#teehee big word alert
0xy--m0r0n · 1 year
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here we go!!!! this took me multiple hours, but here is the fanmade non official galran alphabet!!!!
fun fact about me: i am a SUCKER for fictional languages. like. i go feral for them. i did this instead of writing an essay and it was SO worth it
uhhhh but yeah!! i hope it looks galran enough to be accepted in the fandom 😔 at the time i only had a really blurry photo ref of like. four letters. so like. maybe forgive me??? if it doesn't look??? accurate????
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jinkiezzsstuff · 7 months
if you don’t mind me asking, when are the next installments of the transmigrated reader series coming out?
So sorry it’s taken so long! It’s been a wild couple of weeks and I’ve been jumping from fic to fic tryna get each one complete! I hope this is a satiating enough! Hopefully when life lets up a bit i can write the longer shit i like to do teehee
Transported (3)
Hazbin crew x male!reader
characters featured: Emily, Sera, Lute, Adam, Vaggie, Charlie, Sir Pentious,
part: [1] [2]
words: 1.3k
warnings: swearing, sera is implied to be kinda bad kinda a hater, adam calls you big balls little dick, male read btw, goat reader, readers implied to be tall, shortish, sir pentious is gonna be a lad, not proofread!
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Standing alongside Vaggie and Charlie in the courtroom, you guitily tuned out the entire ordeal, you’d seen the scene many times before and lietened to the song on repeat, that actually was a problem as you starting singing along with the two of high made Vaggie give you a confused look. You however simply shrugged that off like it was nothing.
You waited for the scene to be set and for the three of you to be forced into the portal Adam would create and be good onto the next. However that didn’t happen, instead Sera, Lute, Emily and Adam came down in front of you Charlie and Vaggie, the other angels flying away. “So big dick goat boy, what’s the shtick with you?” Adam clicks his tongue, hands on his hips as he looks up to you, inwardly you panic but hold together, giving a quick glance over to Sera who looked quite menacing at the moment. “What do you mean?” Charlie stepped in, exhaustion lacing her tone, understandably as she just found out her girlfriend is an ex angel.
“Well it’s just that big balls little dick here is outta place, even Sera said-“ Sera promptly cut the first man off with a stern call of his name and a glare. He sulked crossing his arms and sticking his tongue out, however he kept his mouth shut. Charlie didn’t seem like she was in the mood to question what Adam was going to say, thank goodness, but Sera didn’t seem to be done. “You know, some of us were born to be, and others made to be, but none of us just appear out of thin air we all have a purpose in heaven, or hell.”
Charlie crossed her arms shrinking back, probably making the assumption the comment was about the hotel, however Sera had her sight set on you, her eyes glowing with meaning. You glanced over at Adam and Lute, Lute seemed to giving you a hard glare, but Adam didn’t seem to care scrolling through his phone. “We do all have a purpose than, even the ones who appear out of thin air may serve a purpose.” You claim wearily, yet attempt to keep your ground as your eyes bounce from person to person. Your hands shoved in your pants pockets you stood tall, horns sticking up high past your head.
“Yeah, cool, whatever-bye bitches! we’re coming straight to your hotel this extermination!” Adam broke the silence butting in, now this is what you were familiar with as the portal opened, Adam shoved you three through, Charlie freaking out and trying to get at Adam. You caught one last glimpse of Sera’s cold gaze as the portal closed, and you just know things aren’t gonna be good from here.
Vaggie was downstairs at the bar, not drinking but just sitting. She wish you didn’t see the way things played out, and she was embarrassed you found out she was a fallen angel too. Walking up to the bar, your hooves clopping against the ground alerted her of your presence before you slid into the barstool beside her. She didn’t bother looking up at you, or even saying anything to you, just at quietly.
She half expected you to sling out questions one by one about her being an exorcist, however you just sat quietly with her. In your mind you wanted to comfort her, but after today it would be too suspicious for you to act in a way that is too out of the ordinary, like giving the impression you’re an all knowing fortune teller. Instead you gave Vaggies back a few comforting pats, when she looked toward you, you offered a small smiled.
