asshole."
He stopped laughing long enough to catch his breath, then he seriously asked her, "Now which friend's honor are you defending? I have to say I have seen a lot of woman recently so I can't say that I-"
Before he knew it, the redhead had smacked him across the face. Hard.
He instinctively touched his cheek and felt angry, but he made sure to keep composure. He was like ice, not fire. He wouldn't give into this impulsive bullshit.
"Her name is Millicent Bulstrode," the redhead told him, "My roommate."
"Ah, yes," Blaise pondered, "Millicent. I remember her. Very luscious curves, too eager to be touched."
The redhead turned her hands into fists at her side.
"Stop toying with her," the redhead demanded, "And other woman while we're at it. You know, some people actually have feelings."
"I know I do, my ego is real bruised right now," Blaise joked, "Just like my cheek is going to be in the morning."
The redhead huffed and turned around abruptly. She attempted to walk away from him, but Blaise wasn't finished yet. He had to know her name.
"So what's the name of Millicent's friend defending her honor?" Blaise called after her.
The redhead didn't turn around to acknowledge him. She just kept walking across the courtyard, but she did reach her arm back behind her body and flipped him off.
Blaise grinned.
Blaise zipped up the fly of his pants and reached down for his jacket. Daphne rolled over in her bed wearing her baby pink lingerie and gave him a pouty lip.
"Do you really have to go?" She whined, "I feel like we were just getting started."
"I told you I had to leave by eight," he said, "I'll call you tomorrow."
But he wouldn't. He found out what he needed about Theodore Nott, and he surely got what he needed from her. The dean's son wouldn't know what hit him.
She pouted as he left her bedroom and out of her dorm room and checked his wristwatch. The speed-dating event he was going to started in twenty minutes; he was happy to know he would make it on time. He knew a lot of Theodore's ex-girlfriends would be there. They always were, and it was the perfect opportunity for more information.
As he drove across town, the redhead from the courtyard came to his mind. He had never met someone who vehemently hated him like that. It gave him the same rush he experience earlier, but now it was down to his groin. He pulled himself together as he found a parking spot and adjusted his collar in his rearview mirror. He walked into the great hall where the speed-dating Valentine's event was being held and signed in at the front desk. The receptionist blubbered and smiled at him; he had her wrapped around his finger. She handed him his name-tag and waved to him as he made his way to the banquet hall. She then leaned over to gossip about him excitedly to her receptionist friend. At least he knew if he didn't take home one of the ladies from the event, he could take her home easily. He memorized her name-tag that said Tracey.
All the women at the event were dressed to the nines. They wore tight revealing dresses and heels they could barely walk in. Blaise tried to find the woman he would talk to first so he could pick his first table, and it was then he noticed a familiar redhead across the way.
She was wearing a skin-tight emerald dress with black fishnets. She wore five inch velvet heels and a diamond bracelet around her wrist. It was as though she was a different person. Before his mind even made the decision, his body was walking towards her.
Once she caught sight of him, she rolled her eyes and pursed her red lips. All Blaise could think about was how they would feel against his dick.
"Well, well, well," he joked, "You clean up nicely."
She snorted and took a drink from her flute of champagne. Blaise quickly grabbed one from the waiter passing by. The redhead still didn't say anything, but she tapped her freshly painted nails against her glass as she took a seat. He took the seat across from her.
"This doesn't seem like your kind of event," he commented, "What are you doing here?"
"No questions until the bell rings," she told him, "That's how speed-dating works."
He grinned and she took another sip from her drink. Blaise watched her until the bell rang, then she set down her glass and crossed her legs under the table. He could feel her foot on his calf and tried not to let it distract him.
"What is a rebel like you doing here?" He asked again, "You seem like the type that would personally despise these events and try to revolt against them."
She laughed, "I definitely despise these events, but I have an agenda."
Blaise cocked his brow, "Oh?"
She leaned forward across the table to the point where he could look down her dress. Her cleavage was showing, and he shifted in his seat to control himself.
"What do you know about the dean's son, Theodore Nott?"
Blaise leaned forward so their faces were close together; he felt her calm breath against his lips. She was completely composed and under control. Nothing like she was earlier that day. They both could feel other people's eyes on them, they probably figured they had already met their match and would leave after this round. Blaise was pretty sure they were right.
"Who's asking?"
She smirked and took another sip of her champagne, "The authorities."
Blaise choked on his own spit, and she waited impatiently as he tried to compose himself. Did she know of his plan? Was she a fed?
"Calm down, Zabini," she told him quietly, "I don't care what your original plans were, but I will tell you what your new plans are."
The grin on her face was wicked as she motioned him to lean forward even closer to her. Her lips were against his ear; he felt shivers go down his spine.
"You're going to help me put that son of a bitch behind bars."
The bell rang for the next round, and Blaise leaned back in his chair and away from her blinking rapidly. Was this really happening? She was still leaning forward over the table and smiled seductively at the next guy trying to sit down, but she impulsively grabbed Blaise's hand and silently demanded him to stand up with her.
"Sorry," she told the stranger, "I already found my catch for the night."
She winked at Blaise and maneuvered his arm around her waist. He tried to keep calm and walked out of the banquet hall with her. They were back at the front desk again, and Tracey smiled widely when she caught sight of him, but when she saw the redhead, she pursed her lips and looked annoyed. She wasn't going to get fucked tonight, and she was now well-aware.
"I would like my room-key," the redhead told her, "We have a little bit of business to discuss."
Tracey didn't say anything as she typed away at her keyboard and readied the room key. Blaise didn't dare utter a word. He knew now that this woman was not to be messed with. His powers of persuasion and manipulation could only go so far, and she had him beat.
"Here you go, Miss Weasley," Tracey said as she handed the redhead her room-key, "Room 536."
Miss Weasley smiled, "Thank you, Tracey."
The redhead, who he now knew as Miss Weasley, looped her arm through his and led him to the elevator. They didn't say anything the whole ride up to her room, but as soon as she shut the door behind them, she marched over to her mini fridge and took out a small bottle of vodka and downed it.
Impressed, Blaise sat down on the bed and watched her, still stunned to silence.
Miss Weasley kicked off her heels and started to unzip her dress. Blaise looked away, which was unusual for him. He would usually revel in a moment like that where he hardly had to put in any work.
She chuckled to herself, "Why look away when I know this is what you basically do for survival? Go ahead, take a look."
Blaise looked up at her and admired her black lace lingerie. She would be the type of girl to wear black. She was now shimmying off her fishnets so she was only in her bra and panties. He could feel himself harden, but he tried to push that feeling down. He needed more information first. What did she know about Theodore Nott, and was she really a fed? Blaise didn't work with feds. That was his number one rule. He surely didn't fuck with them, either. Literally and figuratively.
She sat down on the bed across from him and poured herself another drink. Blaise watched her swallow, and he finally decided to speak.
"Are you a fed?" He asked her seriously, "If so, I want nothing to do with the government it is my-"
"Quit, Zabini. Yes, I am a fed, but I figured you'd like my offer," she told him, "You want Theodore Nott gone just as badly as I do. Especially after he framed your mother and locked her away."
Blaise grit his teeth but didn't say anything. He let her continue, "I know you have information about Nott, so why don't you just tell me what you have learned from your little pets? I can then use that information, turn a blind eye to the fact that you were planning to kill him, and we will both be on our way."
Blaise could no longer keep his composure, "I wasn't going to kill him."
"Come on, Zabini, we both know that's a lie. Even if you didn't do it directly, you were going to hire someone. I know how your family works."
"Why do you care that he gets put away for framing my mom? If you know so much about what my family does then-"
"Because I also have a personal vendetta against Nott."
"Which is?"
