#teko shimura
dabisrightnipple · 3 years
Gaming Dates with Shigaraki (drabble)
Word count: 1.2k
I was too lazy to turn this into a longer story so heres random domestic fluff to feed my nightly fantasies
To most, with one glance at the ‘maniac’ known as Tomura Shigaraki, they would most likely assume he's some ‘cold-blooded serial killer who kills everyone around him. Although they weren’t wrong there was one exception for the so-called ‘cold-blooded’, ‘shell of a man’ and it was you. 
One might ask, ‘How could such a girl as yourself tame a monster like him?” Well, it’s simple, really, he’s not a monster, never has been and never will be; though you had to find that out the hard way. 
You could vividly remember every detail that took place that night. How your tears burned into your red, inflamed cheeks. How the goosebumps ran throughout each nerve of your body, all hairs standing on edge as you anticipated what actions would take place next. You remembered the way the shiver crawled up your back when you made eye contact with those devilishly handsome cerulean eyes. 
The eyes of a monster, as others may call it . Though you were terrified out of your very mind the thought of him being a monster never struck your thoughts. No, no, how could someone think that? After all that same ‘monster’ was the reason why you were still alive and well to this day.
A small wistful sigh escaped your lips as you reminisced upon the memory that was clouding your head, putting you in a dazed, dreamy state. Hot breath escaped your parted lips, fanning against the pale, tender skin of the man you were currently resting upon. 
“What’s up doll?” Your heart fluttered at the nickname, though you always expect to hear it from him when addressing you; it never failed to leave your body fluttering. (in more places than one)
“Mmm- Nothin’ jus’ thinkin’.” You slurred into his neck, nose nuzzling in deeper into the welcoming warmth that radiated from his figure. His body was currently being engulfed by you, which unbeknownst to you was making it hard for him to use the controls; though he didn’t mind.
Although he didn’t like to admit it, Tenko would do anything to spend more time with you, so if it meant almost losing his favorite game to have you sit in his lap you bet your ass he’s gonna lose that game a thousand times before he tells you to leave. 
Your ears picked up the delicate sound of the many profanities that strung out of his mouth, you felt as his body flexed from underneath you, followed by a soft groan. 
“D’ya lose again?” You cheekily asked, teasing the older male with your shit-eating grin. Though you meant to make him madder (in a jokingly-loving way) Tenkos face softened at the sight of you; in fact, he wasn’t even mad about losing any more. As long as Tenko had you in his arms, there was nothing to be upset about.
“Mph, shaddup.” You giggled in response, offering him a few pecks up his neck and jaw before leaning in to reward his hard work with a nice chaste kiss, which Tenko gladly received.
Shortly after you fell into a light slumber upon Tenkos chest. (which he secretly was ecstatic about, but would never admit) His gaze, soft as ever, stared down at your figure in a scared and fragile way.
 He wanted to run his fingers through your hair, massage your tensed muscles and draw little imaginary things on your back, such as flowers or dinosaurs. However, the thought was pushed away as the clouding depression came back at the memory of his quirk. 
He didn’t want to hurt you. He didn’t want to lose you like his mother.
Although he did wear his custom-made 2-fingered gloves he always felt a sense of guilt when touching you. It was almost as if he was preparing himself for a life of hate and grief once the last digit of his god-forsaken fingers touched your beautiful skin. 
He fought internally with himself for what could have been hours before he watched as you slowly woke up. The small scrunch that was displayed on your face pulled at his heartstrings as you yawned, regaining consciousness after your little ‘cat nap’. 
Although when your half-asleep dazed eyes fixated on his you noticed something was wrong, on top of that his game was still running yet he was focused on you. 
“Are you okay shiggs’?” You watched as the emotion built up behind his eyes. At first, you were confused. (Tenkos usual emotions and thought process consisted of rage, game, sleep, fuck)
“If I ever hurt you, would you forgive me?” 
You flicked your painted black fingernail against the exposed part of his forehead.
“You idiot, why worry about that? It doesn’t matter how much you hurt me, you know I’ll always love ya.” You smiled, fingers caressing his cheeks.(making a note to have a spa session with him later) “Unless you decide to leave me or sum’ shit, then I’d wreck ya ass.”
“And I’d give you full permission.” Tenko giggled, now wrapping his arms around your back, a hand caressing the bass of your neck, careful to lift his pinky and ring finger as an extra precaution.
After a bit of doting upon each other Tenko decided he wanted to teach you how to play his game. You happily agreed, shifting around on his lap to face his PC ads he explained to you the controls and what they did. 
“Oh and there's different characters, which one do you wanna be?” He happily sang, going through the list of characters that he owned. 
“Hmmm, who’s your fav, shiggs?”
“Oh! This one!” Tenko spoke with excitement, a small smile working over his facial scars. His serotonin was definitely shooting through the roof at the thought of you enjoying his games. “His name is Razor, isn’t he so badass!”
You looked at the character in detail, his physique definitely fit Tenkos taste; white ragged hair, eye-bags, deep red eyes. You let a soft giggle out at the resemblance, blessing Tenko’s ears in the process.
“He looks so badass! Can I use him?” 
“Yes of course! Now we gotta pick three more to build your party.” He smiled, once again going through the character list.
Tenko watched as your eyes scanned through the characters, taking you time to read the descriptions of the 2D being. Naturally, the characters you picked were ones that Tenko enjoyed as well. His eyes scanned over your newly built party; Razor, Zhongli, Fischl, and QiQi.
“Isn’t this fish girl sooo sexy!” 
“Not as sexy as you, doll.” 
“Okay, well then she’s definitely sexier than you.” You rolled your eyes, teasing his ego. 
Teasing Tenko was one of your favorite personal hobbies. You loved watching Tenkos physical and mental state go to mush as you hopelessly teased the living hell out of him, and to your delight, this side of Tenko was beginning to unfold in front of you.
A smirk was placed upon your lips and you soaked in the temper tantrum the grown man was having in front of you. 
You were thrown a series of meaningless insults (if you could even call them that) such as “You're not even that pretty, Fischl is way more appealing.” or “I bet you’d be a shitty character, Fischl could totally beat you” 
Ahhh yes, small meaningless ‘insults’. You continued to watch as the man flustered himself, even more, stuttering as he tried to figure out about comeback to your ‘enraging comment’ 
“Ya done yet?” 
“Fuck you.” 
“Love ya too shiggs”
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