Vaggie seemed to appreciate the gesture smiling back and giving a nod, you’re hopefull things lighten up soon. As Vaggie went to open her mouth an inquisitive look taking over her features, the hotel doors slammed open, and in walked Angel with Alastor. “Weird there coming in together.” You mutter, giving Vaggie a look, she hummed in agreement. Angel plopped himself down on the couch, meanwhile Alastor lingered creepily in the back, close enough but still far. “So how’d things go with the holy? What’s the plan?” Angel asked lounging across the sofa, Vaggie nervously looked around scratching the back of her neck.
“We don’t…. Charlie will come up with something a big plan is going to happen.” Vaggie affirmed, out of the corner you watch Alastor fade into black goop, you already knew the plan was going to go down… but should you really intervene? It seems your presence in the show has already caused disturbances in the way things are playing out, if you stop the deal from happening who knows what crazy twist things will take.
But… you know the angels can die, which is what Alastor wants to make the deal for. In the middle of your inner battle the green shot through the room making you tense. “Too late,” You mutter watching as Vaggie run off. “What did you say bad boy?” Nifty creepily asked breathlessly, hugging the bottom of your leg. You grimaced watching as Angel gave you a look, Pentious slithering into the picture. “Nifty, invading onessss perssonal ssspacce issss very rude,” Pentious reason hissing out his words, you smile at him genuinely, watching as he tried to poke the little devil off.
She hissed like a demented animal, and clung tighter to your leg. “Don’t test her, I saw how she can be with Val.” Angel muttered, Husk who entered behind the bar not long ago spat out his drink. “Angel!” You tilted your head confused, oh right, they went to the bar, and you’re not supposed to know that. Acting confused, you attempt to save Angel the lecture of keeping his mouth shut, instead you simply bent down and tore the cyclops off you. “Hey, Pentious?” You questioned plopping Nifty down, her cackling and running off. “Yessss?” The snake hissed tilting his head, you wrapped your arm around his back guiding him away from the others. “I was curious about your inventions, and you would know better than anyone..” You trail off your hand making a circular motion as you try to find the words.
“You think Id know better than anyone?” Sir pentious said in astonishment sparkles in his eyes. You smiled at him and nodded. “Yeah, i want some scientific advice.” He clapped his hands together happily, ready to help. “Do you think it’s possible to move between like universes? Like falling into a wormhole?” You questioned as nonsuspiciously as you could, however Sir pentious was used to his egg boys madness and didn’t mind it at all. He perked up hands tapping on his lip as he though.
“I supposssse? We’d have to confirm the existenccce of other universsesss firssst.” He said matter of factly, you hummed, trying to figure out how you could question him further without him questioning you back. “I’m just really interested with theories of other life and realms, especially since finding out hells real.”
The snake nodded understandingly as he listened to your explanation, it seemed like he was trying to figure out what to say. “You know that isss quite interessssting! I’m alwayss ssso focussed on killing machinesss! I’m going to do sssome sstudying!” Pentious proclaimed finger in the air, you chuckled at his over the top reaction, but pat him on the back bidding him ado as he slithered off. Fiddling with the cuffs on your suit you wandered aimlessly back over to where Angel and Husk stayed situated.
“Heya babe~” Angel whistled at you dragging your attention away. “Yeah?” You say a little air headed like, you felt weirdly about everything especially after seeing Sera and the angels, you wonder what they saw in you that the demons couldn’t? “Wanna play a card game until the others come down?” Angel guestured over to Husk who had the cards between his claws.
Might as well relax a bit, after all it’s only a matter of time before the battle.
