#terrence mann icons
thenightling · 8 months
Oh, no. It's real. I'm so worried they'll screw it up.
Gargoyles was one of my favorite shows when I was about twelve-years-old.
It was very subversive in how it educated you. You had these Gargoyles from medieval Scotland waking up in modern day New York City and deciding to protect the city as their new home. "Stone by day, warriors by night!" And not only was there an on-going story but there were characters from folklore and literature. The Weird Sisters, MacBeth, Oberon, Titania, Puck... You had to read Shakespeare, King Arthur, and folklore from around the world to understand who or what the characters were interacting with. It tricked kids into being interested in classic literature and I loved it. The show even created a literary / TV writing trope called the Xanatos Gambit. Named for the Gargoyles' main antagonist, David Xanatos (who later redeems himself, more or less) a Xanatos Gambit is when an antagonist has set up a scheme where no matter the outcome he wins on some level. Keith David had voiced Goliath (the main gargoyle) and the main human character was a human, woman detective who was half African and half Native American. And you know if this was made today people would call Elisa's very existence "Woke." My favorite character was the show's depiction of Puck. That was a plot twist I did not expect. To me the episodes The Gathering and The Gathering Part 2 was a big game changer. And they got Broadway icon, Terrence Mann (who I saw live in The Rocky Horror Show in 2001) as Oberon. I really hope this new live-action show is good but it could so easily be a disaster. Please, be good... This show was such a big part of my childhood.
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Nutcracker Kids Grow Up
Terry Trucco has a lovely article in Playbill about three current NYCB dancers who performed in The Nutcracker as children.
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The Polichinelles in 1985. Photo: Martha Swope --------------------------------------------------------------------------
A hallmark of George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker is its roster of 126 children, aged 7 to 13, in two alternating casts, who all study in the Children’s Division at the School of American Ballet (SAB), New York City Ballet’s official school. A small percentage of those students will eventually move up to the Advanced Division at SAB, and at the end of their studies, a few will be invited to join NYCB, achieving the total Nutcracker experience—returning to Balanchine’s quintessential holiday ballet to perform as adults.
That storied third group includes former NYCB Principal Dancers Peter Boal, Jennie Somogyi, Gelsey Kirkland, and Judith Fugate, among others, as well as current corps de ballet members Shelby Mann, Mckenzie Bernardino Soares, and Rommie Tomasini, who each enrolled in SAB at the age of 6. Now coming back to the production as members of the corps de ballet, which they joined in 2022, they shared their fond memories of those formative years performing in George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker.
Shelby Mann’s earliest recollections of being in The Nutcracker are of playing jacks, a favored pre-show ritual for young cast members, and of her trailing hairpiece in the Party Scene. “My memories of The Nutcracker are so heightened,” she says. “Every time I smell hairspray, it’s like I’m back in the lower concourse of the theatre during The Nutcracker.”
From her debut at age 7 in the Party Scene, Mann sprinted up the Nutcracker ladder, appearing as an Angel, a Polichinelle, a Mouse, and then, at the ripe age of 11, a Candy Cane. “We would all look forward to The Nutcracker each year. It was what defined our childhood and our winter,” she says.
Born into a dance-world family in Harlem—her grandfather Jacques d’Amboise, grandmother Carolyn George, and uncle Christopher d’Amboise all danced with NYCB, and her parents are acclaimed Broadway performers Charlotte d’Amboise and Terrence Mann—Mann discovered her passion for dance through the iconic holiday ballet. “I loved that in rehearsals, because you were playing a character, you got to build your performance. Being in The Nutcracker made me realize that this is what I wanted to do.”
Since joining NYCB, Mann has danced Dolls, Snow, Hot Chocolate, and Flowers, and her affection for Balanchine’s two-act masterpiece—and the camaraderie that develops naturally among the cast, no matter what age—remains undiminished. “I love how The Nutcracker connects to the holidays,” she says. “We all decorate our dressing rooms, have Secret Santas, and bring cookies.”
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Left: Shelby Mann as a Polichinelle in 2013. Photo: Paul Kolnik Right: Mann in Waltz of the Flowers, 2022. Photo: Erin Baiano
During his childhood performances in The Nutcracker, Mckenzie Bernardino Soares made a point of watching the effervescent Hot Chocolate. “The music, the spice—I just loved it,” he says. “And I remember thinking, dancing this is all I want to do in my life.”
Fast forward to 2021. As a freshly minted NYCB apprentice, Soares landed his dream role and repeated it last year as a member of the corps de ballet. The verdict? “It’s always a fun time on stage, and you get to show your personality,” he says. “And if it gets a little repetitive sometimes, I just think, well, little Mckenzie would have loved to do this.”
Growing up in Danbury, Connecticut, Soares’ Nutcracker experience was punctuated by long hours in the family car, driving 65 miles each way to rehearsals and performances. “Being on stage made it all worth it,” he says. He also enjoyed supervising the younger dancers backstage during “the gap” when SAB students are too old for children’s parts, and he relished hearing advice from Company members backstage and in the wings. This season, Soares, who added Mouse King to his Nutcracker repertory last year, looks forward to using the roles he dances to expand his artistry. “It’s actually nice that the choreography is the same every day, so it becomes about what you bring to each performance,” he says.
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Left: Mckenzie Bernardino Soares as a Soldier in 2012. Photo: Paul Kolnik Right: Soares with Shelby Mann in Hot Chocolate, 2022. Photo: Erin Baiano
Rommie Tomasini remembers begging her mother to let her audition for SAB, where her older sister was a student, and quickly discovering a love of dance. At age 7, she was cast as the Bunny in The Nutcracker. A season as a Mouse and a Polichinelle followed, and for two years, she was Marie. When the time came to begin pointe work, she decided that ballet was her future. “I didn’t want to do anything else after school, and I thought, This is a done deal,” she says.
Her earliest Nutcracker memory dates from her first dress rehearsal. “I was the Bunny, and I remember looking at all the mouse heads on the Mouse King’s crown and being too terrified to pull his tail,” she recalls.
Yet looking back, Tomasini, who grew up on the Upper East Side, marvels at how confident she felt on stage as a child. “I was never nervous. I was just so happy to be out there. I’m amazed at how much we learned about acting and artistry so young.”
Dolls, Snow, Hot Chocolate, and Tea are among the Nutcracker parts Tomasini has performed since she became an apprentice in 2021. But her recollections of being in a swarm of Nutcracker kids, scrutinizing the steps and making up versions of Hot Chocolate, Marzipan, and Coffee, remain vivid. “It’s mind-blowing that we’re now dancing the roles that we once pretended to do backstage,” she says.
