#tell me we'll be alright say that we'll be fiiiiine
tardis--dreams · 2 years
"Even when you're going to hell, you should fill your stomach first" may just be one of my favorite lines of this whole damn show
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Introducing Ask Skyverse and Chill!
Sky: Hello internet! Skyverse and Chill crew here! Welcome to our new ask blog! We're all generally pretty new to this sort of thing, so please be patient and ask us anything! Anyways, I'm Sky! I'm just your average BF fangirl from one of the best mods! You've probably heard of me, so I won't linger too long. UwU Hey girls...and Skychi, go ahead and introduce yourselves! Skyblue: Oh, hey guys! I'm Blue...u-uh...I've never really done this sorta thing before either, so uh...w-well I like good food and funny j-jokes and...uh... Faker Sky: Psht, relax. We all know everyone loves you because they're horny. Skychi: Okay, who the heck let HER onto this blog?! Faker Sky: Ski. Ski: Hi guys! ^w^ Skychi: [sigh] ...why did we let her run the account? Sky: Because she's the most friendly, ALRIGHT?! Now can you all PLEASE let Skyblue continue? Skyblue: ...o-oh...I-I was pretty much done already! S-sorry! Sky: [sigh] ...then let's move onto Skychi, please? Skychi: Okay, sup anons? I'm Skychi, the cool and based one. My interests are anime, manga, technology, and guns.
Faker Sky: Wow, kinda cringe, TBH.
Skychi: Bitch, SHUT UP, I'm talking!
Faker Sky: Fine, gosh. Sky: You're going last now. Skychi, continue. Faker Sky: OH MOTHERF- Sky: SKYCHI, CONTINUE! Skychi: So uh...yeah, anyways I'm probably the only one here besides Ski who isn't relentlessly fucking horny. Any/all pronouns are fine, but I prefer they/them. Sky: Oh that reminds me, everyone else, list your pronouns. I'm she/her. Faker Sky: Bitch, ALL the rest of us are she/her. Neeeeeext! Sky: [sigh] Skychi: Anyways, I'm a genderfluid, badass memelord. I don't drink, but I occasionally smoke. Also I'm the most fourth wall aware. Skyblue: Ohhhhh, is that what this is? Faker Sky: Oh god, please tell me we didn't fucking invite Miko to this. She's a fucking terminally online loser. ...no offense Skychi. Skychi: None taken, and GOD no, don't worry. Ski wanted to, but it didn't pan out. Ski: She's just kept screaming and saying "Get that thing away from me!" when I tried to ask her, and she seemed so scared, and I felt so baaaaaaad! 😭
Faker Sky: Heh...dumb bitch thinks you're dangerous because I like you, lol. Sky: Fak-...Sky, shut up! Faker Sky: Fiiiiine... Sky: Skychi? Skychi: Eh, I'm done. Ski? Ski: Hi everyone! I'm Ski and I wanna meet new friends here! 😄 I like to sing and make lots of arts and crafts! But my favoritest thing is to spend time with my friends! ...that's it! ^w^ Faker Sky: ...that's it? Ski: I am a creature of simple comforts. Faker Sky: Okay, baller. Sup, dorks? I'm just your totally normal, ordinary Sky. The best Sky, and don't you forget it! I like eating creepypasta (the edginess and negativity soothes my soul) and also hanging out with these weirdos sometimes, I guess. Anyway, I'm single and ready to mingle, so- Sky: Sky, this isn't a dating app. Faker Sky: Oh, I know. Skychi: [sigh] ...this isn't a lewd roleplay account either, Faker. Faker Sky: Then why the fuck are we on tumblr in 2023?! Ski: Elon Musk killed Twitter. Faker Sky: Oh yeah, I forgot why I agreed to this. Yeah, that makes sense. Still, I'm gonna miss that god awful bird site. Skychi: Don't. I almost made an account there, but decided not to. Best decision of my fucking life, lol
Faker Sky: Yeah, but I like to feed off the negativity and engage with assholes while also being a bigger asshole...anyways I'm here if you wanna ask me or my dork friends any questions. Also, did I mention that I am absolutely not a lovecraftian monstrosity in disguise, and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying? Skychi: Dude, we've already seen your eldritch form. Faker Sky: ...you have? Sky: Yes?! Skychi: SEVERAL times! Faker Sky: ...when? Skychi: Bitch, you tried to eat Blue! Faker Sky: ...oh. ...shit. So anyway, Skychi is lying. Skychi: [groans and facepalms] Faker Sky: Anyways, we'll be here whenever we feel like it, so I guess ask your silly questions, dorks! Sky out! Sky: [sigh] ...Skys out.