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melancholy-of-nadia · 7 months
[lul8] BIGGEST teaser yet;; this is the longest chapter to date with 14k words release is saturday 3/2 at 1PM PST
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a/n: this isn't even a big part of the chapter but is very significant (foreshadow alert!) ! i can't spoil anything else or it will ruin the big surprise
✨ let me know ur thoughts! how are you feeling?! ✉️
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yumenosakiacademy · 1 year
!! SLEEPY DUMB RANT ALERT big ol wall a txt !!
u kno, a good comparison/metaphor 2 the situation earlier (tht being tht i h8 ppl who hate full communities), tht I can definitely hav a say in (since race isnt particularly my Forte n asian americans r a bit less Oppressed than other races at times) is like... ok, straight ppl. similar privileged ppl. I acknowledge tht a lot of straight ppl r homophobic, HELL I fucking Live w a homophobe who's called me slurs b4 n says gay ppl r Gross n its wrong, but at the same time, i kno the actions of straight homophobic bigots don't reflect straight ppl as a whole. n im not a straight motherfucker. I dont hav 2 b 2 hav tht mindset tht Straight Ppl Arent All Dicks N Are Associated With Bigots. Idc if straight ppl interact w me bc I kno tht unless they hav smth outright displaying tht they're a raging gay hater, they're likely jus A Chill Straight Person. not every straight person wants my kind of ppl, The Queers, Dead or finds them Gross. thts a but Extreme. 4 example, my mom may b a homophobe but my dad is a Big ally. n of course straight ppl hold a lot more rights than queer ppl, a lot more privilege, but at the same time I kno actions n words of a Few don't denote the actions n words of All. n thinking tht would b Silly. every1s capable of bad or good, n they cant choose what theyre put in2 (like being white or straight or cis or a man). do i make jokes at straight ppl's expense? Yes. we luv a lil bit of Clownery here. a lil Teehee moment. but outright hating them all n claiming tht every straight person is affiliated by default w Oppressors n should stay away bc some of their community of which they can't Choose sucks n has treated me poorly? seeing every straight person in a negative light all bc my straight mom has called me slurs a few times? Loser Extremist Behavior. n I'm rly not a fan of ppl who think n act like tht, regardless of the topic whether it b race, sexuality, gender, or what hav u. (tho, there's some Lenancy if ur saying it in a not-deadly srs way, like saying "gay supremacy straights r boring lol" or "girls rule boys drool" as opposed 2 genuine h8)
Note: this isn't a rant solely meant at tht 1 weirdo earlier like a "im riled up- AND ANOTHER THING-" type moment, but me jus sleepily ranting abt why I hav ppl like tht on my dni/dislike them, n my take on stuff like this ig
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mrsbhandari · 4 years
Shutter - pt 5
a/n: bonjour!! sorry that this is a little bit later than i thought i would post it, i went to do a bunch of stuff today oop-- anyway, i hope you like this one!! also the instagram post described with nia and tyril is this one by the lovely lxdy-starfury because i like to think that they become good friends and share a love of books teehee.
warnings: there’s a section here that’s nsfw (masturbation) so uh yeah
words: 3k
tags: @lxdy-starfury, @huntress1024, @anotherbeingsworld, @brightpinkpeppercorn, @chaotic-ramsay-queen, @brycemaloliver
Jesus Christ. That was the first thought Naexi had when she nodded and Tyril slotted his lips against hers, effortlessly molding to her mouth as if they had been together for years. He tasted sweet, like funnel cake at the carnival and shared laughs as powdered sugar covered her mouth. In an instant, he hopped down from his stool and stood closer to her, gently placing a cold finger under her chin and positioning her head for an even better angle. Naexi’s head spun, feeling her mouth open and his tongue brush hers. She let out the smallest of whimpers, and all bets were off. He was borderline desperate to taste her, feel her, with his hands traveling down to her hips and pulling her close by her belt loops. 
He took her chin in one hand and tilted her to the side, exposing her neck and allowing him to trail his lips down her skin. Gasping, her fingers found his hair and the messy bun he’d thrown it in before tugging on the hair band and freeing the raven locks to fall down to his shoulders. She tangled her fingers into it, relishing how fluffy and soft it felt against her palm, images of it splayed out on the pillow below her and it hanging over her face as he looked down on her flashed into her mind, making her dizzy with desire for him. The feel of his fingertips finding their way under her sweatshirt and gingerly running across her stomach shocked her senses. His hands were cold, but soft, and gave her goosebumps wherever he stroked. 