She got up and grabbed another glass of alcohol and poured it into a cup. He was learning quickly that she had a high alcohol tolerance. Maybe it helped her focus, just like it seemed to help him.
"He killed my brother, Fred Weasley," she said bluntly, "That fucker deserves to rot in hell."
Weasley. That name sounded familiar. He knew it did even when Tracey had said it downstairs.
"You are from the Weasley family," he realized out loud, "You are Ginny-"
"That's right, we are the secret agents that catch assholes like you and lock them away."
"Why not take me then, too?" He asked, "You know what the Zabini's have done."
She smiled, "Because I'm the type of person to know when an ally might be necessary to protect my family. I also know that you are too much of a pussy to ever try something again after knowing I know all your secrets. You will just go back to being a lonely man-whore."
Fuming, Blaise stood up, "I never said I would help you."
"You will if you also don't want to go to prison."
She smiled at him and he took a deep breath. He sat back down, and she sat next to him.
"Good," she said, "Are there anymore questions?"
"Was your anger real earlier today? Do you really know Millicent?"
She was tracing his jaw with her finger and leaning in to kiss his neck. He took in a sharp breath. He learned quickly that he was about to quickly receive his payment.
"Yes," she told him, "That was genuine anger, but it was also a way to size you up. Really see if you are as good as you think you are. Which I'm sorry to say, you're not."
She then moved her hands down and unzipped his fly. Her hands were soon in his pants and he leaned his head back, trying to stifle a moan.
"You-you are very different than you appeared earlier today," he told her with a shaky breath, "I thought you were all about honor."
"Even honorable people can be resourceful," she told him. She then leaned her head down so her lips were close to his groin. Before she wrapped her mouth around him, she added, "And you should know that people have many different sides. You're one of those people."
He was about to respond, but he wasn't able to. He was so overcome by pleasure that he thought he would explode.
After his payment, he was sad to watch her put on the same hideous outfit she had on earlier when she chucked a snowball at his face, but he knew now what was underneath those clothes. He would never look at her the same. Especially now that he knew what her mouth felt like wrapped around his dick.
"Now I figure I should tell you how I know Millicent?"
Blaise nodded as he buttoned up his shirt.
"She has been my friend since childhood. She has let me stay in her dorm room while I investigate Nott. When I heard your name, I was overcome with a feeling of disgust and a need for vengeance. I also knew you would be useful to me since I had heard from Millicent that you kept asking her questions about Nott. You really shouldn't assume that every girl has fucked him. A girl like Millicent really does just want love, and she is not a toy."
Blaise swallowed, "I see."
"So tell me now," she said, "Tell me what you know about Nott."
So he told her. He told her everything. He knew it was his only way not to end up in prison like his mother, and he knew it was the only way he might be able to feel her lips on his once again. Or so he hoped. For once, he didn't want a one fuck and be done with it type of night.
"Thanks for the information, Zabini," she told him, "You may go now."
"That-that's it?" He asked, "That's all?"
"I thought you already received payment in full?" She motioned her head toward the lipstick stain on his collar and the missing buttons on the bottom of his shirt.
Blaise sighed, "Yes, that is all, Miss Weasley. Thank you for your generous payment."
She smiled, "Anytime."
The next day, it was all over the news. Theodore Nott and his father were arrested for their crimes. Blaise took a swig from his whiskey and set the glass down. He had skipped class that day, too amped up from the night before. He was relieved he didn't have to go through with killing Nott. The Weasley girl was right, he really didn't have it in him. He was a pussy, but he knew how to survive.
He was about to pour himself another glass of whiskey when he heard a knock at his door. He got up from his loveseat and opened it quietly. He hated having visitors at the dorm, and always feared that one of his ex-flings would find out which one it was. To his surprise, none of them had yet, until now.
It was the Weasley girl. She was wearing a jean jacket and black jeans with those hideous combat boots, and she wore dark eyeliner to match the ensemble. She didn't say anything, but she pushed him inside his dorm and slammed his door shut with her foot. Before he knew it, her lips were on his. It all happened so fast, he wasn't sure he could process what was going on.
She pulled away from him breathlessly, "Thank you for the information on Nott, my vendetta is now over." She went to kiss him again, but he stopped her. She lifted her brow and he grinned.
"I thought I already received my payment?"
She smirked, "You did, but now I'm just here for a little fun."
It was this experience that taught Blaise that there were people out there just as good as he was, if not better.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Neil Armstrong’s Heirs Split Over a Lucrative Legacy https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/27/us/neil-armstrong-heirs.html
Neil Armstrong is a 'NATIONAL TREASURE' and it's sad 😔 😢to know that his death could have been prevented, especially as we celebrate the 50th Aniversary of their historic Moon🌚 landing and walk on the 🌚Moon. And now the family division over many Neil Armstrong's belongings and mementos are being auctioned off to private buyers that we, our children or grandchildren, may never see again. I remember so vividly, as a child, watching to news coverage of that period and it remind me of a period AWE but also a time of UNCERTAINTY.
‘Would Dad Approve?’ Neil Armstrong’s Heirs Divide Over a Lucrative Legacy
By Scott Shane, Sarah Kliff and Susanne Craig | Published July 27, 2019| New York Times | Posted July 27, 2019 |
Last fall, Neil Armstrong’s two sons began a round of media appearances to promote a venture that would make them millions of dollars: a series of auctions of about 3,000 mementos from their father’s moon mission and NASA career.
“One Giant Sale” was CNBC’s headline, playing on the astronaut’s famous line, as Mark and Rick Armstrong talked up the items — an American flag that had flown to the moon on Apollo 11; a flight suit their father had worn earlier in his career; and many possessions that had nothing to do with space, including Mr. Armstrong’s childhood teddy bear and a preschool report card he signed.
“You just hope that people get positive energy from these things,” Mark Armstrong told “CBS This Morning.” He told The New York Times they had “struggled with” what their father might think of the auctions. “Would Dad approve? Let’s see what positive things we can do with the proceeds,” he said.
The auctions would prove lucrative amid the rising wave of publicity leading up to the 50th anniversary of the moon landing this month: $16.7 million in sales to date. The Dallas auction house calls the memorabilia the Armstrong Family Collection, though it includes a small number of items from other sources, including the astronaut Buzz Aldrin. Another auction, the fourth, is set for November.
Those sales by the brothers, who also pursued a newly disclosed $6 million  wrongful death settlement over their father’s medical care, have exposed deep differences among those who knew Neil Armstrong about his legacy — and what he would have wanted.
Some relatives, friends and archivists find the sales unseemly, citing the astronaut’s aversion to cashing in on his celebrity and flying career and the loss of historical objects to the public.
“I seriously doubt Neil would approve of selling off his artifacts and memorabilia,” said James R. Hansen, his biographer. “He never did any of that in his lifetime.”
The astronaut had stopped signing autographs in 1994, after he discovered that many of those requesting his signature were then selling them. His personal lawyer, Ross Wales, said his client resisted the idolatry focused on his signature and possessions in part because he considered himself only the frontman for a huge NASA enterprise.
“His feeling was that he was not special because he was the first person to walk on the moon, and that he wouldn’t have done it if it weren’t for the thousands of people who worked on the mission,” Mr. Wales said.
By contrast with the astronaut’s sons, Carol Armstrong — his second wife, whom he married in 1994 after a divorce initiated by Janet Armstrong, Rick and Mark’s mother — is not known to have sold anything. Instead she has lent and donated a collection of memorabilia to the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum in Washington; such loans often convert to donations in an arrangement intended to avoid gift taxes. People who know her say she and her adult children, Andrew and Molly, believe her husband would have opposed the commerce in the trappings of his work and life. (Carol and her children declined to comment.)
Mark Armstrong said that the question of what’s best for posterity and what his father might have wanted is not so simple. He said that he and his brother had already donated to museums more than $500,000 in cash and artifacts worth about $1.4 million, and that they had lent items worth several million more.