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Left: Rommie Tomasini as the Bunny in 2011. Photo: Paul Kolnik Right: Tomasini in Waltz of the Snowflakes in 2021. Photo: Erin Baiano
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valjeans · 1 year
If I can’t love her is one of the best songs certainly from a Disney stage show
yes literally. terrence mann’s iconic original recording is constantly in my top played on spotify.
also the original staging…that moment where the castle spins around and he’s on the balcony belting out the high notes! nothing can compare!!!!
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iconsvision · 7 years
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thenardiers · 3 years
by any chance do u have any links to recordings of les mis w terrence mann? hes energy is insane i NEED to see a full production of this fhdkjs
HI yes absolutely! I'm so glad to see more people boarding the mann javert appreciation train 😭 it's utterly criminal that all the best recordings of his are underground! when he's on form he captures brickvert's mixture of weird bitch energy and utter self-loathing like no other imo
(disclaimer: these have all been in open circulation for a year or more so I don't see any problem with me collecting them here)
#1: the two full-length video boots, both from 2003! you might want to ctrl+f this one because the masterlist is long. if you've ever seen drunk stars, that one absolutely wild javert's suicide where he looks possessed, or any of the miscellaneous mannvert clips I've posted here it was probably from these. the video quality is poor but they're still well worth watching for the sheer energy. 2023 update: the linked masterpost has been nuked but feel free to dm me for these
#2: not a full recording but this video snippet of the original broadway cast is a must! also not great quality but ooooooh my god the dynamic here, he and colm are still my favourite valjean and javert duo of all time for how sharp they are with each other. valjean is just so sick of his shit 100% of the time and who can blame him?? the pointlessly rude coat and hat shenanigans. the barely restrained mutual antagonism during the runaway cart exchange. the absolutely demented second half of the confrontation. mayoral alert the girls are fightinggg
#3: stars performed at a concert in 2011. the drunk stars approach is iconic of course but he makes stars sound terrifying and heartbreaking in equal measure when he performs it like a normal person (affectionate)
#4: a fun bonus - the confrontation but performed via zoom in spring 2020. silly af but this was one of the first videos of him I ever saw (if not the first) and the batshit energy is impeccable as ever
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melancholyarchivist · 2 years
Out of curiosity— which rendition of “Stars” do you think is your favorite?
Ohhhh!! Without a shadow of a doubt, unironically, Terrence Mann's "drunk stars" from '03. Literally iconic, he has the exact psychotic girlswag I imagine Javert to have. His little twitches... talking to himself... The loose gestures... Doesn't get better. I also love any Terrence Mann's versions from '80s he understands the assignment on a metaphysical level. I do think, yes, Javert is extremely repressed and doesn't externalise as much, but it's a musical! It's meant to be his inner thoughts and emotions! I tend not to like straightforward agressive and calm stars as much as ones that swing it in a different energy, whether it be tender, afraid, sad or just like insane. I feel like, if you buy into that Javert sings his feelings, you might as well get kooky and creative with it!
Apart from that I adore Norm Lewis's renditions, I think he is my favorite on pure singing basis and the catholic desperation swag he brings is so vulnerable and tender while still being repressed king shit<3 Tam Mutu too! (Mutu's intonation sounds exactly like my catholic school headmaster when he was giving sermons lmao). On the more agressive side I love Will Swenson's and Hayden Tee's renditions as well, especially Hayden from the Sydney '14 lineup. Yum yum! and Carpenter and Quast's like tender shaking determination and fear... and Andrew Varela is great as well. Kunio Murai makes me crazy too.
I also really like Bradley Jaden's stars, I think his vision for Javert works best here! He's bit too baby for me to buy him 100% as the role, but I love the crazed fanatical vibe he has in that song, really fits.
Also.... Russel Crowe...not the strongest singer obv but I adore his version... it has to be paired with the visuals though when he's on that roof tiptoeing on the edge<3
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Plus the change in the songs order, the implication that he likes to be on rooftops when things are rough.... Showstopping. UHM sorry I never shut up about these things. What are yours??? :)
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tending-the-hearth · 2 years
Could you write your favorite Disney musicals, and why they are your favorite?
oooooo of course!
this is in order of my most favorite to still my favorite but not as much as others
Beauty and the Beast
it's always going to be my favorite Disney movie/musical, and it's overall one of my favorite Broadway shows! The OBC is one of my favorites, with both Susan Egan and Terrence Mann as Belle and the Beast, and the Broadway Gold Dress is probably one of my all-time favorite pieces of theater costuming. The music is also beautiful, with "If I Can't Love Her" and "Home" being two of my favorite Broadway songs.
also this show was the very first musical i ever saw live in person, and it was so beautiful. it's the reason i love musicals so much!
SUCH an underrated musical, and it breaks my heart that people don't show it more love. Josh Strickland is an incredible Tarzan, and Merle Dandridge makes me sob every time i hear her sing "You'll Be In My Heart". I absolutely love all the practical effects, and Jane and Tarzan's main love song, "For the First Time" is always on my love song playlist.
The Lion King
iconic, beautiful, amazing, there aren't enough words to describe this musical. I was lucky enough to finally be able to see this on Broadway back in October, and I cried pretty much the entirety of "Circle of Life" and "He Lives in You". It's one of the most amazing shows I've ever seen, and it's obvious why it's been on Broadway for so long.
The Little Mermaid
another VERY underrated musical in general! Sierra Boggess is such a sweet Ariel, and I love that they confirmed Triton and Ursula as siblings in the show, it just brings an entirely new level to the relationships in the show! "Her Voice" and the "If Only" quartet are my favorite songs from the show, and all the characters just feel a lot more fleshed out in the musical!
another wonderful show that I was very, very lucky to be able to see for my birthday when it was first on Broadway in 2015! James Monroe Iglehart (the OBC Genie) was absolutely incredible, and brought his own spin and personality to the Genie. The costumes were beautiful, and I was so happy they included "Proud of Your Boy", which is one of my favorite cut Disney songs!
Frozen and Hunchback of Notre Dame are also wonderful shows!
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phoebe-delia · 3 years
please give me a rant on Cats ily btw
Hi nonnie! Omg ily too, thank you! And thank you for this ask, because ooohh boy do I have feelings about this adaptation.
First of all, I have a few disclaimers to make:
1. I love the actual musical. Yes, I know the show is very controversial--either you love it or you hate it--but I grew up on "Cats." I loved it, and the book of poems it's based on. So for those looking for a rant about the lack of plot or criticizing the show itself, this post isn't for you.
2. I'm not even going to address the CGI other than to say....that was a choice. I think the critics and social media have done plenty to criticize it, and I won't say more about that fever dream on 'shrooms.
3. There were two aspects of the movie I enjoyed: Jennifer Hudson singing "Memory" and Taylor Swift's appearance; though even the presence of my favorite artist of all time was not enough to redeem this movie.
And for you, nonnie, I rewatched both the trailer and The Rum Tum Tugger song. I will be sending you the bill for my therapy <3 ;)
Now, onto the good stuff.
