#teeth of god
long-lost-ghost · 4 months
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babe wake up ivy just posted
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simpleapparition · 1 month
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the teeth of god graphic novel
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junkyardstrash · 4 months
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Celebratory post for me seeing them live in concert for the first time yesterday 🫶
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elkkiel · 1 month
Okay! Here's a transcription of the tier 4 bundle page from Sumerian's twitter. Please let me know if I screwed anything up or if it's tough to read at all; I tried to work around the obscured parts as best I could, but all the notes might have made it cluttered. There's also several words I couldn't read, as well as some partially-visible words I couldn't figure out lol
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15 days since convergence of the Lunar Anomaly
When I was a child, I was frequently beset by certain recurring dreams. There is one such dream that I remember more than most—one in which I found myself standing on a vast shoreline gazing out at a flat, wide sea. Slowly as I watched, the horizon gradually began to lift. Before long I was able to observe that this lifting expanse was approaching me— a wall of smooth, black water that curled into an impossible lip at its peak. Rather surprisingly, I do not recall being afraid at such an ominous sight. well, to be more precise, I was afraid— I was terrified, but on of the wave itself. Instead, it was the thought of what was beyond it. This vast, unstoppable force sweeping forth to herald the end of everything, to drown the world and then eventually sink back into itself. A careless shrug of entropy enough to sever the thread of all fates. I felt that were I to somehow survive this limitless tide, then I would be left in a world that would not recognize me. I would become an element unto myself and myself alone.
An echo stuck in the throat of a dead god.
Yet here I am. it has been over two weeks since the emergence of the lunar anomaly. Our teams spent nearly two years attempting to anticipate what this event would mean for humanity— analyzing endless [UNCLEAR] of lunar topography along with every known form of spectroscopy, all amounting in one hopeless conclusion: to burrow inside the bowels of the earth and simply [wish?] that whatever emerged from within would reach us there last.
As it would turn out, this one final act of humble surrender is what won the last of the right to our own lives in these final days. Those of us alive now are not those who sought to barter with [destiny?] and defiantly cling to a civilised existence at the... [OBSCURED; line break] ...–esce at all.
[OBSCURED] –of this phenomenon, we were best served by our most base instincts, where shame found no place to... [OBSCURED; line break]
[OBSCURED] –who [sp_ _ ;UNCLEAR] their [hubris?] and hid desperately down in the mud like rats.
[OBSCURED] –made every effort to warn the others, though naturally we could not [provide?] much of a [ha _ _ s ;UNCLEAR] upon... [OBSCURED; line break] ...species was facing imminent and utter demise besides a few fissures at the southern lunar pole. With... [OBSCURED; line break] ...underground facility once we realized that the moon's orbit was rapidly decaying in a way that was... [OBSCURED; line break] ... [–sical; UNCLEAR] model – I find it hard to believe that none of them followed our lead – Perhaps some of them... [OBSCURED; line break] ...of knowing now.
[OBSCURED] [s]urface expedition was [bleak?] at best. In all honesty, I was shocked to discover that our intial... [OBSCURED; line break] [UNCLEAR] ...a breathable atmosphere. Perhaps in all this turmoil, I found it easier to commit my mind to the... [OBSCURED; line break] ...turn.
[OBSCURED] [–dare; UNCLEAR] the event—despite two years of efforts—didn't prepare us for the havoc we now face. To say that... [OBSCURED; line break] ...explain the phenomena would be a gratuitious understatement. The cataclysm that occurred two weeks... [OBSCURED; line break] ... [UNCLEAR] rule about this new world we now hid beneath – to gaze upon the moon is to die.
[OBSCURED] [deve]loped wearable countermeasures for the surface teams that would prove vital in allowing them to... [OBSCURED; line break] ...could have known that this was far from the only threat that awaited them. To say that we find... [OBSCURED; line break] ...the phenomena would be a gratuitious understatement.
[OBSCURED] is affected by the lunar anomaly, but that of all life, albeit in vastly different ways.
[OBSCURED] of emergent biology is beyond the boundaries of what we would be able to study and understand.
[OBSCURED] guilt over those we lost. More than that however, I feel more guilty about the way I reacted to... [OBSCURED; line break] ...elements that attacked our team. I felt strangely comforted, despite the deeply disturbing nature of... [OBSCURED; line break]
[OBSCURED] [UNCLEAR] at the conclusion that this feeling came from a sense of familiarity, human beings fighting... [OBSCURED; line break] ...that has plagued us all since time immemorable, but here in the wake of such deeply unfamiliar and... [OBSCURED; line break] ...hard not to feel almost comforted by such an immediately recognisable problem.
[OBSCURED] [you]rself deeply troubled by the prospect of humans remaining on the surface in that state. The... [OBSCURED; line break] ...is that their actions were not [UNCLEAR] of their own will, though there is every chance [that] this is [a]... [OBSCURED; line break] ...a preference over the [UNCLEAR] alternative.
[OBSCURED] [-ing; UNCLEAR] the precious remnants of human life is the desire to understand what has happened, though in... [OBSCURED; line break] ...do. Perhaps this is the only way we can cling to our humanity– by continuing our constant battle... [OBSCURED; line break] ...the very end.
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tasteofthedivine93 · 1 month
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I zoomed in
I rushed posting this. Link is here
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ruinme-please · 5 months
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The Teeth of God Tour starting soon
boys have their homie back, pics by adamrossi
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emahriel · 4 months
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tonguetyd · 1 month
Glad to see we are all being Super Fucking Chill™️ about the Teeth Of God graphic novel over here 😂😂😂
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buriesitsteeth · 8 months
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“I am hunting something, and in turn, that same thing is hunting me. The beholder, the void beyond. I am the line between - I am the Teeth of God.” [2.5hrs • procreate]
Click for better quality!
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sleepanonymous · 1 month
Sooo... what if we get an ARG for the next album 👀 Like, Sundowning got sigils and track descriptions. TPWBYT got sea creatures and depth/location markers. TMBTE got video game boss characters and the whole ToG/Moon Anomaly concept. So... Album 4 ARG? Pretty please? *bangs on the walls* Vessel?
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simpleapparition · 5 months
another video of ii throwing the lemons
full video here
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junkyardstrash · 2 months
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Based off a pic I took of iii from my show :)
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mindless-bug · 17 days
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Inspired by Sleep Tokens ToG tour stag, my style <:
Im not a digital artist like at all, so this turned out pretty good considering so!
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ghost-inthe-hall · 1 month
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vagueconfusion · 1 month
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emahriel · 4 months
everyone: entranced by vessel me: oh, vessel... the man that you are. i wonder what iv's up to- iv:
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