teirrart · 4 years
Depressed Epic Sans 23
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i took that as “mid-breakdown” form of depressed
someone give this poor boi a cookie
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teirrart · 3 years
ah yes, the proper way to address me
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teirrart · 4 years
Does your OC Pigment like fishes?
well....he likes eating fishes?
he likes...looking at fishes cause they pretty
alas, growing up on an empty beach with nothing but the sea....a boy’s gotta eat somehow lol
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teirrart · 3 years
Please don't delete haremverse just because of one asshole wanting to be special!
Your art is beautiful, plus I'm Muslim as well and see nothing wrong with it. It's not like your making fun of people. You're just having fun creating a world.
i didnt see them as being an asshole, they seemed nice enough..? plus i talked to them for awhile about what to do and things and i mean..ugh idk
i get some people are ok with it and that’s nice too. but i don’t want to offend anybody, i never intended for that to happen in the first place but the fact that it did at all i feel awful about that
idk maybe i’ll think on it for a bit first? do a poll and let everybody decide?
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teirrart · 3 years
I hope you're holding up during all this. I'm just here with a tight virtual hug. Anons made their point and you showed you listened and will think about it, along with a willingness to also change certain aspects of your idea. There's no need for people to clamber onto your back anymore about this, they should give you your space so you can take a breather and do what is neccesary. Turn anon off for the time being, if you need it. Hang in there, take your time; your art is gorgeous regardless!
Aw thank you Wish you’re awesome asdfgj qqwqq
and yeah I’m going to sit back and think on everything for now, I feel a bit better about the situation today (yesterday was full of stress and tears hhhHAH)
I appreciate everyone’s take on the matter, and giving me support and advice through all of this btw
current idea is, name changes, no “harem” or “brothel” or anything like that (due to the issue in the first place and after some research seeing why those words should be avoided altogether), there may need to be a redesign or 2, i may need to take over certain designs that weren’t my own that I’m being accused of/credited for, and some structural changes but it’s not gone. i don’t want to erase something that was originally a form of comfort for me, and a “project” that was originally to be my own entirely in the first place. I just like clothing designs guys, that’s all that I wanted
but im taking time to think about it all for now, and to just..be away from it for a little bit. besides i don’t have time to do a bunch of this stuff rn, I barely had time for Ink it was mainly for destress tbh
i just need a bit of time like you said, cause rn with all this i cant bring myself to draw at all without getting scared, and i hate that
so thanks again to everyone being supportive on the matter, giving me tips/advice, and asking if im ok and everything it’s gonna be ok
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teirrart · 4 years
nah kink sounds about right let’s be real here
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teirrart · 4 years
Hey send me some asks about Pigment, Pigment’s Pride, haremverse or whatever you’re thinkin about and I’ll answer everything either later tonight or tomorrow
ill reblog this in the morning just in case some people dont see it too but yeye
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teirrart · 4 years
uh idk how to help what you’re going through, but i suggest taking a moment to take some deep breaths, go on a walk, do something to calm your mind a little bit. stay strong, we’re here for you if you need our support! ^_^
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasdfghjk cries thank you anon omg QwQ
i have like..no physical energy cause of this stuff rn..so idk about a walk lol but i’ll try to destress a bit more when im able to hhhhhdfghj
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teirrart · 4 years
What is Nightmare's story in Heremverse? Did he ever have a passive form?
I’ve been wanting to have passive nightmare as a separate character honestly, maybe also in king nightmare’s harem? Or maybe he was passive before but the stress of running a kingdom was too much for him and he changed?
there isn’t much in terms of story so far with haremverse BUT it would be fun to mess with it when i have time to work on more designs! Most of what i have with the current characters is their role, and a few personality traits
Like Killer being Nightmare’s personal attendant, Error is Ink’s favorite dancer, Dream didn’t wanna be royalty along with Nightmare and took to the harem instead cause he enjoyed it far more etc.
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teirrart · 4 years
The update is so greaaaaat
the update?
Pigment’s Pride update? lol im guessing thats what you mean
thank you uwu
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teirrart · 4 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens 🌸, but it's sweet to know someone think you're beautiful inside and out! 🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸
thankyousomyyyuuuuuuuuuuuch omggggfghjghjhghjhg
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teirrart · 4 years
REEEEEEEEEEEE AHHHH my heart is breaking Poor Pigment! Stop being so good art art ^^ (Love the new pages btw) I give all the hugs
huehuehuehuehuehueghdfghjkjhgfdsghj everybodys reactions to the shit im putting him through is giving me life BUT DONT WORRY BB BOI WILL BE OK uwu
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teirrart · 4 years
I'm so invested in your Pigment's Pride comic cause I remember a few years ago questioning my sexuality and it's like "Don't worry Pigment, you'll figure it out."
aw yay! yeah i really started it for myself cause im still kindof questioning? sometimes i think ive figured it out but ehhhh not really lol
im glad this comic has related to and positively effected so many people tho! when i started it i was getting a lot of comments here and there about peoples’ own experiences and how this comic has been a good example/interpretation of it and it’s so awesome (and a relief i was really scared about accidentally offending anybody ;w;)
i’m glad you’re liking my comic so far! Pigment will reach his own conclusion in his own time uwu
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teirrart · 4 years
How could you do this to me? My heart ! *steals Pgment* he's my boi now, you made him cry Y.Y In all honesty your comic keeps getting better and better!!! Eeeeeee!! Rainer out XD
oh hes not done crying either lmao owo
but thank you! im glad youre enjoying it so far yaaaay sdfghjsdfgh
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teirrart · 4 years
*ahem* FUNNY WORDS! Heh. Rainer here! (I dubbed Pigment's pride just change my user ^^) I have good news! I should have the next few pages out by tomorrow or thursday! I am so excited! And I'll PM you the link here and on Deviantart so you can uh watch it!
aawwwww omg yay im excited to see it! thank you omg uwu im gonna cry sdfghjk
sobs i feel bad the next update has been so slow but i need to redo some stuff and fix things on future pages and work on other stuff in the meantime as well thanks for being patient with me everybody, its been.....a rough go of it lately
dont worry im not redoing pages that are already out there, just ones im still working on sdfghjk
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teirrart · 4 years
Can i hug killer and nightmare i don't know why but i like the bad sans.
i cant tell if this is for my haremverse versions or the regular bois
if the regular bois idk why youre askin me of all people lol but im sure theyd be ok with it, its just up to fate how long till the hug becomes deadly 
if the haremverse bois, yes but with similar consequences probably-
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