“You’re so beautiful.” His voice was husky in her ear before his mouth pressed a soft kiss to her neck, smiling against her skin when he felt a shudder go through her body. Their time was cut short by a loud ringing coming from his pants pocket, making them both jump.
“Dammit--Hello?” he impatiently answered, lips swollen and hands still twitching against her skin. 
“You’ve been there a while, boss. Just wanted to make sure she didn’t force you to write her into your will and kill you.” Imtura sounded bored on the other end of the line.
“Is that even possible?”
“You’d be surprised.” 
“Ignoring that...ominous statement, yes, I’m fine.”
“Did she say yes?” Naexi gave him a confused look, but he just offered a small, embarrassed smile in return. 
“I...didn’t get a chance to ask yet.”
“Ah, I see.” She didn’t say anything else.
“Well...I’m going to go. I’ll be on my way soon.”
“Later, boss. Oh, and uh--” He could practically hear her grin through the phone. “--give her a kiss for me.” 
Tyril hurriedly hung up the phone and slammed it down on the counter, face flushing a bright red at Naexi’s laughter. 
“Was that the bodyguard I met at the shoot?”
“Imtura, yes. She’s…”
“Fantastic!” Tyril rolled his eyes.
“Sure, we’ll go with that.”
Trailing her fingers up his sharp jaw, Naexi gave him a small smile. “What did you want to ask me? Does it have to do with the ‘favor’?” He hummed and closed his eyes, enjoying her gentle touch.
“Yes, my father has a charity gala coming up and I would like you to come with me.” He opened his eyes and bit his lip, making Naexi wonder what else he could do to get any sexier. “As my date.”
“A fancy rich people gala....with the girl who hated you when she first met you because you’re rich....sounds like a disaster, Tyril.” She looked away, unsure, but the moment he leaned down to her ear and whispered “Please” in her ear, she knew she was putty in his hands. “Fine!” He grinned down at her, making her knees weak. “But you owe me.”
He pressed a soft kiss to her lips, one that had her leaning forward for more after he pulled away. “Anything.” His smile seemed to hold the promise of the world in it. 
She believed it.
Tyril sat heavily on the leather couch of his apartment, quiet and empty without Naexi’s smile to brighten it up. The feel of her lips against his and her body in his palms was intoxicating, enough so that his head still felt fuzzy and his pants still felt tight. He’d never felt this way for anyone after Kaya left him, and half of him felt completely ashamed for thinking of Naexi that way. The other half of him was extremely turned on. 
Making an executive decision, he stood and walked to the bathroom, turning on the water and stripping down, waiting for it to heat up. In that time, he couldn’t help but think of how perfect she looked in the candlelight of her kitchen, shadows flickering on her face and sharpening the roundness of her face. He looked at himself in the mirror, noticing how hard he’d become at the thought of her so close to him.
“What are you doing to me, Naexi?” he whispered to himself, turning back to step in the shower. The hot water hit his muscles just right, washing away the tension buried so deeply in his shoulders. If he closed his eyes and dreamed, he could imagine that it was her hands running across his back, kneading her fingers into the flesh and trailing down to his sides. He shuddered and braced one hand against his shower wall, nails scraping the grout. He resumed his fantasy, thinking of her soft hands sweeping down over his hips before wrapping around his hard shaft. He gasped as he felt the pressure surround him, water dripping into his mouth and off his chin from the hair that was plastered against his forehead from the steady stream of the shower hitting him. Her hand moved and she was whispering in his ear, walking around to face him as she got him off, forcing him to look at her in those big green eyes that had him in a trance.  
“C’mon, pretty boy, come undone for me.” Then she was kissing him and he could feel himself reaching his peak and spilling over his hand, ripping him from his mind as he opened his eyes to see that he was alone in his shower with his rapidly softening dick in his hands under a stream of water that was no longer as comforting as it was just a few minutes ago. Laying his forehead against the warm tile, he closed his eyes again and pictured her pretty face as his breath slowed.
