alwcys-with-you · 4 years
Awkwaaaard | Rawr
Sora had been too distracted to practice his battle magic. A terrible mistake really. He could feel himself becoming dumber. Or at least he was pretty sure. In any case he’d spent too much time messing around (and occasionally working) and not enough time on honing his magic skills. Not great. 
He made his way over to the park. That seemed like a good place to do it. Sora considered it for a moment, adjusting his grip on the keyblade and humming. “Okay...okay what did Master Yen Sid say...he would say...” he tilted his head as he considered it, lips pursing before he started making an impersonation of his master.
“Sora, you need to be ready to fight the darkness. You cannot yield to the darkness...” He made his voice deeper and his face solemn as he concentrated on the keyblade. “But what if it’s too late master? What if the darkness has already taken over? Didn’t think about that did you old man?” Sora grumbled, though he started practicing swinging the blade the way he knew best. He’d get to the magic part in a minute.
At least he thought he would, until he could feel eyes on him. Sora turned slowly, raising an eyebrow at the guy. “Hey...anou....did you need something?”
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First Day Football Fun || Mulan & Terra
Mulan was exhausted. After travelling for hours, moving into her dorm room, buying all her school supplies, and looking for a job, all she wanted was to sleep for days. Life was not so kind, however, and continued to give her more responsibilities.
It was Mulan’s first day at her new job, assistant coach at Swynlake Secondary. Was she pushing herself a little too much to be on the Pride U football team and run around with teenagers all day? Maybe. But she needed the money, and she’d rather do something she loved over something that was easy.
She arrived at the school with little information. Just to find Tarou Nakajima. 
Poking around the gym, she found what she assumed to be his office and knocked on the door. 
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alley-omalley · 5 years
Returned Favour {Terra & O’Malley}
O’Malley needed to expand his horizons. He needed to tap new markets. He needed to see what Swynlake had. The town was boring him after all. Especially considering his latest target turned out to be someone he didn’t want to put himself in the middle of.
So here he was ducking into the gym with a bag instead of a guitar tha he normally had. But he supposed he could put himself in a closed gym to work out instead of going for a run that day.
“I here there’s a great personal trainer around here somewhere.” O’Malley stated pretended to speak out loud as he walked toward Terra. “I don’t know where to find him.”
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bbambi-deerest · 4 years
Hearts on Fire ^ [BDRPVDTE][1950′s AU] [Earth]
Terra wasn’t at their usual spot.
Well, it wasn’t like they--had a specific spot where they met up every time someone in town held a rally. Except that they did. It was a kind of unspoken thing, obviously. It’s not like Bambi was going to ask Terra to meet him, but after the first time, it had just sort of happened that way. Not that Bambi had been reading anything into it...
Except he had.
So, when he’d showed up to the anti-Magick rally and Terra hadn’t been in their spot...he’d felt this hole in his stomach and he didn’t know why. (Except he did. Just couldn’t admit it to himself, because Terra...Terra wasn’t as extreme as some humans, but he was still a human. And it was dangerous for people who weren’t human right now.) 
When the microphone screeched to life and Cruella DeVil, current mayor of Swynlake, started speaking, Bambi had to let his little bit of hope go. Terra wasn’t meeting him. He hoped nothing had happened...
Was that Terra?
“Excuse me,” Bambi said breathlessly, pushing through the crowd until he was closer to the front. He usually hung out in the fringes, not wanting to draw attention to himself. 
When he got closer to the stage, he tilted his head back and squinted against the afternoon sun, which baked down on the crowd.
It was Terra, standing just there, behind Cruella’s shoulder on her right.
Bambi felt his stomach drop. 
Terra couldn’t be one of Cruella’s lackeys. He just couldn’t! 
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Friend of a friend || Kristerra
So. Kristoff had no house.
No, he did have a house, or rather an apartment, which he was still sharing with Sora because... well, even though Kristoff did wonder if he should baby-proof the stove, he also didn't particularly want to leave him without a home. The landlord had been kind of hesitant to let Kristoff back into the apartment (he had just moved out, after all), but apparently a paying tenant was better than an empty flat, because there he was, with even fewer belongings than before, back in the old flat he had so dreaded coming to for the last year.
The flat didn't make everything right, though. They couldn't just move on from it like nothing had happened. Sora had burnt their fucking house down. And whilst it was an accident, it was... a strange one. Kristoff was still thinking about it. How did a whole fire start from a slow cooker? Kristoff had cooked over open flames in the woods and he'd never had a problem yet.
It just meant that he was spending a little more time in troll territory again; he was on his way out there now, in fact, we spotted someone up ahead. He didn't actually know their name (and to be honest, Kristoff was kinda bad with names, so even if he had been told it, he probably wouldn't have remembered it), but he knew he had seen them with Sora — and even though Kristoff was itching to get out of town again, he knew he had to start looking into the fact that his roommate was... well, strange.
"Hey," Kristoff called in the other's direction, holding up a hand before he jogged a big closer, one hand securing the rucksack on his back. "Hey, uh—" Ah shit, a name would be handy right now. "—Hey, man, you got a second?"
