#teehee thank u buddy
bignasty001 · 4 months
Em have i ever told you how amazing you are.
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soma have i ever told u how much i wanna hold u in my hands and shake u around like a bug??!!!!
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tagged by @velocitic and @quickhacked to do this picrew hehehe THANK UUUUU <3
tagging @dekariosgale @edgepunk @yrlietlanaevyss @spaceratprodigy @responderschief @reaperkiller @envergothash and everyone else who wants to do this (+ no pressure to do this sjdjjfjfjd)
doing this w/ some pre-hope characters teehee. i've been rotating their backstories once again :-)
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first row: toby & klara obviously hehe
Tobias works as a lead chemist in a project that's researching possible cures for hibernation sickness. Though, he also slowly starts to understand that the future of this project isn't really that bright :'^)
Klara is a specialist in UDL's intercorporate relations, which means that her work time is basically 80% meetings or smth. She's extremely busy and has too many extra hours :( But at least udl pays for their specialists' food or smth.
second row:
Sarah (she/her): Klara's supervisor in her UDL team, tired(tm). Owns too many lipsticks bc she always loses them, buys new one, then finds the old one later. Is actually a very funny person. Makes good cocktails.
Samuel (he/him): Tobias's boss in his last project hehe. He is not a nice guy, to put it lightly, but everyone loves him for some reason. Will tell u funny stories about his life. Only wears designer clothes. He comes to my mind whenever i listen to Dark, Twisted and Cruel for some reason. Likes to either wear a full suit or a half open shirt.
Third row:
Jay (he/him): Klara's coworker from her team, he loves paperwork and is an avid user of office gym (he goes to pilates classes three times a week). Always has cookies with him and will offer you one. His eyes aren't amber, they're the color of sunlight during golden hour (done through some fancy surgery). Has two jack russells and a husband.
Aleena (she/they): biomedicime specialist from Samuel's project, leads a team that works closely w/ Toby's. Toby & Aleena know each other since their teenage years and actually had founded a skincare start-up (which was bought later by Kolway). They are coffee break and kanban board breakdown buddies. Fun fact is that her hair is always blue - they made some kind of thing during one of lab projects that could change person's hair color permanently*. Really likes blueberry milkshakes.
*toby also has used said thing, though different color. it's mostly visible in his grey hairs KFKGKFFJJ
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fyodior · 1 year
༺ ˖࣪ ∗ FLORA'S 1K EVENT ! ∗ ˖࣪ ༻
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➹ first of all, thank u all so much for 1k, i absolutely love writing fics and interacting with u guys and im so grateful i get to do it :") so ive decided to do a silly little event as a thank u and bc i think it'll be fun teehee
➹ WARNING: this event is centered around DARK CONTENT, please block the tag "#flora's 1k event" if you do not want to see any of it!!!
➹ the basics!! pretty simple, just send me a character + a dc prompt and i will write you a little blurb ! (multifandom but mostly bsd)
➹ rules: ➳ only fem or gender neutral reader just since this is nsfw ! ➳ max of 2 characters OR 2 prompts per request (not both in one request pls) ➳ i have every right to deny any request ! ➳ NO CHARACTERS UNDER 18! NONE!!!!!! ➳ i will be accepting between 10-15 requests, and will post a list at the end so if ur anon pls give me a name/nickname to add to the post :)
➹ please be patient! i am a fulltime uni student with a job! so while i'm planning to prioritize this, it might me some time to get to all of them. pls be kind :)
➹ find the dc prompts and character list below the cut!
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DARK CONTENT prompt concepts i'll accept !!
➹ omegaverse ➳ ex: omega!fyodor, omega!reader + alpha!chuuya, etc.
➹ yandere
➹ noncon/dubcon
➹ stepcest/(i)ncest ➳ ex: dad!shibusawa, brother!chuuya, step-brother!dazai, etc.
➹ blood play, cum play
➹ age gaps (18 and up obvi)
➹ pregnancy kink
➹ ddlg
➹ somnophilia
➹ if you have any other ideas, send an ask to ask if its ok!
characters i'll write for!
➹ bungo stray dogs ➳ dazai, chuuya, fyodor, shibusawa, odasaku, ango, fukuzawa, tanizaki, mori, verlaine
➹ chainsaw man ➳ aki
➹ buddy daddies ➳ rei
➹ fruits basket ➳ shigure, kyo (aged up), yuki (aged up)
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tradetobest · 5 months
i am rotating your golf course au around in my brain. it is On Loop. now i'm imagining that one of auston's golfing pals (in the universe where he is Real Leaf Auston Matthews) is like "why don't you just invite your boy (mitch) to a game?" and auston is like "wouldn't that be weird" and his buddy would be like you have already done much weirder. anyways auston gifts mitch a ticket (with a plus one to sleuth out if he's single obviously) and is like "yeah haha this is because i'm really thankful for your help teehee you've probably saved me this much in having to pay for dinner" and mitch is like omg you shouldn't have (blushing and kicking his feet) and then he goes to willy like "do u think this was flirting or him just being nice" and willy demands the plus one as repayment for not killing him.
