viplala-things · 2 years
ma ei tea miks ma ei taha temaha olla
tunnen kahetsust raisatud aja pärast
imelikke tundmusi, millest ei saa aru täpselt
kummaline on
ning kuidas teha et taaviga ka ei läheks kuidagi imelikult?
et ma oskaks panna oma piirid paika
kuigi see on ju tema, nagu nii siinsamas ja phine
aga ikkagi teine inimene oma ajaloo ja olemisega
seega ei ole mõtet meid päris ühte patta panna
saame ühte heita aga mitte üheks saada
seega erinev ja teine
kui sa tunne dmidagi siis palun väljenda end
ta ju soovib ka seda
mda sa kardad?
et siis hakkab parem?
et ei ole nii ninapidi kogu aeg?
kas sa kardad mahajätmist?
see tegi haiget
aga näe kui imeline on leida keegi uus
nii ootamatust kohast
seega ära kurvasta
ütle välja mida sa soovid
isegi kui see teeb haiget
ja talle
võibolla ka
.et sa tahad üksi olla vahepeal
ja enda mõtteid mõlgutada
ei pea kahekesi koos kogu aeg olema
ja ei pea ühtemoodi olema
võib ka eraldi
ma ei oska kõiki tundeid kohe välja näidata
see on imelik
ja kummaline
ja ei saa hakkama niimoodi
ja ma ei tea
mis ma siis tahan teha
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nakedfullmonty-fr · 6 years
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human brain: we havent made any real lore in a while i should probably do that
monkey brain: hoo hoo booby joke
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alcaristia · 4 years
Bumi - bumi
Perut Bumi dan bumi itu sama saja laparnya, Han! Temaah si huruf besar dan kawannya saja yang lebih cekang Tapi tabahnya si kecil sudah pasti lebih garang Kamu belum tahu saja
Memang angkuhnya Bumi itu menutupi nestapa Lihat saja kebun-kebun yang dipaksa memasak uang para temaha Belum lagi pucuk-pucuk beton yang sudah lebih tinggi dari cemara Juga ceruk-ceruk permata yang lukanya besar menganga Membuat kera-kera binasa dari wana karena diusir oleh yang lebih pendek ekornya Lalu jenggala tak bisa lagi membendung bahnya, udara jadi buruk rupa, bentala rebah rana
Padahal mereka itu makannya apa, kok kenyangnya dengan arta Padahal mereka itu tinggalnya dimana, kok rumahnya diluluh lantak Padahal kalau bumi sudah murka, Bumi dan kawannya bisa apa? Saling tuduh, saling keluh, lalu bangkit lagi menyubur gaduh? Bukan main!
Ah sudahlah, biar saja mereka maunya apa Toh bumi akan tetap baki selagi Bumi sudah mati Demi itu, tentu aku akan membela bumi melawan Bumi dengan redih-redih lestari Han, mau ikut kan?
-alcaristia- 070820 Semarang Untuk Hari Hutan Indonesia yang pertama
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bitcheslovestartrek · 6 years
Star Trek: Betazoid Names
Ever get sick of using human names for your characters, or trying to create a sci-fi name that doesn't sound too far removed from the species you're playing? Good news, this post is for you; a quick list of Betazoid names that you can use. It's worth noting that the species have names that sound as though they were derived from human names, so often corruptions of human names will do. But, without further ado...
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astrotheology-fr · 8 years
a little bit on mateja and kolya and their kids in the main lore, all of mateja and kolya's offspring on their pages exist, and they all were born in their canonical nests, like - lyudmila, faris, tomislav, and tsvetanka were all born at the same time, temahae and timotei were born together, aleko was alone, and miho and emil were born together. lyudmila, faris, and tsvetanka are still in clan zmaj. tomislav trained and was exalted into the icewardens' service. timotei died, temahae was offered to clan ogygia as a peace treaty/alliance deal. aleko is a traveler/nomad. miho and emil were forced to be exalted by the icewarden because at the time they were born the ice flight was embroiled in a massive war. there was angst involved. mateja and kolya stopped having children after that. in unionverse, however, some of those kids straight up don't exist and were born in different orders. lyudmila was their first kid. faris and tsvetanka were born as twins about a year later. two years later, temahae and timotei were born, timotei died shortly after being born. aleko was born two years after that. tomislav, miho, and emil just don't exist and humans don't super have the proclivity to have triplets out of the blue so lyudmila is older than her canonical nestmates and that's the way they all became the brady bunch 🎶
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Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Bukopin Terbaru Tahun 2017
Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Bukopin Terbaru Tahun 2017
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h0rny-on-main · 6 years
(never) tmi tuesday ask then... which ones (if any) out of your oc's would be the type to print out kink lists and discuss stuff extensively before doing anything. And which ones would just go "ehh, we'll figure it out as we go"?
