chubbyooo · 5 years
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Monthly reward from @mossygator of Terri I’m so pleased with it 😄😄😄😄 proof she always looks fab
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chubbyooo · 4 years
Zash: Terri can you come out
Terri: Zash I’m gay
Zash: not to me to the ship
Terri *turns to the ship*: Ship I’m gay
Zash: *questioning every decision she made choosing Terri*
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chubbyooo · 4 years
Blurred Lines: Cursed Past Chapter 84 - An Agitated Rest
yay a nice downtime chap mixed with some teasing Malora has a plan to find Zash but it requires people to take a break which is harder than it may seem
Kyradia made her way back onto her ship and took a deep breath she’d been doing a good job staying strong in the desert but she kept seeing flashes of Zash and that scene she saw, she shook it off and walked over to the table with Malora and Ashara, Malora began messing with some contraption.
Kyradia sighed “so Zash has escaped again meaning we’re going to need to catch up with her again” she certainly had become adept at running she supposed Zash had learned her lesson from a head on fight with Kyradia long ago
Ashara sighed “I can look for sightings of her but it’s unlikely to find anything” she was right they didn’t seem to be going to populated planets
Andronikos cursed “I tried to identify their ship leaving the atmosphere but I was preoccupied looking for you” Kyradia waved it off he had done the right thing after all
Malora tutted, still messing with the gadget “none of that will be necessary the acid I sprayed her with had emergency nanobots that should be able to track her location” Kyradia’s eyes widened. That was something you could do?
Ashara put her hands on her hips “why didn’t you say that before we could’ve tracked her location already” Malora didn’t make eye contact still messing with the gadget
She shook her head “because all you would’ve done is pester me like this while I make the relay which is going to take considerable time” Ashara looked furious but didn’t say anything
Kyradia questioned her “so these things are a permanent tracker on Zash?” Malora laughed a little and shook her head
She looked to Kyradia “unfortunately not I don’t have the tech available for non perishable Nanobots, they should remain on the burn for 48 hours however it’s likely that Zash has healed the burn so it could be less” Kyradia blinked understanding about half of that, tech had never been her thing. Malora clearly caught onto her confusion “basically I’m reverse engineering nanobots into a relay to track them but i have limited time” Kyradia nodded she thought she got it
Ashara piped up “and you can get it ready in 48 hours?” Malora rolled her eyes going back to the machine
She tutted “we have 24 hours first of all and yes of course I can, I can get it ready in 5 hours at worse” Kyradia had a feeling hiring a scientist was a good idea, Malora looked up at them “as long as I’m left alone so take a rest you all look like you need it” Kyradia had to admit that sounded good
She nodded as Andronikos took her hand “come on hun let’s have a break” Kyradia had to admit that sounded nice
She followed Andronikos into their bedroom and she took a deep breath “thanks for looking for us Andy sorry if I stressed you out” Andronikos smiled and squeezed her hand
He shook his head “it’s ok Ky I know you can take care of yourself” he brushed her hair “I’ll admit I was worried but I think that’s natural I’m always here for you” Kyradia nodded smiling 
She scratched herself “I need to wash my face it’s covered in sand gimme five” she went into their en suite and began to wash her face looking at herself in the mirror, she smiled realising she’d hardly done this since before she called Ashara.
She closed her eyes for a second taking in all that had happened since then her fight with Kavaraa seemed so trivial now she wondered if she was ok wherever she was. But then the flashes of Zash came in again, how she just… killed them and delighted in it, Kyradia stumbled remembering a time she may have been just as cruel. She held the sink tight and breathed heavily she felt sick remembering it, it was still here the monster inside she didn’t know if she could keep it contained.
She opened her eyes and realised her hands were coursing with lightning and she shook them away noticing Andronikos looking at her “I-I I’m sorry I just” Andronikos shook his head and pulled her into a kiss
Kyradia felt herself calm down while Andronikos held her “don’t be sorry I know you’ve been through so much and you don’t have to tell me all of it just let me help you I think that did” Kyradia leaned her head against him holding him tight
After a long few seconds she spoke “yeah it did, do you remember what you promised me when I found you again” Andronikos nodded and Kyradia mumbled “can you promise it again” he kissed her forehead trying to comfort her the best he could
He nodded “of course Kyradia I won’t ever leave you again I promise I’ll be by your side no matter what” Kyradia nestled into his shoulder trying to keep calm
She stammered “e-even though I can’t give yo-” Andronikos cut her off before she could finish
He held her head and looked directly into her eyes “You’re the only family I’ll ever need Kyradia I’d rather have you than anything else I promise” Kyradia closed her eyes nestling back into him
Kyradia sniffed “Thanks Andy I love you and I’m so sorry” Andronikos continued to comfort her
He smiled “it’s ok Ky and it will always be I’m not going anywhere I promise” Kyradia began to calm down returning to normal
She smiled “thanks I uh I feel better now” she looked at him “I think I may need a proper shower and I wouldn’t mind company” Andronikos’ eyes widened as Kyradia smiled…
Outside Ashara was frowning at Malora as she worked on the device, Malora looked up and raised her eyebrow “can I help you Jedi” 
Ashara shook her head “I’m just curious about this device and want to make sure it leads us in the right direction” Malora clearly didn’t believe her
Malora put her hydrospanner down “ok let’s say hypothetically you understood anything about science do you think that my level of science would make any sense to you” Ashara frowned trying to think of a response “and do you think in that scenario I would tell you anything, I’m not trying to outsmart you Ashara I don’t care what you people do I just want my bile back” Ashara folded her arms grumpily 
She tutted “well I’m sorry for wanting to be safe, you may have been through a lot but your previous inventions have all been a little dangerous I thought I’d just make sure while Kyradia and Andronikos are busy taking a break” she looked over to their room “I wonder what they’re doing Kyradia seemed a little shaken up” Ashara wasn’t very good at waiting it seemed
Malora shook her head “they got past the serious talk a while ago I believe they’re engaging in strenuous sexual activity” Ashara eyes widened as she began to go bright red how could she talk about that so freely
Ashara stammered “What! Malora gross that’s my master why wou- what wou- I uh” Malora frowned not looking up from her device
She explained “based on the sounds, the locked door and their libidos I’d say it’s likely and I thought she wasn’t your master?” Ashara continued to stammer
Ashara took a deep breath “well no that just slipped out I’ll always look up to her a little but still why are you talking about it” Malora still hadn’t looked up from her gadget
She shook her head “you asked me what they were doing I gave you my answer I’m sorry I assumed you weren’t that innocent of a Jedi” Ashara frowned what was that supposed to mean
Ashara put her hands on her hips “well I’m not I know about that stuff but I don’t just talk about it like it’s normal it’s supposed to be private and special” Malora tutted at her rolling her eyes
She spoke “whatever you say Jedi I’ll refrain from using words that are too adult for you” Ashara scrunched up her face as Malora said that
Ashara stormed off “ugh shut up ok you’re insufferable” she continued storming off sitting down in a huff next to Xalek who appeared to be knitting, after a few seconds she asked “what are you knitting?” Xalek turned to her his icy exterior surprised to hear her ask
Xalek responded as coldly as ever “a pair of gloves better suited for my saber” Ashara nodded not really listening
Ashara started talking almost instantly after he finished “I can’t believe her you know she waltzes in like she owns the place and I try to help her and then she’s so grumpy about it” Xalek frowned 
He asked “who are we talking about?” clearly the context was lost on him
Ashara gestured to Malora “Malora she’s such a know it all and she knows it” Xalek frowned looking over to her
He shrugged “she hasn’t bothered me I was worried she was trying to take my position but she’s pretty clear about her intentions I can respect that” Ashara sulked “if she annoys you just ignore her you’re the one who keeps pestering her” Ashara frowned 
Ashara responded “well yeah but I’m just making sure she’s not a threat what if she’s dangerous aren’t you worried about that” Xalek considered it
He smiled deviously “if there is proper evidence of that I would delight in slicing her in half but until that day she has been rather helpful, I’ve been keeping an eye out” Ashara continued to sulk Xalek was not helping her feel better 
Ashara frowned “I dunno she just always seems to know how to rile me up” Xalek shook his head
He continued knitting “then don’t talk to her you’re the one who keeps instigating the conversation” Ashara frowned but she had to keep an eye on Malora right “you seem a little obsessed” Ashara gasped clearly insulted
She denied the idea immediately “I’m not! I’m just cautious” Xalek nodded clearly not believing her causing Ashara to just sulk in silence
After a few hours Malora’s device seemed to whir to life and she grinned “perfect there you are Zash” she was getting sloppy they had to capitalize…
Terri watched as the planet of Ragna III came into view the planet was so lush and green which was a nice change from the last five planets they had been to, she looked over to Zash who had been scratching at her face
Terri frowns “are you ok Zash you’ve been acting a little strange since Savareen” Zash seemed to shrug it off looking ahead
She grumbled “that scientists poison was very potent I’m afraid your healing only did so much” Terri was still very scared of Malora but Zash had managed to beat them so she felt somewhat comfortable, she’d wanted to ask her about some of the things the commander had said but didn’t want to while she was in pain.