But he said donations, which offer the donor tax benefits, do not guarantee public access. “Museums can choose to store items out of sight or unilaterally decide to sell them,” he said in an email forwarded by his wife.
As for his father, Mark said, “I think he would judge us not on whether we auctioned items or not, but rather what we do with the proceeds and how we conduct our lives. Dad said that he wanted to leave the world a better place than he found it. I intend to follow his example and teach my children to do the same.”
Mark and his wife, Wendy, said they were using auction proceeds to create an environmental nonprofit in honor of Mark’s parents, called Vantage Earth, that Wendy said would work “to preserve and protect the earth from the damage done to it by its own population — a concern raised by Neil upon looking back at the earth from the moon.”
Tensions are common in any family affected by divorce. When it is the family of the first human being to step onto the moon, with global fame and a large estate, relations get only more complicated.
After leaving NASA in 1971, Mr. Armstrong taught aerospace engineering at the University of Cincinnati, served on multiple corporate boards and accepted speaking fees, accumulating a fortune worth many millions. But he turned down many opportunities to make even more money, friends say.
At the time of his death, most of Mr. Armstrong’s assets, including the memorabilia, were left in a trust, the beneficiaries of which could not be determined by The Times. His sons may have received some items from their father through the trust, and they received other keepsakes when their mother died in 2018, according to Wendy Armstrong. The first auction was held five months later.
Strains between Mr. Armstrong’s first and second families came to a head after his death in 2012, at age 82, of complications after heart surgery. The Times reported this past week that Mercy Health-Fairfield Hospital, outside Cincinnati, had secretly paid the family $6 million to settle a claim that his treatment had been deficient. The family also sought changes in hospital protocols to prevent such deaths in the future.
Papers sent anonymously to The Times described how the removal of pacemaker wires installed during surgery had caused bleeding that could not be repaired quickly because no cardiac surgeon was on duty. The resulting loss of oxygen to Mr. Armstrong’s brain left him in a vegetative state; he died 11 days later after life support was withdrawn.
While there was some friction over when to remove life support, the real clash came later, over the medical malpractice claim, which the sons pushed for and Carol, his widow, declined to participate in.
“In the end, strong feelings ripped apart Neil’s loved ones over the hospital’s handling of Neil’s care,” said Mr. Hansen, who became close to the family while writing his 2005 Armstrong biography, “First Man.”
Mr. Hansen called the medical crisis “a terrible, traumatic situation” made worse by the fact that “Neil essentially had two distinct families that were not, if they ever had been able to before, thinking and feeling as one.”
Carol Armstrong, who knew her husband had considered the cardiologist a friend, “felt strongly that Neil would not have wanted her to sue the doctors or the hospital — he would not want anyone to take advantage of his name in such a way,” Mr. Hansen said.
Court records show Ms. Armstrong as receiving “zero — not participating,” by her own choice. Neither did her children, the astronaut’s stepchildren, seek any payment.
Mark Armstrong, a 56-year-old retired software engineer, and Rick, 62, a onetime animal trainer who has a software consulting business, got the bulk of the hospital’s payment, about $2.6 million apiece. Neil’s surviving brother and sister got $250,000 each, and the six children of Rick and Mark got $24,000 each.
One court filing in the case, by a lawyer arguing for a greater share for the grandchildren, discussed the uneasy equation between familial relations — even love — and cold cash. While acknowledging that Mr. Armstrong’s siblings might get a larger payment because “they loved him the longest, depended on him the most” and found his loss “most painful,” the lawyer, Bertha G. Helmick, wrote that the “opposite is equally true.”
“The minor grandchildren, having had the least time with Decedent, have suffered the greatest loss of time, attention, protection, advice, guidance, counsel and affection.”
The grandchildren, she wrote, “lost their universally beloved and revered grandfather, who could magically open any door, innocently pave ways into college admissions, and who would have always carried a de facto hero element to any school or athletic or workplace function.”
Rick and Mark Armstrong, represented by Mark’s wife, Wendy, a lawyer, got the settlement after threatening to announce their concerns about their father’s treatment at a gathering at Kennedy Space Center for the 45th anniversary of the moon shot.
The brothers would use the 50th anniversary this month for a different kind of leverage. They were far from the first to sell an astronaut’s possessions — Heritage Auctions in Dallas has sold such collections for 20 other astronauts and their families, said Greg Rohan, the company’s president. But none had the status of Neil Armstrong.
“This is really the holy grail,” Mr. Rohan said in a promotional video.
“Neil Armstrong holds a special place in the space history enthusiasts’ world,” said Robert Pearlman, editor of CollectSpace.com, a website devoted to space memorabilia.
The prices reflected that reverence. Items fetching the highest prices tended to be those that traveled with Mr. Armstrong to the moon, such as a rare gold medal that sold for $2.04 million this month — the highest price in the lot. The American flag that had flown aboard Apollo 11 got $275,000.
Personal items, from Mr. Armstrong’s own childhood and early years of parenting, also sold well. The teddy bear sold for $3,500. A letter that Mr. Armstrong wrote to the Easter bunny as a child, asking it to “please hide our baskets” and signed “Neil,” sold for $4,000. A postcard sent to his parents from Paris in 1962 (“Having a fine time and not working too hard,” it reads) went for $1,375. The preschool report card Mr. Armstrong signed for his son Mark went for $750.
Even Mr. Armstrong’s personal collection of magazines and vinyl records — most bearing no relation to his journey to space, such as his copies of The Family Handymanand Sports Illustrated — found buyers, mostly for $200 or less.
Many of the items sold at auction — ranging from photographs in his spacesuit to personal checks — included Mr. Armstrong’s handwriting and signature, though he’d been loath to see his autographs sold when he was alive.
“He went out of his way not to make his signature available,” said Mr. Wales, the lawyer, who worked for Mr. Armstrong for more than a decade. “He realized that, yes, there were young kids who just thought it was great to get an autograph, but there were young kids who had parents who went about taking their kids’ autographs and selling them. He just didn’t like to be made a fuss over.”
In 2005, Mr. Armstrong learned that a barber had sold his hair clippings to a memorabilia collector for $3,000. He directed Mr. Wales to propose that the barber either “return the hair to Mr. Armstrong” or “donate, to a charitable organization of his choice, an amount equal to the proceeds you realized on the sale of his hair.”
In a letter to the barber, Mr. Wales cited a 1998 Ohio law that bars the unauthorized use of someone’s persona for profit, either while they are that person is alive or for 100 years after his or her death. The astronaut John Glenn, also an Ohio native, had urged the state legislature to pass the law. Mr. Armstrong felt similarly, Mr. Wales said.
When the first auction approached last year, archivists at Purdue University, Mr. Armstrong’s alma mater, issued a mild public protest. In a letter to The Times, the archivists noted that Neil and Carol Armstrong had donated more than 400 boxes of his papers to Purdue, where they had been consulted by scholars and students; used to produce books, dissertations, films and exhibits; and included in a dozen courses.
“Auctioning off historical treasures into private hands at the expense of providing access to the public is problematic,” they wrote. “Archives exist to make the remnants of history accessible and long lasting so that current and future generations have access to them.”
Mr. Pearlman, of the space memorabilia site, who said he corresponded with Mr. Armstrong before his death, said he understood the mixed feelings about such auctions, despite his own avid interest in collecting.
“I understand those who frown upon selling these items,” he said. “But what do you do with them?” He said there was no perfect path for such an inheritance.
“I can’t say Neil would or wouldn’t have wanted these auctions to happen,” Mr. Pearlman said. “I can say I don’t think there’s a clear right or wrong here.”