Rather than sort everyone categorically, I’ll just mention the ones that stand out for me
Despite her chilled nature, Bitya would probably want to have an extensive discussion with any partners on kinks and limits and sort everything into “yes” “no” “maybe”. Partially it comes from her want to protect the sex workers who work in Southern Rapture, but also she just likes to have everything laid out in front of her without doubts. Sex is important to her, so while her own limits are usually just “I’m in charge”, she’s very careful not to press the boundaries of someone she’s with.
Temahae would probably list things out too, but for different reasons. She’s insatiably curious, and sleeping with other people isn’t something she does very often - She doesn’t really need to know everything, but simply likes to for her own gain.
On the other hand, Ganymede probably isn’t into discussing his own limits. He’ll ask a partner theirs, but part of his interest in being submissive is just to completely let go of all his inhibitions. For him, it’s more along the lines of “Use me however you want, and if you do something I don’t like, I’ll tell you.” It works out fine most of the time, since he’s up for anything.
Magpie would probably wing it too, although it’s a little out of character for someone who spends half their life keeping ledgers. The only person she takes to bed is her wife, Lockheed, so there’s enough trust there for it to not be a problem. Later on in their marriage they have less time to spend together, so if they feel like experimenting on the rare occasion they’re alone together, Mag doesn’t wanna be bogged down with thinking too much about it.
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nakedfullmonty-fr · 7 years
1, 7, 11, and 23~
1. Who is your clans leader(s)? What are they like? 
My two progens, Niet and Yastrebok!
Niet is an optimistic and strong willed type of person, and wants only to build a clan that’s welcoming to everyone, and to keep her subjects happy. After she was cursed and her original clan were destroyed, she spent a while alone simply surviving, until by chance she found Yastrebok’s dying body washed up on the beach. She took him in and used what few medicinal skills she knew to save his life, and figured having someone to look after would help keep her mind off her dead friends and family. The need to feel busy is a trait she keeps with her for her entire life, often opting to work instead of sleep knowing that she’s prone to nightmares. Because she puts the happiness of the clan before all else, she’s not above using underhanded methods to do what’s best for them.
Originally, Yastrebok was a cheerful soul who would handle the social side of leadership. When Ogygia was a small clan, he took time to get to know each member personally and was generally well liked. As a boy, he too lost the clan he grew up in, and while solitary accidentally intruded on beastclan territory, which left him with severe injuries and the loss of his left arm and three of his four eyes. Outnumbered, it seemed he would die there, until a tidal wave struck the shore, killing a great number of the beastclan and dragging Yastrebok out to sea. He considers the fact that he survived and washed up on the beach where Niet could find him to be an act of mercy from his God, the Tidelord, and as such is very religious. Ever since that day though, he suffers visions, and claims he can hear the Lord’s word in the waves, and is particularly plagued by a reoccuring prophecy foretelling clan Ogygia’s doom. With time, this prophecy has come to cause him great paranoia, leaving him miserable and withdrawn. He also vanishes for weeks at time without a word to anyone, saying his actions are not his own and that he is under the will of God, and in time they will understand. However, this has caused most of the clan to lose faith in him as a leader.
7. Clan priests/priestesses?
I guess Yastrebok sort of qualifies? It’s not exactly his job, but he’s an oracle of the Tidelord who’s seen and respected as a leader figure to a religiously influence group (The Undisonus). And that’s basically what a priest is right?
Temahae isn’t a priestess, but she can act as a stand-in for Ice Flight based rites, considering she knows the Preservation Recitationspretty much back to front. Aneikenon is familiar with the funeral/death rites, but he’s not going to do them for anybody, because he’s an asshole.