“You sly dog!” Mal clapped Tyril heavily on the back, making the latter man nearly choke on his coffee. Being friends with Mal typically came with the inevitable injuries from the man’s brute strength and touchiness, and Tyril often wondered how exactly he hadn’t ended up in the hospital from one of his ‘friendly’ punches. 
“I am nothing of the sort,” he deadpanned, keeping his gaze forward as they walked. 
“Aw, come one, killer, admit it.” Tyril sent a sidelong glance to Mal. “You’re falling in love with her.”
Tyril rolled his eyes. “It’s far too early to say anything as serious as that.”
“But you’re at least falling for her,” Imtura corrected, holding a long index finger up. “No offense, boss, but after Kaya left--” He winced at the name. “--you were a whole mess. Like, watching rom-coms while crying and eating ice cream kind of mess. Like--”
“Yes, yes, I was broken up that my fiancee cheated on me and planned on buying my company out with her lover, who just so happened to be my biggest competitor. I was a mess who immediately dismissed the entire idea of love because if someone could really hurt me that bad, then what’s the point of believing that there’s any good in the world?” Imtura opened her mouth to speak, but Tyril continued. “Which is why I throw myself into my work and shun dating altogether because I’d rather focus on the good I know I can cause rather than the unguaranteed good of someone to date and marry.” He realized that his two friends were staring at him. “Were you going to say something different?”
“No, I was just going to say that you needed to get laid. I think that proved my point.” Imtura and Mal laughed, exchanging a fist bump as they walked after Tyril. He just rolled his eyes. “Plus, didn’t Kaya also screw over your competitor, too?” 
“What’s your point?”
“I’m just saying that at least you’re not the only one.” 
“You’re right, I feel so much better now. No more therapy for me!” 
Mal exaggeratedly shivered. “Hearing you sound sarcastically happy is creepy.”
“Listen, all I’m saying is that it’s good that you’re getting back out there! I’ve had enough of you moping. My job would be so much more exciting if you did stupid stuff because you’re heartbroken.” 
“Plus, now you’ve got a total babe to go to the gala with,” Mal interjected, earning an exasperated sigh from Tyril. “What? I’m right!”
“You made out?!”
“Shhhhhh!” Naexi waved off a few nosy patrons of the store before turning back to her best friend, who was trying to silently freak out on the couch. “Yes, we did.” 
“If I don’t get a detailed play-by-play right now, I’m literally announcing to the entire store that you made out with a billionaire.” 
“Well, you already half-announced it.” Naexi explained what happened in her apartment to Nia, who would interject with random squeals and squeaks at certain points, nearly spilling her coffee on her friend at one point. Finally, when she was finished, Nia was bright red and fanning herself.
“Wow! And now you get to go to the gala! You’re like a princess,” she sighed, earning a scoff from Naexi. She was about to retort, but her phone buzzed on the table. 
PICTAGRAM: @tyrilstarfury is now following you.
Nia glanced over her shoulder at the screen. “Ooh, getting serious, hm?” she taunted, poking her friend in the side and giggling. Nia’s own phone lit up, detailing an alert on Tyril’s name in a tweet. “Uh-oh.”
“Uh-oh? What are we uh-ohing?” Naexi glanced over at the Zizzfeed account pulled up on her screen with a tweet reading “Who did Tyril Starfury follow on Pictagram?” with a link to an article featuring countless old gifs between sporadic sentences about the bachelor and his odd following of a random photographer’s account on social media. “What the hell?! How are they so fast?” 
“You’re famous!” 
“Did you forget that I’ve been published in multiple magazines, including Vogue, one of the most notorious fashion magazines in America?”
“I feel like Zizzfeed is like, officially famous, though.” 
“It’s not uncommon, I’ve always had news sites like that one sticking their noses into my business.” Tyril scowled into his glass of water. They were sitting on his couch, making his large apartment feel less empty with full kisses and even fuller laughter. She reached up a hand to trace his jaw, bringing his gaze up to hers. 