She piloted the ship down and Zash began putting on gear “I’d like you to stay on the ship for this one I’ve done some research and I think if the commander catches up to us again they may go for the ship” Terri frowned she didn’t really want to stay on the ship 
She followed Zash to the ramp “but I can help Zash I know I had bad time on Savereen but you know I can help” Zash put her hand out as she started lowering the ramp
She smiled “I don’t doubt it Terri that’s why I trust you to look after this thing and keep it safe” Terri guessed that made sense as the ramp lowered Terri’s eyes widened as large furry bipedal creatures stood outside with familiar looking Rattataki in nightsister robes holding their chains and staring down at Zash. Zash turned around “and that's the other reason” she bowed before them 
One came forward “what are you doing trespassing on this land” Zash seemed surprisingly prepared for this Terri guessed this was the research
She showed the list of ingredients from Ysum which instantly grabbed their attention “I am on the hunt for ingredients for a potion and believe we could strike a deal, I have done my research and there is word that you have a certain affinity for Magick” the sister walked up to her standing a good 5 inches taller than Zash
Mist surrounded her hand and a little flame emerged “and so what if we do we wouldn’t teach it to an outsider without something in return” Zash smiled clearly ready for this question she’d clearly learned her lesson from the first time they encountered the sisters
She folded her arms “I believe you know the name Ysum if I were to complete this potion I may put in a good word about how this colony helped me” Terri frowned knowing that was partially a lie, she guessed it was ok since Ysum seemed like trouble and so did these guys.
The sister considered it “this may be preferable come with us to meet our chief and we will discuss the details, but if you try to stab us in the back we will kill you” Zash nodded seemingly unintimidated
Zash chuckled “I wouldn’t expect anything less but I doubt that’ll be a problem” she turned to Terri tossing her a commlink “I’ll be on the comms Terri I’m trusting you to keep the ship safe we may be here a little longer” Terri nodded taking a deep breath she hoped Zash knew what she was doing with this Magick...
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chubbyooo · 4 years
Blurred Lines: Cursed Past Chapter 96 - A Dangerous Acquisition
hey all sorry I've been so slow my motivation has been awful
Zash and Terri catch up after escaping Ragna III and discuss the next ingredient on their list
Terri looked at the holodisc again and shuddered; she still hadn’t been able to watch the thing, she trusted Zash was telling the truth about it but she did want to see quite what they were up against. Apparently it wasn’t like anything Zash had ever seen from the Commander, they hadn’t really had time to discuss it as they’d made their quick escape.
Terri was getting exhausted with the constant running but she understood to even stand a chance with the sith, republic and alliance all against them this was the only way. Still it didn’t make it any less tiring, Terri had never thought it would be this complicated she always thought she’d just do Zash a favour and Lusari and her could leave. She wiped her eyes preemptively, clearly Lusari had thought about it differently, maybe she’d never quite understood Lusi as well as she thought she had. She was definitely a lot braver than Terri to do all that selflessly for another person, but she guessed it made sense after all Lusari had looked after her while they were still at the academy.
Terri sighed there was no point ruminating over it that was all in the past now, she walked back into the living quarters where Zash was drinking some caf. Terri smiled for the first couple of weeks Zash had tried to eat and drink things that she ‘knew she liked’ but over time she’d noticed Zash returning to Lusi’s old palette she guessed they were the same taste buds after all. 
Terri sat down next to her “hey are you doing any better now?” Terri had never seen Zash that shaken it certainly had frightened her
Zash nodded putting down the drink “yeah I’m ok now it was just shocking that’s all, it came rather out of nowhere” Terri nodded she hoped one day they’d both be able to rest but with people’s perceptions of them it was a little difficult, she supposed after Zash had gained the power they seek she may be able to.
Terri looked away “so uh do you have any idea what they were doing there” Zash frowned at her looking confused
She answered “well I assume looking for us I doubt they’re stopping the search even now” Terri nodded she knew at least that
She shook her head “yeah but how’d they find us this time we’d been hiding for a while on a not technologically advanced planet” Zash did seem to consider that with more thought
She stroked her chin “to be honest I don’t know, we didn’t exactly leave a paper trail this time” she sighed “whatever it was we best hope it was just a one time thing facilitated by their new scientist friend” Terri shivered thinking about Malora she was still a very scary reminder of her time in the academy
Zash seemed to pick up on that “you seemed to know her vaguely when we met her do you have much of an idea how she operates” Terri shrugged most the time when she’d seen her she’d avoided her
She shook her head “not really Zash all I know is one day her face was fine and the next it started to become all cracked like you’ve seen” Zash sighed clearly not mad but deep in thought
Zash rubbed her forehead “either way we should keep an eye on her, the Jedi and Kyradia aren’t what I’d call tech smart” Terri nodded she was still confused what the Jedi was doing there but it was all very confusing so who was she to judge
Terri looked at Zash “so what did you manage to learn with the sisters” Zash smiled looking at Terri with clear excitement
She began to explain “basic stuff, unfortunately we didn’t get too far just basic manipulation of Magick, still I did manage to get this” Terri watched as her form shifted into mist and appeared on a different seat “boo” she laughed as Terri jumped back only a little “it’s like a mist form” Terri’s eyes widened as she clapped
She smiled “wow that’s so cool, maybe you could teach me” she really did want to know but Zash’s expression soured
She shook her head “I don’t know yet Terri I’m still a beginner this stuff is dangerous” Terri looked down dissapointed and a little frustrated
Terri sighed “fine I guess you’re right but once you’re not a beginner you gotta teach me ok” Zash gave her a smile but never actually seemed to say yes
Terri decided to change the conversation and picked up the list “what’s next then ‘Snowbark Amber’ what the heck is that” Zash tutted and took the thing with a smile
She opened up a datapad “that’s been the other thing I’ve been working out, Snowbark Amber is fossilised tree sap that used to be native to Dathomir. However the tree it came from died out on Dathomir long ago and as you can imagine the sisters quickly used up the resource.” Terri nodded not understanding everything but at least understanding there was none on Dathomir “you can use other amber but it’s extremely less potent and I’m sure we don’t want that” Terri nodded what with the threat of Ysum betraying them it seemed fair
Terri had a feeling she was leading up to something “so where else can you find it? You said it only died out of Dathomir” Zash smiled clearly pleased she had someone to explain this to
She continued “well it’s become very rare and while present on some planets with Nightsisters, those tribes being a secret has rather impeded that strategy. I also checked with the sisters on Ragna III and there was no Snowbark trees in that climate, so I had to look into other natural occurrences of Snowbark trees and I found they’re still prominent on Ziost” Terri’s eyes widened wait did she know about Ziost?
Terri stammered “um Zash about that uh Ziost is um well it’s dead, the Emperor killed all life on the planet” Zash’s closed her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh
She took a deep breath “of course it is, well then I guess we’ll have to go with plan C which is not ideal” Terri shivered she was afraid to ask
She tried to stay positive “uh what’s plan C?” Zash shook her head and got out another datapad scrolling through it
She continued explaining “well due to its rarity and distinctive shine it’s rather rare and the feather in any collectors trophies” Terri shivered oh no who had it, Zash clearly read what she was thinking “the only known chunk of Snowbark Amber is well it’s in the Empress’ private collection” Terri’s jaw dropped the empress???? No they couldn’t steal from her
She stammered “as in Acina?? Zash we may be skilled but we are not that skilled” Zash shook her head and tutted
She smiled “don’t be ridiculous Terri we’re not going to take this head on we’re going to steal it from her when she’s busy, we need to come up with a calculated plan and we may need a few extra hands” Terri swallowed hard this seemed needlessly dangerous all for a piece of Amber “set a course for Dromund Kaas and in the meantime we’re going to come up with a plan...
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chubbyooo · 4 years
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more sketches this time Terristera one day I’ll nail down the right cuteness energy XD
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chubbyooo · 4 years
Blurred Lines: Cursed Past Chapter 97 - An Unspoken Loss
hey sorry my motivation is still in the toilet but on the bright side Terri makes a friend :P Zash and Terri find a crew to help them steal the Snowbark Amber and Terri makes a new friend
Terri looked out the taxi as it flew over Dromund Kaas, she’d never been here despite being part of the sith academy; only really hearing stories of its size and scale and it certainly was brimming in both. She felt a little intimidated by it all but was more worried about the palace she saw in the distance, were they really going to steal from Empress Acina? Without her there it may make it easy enough to achieve but still what if something went wrong and she and Zash were separated. She sighed she knew they had to though this was the only place they knew with Snowbark Amber and without the means to make Zash stronger they may as well turn themselves in.
