themurderrose · 6 months
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Ten yawns, but shakes his head at Kun when he suggests hanging up.
"It's fine, I'm good. I've got hot chocolate and I'm in front of the fire, some things are simply inevitable. Go on, what did he say then?"
"So then he turns to me, and this is after about three months of me trying to get him to mark his emails as read once he's read them so I don't have to keep flagging them to him. He leans over the partition and goes Kun, did you get back to sales? And I had, so I said yes of course. And then he goes, Ten, then he has the sheer audacity to say well could you give that email a green tick then please. And i Just looked at him, and I burst into laughter."
"Stars, Kun, what did he do?"
"He just joined in with me! And the entire office was silent - cause they still stop talking whenever Jinki and I talk to each other, they're so nosy, it's driving me nuts. But they were silent and we were cackling. And after that, then he goes, Kun I see how this could be infuriating! After months of me pestering him to do it he does it for three days and then that!"
Laughing, Ten shakes his head. "A win is a win?"
"Yes, of course, a win is absolutely a win! But you know, it could have been sooner!" Kun laughs and then sighs, dragging his hands over his face. "Anyway, how are you keeping?"
It's Ten's turn to sigh now, "I just feel single. With Renjun finding Jeno, and then Doyoung finding Donghyuck, I don't know I just feel old and unattractive. Taeyong, Taeil and I went clubbing last weekend, you know?"
"Yeah, I saw the pics! You all looked fab! If I had have been here I would have gone-"
"Oh we know! We missed you!"
Kun laughs at him, "We should go out next weekend."
Ten nods, "Can't wait. Anyway, last weekend Taeyong disappeared within like five minutes, and Taeil was gone about five minutes later, both of them spending the entire night with these people! And not one single person came up to me for the entire night. Such a confidence boost, right?"
"Their loss, Ten-ah. You're one hell of a catch, and you know it. Clubbing isn't where you're gonna meet your match--"
"So not my point. I know that. I just want to feel attractive, like someone likes me, like they just want to kiss me or--"
"I want to kiss you. Ten, every single time you send a photo into the group chat before you go out somewhere I have to pause and find a way to breathe 'cause you look so damn fine."
Ten blinks at him through the video screen and Kun blushes.
"Shit. I'm sorry-"
"No, no, please continue to tell me how good I look," Ten says, grinning, and fans himself. "tell me more."
"Oh my god, here I am, accidentally blurting out--"
"Oh baby, don't worry, I think you're, how would you put it? 'Mighty fine' too."
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wayvs · 4 days
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#WayV_1stWin 💚 #WayV_GiveMeThat1stWin 💚
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firetrucks · 4 months
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neonsbian · 4 months
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kun & yangyang visiting ten during filming for nightwalker <3
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taehyuncult · 5 months
Can we have the bitting situation but with wayv instead 🫣 please?
i’m in love with this omg !!
kun: intimacy with Kun is important in the sense that he uses it to show you how much he loves you. he would be on the giving end, but when he bites it’s very soft and gentle. he would leave marks as a way to show you how much he wants you, but biting is a gentle area for him cause he doesn’t want to hurt you in any way (brb imma go cry now…)
ten: kinky mf LOVES biting. absolutely will bite you whether yall are getting down and dirty or not… like yall could just be sitting there watching tv and if he wants your attention he would bite you instead of asking. also cannot get enough of you biting him. he feels claimed when you do and it makes him happy. same goes for when he bites you, he’s claiming you as his.