willy all “youve got to be joking rn” and mitch is like “noo what do you think it means :(((“ “that he invited you to sit in his Special Reserved Seats in the Family Section?” “yeah :((“ and willy just sighs. long suffering
ALSO the idea of auston offering them 1. to see if he has a bf/gf but also 2. because then he can get mitch’s number to text him (sidenote. auston asking if he wants a second ticket and mitch going “oh!! yeah!! ill invite willy!!” “willy?” “yeah uh… from the clubhouse?? he’s at the desk a lot. he loves the leafs!!” “oh!! yeah. your. friend. willy.” “yep!!”) and so when like after the game MITCH texts him first to be like “you did so well!! that goal in the third was FIRE 🔥🔥🔥” auston loses it. hes like. This Was The Best Idea Ever. absolutely gone. his buddy (freddy anderson? lol) gets like a 20$ etransfer and a “thanks” text
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wooahaes · 10 months
Maybe Jun and getting locked in for the plot game?🫶
so ur on a trip with jun and several of his buddies (i wanna say 96z + 97z) and renting a place with enough rooms for most of u to just comfortably pair up with you + jun getting rooms to urselves by luck of the draw. no big deal, ur gonna enjoy having a room to urself teehee
and it starts like. not so subtly. mingyu asking if you're single (you say yes), seokmin subtly asking if you'd ever date someone here, minghao suggesting jun... wonwoo just watches like. ur all so dumb. i love my dumb friends. soonyoung does jump at the opportunity to be like 'ohh you and jun would be cute :))' and ur like hmm idk
which begins operation 'get these two idiots to fall in love.' it starts w them just pairing you two up for things casually (neither of you mind--you're pretty close and everyone knows it), or ditching the two of you sometimes, etc. and one night theyre all drinking (you and jun arent, alongside jihoon and maybe wonwoo who is literally just here to watch shit go down now), and eventually you step into another room to take a call from a family member
and a few minutes later, jun comes in to check on you bc he knows some stuff has been going on at home and he just wants to make sure ur alright. you tell him its all good--just your dad calling to check in on you and give you updates. he kisses your forehead and you thank him for worrying, and the two of you are like 'yknow... maybe we should just tell them?'
except the door is locked. its either soonyoung or mingyu's fault, maybe even both. you kinda just try to yell at them to let you out, but it doesnt work. so u and jun kinda just sit down and recount... literally everything that the others have been doing while missing the obvious the entire time. the fact that jun will come into your room at night to talk and cuddle (which soonyoung straight up walked in on once, didnt blink an eye because its legit so normal for the two of you to cuddle even though jun had just barely pulled away from sneaking a little kiss in time), or the way that the two of you hold hands not-so-subtly.
(literally wonwoo + jihoon + minghao have all noticed by now. wonwoo and jihoon literally told y'all about the plan. you figure you can get free dinner out of mingyu for this shit and jun's on board w the idea)
honestly the two of u would just straight up stage a fight until mingyu opens the door, way more concerned than before, until it ends with you and jun kinda just laughing and stealing a kiss and the two of u just being like 'we've been dating for months u dumb dumbs' and soonyoung being like WAIT SO YOU TWO WERE KISSING THAT DAY??? and suddenly u feel like the two of u are one of few adults in the room as the boys lose their collective minds over how the two of you have kept this secret
and then you literally give mingyu and the rest of the ones involved w this plan shit for not letting you and jun tell them naturally. it absolutely ends with a drunk mingyu on his knees, begging you to forgive him. good news tho! you have meals for the next week (mingyu), and are now owed favors by the rest of them. you'll decide what you want when you want it.
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smolcinnamonchipmunk · 3 months
Okay okay sorry for barging in here unannounced (jk not really-) but like HOLY SHIT!! I got my Damm ass dragged into yet ANOTHER fandom like JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ON A STICK LET ME HAVE PEACE!
I got dragged into the deadplate fandom. Deadplate is a game about a guy, Rody, who gets a job at a well known restaurant who is owned by the this guy/Head chef, Vincent. I haven’t seen much of the game since I was fed info out of order but I do know this game has canabalism in it plus some other dark shit bc I find it ironic how the game puts the player in the situation of a RESTAURANT with a FUCKING CANABAL?!?!? I would say that imo the fandom would have hella fear play gt vibes HEAVY HEAVYYYY angst potential and lots of ✨ T R A U M A ✨.
10/10 would not like to be in that world if I was reincarnated thank you very much!
That’s my daily rant bc why not??? Anyways hope you’re doing well and staying hydrated bc if not I will come through your walls to give you water.
Bye bye~ !!!!
- 🌽 anon
(Ps: I’m trying to gain the courage to either come off anon or maybe drop my blog in (in private maybe) so then you can put a blog to this amazing anon teehee. So far I have no balls to do so)
I was about to say "I have enough on my plate without adding on a deadplate", but then you described the game and I was just like "THIS FUCKING SHIT"
I actually gushed about this slightly to an online buddy four months ago but, uh, turns out they don't really like cannibalism stuff. Known them for years, had no idea. Although, I don't THINK Vincent is exactly a cannibal. He talks about how he was going to feed the dish to Rody, but Vincent also eats his ear way too easily, so idk
But yeah, we talked about how fascinating/neat it would be if it was used with an actual pred chef and prey worker. Like, the pred has traveled the world in culinary pursuit to taste ANYTHING and somehow this poor prey worker is essentially ambrosia to them. SO much angst potential with a yandere/possessive pred that refuses to let them go after finally tasting/feeling something other than nothingness
Would I want to be in that world? No. Does it compel me? Absolutely
(You're welcome to use your account or not! I like to think of my place as safe and comfortable to everyone (with obvious exceptions like pedos and shit), but you'll always be Corn to me ngl)
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into-the-blorboverse · 9 months
Song Family Dynamics
the Songs are a bit of a mixed family, the household has two dads and a mom as a polycule but they have kids from other relationships too. most of them share the same mom, except the oldest, Andréa.
Andréa is distanced from the family due to some Drama with her father, and she has such a age gap from the rest of her half siblings that she doesn't have a relationship with them. she's not even technically a Song but for convenience we refer to her as that lmao. she and Sammy have interacted more than the rest, being the oldest kids of the group, but Andréa was kind of a mess at the time and Sammy doesn't wanna be like her lmao. sorry girl, thanks for dissuading Sammy from substance abuse with your actions though teehee :)
Sammy takes the role of Oldest Sibling on easily though, even if he technically isn't the oldest. he had his time out of the house when he went to college and everything but he came back to live with the family at some point, there was Family Drama (this is a common thing in this family lmao.. vague drama u know how it is) that he felt he needed to come back to support the twins about. the twins have moved out on their own now but Sammy likes being home with the rest of the family, he has fun getting to help out with the youngest sister, Kai. Kai still sees Sammy as the Cooler Older Brother and he tries his best to keep that opinion in check lmao, of course i'll drive you somewhere no problem!