“It was just a little shocking, is all.” He reached a hand up to his hair and brushed a few strands out of his face. He seemed bashful, not at all like the typical powerful man she’d come to know in just a few short days. It made her heart melt. 
“I understand that this whole billionaire thing can be overwhelming, and I don’t want you to feel pressured to stay with me if it makes you feel uncomfortable with all the eyes that might be on you--”
“Tyril.” He stopped his rambling and looked at Naexi, all wide eyes and sweet smiles. “I don’t want to read any stupid news about you because I have the source right here. I want to be with you. I’m sorry I didn’t realize it earlier, but I’m here now, hm? Kiss me, please.” He grinned happily obliged, their lips coming together easily in an act that had his head swimming every time they did it. Her mouth trailed down his throat, leaving pinpricks of heat as her teeth nipped at his skin, sure to be the reason he would need to wear turtlenecks for the rest of the week. 
“You’re a troublemaker,” he murmured, breath heavy under her touch. 
“Let me guess.” She leaned back, but their faces were still close. It was torture. “You were a good little boy who didn’t associate with the likes of little girls like me.” She ran her finger over some of the new hickeys decorating his skin, making him hiss. 
“Let me guess...you were a little girl who teased little boys like me.” His hands wrapped around her thighs and effortlessly pulled her into his lap. 
“That’s because I didn’t realize how naughty those little boys could be.” She was straddling his hips and he felt like he was living the teenage years he never got to have, full of raging hormones and obvious hickeys and immature laughter. Her body was pure warmth in his hands, heating his body up from its usual cool temperature. She had a red sweatshirt on, complementing the dark gray sweater he had chosen for himself after what seemed like hours of deliberation, eager to look perfect for her. Those words surprised him. It seemed like every step he took revolved around those words. 
For her. 
Beside her, a phone buzzed and she looked at the headline that took up the top space of her notification bar: TYRIL STARFURY SPOTTED ON DATE WITH VOGUE PHOTOGRAPHER. She clicked on it and was immediately met with a large photo, no doubt taken by a paparazzo on the sidewalk across the street from a local ice cream shop they had visited together. The picture featured a typically stoic Tyril smiling with a dot of chocolate ice cream on his nose, placed there by his new girlfriend who just wanted to make him happy. She smiled down at the picture and saved it to her phone, sending a screenshot of the article to Tyril. 
NAEXI: I still think this was a cute look. Shame it didn’t last longer. 
TYRIL: I seem to recall the reason it didn’t last long.
NAEXI: Enlighten me.
Tyril let out a small laugh and sent an embarrassed smile to Mal, who gave him an odd look in across the table in their conference meeting. 
TYRIL: You insisted on licking any ice cream off me, remember? I’m surprised the paparazzi don’t have more scandalous pictures. 
NAEXI: I’m going to email the pap and ask if I can have copies of the rest.
TYRIL: You wouldn’t!
NAEXI: Too late.
NAEXI: He said yes!!!
Nia’s attempted sneaky picture was thwarted by the loud shutter sound that jolted the both of them. Tyril looked up from his book with furrowed brows. 
“What are you doing?” Nia flipped her phone and showed him the picture, which turned out surprisingly good considering the jostling. 
“Can I post it? Look how cute you look!” she exclaimed, hopeful eyes matching his tired ones, framed by his glasses. 
“Sure,” he confirmed, smiling a little when she let out a little cheer. She was busy tapping away at her phone while he leaned forward and tried to catch glimpses of what she was doing when she pressed a button and laid her phone back on the table. His phone lit up with a Pictagram notification a few seconds later, telling him of how @niaellarious_x tagged him in a photo. 
He looked down at his hair that fell nicely over his shoulders and the turtleneck he’d been forced to wear by Naexi, who was ever enthusiastic when given any sort of access to the sensitive skin on his neck. Liking the photo, he scrolled down to the comments and skimmed through the hundreds already asking how Nia knew Tyril, settling on one in particular that made his heart pound. 