They arrived in a posh looking district and Zash led her to a High End Dejarik parlor, Terri was confused what they were doing here “um Zash I thought we looking for help with the Amber” Zash tutted and led her to the counter where she exchanged some words with the owner who nodded and walked away
She smiled “trust me Terri this place is more than it seems, and while we’re at it it may be good to use a fake name while your here to throw the Commander off the scent” Terri nodded they’d already left their sabers on the ship which greatly worried Terri but she understood the reasoning. Still getting used to the weird Vibrosword she had was certainly a challenge, it was so much heavier than her saber.
After a bit the owner came back and led them to the back and through a curtain where Terri’s eyes widened as she saw the back room bar with an array of people discussing all manner of things all with some professional heir to them. 
Zash smiled at Terri and gestured to it “welcome to the most sophisticated hovel of criminals this side of Dromund Kaas” she looked around “at least the last time I checked which was admittedly 8 years ago” it certainly didn’t look like a skeezy criminal bar so that was something
As they walked towards the bar Terri asked “so you know these people? You’ve used their services before?” Zash nodded sitting down on a barstool as she looked around for someone
She answered “yeah pretty much every time I’d need an artefact recovered I’d come here under an alias although that has had to change slightly” as if to answer the question a Zeltron woman came up to Zash and smiled
She hugged her “Zaryl I was so sad to hear of your mother's passing I hope the time was not too traumatic for you she and I knew each other quite well” Terri blinked at the name Zash had chosen it wasn’t exactly a far cry from Zash but if she was posing as her own daughter then she supposed there was something to it
Zash hugged back but seemed tense “Jynne Ilane I’ve heard plenty of those stories from my late mother and don’t worry it was sad yes but I’m strong enough to power through” she chuckled “and honour her legacy by getting into some capers of my own” Terri was completely bewildered by the mask Zash had on she seemed like a completely different person
Jynne laughed “Oh I bet, taking more artefacts out the rich’s hands count me in” she turned to Terri “and who is this an associate of yours” Zash gave Terri a look which suggested she should talk
She smiled and shook her hand “yes I’m Zas... Zaryls assistant my name is uh” she couldn’t think of anything for a second but soon thought of something “Lucy my names Lucy” she let out an internal sigh of relief that was close
Jynee smiled “nice to meet you Lucy I’m sure you two must have quite the plan to contact me at short notice” Zash nodded and began to explain
“Yes well we can discuss the details in private, it’s quite the heist but Lucy already knows the plan you should wait here” Terri nodded even if she didn’t know that much of the plan except what and where they were looking. Still it was probably best if she didn’t butt in on the plan they seemed to know what they were doing and Terri wasn’t exactly a seasoned criminal, if Terri was being entirely honest she wouldn’t mind a smaller role in this particular mission.
She turned to the bartender and ordered some Jogan juice and sipped it quietly until someone came up to the bar, he was tall, short brown hair seemingly human and very noble looking. The robes colours probably indicated what he represented but heck if Terri knew she just sipped her juice quietly.
After a moment he spoke up “now there’s something you don’t see every day” Terri frowned looking around what was he referring to 
She frowned at him, cocking her head “uh what I don’t see anything?” the man looked at her a little confused 
He laughed awkwardly “your hair, it’s not common to see someone with white hair let alone a Mirilian” Terri realised and felt like a right fool
She nodded awkwardly “oh right yeah I guess I’ve gotten used to it I forget how much it stands out, it’s actually quite common among my family but outside yeah not so much” she had admittedly never met another person outside her family with white hair that wasn’t over 60 so she guessed it made sense to pick up on
He smiled “well I think it looks great it suits you really well, not that you needed any help” Terri nodded that was nice to hear Terri and Lusari had always stood out due to their long hair but Terri had never minded it. She sipped her juice as he continued “uh aha my names Leru nice to meet you” Terri gave him an awkward smile
She returned the courtesy, well sorta “um I’m Lucy nice to meet you” as much courtesy as a fake name had
Leru nodded “that’s a really pretty name” Terri definitely thought so “so what are you drinking?” normally Terri wouldn’t indulge a strangers conversation but she was bored waiting for Zash and he was being friendly enough 
Terri looked at her drink “oh just some Jogan juice nothing fancy” she liked fruit juice always had, people said that was childish but the joke was on them when they had a vitamin C deficiency.
Leru had a drink of his own, some kind of cocktail “huh nothing Alcoholic? That’s unique I bet you’d like some of the cocktails they do here they tend to have juice in them” Terri frowned she didn’t like Alcohol very much even when it was a nice cocktail
She shook her head “I don’t think so I’ve never really enjoyed Alcohol the few times I’ve had it” she wondered how Zash was doing with Jynne
Leru seemed to sigh “well I think it’s the thing you might have to try a few times to like” Terri considered it for a second but disagreed, there was a minute of awkward silence as Terri drank her juice “so you hear planning a caper?” Terri frowned should she say anything? She guessed saying she was ‘on a caper’ could mean anything
Terri nodded “yeah sorta I can’t say what it’s hush hush but we may be planning something” Terri yawned she wasn’t very patient and she wanted to know how dangerous their heist would be
Leru was about to say something but Terri noticed as Zash sped past her in a fury “hey DICK she’s not interested so fuck off” Terri gasped as Zash yelled at the man who quickly scurried away 
Terri frowned at her “Zaaaa… Zaryl there was no need to yell at him he was only being friendly” Zash gave her a bemused look as she shook her head
She gestured to his drink “Lucy he was clearly hitting on you didn’t you realise?” Terri’s eyes widened as she heard what Zash said, why would he do that? Why’d he want to hit on her.
Terri frowned at Zash “ewww why would he want to hit on me? I don’t even, are you sure? That doesn’t sound right” she shivered the idea of it made her feel uncomfortable
Zash sat down next to her with a sigh “Terri I know you may not see yourself that way but you’re a very pretty young woman and you may have no interest in them but they don’t know that” it suddenly clicked in her head and she realised that indulging him just to be friendly may have not been the best idea
Terri was still confused “but I wasn’t interested at all, I wouldn’t be” Zash sighed and put a hand on her shoulder
She smiled “that’s why I stepped in to get him off your back, sorry if it seemed rash at the time” Terri nodded she actually did appreciate that a lot
Terri smiled “thanks Zaryl sorry I’m bad at seeing those things, thanks for looking after me” Zash smiled back and for a second Terri felt like she wasn’t looking back at Zash even just for a second
The second passed quickly though and it left her with a pit of sadness in her stomach “of course Terri, now anyway I’ve been discussing the details of the plan with Jynne and we’ll have to get hold of some blueprints and a crew willing and capable to go into the Palace but other than that we’re good” Terri smiled but realised it was just Zash’s plan in front of her and sighed
She still put on a brave face “that’s great Zaryl I’m glad I can’t wait til this is all over” Zash nodded at her with what felt like a bit of a patronising smile
Zash patted her on the back “well hey it’s not long now and I really do appreciate all the help you’ve given me you didn’t exactly have to” Terri smiled that was very nice to hear “now come on the hacker for the team is already here just over there” she pointed to a table where a young Ardennian sat with a few datapads in front of him using his extra arms to use them all at once. He wore a pair of goggles and a flight jumpsuit seemingly especially made for Ardannians
Terri chuckled at the sight “well he certainly could lend a hand” she giggled to herself and Zash gave her a somewhat amused look
They walked over and joined him at the table “Dain Gilata nice to meet you I believe Jynne has given you the details on the mission” he turned to them and a big smile came across his face
He shook both their hands at the same time “and you must be Zaryl and Lucy I must say I’ve never had heist planners that looked like they’d belong in a fashion catalogue so this is bound to be interesting” Zash feigned a laugh but clearly was not amused
She frowned “well I’d hope so your assistance is going to be needed on security and hacking I’ve heard that’s your speciality” he stifled a laugh and showed Zash some of the datapads
He grinned “right now every exit of this place is monitored on these if anything unnatural happens I will know and I’m only doing it now cause, I’m bored imagine what I can do when I’m trying” a grin did cross Zash’s face and Terri had to admit this looked mighty impressive
Zash nodded “very good indeed well you should probably get to know Lucy as she will be protecting you during the security side of things” Terri frowned was she really on guard duty she wanted a muted role but not that muted
Terri looked at Zash dejected “So all I’m doing is protecting Dain he looks pretty capable are you sure that’s the best use of my talents” Zash wagged her finger to imply ‘let me explain’
She answered “no of course not Lucy you know what your best skill is?” Terri thought about it she guessed her ability to visualise an environment “the way you can sense everything so clearly you’re going to be perfect for checking blindspots and sensing danger” Terri was pleased with that it certainly sounded better than guard duty
She smiled “I guess that’s better I’ll do my best” Zash smiled as she stood up
She looked to each of them “I have a few more errands to run in the meantime get to know each other it’ll make the mission run smoother” she left leaving the two of them alone
Dain gave a sarcastic whistle “well she’s certainty a character a bit holier than thou but I’ve had worse leaders” Terri chuckled she was a bit but it was with good reason
Terri crossed her legs and smiled “yeah a bit she’s done a lot for me though so I kinda owe her” Dain nodded he seemed to understand
He held his palms together “yeah that’s fair gotta pay your debts, loyalty will get you a lot further in this galaxy than you think” Terri nodded she’d always thought that too “if you don’t mind me asking why do you owe her Lucy?” Terri wondered how much she should say definitely leave out the sith part