Sammy and the twins get along well, its always a fun wild time when the three of them are together. Kyri and Emma see him for the dork that he is and will tease him about him being their little big brother :) no fair that they're younger and taller than him...!!! arguments often ensue about things like who is the coolest and it gets loud and heated but they're always joking about it lmao.
Kyri and Emma are basically inseparable and have a bit of separation anxiety, stemming from aforementioned Family Drama TM. they live in an apartment together with their respective partners. the twins... you know the twins!! for some reason im blanking on things to say about them jhsfdh. i feel like the separation anxiety is stronger on Kyri's end, Emma could probably manage more distance but she doesn't mind living with her bro, she knows he needs her. and its never a dull moment with him, they're buddies and best friends!!
Laurence was adopted as a teen (13ish maybe) so he didn't grow up with all of them, Sammy was in college at the time so they don't have the greatest bond, but Sammy tries to reach out nowadays now that he's living in the house with him. he is the most reserved of the whole group but the twins try to draw him out a little, Kyri definitely being a bit more annoying about it lmao. Being the babies of the group Kai and Laurence get along well, they can confide in each other for alot of things. if Kai was like 4 when Laurence came into the family i'm sure that was a funny story to share at preschool, yay im getting a new brother! he's older than me though :)
Kai, or Kai Junior (she's named after one of her dads, yes its true), is da baby. the last teen in the house and can always count on a sibling to give her a ride somewhere, oh her social life is thriving thanks siblings! Kyri likes to call her Kaiju because come on that's a freaking rad nickname!!! he's a little jealous though if only he was Kai Junior..... the family is the most stable now at this point so luckily Kai hasn't had to deal with too much drama first hand (its vague timeline but she was probably pretty young), though she does wish that they would let her in on what happened back in the day. she does wonder about her mysterious oldest sister sometimes too, hm! maybe one day she can bridge that gap, when you're a lil older bb girl.
tbh this family has existed conceptually for a really long time and has went through alot of iterations, the parent trio were like OG ocs that i had with my cousins and it was like. alot of drama nonsense you write when you're a teen so trying to re-contextualize it now can be tricky?? like for example one of the dads was a vampire mob boss of sorts lmao. they were all vampires and were-people. how do you make that work. so some of this is Vague but i do like these lil guys anyway haha they hold a special place in my heart :)
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shidouryusm · 7 months
my sweet sami ! i’m late with this ask i am so sorry but eeep !! i am here snifflin & sobbin over the tags you left !! im ngl when i saw your reblog i got so GIDDY !! i was like omigosh what did sami think of this chapter teehee
but fr kuroo and bokuto actin very sus 🤨 what are they up to … LMFAO the true devil is capitalism ur so correct !! idk what compelled me to write iwa like this but he’s so 🤭🤭 i have a tiny crush on him in this fic i swear LOL and i have sm fun writing bokuto plsss he’s my lil guy
IM SO GLAD U LIKED THE SMUT BC I WAS NERVOUS ! for some reason it was hard for me to write a smut scene where there’s sm plot in a fic … but stay tuned 🫣
teehee i’m absolutely giggling reading your tags sm <33 i love that we can have our lil convo about this silly lil fic !!! your words mean the world to me and give me motivation to finish ^_^ i’m hoping to have the last installment done sometime this week hehe !!
thank you again bbie ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) i love u sososo muchh !!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
Aimsss you don't know how much I love conspiring what is gonna happen in the next chapter. I almost thought of connecting via discord so we can constantly discuss about this amazing piece of a series but then again Im loving the suspense buildup everytime (if u still wanna be disc buddies I'LL BE ELATED <33). Im already making my own assumptions and so excited for the next lore drop. Ofc don't forget to take a break, get some rest and start up without overworking yourself darling!! Im so glad i could give you the motivation, it is an honour to me.
Pls your smut was saur good, im waiting for moree!!
the jean fic is in my mind bestie, lemme find some time after tomorrow's assignment submission and read it huhu. love you too babiee
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meatmensch · 1 year
I’d rather tell you off anon, but you’re one of my favorite blogs to see on my dash and I love reading your Jewish!Dean discussion posts, plus your Jewish content in general 💞🌸
awe thanks buddy <3 i'm glad to hear u enjoy it teehee ☺
Anonymously tell me how you feel about me. I can't reply, I just have to read it and post it.
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fasa-umich · 1 year
Sophia Samson, FASA'S 2022 - 2023 Treasurer
I’m just going to do this by scrolling through my camera roll like a Sunday morning debrief because I simply can’t remember anything that has happened before breakfast. There is no theme to this, just tiny little thoughts and mems.
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This is a pic of me as a child which I’m using purely as an attention grabber and because I didn’t want Mikey to be the first picture here. It is completely irrelevant.
The first FASA thing I attended was the Fall Mass Meeting and I went there knowing no one after being too intimidated to walk up to the Festifall table. Now I realize that was dumb dumb but that flag was wavin and I was waverin. I am now ever so thankful that I woke up from that glorious dorm room nap to walk over to Rackham that day. I remember it being such a warm welcoming little world AND I was introduced to Hola Seoul for the first time after that (thanks Caitlin). Life changing to day to say the least. 
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Mikey gets a feature because this is the first FASA pic in my phone which is kinda a big deal due to how much storage space this organization takes up. Mini shoutout to him while we’re here because he was my FASA buddy and Ross guide first semester, I probably wouldn’t be where I am today without him. Thank you FASA spirits for bringing him to me, you real for that.