0 notes
Following Thomas through the streets of Poppy Valley, it genuinely surprised Rowan how many people actually came to the small town for school. This was only intensified when they entered Galaxy ramen, as most of the patrons were their age. Odd. Eventually the two settled in a quiet corner, Rowan having elected to leave his back to the door for Thomas' comfort. He had seen enough on entering.
The space and alien themes were everywhere, not that Rowan minded, and the food smelt good at least. That was confirmed once they ordered and got their meals, it was pretty good ramen. They ate in silence for a moment, before Rowan elected to keep up with the illusion that was scoping the place out for Thomas and his future date.
"I think this place would work, nice atmosphere and good food, little fear of being overheard with everyone chatting."
"Uh, yeah, good to know."
Rowan hummed, pretending to not notice Thomas' awkwardness.
"Don't stress Thomas, I'm sure that they'll be more interested in you than anything else."
"That's the point of the date, to learn more about the other person? Like, it's the same as hanging out with a new friend but with romantic undertones."
"You know more than I thought about this."
Rowan let out a mock offended noise.
"Excuse me? I'll have you know I've had two partners in the past."
"Yeah, girlfriend in the first half of 9th grade, before we broke up and I dated a guy through all of 10th."
"Yeah. What about you?"
"Never dated anyone, never had the desire too. I preferred teasing everyone."
"Fair enough."
The two chatted for a bit, enjoying the company the other provided. This carried on as they headed to the grocery store after their ramen, grabbing the needed ingredients for a baking extravaganza. A few bribes to the Valerian cooking staff and the Kitchen was all theirs.
"Have you ever baked with any of your family Thomas?"
"Nah, they were more focused on the investigations and cryptid hunting."
"Yeah, my family has always been into the weird and mysterious."
"What about you?"
"I was…"
Thomas paused his whisking of the batter for what Rowan thought was a chocolate cake, they had bought several types of mix, and looked like he was debating telling the other something.
"I used to go on hunts with my grandpa, but on our last hunt… Well, whatever it was we were hunting? It killed my grandpa. I came back alone, and I haven't been hunting since."
He looked off to the side, not wanting to meet Rowan's eyes. Could only make a noise of sympathy, understanding that feeling of why did I survive but not the person I cared about? Why did it have to be me? They lapsed into silence after that.
Eventually the conversation started back up, hesitant at first, and soon the two were laughing along like nothing ever happened. Soon enough they had a whole pile of goodies in containers, the equipment was cleaned and put away, and the garbage thrown away. The two sat there for a moment enjoying their treats, before Rowan couldn't help but look over and snort.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing, just you have a little something."
Rowan reached up and quickly wiped away a smear of chocolate from Thomas' cheek without thinking, making the two pause, Rowan not quite pulling away and Thomas not saying anything as colour began to appear on both their faces. Clearing his throat awkwardly, Rowan pulled away and turned back to the containers of sweets.
"So, uh, feel like delivering these to your friends that are here?"
"You doubt my power to eat all these Beránek?"
"No, but sharing would be more fun, and reasonable."
"... Fiiiiine. But we'll have to stop by Jimsonweed and give some to Nobu."
And so they wandered the dorms of Val Prep, handing out cookies and slices of cake to the other students, with more than enough to head over to Jimson Weed and Morning Glory. By the end they were left with a single container, and soon found themselves on one of the flat rooftops of Val Prep, the sun sinking below the horizon. Rowan's guitar and a blanket were spread out on the snow free section, giving them a nice view of the whole of Poppy Valley.
"This… this was fun. Thanks Rowan."
"Not a problem Thomas."
Nearby the flock pecked at the cookies Rowan had offered in payment for them unlocking the door. They really were smart little birds.
Now that the two of them were truly alone, Rowan felt his mouth go dry. How the hell was he going to say this? He was only more sure that he was the target of Thomas' affections after watching the other today, and the kitchen incident
cemented that fact for him. So grabbing the guitar he figured he'd let the music speak for him.
"Sleep on me, Feel the rhythm in my chest, just breathe..."
He sang, feeling Thomas look at him,
"And if you have nightmares, we'll dance on the bed
I know that you love me, love me
Even when I lose my head…"
He gave Thomas a pointed look at that part, causing the others face to turn a brighter red than Rowan's school colours. The colour only intensified as the song went on and Thomas got what Rowan was saying.
"So. Did I get it right?"
Despite how sure of it he was, there was the chance he was wrong, and it almost seemed like that was the case as Thomas sat in silence. But then;
"Yeah, you did."
He looked defeated.
"Let me guess, you don't want me around?"
"The exact opposite Thomas. I was hoping this would get it through to you, but since you sometimes aren't able to see it, I'll spell it out. I feel the same, and I'd like to pursue this if you're willing."