Terri responded “well she helped me escape this awful school I was at, without her I doubt I would’ve been able to ever escape so now I’m helping her out in return” she knew it’s what was best it’s like Zash said she had to honour Lusari’s memory
Dain gritted his teeth “ooh yeah that’s rough well I’m sure she appreciates your support, you two are rather young to be planning a heist like this what are you 18-19?” Terri did always forget they both were barely young adults
Terri didn’t know quite how to answer “well I’m 19 but Zaryl is actually a lot older than she looks I think she’s like 40-50 years old she’s just got one of those youthful faces I think” she didn’t know if that lie would fly but what else could she say
Dain looked at her in surprise “if that isn’t looking good for your age I don’t know what is maybe she found a sith holocron that granted her ‘youth for a great price’” he joked Terri laughed but was fully aware of how likely that actually was
Terri shuddered as her mind went back to why she didn't look so young “she does admittedly I doubt I’ll look so good at 40, we’ve been on a bit of a quest for her just to collect a few things” Dain nodded seemingly interested
He frowned “forgive me for asking if this is intrusive it’s just you talk a lot about what she wants but what do you want out of this it sounds like you’ve done enough to make you guys even” Terri had to admit that was true but of course it was more complex
Terri sighed and looked at him “uh can you keep a secret?” she realised she was giving Dain a lot of information but he was the first person to genuinely ask and he was being very kind. He nodded and she decided as long as she didn’t tell it all it was fine “well there was actually a third person with us Zaryl’s younger sister uh Sahri, she was about my age and well she’s gone now” these fake names were getting out of hand
Dain nodded a solemn look on his face “gone like left or gone gone” Terri nodded at the latter “oh I’m sorry that’s terrible” Terri felt herself sniff she hadn’t really been able to talk to anyone about it in a long time
She nodded continuing “thing is Sahri was really determined to help Zaryl, she said Sahri knew it’d be ok when she was gone cause I’d help Zaryl achieve her goals. So I kinda have to help her for Sahri, we were very close” Dain nodded clearly seeing how it was affecting Terri
Dain walked round the table and put a hand on her back “hey I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you recall that you two seemed pretty close” Terri smiled wiping her eyes she was strong she could get through it
Terri shook her head “no no it’s ok it's nice to talk about it, I can’t talk about it with Zaryl it’s too difficult please don’t tell her I told you” Dain nodded a very genuine smile on his face
He responded “hey of course I won’t say a word, I'm a successful hacker for a reason I’m good at hiding secrets, you seemed very close with Sahri though was she like Zaryl or different? Less pompous?” he joked causing Terri to laugh
She started describing her “she really looked a lot like Zaryl but she had long straight hair that went all the way down her back and she had these cute silly bangs that would always get in her eyes” she felt her heart flutter thinking about Lusari again “Sahri would always wear this dark purple lipstick and nail polish that looked so cool I was always so jealous” she felt a tear fall down herself and she breathed in shaky breath. She didn’t realise how long she’d been holding onto that it felt good to let it out, she sniffed and smiled even if Lusari was gone she still had the good times.
Dain sat next to her with a smile “she seemed like quite the catch and you seemed pretty taken with her” Terri gasped, what die he? Oh who was she kidding why pretend anymore she’d had the biggest crush on Lusari “losing someone can be tough but as long as you’re with the right people you can get through anything Lucy” he moved back over to his side of the table
Terri smiled “yeah I guess so she was very special to me but you’re right I can get through it” she looked over to Zash who was discussing something with Jynne, was she with the right people? She wasn’t sure she knew.
She decided not to press it right now she had a question for Dain “Hey why do you have goggles with no lenses in them?” she’d noticed it while they were talking but hadn’t said anything until now
Dain laughed “oh you noticed, thing is I have perfect eyesight but they just complete the look ya know” Terri chuckled glad to have made a friend it had been an awfully long time since she’d done that...
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chubbyooo · 5 years
Oc Voice reference
i was tagged by @starknstarwars​ very kewl thanks :D
let’s start with Kyradia but I’m gonna do all the main cast cause why not :P
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“country” │ “backwoods” │ “sailor” │ “noble” │ foreign speaker | “The Queen’s English” with a dash of cockney | “socal surfer”
educated │ uneducated │ don’t use conjunctions │ shortens words │ just make up their own words! │ old English │ doesn’t use contractions | mispronounces big words
loud │ soft │ room volume │ high pitched │ low pitched │seductive │ velvety │ speech impediment │ abrasive │ gruff │ shrill │ booming │ matter-of-fact │ toneless │ husky │gravelly │ breathy │ nasal │ barking │ chatty │ condescending │ musical │ suave │ world-weary │ brash │ authoritative | patient
refers to self in third person plurals │ incorporates different languages/terms/sayings │ uses gender-specific terms │ adapts to audience │ changes pitch around animals or children │ shifts tone when lying │ gives others nicknames │ uses terms of respect towards others │ uses terms of affection towards others
there’s a few things that go into Kyradia’s voice, I’ve always imagined her with a lower spanish/Mexican/Brazilian (probably need to define it a bit more XD) accent not at all like her in game VO which is far too imperial (althought for a while she put on an accent) I know Maul and the other Zabraks had a much deeper smooth voice but I just don’t think it really fit
anyways I think it’s a mix of peoples voices like Zoe Saldana and of course Aubrey Plaza for that deadpan grumpf energy :P
okaaaay next up in Gacen who will be mostly similar cause genetics :P
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“country” │ “backwoods” │ “sailor” │ “noble” │ foreign speaker | “The Queen’s English” with a dash of cockney | “socal surfer”
► ELOQUENCE (none :P)
educated │ uneducated │ don’t use conjunctions │ shortens words │ just make up their own words! │ old English │ doesn’t use contractions | mispronounces big words
loud │ soft │ room volume │ high pitched │ low pitched │seductive │ velvety │ speech impediment │ abrasive │ gruff │ shrill │ booming │ matter-of-fact │ toneless │ husky │gravelly │ breathy │ nasal │ barking │ chatty │ condescending │ musical │ suave │ world-weary │ brash │ authoritative | patient
refers to self in third person plurals │ incorporates different languages/terms/sayings │ uses gender-specific terms │ adapts to audience │ changes pitch around animals or children │ shifts tone when lying │ gives others nicknames │ uses terms of respect towards others │ uses terms of affection towards others
Now Gacen’s accent has become a bit more muted because of well his smuggler lifestyle but he still has similar roots so I’d say a slightly less intense version of Diego Lunas performance as Cassian 
of course with a lot more dumbass energy XD
ok next up is Kavaraa who is a stark contrast
Tumblr media
“country” │ “backwoods” │ “sailor” │ “noble” │ foreign speaker | “The Queen’s English” with a dash of cockney | “socal surfer”
educated │ uneducated │ don’t use conjunctions │ shortens words │ just make up their own words! │ old English │ doesn’t use contractions | mispronounces big words
loud │ soft │ room volume │ high pitched │ low pitched │seductive │ velvety │ speech impediment │ abrasive │ gruff │ shrill │ booming │ matter-of-fact │ toneless │ husky │gravelly │ breathy │ nasal │ barking │ chatty │ condescending │ musical │ suave │ world-weary │ brash │ authoritative | patient
refers to self in third person plurals │ incorporates different languages/terms/sayings │ uses gender-specific terms │ adapts to audience │ changes pitch around animals or children │ shifts tone when lying │ gives others nicknames │ uses terms of respect towards others │ uses terms of affection towards others
As is probably clear Kavaraa is a lot different with some country accent mixed with a bit of noble due to her upbringing so it’s a bit of a weird mix of actors like Kristen Bell and Allison Brie (for the pitch and tone) with a bit more southern twinge if that makes sense XD
next up is Ash
Tumblr media
“country” │ “backwoods” │ “sailor” │ “noble” │ foreign speaker | “The Queen’s English” with a dash of cockney | “socal surfer”
educated │ uneducated │ don’t use conjunctions │ shortens words │ just make up their own words! │ old English │ doesn’t use contractions | mispronounces big words
loud │ soft │ room volume │ high pitched │ low pitched │seductive │ velvety │ speech impediment │ abrasive │ gruff │ shrill │ booming │ matter-of-fact │ toneless │ husky │gravelly │ breathy │ nasal │ barking │ chatty │ condescending │ musical │ suave │ world-weary │ brash │ authoritative | patient
refers to self in third person plurals │ incorporates different languages/terms/sayings │ uses gender-specific terms │ adapts to audience │ changes pitch around animals or children │ shifts tone when lying │ gives others nicknames │ uses terms of respect towards others │ uses terms of affection towards others
Ash isn’t actually like most chiss her voice is loud instead of the softness most chiss present but she does have that authoritative tone
I think her voice is something more akin to Thandie Newton or Tessa Thompson if her voice was deeper
Last off we got Terri
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“country” │ “backwoods” │ “sailor” │ “noble” │ foreign speaker | “The Queen’s English” with a dash of cockney | “socal surfer”
educated │ uneducated │ don’t use conjunctions │ shortens words │ just make up their own words! │ old English │ doesn’t use contractions | mispronounces big words
loud │ soft │ room volume │ high pitched │ low pitched │seductive │ velvety │ speech impediment │ abrasive │ gruff │ shrill │ booming │ matter-of-fact │ toneless │ husky │gravelly │ breathy │ nasal │ barking │ chatty │ condescending │ musical │ suave │ world-weary │ brash │ authoritative | patient
refers to self in third person plurals │ incorporates different languages/terms/sayings │ uses gender-specific terms │ adapts to audience │ changes pitch around animals or children │ shifts tone when lying │ gives others nicknames │ uses terms of respect towards others │ uses terms of affection towards others
So Terri does actually have the Imperial British accent wether it was environment or original is unclear but she adapted more cockney than usual.