I'll start with the casting. Something that a ton of movie musical adaptations do is stunt-cast big names to draw audiences because they're afraid that people won't want to see a movie musical. This happened in the "Les Miserables" movie, and while big-name choices like Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter, Sacha Baron-Cohen, and even Hugh Jackman had varying degrees of success, Russell Crowe as Javert was an obvious flop.
People like Jackman, Meryl Streep, and more recently James Corden have been cast in all these movie musicals because they're famous enough to get the average person into the theater. But, God, at what cost? I mean honestly, the only instance in which I think stunt casting truly worked was in the "Chicago" movie, which I firmly believe is the best movie musical adaptation ever made. (But that's another post.)
But please for the love of God can we start casting people with singing talent in musicals? Please? I'm begging.
Anyway, I digress. My point is: casting big names--even distinguished, incredible actors like Sir Ian McKellen and Idris Elba and Dame Judi Dench--will not save a movie musical from being shitty.
But here's probably my biggest problem: the acting itself.
Almost every single character was just the actor's personality projected into it. With the exception of the two previously unknown actors, it just felt like the characters were simply the actors dressed in costume and being a weird, exaggerated version of themselves. Little attention seemed to be paid to the actual characterization of the cats.
I think what hurt the most for me, personally, was Jason Derulo as Rum Tum Tugger. Oh, ouch, this one was painful because growing up I was a huge fan of the character. To be fair to Derulo, it is nearly impossible to follow in the footsteps of Terrence Mann. I mean, he played both Tugger and Javert in the original Broadway casts of Cats and Les Mis respectively--he's a musical theater giant.
But with Derulo, Tugger became...weaker and kinda one-dimensional. Rum Tum Tugger is flamboyant and funny, sort of like Elvis or Mick Jagger. He's larger than life, and Derulo just made him kinda sleazy without the high energy. I will say--his take on the iconic ending riff was good; he hit the right notes while still making it his own. Derulo is clearly talented, but I don't think he was well cast in this role.
Honestly, I think "Cats" should never have been adapted. Even if it pleased every die-hard fan of the show and did everything perfectly, it's so controversial and polarizing among theater fans that there's little chance that a non-theater fan is going to even see it--let alone enjoy it. The musical itself is kind of insane; it's an acquired taste, and it's not for everyone.
The moral of the story is, in my humble opinion, if you can't use the film genre and tools to enhance the story (or at least match the quality) then do a professional shot of it on stage, and either way, hire talented, diverse, unknown theater actors who can sing.
*sigh.* Alright, end of rant. Honestly, thank you nonnie this was cathartic. I think we can call it even on the therapy bill ;)
Send me an ask about Harry Potter, broadway/musicals, The West Wing, and/or Taylor Swift! Or just about life in general :).
Also, I have a playlist of my 99 most listened-to songs of the year so far. Pick a number 1--99 and send me an ask and I'll write you a fic based on it!
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Which musical do you think is underrated?
Oh I have SO MANY
Tuck Everlasting: featuring the absolutely ICONIC Terrence Mann as the Man in the Yellow Suit. It’s more accurate to the book, and also stars Andrew Keenan Bolger as Jesse, and I just adore him and his energy!
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Tarzan: THIS SHOW DESERVED SO MUCH MORE ATTENTION! The music is absolutely wonderful, the OBC cast was amazing, and the one thing that makes me happy is that Tarzan is always included whenever Disney does a big Disney on Broadway event, and Josh Strickland always shows up!
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Beauty and the Beast: nothing matters except ✨them✨. Despite being the first Disney on Broadway production, it’s rarely talked about, and is one of the only shows that I will always say deserves a revival. (The fact that “If I Can’t Love Her” wasn’t used in the 2017 movie is a crime). The costumes, the music, the sets?? It’s all so gorgeous, and obviously the icons Susan Egan and Terrence Mann are just perfect as Belle and the Beast.
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Children of Eden: Stephanie Mills my beloved 🥺 ik people have mixed feelings about shows based off of religion, but this show has SUCH a special place in my heart as it was the first musical I ever did. The music makes me cry every single time, and I have so many songs that I absolutely adore. And it’s Stephen Schwartz, so that should just say everything. (aka the person who composed some of the greatest animated movies and musicals of all time)
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The Lightning Thief: this show deserves to be nominated for SO MANY TONY AWARDS!! Seeing in person the day before it closed on Broadway was a dream come true, and everything about the show, down to the mannerisms of each character, was just perfect. Also the cast is made up of some of the kindest people I’ve ever met in my entire life????
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Shrek the Musical: LISTEN LISTEN OKAY Shrek is an AMAZING musical with incredible songs, and as someone who absolutely hates the Shrek movies, I watched this show as a joke on Netflix and ended up crying at the end.each of the characters is so much more developed and thought out, and “Who I’d Be” is one of the best Act 1 finales.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Link Tank: What Makes Loki’s Sylvie More Than a “Lady Loki”
Loki actress Sophia Di Martino talks her character Sylvie and why she’s so much more than a “Lady Loki.”
“Sylvie Laufeydottir is the most mysterious character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. after her shocking reveal at the end of Loki Episode 2, she’s now one half of a mischievous duo as a variant of the Trickster God himself. While she may dress and act like Loki, ‘Sylvie’ is something entirely new.”
Read more at Inverse.
The Beth clone conundrum has baffled Rick and Morty fans since season 3. The latest episode just made it more confusing.
“Since the concept’s introduction in Season 3, it’s been the debate ricocheting around the Rick and Morty-verse: Is the Beth at home with her family the real Beth, or is she a clone, the ‘real Beth’ traipsing across the multiverse with a half-shaved head getting into intergalactic adventures? The show made it plenty clear in its Season 4 finale…”
Read more at Thrillist.
Apple TV+’s upcoming sci-fi series Foundation teases Lee Pace, Jared Harris, Terrence Mann, Lou Llobell, Leah Harvey, and more in its second trailer.
“Based on the iconic series by Isaac Asimov, Foundation is heading to Apple TV+ and shares a world far different from our own. The five original short stories were published in 1950 as an introduction to the series and then four other stories after, including Foundation. And this world that Asimov is responsible for is one that many fans still love to explore.”
Read more at The Mary Sue.
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The food delivery app Slice is looking for the biggest pizza lover in each state to eat at a different pizza joing every week and document their experiences online.
“Slice, a delivery app, is looking for the “biggest pizza lover” in each state to be their new Resident Head of Pizza for their P.I.E. Society—which stands for Promotion of Independents Everywhere. These ambassadors get paid to eat at different local pizza shops in their state every week and document their experiences online.”
Read more at Mental Floss.
The Delta variant is the COVID-19 variant doctors are most worried about right now. Here’s how concerned you should be about it if you’re vaccinated.