I’m still looking for a dragon for her, but I have another character in the works who IS actually a priestess though! She’s not in Clan Ogygia, she’s part of the Smoke and Mirrors storyline though. She’s a priestess of the Lightweaver who specialises in exorcism - which leaves m0.RGAN with a big target painted on his back.
11.Monster dragons! Undead, spirits, vampires, ghouls, werewolves, or anything based on the supernatural? 
My lore’s kinda boring for this sorta thing but lets see:
Technically, Thulani is a deity, but because the civilisation that worshipped him died out over time, he lost most of his power and so is more “spirit like”.
Dantalion……MIGHT class as undead? He doesn’t actually know if he died or not, because he doesn’t remember and didn’t stick around long enough to find out. He functions as normal though, so he pays little mind to it.
m0.RGAN is actually a spirit though! Or a ghost, whichever works. He was bound to an armoured body as part of someone else’s experiment, but ended up being more self-aware that was originally intended. He has no memories of his former life or what he may have looked like before, but something drives him to protect the vulnerable. As such, he lives his life as a knight type figure, protecting those who can’t protect themselves and enacting retribution upon those who harm them. As a person, he’s very formal, polite and chivalrous, in great contrast to Prrin and Ravadove, who he’s seen with most often.
23.Which dragon is the must untrustworthy? Likewise, which dragon would you trust with your life? 
Most untrustworthy - Probably Iru. Io and Othira are up there too, Io because of her impulsive and violent nature despite her mantra of needing to be a hero, and Othira because, well, she’s a follower of the Shade there’s not much more to be said there. However, Iru is probably the most untrustworthy - despite the nonthreatening appearance - because they have no real goal or motive. They do as they please while prioritising themselves and their own enjoyment, and as such can turn on a dime against people they were previously close with. Will Sell You To The Shade For One Corn Chip, Depending On How Badly They Want That Corn Chip At Any Particular Moment.
Most trustworthy - Because Lockheed, Lis-Mirolu and m0.RGAN are all knights in some way or another, they’re trustworthy people who are typically honest, good and protective of others. However, their trustworthiness depends on how good aligned you are as a person - criminals or those with a skewed moral compass would have no faith in them.
On the other hand, despite being a mercenary, Dantalion has a surprisingly decent moral compass and is in the process of trying to make good by old enemies, not make more of them. If he gives you his word on something, bad or good, you can have faith that it’ll get done - after all, it’s his pride thats on the line.
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nakedfullmonty-fr · 7 years
Who gives the best worst advice?
i suppose advice is relative and depends on what you need advice on. though, if one of my dragons was in need of someone to talk to, theyd probably try one of these guys:
If your problem is a moral one, Lockheed’s the resident Irritatingly Lawful-Good Paladin. Emotionally or personally, she’s not great, but that detachment is kind of what gives her an objective insight into “doing the right thing”. She comes off as stern and a little cold from the way she speaks, but truthfully she cares about other people a lot and doesn’t mind being asked for her input.
Luckily, if your problem is an interpersonal or emotional one, while Lockheed is useless, her husband Bermuda isn’t. His advice might not always be right, he’s only human (dragon?) after all, but his caring nature and willingness to listen kind of made him the Clan Dad figure. If you pay attention though, you’ll notice his “advice” is less advice, and more talking people through their problems and prompting them until they find their own solutions without really noticing. Bermuda believes in you, even if nobody else does.
If you’re looking for some good old fashioned Gandalf-sounding-ass wisdom, you might wanna try Leiptrvarthr (its a big might though, he’s usually relucatant to help). His shade infection has kept him “alive” far longer than any natural dragon lifespan, he’s well travelled and he’s seen and fought in his fair share of battles, so all his advice comes from experience. However, said advice is often quiet cynical and negative, as he’s long lost his faith in other people and believes that people are all, deep down, flawed and cruel beings.
If you need that sweet Validation™, Cenna’s the local Soft Sweetheart. She’s kind to a fault and she’ll always be able to make time for you if you need her, but it may be best to take some of her advice with a pinch of salt - she’s only lived a very ordinary life, a simple seaweed farmer by trade, so knows little of severe trauma and extreme moral issues. Most of her advice comes from a place of encouraging people to accept the way that they feel and then move from there. Sometimes you just need to hear that it’s okay, yknow?
