deliniece-blog · 6 years
The best revenge is knowing that one day, I will be able to choose to never see you again.
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deliniece-blog · 7 years
Because lesbians aren't a thing I guess
So my 13-year old cousin comes home with a hickey on her shoulder. Her parents freak out and shit, asking her who did it. She says it was a girl she hangs out with, and suddenly the WHOLE THING *poof*
On a side note, they just lost their minds because my other cousin has been talking to a girl for 2 weeks. But when he gives his phone number to grown men playing overwatch and arc survival with him, it's normal.
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deliniece-blog · 7 years
My Home
Ohio is no California, with warm rays, beaches, and famous stars. Ohio is no New York, with buzzing city streets, bright lights, and wonderous shows. Ohio is by no means a "special" state. But when I see crows swarm around the pastel skies, or doe with their young out in the hillsides, I'm reminded that this is my home.
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deliniece-blog · 7 years
Rant (2)
You know, I really hate being around people when they're drunk. But what I hate even more, is when drunk people argue that they aren't drunk. I KNOW what it looks like when people are drunk, I grew up in a drinking family and both of my oldest siblings are alcoholics. So when my cousin argues with me last night, while she's trying to use knives and the oven while dropping shit everywhere and tripping over air, my whole fucking night was ruined. I just don't understand, is it just my whole family, or do millennials just have issues with controlling themselves around alcohol?
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deliniece-blog · 7 years
Thoughts (1)
So I'm watching Barbie's Princess Charm School, (babysitting) and the main baddie is pretty evil for a kid's movie. The Dame, Barbie's aunt causes a car crash in order to kill her brother and his wife and newborn daughter, so her daughter can take position as princess. Now I've seen a LOT of Barbie movies, owned all the old ones on VHS, and almost none of the villains were this monstrous.
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deliniece-blog · 7 years
Kinda looks like a cookie and a brownie, or maybe I'm just a hungry animal
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Dark Purple Fluorite on Siderite partly Epimorph after Fluorite
Size: 3.3 × 2.7 × 1.8 cm
Locality:  Zehntausend Ritter Mine, Frohnau, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany
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deliniece-blog · 7 years
People have just been shitting all over me left and right today! For no fucking reason, I've been public enemy #1. Funny thing is, I've been extra nice today too, so wtf?
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deliniece-blog · 7 years
I went to school two days last week, because convenient snow is convenient!
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deliniece-blog · 7 years
You ever start reading or watching a ship, and you just feel it.... you're becoming trash.
I can feel it within me, Everytime I coo and giggle... I'm morphing into absolute garbage.
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deliniece-blog · 7 years
Like, how do you KNOW you have a hand fetish?
So when do you cross the line between the average attraction that most have, into...the beyond.
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deliniece-blog · 7 years
Why catch up on my homework so I can pass my classes, when I can watch Golf It videos?
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deliniece-blog · 7 years
"Man, if I had a penis..."
—Me, every time I have to use the bathroom
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deliniece-blog · 7 years
You know that feeling you get when you're furious, but you can't do anything? The anger is building inside you, you want to cry, and scream, and break things, but you can't. You just clench your jaw so hard it hurts. Yeah....
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deliniece-blog · 7 years
Rant (1)
So I'm really sick of people expecting me to do everything physical like it's no big deal. I'm over weight and have weak joints, so it's damn near impossible to do physical activities without being in pain afterwards. I'm trying my hardest, but that seems to not be enough for the people in my life. "You're young so you should be able to do it way faster." "Your siblings can do it, why can't you? "You're not even trying, stop being dramatic" and so on. That's all I hear, no matter if I'm crying from pain, or giving it my all till I'm covered in bruises and blisters. But who gives a fuck, we should all be able to work just like champion athletes, no matter the disability, heart problems, or weight issues, right?
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deliniece-blog · 7 years
It feels weird to post stuff. I know nobody's reading my posts yet (soon my children soon) but I'm still getting the "should I even post this?" kinda feeling.
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deliniece-blog · 7 years
Real life stuff (1)
Warning! Long post ahead, and I mean long! So I'm a real forgiving person, kinda. My best friend, let's call her Jess, has a tendency to just flake on me, like anytime I make the plans. She ditched me last Halloween, got trashed and her and her other friends (who hate me for some reason IDK IDC) posted all over social media about how much they love spending time and how important friendship is and blah blah blah, just got my blood boiling. We had a spat, over in a couple of days. My birthday roles around (February 2) and I'm like "let's get lit at Dave & Buster's" She's all "Of course I'll be there, I don't even have work! Its going to be so much fun!". Now my family is in NO WAY well off, and shouldn't have had a 20 person party with a private room at Dave & Buster's, but I did. So everyone gets there yea, and I'm like "OK where is this slut?" So I have my friend, let's call him TJ, call Jess cause my phone was broken. TJ calls Jess 3 times, she picks up on the 3rd. So TJ looks at me real funny, then walks out of the room (never found out why, assuming Jess didn't want me to hear what she was gonna say) comes back and says "Jess says she'll be an hour late, work needs her longer". Record scratch, what do you mean work? So Jess tells me that she doesn't have work just has to drop her brother off and she'll be there. Turns out Jess told everyone else in our friends group, the same day she had work and would be late from the start. Why are you lying to me, what was the goal you had in mind? So 2 hours goes by, no Jess and I'm not surprised. Whole party goes by, no Jess. So after consulting friends and family, the almost unanimous vote was to stop being friends. I'm down, I'm ready I've done it three times already just in this school year. I ignore her apology text (I don't accept apology texts from people who see me all the time, its lazy and apathetic to send an apology text unless it's something that needs to be said immediately) don't text or call her till this previous wednesday roles around, she actually shows up to school. I drop my stuff off on the opposite side of the table three seats away, and when I say drop, I mean slam. She tries to talk to me about some school shit, but I leave without letting her even start, go to the library and check out some books, come back. Drop the books of, say some heys and hellos to the freshman girl who sits with us, leave to get lunch before Jess can get 2 words in. Come back and sit back down, start on my noms. She's staring at me the whole time, not a word. I look up at her, give her a look like "you fucking know what you should be doing, you're not 5". She says "Delineices (that's me), I'm sorry..." I ask her for what. For not showing up to my party was the answer. Not for lying to me, or treating me like a secondary option, or making my mom waste 30$ (may not seem like much to you, but it is for me and my mom) on someone who didn't even call and say she couldn't be there. Turns out the whole thing was a lie, she didn't have work, or access to her car (even though her boyfriend bought it, her dad took her car and gave it to her brother) and just stayed home and drank (she didn't have to tell me, she always misses school when she gets trashed, which is always). Of course I forgave her, bit not without my special brand of guilt, telling her how there was a car crash near the place and we thought she was dead and blah blah blah. Now I know you're thinking, why the hell would you forgive her then? Because I want revenge, if you can call it that. Jess was the one who taught me how to distance myself from people, and how to get under their skin, so I'm going to give her a taste of her own sweet medicine. Im starting off small, not sitting next to her, not texting her back for awhile, that kinda stuff. So that's about it for this text post, open ended seeing as how this all happened last weekend till now. TL;DR my friend ditched me one too many times so now I'm gonna do my best to make her regret it.
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deliniece-blog · 7 years
Where do I begin...
What do I post about? What do I even do? I mean I'm reading a book (of my own free will) for the first time in a long time. Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, by Rick Riordan if you're wondering. Seems like the guy had daddy issues if you ask me, like nobody has a dad in his books right? Estranged assholes, those sperm donors are. Wait, do I have daddy issues?
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