#teddy John lennon
johnwasthewalrus · 2 months
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One thing I’ll never get over is how before they even met Paul McCartney saw teddy boy John around and was like lowkey obsessed with him and would stare at him. He just thought he was so hot and cool. Like he had this enormous boy crush on John , and without that the Beatles may never have happened.
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repairingahole · 6 months
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requests from tiktok/twt
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thebeatlelove · 1 year
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Early Beatles
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zalumpiy · 3 months
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Macca: “So, dude, I’m going home…”
Lenny: “Okay, tell your daddy «hiii» and that I love him😝”
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loadingbraincells · 2 months
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a lil teddy era lennison comic
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lick-me-lennon22 · 5 months
Teddy Boy!John Lennon X Modern!Reader - Smoke & Serendipity 🚬
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(based on an anonymous request for a tb!john x modern!reader oneshot where the reader has accidentally traveled back in time !! hope you all enjoy 💕)
Confusion clouds your mind as you blink, trying to make sense of your surroundings. It takes a moment for the realization to sink in: you had somehow traveled back in time.
Suddenly and inexplicably, you find yourself standing atop the cobbled streets of 1950s Liverpool, amidst the buzzing energy of rock 'n' roll and the birth of a cultural revolution.
As you stumble through the unfamiliar streets, your heart races with apprehension. How had this happened? And more importantly, how are you going to get back to your own time?
You begin to notice the judgmental sneers and bewildered stares you were receiving from passers by, many of them clad in tailored suits and long, pleated skirts.
You glance down at your own attire.
Yeah, this isn't going to cut it, you think to yourself. I'd better get out of sight before I draw any more unwanted attention.
You wander a bit further, searching for a suitable place to lay low while you figure out how you're going to get out of this mess, when your eyes land on a hazy, dimly-lit alleyway.
You make a bee-line for the alley's entranceway, desperate to duck into the secluded spot. Before you can slip away into the cover of shadow, a bruised and bloodied teenaged boy storms out of the alley and past you, muttering curses under his breath.
What the hell...
You freeze for a moment, startled by the strange sight. You shake your head side-to-side, regaining focus on the task at hand as you cautiously round the corner.
Before you stood a tall, thin young man wearing a too-big leather jacket and scuffed boots, hair once slicked back but now disheveled from his skirmish with the other adolescent. He held a cigarette between two fingers of his bloody-knuckled right hand, taking drags on occasion as he kicked at the gravel beneath his feet.
Curiosity propelled you to approach the stranger, though nerves threatened to paralyze your steps. You gingerly step closer, finally catching the eye of the mysterious young man.
He is visibly taken aback at the sight of your unconventional attire, eyeing you up and down with an incredulous expression on his face. You're beginning to regret your decision when he lets out a low whistle and opens his mouth to speak:
"I've seen some outlandish outfits in me time but yours takes the cake, love," he teases with a snicker, curls of cigarette smoke framing his smug face.
You're shocked and somewhat offended by the gall of the stranger. You cross your arms over your chest defensively, but decide to keep the interaction playful- this is clearly not the kind of guy you want to provoke.
"Hey, don't knock it 'til you try it. Maybe I'll start a new fashion trend around here," you retort. The man quirks an eyebrow, intrigued by your quick wit and unfamiliar accent. Before he has time for another snide remark, you continue.
"Besides, you're one to talk. What's with the bloody knuckles, uh..."
"John," he interrupts you, chuckling softly. He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly as you make the observation, slightly ashamed but determined not to let his tough exterior slip.
"Ah, just a little scuffle. Nothing I couldn't handle- you know how it is."
You think back to the beat-up young man you spotted earlier, putting the pieces together.
"Do you... do you often find yourself in situations like this?"
John's gaze softens, a hint of melancholy in his eyes.
"More often than I'd like, but it comes with the territory I suppose. Life's rough around the edges, especially for a lad like me." He gives a hollow chuckle.
The urge to pry further tugs at you, but you choose to ignore it. Before you can formulate a response, he regains his confidence and speaks up again.
"Why do you ask? Just curious, or-" he takes a step towards you, "Perhaps you fancy a bad boy, hm?"
You're stunned by John's boldness, beginning to blush as you look up into his half-lidded eyes. At such a distance, you quickly take note of how handsome the young man really is, in a rough-and-tumble sort of way.
"I wouldn't say that, but... is it a crime to be curious about a rugged stranger?"
John shakes his head, amused, and puffs on his cigarette before speaking.
"Well, if you really do want to know more... me band's got a gig tonight down at the Cavern Club. How's about you make an appearance?" he suggests with a smirk.
You narrow your eyes cautiously, wary of his intentions at first, but beyond his bravado you can tell that he's being sincere. You mull the idea over in your mind, finally deciding that your trip back home can wait.
"Perhaps I'll see you there. Unless of course some other charming young man comes to sweep me off my feet in the meanwhile," you tease. "Someone a little less... greasy."
You reach a hand up to ruffle his hair- as much as you can, anyway, with what's left of his hair gel stiffening his locks. John gives you a playful shove and rolls his eyes.
"With that dreadful getup? Fat chance."
He saunters past you as you stammer, furrowing your eyebrows at him in distaste.
"Hey! I... it's... well-"
"I think what you meant to say was, catch you later, handsome."
He winks and struts off down the street, leaving you a flustered mess.
Now I really need to hit the shops.
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kayla161 · 1 month
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needing them in this era right about now 😁😁😁
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zhiiharka · 1 month
the beatles on halloween
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my take on it
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javelinbk · 10 months
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The Beatles arrive at the ABC Cinema in Manchester, 20th November 1963 - part 2 (part 1) (x)
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Happy very late birthday Tom Lehrer
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First time drawing all of the beatles in years
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Ignore my awful handwriting
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repairingahole · 5 months
if ur still doing requests, maybe teddy boy lennstarr? Idk if you do lennstarr but if not maybe Mcharrison?