winwin: he’s so cute omg… the first time you bite him he would look at you like “why on gods green earth are you biting me?!” i think he’s more similar to kun in the sense that he won’t bite hard, if he does at all, but if yall are having jealous sex? he’s gonna let you know who you belong to… everyone else will see the next day for sure
xiaojun: he’s on the receiving end of this. HE LOVES WHEN YOU BITE HIM!! might let out a wimped or two but you didn’t hear that from me… he’s honestly so down bad for you and he just wants to make you happy… but there’s nothing that makes him happier than you leaving your pretty marks on his skin (crying pt. 2)
hendery: this man omg… yall could be having the most intimate moment and he would bite you out of nowhere, but if you try to bite him he looks at you as if you committed a felony… not that he doesn’t like when you mark him up, he loves that, but HE bites YOU, not the other way around (might give in if you’re extra good for him)
yangyang: feral child i love him so much ! both giving and receiving (he grew up with ten, it’s expected). usually sex with you two starts with playfully biting each other till it becomes some sort of competition, and then the two of you are laying there out of breath, completely naked, with marks EVERYWHERE!! low key always a really cute moment for you two
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weishenkun · 4 days
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240611 the show give me that first win ❤❤❤❤❤❤
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kunfetti · 10 days
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ambivartence · 4 months
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tvxqdbsk · 8 months
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phoxphenex · 6 months
can u make kun/wayv as dad text,something like when he found out he’ll be a father or when he’s away for tour?
wayv when you find out you’re pregnant
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jaehyunsprincesspeach · 5 months
hi! hope you’re doing well and staying healthy 🩵
I was wondering if I could request a wayv reaction to their s/o out of nowhere smothering them with kisses please? hehe that’ll be all
thanks! <3
omg i literally love this my heart is sparkling !!
hope you enjoy !!
all the love ~ lunar
WayV Reactions: smothering them with kisses
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initially he is going to be shocked, but like he would just kinda freeze where he is and process what is happening
once he finally understands that you are showing your love and affection, he swoops you into the warmest embrace
even if he tried, the smile etched on his lips is not going away any time soon
he would do one of those hugs where he picks you up and spins you around (a dream truly)
once he sets you back on the ground, he gladly returns the affection, making you flustered too
now the two of you are a blushing giggling mess but like its the cutest thing in the world
with Kun, there’s something about it that’s almost like …. domestic
like the two of you never really get out of the honeymoon phase cause yall are just so excited when you get to see each other
and things like this never fail to show that
rest of members below the cut
oh goodness ….
at first he might question whats happening
like whats with the sudden rush of affection (not that hes complaining)
would first ask if you’re okay
and then this man is going to tease you relentlessly
“you miss me baby?” “i know, you want me so bad”
low key his teasing might ruin the moment
however !! he never fails to bring it back
like if u smother him with affection, and he starts teasing you, and you give him the side eye, hes gonna grab you and wrap you up in his arms and start leaving smooches all over your neck
slight chance it could turn into something steamyyy ;)
genuinely would not know what to do
like he would turn into a sim (iykyk)
and would become an absolute blushing mess
once you’re done, he would just smile, and kiss your cheek
but honestly he would be too stunned to speak, like he would just be there blushing and giggling to himself
i think he has a little bit of a hard time in the sense that he always wants to make others happy, but when someone like compliments him, or when his partner shows him affection, he might freeze a little
but once he becomes more comfortable with the spontaneous smooches, hes more than happy to return them !!
honestly i think he would have an easier time showing affection to his partner
but he still would freeze up when the affection is a surprise like this
loves it regardless !!
sweet baby angel is so shocked…
like he initially is worried that you’re upset about something, or that he hasn’t given you enough attention
starts asking if you are okay, or if something is wrong
once he finds out you’re okay, he smiles and pulls you in for a hug
he’s so sweet, but the embrace is low key a cover for the tickles that hes about to shock you with
will literally stand there tickling you, not to be mean or anything like that, just because he enjoys hearing your laugh
when hes done with the tickles, he smooches your lips a few times before pulling you back into a hug
will probably pull you to the couch and just hold you for a little bit too
simply wants to enjoy your presence, but he wont be able to hide the blush from your previous kisses
i love this man with my entire being omg
Hendery will stand there as if he is processing what just happened
in reality, hes planning something else
hes really looking around and making sure the area is safe before he tackles you to the ground so that you dont actually get hurt
an affectionate tackle, that leads to an affectionate tickle fight, that leads to you literally crying from laughing so hard
yes he is blushing, but now you look like a tomato after he is done with his tickle fight
“Hendery, i just wanted to kiss you!! why did you tickle me?” “because i’m literally in love with you”
after you catch your breath, still pinned on the ground, he places the softest yet most passionate kiss on your lips
as if you werent already breathless before ….