“The arrival of the Delta variant—the recently emerged strain of the coronavirus thought to be the most transmissible yet—in the U.S. is understandably unnerving scientists and the public alike. But how worried should you exactly be about Delta, especially if you’re fully vaccinated already?”
Read more at Gizmodo.
YouTube expands its paid offerings with the ability to watch YouTube TV in 4k for an extra $20 a month.
“In just four years, YouTube TV has proven itself a broadcasting contender, offering everything from international networks to unlimited DVR and even a way to avoid spoilers. And now the streaming service is adding the ability to watch in 4K for an extra $20 a month.”
Read more at PCMag.
The post Link Tank: What Makes Loki’s Sylvie More Than a “Lady Loki” appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3w6swmL
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valjeans · 2 years
would be nice if they did a sort of ‘les mis is closing let’s bring terrence mann back’ thing but with one of the iconic broadway phantoms
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thenardiers · 2 years
☕️ Mannvert digging through the corpses <3
(thanks for the ask! <3)
absolutely iconic. terrence mann king of taking characters with Something Deeply Wrong With Them and finding inventive new ways to make them Even Worse.
you know how drunk stars is less weird in context, because you realise he was acting Like That on purpose for the entire show and there actually was a strange, chaotic intent to the way he was acting? this time I think the context of the full show actually makes the corpse throwing even more unsettling 😭
he's incredibly rude and disrespectful of boundaries throughout the show, but he's very hands-off and very consistent about it. he purposely keeps a physical barrier between himself and anyone he deems as beneath him. he puts the baton to valjean's face in toulon, he puts his boot on the patron-minette's backs during the robbery (the view is blocked but it certainly looks like that was what happened), he dismissively gets his flunky guards to arrest fantine rather than attend to her himself. when he does eventually grab fantine and shove her to the ground he hilariously flicks his hand once he breaks contact with her, like just touching her for a moment disgusted him deeply. he’s so far removed from reality that he genuinely doesn’t see these people as human, and views himself as utterly superior and apparently untouchable?? this man’s entire life is an insane gorbeau house-style power trip
so suddenly going from this haughty, icy superiority to the absolute visceral insanity of scrambling like a rat and clawing through these dead people covered in blood and mud and god knows what else? the post-barricade upheaval being both internal and external? absolutely spectacular. this man’s entire psyche is violently falling apart before our very eyes
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njawaidofficial · 6 years
Oscar Parties 2018: The Complete Events Guide (Updating)
Oscar Parties 2018: The Complete Events Guide (Updating)
Check out where nominees like Timothee Chalamet and Mary J. Blige will be partying in the days leading up to the milestone 90th anniversary Oscar telecast.
Navigate your way to behind the velvet ropes at the top entertainment industry events with the Oscar parties 2018 guide.
Four Seasons Screening Series Four Seasons Los Angeles at Beverly Hills, 300 S. Doheny Dr., Los Angeles, daily The hotel hosts its Oscar Dinner and a Movie series, with Oscar-nominated films in the Screening Room, leading up to Academy Awards.
ICON MANN 6th Annual Pre-Oscar Dinner Beverly Wilshire Hotel, 9500 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills Cheryl Boone Isaacs will be honored at this event by ICON MANN, which is also presenting panels and a cocktail event. Schedule: 12 p.m. ‘In Conversation With…” Cheryl Boone Isaacs moderated by filmmaker Reginald Hudlin at SAG/AFTRA headquarters; 1:30 p.m. “The Art of Creation” discussion with filmmakers and cast (TBA) from Black Panther at SAG/AFTRA headquarters; 6 p.m. evening event at Beverly Wilshire hosted by Cedric the Entertainer with Quincy Jones, Halle Berry, Common, Lee Daniels, Hudlin, Franklin Leonard,  nominee Dee Rees, nominee Raphael Saadiq, Charles D. King, nominee Kobe Bryant, Paula Wagner, Terrence Howard, Jay Ellis, French Montana, John Singleton, nominee Yance Ford, Nia Long, Jeremy Kleiner, TV Academy Chairman and CEO Hayma Washington, ABC president Channing Dungey, Ava Duvernay, Jada Pinkett Smith and more. Performance by ELEW.  
Oscar Week: Shorts Samuel Goldwyn Theater, 8949 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills Hosted by director Taika Waititi, this official Academy event shines a spotlight on animated short film and live action short film categories with complete screenings of all the nominated films as well as onstage panel discussions with the filmmakers (schedules permitting).
EMILY’s List “Resist, Run, Win” Panel and Brunch Four Seasons Los Angeles at Beverly Hills, 300 S. Doheny Dr., Los Angeles, 9-11 a.m. The Washington, D.C.-based political action committee dedicated to electing more pro-choice Democratic women to national, state and local office is presenting this special event featuring Hollywood and political advocates and candidates in a conversation about women in power as well as female political candidates. Host committee and panelists include Chelsea Handler (moderator), Padma Lakshmi, Jaime King, Constance Wu, Kathryn Hahn, Jurnee Smollett-Bell, James L. Brooks, Moby, Lindsay Shookus, Maha Dakhil, Yvette Nicole Brown, Wendy Greuel, Ari Graynor, Danai Gurira, Lea DeLaria, BBC America President Sarah Barnett, UTA’s Rene Jones, ICM Partners’ Hannah Linkenhoker, and CAA’s Maha Dakhil.
An Unforgettable Evening Beverly Wilshire Hotel, 9500 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, 6:30 p.m. Jennifer Hudson and Sofia Vergara are poised to have an unforgettable Oscars week. Presented by Saks Fifth Avenue, this James Corden-hosted event benefits the Women’s Cancer Research Fund, a program of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson will receive the Nat King Cole Award, Emmy nominee Sofia Vergara will accept the Courage Award and Grammy winner Pitbull will perform, all in front of a starry crowd that could include honorary chairs Rita Wilson, Tom Hanks, Kate Capshaw and Steven Spielberg, along with WCRF co-founders Anne Douglas, Quinn Ezralow, Marion Laurie, Kelly Chapman Meyer and Jamie Tisch.
Forevermark Forevermark Diamond House, Beverly Hills, through March 3 Exclusive, invite-only home event for private viewing of the 2018 Oscars Red Carpet Collection. 
Oscar Week: Documentaries Samuel Goldwyn Theater, 8949 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills Hosted by Academy documentary branch governors Kate Amend and Roger Ross Williams, this evening will shine a spotlight on all the films in the documentary feature and documentary short subject categories. Selections will be presented in an evening of clips and onstage discussions with the filmmakers (schedules permitting).
