#teddy boy beatles
repairingahole · 1 month
if ur still doing requests, maybe teddy boy lennstarr? Idk if you do lennstarr but if not maybe Mcharrison?
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i like lennstarr
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thebeatlelove · 1 year
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Young Ringo Starr
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eekeekart · 2 months
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erinarigby · 1 month
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baby’s in black proving to be bit of a difficult read when i cannot understand german at all, however adorable art style is worth it
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zalumpiy · 11 days
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Macca: “So, dude, I’m going home…”
Lenny: “Okay, tell your daddy «hiii» and that I love him😝”
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lick-me-lennon22 · 2 months
Teddy Boy!John Lennon X Modern!Reader - Smoke & Serendipity 🚬
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(based on an anonymous request for a tb!john x modern!reader oneshot where the reader has accidentally traveled back in time !! hope you all enjoy 💕)
Confusion clouds your mind as you blink, trying to make sense of your surroundings. It takes a moment for the realization to sink in: you had somehow traveled back in time.
Suddenly and inexplicably, you find yourself standing atop the cobbled streets of 1950s Liverpool, amidst the buzzing energy of rock 'n' roll and the birth of a cultural revolution.
As you stumble through the unfamiliar streets, your heart races with apprehension. How had this happened? And more importantly, how are you going to get back to your own time?
You begin to notice the judgmental sneers and bewildered stares you were receiving from passers by, many of them clad in tailored suits and long, pleated skirts.
You glance down at your own attire.
Yeah, this isn't going to cut it, you think to yourself. I'd better get out of sight before I draw any more unwanted attention.
You wander a bit further, searching for a suitable place to lay low while you figure out how you're going to get out of this mess, when your eyes land on a hazy, dimly-lit alleyway.
You make a bee-line for the alley's entranceway, desperate to duck into the secluded spot. Before you can slip away into the cover of shadow, a bruised and bloodied teenaged boy storms out of the alley and past you, muttering curses under his breath.
What the hell...
You freeze for a moment, startled by the strange sight. You shake your head side-to-side, regaining focus on the task at hand as you cautiously round the corner.
Before you stood a tall, thin young man wearing a too-big leather jacket and scuffed boots, hair once slicked back but now disheveled from his skirmish with the other adolescent. He held a cigarette between two fingers of his bloody-knuckled right hand, taking drags on occasion as he kicked at the gravel beneath his feet.
Curiosity propelled you to approach the stranger, though nerves threatened to paralyze your steps. You gingerly step closer, finally catching the eye of the mysterious young man.
He is visibly taken aback at the sight of your unconventional attire, eyeing you up and down with an incredulous expression on his face. You're beginning to regret your decision when he lets out a low whistle and opens his mouth to speak:
"I've seen some outlandish outfits in me time but yours takes the cake, love," he teases with a snicker, curls of cigarette smoke framing his smug face.
You're shocked and somewhat offended by the gall of the stranger. You cross your arms over your chest defensively, but decide to keep the interaction playful- this is clearly not the kind of guy you want to provoke.
"Hey, don't knock it 'til you try it. Maybe I'll start a new fashion trend around here," you retort. The man quirks an eyebrow, intrigued by your quick wit and unfamiliar accent. Before he has time for another snide remark, you continue.
"Besides, you're one to talk. What's with the bloody knuckles, uh..."
"John," he interrupts you, chuckling softly. He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly as you make the observation, slightly ashamed but determined not to let his tough exterior slip.
"Ah, just a little scuffle. Nothing I couldn't handle- you know how it is."
You think back to the beat-up young man you spotted earlier, putting the pieces together.
"Do you... do you often find yourself in situations like this?"
John's gaze softens, a hint of melancholy in his eyes.
"More often than I'd like, but it comes with the territory I suppose. Life's rough around the edges, especially for a lad like me." He gives a hollow chuckle.
The urge to pry further tugs at you, but you choose to ignore it. Before you can formulate a response, he regains his confidence and speaks up again.
"Why do you ask? Just curious, or-" he takes a step towards you, "Perhaps you fancy a bad boy, hm?"
You're stunned by John's boldness, beginning to blush as you look up into his half-lidded eyes. At such a distance, you quickly take note of how handsome the young man really is, in a rough-and-tumble sort of way.
"I wouldn't say that, but... is it a crime to be curious about a rugged stranger?"
John shakes his head, amused, and puffs on his cigarette before speaking.
"Well, if you really do want to know more... me band's got a gig tonight down at the Cavern Club. How's about you make an appearance?" he suggests with a smirk.
You narrow your eyes cautiously, wary of his intentions at first, but beyond his bravado you can tell that he's being sincere. You mull the idea over in your mind, finally deciding that your trip back home can wait.
"Perhaps I'll see you there. Unless of course some other charming young man comes to sweep me off my feet in the meanwhile," you tease. "Someone a little less... greasy."
You reach a hand up to ruffle his hair- as much as you can, anyway, with what's left of his hair gel stiffening his locks. John gives you a playful shove and rolls his eyes.