Maybe a bit Maisie Williams or Millie Bobbie Brown but more cockney (poin is she’s younger than the rest XD) 
everyone who I’d tag has been since I’m super late XD
hope that was interesting to yall cause this stuff always fascinates me :D tell me what you think and if any surprised you, what voice did you think each character had :D
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chubbyooo · 4 years
Blurred Lines: Cursed Past Chapter 88 - The Monster that Lay Within
hey sorry I've been so slow lately my motivation has been messy for a bit but may start to get better also sorry not sorry for this XD Kyradia gives in to escape from the Sisters clutches
Kyradia was hyperventilating as they moved her towards the table her eyes darted around as the Nightsister chief snatched her saber “hmmmm I see you were one of the success stories” Kyradia tried to grab it but her muscles still weren’t working leaving her to just watch
Zash tutted moving up to her with a devious grin “I wouldn’t go that far Chief Tzsuo” she put a hand on Kyradia’s shoulder, Kyradia could immediately feel the anger building up inside her “she had a certain nack for insubordination and sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong” she shoved Kyradia forward against the table with the restraints
Kyradia could feel herself losing control as she began to see flashes of that cave, the mist, and her. Tzuso chuckled “well let’s find out where the sisters went wrong I’m sure you wouldn’t mind helping us Zash” Zash shook her head moving towards Kyradia
No no no she was not going back there she couldn’t be tied up but she couldn’t let it out but she didn’t know how to stop it, she saw green mist begin to pour out of her eyes as her muscles tensed up; it was too late and it was out the monster was here
The feeling in her arms and legs returned as her mind came to one goal fight, she sprung up and kicked Zash back sending her flying across the room. Immediately Nightsisters descended on her there were nearly thirty in here but they were the ones outnumbered, the closest five came at her trying their best to restrain her.
But Kyradia moved with insane speed grabbing the first one's arm and then bending it out of shape to a resounding snap, she used her momentum to throw the sister at two of the others as she pounced on a fourth. 
She grabbed the sides of her head and slammed them against the floor until they stopped struggling and stood to see many more now descending on her, the fifth seemingly had a better idea and brandished a spear. She lunged at Kyradia before she could do anything, the spear only slightly piercing her flesh, Kyradia snarled at her grabbing the spear out of her hands and jumped towards her slamming it deep into her head.
She had no idea where Zash and the chief were but she didn’t care as she snarled at the nightsisters trying their best to restrain her, ten or so more had surrounded her and decided to try and take her at the same time. One lunged forward trying to grab her from behind but was met with a surprise as Kyradia strode behind her and sweeped her legs stepping on her skull.
The others seemed to learn from this all going to attack her at once grabbing at her to try and restrain her but to their surprise Kyradia only used this against them grabbing two of them and using their weight against them to slam them into the other many cracks and breaks coming from the sisters, then proceeding to make sure each of them stayed down.
Still a few had a hold on her and more surrounding her every second they began to push her to the ground but Kyradia wasn’t going to allow it using all her rage and anger to channel a current of electricity all over her body. As the sisters closed in she let it out with a resounding boom sending them all flying into burned crumpled heaps on the floor, Kyradia looked around the room and her eyes set on the Chief Tzuso who’d stolen her weapon.
She bared her teeth and dashed over as Tzuso drew a blade of her own, as Kyradia was supposed to collide with her she disappeared into the mist reappearing behind her but Kyradia sniffed the air sensing her there pulling Tzuso towards her with the force. She used the momentum of the pull to lay a loud punch into Tzuso’s skull causing her to fall back nose gushing with blood, Kyradia stalked her prey as Tzuso tried to stand up looking to put some space between them. Kyradia growled at her grabbing at her long frizzy hair and slamming her back against the ground leaving a small indent of her there, she saw her blade on the chief's belt and snatched it up quickly. Tzuso’s eyes were wide, clearly realizing the magnitude of her mistake Kyradia got in close and snarled at her, the green mist pouring out of her mouth and eyes before igniting her saber through her skull.
There were just a few stragglers left now looking like they were ready to run but Kyradia wouldn’t let that happen, she threw her saber across the room cutting down three sisters in one fell swoop as she ran at another slamming her hard against the wall punching at her until she fell to the ground
She turned around catching her saber as it returned to her, just one left she thought Kyradia hadn't seen her hiding under the table. Kyradia strode over chomping at the bit the sister quickly realised she’d been spotted and meekly tried to run away, Kyradia pulled her in with the force the sister falling to the ground in front of her pleading with her to stop. Kyradia felt herself twitch as she raised the blade and slammed it down, she took a deep breath as the mist finally receded from around her and she closed her eyes for a second.
But in the silence she heard a laugh a familiar laugh, her eyes darted over to Zash who had watched the whole thing “well well this is certainly telling Kyradia and here I thought you’d gone soft” Kyradia felt the rage build back up as she threw her saber at Zash. But to her surprise just before the Saber would impact Zash’s form dissipated with that same green mist, no no no she was learning their ways she had to stop her she had to find Ashara and Malora.
She turned around but gasped as she looked at the scene in the room, blood and bodies everywhere, every sister that had been in here now lay dead on the ground. Kyradia felt herself shiver as she dropped to the floor, her hands starting to shake, she’d done it again she’d let out her true self and this is what it wrought. She felt her eyes well up with tears; she truly was just a monster, her body was covered in their blood as she let out a gutteral scream, a few minutes later Ashara and Malora rushed into the room.
Ashara gasped looking at the carnage in the room and Kyradia in the middle of it sobbing, Ashara rushed over cradling her “Kyradia are you ok?! What happened!?” Kyradia continued to sob her words not really forming into sentences as Malora looked at the corpses
After a little bit of comforting Kyradia managed to speak “I’m so sorry th-they were going to tie me up and” she took a long pause a solemn look in her eyes “I made another mistake Ashara, Zash is right I really am just a monster” Kyradia began to sob again as Ashara took in the information
Ashara rocked her back and forth “hey it’s ok this wasn’t your fault they did this right this isn’t your fault” Kyradia shook her head at Ashara clearly not agreeing
Kyradia sobbed and sobbed “they were going to tie me up and I just couldn’t go back so I let it out and then” her breath was shaky as she spoke “I killed them all” Ashara nodded doing her best to comfort her as Malora came over
She bent down doing her best best to act comforting “I will say Kyradia it doesn’t seem like your fault, clearly you’re dealing with some kind of post traumatic stress and it triggered you when they wanted to ‘tie you up’ for anyone that would be tough” Ashara nodded at this as Kyradia began to take a few deep breaths
She took a deep sigh “I still did it though I chose to let it out, I let Zash get to me and my trauma I’m so sorry” she didn’t understand why they were giving her sympathy 
Ashara shook her head sternly “don’t you dare apologize for whatever they put you through that wasn’t your fault and this is not the same ok, Zash knows how to push your buttons it’s her fault not yours” Kyradia didn’t respond clearly not convinced
She sighed “I should be stronger I shouldn’t let her get to me” she knew this would happen this was all her fault
Malora spoke up “weakness is what makes us people Kyradia our ability to better ourselves is what puts us above people like Zash” Kyradia didn’t feel above Zash not with all the dead bodies around her
Ashara helped her up “she’s right Kyradia, I’m adamant this is not your fault and you know I’d rightly call you out for your other mistakes we’re going to fix this ok” Kyradia nodded not believing her at all “now let’s get out of here, get back to Odessen you need a break” Kyradia nodded maybe she wasn’t qualified to stop Zash…
Terri was half asleep when her comm blared to life “TERRI get the ship ready the Commander has caught up with us and she... oh my god Terri she” she trailed off as Terri jumped to life getting the ship ready for Zash
Terri responded “what happened Zash don’t worry I can take it” she set the ship ready for takeoff
Zash took a deep breath “she killed them all Terri, we had her captured and she just went crazy I barely got out alive” Terri gasped in shock she didn’t think the commander was capable of that
A few seconds later Zash darted onto the ship and into the cockpit breathing heavily “alright go we may not have much time, I’ve never seen her like that before” Terri nodded and quickly piloted the ship into orbit plotting coordinates to anywhere else
Terri turned to her “what do you think happened I thought she was just after us” Zash sat down next to her putting a holo on the console
Zash sighed “see for yourself, but I’ll warn you it’s pretty graphic” Terri shivered she didn’t think she wanted to see that
She swallowed hard “I’ll take your word for it” she guessed she was wrong to think the Commander may be good she really had just been trying to trick her...