That pic of him is from FAM/Lineage reveal in the fall, where I was sorted into the best FAM and most epic lineage…
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Left: an assortment of d i r t y members
Right: Sidapa – did y’all plan on wearing purple? lol
I was sorted into a lineage first and they were so sweet and gave me little gifts. One of those boxes of ramen is in my cupboard at this very moment (waiting for a rainy day). I looked up to them and immediately they were like siblings. I remember Sam rambling about classes I should take and giving me life advice five minutes into meeting them, it’s still in my notes app. Side note Emily is also literally like my twin so we’re connected like that. Hi Emily I luv u. Also hi to the rest of our lineage you are my idols and some of the coolest people I know.
That was a sidebar this is probably so confusing oops… okay I don’t know if I made this up but I strongly believe there was a little get together with dirty and excellence after that which left me craving some more FASA. I have such a terrible memory for a girl of only 20 years of age, but I definitely remember the feeling of wanting to hang out with these people way more than I was. That led me to apply to be an intern, which ended up changing the direction of the next year for me. Who knows where I’d be if I hadn’t decided to submit that application. Probably not on board this year and not as active as I am now, perhaps the Rossholes would have taken over. A scary thought. Hopefully I’m allowed to say Rosshole, Emily add asterisks here if necessary teehee.
**pretend there’s a pic of Teen Beach Movie night here, swear I had some but all I’ve got is Emily hugging a paper towel roll**
Wow, we look so young and naive. I don’t even know how to describe Teen Beach Movie night, but something hit me where I was like I can see myself getting to be really good friends with these people. Especially on that silent walk back to the CCTC. There was also a scary thought of us feeling like my dad and his college friends which gave me the heebie jeebies but is also kind of heartwarming. Now looking back, I have gotten to know those people and I am in fact really good friends with them so call me Raven Symone I think I’m psychic. 
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Elections were after that. Look at us, all elected and whatnot. 
I’ll take this part of my little walk down memory lane to thank my Treasurer predecessors. Sam and Shane were such a big help when I joined the board and throughout this year, so major thank you to the two of you for being the best ever. The Treasurer position would have spontaneously combusted without Shane helping me throughout this year, so special thanks to King Shane. jkjk I’m very responsible 👀 Anyway, according to my camera roll battle was after that…
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Us battling.
Now that I’m looking at these pics I remember Battle last year being where I got especially close to the homies. Megan, Therese, and I were in the trenches as we were ill and Kyle was getting through a bout of pink eye. Though our immune systems were weak, our friendships got strong. This year I’ve gotten especially close to those people and I’m very thankful we ended up in that hotel together. Love y’all homies xoxo
Fast forward to this year. 
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We look like we’d be talking to you and as soon as you turn around we’re talking about you LOL
This pic is from Boyne and so much has happened since then. I’m gonna fast-track my sentiments about the year in a leetle paragraph. I’ve spent hours and hours with FASA and I’ve loved every minute of it. Getting to hang out with all you FASA people gives me something to look forward to on the daily. I’ve grown a lot through this organization and for that I am thankful, and I look forward to continuing to grow over the next two years before I peace out and become famous. Seriously though this is such an amazing organization and I’m so glad I woke up from my dorm room nap to go to mass meeting last year.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this silly little walk through my camera roll and poor story telling. Here are a few more specific shoutouts:
@board, read this part like the scene in Bridesmaids where they do the toasts:
My dear FASA executive board, oh have I loved working with you. You’re the best team I’ve ever had, even better than my 7th grade basketball team. Really though we’ve created so many amazing events and programs for this organization and I’m so proud of everyone for the work we’ve done over the past year. I’m glad that you are the people that the FASA spirits brought together to create memories for the 134 members of this organization (it really is 134 I know because I am Treasurer). You’re the greatest ever, no joke, and I wish you the best in the rest of this journey we call life. Peace and love.
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@FASA Official Paid Members, read this in a Southern accent:
You are the kindest, sweetest souls on this campus. I could not picture myself spending my time here at the University of Michigan with any other group of people. Never have I ever fit in a group better than I’ve fit in with FASA. You’ve made me laugh, you’ve made me cry (also from laughter), and I simply cannot wait to see what you make me do for the next two years. 
** a small note specifically for Angelica Noelle Fandiño: 
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Lastly to my two nickels, SPARE CHANGE? 🪙❤️
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gordvendomewhore · 2 years
R -“ Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in (Bully) fandom?” for the ask meme!
helloooo thank you so much for sending this in!! i am an absolute fiend for your writing lmao i love to tell my boyfriend about your bif/derby interpretations
hmmm there are a lot of friendships to admire within bully, soooo so much. it's hard to pick just one lol so i will do a few of my favs teehee
an obvious one is gord & tad because bro. BRO. you just KNOW they're besties, like they don't even interact heavily in canon and i believe they don't mention each other in dialogue at all, but ever since my first playthrough... dawg. i always associated them together. i think they're a phenomenal ship, but to a certain degree, i think they work better as friends.
you just know they get together and gossip and shop together and that tad tells gord all about how he's gonna eventually be the leader and that gord tells tad about his dreams to go to law school. it's MWAH great. they're great.
i saw fanart for this about two years ago, but cornelius & trent is a good one!! again, i think they would be so cute as a ship, but the idea of their friendship is also really interesting to me, esp bc it would be between a nerd and a bully.
but with cornelius canonically playing juliet in the school production of romeo and juliet, and with trent being very passionate about acting, i think they would find themselves being unlikely friends in theatre.
it's just interesting!! you wouldn't expect it, but it's interesting.
i also think all of the of the clique leaders being shoved together in any relationship combo would be an interesting mix. not my favorite friendships, but i think it would be interesting.