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scrapyardboyfriends · 7 years
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11 January 2018 
(Wrote a full Plotdale in honor of the White's Exit. It's nearly 3k of nonsense. I hope all of you who have been missing Plotdale, enjoy it. If you make it through, let me know)
[Home Farm with Lawrence, Chrissie, Rebecca, Lachlan and Sebasttiennneeen]
LAWRENCE: Dog is safe away from us! - for the fans
CHRISSIE AND REBECCA: *People who aren’t us will be so happy Face*
*Whites banter about Sebastttttiieennnnnee* #WorstNameEver
CHRISSIE: I can’t believe the Plot is finally setting us free! It doesn’t feel real.
LACHLAN: *Appears* *Miserable about the Plot Face*
LAWRENCE: You could try looking a little more excited about the Plot letting us go, Lucky. I’ve been waiting for this for MONTHS!!! Afterall, I checked out back in August. #BitterAndSalty
CHRISSIE: Yeah, come on Lucky. Australia is lovely and Plot free this time of year. What could go wrong?
LACHLAN: But...I just don’t understand why Belle would break up with me. It’s not like I stalked her when I first arrived and took creepy pictures of her and then sexually assaulted someone and got away with it and then faked suicidal thoughts and then kind of stalked her again when she was dating that doctor #NotAllDoctorsAreNice and then shot granddad and helped you frame an innocent man and then went to prison for it anyway and then there was that time I kidnapped your uncle and tortured him and then I faked my own suicide while I hid in the attic spying on everyone….I mean, I’ve never done anything wrong in my whole life!!! #LetSerialKillerLachlanRise
CHRISSIE: You’re so right, nothing is ever your fault, Lucky. And nothing about that attitude is going to come back and haunt me later at all. Also, let me get in one last dig about the Dingles.
LAWRENCE: *Casually Sexist*
REBECCA: *Looks vaguely amused but offended*
CHRISSIE: Go pack! The clock is ticking on our lives!
*The Whites attempt to have cute banter* #TooLittleTooLate #BetrayedByThePlot
LACHLAN: *Murder Eyes*
[Keepers Cottage with Robert and Victoria]
VICTORIA: Robert? Are you sure this insane plan is the right thing to do?
ROBERT: Obviously. We clearly have no other options.
VICTORIA: But like, surely there’s something else we could do that makes more sense?!
ROBERT: I’m waiting….?
VICTORIA: Look! I’m sure there is, okay, but the Plot won’t let me think of any right now.
ROBERT: Great, the crazy plan it is! I mean, I tried to go down the legal route before I did something stupid but the Plot left me no choice!
VICTORIA: But like...will this help you legally?
ROBERT: Does the Plot care about legality? Rebecca just wants to hurt me okay! #YourVictimComplexIsShowing #TheWhitesHaveRubbedOffOnYou
[Home Farm with Lawrence, Chrissie and Rebecca]
CHRISSIE: I’d like to say we had plenty of good times but...we pretty much just messed everything up because the Plot hates us. I mean...we let Lachlan get away with sexually assaulting someone for way too long, I might have gotten my first husband murdered, I set fire to Robert’s car and accidentally killed three people, I found out I wasn’t your biological kid and you fought being gay for so long you were literally shooting teddy bears in the yard, I found out you got my bio dad killed, I tried to date my uncle, we let Rebecca into the house, we all disowned each other five hundred times, we believed Robert Sugden too many times for our own good and WE DIDN’T EVEN KNOW WE HAD AN ATTIC!
LAWRENCE: Ah...good times. At least we’re united now! No time left to disown each other before we go!
CHRISSIE: I’m sure everyone will miss us so much. They’ll probably throw a fireworks display in our honor and totally not for ironic reasons. #StopLyingYouLiar Oh and I lied, now I’ll get my last dig in about the Dingles. Cause I’m far superior than them, especially Charity.
LAWRENCE: I’m sorry for all of the horrible things I’ve done and all the gullibility and all the lying.
CHRISSIE: Oh don’t worry Dad, you’re not alone in all of that. I’m also sometimes terrible. But let’s not actually talk about that because why would we admit to our own mistakes properly! Now….let’s go get Lucky and go. LUCKY!!!
REBECCA: Hi, I’ve arrived to deliver the Plot relevant line because I don’t matter! Lachlan is not here. #JobDone
[The Village with Robert, Aaron, Gerry, Tip, Ross, Moses and Victoria]
*Aaron runs with a dog* - for the fans #GetAaronAPuppy
GERRY: *Leaves a message for Lachlan to further the Plot*
AARON: Hey best friend! You look like you’re running away. That’s never a good sign.
GERRY: *interrupts*
AARON: Go away Gerry! I’m trying to have a chat with my idiot husband..I mean best friend.
*Gerry runs ahead*
AARON: So...what are you doing exactly?
ROBERT: *Is Shifty*
ROSS: *Appears with Moses looking like a good dad* #LetTheTheoryLive *References Adam Plot*
ROBERT: Hey best friend Aaron, I know you want to hit him but you learned that violence wasn’t the answer back in your Boxing Filler Plot. This is so 2017 Aaron. That said, he absolutely deserves a punch but just...the Plot doesn’t have time for that right now. You need to not be in prison so we can have that reunion soon.
AARON: Cheers, best friend. Thanks for looking out for me. Back to you though, you look like you’re about to do something stupid but you wouldn’t tell me if you were, would you?
ROBERT: You know me so well. This is why you’re my BFF.
AARON: Please don’t do anything stupid Robert. #ImNotReadyToLoseYou
GERRY: Come on Aaron! It’s time for the Plot to move on without us!
*Aaron and Gerry run away from the Plot*
VICTORIA: Robert! It’s time to do something stupid!
[Wishing Well with Lachlan and Belle]
LACHLAN: Belle, I really don’t understand why you broke up with me so the Plot sent me here to get vital information that will impact the rest of the Plot.
BELLE: Well...I’m going to try really hard not to tell you for a while…
*Tick tock tick tock*
LACHLAN: *Makes lots of super insensitive comments about Belle’s metal health issues*
*Tick tock tick tock*
BELLE: Okay fine, you’re mum told me about your attic lair and I think you need help. So I think that you should go and do what the Plot wants you to do.
LACHLAN: *Sad Murder Eyes*
[Outside Home Farm with Robert, Victoria, Lawrence, Chrissie, Rebecca, Lachlan, Sebastttiiennnee and Sebasstttiiienenne’s inadequate double]
ROBERT: *Super Spy Mode Activate* Look at Rebecca trying to ruin my life. #YourVictimComplexIsShowing
VICTORIA: Let it go, Rob.
ROBERT: Uh...this is the basis for this entire Plot, how can I let it go?
VICTORIA: Because when you’re wound up, you make mistakes and when you make mistakes, people die!
ROBERT: Oh I’m willfully ignoring all of the signs in this Plot. I’m not going to make ANY MISTAKES! No #UnintendedConsequences for this full proof plan!
LAWRENCE: Can we just have one last look that we didn’t miss any opportunities in the Plot? #SoManyMissedOpportunities #PlotVicitms
CHRISSIE: *On the Phone* Come on Lucky, we really need you for this Plot! Just one more time.
REBECCA: *Exists to put Sebasstteeieennne in the car*
*The Whites head back into Home Farm*
VICTORIA: Chrissie! I still have a catering business! I know, right! But anyway, it’s super relevant right now so will you talk to me about it?
CHRISSIE: Uhh...this seems suspicious but okay.
ROBERT: *Super Secret Spy Mode Run* *Opens car door*
SEBASTINENNEEEENNE: *Cries while wearing adorable teddy bear onesie*
ROBERT: *Dad Mode Activate* Today you’re my mate! You know who else is my mate, Aaron. You’re the only two people in the world I care about.