As for the worst:
Temahae’s advice isn’t. Bad, per se, it’s just...she has very little relatability, as a person? A lot of her life centres around the fact that she’s different from everyone else - She’s a magical savant on a quest to master all forms of magic, which is physically impossible for 99.9% of people. She’s a little prideful, so a lot of her actions revolve around that. She can socialise if she wants to, but she very much marches to the beat of her own drum in a very seperate way to the way that most other dragonfolk live. She’s also a “I keep all my emotions right here [points at chest] and then one day I’ll die” kind of person.
Galure. If you want to take advice from a depressed alcoholic Prince with very little empathy who kills people partially for money, but mostly because it’s the only thing that makes him feel alive anymore, then hey, who am I to judge?
It’s not known if Iru is capable of giving good advice, because they’ll only give out the worst advice possible purely for the sake of “seeing what happens”.
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nakedfullmonty-fr · 7 years
[euros voice] hey everybody today temahae pushed me so im starting a kickstarter to put her down benefits of killing her would be that i would get pushed way less
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nakedfullmonty-fr · 7 years
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i rememebered i wrote this a month ago and never posted it like i intended to, so have some actual albiet vague lore in the form of one of the letters Temahae sends home to her father Kolya, in another clan
The package is a large wooden box, though it has been wrapped carefully with brown paper and string, and has been marked as fragile in several places. It is in great contrast to the accompanying letter, which is written on fine parchment, in an envelope sealed with wax. The letter's handwriting is elegant, but looks forced in places, much like some of the language used; a handwriting that was learnt, rather than a handwriting that forms naturally. It reads: 
Dearest Father, I hope this letter finds its way to you and mother, and I hope it finds you well. Regrettably, it’s been some time since I last wrote, and for that I can only apologise. I promise that I haven’t forgotten about you, I could never, but in recent times things in Ogygia have been…un-permitting. As it stands right now, I cannot share details on the recent events that I have borne witness to, but perhaps it is for the best. It seems the more I learn about the world, the less I wish to know. There are things out there that are the stuff of myths and legends and children’s cautionary tales alike, that surely should not exist, and yet they do, as if they simply walked right off the pages of whatever dark grimoire they were written into. I pray you do not encounter them. Nowadays I take the legends of the Wendigo Winters more seriously than ever. I suppose, more importantly, an update on myself is in order. I have stories, of things that have happened and the people I have met, that are far too numerous to fit into a mere letter. Over the years, Ogygia has continued to grow and grow at an astonishing pace, and just recently has found itself established as fully recognised city-state (Can you believe? Niet, a Queen, and myself, an illegitimate Princess!). For the most part it’s a pleasant place to live, although admittedly I mingle with the common clanfolk far less than I should, and dragons from all across Sornieth have found themselves drawn to it. As you, and mother, are still alive and recognised as my parents, I am not accepted as a true heir to Ogygia, but quite frankly I’m fine with that. High titles come with high responsibilities, and I am not afraid to admit that true royal life sounds like a complete bore that only serves to draw me away from my books. I have, however, found one particular duty that I will always gladly partake in. Though infrequent due to the small numbers of Ice dragon in Ogygia, occasionally it falls upon me to read the Preservation Recitations for those who partake in such religions even outside of our Flight boundaries. Even though I have not been to the Icefields since my childhood, it still fills me with pride to have the honour of filling such an important role within our culture. On that topic, if luck is on my side, then this letter should come with an accompanying parcel – please treat it carefully, it contains the bones of an Ogygia resident - named Jorlias - who, in the days prior to his death, asked that his bones be cleaned and sent back home to be preserved and buried where they belong; in the Icefields. If you would be so kind as to comply with this request, it would be greatly appreciated. My time in Ogygia has served my magic studies well – if not for my eyes, I doubt I would be distinguishable from the natives. The mixing of cultures within the city, and our various ties with other clans, has permitted that I learn the basics of Light magic, however such magic is so far removed from the Ice and Water magic that I’m familiar with, that I find progress is slow. I think perhaps this brings me to the true subject of this letter. After a great deal of self-reflection, I have come to realise that I have…settled. The Southern Icefields are my