like imagine johnny & ted get super buddy and then justin is screaming at derby like "YOU JUST LOST MY- I MEAN OUR CHANCE AT ROMANCE- I MEAN ALLIANCE NOOOOOO" lol. or like derby & earnest becoming an unlikely duo once derby gets over earnest's... everything -- they're both corrupt and lead their cliques with an iron fist and sacrifice anything or anyone in order to get what they want. it'd be a strange but good mix.
or like edgar & johnny bonding over their similar backgrounds, suffering from poverty plus bullworth's system, but edgar encouraging johnny to continue pursuing schooling in order to at least get his high school degree. i think edgar & russell would also be cute though because like, two bad bitches not directly involved in the majority of the drama at bullworth sitting together and watching it all go down and then jumping in at the end to show their bad bitch-ness? incredible.
honestly the same goes for all the kissable boys, i think they would all have a fun dynamic. also the gals, obviously, but tbh that's just polycule lol!
whoops this got lowkey out of hand LMAO but thank u for sending an ask and thank u anyone who reads this!!! it was really nice getting my thoughts out :)) esp bc i don't really think about platonic relationships within bully a lot too lmaoo
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msucal · 4 years
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howdy hey! i’m clem and i’m the mun of kangmin cal lee! 1/2 of the junior prefects in geumseong and your president of the transfiguration club!! i’m super glad to be here with my baby and i can’t wait to plot with you all!! i’ll leave some facts about him as well as plots under the cut!!! if you want to ever hit me up, my twitter is @hclywould and my discord is iloveyeonjun#2510!! otherwise, like this post and i’ll hit you up to plot!!!
born in jeju-do and lived there until he turned around 8 to 9 years old to two muggles / no-majs. 
moved to california (haha) do to more family opportunities there. not only that, but they wanted to see how he would do in a new country!!! he goes by the name calvin. 
funny enough, not too long after they got him into school, he discovered his magic and started getting weird looks from other kids in his school because of it! pretty soon, they all started rumors about him and he felt very alone there
after they got him out of that school in hopes of trying to figure out what was wrong with their song, a wizard from the school of ilvermorny stops by their houses and helps give his famiy information on who cal is and about the school. wanting the best for him, they enrolled him into the school. 
wonderful! he’s in an environment surrounded by other people like himself! surely that means that he’ll be in a better mental state, right? not quite. thanks to the fact he revealed that his parents who are no-majs, a group of kids at ilvermorny started picking on him because of that. so much so that they pranked him and essentially humiliated him in front of the entire year if not the entire school. the leader essentially traumatized him enough that it becomes his boggart. 
desperate to move back home, cal goes to his headmaster and asks if there’s possibly a school of magic he can transfer to in south korea. they find one in the city of seoul, talk to his parents about it, and moved back there!!! and there, he worked his damned hardest to excel in magic (except in herbiology teehee) to prove that he was more than just a muggleborn wizard and that his magic is his own. 
around this time, he also decided to go by the nickname cal, half of his english name so that he could remember all the pain he went through and use it as motivation to work hard. trying to make something better out of it!!!
enrolled into mokseong (house geumseong haha house pride) with outstanding grades with a transfiguration major and a minor in muggle history.
has been trying to succeed more and more ever since. that’s why he’s a prefect and the president of the transfiguration club!!!
personality wise? easygoing and charming!!! will try to find a way into your heart, platonically or not! will tease you just to get closer and make u laugh (or be pissed w him he is not afraid) 
very intelligent and analytical. he wants to learn a LOT and in some situations, it’ll just be him being nosy bc he wants to know more about a person. 
though he’s always trying to be a good role model, if u mess with him, he will prank u!!!!
outside of campus, you’ll usually find him at madame menageries, asking madam about what she knows about each class and information about students ... sometimes at joyful jokes because prankster 
with depth 
you are his rival! you essentially cannot stand him because of the fact that he’s gotten more achievements than you. no matter who you are and what your family is, you try to find a reason to doubt whether his achievements were earned for him. and a part of you is still trying to find something to be better at than him. (0/1) 
cal is secretive when it comes to talking about his past, but he seems to be open about investigating others and wondering about theirs. it’s almost to the point where you want to do the same to him, not only because it’s bothering you how he does it carefree to others, but because you are genuinely so curious about his reasons. he finds it charming that you wish to know more about him, but he finds it annoying how insistent you are. (0/1) 
cal should’ve been more aware of who he was throwing pranks on because the moment he threw that he threw a dungbomb at you and he saw the way you react, he knew it was over for him. and though he tries to act all buddy-buddy with you about everything, you still want to get back at him for such a childish act!!! (0/1) 
in contrast to the last four plots, this plot is more adoring of cal. you admire him and his resilience as well as how hardworking he is. you do recognize that sometimes he can be a bit much, but you can’t help but feel as if he’s someone to look up to!! you don’t even have to be close to him to know that he’s wonderful!!! (underclassman to junior, 0/1) 
while cal dares not to play the sport, he has a fascination over quidditch. specifically, how the players act with it. though not a player, he is a fan and he is willing to give advice to people who are new to the game or are now taking an interest in it. dare he say it, he’ll be face paint kid and even give you a test to see how well you know it. (0/1) 
transfiguration is your weakness and you wish to improve on it. why not go to the help of the transfiguration president? he’s always willing to help those who struggle at what he’s best at. (0/1) 
having muggle parents and essentially “lived” as a muggle for part of his childhood, you wish to know more about his experience as living in that environment. whether you wish to share similar experiences or learn more about it for an assignment, you go to the young geumseong student for help. (0/1) 
though cal is essentially easygoing and carefree, he is still a prefect and will hold that responsibility. so if you’re a troublemaker geumseong student, even if he’ll sometimes tag along with your mischief, know that you will be given a warning from him. (0/1) 
you want to dye your hair a new color and you go to him, a colovaria master, to ask him for advice on which color you should try and if he can put that color on you!! just to be safe!!! (0/1) 
though he’s very vocal about how he is proud of being in geumseong (esp bc of professor aurora song saying she’d be in that house), he does like hanging out with hwaseong students. specifically you because you’re his partner in crime when it comes to pranks! yes you both frequent joyful jokes together. (0/1) 
EX PLOTS!! it’s very clear that cal is the charming type and he’s even charmed his way into some people’s hearts~ but of course, love isn’t primarily his main focus now. so naturally, he’s gotten with a few people and you could’ve gone for a few months, but one’s thing for sure is that there’s reasons as to why you are split, heavy or not. (1/2) 
freshmen he can call freshies, but in an endearing way... even if you are annoyed or honored. 