*Camera shifts*
ROBERT: *Picks up Sebasttienneeeenen’s double* It’s okay, I’ve got ya.
SEBASTTTTIIENNE’S DOUBLE: *Does an inadequate impression of a baby*
ROBERT: *Runs* #NoActualBabiesWereEndangeredDuringThisSegment
REBECCA: *Exists for the specific Plot purpose of seeing Robert running*
ROBERT: *Damn this driveway is longer than I remembered Face*
REBECCA: ROOOOBBBBBERRRRRTTTTTTTT!!!!!!! #DupedAgain #PlotVictim #UgliestCoatVestThingEver
LAWRENCE: Oh no! What the Plot has happened now?!
REBECCA: *Bad Acting Alert* Robert, Robert, Robert, he’s taken Seb. The Plot wants us to go now!
CHRISSIE: I’ll drive! A decision that will absolutely not come back to haunt me. #PlotVictim
LACHLAN: Oh I think it will. #LetSerialKillerLachlanRise
[High Speed Chase on a Country Road with Robert, Sebassttteeeiieene, Chrissie, Lachlan, Lawrence and Rebecca]
ROBERT: Hey son, Daddy’s an idiot and sometimes he does really stupid things because he’s not with his husband and the Plot tells him to. But I love you. *Turns Right*
BACKSEAT DRIVERS: *Bad Acting Alert*
CHRISSIE: Lachlan are you okay? You look scarily calm.
LACHLAN: I’m finally channeling my inner psycho. I’ll be okay soon enough.
CHRISSIE: Which way should I go?
REBECCA: Left, definitely left. I know Robert soooo well!
CHRISSIE: *Turns Right*
REBECCA: Why’d you do that?! Don’t you trust my judgement when it comes to Robert?
CHRISSIE: Uh, no. And the Plot has decided to acknowledge that Robert and I had a connection once until you showed up on screen. But it’s my day, so shut up and let me get on with it.
ROBERT: *Tense and Panicked Face*
CHRISSIE: *Sees Robert Ahead* #Vindicated
*White Sisters Argue For The Last Time* #AboutTime
LAWRENCE: How did Robert possibly know about our Super Top Secret Plot?!?! We were soooo careful!
REBECCA: It was you Lachlan, wasn’t it? Not all of us who had multiple conversations about it in full view of the public. I just assumed they didn’t care enough about us to notice us anymore. *Bad Acting Alert* Faster Chrissie!
CHRISSIE: Lachlan, I’m still concerned about how you’re acting. Did you see Belle?
LACHLAN: *Holds Plot Phone* *Means to ignore Gerry’s call*
CHRISSIE: *Gets sudden Plot urge to stroke Lachlan’s fingers*
LACHLAN: *Accidentally does the future Plot a favor and calls Gerry*
[The Mill with Aaron and Gerry]
GERRY: *Ignores the Plot calling* You go Gerry, baby!
AARON: Did you just call yourself baby? I really don’t know why I let you live here.
GERRY: *Crashes Car* #Foreshadowing
[High Speed Chase on a Country Road with Robert, Sebassttteeeiieene, Chrissie, Lachlan, Lawrence and Rebecca]
LACHLAN: I know all about the Plot mum.
CHRISSIE: Wait, what? That’s not supposed to happen. But, look, it’s for your own good. Everything I’ve ever done for you has been for your own good. That’s why you turned out like this.
REBECCA: *Bad Acting Alert* But what about my Plot!!!
CHRISSIE: I love you more than anything in the world Lucky. And that level of love and letting you get away with everything has absolutely not been detrimental to you character.
LACHLAN: You know what we need right now? Some creepy poetry. #LachlansPoetryJam
LAWRENCE: *Bad Acting Alert* Uhh sorry, can we focus on the Plot at hand, please!
LACHLAN: *Recites Creepy Poem* #LachlansPoetryJam
REBECCA: *Bad Acting Alert* But, this is still about MY PLOT! *Cries Inadequately*
CHRISSIE: I was a great mother, Lachlan. Everything I did was your for your own good. But I’m touched you remember my creepy poetry. #MotherOfTheYear
LACHLAN: *Recites More Creepy Poetry*
LAWRENCE: Can this poetry reading wait until we’re in Australia?
LACHLAN: *Psycho Voice* We’re not going to Australia. Don’t you get it, you’re all the monsters. And I have to make all the monsters disappear. *Screams* *Grabs the wheel*
*Lorry Driver hits the Whites* #TrueHero
ROBERT: *Slams on brakes* *Shocked Face* *I made a mistake Face* #UnintendedConsequences #IShouldHaveSeenThisComing
[Crash Site with Robert, Lachlan, Dying Chrissie, Unconscious Rebecca, Dead Lawrence and Sebastteieenneee]
*Disclaimer: No Lorry Drivers were harmed in the making of this stunt* - for the fans
ROBERT: *Still Shocked Face*
SEBASTTTTIEENNNE: *Cries* *Still Exists*
ROBERT: *Human Mode Activate* - for the fans - *Calls Ambulance* #CharacterGrowth
DEAD LAWRENCE: *Is dead* #Payback
ROBERT: *Panicked Face* It’s a really bad accident that I am in no way responsible for. #UnintendedConsequences
ROBERT: *Human Mode On Overdrive* *Runs to Rebecca first because she’s the mother of the baby chilling in his backseat*
LACHLAN: *I think I just killed my mum Face*
*Robert and Lachlan have a weird hug moment as Robert pulls him from the car*
LACHLAN: Where’s Granddad?
DEAD LAWRENCE: *Still dead*
ROBERT: I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.
LACHLAN: *It’s really not, I was going to do it anyway Face* Standing over his dead body is different to how I thought it would be. I’ve only been imagining it for years. #LetSerialKillerLachlanRise #TheresStillTime
ROBERT: What happened?
LACHLAN: The Plot will never let me admit that.
DYING CHRISSIE: *Still alive*
ROBERT: *Soft Human Voice* It’s gonna be okay Chrissie, just try and hang on. Just think about yourself.
LACHLAN: The ambulance is coming soon.
CHRISSIE: Are you sure you’re not just going to kill me?
LACHLAN: *The Plot’s not sure yet Face*
[The Woolpack with Victoria, Diane, Gerry and Belle]
VICTORIA: I can’t believe Robert hasn’t called me back after kidnapping his son! How rude!
*Belle and Gerry show up*
VICTORIA: Hey Belle, you haven’t seen Lachlan have you? He’s part of the White’s Plot and I need an update.
BELLE: No, I’m trying my hardest to get out of that Plot.
DIANE: Doesn’t Rob have his mediation today?
VICTORIA: Oh he’s way past the mediation stage? See, he kidnapped Seb...now I know what you’re thinking Diane, but it’s only so Rebecca couldn’t also kidnap him and take him off to Australia.
DIANE: I’m sorry, what is this Plot you’re dragging me into?
VICTORIA: I promise it’s not as stupid as it sounds!
DIANE: *This is going to go SOOO wrong Face*
[Crash Site with Robert, Lachlan, Dying Chrissie, Unconscious Rebecca, Dead Lawrence and Sebastteieenneee]
LACHLAN: *Casually Victim Blames*
ROBERT: *Has a sweet Chrobert moment to remind the audience that they were once a thing and the Plot hasn’t completely forgotten that* *Strokes Chrissie’s Cheek* You just have to hang on a little longer, okay? *Pained Face*
DYING CHRISSIE: *Still dying*
ROBERT: *Has crowbar* I have to get Rebecca out because she’s the mother of my child. That’s the only reason I care at all.