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The invite list for in-play guests is as follows:
@kiara-lyons  @nala-calame  @goingtosee-theworld  @littlemiss-mochachino  @arista-the-musical @melody-the-unwritten @alzcomicbarn @marie-a-bonfamille @rezares @delmarisa @littleprincesa-isabel @enthusiasticclouds-sally @thesorceress-hera @sweetheart-minnie @american-dragon @dragon-prodigy @littlemister-roo @kangaderosa 
@frostskader @wreckkingitralph @attina-the-responsible @ill-show-you-unintelligible @labellerose-acheron @cinderellaashbourne @auntxmagica @bakingxsparrowman @panicked-percy @spellsoflena  @andrina-the-amazingsupergenius @mabelrhymeswithtable @the-middle-mallard @henrycharming @mrsrcbinscn @theglowiest-worm @displacedprincess @a-merman-not-a-guppy  @lou-bonfightme @marzelsoto @moon-yeongtae @moon-yeongjun @the-coolest-mallard @trip-downtheriverstyx @adella-the-idyllic @tough-girl-spinelli @wizardroyale @n0ttinghamshad0w @terraxnakajima @the-little-prophet @notmuchofatail @calliope-hesiod @arthur-of-camelot  @the-queen-clarion  @thedipster @the-smartest-mallard @lostinthewoods-kristoff @alana-the-badbitch @forgetmxxnot @ariel-the-rebel @incredible-mom @paperdragonsunny
Everyone invited can bring a plus one. If your character is missing from the list and they know Simba/Berlioz, it is probably just a mistake, and we are sorry, it was a lot of names! Just let us know and we will add you. Any Swynlake Native not on the list, please let us know, because they are invited! (Same goes to anyone who has lived in Swynlake at least like,, 5 years at this point, lol.) 
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lou-bonfightme · 4 years
Perceptions || [Terrou]
Toulouse had grown bored and restless since the holidays had come and gone. With his sister’s embarrassing antics, Lou was just glad he could escape into his brother’s wedding planning. Though, to be frank, he only enjoyed that half as much, as trying to get anything out of Berlioz was like pulling teeth and Simba had terrible taste in just about everything.
(Who was going to take them seriously with a waffle maker at their reception? Honestly.) 
Chapter Three did not make him less restless, but at the very least, he could escape into books--or bother Hades or hang out with Opal. Which lead to about the same levels of distraction for brief amounts of time to be considered worth something. 
Today had been a bother-Hades kind of day, but Hades had popped down to Town Hall to sort something or another out (Lou had stopped listening at “I have to pop down to Town Hall” and began pouting somewhere around “to sort out...”) Now, Lou was in charge of manning the counter. Which was dreadfully boring.
He was, actually, instead, idly cutting out an intricate paper snowflake from printer paper. (A mess Hades would probably fuss at him to clean up when he returned.) 
The bell above the door chimed and Lou’s eyes flicked up, eyebrows raising at the face, which he actually recognized. 
“Bonjour, Terra,” he greeted the native Swynlaker, sitting up somewhat from where he’d been leaning over the counter. “Can I help you with something?”
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adella-the-idyllic · 5 years
Destined For Stardom / Landmine
Adella knew she was...kind of annoying when it came to her performances. She stood in any weather handing out flyers to students, badgered every business owner to let her hang one on their corkboard, slipped them through mail slots if she had the time, and answered every single texting mishap sent to her phone in hopes of getting a chance to being up her next upcoming performance or semi-local fashion show.
Well, Bristol wasn’t exactly far but it wasn’t exactly local, either.
Any of her secondary or first go ‘round uni friends still in town were well-accustomed to Adella quite literally shoving a flyer into their hands when she came across them. Occasionally they came to support her at whatever-the-hell event, usually the same couple people. That predictability was why Adella was shocked to see Terra Nakajima at the theatre department’s production of Anything Goes-  starring, by the way, Adella Araxie Triton as Reno Sweeney. She’d spotted him in the crowd during bows, and most certainly made her confused face on stage.
As she made her way out to the main entrance to go home, she kept getting stopped by friends and classmates to compliment the production - and her - and had already forgotten her shock at seeing Terra’d come to one of her shows.
“Yes, Chelsea, we’ll meet in one of the practice rooms to work on your Wendla audition. You’ll knock ‘em dead in London! Okay, good night!” Adella waved goodbye as she walked away, sending her face right into a marble pillar.
“Oh, bloody hell.” Adella hissed. Good god, it was like her skull was vibrating, ow!
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among-the-lostboys · 5 years
Tread Lightly || Terra&John
It was his left knee again. 
He woke with a tick-tick-ticking at the top of the patella, like a clock hand counting down to when the flare would really begin. He woke often with pain, so he thought little of it, reaching down to press a thumb against the tick. He rubbed it for a moment more before Kensington’s morning song lifted John’s head from his pillow and he snatched the wrist watch he left on his bedside drawer, the first thing he checked in the morning. He’d slept in-- no surprise there-- but the time still propelled him out of bed and sorted away the persistent little tick to the back of his head. 