fellow quidditch fans!!!!
prefects!!! esp upperclassmen who like doting on him (or teasing him... he’ll take either) 
in contrast to that ^ upperclassmen who don’t really like him that much 
fellow members of his extracurriculars!!! transfiguration (haha flex), duelling, ancient ruins, magical creatures, and defense against the dark arts!!!
if you are in magical creatures, please pull him away from the niffler bc he’d probably try to baby it even though IT’S A CREATURE!!! THAT CAN STEAL HIS MONEY!!!
ilvermorny alumni!! even though he attended one year!! maybe y’all can bond about your houses
he’ll also bond with hogwarts alumni, but he’ll make fun of your accents. 
bilingual, so go to him if you need help speaking either korean or english!!! or even if you want to speak konglish to him. 
bubble tea friend!! or really, people who just like madam. he loves madam. 2nd mom. 
more to come when i get a brain to think fo more!!! 
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Pssst!! What’s up?? Hope you’re doing oki. I used 2 bug about being on the brick of 20 n still being caught up with Camren (or milamoon), that is until I came across your blog. It’s rlly cool, I feared I’d be like 75, sitting in the corner n having 2 delete my history becuz I had no control over being so “delusional.” TEEHEE. What vibez does Camila give u?? She makes wanna wear eyeliner, she’s also the first person who secrets I wanna know so badly😣
Hey buddy, thanks for coming to visit my blog, I’m glad you liked it. Don’t worry you’re in the delusional team too xD The vibes? Top lesbian of course. Jajaja I think those secrets just belongs to her xD
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animatedarchives · 4 years
💐🌷🌹🌺🌻🌸🌼 send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going. 🌼🌸🌻🌺🌹🌷💐 - hi i love you so much stop being so adorable and lovely or else im gonna smother u with hugs and kisses >:(( anywho, i hope you're taking breaks and prioritizing yourself, and drinking lots of water!! cant wait for our cuddle session teehee, i love you!!
aHH GABBB MY FAVOURITE CUDDLE BUDDY 🥺🥺 yEsS i am!! thanks for caring DBSJKDKA you literally have my wHOLEEE HEART BB i love you to the eNDSS OF THE UNIVERSE and im truly grateful for our friendship 😭😭 i hope you’re taking care too darling muah hehe ❤️
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siderealmagic · 4 years
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sup guys it’s the last monster intro sorry it’s so late i’m just slow lol anyway it’s not a lot and v v messy but oh well it’s out there!!
j u n i p e r   h o n g
fc:  choi yujin
age:  appears 23, is actually 465
gender:  femme nb, goes by she and they/them
species:  kobaloi; basically just a little gremlin
powers:   enhanced charisma;  size manipulation (she can make herself smaller);  absolute thievery;  supernatural intelligence;  accelerated probability;  hyper instincts
mastermind behind all of mtt’s plans --- she has their brain cell
as far as the attack goes, she’s still not sorry :)
part of it is that she really doesn’t think they did anything wrong, but also she hates being told she’s wrong on top of that
trained as a classical pianist back in the day but now she’s mtt’s keyboardist and self-proclaimed hype man
loves to prank people, especially mortals haha those losers
fashion style: glitter
nothing has to match, but it HAS to be soft and/or glittery
tries very, very hard to be nice but sometimes it’s hard, y’know?
feels kind of responsible for what happened to vernon
logically, she knows it’s not her fault, but she can’t help but feel like she let him down. if she had just paid more attention, maybe she would’ve noticed something before it got so bad
thanks to ria, she’s keeping a lot tamped down for now, but it’s only a matter of time before she snaps teehee
for now she’s just a little silly, a little tired, and ready to start just a bit of a ruckus once she starts feeling better. maybe a few pranks until then, just to keep everyone on their toes and such
I’m down for older daemons she crossed paths with. probably mortals that she messed with back in the day lol
even other demigods she also messed with before they joined NL could work. half-mortals are still mortals to them
a library buddy. they both trade recommendations and spicy takes on their latest readings. they could be frenemies who don't agree on each other's takes even!
a fan of mtt? I bet it would be a lot to process if that band you were kind of following turned out to be a bunch of monster who wanted to kill you for a hot minute there
she just got here so I’m not sure of what else, but I’m open to ideas if y’all have any!! just hmu <3
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jaspvid for the s o u l
michael: oak aye
Jasper: *first day working at the camp 😳😳* *vIbES near the entrance lmao*
Jasper: Totally!! Is the camp still the same as when we were younger?
David: yup! Obviously different kids, they can get crazy so be prepared!
Jasper: Oh jeez, okay.
The b u s: *i am alive*
David: ah! They're here, oh you're gonna love them Jas!
Max: *walks off the bus* who the hell is that?!
Nerris: yeah I've never seen him before! Hello sir I dont know!
David: well kids, this is your new counselor, Jasper!
Jasper: Hi kids-! I hope I can make your summer great!!
Neil: *😒😒*
Harrison: Oh cool! A new person to show my magic to!
Space kid: howdy do Jasper!