The two had gotten up and were standing close, letting rowan see the thoughts racing behind the taller teen's eyes.
"But I-"
"If you're about to quote Sullivan's dry, piece of shit writing he calls a journalism piece, don't. You know I'm not scared of you and can punch you back just as hard."
Rowan cupped Thomas' cheek, and the other closed his eyes, leaning into it.
"Alright. But promise me you'll get away from me if I get too violent?"
"We'll see."
"That's as good as I'm getting from you isn't it?"
They stood there for a moment, before from over by the flock;
Don't stop now
Don't try to hide it how
You want to kiss the girl
Both looked to the birds, who all looked particularly smug as "Kiss the Girl" from the little mermaid played from their phone. Rowan couldn't help but bust out laughing as Thomas followed suit.
"Think we should give them what they want?"
"Why not?"
And that kiss was something else. Awkward, but genuine, and that made it special to Rowan in so many ways.
The birds pecked at their device as a slow dance came on.
"Care to dance sir?"
Rowan grinned at Thomas as the other looked back at the birds.
"I didn't really get a chance to at the masquerade, so y'know what? Why not."
And that's what they did, as the sun set and the stars appeared, the only thing that mattered was the two of them.
0 notes
single dad: chapter one
"Dad you look fiiiiine. You're taking forever and we don't have forever." Bear whined as she watched him with a blank stare.
"This hair has to look perfect for the ladies Bear." Vinnie rolled his eyes.
"The only 'ladies' that will be there are all between the ages of 6 and 10 and maybe a 60 year old teacher making sure little kids don't take too much punch." Bear folded her arms.
Vinnie turned to look at her, laughing at the way she was standing outside of the bathroom door.
"Okay, I guess your right. Let's go say bye to Kaiser." Vinnie said, walking to his son's bedroom.
Recently, Vinnie and a girl he'd been seeing had a baby and she of course left. So now Vinnie was 22 and a single dad to, two children.
"Bye Kaiser." Bear said, rubbing his cheek.
"Bye baby, Daddy will be back later and give you a bottle." Vinnie said, rocking his child in his arms.
He carried Kaiser down the stairs with his blanket and handed him gently to his mom.
"What time will you be back?" Maria asked, holding Kaiser in her arms.
"We'll be back at 8 grandma." Bear said, fixing her hair briefly in the mirror.
"Okay babes. Here Vin, hold your son so I can take a picture of you all." Maria said.
Vinnie took Kaiser back and wrapped Bear in his other arm and picked her up too. They both smiled and Maria took a thousand pictures of them.
"Alright, alright go. Have fun. Don't be out la- you're an adult now, I don't know why I'm telling you that." Maria shooed them out the door.
Vinnie and Bear walked into the gymnasium and it was just his luck that her teacher was there, y'know, the one that left her number and he never texted her.
She layed eyed on him and Bear. Of course she'd found an excuse to come over to where they were.
"Hello Bear." She said.
"Hi." Bear said back, giving her a high five.
"Why don't you go find us seats and I'll be right there." Vinnie said and Bear nodded, taking off in the direction of the chairs.
It was quiet for a second minus the music playing in the background.
"Did you get my-"
"Yes, I did. I'm sorry I never texted you. I've been dealing with a lot recently." Vinnie said, referring to the time he slept with his ex girlfriend behind Bear's back and had Kaiser nine months later only for their mother to take off again and Vinnie now be responsible for 2 children.
"Oh no, I understand. I just wanted to ask you. I was quite shy that day." She smiled.
"That's okay. I'm Vinnie, it's nice to meet you." He flashed a smile and stuck his hand out for her.
"I'm Aaliyah, nice to meet you as well." She smiled back and shook his hand.
"Do you wanna give me your number again? I'll text you this time, I promise." Vinnie chuckled.
"Yes absolutely." Aaliyah smiled, taking his phone and typing her name and number in.
"Just to be clear, you're not going to play with my feelings are you? I've been through quite a bit. That's probably a weird question. Too quick?" Aaliyah asked, shying away in embarrassment.
"No, it's not too soon. I wouldn't do that, maybe if I we're still 16 and an idiot but not now. You won't either? I've also been through a lot." Vinnie asked.
"No of course not." Aaliyah smiled.
"Awesome. I'm looking forward to talking to you then, I'd better get back to my daughter." Vinnie chuckled, saying his goodbyes and walking back over to Bear.
His heart nearly hit the floor when he saw that familiar blonde haired girl sitting next to his brown-reddish haired daughter. She knew what she was doing.
"Bear c'mon. Let's go." Vinnie said.