birthplace, but after living here for so long I know Ogygia is my home, it is where I belong. This is not new information, what is new to me is the realisation that I lament this fact. I left home with the goal of studying every form of magic Sornieth has to offer, for to do otherwise would be to squander the potential that I was so lucky to have been born with. I reached Ogygia very early on in my life, when I was still a child, and so perhaps stayed initially because I missed the warmth of company and family so far away from my home. For a time this worked for me, because Niet and Yastrebok were more than happy to tutor me in Water’s magic. But I had a plan. I’d always had a plan, even back then, to only spend a few years at most within one territory. To master the magic within and then move to the next, because the world is a big place and to study and master all magic I come across would take a lifetime even then. Except I became complacent, I discarded my plan and stayed because I loved these new people that I’d found, and I was happy. I understand that my existence in Ogygia is part of an allyship pact. I do not know the rules of such pact, but now, as an adult I am sure I am permitted to make my own way in this world. I have decided to move on from Ogygia. In truth, I am unsure of where I will go. The Sea of a Thousand Currents is a very central point, so any journey I undertake will be a lengthy one. Most likely I will travel North towards the Viridian Labyrinth, to study Nature’s magic, a logical next step considering its close ties to the magics of Ice and Water. That said, perhaps now is as good a time as any to take that long overdue trip back to the Icefields. It would be most lovely to be able to see you all in person again, and like I said, I have too many stories to fit into writing. I think perhaps what brought about this change in mind, is that I feel I am no longer happy. 
Midway through the letter, the text changes. A significant portion of the letter is not written in common, and instead switches to the native Ice script of Warden-Tongue. The elaborate handwriting and extensive vocabulary seem to vanish as it continues: 
It is most likely foolish and horribly irresponsible of me to share any of this with you, but you are my family, however distant, and I know I can trust you. In recent years, things in Ogygia have not been going well. The city itself and its citizens are fine for the most part, most are none the wiser, but up top, there are chips in the foundations. As I mentioned previously, I cannot currently share details on the exact events of recent times, but the most important takeaway is this: Lockheed, founding council member and head of Ogygia’s militia, has fallen heroically in battle. Mind you, she is not dead, not yet, but it is inevitable, and most unfortunate. She deserved a swift and painless death, not this. In a last attempt to save those involved, including myself, she reached within herself and tapped into the purest form of magical essence known to dragons – the soul. Such an act is rarely done, and as such there is little known of its effects and even less known on a cure. The major Gods we have reached out to have not responded, and the minor deities say it is something far beyond their power. She will die a hero, will be remembered as one, but this is not a death befitting of a paladin, a defender of good and protector of innocents. It is slow, and it is painful, for her and for us. Nowadays she is a bedridden, her sight is failing, and she sleeps more often than not – a blessing perhaps. When she wakes, she is no longer herself. Every day she loses her grip on her identity a little more. Her husband, Bermuda, does not leave her side, even though she has long forgotten him. Her wife, Magpie, has become bitter and angry, and spends most of her time on the hillside just past the gates of the city, watching only for the return of their daughter, Europa, who is away from home and blissfully unaware. Her other daughter, Io, has been doing her best to keep face as a military general herself, to hide the situation from the public, but the already aggressive flame inside her burns only brighter. It has been a long time since anyone has seen her son, Ganymede. Lockheed was as much an older sister and mentor to me as any other member of the Ogygian counsel, and to pretend that I am unphased by this would be a terrible lie. But it is not my time. I must hold my composure until her passing, because the city relies on its counsel. We must do our best to hold through the passing of one of our members, and the devastating grief of two more. We cannot afford to crumble. As the face of the city, Niet knows this, more than any of us. As her younger sister, figuratively, I can see through her well-practised straight face better than anyone. We have faced many losses through the years, but this is the first time loss has hit so close, and it has rattled her. Unfortunately, this is not the only dilemma she faces, and as things continue to pile up my worry increases. The military has a strong but generally positive presence in Ogygia – We are small, with enemies on all sides, so we value those who defend us. Sooner or later the public must learn of Lockheed’s fate, and without a doubt it will cause unrest among the people. The