Max: okay just another person to make fun of!
-all the kids are in the mess haul now-
David: I told you to be prepared! Dont let max get to you, hes always like that
Jasper: he’s just a little, uh, insulting. kinda rude, I can handle it though! Don’t worry about it
David: alrighty!
-time skip bc I'm lazy-
David: *getting ready for sleep time* do do dooooo
Jasper: ughhh, I do not understand how you deal with those kids all day *😔*
David: I've gotten used to them, maxes words hurt sometimes but I'm fine with it. And you dont have to work here ya know, if it isnt fun for you
Jasper: I wanna work here because I miss being with you all the time, homeslice- I’ll get used to it eventually
David: awe that's sweet, but you can always tell me if you want to leave because this place can stress you out! Now you, should get some sleep mister
Jasper: *😳😳😳* ah yeah, you too homie *bed time bro*
David: goodnighttttt!
Jasper: goodnight-
Time: smellbert day time
The camp: i am going to burn down
-after they fix the camp bc I'm lazy and tired-
David: *collapses against a tree* now that, that was a workout
Jasper: *collapses nexts to mr tree* is that how it’s like everyday?
Neil: *a p p r o a c h e s*
David: yeah basically *jumps up* hello Neil!
Neil: Hey can I show you something I’ve been working on? *is neil*
David: ah yes of course! *grabs Jaspers hand and walks over*
Jasper: *😳😳😳😳*
Neil: Okay, so, this is my science stuff, and this right here is a calculator
David: very...interesting! Right Jasper!
Jasper: I like the uh, bottles?
Neil: The test tubes?
David: *tries not to laugh*
Jasper: I mean- I guess? I don’t know, I never did science
Neil: Literally everyone knows what a test tube is-!
David: oh come on Neil cut him some slack, hes not all about science
Neil: david, literally everyone knows what a test tube is!
David: well Jasper isnt everyone! Keep up the good work! *walks back to the cabin*
Jasper: *taps david’s shoulder 😗✌️* hey hey hey, quick question
David: hm? *turns around* yeah Jasper?
Jasper: Can I talk to you alone for a hot sec
David: yeah of course! What's up buddy pal
Jasper: uh, so, since I was a kid i thought you were super cool-?
David: wow really?! Youre really.. what's the word you use..radical!
Jasper: Wow thanks! Anyway, I was thinking and like- I like you??
David: well duh, we're best friends!
Jasper: yeah, but, like-like you homie
David: *very red* oh gosh- i- um-
Jasper: *😳😳😳* uh- yeah-
David: a-are you sure? Out of a-all people?
Jasper: *nodnodnodnod*
David: well uh- lucky for you- *kisses his cheek😳😳😳*
Jasper: *😳😳😳😳* oh dang-
David: *smiles at him*
Gwen: well that was lovely
Jasper: Wow gwen okay
David: oh h-hi Gwen..*v red*
Jasper: *😳😳😳😳*
Gwen: I saw the whole thing, it was WAY better than trash tv
David: well is this good for your trash tv? *kisses Jasperteehee*
Jasper: *is a red*
Gwen: *:0* Oh damn!!
David: oh wait I actually did that-
Jasper: jesus- *lmao covers his face or some shit*
Gwen: 👏👏👏
David: okay uh toodaloo! Bye! *runs to the cabin*
Jasper: uh, i’m gonna go too-! *fOLLOW*
Max: they're so gonna makeout
David: *in the bathroom* WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME
Jasper: *kNocKs oN tHe dOoR* uhh, davey are you okay?
David: AH! oh Jasper, hello! Uh yes I am completely fine why would something be wrong what
Jasper: you ran away really fast, are you sure you’re okay-?
David: yes of course! *comes pit of the bathroom and is like face to face w/ jasper bc he was standing right outside of the door??*
Jasper: *😳👉👈* *s smooch*
David: *😳😳😳😳😳😳*
Jasper: i’m uh, sorry *😔👉👈*
David: nononono it's okay! *hug*
Jasper: *hug 😔👉👈*
David: hey, you okay? *ruffles his hair and laughs*
Jasper: *:) 👉👈* of course!
David: that's great! *smiles at him*
Jasper: we should uh, leave and see what the kiddos are up to *walks out backwards???*
David: okay! *kicks the door open* owie
Jasper: oh dang are you okay-
Nikki: What SPICY DRAMA happened??!
David: nikki what do you mean??
Nikki: Max said you were gonna make out!
David: nothing happened! *😳*
Jasper: *holds onto david’s arm or smth lmao oop*
Nikki: hmmmm
David: nikki nothing- uh- nothing happened!
Max: Likely story DAVID!
David: fine, what do you think happened?
Max: you two made out or some gross shit and then you came out like nothing happened!
David: well you are incorrect!
Jasper: very incorrect!
Nikki: Oh damn it!
David: well anyways, since it's getting to sunset now, its campfire time! *skips over to the benches*
Jasper: come on children!! *follow*
Children: kk *follow*
Max: jasper I seriously dont understand how youre in love with HIM
David: *making a fire*
Jasper: I mean, he’s really nice, Max- I’m sure you’ll feel the same way about someone eventually
Max: pft- yeah, no
David: *stands up* okay and we are ready for action!
Jasper: oh come ON max, stop being so heartless *walks over to the f i r e*
David: *sits down on a log and puts on his sweatshirt* (I LOVE DAVID WEARING A SWEATSHIRT)
Jasper: *sits next to d a v i d* oh dang, are you cold?