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chubbyooo · 5 years
Darth Zash: Cute. That bio sith Malora gave me a microscope that would have made me retarded.
Terri: Ooo, oh boy Zash, I-I don't think you're allowed to say that word. Ya know?
Zash: Uh Terri, I'm not disparaging the differently abled. I'm stating the fact that if I had used this microscope it would have made me mentally retarded.
Terri: Ok but yeah, I don't think it's about logic, Zash. I-I think the word has just become a symbolic issue for powerful groups that feel like they're doing the right thing.
Zash: Well that's retarded.
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chubbyooo · 4 years
Blurred Lines: Cursed Past Chapter 79 - The Fury of the Sith
ohhhh it's fightin time :D
Kyradia has her first confrontation with Zash since Yavin IV
Kyradia was getting increasingly agitated waiting for Zash, the desert was way too quiet but she could sense all the danger in the galaxy approaching and she wasn’t going to let it escape this time. They had left their speeders nearby so Malora could set up some kind of ambush, she tried her best to remain calm and collected she couldn’t let her anger overtake her now or she’d make a mistake like she did on Yavin IV. She looked to her left and right, Ashara and Malora stood ready there seemed to be some tension between them but they at least both looked ready.
Ashara broke the silence “are you sure these things will work, what if they don’t go off” Ashara had been skeptical of this plan but it was better than trying to catch them on speeders
Malora scoffed “I’m sure don’t question it just because you don’t understand Jedi, even if the sensors don’t cause the trap to go off I can do it manually” Kyradia could sense the tension but she wasn’t gonna be the one to diffuse it there was more at stake right now.
But then she sensed something she spotted two dots on the horizon “shush they’re close” she watched as the dots slowly got bigger she didn’t take her eyes off them for a single second. Soon they were barreling towards her and she could sense Zash’s presence, she smiled she couldn’t run forever. 
Her hand went to her saberstaff as they came into range of the traps, two plumes of sand erupted and she watched as the speeders skidded and the form of the Mirilian tumbled out of the sand onto the ground. She frowned where was Zash? A second later a figure dropped down next to Terri unscathed by the attack and snarling at them, Zash loosened up as she whispered to Terri but not taking her eyes off Kyradia. 
Kyradia gritted her teeth as she ignited her saber, seconds later Zash’s sabers shot to life and she lunged forward towards Kyradia it was time to fight
Zash jumped across the distance between them and slammed down with her sabers against Kyradia’s staff “well well well Kyradia I thought I sensed an afterthought” she turned to look to Malora “and look you’ve picked up a stray, here for your experiment I bet how terribly boring” Malora snarled dashing forward trying to cleave into Zash’s stomach. But Zash saw it coming immediately and blocked it with her yellow saber, Kyradia and Malora began to each try to break Zash’s defense but neither could get past her blocking.
Malora hissed “I’m here for what’s mine, don’t think I’ll be so easily beaten” Kyradia could see out the corner of her eye as Ashara tried to help them but was blocked by the Mirilian, looks like this was going to be a sith exclusive at least for the time being.
Zash chuckled “my dear the bar isn’t exactly high” she parried Malora’s attack before a sudden jolt of electricity sent her flying backwards. Zash smiled turning back to Kyradia “now that your new toy is out the way I suppose I’ll have to teach you another lesson apprentice” Kyradia could feel the anger build up inside her as she fought one of her oldest enemies
Kyradia snarled “I wouldn’t bet on it Zash you got lucky” Kyradia pushed her saber forward againsts Zash’s causing her to lose her balance for a second, Kyradia brought her saber up hoping to capitalize but Zash suddenly jumped rolling just out the way of her saber and landing crouched with a smile.
Zash continued to taunt as she stalked her target “I haven’t heard from you in a while apprentice, too scared I may find out more about your past” Kyradia tried her best to hide the worry the snarl ever present on her face. 
Kyradia could see Terri and Ashara had continued to fight doing her best to disarm the Mirilian “please listen to me why are you helping her” Ashara had more faith in the innocence act from the girl than Kyradia did
Terri pushed her back with the force “I could ask you the same question the commander is a ruthless killer don’t lecture me on helping sith” Kyradia knew Terri had a point but she had to focus on the monster in front of her for now
Kyradia responded to Zash “you’re being played, you either lose to me or you lose to the sisters but I want the satisfaction of you losing to me” Kyradia threw her saber out as a distraction as Zash went to parry it Kyradia channeled all her anger and flung Zash towards her getting ready to kick her in the stomach
But Zash was ready to turn herself around as she flew towards Kyradia using the force of Kyradia’s kick to propel herself over her, she landed and went to stab at Kyradia. Kyradia dodged out the way trying to pull her saber back to her hand as Zash responded “you think I don’t know they’re playing me Kyradia of course I have my own plan for that, this body isn’t my only contingency apprentice” the stabs were getting closer and closer and Kyradia felt something stopping her from being able to pick it up “I’m not letting you block your way out of this one apprentice this loose end should’ve been tied up a long time ago” she lunged forward to try and stab Kyradia but a flash of red flung into Kyradias view blocking the attack.
Kyradia looked to see Malora slide in front of her picking back up her saber “find your saber Commander we’ll need both of us to defeat her” Kyradia felt Malora push her back blocking the strikes from Zash 
Zash snarled “oh please you think you can stop me scientist” she begun a barrage of strikes at Malora it was clear Malora couldn’t land a hit on her and was merely stalling, Kyradia scrambled to find her saber which had been left far away past Terri and Ashara
They seemed fairly evenly matched neither having made headway on the other, Kyradia rushed past rolling to pick up her saber as Zash and Malora continued “you’d be surprised Zash I’m not so clueless anymore and it’s time to exterminate a fossil” Malora activated some kind of gadget grabbing Zash’s arm and shocking her
Zash shrieked in pain but the shrieks soon turned into a cackle as the electricity focussed into her palm “oh wrong move scientist, it’s a shame you would’ve been so much more competent under my tutelage” she let out an intense burst of lightning which sent Malora flying back into the sand.
She started to breath heavily looking around extremely panicked, grasping at her neck Kyradia didn’t understand why but she was in trouble, she shouted to Ashara “Ashara!!! Malora’s in trouble” Ashara nodded as Kyradia focussed with the force holding Terri in place while Ashara ran towards Zash as she closed in on Malora.
Quickly Ashara ran into Zash’s path pushing her back with the force, Zash kept moving forward admittedly slower “ah well well well the little apprentice we manipulated is still around following orders” Kyradia could see Ashara struggling and began to run back towards them
But before she could the Mirilian stood in front of her “NO s-stop” she didn’t seemed very confident but it’d still slow her down
Kyradia stood tall “get out of my way kid you don’t understand what you’re doing” Terri didn’t budge a new wave of anger coming over her face. 
Terri held her lightsaber ready “I understand that you don't give people a second chance, that you kill people who disobey you and that you won’t stop until you have revenge. That you’re cruel and allowed and endorsed a corrupt system for your own selfish reasons and I understand that’s not someone I want to let by” she lunged forward with a new found anger catching Kyradia by surprise deflecting a series of impassioned strikes
Behind them Ashara also stood ready “you don’t scare me Zash we defeated you before we can again” Zash seemed amused by the statement getting closer and closer
Zash smiled “oh honey you show such devotion to someone who uses you maybe you should’ve been my apprentice you’d fit right in” Ashara shuddered at the statement but stood ready while Zash lunged at her hitting her with strike after strike
Ashara tried her best to keep it up but was falling back “She’s not using me!!! Not anymore and you can’t manipulate me no one can not anymore” her strikes continued and just before she was overpowered Malora’s saber came into view blocking her red saber pushing Zash back.