hints of civil unrest are already taking root in some places. As a primarily Water based society, we are no stranger to prophecies, especially ones pertaining to death and doom, but these are easily dismissed as misinterpretations of visions, or simple scams. But recently, more and more prophets have been making themselves heard, all calling on the same vision – That there is a great beast in a deep slumber, but soon it will awaken and drag Ogygia to its blackened fate. I know not what it means, nor if I believe it, but it is become harder to ignore, and soon people will want answers. Yastrebok, Niet’s mate, has been riddled with similar prophecies for all the years I’ve known him, to add to the mystery. But the people of Ogygia will not turn to him, they will turn to Niet. The people have no faith in Yastrebok – the Absent King, they call him – and for good reason. Yastrebok has always had the awful habit of simply vanishing at times. Years and years ago, it’d only be for a day or so, but as time goes on his trips become longer and more frequent and now he disappears for weeks on end. When he returns he says he remembers nothing of where he goes or what he does. I’ve attempted to use Water magic to scry on him, to find where he goes or to tell if he lies, but every time I find my power blocked, whether it be by him or some external force. It puts a strain on their relationship. Niet mourns the loss in private, but when he returns, they no longer have civil words for one another, they just fight. Mostly verbally, sometimes physically. In the old days, when I was young and they loved each other, when they disagreed they would spar their frustrations away until they were tired, and then they would lie in the golden wheat fields and talk until it was better. Now they just fight for hours and hours, and then go their separate ways without a word. Niet confessed something to me recently, a grave something, that she said she has never spoke a word of to anyone else before. I will not share it, I cannot, but knowing that and then looking at the problems she faces now fills me with dread. I have no doubt that she is strong, but everyone has a limit, and I worry she will reach hers soon. I worry what will happen to her, to the counsel, to the city, when she does. Please forgive me, Father, for unloading this unto you. I know it is not your cross to bear, and most of this means little to you. Now that I think about it, I’m unsure why I felt the need to write it all down to begin with. Perhaps I just needed to share it with someone. Yes, I think I’ve found it a little cathartic, my heart feels just a little lighter now. Previously I shared things like this with my younger sister Ricin, but she feels the stress as much as I do, and her mental health is deteriorating. In all good conscience, I cannot burden her with this. If I can ask you of this, Father, once you have read this letter, and shared it with Mother, I request that you burn it. Or, if you simply must keep it, you ink out the parts pertaining to the inner workings of Ogygia. It is foolish of me to have written it at all, but it would be disastrous if our political weaknesses were made public, even in the Icefields so far away. We are small, now more than ever, and cannot afford more enemies in this state. I trust you to do this, and thank you Father. 
Once more the text changes, and for the last few lines the text reverts once more back to common, and elaborate writing and vernacular return: 
I understand that one clan leader such as yourself would find yourself terribly busy, but if you ever find yourself with but a spare moment, if it is not too much trouble, perhaps you could write back to me? I feel selfish to have written so much about myself – Truly, I would love to know how you and Mother fare back home, and in what endeavours my siblings, Lyudmila, Faris and Tsvetanka find themselves in. And if you could, please tell them that they too are welcome to write to me, or to come and visit any time. As I mentioned previously, if at all possible, I wouldn’t hesitate to return home, under the knowledge that you have the availability of course. I am unsure of when exactly I plan to vacate my home in Ogygia; it will not be an easy feat, and my heart will undoubtedly be heavy, heavier than it’s ever been. However, once the deed is done, and I find myself on the road once more, I’m sure that through various couriers I will find myself able to write and send more letters, for I truly regret my lack of recent contact. Oh, and one more thing, if you could keep this part a secret Father, but I have found that for a Fae, I have grown rather tall, and I will admit I’m somewhat proud of it. It has been so long since I’ve seen you, I would love to keep it as a surprise for Mother. Ever yours, Temahae
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nakedfullmonty-fr · 7 years
that vine of the kid goin “im about to get will again!” and his mom being all “leave him alone while hes sleeping” and the kid runs to his brothers room and tips a bottle of water into his mouth so he chokes is..........temahae and euros
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nakedfullmonty-fr · 7 years