David: eh, it's just summer night air
Jasper: yeah but i wanted an excuse to do this *puts his arm around david 😳*
David: *goes wide eyed 😳😳*
Jasper: *forehead smooch 😳😳*
David: *hides in his sweatshirt😳* Jasper not in front of the campers!-
Jasper: Oh dang i’m so sorry *n not*
David: *rests his head on his shoulder* hmph
Jasper: oh no, am i in trouble now? *hug teehee*
David: *shakes his head no*
Jasper: cool cool cool *😘😘😘*
Gwen: *👀👀👀*
David: *sleep*
Gwen: I think you need to go tuck your boy in
Jasper: Righto, Gwen make sure nothing burns down *picks up mr tree mans and cArRiEs hIm To tHe CabIn wOwIe*
David: huh..oh hi jasperrrr
Jasper: hola *drops mr tree mans onto his bed lmao rekt* you fell asleep
David: oh sorry *laughs tiredly?? Is that a thing??*
Jasper: go to sleep, you sound tired *forehead smooch 😳😳*
David: *pulls him down to....hug him duh*
Jasper: oh dang- *hug hug hug*
David: what? I love youuuuu (he ain't gonna remember this-)
Jasper: *😳😳😳* shoot- i love you too homie *s sits on the bed or smth*
David: *sits up and hugs him* thank you for working here, now I get to see your adorable face everyday
Jasper: jeez- calm down- *😳😳😳*
David: I'm just saying! *smiles at him*
Jasper: *😌😌* okay go to sleep now- it’s late, homeslice
David: okay *kisses him* goodnight *:)*
Jasper: goodnight weirdo *escape*
David: *wakes up and sits up* best sleep I've ever had
Jasper: *uhh already out watching el children*
David: *gets dressed and walks outside* GOOOOOD MORNING JASPER
Jasper: hello hello, how did you sleep?
David: very good actually! I just dont remember anything from the camp fire
Jasper: oh great, you were hella tired last night man
Nikki: *f fire*
Jasper: *ahaha just vibes honestly lmao* righto children, who wants to go do something cool
Max: what do you consider cool
Jasper: dunno, what do YOU consider cool?
Max: I dont know that's why I'm asking you!
Space kid: how are babies made
Jasper: okay, we’re not going over that today- what if we uh, go to spooky island and find cool stuff
Nerris: david said we arent allowed over there!
David: I heard my name! Wassup
Jasper: we’re going to spooky island because i almost died there so we are allowed
David: *:0* ooooo adventures okay! Boat time! *walks to the boats*
Jasper: alrighty everyone get in groups of threes to go in the bOaTs and then don’t get lost
David: *gets in the boat in front of thy jasper* is Gwen coming?
Jasper: I don’t think so-
Space Kid: *is on their bOaT now because he asked how babies were made*
David: *starts paddling the boat* weeeeeeee
Jasper: *lmao also pAdDlInG*
Space Kid: David how are babies made?
David: uh well- *😳*
Space Kid: because neil told me that-
Jasper: okay okay okay let’s not talk about this today
Space kid: do you and jasper make babies?
David: NO *😳😳😳*
Jasper: *w heeze*
Space Kid: hmmmm, well do you want to make babies?
Jasper: *literally sobbing* this is COMEDY
Jasper: It’s so funny-!
David: uh-uh! Its embarrassing!
Space kid: you guys have definitely made babies
Jasper: *FIDNKSNSKSK* OH MY GOD *teeheehaw*
David: OKAY WOW LOOK WE'RE HERE *gets off the canoe*
Jasper: *escaped canoe* kk kids stay in your groups and find something cool
David: I guess space kid went with harrison and his group, so that's leave us alone *😳*
Jasper: *😳😳😳* *👀👀* *smooch 😳*
David: *😳😳😳* *kiss:)*
Jasper: *:)))*
Jasper: *😳😳😳* Woah Davey chillax
Nikki: Everyone wanted to know!
David: well I think it's pretttttttty obvious that I am deeply in love with Jasper!
Jasper: 😳😳😳
Nikki: WOAHH!! Like my mom and Carl!!
Neil: nikki pleeeeeease dont bring that up
David: oh god-
Nikki: Why not! That was true love Neil!
Jasper: what even- who?
Neil: that was sex! Theres a difference Nikki!
David: their parents hooked up on parents day-
Jasper: *elbow nudge ;))* *LMAO WHEEZE JK JKING*
Nikki: There is no difference!
Neil: they only did it for pleasure!!
Jasper: I was joking homie!
Nikki: oh REALLY? how would you know!!
Neil: beacuseeeeee that's why people do it nikki!
David: okay....homeskillet!
Nikki: have YOU ever done it!!!
Jasper: oh jesus- we should stop that before something bad happens
Neil: NIKKI I AM 11
David: yeah-
Jasper: *picks up nikki or some poopoo* Nikki, just listen to Neil on this one
David: *giggles*
Nikki: this isn’t over NEIL
Jasper: okie dokie kids- Nikki you’re coming back with me because I don’t trust you with neil
Jasper: alrighty everyone we’re going back- david go back with neil
Nikki: *g rowels*
-when they get back-
David: *flops on to his bed* well that was a experience
Jasper: *s sits on david’s bed* oh god it sure was
David: *sits up and leans against the pillows* I haven't been that stressed in awhile-
Jasper: *😳😳👀* *smooch*
David: *smooch😳😳😳😳*
Jasper: *😳😳😳😳smooch*
David: *hug* hiiiii
Jasper: *hug 😳😳😳* hello hello
Dsvid: not to be that weird person but you are way better at kissing then I thought you would be- *giggles*
Jasper: *😳😳😳😳*
David: okay soryyyyyyyyyyy
Jasper: you’re so dorky
Space Kid: *knocks on the councelor cabins door*
David: ugh can we ever be alone! *opens the door* oh space kid! Why are you up?
space kid: i had a nightmare that space wasn’t real can i stay with you :(
Jasper: ughhhhhh
David: yes of course! *picks up him* where do you wanna sleep?
Space kid: uhhh in space
David: let me rephrase it, where do you want to sleep in the cabin?
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