Making eye contact with Emily, who looked scary as hell with that smirk on her face, prompted Vinnie to take off towards the dance floor. Bear knew something was wrong by his panicked demeanor and simply listened to him instead of arguing.
"What's wrong daddy?" Bear asked, picking up on whatever was going on.
"Nothing, my love. Nothing is wrong." Vinnie spoke, keeping a close eye on his Crusty the Clown ex girlfriend.
He had nothing to worry about, Emily had signed over custody of both kids when Vinnie had filed for it and they found her dumbass to get her to sign it.
"You're watching the lady who sat next to me. You know her, why are you scared daddy?" Bear asked, fear beginning to pick at her.
When Vinnie showed emotion, so did she and she could sense the fear in him.
"I don't know her. She was just creepy looking and I didn't like that she was next to you. Let's have fun okay? That's what we're here for right?" Vinnie smiled down at her, swaying slowly to the beat of the music with his little girl.
"Yeah. I'm having fun daddy." Bear said, although she knew now she was gonna keep a close eye on his attitude.
"Daddy, I'm tired." Bear said softly, resting her head on his shoulder.
"We're going back home honey. We're gonna have a sleepover in daddy's room with Kaiser." Vinnie said, only because he knew Emily was fucking psycho and would kidnap his children, whom he loved dearly.
As soon as he opened the door of the school he regretted it immensely. There she was, leaning against his car.
"Get away from me right now. I'm not messing with you." Vinnie said, clutching his daughter in his arms tightly.
"Aw, how cute. Clutching on to her like I want her. I'm not here for her. I'm here for you." Emily chuckled like something was funny.
"Just get away from me. Let me live my life in peace. With my children. Go." Vinnie said.
"Please Vinnie. I want to be with you baby. Leave the kids with your mom and come with me." Emily tried to convince him.
She genuinely thought he'd leave his two reasons for his happiness behind to go with the cause of his depression and stress.
"I'd never leave them for you." Vinnie shook his head.
He pushed past Emily, opening the door of his car. He placed Bear in her car seat and buckled her in. He closed the door, locking it immediately.
"Emily I don't want you. You left me alone as a 16 year old kid with a baby. I didn't know how I was going to raise her. Then you did it again because I stupidly fell right back into your trap. I'm not doing it again." Vinnie said, moving past her to get to his car door.
He didn't get very far because she grabbed his arm and tried to pull him away.
"Stop Emily. Get off of me." Vinnie yelled, pulling away.
"Just stop Vinnie. You know I love you." Emily begged him.
"No you don't. You're obsessed with me is what you are." Vinnie pushed her away.
"Hey! What's going on out here?" A voice yelled causing both of the exes heads to turn in the direction of the school doors.
Vinnie could identify that it was Aaliyah. That's when the crazy ass idea popped up in his head.
"Baby! There you are. Are you ready to go?" Vinnie asked, walking over to her and whispering out a "go along with it."
"Yeah I'm ready. Who's this?" Aaliyah asked, trying her best to play the role.
"She's nobody, let's go home." Vinnie said, hurriedly getting into the car with Aaliyah.
It was quiet as Vinnie started the car and backed out of the parking lot. He knew she was gonna ask and at this point she deserved an explanation.
"Do you want me to drop you off at home?" Vinnie asked.
"If you're sure you're gonna be okay tonight." Aaliyah said.
"I'm not okay right now and I won't be for awhile Aaliyah." Vinnie said, wiping a single tear from his cheek.
"Who was she?" Aaliyah asked.
Vinnie glanced back to see Bear sleeping. She looked peaceful and he was more than great full that she didn't have to endure that situation.
"My ex-girlfriend. That was her and my youngest's mom. She left a week after Bear was born and then I hooked up with her 10 months ago and had Kaiser and she left again." Vinnie explained.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." Aaliyah said, feeling immediately guilty.
"No don't be. I owed you an explanation." Vinnie said.
"Does Bear know?" Aaliyah asked.
"Does she know what?" Vinnie asked.
"That her and Kaiser have the same mom? That the woman back there was her mom?" Aaliyah asked again.
"No. I'm not going to tell her either. She already goes through enough without her here. If I tell her that who she saw tonight was Emily then it will only complicate things. Thanks for helping me out there. I owe you one." Vinnie said, sliding his hand over the console and grabbing hers.
"No problem. You don't owe me anything Vinnie. I care about Bear and your son and of course you, I'll help you whenever you need me." Aaliyah spoke softly.
Vinnie smiled, squeezing her hand as they pulled in his driveway.
"I know we're rushing into everything, but I don't want to be alone in case she shows up tonight. I couldn't handle that on my own." Vinnie stated.
"That's okay. I'll stay with you." Aaliyah smiled.
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