ahkoolah is yastrebok and niets only biological child, and both ricin and temahae are from different parents and then the three of them grew up at the same time with Lockheed and bermuda and magpies kids, io and Europa, so depending on who you ask, they all kinda see each other as sisters ricin frequently says she misses her sisters and that includes io and Europa ahkoolah on the other hand sees them as just childhood friends, since she ended up In Lesbians with io for a while Ganymede is the exception to all this, since he's quite a bit younger than the rest of them and was born during a time where there was a lot of civil unrest, and then developed agoraphobia and stopped being able to go outside Jump forward a few years Til Ganymede joins the undisonus, after which ahkoolah kind of just decides gan is Her brother now, and she must protect him at all costs temahae's a little funny with the whole thing, partially because she doesn't see herself as niets child because niet isn't that much older than her, but also because she's at least 10 years older than any of them at any given time
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nakedfullmonty-fr · 8 years
by the way when i say temahae isnt in ogygia anymore i dont mean shes like Gone. and not in more lore any more
im not 100% on where i want her story going but im working on it bcos i love her very much (been working on a design for her so ill probbaly draw her soon too)
for now the basics of her lore is that shes a magical prodigy. the way i have my lore all mis-match means that basically people can have 2 kinds of magic, a major and a minor. ones magic major is their flight magic that theyre naturally predisposed to, but with study and training its possible for a dragon to gain a magic minor, which is just the magic of another flight. an example of this would be one of my other dragons, locket, whos major magic is ice bcos hes an ice dragon, but is minor magic is arcane bcos thats what he studies (he actually puts more study into his arcane magic more than his ice magic but thats a story for another day)
of course, being a magical prodigy means that tem isnt confined to the natural magical limits of two-magics like most dragons. theoretically she could learn all 11 elemental magics and possibly beastclan magic (which i headcanon is different from dragon magic). it would take her almost a lifetime of travel, study and training to do so but theorically she could do it. this journey is how she came upon ogygia to begin with, and her magical prowess is what allowed her to survive travelling alone from a very young age
she laments staying so long with her found family on ogygia studying water magic as she originally intended to spread her years within each flight more evenly to achieve her goal of studying all magics (her major magic is ice, and shes proficient in water magic from living in ogygia, and knows a little wind magic from when she passed through on her way over, and a little light magic as ogygias culture is mixed with light culture)
she follows @astrotheology / @astrotheology-fr ‘s ice lore in that while only ice dragons were granted eternal souls (and the first progens immortality), she also knows that progenitors are heavily infused with their god’s magic and their own element, and thus while not entirely immortal, they are very difficult to kill. knowing that both her adoptive parents yastrebok and niet are progentiors, she chose to leave her home and her siblings behind and migrate north once the civil war broke out
to most who ask she’ll say its because she didnt want to stay and watch her home and her family rip each other to pieces until theres nothing left because her parents wont die, but there is a deeper reason thats a secret.
tem is the only person niet has ever confided to about the shade’s curse, since they have a very close kinda mom-daughter relationship. niet doesnt expect anything from her once she tells her, but asks her to keep it a secret from everyone else, not wanting to force the bleak outlook of “ogygia will be in torment forever until it is destroyed and niet dies” upon the citizens of their home.
temahae, however, seeing herself as the responsible older sister type, and also being a bit arrogant, decides to re-take up her journey across sornieth to study magic, to better herself but also because she believes that if theres anyone who can find a way to dispel a shade curse, its her.
so now she currently resides on the edge of nature territory, seeing nature as the next logical step in her magic as nature and water, while different magics, are connected naturally. she resides in the abandoned home of a shade-mancer, an area logically left untouched by most nearby clans. she studies the smaller shade creatures left nearby in the hopes of finding the solution to dispelling them, but theres a certain pressure to be quick about it so she can find the cure and get home before theres no home left to go to
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nakedfullmonty-fr · 8 years
tem is a magical prodigy but shes very cynical so her attitude towards magic and all the weird bs thats going on her life is just the wizard swears skit from mbmbam
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nakedfullmonty-fr · 7 years
a clan playlist would be kinda cool? but i only have songs for a few dragon so it'd take a while
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