ROBERT: Oh god #UnintendedConsequences
*Dying Chrissie and Lachlan have some touching mother/son time where she once again insists that she was a great mother and Lachlan tells her that her dad is dead*
LACHLAN: *Feels guilty*
ROBERT: *Witnesses the meltdown* *Cogs Turning*
[The Woolpack with Victoria, Diane, Belle and Gerry]
VICTORIA: So...Robert possibly caused an accident because the Whites were trying to get Seb back.
BELLE: Oh no, suddenly I want to be in this Plot again. I was almost free.
GERRY: I like to be involved in everything. I’m coming too.
DIANE: *I expected this Face*
[Hotten General with Robert, Sebasttttieeene, Unconscious Rebecca, Victoria, Diane, Belle, Gerry, Lachlan and Alex]
ROBERT: Oh no it’s the audition scene!
UNCONSCIOUS REBECCA: *Still unconscious*
VICTORIA: Oh good the BABY is safe! - wow it’s been a while -
BELLE: What about my part of the Plot? Where’s Lachlan?
ROBERT: No clue. He came in the other ambulance. I was too focused on Seb’s mum, Unconscious Rebecca. She looked really awful.
DIANE: And Chrissie and Lawrence?
ROBERT: Dead. #UnintendedConsequences *Cries*
*Cut to Lachlan’s miraculous private room*
THE ONLY DOCTOR IN THE DALES: Hi, I’m Alex, the only doctor in the Dales. *Blah Blah Medical Jargon* Is there anyone you’d like us to call?
LACHLAN: Half my family is dead, you insensitive jerk.
BELLE: Oh Lachlan, I still care about our Plot together. Oh hi Alex,
THE ONLY DOCTOR IN THE DALES: Hi Belle. Remember that one time we met because your dad had a chest infection just so I could show off my perfect doctoring skills and impress Aaron’s family? Oh and that other time we met when I invited myself to yours for Christmas. Anyway, I’ve served my purpose in reminding the audience that I am in fact a doctor, so I’ll see myself out now.
BELLE: Oh Lachlan, it’s good that you’ve got Alex as your doctor cause he’s really nice. It’s literally his only characteristic besides being a doctor. #TowingThePartyLine
LACHLAN: Half my family are dead and all you can go on about is how nice Dr Alex is?!?
GERRY: *Makes an inappropriate comment*
BELLE: You don’t have to tell us about the Plot now…
LACHLAN: *Lies about the Plot* #EverythingIsMyMumsFault
*Back in the waiting room*
DIANE: It’s a blessing he’s still a baby and has no idea what the Plot even is.
ROBERT: Excuse me! I had a Plot like this when I was just a baby and let me tell you, it still affects you later on. People feel sorry for you and you only know half of who you are. #CharacterDevelopment #NeverForgetPatSugden
VICTORIA: This is not the time for old Plot revelations! Rebecca’s not dead yet! There’s no way she’s going to leave her son behind. Cause she’s Seb’s Mother and that’s it.
DIANE: Let’s hope you’re right, Love. #SpeakingForPartOfTheFandom
ANOTHER DOCTOR IN THE DALES: #SuckItAlex Unconscious Rebecca is still unconscious. She'll be in a coma until the Plot needs her again.
ROBERT: I can’t believe I actually was this stupid. Wait, scratch that, I should blame you for letting me be this stupid.
VICTORIA: Are you kidding me? I told you to think about it properly!
ROBERT: Well not loud enough. You’re not Aaron. You’re not proper impulse control for me. #IMissMyHusband And now look what’s happened! #UnintendedConsequences
DIANE: I’m sure he didn’t mean it. *Goes to find Robert*
ROBERT: *Human Robert Still Activated* Yeah I know, I was out of line. #Progress #CharacterGrowth
DIANE: It’s okay, Victoria hardly takes you seriously.
ROBERT: I just don’t understand how this Plot turned out like this. Chrissie just swerved into an oncoming truck. Unless… *Detective Mode Activate* Maybe Lachlan did it.
DIANE: That’s crazy!
ROBERT: And so is Lachlan. I think he did something. I think he might have caused the accident. #DetectiveRobertOnTheCase
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That’s Highly Offensive: 2018 Golden Globes
Y’all know I only wear all black all the time, so I find the fact that Hollywood is "uniting" against whatever tonight by wearing all black to be kind of a stupid way to pussy foot around the issue, but who asked me? This should have been a night when the carpet looked the way I think it should at all times, but honestly, a lot of stuff looked makeshift and cheap to me. And WHAT was with all the skirts-over-pants nonsense?? I thought that was over. Also, forgive the overuse of the funeral garb schtick but what choice did I have?
Wow. It's rare that the first look I see ends up being the worst dressed of the night, but Debra Messing has just taken the cake, eaten it, made another cake, eaten that, made another one, and took that too. I know it's cliché but MESSing says it all. #thefacesofmeth That emerald eyeshadow and those Elvira for Family Dollar false lashes!!  And WHAT is that dent in her forehead?? I’ll tell you what it is… bad Botox. Or Juvaderm. Or whatever expired baby bunny cartilage her dermo found in Karen Walker’s dumpster. Oh and also, she’s wearing the dress version of Liza’s putty kkk hood shoes and it’s  all HIGHLY offensive.
Kelly Clarkson- "From Justin to King Midas" if King Midas was a lizard...
Kristin Cavallari went as 1999 Oscars Angelina Jolie but with a ballerina's bun and I'm not ok with it.
I honestly have nothing bad to say about Tracee Ellis Ross’s outfit. The phrase ‘Charmin Noir’ comes to mind, but let’s not bc you know how much I love a turban/wrap!
Meryl Streep: You bore me to tears. I like your glasses.
It seems to be literally KILLING Giuliana Rancid that she can’t ask “Who are you wearing?” bc she is incapable of NOT pointing out the fact that she’s not asking that question to every person she's interviewed. And as always, she looks like the Queen from Antz but this year her skin is a particularly orange shade of Oscar Meyer all beef frank. She also has one of the most bulbous horse hair dino ponytails I’ve ever seen. She's like the anorexic version of Starla from Napoleon Dynamite. AND HER TAN LINES! I didn't know you got those from bottled self tanner...
Catherine Zeta Jones: I am still obsessed with CZJ even after recently rewatching Ocean’s Twelve for the first time since Cat and I fell asleep in the theater. Her face, her body, her dress, her earrings, her love for her thousand year old father in law… I am fully behind all of it!
Penelope Cruz: See above. #stunning
I don't know who this woman from Outlander is but I do know she better be on her way to audition at Tweetsie Railroad.
Connie Britton: NO.
Jessica Biel and J. Tim- don’t NO ONE CARE. I don’t know one person who watched ‘The Sinner’ (most people didn’t even know what I was talking about when I asked if they’d heard of it), so the fact that she is nominated is a testament to that Sexy Back money and nothing more. Just her talking about being a producer of the show is like… We get it…you’re the only one who would pay you to be an actress anymore. PS, your arms are fabulous.
Mandy Candy Moore: Olé!
Holy shit Diane Kruger looks amazing.
Unfortunately, Sarah Paulson is one of those I feel looks like she's in something cheap. Really cheap. Like she stole a leotard from the Xanadu Mourning collection and wrapped a table cloth around herself. And I can't say I love the choppiness of her bob.
Michele Williams- I’m still not over how ridiculous you looked on Dawson’s Creek, but your pixie has grown on me over the last few years but OHMYGOD what is that shelf in the back? Lloyd Christmas called…
Seth Myers looks like the singing sword and a foot had a baby and named it Cheremy.
Jamie Chung- First of all, why are you here? Secondly, you look like the winner of a ‘Grunge Bride’ themed stripper contest sponsored by Hefty in 2002. Those shoes….