The Oscar Concert presented with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Walt Disney Concert Hall, 111 S Grand Ave., Los Angeles, 8 p.m. With Thomas Wilkins, conductor, Terence Blanchard, trumpet, and other special guests, this special event helps celebrate the Oscars and its 90th birthday. On the program: the LA Phil will present suites from each of this year’s original score Oscar nominees: Dunkirk, by Hans Zimmer; Phantom Thread, by Jonny Greenwood; The Shape of Water, by Alexandre Desplat; Star Wars: The Last Jedi, by John Williams; and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, by Carter Burwell.
Vanity Fair, Barneys New York & Sony Pictures Classics Celebrate Call Me By Your Name  Chateau Marmont, 8221 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles A private cocktail party for cast, filmmakers and friends of the film. 
Global Green’s 15th Annual Pre-Oscar Party Neuehouse Hollywood, 6121 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, 6 p.m. Eco-conscious guests will fill this event along with a list of honorees that includes Jaka Bizilj, founder, Cinema for Peace; and Terry Tamminen, founder of Energy Independent Now and CEO of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. Expected: Sophia Bush, Cobie Smulders, Elisabeth Rohm, Ed Begley Jr., Sharon Lawrence, Ed O’Neill, Jason Lewis, among others. 
Oscar’s Sistahs Soiree Beverly Wilshire, 9500 Wilshire Blvd. Alfre Woodard hosts this annual gathering that features her friends, colleagues and peers in the business as they come together to honor women of color. Honorees include Mary J. Blige (Mudbound), Octavia Spencer (The Shape of Water) and the cast of Girls Trip, Queen Latifah, Jada Pinkett Smith, Regina Hall and Tiffany Haddish.
Dorothy Arzner Building Dedication Ceremony Paramount Pictures Studios, 5555 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, 2:30 p.m. Paramount is hosting a dedication ceremony honoring the trailblazing female director Dorothy Arzner. Special guest Francis Ford Coppola. 
Oscar Week: Animated Features Samuel Goldwyn Theater, 8949 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, 7:30 p.m. Hosted by directors Byron Howard and Rich Moore, and producer Clark Spencer, this event features nominees in the animated feature film category (schedules permitting) who will be on hand to discuss their creative processes and present clips illustrating their techniques.
Kari Feinstein’s Pre-Oscars Style Lounge Andaz West Hollywood, 8401 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood, through March 2, 12-6 p.m. daily Sponsors Include Petcube, Maidenform, Votivo, HOKA ONE ONE, Babor, Alina Z, Samba Sol, Honig Wine, Moon Palace Jamaica, Swanky Retreats, Mane & Tail, and Pinkbox Doughnuts.
Netflix Private residence, 6:30 p.m. Ted Sarandos and wife Nicole Avant open their Hancock Park home for a private, invite-only affair to celebrate the streamer’s nominations including nods for Mudbound, Strong Island, On Body and Soul and Heroin(e).
Universal, Focus Features, DreamWorks Animation Spago, 176 N. Camden Dr., Beverly Hills, 8:30 p.m. The studio teams come together to toast the Academy’s recognition of such films as Get Out, Phantom Thread, Darkest Hour and Victoria & Abdul.
13th Annual Oscar Wilde Awards Bad Robot, 1221 Olympic Blvd., Santa Monica, 7:30 p.m. J.J. Abrams emcees this every year on behalf of the U.S. Ireland-Alliance. Set for top honors this year are Mark Hamill, Barry Keoghan, Paula Malcomson and Catherine O’Hara. Colin Farrell will present to Keoghan, Martin Short will hand off to O’Hara. Expected guests: The Academic, Kathy Griffin, Sean Hayes, Luke Hemsworth, Rian Johnson, Maura Tierney, Joe Wright and Ava DuVernay. 
Swarovski London West Hollywood, 1020 N. San Vicente Blvd., West Hollywood, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Nadja Swarovski hosts this awards season celebration which will showcase a “display of collaborations in stage and screen, Atelier Swarovski, Swarovski Crystal Palace and SS19 innovations and trends,” per the invite. 
Dolby London West Hollywood, Penthouse, 1020 N. San Vicente Blvd., West Hollywood, 7-11 p.m. Dolby toasts Oscar nominees for their achievements in sound mixing, sound editing and cinematography. 
Cadillac Oscar Party Chateau Marmont, 8221 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, 8 p.m. The official automotive sponsor of the Oscars hosts this annual pre-awards event, which has gathered the likes of Barry Jenkins, Allison Janney, Julie Goldman, Naomi Watts, Christoph Waltz, Zoe Saldana, Chrissy Metz, Jessica Paré, Michelle Dockery, Matthew Morrison and others. Select guests will be chauffeured to the event in Cadillac vehicles, which will also be transporting nominees and other VIPs to the Academy Awards. Tunes by celeb DJ Michelle Pesce. 
Essence Black Women in Hollywood Awards Beverly Wilshire, 9500 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills The 11th annual event honors Lena Waithe, Tessa Thompson, Danai Gurira and Tiffany Haddish. Confirmed to present are Lupita Nyong’o, Angela Bassett, Janelle Monae and LilRel Howery. 
Gersh Agency Celebrates the 2018 Oscar Nominees Chateau Marmont, Penthouse 64, 8221 Sunset Blvd., 8:30 p.m. – 12:30 a.m. Guests will enjoy specialty cocktails and a Tequila Don Julio 1942 tasting bar and mix with notable attendees like Oscar nominees Allison Janney, Sam Rockwell and Richard Jenkins.
Kodak Auteur Awards Crossroads Kitchen, 8284 Melrose Ave., West Hollywood, 7:30 p.m. Per the invite: “The 2nd annual Kodak Auteur Awards recognize talented motion picture artists who have created critically-acclaimed motion picture art and who are unyielding in their specific artistic processes. Kodak is celebrating all of the movies shot on film in 2017 and especially those who have been recognized during this award season.” 
Verve Paloma, 6327 Hollywood Blvd., 7-10 p.m. “Please join us in celebrating all of our Verve voices,” reads the invite for this awards season party put on by the agency for its nominees and friends. 
Vanity Fair and Lancôme Paris Toast Women in Hollywood Soho House, 9200 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood Hosted by editor Radhika Jones and filmmaker Ava DuVernay, the event celebrates powerful and inspirational women in the entertainment industry. Party with a purpose: A donation will be made to Time’s Up on behalf of all in attendance. 
A24 Sunset Tower, 8358 Sunset Blvd., 9 p.m. The indie distributor hosts a private, invite-only celebration for its breakout nominees Lady Bird, Disaster Artist and The Florida Project heading into an awards weekend that also includes the Spirit Awards. 
Red Carpet Green Dress Pre-Oscars Celebration​ Private residence, 7 p.m. Suzy Amis Cameron will host the 9th annual event, which shines a spotlight on sustainable fashion. This year it’s presented in partnership with Absolut Elyx and TESLA. Funds raised through the campaign benefit MUSE School CA, an environmental non-profit educational organization Amis Cameron founded in Calabasas, Calif., with her sister Rebecca Amis.