And so he had fed Kensington, made himself scrambled eggs, took out his overflowing bin of trash that he should’ve done several days ago, and headed to the gym. He snagged a treadmill and has his airpods secured tightly in his ears as he began, so nothing could get in and it was just him and the machine underfoot. 
And it was that way until the ticking came back. From a tick to a throb to a scream-- and John forced to a stop, his breath labored not from the activity, but the pain. It was the kind that reached his eyes. 
He stepped gingerly from the treadmill and tried to mask the limp as he headed to one of the benches. He sat down and hunched over for a moment, his hand pressed against that knee, though his body heat did very little for it. 
He noticed the shadow on the floor before the man-- and John sat up straighter, looking up and pulling out one of the airpods from his ear. “Oh-- am I in your way?” 
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alwcys-with-you · 5 years
Evening Practice | Texas
Roxas had come to see a bit of a pattern. Not a great one, considering that that pattern meant he never really saw much of the daylight hours. He could see some of the sunrise, but then he’d be so exhausted and end up passing out for the rest of the day. 
It didn’t make much sense, but it was routine. He’d tried to stay up past that time but every morning without fail, he was out like a light. So now Roxas was trying to utilize his time as wisely as possible. He headed out to the park, keyblade in tow and a determination to start figuring some basics out.
There were some vague memories, but definitely not enough to give him confidence that he could use it that well. Roxas made his way towards the middle of the park, glad that no one would really be out there as he started to do a few practice swings. The way he swung and the way he remembered it should be were two very different things.
Roxas frowned, trying another swing and twisting around as if to block an enemy. “This can’t be right...” he mumbled to himself, debating over how he might be able to improve his skill. He was too focused to notice anyone approaching.
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bbambi-deerest · 4 years
Twitterpated ^ [Earth]
Bambi flirts with someone...
If Bambi would not admit it to anyone else, he would hardly admit to himself that he was lonely. He was lonely and he, sometimes, missed his friends. Even the fair-weather ones he missed as spring came along, the flowers blooming. A sign that it had been almost a year since his father had died. The forest felt almost indifferent to this fact, as they began to emerge from their borrows, trailed behind by their new little ones, their mates. Their families. They gathered in the thickets, in the meadows, in the streams. They shared stories of the harrowing winters. Everywhere Bambi went, there was joy.
It should make him happy, but it made him dreadfully, dreadfully lonely. He was surrounded but not by his own kind. He had no humans to meet in the thickets, in the meadows, in the streams. He had not heard from Calliope and Kiara in months. Mitte was gone too, not that he expected much from her. She had always been fair-weather too. Though their bond ran deeper than most. Bambi felt the threads of these relationships frayed, broken even and he did not know how to fix the or if he should. For mortal ties were the weakness of Princes. It had been his father’s, had it not? If Bambi had never shown up to Swynlake, if Da had never met Ella—
Perhaps he would be here, walking alongside Bambi, a hand on his shoulder, speaking in that low, calm voice of his about the birds in the thickets, the deer in the meadow, the fish in the streams. He would smile when they were greeted with bowed heads.
His father’s ghost just made him all the lonelier.
That loneliness ate through him. The forest heard this loneliness. Felt it with him and the paths peeled back and back. He did not know where the forest was taking him, nor where his footsteps would lead, until he found himself on the edge of the Unicorn Trail, one of the only paths he’d kept open. It did not go far into the forest and gave the humans enough room to entertain themselves without bothering the rest of the forest. It kept them away from him—from the forest.
But his lonely heart had brought him to the edge of them and he wondered if he should follow the path. If he should go into town, find Ella and share springtime with her. Or elsewise find Callie and Kiara and spend it with them. They would eat honey on toast and laugh and it would be golden.
That thought just made the loneliness open up in his chest and he felt a hollow kind of knocking. No, he did not want to see anyone who knew him and knew his tragedies.
Perhaps, he would meet someone new. Perhaps, he would simply watch the humans as he watched the birds, the deer, the fish—and feel far, far away from them. It was not straddling two worlds as his father had described it. It was—
Walking a tight rope between the two, feeling as if you could not step down into one territory or the other, fitting in nowhere, trying to be everywhere.
So, he watched.
There were plenty of people out, wanting to stroll in the warming weather. They were like the birds in the thickets, the deer in the meadow, the fish in the streams. They laughed and twittered and longed for the warm seasons, wanting to revel in them.
And then—there was a familiar sight. A person.
Someone Bambi had met in a dream. He had thought that dream was loneliness too. Creating for him someone who smiled bright and held his hand and kissed him and made him feel warm and new as springtime felt.
Here he was, taking a break from jogging near Atlantis Lake. Bambi stood in the trees, watching, feeling—something in his chest.
Hope, maybe.
Before he could stop himself, the trees and branches and bushes pulled back to reveal him. He stepped out of the woods, watching as Terra stretched his lithe, lovely muscles, his skin the color of honey in the morning sunlight.
“I thought you only existed in my dreams,” he blurted without a thought, his cheeks going pink right away, but he just—tried to casually lean against one of the trees. The leaves rustled in laughter.
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