Alexis Bledel- Let’s get this out of the way: I can’t stand you. You’re a mumbler with creepy Kewpie doll eyes and mouth. But as for what you’re wearing, GASP you’re not wearing solid black so you obviously don’t care about women!! But also, you must not care about yourself either because you look like one of Ariel’s sisters and Dionysus had a baby and it came out haunted.
Why is Dave Franco wearing so much rouge????
Alison Brie- Ok, you can channel Audrey Hepburn, I guess. Although her dress does resemble my senior prom dress from Cache. Oh wait- there’s a pants leg. You’re trash.
William H. Macy: Did Grubby die? That’s the only reason I can think of for Teddy Ruxpin to show up to the Golden Globes in all black…
Gal Gadot is clearly going to an audition for "A Chorus Line" after the Globes. Why else would she steal a maitre'd's jacket and cut it in half?
Saoirse Ronan looks perfect all around. I need all of it immediately, even though I’d look more like Bruce Villanche dressed in drag doing a David Bowie tribute than her svelte awesomeness…
Eva Longoria looks like a pregnant Sharpie.
It took me a solid 3 seconds & a glance at the caption to figure out I was looking at Halle Berry and not some mixed berry bag of Skittles from a prom themed episode of the CW’s Gossip Girl revival. And her bangs look gross and ridiculous. #whywontsheage??
I take it back: Reese Witherspoon looks like the pregnant Sharpie. Or maybe her daughter has decided to become a fashion designer and this was her first foray into an origami—inspired collection? #blacktobasics
Nicole Kidman (or Nicky Kickin it in the Moulin Rouge, as Jack McFarland calls her) looks flawless, as always. The one negative thing I will say is that I find flutter fly cap sleeves to be among the most offensive things in adult female fashion (mainly because the only humans that can pull them off are pre-teens, anorexics and Kate Moss (not that she’d ever wear them).
Viola Davis wins everything. Omg that hair and makeup and jewelry and dress. ⚰️⚰️⚰️
Did Zac-without-a-K Efron want people to mistake him for Milo Ventimiglia? Is that the reason for the mustache? Why is he even there? GASP! Are they already remaking High School Musical (because you know that’s in the works…) with him starring as Troy again?!? #prayerhands
Why exactly is Naomi Campbell at the Golden Globes, must less in a piece from the never-to-be-seen sketches Vivienne Westwood did for Guy Richie’s new pandering remake starring Madonna as Herlock Holmes?
Lily James- You are gorgeous perfection and I mean that because anyone that stars in a live action Disney remake is automatically on my shit list (I’m looking at you, Emmas Stone and Watson…) but what the actual hell are you wearing? You look like a Project Runway contestant’s submission on the theme “Maleficent’s entrance to the party.”
Octavia Spencer looks like the teacher who got to play Glinda’s role in a #metoo fundraising, high school production of Wicked after the lead was stricken with mono.
Greta Gerwig- I’m tempted to allow it, but only if you’re intentionally channeling Marchesa Luisa Casati.
Angelina Jolie- oh. my. god. I know I’m biased (as one of her long lost, adopted children she’s never acknowledged or heard of) but I cannot say one bad thing about this, especially since I’ve been in 100% Bombshell  Manual mode lately and anything with feathers or frills or femininity is giving me LIFE. #bestdressed
Elizabeth Moss: from Polly to Pollyana. Anyone that gets that is my lifelong friend and anyone that doesn’t please never talk to me again. But seriously honey, that waistline is not your friend.
Jessica Chastain- I think I love everything about this but am i crazy or does it make her look a little bulky? Tell me I’m crazy. I’m crazy. (Narrator: She was definitely crazy.)
omg Maggie Gyllenhaal is wearing the same Castle Greyskull, droopy-sleeve of wizard-vagine garment as Debra Messing! Is this a thing?? Gross. And those earrings are stupid too but I don’t know why.
Emilia Clarke is perfection (minus the bow but moving on) and I don’t even love GOT.
Geena Davis stole one of CZJ’S costumes from Chicago and i can’t say that I’m angry. I will say that I’m angry that the head designer at LOFT got hold of it and added a few of those filthy lace panels before she walked the red carpet, but since she still looks pretty flawless…I’LL ALLOW IT.
As always, Lena Headey looks like the drunk, badass aunt who was a groupie before falling into acting so I love her even more than when she gets drunk and sets people on fire on tv. The dress does look like something a goth would make to wear to a Renaissance fair, but who cares when she looks that cool in it?
I love Margot Robbie more than almost anyone in Hollywood today (even though she stole my life’s dream of playing Tonya Harding. Seriously, I’d started writing a short right before they announced that movie and I’m not even kidding), but I can’t say i know exactly what she was going for with this look… an Elsa-possessed mistletoe over her womb to subtly announce she’s expecting? A tribute to the portion of Fantasia where fairies ice skate to ‘Waltz of the Flowers’ as a nod to the ice goddess she plays in ‘I, Tonya?’ I’ve been staring at it for a few minutes now and can honestly say I have no clue.
Gwendolyn Christie- I have no idea what you are wearing but I do know that I am obsessed with your GOT character so you have my permission to do whatever you please.
Kerry Washington unfortunately looks like some anorexic basic at her junior prom. And those floral net booties are what a leprechaun wears to a funeral. wtf. Oh but her hair is on point.
Kate Hudson- Je refuse.
Chris Hemsworth can do no wrong even in a suit made from a brocade table cloth and VELVETEEN shoes so don’t even worry about it, honey.
Michelle Pfeiffer- omg i am heartbroken over how matronly you look!! As anyone who knows me knows, my mother could pass as your identical twin, so I take it kind of personally when you show up on the red carpet dressed as Marian the librarian’s widowed sister, Ovarian.
Zoe Kravtiz- Sweetie, it’s already been done and its name was Natalie Portman. A chunky, funky  emerald earring does make you look like Audrey Hepburn's edgy cousin though. Whatever- you still look gorgeous and I love you.
Kendall Jenner- There are so many things wrong with your look, much less your existence, but I’ll just sum it up with this: T. STRAPPED. POINTY. TOED. SHOES. Also, lay off the brow botox before you look like Debra Messing, or worse, Kylie Jenner. #gasp
Sarah Jessica Parker literally went as her character from Hocus Pocus attending a funeral.
Isabelle Huppert wins the night! Nope, spoke too soon. Her dress has those damned flutter sleeves on it too! What IS that? It’s trash, is what it is…
Roseanne Barr forgot to put a dress over her Spanx…
Ok, that's all I got. I barely watched any of the actual show bc I can't with most of those self important a-holes, so I can't comment on anything "exciting" or "interesting" that might have happened. Let me know if I missed anything highly offensive🥂
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soccerdrawings · 5 years
Five Things To Avoid In Bird Clip Art With Soccer | Bird Clip Art With Soccer
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The Courier's Adam Himmelsbach was air-conditioned abundant to affection me in the latest affiliate of his "Adam Asks" series. I talked about bird masks, activity as a law academy dropout and alone a scattering of profanities that he was affectionate abundant to adapt out.
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Soccer ball clipart - Cartoon, Bird, Chicken, transparent .. | bird clip art with soccer The latest affiliate in Terrence Williams' added bottomward than up post-Louisville career includes him being cut from a aggregation in The Philippines.While Williams boasts abundant accreditation as a above No. 11 all-embracing aces in the NBA, he aloof wasn't a acceptable fit in the PBA."There's a misfit. Things like that happen," said Gregorio.Williams denticulate 26 credibility in the Bolts' accident on Saturday to Barangay Ginebra San Miguel, but he already afresh struggled with too abounding attempts from above the arc. Some highlights of Teddy Bridgewater in activity (but not as abounding as Matt Cassel in action) from the Vikings' Tuesday practice. He doesn't get brought up generally back the affair of Tom Jurich's best hires is discussed, but Arthur Albeiro has taken Louisville pond from annihilation to a accustomed civic power. Tray Matthews, feel chargeless to appear on down. The C-J's Jeff Greer has bristles questions for Louisville basketball.4. How does Wayne Blackshear acknowledge to his aftermost chance?The above McDonald's All-American, still the alone one on Louisville's roster, has one final division to acceleration to the expectations that announce him. They are high, but they aren't unwarranted. Blackshear is a 6-foot-5, 230-pound addition who can rebound, block shots, get steals and shoot, but a tentativeness to his personality prevented him from acquainted his ability.Blackshear has the accoutrement to be a box-score-stuffing wing, and Pitino insisted beforehand this bounce that his chief captain had accustomed the claiming to put in the added assignment appropriate to become a star. But the Louisville fan abject has understandably taken the wait-and-see approach.