Keep It Clean Live Comedy Benefit Avalon Hollywood, 1735 Vine St., cocktails 6 p.m., show 7:30 p.m., after party 9 p.m. Just three days before the Oscars, top comedians in Hollywood will put on a benefit for Waterkeeper Alliance to raise funds for clean water worldwide. Former SNL cast member Taran Killam will serve as master of ceremonies, with appearances by Larry David, Sarah Silverman, Ray Romano, Bill Burr, Rachael Harris, Cheryl Hines, Nick Kroll, Kevin Nealon and Tig Notaro. Artist Shepard Fairey, known for his 2008 Barack Obama “Hope” poster, will guest DJ. John C. Reilly and Harper Simon will also perform a musical number at the historic nightclub. And as president of Waterkeeper Alliance, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will address the crowd as well. Tickets are $125 for the live show, and start at $250 for cocktails, the show and VIP after-party.
ICG Publicists Awards Beverly Hilton Hotel, 9876 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, cocktails 11 a.m. The International Cinematographers Guild Fund hosts the 55th annual ICG Publicists Awards, which will honor Betty White with the lifetime achievement award, plus Andy Serkis and Dan Fogelman.
Belvedere Vodka X Fem The Future Catch L.A., 8715 Melrose Ave., West Hollywood, 12-3 p.m. Janelle Monae and Belvedere are hosting an interactive brunch “celebrating #FemtheFuture and voices of the next generation,” says the invite, which includes a panel discussion. Monae is hot off the release of two new tracks and videos from her new album, Dirty Computer.
Film Is Great Private residence, Hancock Park, 5-8 p.m. Honoring the British Oscar nominees, the British Consul General Michael Howells and BAFTA chairman Kieran Breen will kick off Oscar weekend with a soiree in partnership with BAFTA.
Piaget’s celebration of the Film Independent Spirit Awards Chateau Marmont, Penthouse, West Hollywood An evening celebration of independent film and art together with Art of Elysium. Host committee members include Beau Dunn, Laura Dunn, Molly Smith, Kaily Smith, Rachel Smith, Tara Smith, Sasha Spielberg and Mickey Sumner.
11th Annual Women in Film Pre-Oscar Cocktail Party Crustacean Beverly Hills, 9646 S. Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills, 6-9 p.m. The roster of 2018 female Oscar nominees will be feted at this annual event which will be co-hosted this year by Cathy Schulman and last year’s best actress winner Emma Stone. Notable news: The event is being held to coincide with the opening night of the iconic and newly-renovated Crustacean restaurant, once a hot spot in the 90210. Presented by Max Mara (for the 11th year) and Lancôme with additional support from Crustacean Beverly Hills, Johnnie Walker, and Stella Artois, the party honors all 51 women who are nominated.
Vanity Fair with Fashion Designers Jack McCullough and Lazaro Hernandez Private residence, Beverly Hills A private, invite-only cocktail celebration and lunch to celebrate the launch of Proenza Schouler’s First Fragrance, Arizona. 
CAA Private location The agency hosts its annual bash for nominated clients, agents and friends of the agency. The former includes Sally Hawkins, Meryl Streep, Willem Dafoe, Margot Robbie, Saoirse Ronan, Woody Harrelson, Jordan Peele and Paul Thomas Anderson.
UTA Private location The agency hosts its annual bash for nominated clients, agents and friends of the agency. Expected to be making the rounds: nominees Greta Gerwig, Frances McDormand, Timothee Chalamet and Rachel Morrison.
WME-IMG Private residence, Beverly Hills The agency hosts its annual bash for nominated clients, agents and friends of the agency. The former includes Denzel Washington, Octavia Spencer, Laurie Metcalf, Guillermo del Toro, Dee Rees, Christopher Nolan, Luca Guadagnino, Hans Zimmer, James Mangold and Michael Green. Music by celeb DJ Michelle Pesce. 
Common’s Toast to the Arts: A Celebration of Fearless Art Private location, 8 p.m. Academy Award-winning musician and actor Common hosts his 4th annual soirée. The event, which will host 200 boldfaced names, will honor Oscar nominees Mary J. Blige and Jordan Peele, Mudbound director Dee Rees, and Mudbound producer Charles King. The garden-set intimate dinner has played host to Oprah Winfrey, Jay Z, Beyoncé, Halle Berry, Gabrielle Union, Shonda Rhimes, Pharrell Williams, Samuel L. Jackson and many others. Last year’s honorees included Barry Jenkins and the cast of Moonlight, Ava DuVernay, Ezra Edelman and Raoul Peck. Expected this year: cast and creatives from Get Out and Mudbound, and the Ayars Agency and MVD Inc. are curating the evening. 
Oscar Week: Foreign Language Film Samuel Goldwyn Theater, 8949 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, 10 a.m. Hosted by Academy producers branch Governor Mark Johnson, this event will feature directors of the nominated films in the foreign language film category (schedules permitting) on hand to discuss the challenges of the profession and how they got their stories to the screen. The program will include clips from each of the nominated films.
Film Independent Spirit Awards Santa Monica Beach, Santa Monica, 10 a.m. Nick Kroll and John Mulaney are returning to host the big show and will share the stage with presenters including Fred Armisen, Chadwick Boseman, Carrie Brownstein, John Cho, Jason Clarke, Ava DuVernay, Jon Hamm, Ethan Hawke, Salma Hayek Pinault, Scarlett Johansson, Spike Lee, Ben Mendelsohn, Kumail Nanjiani, Margot Robbie, Amanda Seyfried, Tessa Thompson and Lena Waithe. 
Spirit Awards Viewing Party 5670 Wilshire Blvd., 9th Floor, Los Angeles, 1:30 p.m. Guests will get to watch the broadcast live on IFC, as they indulge with signature cocktails and bites and views inside Film Independent’s brand new office.
IFC, Sundance Selects 41 Ocean Club, Santa Monica, after the show, 4 p.m. Details coming…
Sketch to Screen Costume Design Oscar Panel UCLA’s James Bridges Theater, UCLA campus, 2 p.m., reception to follow UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television and the David C. Copley Center for Costume Design present this 8th annual event which will feature three current Oscar nominees, Mark Bridges (Phantom Thread), Jacqueline Durran (Beauty and the Beast and Darkest Hour) and Luis Sequeira (The Shape of Water) as well as costume designers Nadine Haders (Get Out) and April Napier (Lady Bird). Professor Deborah Nadoolman Landis, Ph.D., founding director of UCLA TFT’s The David C. Copley Center for Costume Design will moderate. UCLA TFT’s The David C. Copley Center for Costume Design has a longstanding partnership with Swarovski to provide annual support to the Sketch to Screen Costume Design Oscar Panel; the Swarovski Designer in Residence master-class program; and the Swarovski Shooting Star Award for Excellence in Costume Design. 