@naexi_c gorgeous 
“I’m thinking about wearing this one for the gala,” Naexi said, holding up a violet dress that hung limply on the hanger. From what he could see, it was long and looked smooth, and he tried imagining her in it, but could only envision her in what she was in now, a pair of shorts and yet another sweatshirt. On anyone else, he was indifferent to baggy clothing, but on her, it only left him wanting more. She seemed to know the effect she had on him, stretching often to allow a sliver of her stomach to be revealed. His fingers twitched at his sides as she did it again. 
“Are you not going to try it on for me?” She laughed and hung the hanger back up. 
“You’re not slick, handsome. I see right through you.” Reaching out a hand that he grabbed, she walked over to where he was seated on her bed. He placed his lips on the center of her palm and brushed his lips over the inside of her wrist. 
“You’re right, I should know that you look beautiful in everything.” 
She leaned down and placed a kiss on his cheek before moving to his lips, where she simply said, “Sap.”
“Finally! I’ve officially kicked your ass!” Mal pumped his fist, nearly throwing his controller out of his hands.
“This is Mario Kart, it’s not like it required any actual skill…” Tyril grumbled, taking a sip of water from the glass on the table next to him. 
“Hand-eye coordination, bitch!” 
“Aw, c’mon, am I not allowed to celebrate my victory?” Tyril rolled his eyes and threw the controller down on the cushion, left dissatisfied by the soft clatter it made. Checking his phone, he missed Mal’s scoff. “I can see I’m no longer the only one in your heart. It wounds me!” 
“Everything wounds you,” Tyril muttered, smiling a little at the text that appeared on his screen. 
“When am I gonna meet this chick, hm? She seems to have left quite the impression on you.” Mal wiggled his eyebrows over the glass of whiskey he was about to drink. Tyril remained unfazed and kept his eyes on his phone. 
“The gala.” 
“Two more days of having to snap for your attention!” Mal set his cup down heavily and realized that Tyril was sucked into his phone again. He snapped his fingers above the screen. “Hello?!”
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belzinone · 4 years
// part 2! the trost arc was a clusterfuck so i didn’t get to screen so mUCH but now that i learned to transfer from the ps4 to my laptop i hope they come out a lot better. only catch is, i didn’t write the commentary down as i was taking the screenshots. so that means i (1) forgot most of my jokes, & (2) forgot some of the context sakjdfndakfnak AH WELL HERE GOES~
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// this is a cute feature in the game that i really love. bel does splurge on presents, so we wasted no time spending all our money on random shit to give to people for friendship points lol
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also hange’s often creeping outside her door lol (not that i’m complaining~) in her private room you can edit her design as well as put on / take off her jacket & scouting cloak whenever you want, which is great, but i wish there was a way to just default to whatever your squad’s in bc she keeps showing up over/under dressed XD
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this is capturing sonny & bean after trost. they took her in with eren after the night of the disbanding ceremony bc she’s all around gifted. in her fanon they took her for her knowledge and everything else she brought to the table was just a perk.