Zash snarled at each of them “fighting you apprentices is beneath me I’m done playing with my food” an intense blast of force energy pushed them both back as she swung her sabers forward
Kyradia could see that Zash would overpower them soon she didn’t have time for this girl time to appeal to her innocent side “look I’ll be honest you may be right I’m cruel, self serving and short tempered but i‘m trying to be better, I can admit my flaws ,but can Zash?” Terri seemed confused for a second and in that second Kyradia took the opportunity to hit her in the face with her saber causing her to fall back to the ground.
Kyradia couldn’t take a minute though as she saw Zash starting to overpower Ashara and Malora, she sprinted up the hill and threw her saber towards Zash. Malora seemed to take note of this and activated another gadget spraying acid, Kyradia heard a scream but once again she seemed to take that pain and manipulate it.
Zash snarled “how dare you this form is brand new, you’re no-” before she finished however she felt Kyradia’s saber embed itself in her should causing her to shriek out in immense pain, it was the first clean hit anyone had got on Zash and the fury was clear.
Kyradia pulled her saber out as Zash stumbled but when Kyradia arrived next to Zash she vanished striding away, Kyradia looked around her and noticed a phantom like shape she was very familiar with circling them. 
Electricity started to pulsate creating a wall of dark shadow energy, the lightning itself surrounding the three of them, Kyradia gasped she’d never thought this possible she had to protect them or they’d all be fried to a crisp. 
What could she do though shields weren’t her thing she turned to Ashara “Ashara!! We need a shield now how do we do that” she looked as confused as Kyradia
Ashara considered it “I um I guess just clear your mind and reach out” she frowned “and maybe hold hands to channel our power” Malora and Kyradia both scoffed but as the column of shadow encircled them they were willing to try anything.
They joined hands and focussed, Kyradia tried her best but she was furious Zash would get away she knew it but it was either protect themselves or die. She tried her best to let go of the pain and think of something calm, something innocent before Zash, her mind drifted to home but not when she was a teenager before all that happened with her family if she could really call just a brother that. She felt her eyes well up, she missed that more than she realised she shook off the feeling and when she opened her eyes she saw that the lightning was sparking off a very small shield around the three of them. She smiled it had worked at least somewhat she just hoped it was enough.
She looked out to see if she could spot Zash but she could already hear the sound of a speeder startup and as the column of shadow dissipated he speeder with Zash and her apprentice was shooting off towards the nearby ridge
Malora cursed to herself “we have to follow them now they can’t get away!!!” she sliced at the ground with her saber her features looking more savage than normal as she let out a furious growl
Ashara gasped “uh that might be tricky” she pointed to where their speeders had been but now all they could see was piles of scrap where the speeders had been
Kyradia gritted her teeth “great so not only did she escape again but now we’re stuck in the desert” this situation had gone from bad to worse…
Terri awoke suddenly feeling the wind on her hair she looked up realising she was in the cave they’d parked the ship in, she realised she was being carried. She tapped on Zash’s shoulder “um I’m awake you can put me down” Zash nodded setting her down “what happened Zash I thought we were fighting the Commander” Zash turned to face her causing Terri to shriek noticing she had a rather bad acid burn on the right side of her face as well as a stab wound in her shoulder she was nursing as she walked
Zash snarled “what happened is you got tricked by that bitch Kyradia and as a result I had to fight them all off” she winced in great pain as Terri slowly watched the burn heal itself up once again resembling Lusari’s face “I am extremely weak because of all the energy I used today, fly us out of here quickly to make up for it” Terri had never heard Zash so harsh before but she guessed getting such an injury would make you angry. Still it wasn’t her fault right? she paused realising it was, the Commander had acted like they were changing their ways just so she could get past Terri.
They made their way back onto the ship “sorry Zash I’m just a little too trusting” Zash seemed to be returning to her normal self as they returned to the cockpit much less angry and understanding
Zash shook her head “from now on Terri don’t trust what anyone says but me, you’ve seen first hand how people will try to trick you, so never trust anyone you even slightly doubt ok after all next time we may not be so lucky.” Terri nodded, maybe that was a better rule she didn’t want to get Zash hurt after all but did she trust Zash beyond a shadow of a doubt? She had to right? for Lusari, still she’d not admit her mistakes like the commander...
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chubbyooo · 4 years
Terri and Zash Screenshots :D
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Terri stands up to sith bullies
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you guys are meanies who knew sith could be so mean
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do you think you can eat them? (actual in game line XD)
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Terri realizes how in deep she is
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I have a plan and I promise it benefits both of us
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if both of us is me
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“cmon Terri in and out ten minute adventure”
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what could go wrong
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Terri’s Panik face
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ooooo you’re crazy
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the precious levels are off the charts
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yep I have no idea what I’m looking at
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the face of a tired avacado
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that moment when Terri fell in quicksand and Zash’s internal struggle
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what a cutie
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chubbyooo · 4 years
Blurred Lines: Cursed Past Chapter 78 - Sinking Despite the Struggle
I found a little time to write a short chap :D
Terri and Zash collect the next ingredient and sense a confrontation soon
Terri wiped the sweat from her brow as she dawdled forward, she’d learnt an important lesson today deserts suck and they hurt to be in, they had left their speeders nearby but had decided to take it on foot due to the difficult terrain. She looked to Zash who seemed unfazed by the extreme heat, her vision blurred for a moment on her form and she felt a twinge of guilt knowing Lusari was gone. She tried to picture her but all she could think of was Zash, she knew this was what Lusari wanted but why couldn’t she have consulted Terri and they could’ve found another way or at least tried. Lusari and Zash were not similar, she looked like a completely different person Terri sighed she really did miss Lusi she'd know what to do next. Terri was still a bit shaken from Kowak and seeing Malora, she’d been the scary one in the sith academy when Terri was training but now that seemed to have slipped away. Terri still remembered the day that she saw her spines for the first time Lusari nearly shrieked but luckily they thought better than to draw attention to it. She couldn't imagine what dark twisted goals could lead her to do that to herself, she’d never use the force like that, hopefully Zash would help with that. Still Malora had stood no chance against Zash if there ever was an example of playing with their food that was it, Terri wished she could be up to Zash’s standard but dueling had never come naturally to her she was too focussed on sabers and not the force or something.
Zash broke the silence as they continued to walk “the ridge with the oil is just a little further, you see that chasm it’s at the edge of that” the next item on their list was some kind of oil which was surprisingly common according to Zash
Terri nodded looking at the chasm “how much of this do we need?” it hadn’t specified on the list but Zash hopefully had been working it out
Zash went through her pockets and picked out a vial “In my experience this kind of oil is just used as a stabilising agent so half of this vial should do” Terri nodded the bottle was fairly small at least so they wouldn’t be here for a while. She looked through the macrobinoculars “I believe there’s a stream a little to the right of the chasm we should head there” Terri couldn’t quite see it so she walked forward
She stumbled a bit “ah yes I see it now let-” as she tried to walk forward her foot seemed stuck causing her to stumble over into the sand, she looked and realised she could feel herself sinking “oh no oh no oh no” Terri started to breath heavily she just walked into quicksand. She turned to Zash as she tried to pull herself out struggling against the sand “Zash I’m stuck what do I do I um I’m sinking” Zash walked up cautiously with a frown on her face
She reassured Terri “Ok Terri stop struggling that’s only going to make this worse, stay still!” she pinched her nose clearly frustrated with Terri’s carelessness.
Terri continued to struggle “but but if I don’t I’m going to sink I have to try and get out” she was about up to her waist and was getting increasingly anxious as she only seemed to be sinking faster 
Zash suddenly raised her voice “TERRI! Stay still or you’re going to die and we don’t have time for that” Terri had never heard Zash yell like that and instantly stopped 
Terri nodded “sorry I’m sorry I’m just scared what am I going to do” Zash rubbed her temples as she thought ignoring Terri’s panic “can you reach out maybe put down a branch or pole of some kind” Zash considered it but shook her head
She dismissed the idea “no I can’t risk us both falling into the quicksand Terri there’s another solution just be calm keep yourself steady” Terri nodded but wasn’t exactly confident as the sand continued to rise towards her shoulders
Zash took a deep breath and Terri watched as her fists clenched and she shook as she did, Terri felt the sand around her begin to move, she started to understand and closed her eyes concentrating on the sand around her keeping herself steady. Suddenly she felt herself and the sand around her flung upwards, she opened her eyes just before she collided with the ground rolling onto her back. Seconds later a rain of sand landed on her causing her to cough and splutter, she began to shake it off her as Zash walked over and offered her a hand.
Terri spat up some sand “thanks Zash that was really scary” Zash nodded turning back to the chasm
She sighed “yes well next time be a bit more cautious we can’t afford anymore wasted time” Terri frowned, was some danger coming? “While helping you out of the sand I sensed something else, it seems the Commander and her friends may be catching up with us soon we should hurry” Terri felt a pit in her stomach not them again she wasn’t ready to fight them why couldn’t they just leave them alone.