Oscar Week: Makeup and Hairstyling Symposium  Samuel Goldwyn Theater, 8949 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, 3 p.m. Hosted by Academy Makeup Artists and Hairstylists Branch Governors Lois Burwell, Leonard Engelman and Kathryn L. Blondell, this event — the final entry of Oscar Week’s public events — the nominees in the makeup and hairstyling category (schedules permitting) will reveal secrets behind their on-screen work. Photographs, appliances, molds, wigs and other items will be on display.
Chanel & Charles Finch Madeo Restaurant, 8897 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, 7:30 p.m. The 10th annual pre-Oscars event, it typically features a long list of boldfaced names. This year, expect to see Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu, Griffin Dunne, Joe Wright, Haley Bennett, Joel Coen, Frances McDormand, Judd Apatow, Leslie Mann, Margot Robbie, Tom Ackerley, Martin McDonagh, Matthew Modine, Michael Keaton, Mick Jagger, Oliver Stone, Ridley Scott, Scarlett Johansson, Sienna Miller, Bret Easton Ellis, Cassian Elwes, Crystal Lourd, Derek Blasberg, Eric and Lisa Eisner, Jeff and Mackenzie Bezos, Kate Young, Kelly Sawyer, LIz Goldwyn, Nathalie Love, Ron and Kelly Meyer and Sue Kroll.
Call Me By Your Name Dinner Nordstrom Local, 8401 Melrose Place, Los Angeles, 7:30-11 p.m. This invite-only seated dinner (at the newly opened retail concept store) will play host to Sony Pictures Classic’s co-presidents Michael Barker and Tom Bernard, director Luca Guadagnino, Timothee Chalamet, Armie Hammer, Michael Stuhlbarg, along with the cast, directors and producers behind Loveless and A Fantastic Woman. Food by annual partner STK LA. Joining the dinner will be the winner of the OMAZE fundraiser. Evening benefits the Trevor Project and the Foundations for The AIDS Project.
MPTF’s Annual ‘Night Before’ Party 20th Century Fox Studios, 10201 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles This is the 16th annual A-list-packed benefit for the Motion Picture & Television Fund, which, in 2017, raised $5 million, totaling more than $75 million in the event’s history to help the org’s mission of providing social services, financial assistance and many services to the entertainment community. Leonardo DiCaprio, Mary J. Blige, Margot Robbie & Tom Ackerley, and Denzel & Pauletta Washington are among those who have signed on as host committee members. Also listed are Amy Adams & Darren Le Gallo, Tanya Haden Black & Jack Black, Kate Capshaw & Steven Spielberg, Jessica Chastain, Tom Cruise, Gal Gadot & Jaron Varsano, Greta Gerwig, Allison Janney, Sharon & Richard Jenkins, Brie Larson, Sam Rockwell, Jada Pinkett Smith & Will Smith, Octavia Spencer, Meryl Streep, Rita Wilson & Tom Hanks and Reese Witherspoon & Jim Toth. Music by celeb DJ Michelle Pesce. This year’s presenting sponsors include Delta Air Lines, Ford Motor Company, L’Oréal, Target, The Hollywood Reporter (back for a 5th time as sole media sponsor) and YouTube. Carmelized Productions by Jon Shook & Vinny Dotolo will provide specialty foods for the guests, and Lavazza, as the official coffee of the ‘Night Before,’ will provide its signature espresso. 
Governors Ball Ray Dolby Ballroom, Hollywood and Highland Center, 6801 Hollywood Blvd., immediately following the 90th Oscars The Ball’s 1,500 invited guests include Oscar winners and nominees, show presenters and other Oscarcast participants. Academy governor Lois Burwell (making her first outing as awards and events committee chair), event producer Cheryl Cecchetto of Sequoia Prods. and celeb chef Wolfgang Puck are teaming up to handle the details this year for the special 90th edition of the Oscarcast. This year marks Cecchetto’s 29th consecutive year producing the event, while Puck and team are back for a 24th time. The Ball will feature an array of original, seminal artifacts; footage and stills from both behind and in front of the camera; curated music from every era of the silver screen; and a historical presentation of Oscar statuettes. On the menu: smoked salmon Oscars; potato with caviar; truffle macaroni and cheese; Miyazaki Wagyu beef tartare on puffed black rice; crab-stuffed hibiscus; taro root tacos with spiced eggplant; edamame and black truffle pot stickers; black bass with salsa verde; made-to-order sushi and raw bar; and ruby chocolate strawberry and cream. 
Vanity Fair Oscar Party Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, 9390 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills The magazine returns to the 90210 but this year, marks the start of a new era for the ever-hot stop on the Oscar night circuit. Legendary editor Graydon Carter stepped down from his post atop the VF masthead and thus, he’ll exit a party that he helped build during his nearly three decades in the job. That means newly-installed editor Radhika Jones will have a lot of handshakes and hugs to dole out to the dozens upon dozens of A-listers who show up to party inside Basil Walters’ custom tented creation on the Wallis Annenberg property. It’s been announced that Catt Sadler will host the exclusive livestream along with digital director Mike Hogan for VF.com and Twitter. More details on the way…
Elton John AIDS Foundation 26th Annual Academy Awards Viewing Party West Hollywood Park, 647 N San Vicente Blvd., 4 p.m. The annual event returns during a year featuring headlines about John retiring from touring, so expect many eyeballs to be focused on the stage to see if the legendary host tickles the keyboards. The 25th annual viewing party last year — hosted by Sir Elton and partner David Furnish — raised a record-breaking $7 million for the global effort to end AIDS.
Academy Viewing Parties: New York & London Rainbow Room, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, 65th Floor, New York; Ham Yard Hotel, 1 Ham Yard, Soho, London The Academy hosts live Oscar viewing parties in New York and London for members and invited film industry guests. Oscar Night London returns to Soho’s Ham Yard Hotel to view the 90th Oscars at a two-tier screening venue. Guests will be treated to a midnight feast (thanks, time difference), complete with espresso martinis. The iconic Rainbow Room in New York will host for the only East Coast event hosted by the Academy. From the 65th floor of 30 Rockefeller Plaza, surrounded by stunning views, guests will watch the live Oscars telecast while enjoying a customized menu.
Mercedes Benz Oscars Viewing Party Four Seasons Los Angeles at Beverly Hills, 300 S. Doheny Dr., Los Angeles, 4-9:30 p.m. Preliminary confirmed talent includes: Chrissy Metz, Christoph Waltz, Colman Domingo, Jane Lynch, John Singleton, Melora Hardin, Peyton List, RJ Mitte, Sarunas Jackson, Serayah, Skeet Ulrich, Viola Davis and others.