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she’d totally be down to help capture titans tho <3 her gear mods were designed for that
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moblit making sure the rookie knows what she’s getting into <3 a lot of the veterans check in with her to make sure she’s down and i think that’s pretty great. yeah they’re military but there’s a lot more personal freedom than you’d expect
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some do it more than others XD another way levi put it was saying she wouldn’t survive even if she was a cat with nine lives ( he’s actually super critical of hange in this game, like a lot more than usual. i don’t recall him saying anything good about her, actually D: )
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GOOD GIRL nice ass
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levi squad 1.0 trying to figure out how to thank levi for everything he does. petra says he’d probably be happy no matter what while the others are like PRESENT! CLEAN! TRAIN! (bel’s just taking notes lmao)
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as far as presents go, i was surprised to find out levi likes silver rings :0 i never took him for jewelry but i guess he does like the little things (he also liked the hair tie haha true to yams saying he’d put up his hair if he ever wanted to change the style )
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squad speak for “make me a sandwich” JKNFDJASKNAN LEVI PLS
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we already know nanaba’s underrated but she’s so pretty in the game my gay hert T.T
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mike doesn’t reveal what bel smells like but nanaba & gelgar smell respectively like fruit and booze (i think that’s common trivia not unique to the game tho)
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I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE THINKING ANNIE DON’T DO IT & STOP SMILING (she’s so fuckin cute tho aaaaa bless this game design everyone’s so pretty DX)
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i have all the time in the world queen DX
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gang gang ~
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i had such a slow trigger finger i missed hange’s dramatic animation so now it just looks like sarcasm askdjfnajknfak
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“i’m not modeling, the camera just turned on” twice so we accidentally caught erwin before he creeped on her with his “who do you think the enemy is” question he posed to everyone haha
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appreciating how much of a fuckin absolute unit mike is before my horny monkey brain kicks in and poses the thought that she can suck his dick standing up
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getting to know armin is really cute. when he’s caught up in feeling not good enough, bel plays chess with him, loses spectacularly, and helps him feel better about his strengths rather than focus on his weaknesses. T.T here she’s electing to clean up the chess game while keith calls for him (and i took that screenshot for that perky chin teehee)
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hange: both! both is good! :D
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gang gang! the game changed eren’s spoon episode: instead of a spoon, his hand transforms reaching for a bandage you meant to hand him and he dropped. doesn’t really seem like a necessary change, but titans ran in and you had to protect him.
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game levi has a lot less chill than usual lmao so demanding (this changes later tho)
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getting to know jean: tease him about his mother XD (highkey bc no one else has one sakdjfnaksnf)
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it’s really sweet how hange picks you out. it’s mostly bc your character’s eager to help her with experiments. in bel’s fanon, anyone can advocate for her as a plot point.
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while getting to know levi, he leads a joint training exercise for a select few soldiers from all the regiments to teach teamwork. most were just looking to earn brownie points for a promotion, so he calls it off. bad form y’all~
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um sir she’s already killed a fuckton we’re flattered but a bit condescended to askjfnaksfnaj (he ends up teaching you some new moves tho so fair bc we all know he’s clumsy with his words)
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see fam was it that hard XD
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***spoiler alert*** player does let him down DX in an credibly stupid way that i’m still salty about might i add but that’s for the ending playthrough post <3
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GANG GANG~ i love seeing her in groups X)))))
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such an angelic shot of him TwT he’s so cute
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yeah you’re looking sad so i’m gonna need you to wipe the floor with her ass in chess again XD
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WHOOP - DE - DOO KJDSFNAKJKA (also got 69 scout credits, Nice:tm:)
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i legit thought saying you wouldn’t die on him would make him happiest but he wants you cleaning and making his tea first so i GUESS that explains him preferring you pledge your ass in fidelity instead?? bruh, you out-weirding my expectations of you like fuck XD
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in the initial tutorials, they said you could chill like this, but didn’t say how. i wanted to get some screens of her hanging off the wall bc that’s a very Bel:tm: thing of her but couldn’t figure it out. then i somehow got her to do it mid mission, so i stared at her dumbstruck for like a whole ass minute before taking a screenshot lmao
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PETRA TO THE RESCUE!! (after bel just saved mikasa. gang gang.)
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hange saves her toooooooooooo~<3 (if you’re caught by a titan and call for help, selected soldier kills it and grabs you under their arm like a football before proceeding to punt you in a random direction away from the fight lol. they all check in with this LOOK tho. my heart. i’m gonna try and collect them all DX)
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fully fledged gang gang TwT
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beginning of the 57th~ bel would have been at the back with the supplies so she could help pick up stragglers too. idk if this would be the safest place in the formation (probably the center) but this particular au cadet bel was assigned to bert & reiner’s group before joining up with jean & armin, i think. the babies would be sent to the safest place.
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oluo: we should give levi a dust rag!!
bel & all her options after petra gives her a Look: no way no way no way XD
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*big uwu energy*
// that’s a wrap for this playthrough! between big missions, you get to “think back to daily life” and leave the battlefield in order to develop the relationships you build with the other soldiers, so that’s why there’s some military slice of life between everything haha
// next time, i hope to post the rest of the narrative & some videos! :*****
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