“you know, you didnt kiss my lips once… you kissed everywhere but my lips actually…”
the playful smirk never leaving his face as he teases you
omg i’m getting carried away…..
omg Yangyang is literally so cute about it
initially he will be a little surprised, but once your kiss attack has ended, its his turn
as soon as you stop smothering him in kisses, he starts smothering you in kisses
genuinely, i could see this continuing for a while too
like just back and forth attacking each other with affection
as it keeps going, he keeps getting closer and closer to your lips, till you two are locked in a passionate kiss
by the end of it, both of you are blushing like crazy, and giggling like you’ve gone mad
hes absolutely pulling you into his lap, and simply staring at you as if there is nothing more beautiful in the world (hes not wrong)
keeps you in his lap the rest of the night
genuinely will pout if you try to leave
like “you just smothered me with affection, and now you have the audacity to sit anywhere but my lap???”
refuses to let you go (unless he absolutely has to)
hes just so happy that you are his and he loves when you show him affection !!
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wayvs · 17 days
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WAYV Give Me That : Mood Sampler Part 2
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firetrucks · 7 months
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WayV — 'On My Youth' Relay Dance (231106)
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dawn-in-neocity · 5 months
best friend (™️) wayv !
that’s just your bf, i’m sorry
husband material wow. is so so sweet and gentle with you i’m jealous. casually does shit straight out of movies. like what do you mean he booked and planned the wholeee day for your birthday. absolutely melts when you show him the same affection. turns tomato red and can’t stop smiling. prefers calling over texting because he “just wants to hear your voice.” gives the warmest hugs.
you’re each other’s person, simply put. your nr 1 hypeman. encourages you to do fun adventurous things when you doubt yourself. y’all are basically the human embodiment of my aesthetic pinterest boards. goes out of his way to impress you because he just thinks you’re the most interesting person in the world. half of your feed consists of pictures taken by him. keeps joking about getting a tattoo related to you.
the only man ever. subtly shows his love. like fixing your necklace if the clasp is in the front. or holding your hands in his when it’s cold. “i brought you this cupcake, it’s really good.” pays attention to small things. like when you were stressed about how messy your bathroom was so he just casually got you an organizer. gets flustered when you hug him or kiss his cheek. (he loves it though).
you guys are so sweet omg. has a special nickname for you. loves pinching your chin or stroking your cheek :(. has this dopey, dreamy smile on his face whenever he’s watching you be cute. which is always, you’re always cute to him. the first person to notice if you’re upset and will do anything and everything to help. dramatically serenades you with a spoon while you’re cooking together.
always has an arm slung over your shoulders. loves telling you stupid jokes in your ear when you’re meant to be serious. biter. just gets this impulse to stick his chompers in your shoulder. gets nervous and blanks sometimes bc of how attracted he is to you. sends you shirtless snaps with his cats™️. gets all happy and teases you when your friends refer to him as your boyfriend.
you have sooo much fun together omd. no wonder you’re together 24/7. always keeps your go to snacks STOCKED in his place. never lets you pay for anything. thinks you're the funniest person on earth. like he swears spending time with you is an ab workout. he is down horrendous for you and is past the point of caring to hide it. keeps forgetting it's mutual tho so he nearly has a heart attack whenever you compliment him or kiss his cheek.
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weishenvzone · 26 days
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wayv ♡ gimme your new album
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sinisxtea · 2 days
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