"With that dreadful getup? Fat chance."
He saunters past you as you stammer, furrowing your eyebrows at him in distaste.
"Hey! I... it's... well-"
"I think what you meant to say was, catch you later, handsome."
He winks and struts off down the street, leaving you a flustered mess.
Now I really need to hit the shops.
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imagine-mokey · 6 months
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An early Starrison! 😜
Ringo and George! I don't know who's in the middle.
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Happy very late birthday Tom Lehrer
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First time drawing all of the beatles in years
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Ignore my awful handwriting
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watertaxadermy · 25 days
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I did a paint over of this picture of a teddy boy John and George visiting Stuart’s empty room. It’s pictures like this that reminds me that they were just some lads.
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repairingahole · 2 months
Teddy boy Beatles
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initials at top just in case
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thebeatlelove · 1 year
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rodeoromeo · 1 year
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kisses him all over his tough little face
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saint-mona · 2 years
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paulmcf4rtney · 1 year
teddy boy george x reader please!! fem reader, maybe paul or john’s sister? lots of fluffy cavern goodness would be much appreciated!! 💗
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anon asked for Teddy boy!George x fem reader!!!! THANK U SM FOR THE RQ! <33
definitely gonna go with paul hehe
-You being the sister of the prettiest boy in school gave you lots of attention, girls asking you for favors, giving you notes to pass n share to your brother, the list goes on.
-Paul always flirted back with the women he talked to, but he had competition with George either way when it came to girls.
-You were so in love with him the more you noticed his presence, which of course made it worse, you couldn’t help it. His smile, his wink.. The way he talked to you like you were the only girl in the world.
-Paul found out about this and gave you a stern talking to, about not to “date boys” and especially NOT GEORGE. It was hypocritical, he could flirt but you couldn’t date a single boy?
-Did you care though? No, no you didn’t. You felt seen for once, and not like a shadow behind your brother. You knew it wasn’t his fault and he was only trying to protect you.
-Either way you were on George’s radar, you both started to get closer (emotionally and physically) to the point you were having dreams about him.
-You talked to him almost every day at this point, before, during and after school. Your brother caught on but you told him nothing would happen.
“Aye, you wanna come by my place? My parents aren’t gonna be home, we can watch a movie.” George whispered to you in class with that thick Liverpool accent that made your body melt.
You nodded, trying not to alert the teacher and get you or him in trouble.
And after-school outside like always you meet up with him, this time you told your brother you had somewhere to be and not to wait up for you, that had raised a little suspicion from Paul but he didn’t want to give you a hard time anymore than he already has.
You were nervous? Sort of? This was the first boy that paid this much attention to you in what felt like forever. You held George’s hand by instinct, you were gonna pull away out of embarrassment but he locked his fingers with yours.
If your face wasn’t red before it was definitely red now. George spoke up again, “My house ain’t too far but I still gotta drive..”
“You have a car???” Surprised, I mean, why wouldn’t you be surprised!? When he walked you out to his vehicle you realized partially why girls liked him so much.. A hot ride and a guitarist at the same time was all he needed to score.
“Yep, a real beauty ain’t she?”
You hummed in response
You got in as he did, strapping in. He started the engine and drove off. You didn’t dare to touch anything or even look at him, you were bad with eye contact when it came to your crushes. (Sucks that Paul decided to always scare them away) But you knew George was different.
He didn’t take shit from anyone, not even your brother. In fact i’m sure he likes the idea that he’s going against Paul. George didn’t say much the whole ride, he put on music though.
You didn’t mind how quiet it was, but you were too deep into your thoughts to realize he had parked the car already, snapping you out by the sound of his voice. “Cmon, i’ll show you inside n’ let you pick out the movie if ye want.” And there was that fucking smile again.
He let you step out of the car, holding your hand again. His hands were very soft just like his voice, he didn’t rush you or try to make a move.. It was nice.
You entered, and his house was actually really pleasing in decorum. His parents definitely raised him well, it showed.
There was blankets folded next to the couch in a basket, pillows perfectly placed on each side.
George kicked his shoes off, so you did the same, he was asking you what you wanted to watch since his parents owned a collection of tapes/movies you looked through them, picking one that happened to be horror.
You both were *almost* cuddled up on the couch under the blankets, until a scary scene came on you jumped and grabbed onto George’s shirt, hiding your face in his chest. You liked scary movies but the scenes still make you jump.
He held you tight and petted your hair, whispering to you that there was nothing to be scared about. “Ya don’t need to be so frightened i’m here, it’s okay.”
You sniffled at his response, opening ur eyes to look at him and that’s when he kisses you. Softly, yet holding back in case you weren’t ready.. But you were ready and knew it.
It felt like a thousand butterflies were in your stomach and chest by how close your faces were.
George didn’t let you go or stopped kissing your head until the movie was over, anytime the movie had a jumpscare he’d hold you tighter. You really have never experienced something like this, it was so comforting.
This was the first step to dating and having George as your own, all to yourself.
“I can drive you home, pretty girl.” He said with that gentle tone again, kissing your lips longer this time, a smirk plastered on his face.