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i like lennstarr
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thebeatlelove · 1 year
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Young Ringo Starr
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watertaxadermy · 4 months
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I did a paint over of this picture of a teddy boy John and George visiting Stuart’s empty room. It’s pictures like this that reminds me that they were just some lads.
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loadingbraincells · 2 months
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more teddy era doodles
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lick-me-lennon22 · 5 months
Teddy Boy!John Lennon X Modern!Reader - Smoke & Serendipity 🚬 (Part 2)
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(thank you all for the overwhelming amount of love and praise for Smoke & Serendipity!! I hope this continuation lives up to your expectations 💕 enjoy!)
As John's figure disappears down the bustling streets, you're left standing in the alleyway, unable to shake the feeling of excitement and uncertainty swirling in your mind. The invitation to his band's gig at the Cavern Club hangs in the air, tempting you with the promise of adventure in this unfamiliar era.
You glance down at your attire once more, realizing that if you're going to fit in at this gig, you'll need a drastic wardrobe change. With determination powering every step, you set off to find the nearest clothing store, navigating the winding streets with a newfound sense of purpose. The sights and sounds of 1950s Liverpool flood your senses, fueling your excitement for the night ahead.
After what feels like an eternity of searching, you finally stumble upon a quaint boutique tucked away in a corner of the city. The bell above the door chimes as you step inside, greeted by the scent of mothballs and starched fabric. Rows of vintage clothing line the racks, each piece seemingly plucked straight from the pages of a decades-old magazine.
As you sift through the hangers and peruse the displays, your eyes land on a striking ensemble that catches your attention: a sleek leather jacket paired with tailored trousers and a fitted blouse. Eager to try it on, you gather the pieces and head to the fitting room, more than ready to shed your outdated attire in favor of something more fitting for the era.
Emerging from the stall, you catch a glimpse of your reflection in the dusty mirror and marvel at the transformation before you. The leather jacket fits like a second skin, the trousers hugging your frame in all the right places. With a satisfied smile, you pay for your new digs and step out onto the street, feeling like a different person entirely.
With your confidence renewed and your wardrobe updated, you set off once more in search of the Cavern Club, keen to make the most of your unexpected journey through time. You find yourself wondering what adventures await you at the club, and what role John and his band will play in your journey back to the present.
Anticipation builds as you approach the venue, the neon lights of the city illuminating your path ahead. With each step, you can feel the energetic atmosphere around you, the pulse of rock 'n' roll echoing through the air.
Stepping inside the dimly-lit club, the sound of live music spills out into the streets and you're greeted by the sight of a packed crowd, swaying to its rhythm. The air is thick with cigarette smoke and the smell of stale beer, adding to the gritty charm of the underground venue.
You push your way through the throngs of people, scanning the crowd for any sign of John. Finally, you spot him in the corner of the room, his unmistakable silhouette illuminated by the glow of the stage lights.
Making your way over to him, you can't help but feel a surge of excitement mingled with nervousness. You catch his eye, offering a small wave and smile as he greets you with a sly grin of his own.
"Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up," he teases, his voice barely audible over the roar of the crowd.
"I couldn't resist," you reply, raising your voice to be heard over the din. "Besides, I just had to see what all the fuss was about."
John chuckles and nods toward the stage, where his bandmates are now tuning their instruments in preparation for their set.
"Just wait until you hear us play." Smug confidence is evident in his voice, that much is obvious- but just underneath, you swear you can detect the smallest hint of anxiety.
"We're going to blow your mind."
As the band takes the stage and launches into their first song, you find yourself swept up in the electrifying energy of the performance. The pure passion and talent demonstrated in their music resonate deeply with you, transcending the boundaries of time and space. John's voice cuts through the noise, raw and unfiltered, sending pleasant shivers down your spine. Enchanted by the pulsing beat of the drums and the warmth of the crowd, you feel more alive than you ever have before.
Lost in the music and company, you forget, if only for a moment, about the pressing question of how to return to your own time. For now, you're content to simply live in the present (or rather, the past), embracing the adventure and spontaneity of your unexpected journey. But as the final chords fade away and the lights come up, reality comes crashing back down around you.
With a heavy heart, you make your way toward the exit, the echoes of the music still ringing in your ears. But as you step out into the cool night air, a voice calls out from behind you.
"Hey, where do you think you're going?"
John's voice cuts through the darkness and shakes you from your train of thought. You turn to face him, a bittersweet smile playing at your lips.
"I... I have to go," you sigh, your voice wavering with uncertainty. But when you ponder your situation a moment longer, you come to the realization that you haven't considered where you're going to sleep - if you're even able to with everything weighing on your mind.
John snaps you back to attention with a dismissive wave of his hand.
"Sure ya don't! It's Friday night, after all. Unless you just aren't interested in me, which I can't imagine is true." He takes a step closer and quirks an eyebrow at you, awaiting your reply to his bold suggestion.
"Is this your way of inviting me back to your place?"
He shrugs, trying to look nonchalant but secretly hoping you'll accept. You consider the possibility - on one hand, it's another night away from your own time. But on the other, you still have no clue how you'll get back to the present. And in the meantime, a comfy bed and a roof over your head would be nice.
"If so... sure. Why not?" You smile and look to John, whose face lights up as you finally your decision.
"Well, what are we waiting for then?"
John takes your hand in his and pulls you along behind him. You stumble over your own feet as you try to match his pace, giggling all the while.
Though the path back to your own time remains uncertain, you can't help but feel hopeful, reinvigorated with a newfound sense of belonging in this unfamiliar era.
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