Byron Allen’s Second Annual Entertainment Studios Oscar Gala Beverly Wilshire Hotel, 9500 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, 3:30 p.m. This year’s event — featuring a cocktail soiree, dinner and viewing party — benefits Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and will showcase performances by A-listers Jamie Foxx and Katy Perry. Last year’s gala brought in more than $1 million for CHLA. 
Twentieth Century Fox & Fox Searchlight Pictures TAO, 6421 Selma Ave., Los Angeles, 8 p.m. The distributor dominated Oscar nominations, landing a total of 20 for its breakout films Shape of Water and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. While it is sure to be a busy night on the party circuit, expect to see helmers Guillermo del Toro and Martin McDonagh holding court here with stars including Sally Hawkins, Frances McDormand, Sam Rockwell, Woody Harrelson, Octavia Spencer, and others. Party chatter: The slated merger with Disney which could mean this might be the last joint Fox hurrah for these divisions.
3rd Annual Roger Neal Style Hollywood Oscar Viewing Black Tie Dinner Gala & Roger Neal Style Gift Suite The Hollywood Museum 1660 Highland Ave., Hollywood As Night of 100 Stars comes to an end — Norby Walters had elected to step down and retire from his Oscar event hosting duties after 27 years — Edward Lozzi, its co-organizer and PR director has jumped over to join Neal and his Oscar event. The event is not only a black-tie dinner and viewing party, there’s also a celebrity gifting component as well as an awards presentation. Stars also have the option of touring the museum prior to sitting down for dinner. The 3rd Annual RNSH ICON Awards will be presented before the Oscar broadcast to notable names including Renee Taylor, Marion Ross, Burt Ward, Karen Kramer and The Pointer Sisters. Those expected to attend include award winners along with Fran Drescher, Louis Gossett Jr., Billy Bob Thornton, Lily Tomlin, Lainie Kazan, Jon Voight, Lou Ferrigno, Carla Ferrigno, Ruta Lee, Paul Sorvino, Gloria Allred, Gary Busey, Jake Busey, Fred Willard, Michael Jai White, and Diane Ladd. Featured charities include the Thalians and Life & Hope Relief. 
Route 66 Bar + Lounge Oscar Viewing Party 1160 North Vermont Ave., Los Angeles Hollywood Hotel hosts an Academy Awards Viewing Party to introduce its new Route 66 Bar + Lounge to the local community and hotel guests. On the menu: Giveaways, cocktail specials and swag bags. 
Oscars Viewing Party by Tres by Jose Andres SLS Beverly Hills, 465 S. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, 5:30 p.m. The hotel offers an event designed to make typical guests feel like A-listers. Here, they’ll be able to walk a red carpet and sip Oscars-inspired cocktails and bites by renowned chef José Andrés. Games, a grand raffle and a welcome glass of Cava are also on the menu. 
IMDb LIVE Viewing Party Neuehouse Hollywood, 6121 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, 4:30 p.m. IMDb’s second-annual invitation-only event will play host to more than 300 industry insiders who will be treated to food and drinks while watching the Academy Awards. Meanwhile, IMDb’s live companion show, featuring celebrity conversations and a stream of real-time facts, data and social commentary from IMDb and IMDbPro, will stream beginning with a pre-show at 4:30 p.m. It will wrap with a post-show once the Academy Awards broadcast concludes. IMDb’s show includes “Hosted Mode” — live conversation between hosts Dave Karger, Kevin Smith, The IMDb Show co-hosts Tim Kash and Kerri Doherty and celebrity guests including Peter Fonda and Tatum O’Neal – and “Second Screen Mode.”
Golden Soiree: “The After Party” Presented by VoilaVe Warwick, 6507 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, 7 p.m. Expected at this event are Victor Ortiz, Mario Van Peebles, Derek Hough, Robert Ri’chard, Camille Kostek, Sean Faris, Chuck Liddell, Bridget Marquardt, Apollo Ohno, Post Malone, Emily Sears, Amanda Cerny, Terrence Newman, Jessica Ashley, Todd Gurley, Rob Minkoff, Camille Kostek, Casper Smart, Paola Paulin and Sophia Miacova.
Nordstrom Local ​Viewing Party 8401 Melrose Place, Los Angeles, 4-8:30 p.m. Nordstrom Local is hosting an invite-only viewing party for the fashion industry, including top stylists and stars. The private event, produced by A-List Communications, will offer nail services, a mixology bar, plus champagne and gourmet food from the W Hotel’s steakhouse STK LA. Guests can walk the red carpet before enjoying the 4K HD viewing screens and Nordstrom gift card prizes.  
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fuckyeahaldishodge · 7 years
Press/Video: An ICON MANN™ Salute to Sir Sidney Poitier Curated By Lexus
EBONY – Molding and defining the African-American image on screen has been a complex task; particularly in the ever-changing entertainment space. In the midst of unimaginable racial injustice and unequal treatment, Sir Sidney Poitier demanded excellence not just from himself but from an industry that had historically cast Black and brown faces aside. With a career stretching over 70 years, Sir Poitier’s character, grace and profound integrity have helped mold the Black movie star, setting the blueprint for all of the men and women that would grace the screens and stages after him.
  It was not simply Sir Poitier’s iconic roles in Porgy and Bess and The Defiant Ones that would thrust him into the spotlight. His commanding presence made him one of the biggest box-office draws in the 1960s with a plethora of films including, A Raisin in the Sun, Paris Blues, To Sir, with Love, Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner and In the Heat of the Night. Before Sir Poitier, the leading Black male was something of a myth. There certainly weren’t any Black male sex symbols before the Academy Award winner stepped on the scene, taking only roles that garnered a sense of dignity and class.
  In celebration of Sir Poitier’s extensive career and legacy, Lexus and ICON MANN™ have teamed up to #SaluteALegend. The legendary Louis Gossett Jr., prolific filmmaker John Singleton and critically acclaimed actors, Aldis Hodge and Terrence Howard among others have joined the campaign in celebration of Sir Poitier’s 90th year. “We owe everything that we’re doing now, and will do, to the career that he has had,” Singleton said of the foundation Poitier has laid.
  Press/Video: An ICON MANN™ Salute to Sir Sidney Poitier Curated By Lexus was originally published on Aldis Hodge Online
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phoebe-delia · 3 years
If you could meat one Broadway… person, who would it be? Why? (last question is optional)
I'm gonna give two answers, because I wanna.
I'd choose Dave Malloy and Terrence Mann.
Terrence Mann because I just wanna rave about Les Mis and Cats and how much I love Rum Tum Tugger and how much of a fucking ICON he is.
Dave Malloy because I just...want to tell him how much I love Comet. I just wanna thank him for writing what I, personally, think is the perfect musical.
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I just noticed that Tyler Hanes and Terrence Mann have both played Larry (from A Chorus Line) and Tugger. So like my head rn is like "Coincidence? I think not."
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