“Oh shoot yeah, you definitely should.. So, does this mean we’re like.. Dating?” You sprouted the question to him, averting your eyes.
“Guess it does, why else would I be kissing ye?”
You knew you would have to explain to Paul and your parents why you were gone so long, but it would be worth it. So so worth it when you get home. <3
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beatle-george-smut · 4 months
Can you write some stuff for teddy boy George he's such a sexy minx I want him in me so bad
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I'd only been at Blacklers a few months, when I looked up from my typing, and there was George Harrison. I'd been in love with George since I'd first seen him playing at the Casbah Club with the Quarrymen.
"Hello, George. What are you doing here?" I asked. Thankfully, I'd decided to wear my newest dress that morning and my hair was fresh and clean.
"I'm going to be an apprentice for the electrical department. What are you doing here?" His grin made my tummy go flip flop. His hair was still worn back off his forehead, and his eyes were as shiny and bright as I remembered.
" Me? I'm the secretary for this department." I took a deep breath. "Come by at lunch and we can have a smoke and catch up. Have a great first day." I smiled my best front office smile.
At lunch, we stood out in the delivery area and smoked cigarettes. "So, what's new?" asked George.
"Well, my gran died. I'm living in her place." I told him. Despite his nicotine stained fingers, he was still sexy as fuck. His jeans were tight and showed off his bum in a decidedly sexy way.
"Yes. My da kicked me out," I took a drag off the ciggie.
Just as George asked why, the bell rang. Lunch time was over. "Come round to mine sometime. I'll tell you the whole stupid story," I threw my butt to the ground and rubbed it out with the toe of my shoe.
"What about tonight?" asked George. "We haven't got a gig until Saturday."
"That would be grand." I smiled. "See you tonight." It was then I decided I would finally have him. Here was my chance.
As soon as the whistle blew at 5 o'clock, I got my purse and ran home. I cleaned up my tiny flat, and lit the stove. I made some bacon butties. George was always hungry, as I recalled. I took off my work clothes and washed up. As I was deciding what to wear, I heard a knock on the front door. I threw on my robe and hurried down the stairs.
"Am I too early?" George asked.
"No!" Come in!" I held the door open and let him in. "Would you like a cuppa?"
"I brought these," and from under is jacket George pulled out a sack with four bottles of ale.
"Let me put on my clothes," I said.
"I like what you have on," George said.
"Well, then," I giggled. "Let's sit in the kitchen. I made some sarnies."
We sat at the table talking and eating. I took a big gulp of ale, then laughed at something George said and started to choke. I coughed and my robe fell open. I went to close it up, but George stopped me.
" Leave it. I like looking." He took a finger and pulled my robe all the way open. "You're as beautiful as I've always imagined. " Then he leaned over and kissed me. I had dreamed of his lips on mine for what seemed like forever, and finally it was coming true. His tongue pushed past my teeth, exploring my mouth, and I wanted to faint.
We made out like mad, snogging furiously. "Let's go in the sitting room," I gasped. I stood up and His hands pushed my robe off my shoulders and I let it fall to the floor. I stood naked before him and basked in the admiration I saw.
I took his hand and pulled him to the settee. I sat down and George knelt before me. Shamelessly, I opened my legs. "Please," I begged.
And then it happened. He bowed his head and his mouth was on me. This tongue driving me wild. After a few minutes he looked up at me with the widest grin. "I've always wanted a taste!" His face was wet, and he wiped his chin with his sleeve.
I'd never had a boy do that. I threw the afghan from the settee on the floor and laid down. I watched as George stood up snd took off his clothes. He was skinny but my goodness, his throbber was huge. It stood straight up and I couldn't wait to feel it inside of me. I stared as he struggled to put on a johnny . Then there he was between my legs, guiding himself in. I was dripping wet and he slid in without effort.
"Oh!" We both moaned, and then we laughed. "You feel so good, girl."
"Fuck me, George," and like only a young man can, he enthusiastically pounded away. I put my legs around his waist and went for a wild ride, his hips banging into mine. My pussy was stretched wide and his cock filled it. When he came, he groaned and fell on top of me.
Then he covered my face with kisses and rolled off and laid next to me, holding me close.
"That was my first time," he stammered softly.
I hugged him tightly. "It was my first time, too," I admitted. I was thrilled. It was all I hoped for.
But it wouldn't be our last. For the few months that he worked at Blacklers, we learned how to make the other person feel good. Nothing was out of bounds. I might not have had an orgasm the first time, but even as a young man, George was a generous lover. As they say, practice makes perfect. We knew every inch of each other. He always left me contented and satisfied.
I knew it wouldn't last because music was George's future, and all he thought about. He was never meant to be an electrician. When we weren't making love, he was showing me the new chords he'd learned, or playing a tune he'd written.
Years later, I laughed reading how he'd given up his virginity to a woman in Hamburg. That was our George. He'd never kiss and tell. My virtue was safe and no one ever knew about our sweet days of bliss when we both learned the art of loving.
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