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Chicken Pou Pro Chicken Pou Pro Soccer Bird Clip Art, PNG .. | bird clip art with soccer 5. Who takes the aftermost shot?I know, I know. It's June. We're bristles months abroad from the division admonition adjoin Minnesota. But Louisville mightily struggled with the final account of abutting games, and the team's Achilles' heel dealt one final abstract in the Sweet 16 adjoin UK. The Cards absent several abecedarian aftermost division because of that late-game beheading problem, and they won't comedy about as abounding in-conference cupcakes as they did aftermost season.This aggregation will be congenital about Harrell, so conceivably the final backing with necessitate access passes to the big fella. Who makes them? Luke Hancock was the best access passer on the team, and he's gone. But Rozier's rising-star cachet makes him an arresting final-shot candidate, as does Blackshear's abeyant progression. Jones absolutely won't be afraid, either. Ballard freshman Jordan Adell, widely-regarded as Kentucky's best abecedarian in the chic of 2018, committed to U of L on Monday night. SB Nation's Swish Appeal sits bottomward for a great Q&A with Shoni Schimmel, whose pro career is off to a agitating start. So here's the logo for Louisville's new USL PRO division soccer team:I like the idea, but the beheading seems affectionate of...I don't know, amateur. It aloof looks like article I'd see on an anachronous LMPD or JCPS website. It's like blow art. Maybe I'm actuality too critical. Hoops freshmen Chinanu Onuaku, Anas Mahmoud and Quentin Snider are clearly U of L students. Georgia cornerback Jeremy McDuffie best up an action from U of L on Tuesday. Your Red & Black Rewind for the accomplished week:
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Soccer Bird Stock Illustrations – 9 Soccer Bird Stock .. | bird clip art with soccer Afterward his conditioning with the Celtics on Monday, Russ Smith discussed his accord with Louisville built-in Rajon Rondo. Chris Paul had a bigger 29th altogether than I did. The U of L baseball team's adventure for a civic appellation may accept gotten a big addition aftermost night back the Indiana band that has had their cardinal the aftermost two years was bounced by Stanford via a dramatic walk-off home run in the 9th. If the Cards beforehand accomplished Kennesaw State this weekend, they'll now face either the Cardinal or Vanderbilt in their College World Alternation opener. In Minnesota, above Card Asia Taylor has begin a new No. 1 fan: Gorgui Dieng.Taylor aloof began her amateur division with the Lynx afterwards actuality taken with the aftermost aces in the 2014 WNBA Draft, but she has already started to accomplish an appulse at Minnesota. She denticulate 18 credibility in a preseason bold adjoin the Chicago Sky and had addition 10 point bold in the Lynx's 87-82 win over the New York Liberty, a bold that Dieng abounding with his wife and mother."I absolutely didn't see him, I don't absolutely apperceive absolutely back he came in," Taylor said. "But back I saw him over there I affectionate of gave him a little beachcomber and stuff."After Taylor was drafted by the Lynx, she says she anon anticipation of Dieng actuality in the Twin Cities and was animated that she would accept a accustomed face about far from home."We afraid out a lot, women's basketball and men's basketball, we appealing abundant afraid out with anniversary added all the time and actuality so, you know, back I begin out I got drafted here, the aboriginal affair I anticipation about was ‘Dang, at atomic I'll apperceive somebody that's there,'" Taylor said. "It was absolutely good. He texted me, you know, and was like, ‘Welcome.'"...After the May 23 win adjoin the Liberty, Taylor and Dieng went to the restaurant ‘Seven' city to celebrate. Taylor had never been to the restaurant before, but she says Dieng is a regular."That was my aboriginal time activity and we airing in, everybody knows him," Taylor said. "I was like ‘Dang Gorgui! How generally do you appear here?'"
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Eagle Soccer Cartoon Mascot Ripping #Ad , #AFFILIATE .. | bird clip art with soccer Underneath the dinners, jokes and video games, Dieng and Taylor accept a accord congenital on alternate account and a adulation for basketball.Taylor says she has gotten a lot of abutment and advance in actuality from Dieng at Louisville, texts afterward the WNBA Abstract and visits during these aftermost few weeks actuality with the Lynx. As anon as her division is over, she affairs to acknowledgment the favor."It's aloof support," Taylor said. "And this year, I'll absolutely be at as abounding of his abecedarian as I can be." Russ Smith worked out for the Toronto Raptors on Tuesday. The Raptors accept three picks in the accessible NBA Draft. The Derby admission accusation featuring Steve Masiello (which somehow was still a thing) has been dismissed. 247Sports.com says above U of L QB accomplish Ross Trail is acceptable to accomplish to Ole Miss if the Rebels offer. Trail had originally re-affirmed his adherence to the Cards afterward the hiring of Bobby Petrino. As you ability expect, Rick Pitino had annihilation but aerial acclaim for Russ Smith back talking to The Boston Globe this week. Russ, for his part, additionally had aerial acclaim for himself.When asked if he is actuality underestimated above-mentioned to the draft, Smith said, "Oh, yeah. What they see is a senior, a guy who's slim. They absolutely don't attending at the anatomy of work. If they attending at everybody I played adjoin and every abstract aces that went and how I outplayed them, they wouldn't be talking about me the way they are talking now."Pitino believes Smith will accomplish a accomplished NBA player. "Russ is a actual different aces because Russ is an unguardable basketball player," the drillmaster said. "And although a lot of teams are not attractive at him in the aboriginal , every drillmaster I've apparent at the ACC meetings, if you are a first-round abstract best and you are a bouncer and you're at a conditioning affected and Russ Smith walks in, you're cogent your abettor to get you the hell out of there. That's the blazon of kid Russ is. If he comes walking through that door, you appetite to say anon my hamstring's aggravation me."Said Smith, "If it was up to my anatomy of work, everybody would adulation me. But that's not the case. I'm not activity to be conceited with aloof contributing. If I apperceive I can accord and do more, again I'll about-face it up. There's no agnosticism in my mind."That aplomb is acceptable what will advice backpack Smith into the NBA, and he said that's all the befalling he requires.
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Bird Line Art clipart - Penguin, Sports, Yellow, transparent .. | bird clip art with soccer "I apperceive individually, cipher can bouncer me," he said. "I can get any attempt I want. I can get to any atom I want. I accomplish the best decisions and I accept been the best able abecedarian in America the accomplished two seasons. If that is not the affidavit in the pudding, I don't apperceive what is." And finally, Louisville/Floirda State makes PJCS the anniversary 10 area of ESPN's Ultimate ACC Road Trip for 2014. As it should be. Five Things To Avoid In Bird Clip Art With Soccer | Bird Clip Art With Soccer - bird clip art with soccer | Welcome for you to our website, in this particular time period I will provide you with regarding keyword. Now, here is the primary picture:
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Soccer Bird Stock Illustrations – 9 Soccer Bird Stock .. | bird clip art with soccer
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Football Background clipart - Illustration, Football, Bird .. | bird clip art with soccer Read the full article
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