She followed Zash as they headed towards the chasm “I don’t understand why they are so intent on chasing us, I uh get that there’s bad blood but you’re not hurting anyone why is the commander so intent on hurting you” Zash seemed to be only half listening as they reached the stream they had been looking for
Zash shook her head “some people don’t think logically Terristera she’s out for revenge over anything else, I know it’s not what you want to hear but the commander would rather have me dead than give me the chance to do something she considers wrong again” Terri was shocked could she really have such little faith in people. Zash wasn’t hurting anyone they’d been keeping it fairy civil, the only ones they may have hurt were the scientists on Kowak and they were hurting animals so kinda deserved it 
Terri shook her head “I don’t understand how she could do that this has nothing to do with her does she really want you dead that badly” Zash nodded as she began collecting the oil
Zash sighed “I’m afraid so just look at her record as commander, she killed that Commander Aric Jorgan for disobeying one order she doesn’t do second chances” she paused looking out to the desert “honestly if I had it my way we never would’ve interacted again I have no interest in revenge on her I had every opportunity to kill her on Yavin IV and I didn’t” Terri had to admit she had that chance and didn’t take it, she doubted the commander would return the sentiment
Terri kicked at the sand “so some sith really are just rotten then, willing to do anything to keep their position?” Zash finished collecting the oil and stood up
She put a hand on Terri’s shoulder “I’m afraid so Terri but we’re not like them are we, we’re not going to let the sith academy churn out rotten sith just so they can be killed for a war right” Terri nodded she was forever glad she hadn’t become one of those sith, Zash really had saved them from that.
Terri nodded smiling “yeah we’re not gonna be part of that broken system” Lusari had always said it was broken, that it was only good for making sith fight each other like a snake eating its own tail.
Zash smirked “yes well let’s not get too ahead of ourselves first we need power and power comes with these” she gestured to the bag of ingredients they had been collecting.
Terri checked the oil off the list as they made their way back to the speeders, she wasn’t quite sure where this would all lead but she trusted Zash her intentions were pure and they had a common goal.
As they arrived at the speeders Terri brushed off the last of the sand and hopped on, they sped off into the desert without another word and were quickly returning to the city where they had hidden the ship. Terri looked at Zash with a smile, it seemed Lusari would be proud of her if they continued like Zash said, she frowned although she did tend to be a little harsh especially when she fell in the quicksand. But she knew she was just being harsh because she was worried about her right? Zash seemed to have their best interests at heart.
They continued forward when suddenly a plume of sand erupted in front of Terri causing her to skid and fly off her speeder onto the ground, she heard a few more plumes erupt and saw a speeder stop next to her. She shook her head looking up to see Zash snarling her hands on her sabers “they brought the scientist” she said through gritted teeth. Terri’s head shot up to see The Commander the Togruta and Malora standing ready in front of them she swallowed hard realising what odds were against them
She stood up and fumbled for her saber “what are we going to do Zash they outnumber us?” She could see the three were ready to fight, how had they caught up so quick? And why was Malora here?
Zash shook her head “oh I think not Terri now we’re evenly matched” she ignited both her sabers and loosened up “this won’t take long” Terri gulped Zash may be confident but she was not...
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chubbyooo · 4 years
Blurred Lines: Cursed Past Chapter 80 - Monsters of All Shapes and Sizes
man this is a long boi hope you enjoy :D
Kyradia and the gang find shelter and secrets are revealed
Malora’s voice echoed as she shrieked out in anger throwing her lightsaber “damn it how could we let her escape, what even was that!!!!” Kyradia sighed once again Zash had escaped but t this time it was different she’d caused her to run because she was scared, that made her vunerable.
Ashara tried to calm down Malora “well there’s no use getting angry and throwing your lightsaber away Malora we don’t have time to waste finding it” Malora’s stone face turned to her as she held out her hand
Seconds later the saber was back in her had “don’t be ridiculous this thing is magnetically linked to my hand so I don’t lose it” Kyradia wanted one of those, she frowned as she looked at Malora she looked weirdly jittery as she continued her echoed voice seemed choppy “What are we going to do the bitch destroyed the speeders” Kyradia wasn’t exactly sure but they should definitely find shelter
She checked her datapad “kriff no signal, Andronikos should notice our absence if we’re gone for a day though. We need to find shelter and just wait this out” she knew Andronikos was already paranoid about them so it shouldn’t be too long
Malora nodded “fine I’ll find us an adequate shelter” she picked out a scanner and began walking towards a nearby outcropping of rock
Ashara frowned “how many gadgets does she have on her?” Kyradia chuckled she was certainly more prepared than either of them
Malora responded tersely “I have a number of ‘gadgets’ for this exact scenario so I can’t be bested by a coward, I’d advise that in future you come more prepared” Ashara glaced to Kyradia giving a ‘sheesh’ face
Malora strode ahead leaving the two of them to talk, Ashara was quick to ask “hey are you doing ok?” Kyradia didn’t know quite how to answer that, everything was so full on at the moment that she may just be compartmentalising her searing rage
Kyradia answered “I think I’m ok, Zash ran because we injured her that makes her vunerable and I count that at least as a little win” Ashara’s eyes were wide clearly surprised by Kyradia’s calmness
Ashara folded her arms “so you’re not mad that she got away?” Kyradia laughed she wouldn’t quite put it like that
She responded “oh no I’m angry but I’m not giving it the time of day for now” Ashara nodded a unsurprised look crossing her face “by the way Ashara I noticed something about the Mirialian, she seems to genuinely believe we’re the bad guys” Ashara nodded clearly having also picked up on this
Ashara stroked her chin “yeah I have a feeling Zash has been lying to her and if so I worry for her safety” Kyradia nodded it may be a weakness Zash hadn’t accounted for
Kyradia nodded “Zash relies on her though maybe if we could use her against Zash then she could be exploited” Ashara’s face turned to a frown giving Kyradia a silent glare “oh and save her from Zash as well” Ashara sighed clearly unimpressed with Kyradia’s idea
Ashara continued “I doubt we’d have to manipulate anyone and I would not allow that, we just need to so her the truth” Kyradia nodded falling quiet it really was easy to fall back into her old ways
Kyradia looked away “I uh sorry that kinda just slipped out I didn’t mean to uh” Ashara cut her off before she could flounder anymore
Ashara shook her head “it’s ok Ky Zash is bound to bring back a lot of old habits” Kyradia nodded looking away awkwardly
They walked towards the ridge for a while longer before they found a suitable cave, Malora spoke “precipitation levels around this cave suggest a perfect source for a small supply of water if I set up some collection points and it will also house a suitable temperature for temporary residence” Kyradia blinked not quite understanding any of that
Ashara clarified “she means it’s suitable as shelter in non nerd speak” Malora shot daggers at Ashara as she was setting up what looked like little basins
Malora tutted “it’s not a crime to be well prepared Jedi, it’s why I have been able to survive so long” Kyradia noticed it again as she jittered a bit and her voice became choppy. She would ask about it but she wasn’t exactly one to talk about having weird sith quirks. Malora seemed to notice it though and got up “please excuse me I need to modify one of my gadgets” Kyradia frowned but really wasn’t in the mood for questions today and just sat down eating some of the jerky Malora had provided
She smiled “you know she’s got a point being prepared has its benefits” Ashara nodded but her eyes were still on Malora as she went out of sight a distinct frown on her face “Hey Ashara you’re doing it again” she joked
Ashara turned to her confused “w-what do you mean” Kyradia chuckled she knew that face she was so clueless 
Kyradia grinned “you’re trying nose into a siths business, I know that face” Ashara frowned looking back to where Malora had left
She shook her head “no I’m not I uh I’m just worried about her intentions” Kyradia gave a sarcastic nod “and I’m not nosy I’m just careful” Kyradia couldn’t help but stifle a laugh
She raised her eyebrow “Ashara you know more about me than anyone in the galaxy even you have to admit you’re a little nosy” Ashara looked away embarrassed, it felt good to be right.
Ashara conceded “Ok maybe I am nosy but you gotta admit there’s something weird going on with her, have you seen the chip on her neck” Kyradia had seen it when they met on Ossus
She nodded “well yeah but siths all have something weird about them I’m not exactly one to talk, she’s resourceful and seems genuine that’s enough for me” Ashara had never been very trusting and she doubted the fact Malora was acting suspicious helped
Ashara looked at her confused “I just… what if it’s something bad or that’s hurting her she said it was helping her cope but I just I like to know a siths intentions, I’m sure you understand why” Kyradia shuddered she really had damaged Ashara hadn’t she
She sighed “yeah I suppose so you’re right to be careful most of us are awful but Malora never stuck out as one, even when on the dark council” Kyradia chuckled “though I could take the ego down a notch” Ashara smiled a little. Kyradia looked away “if you’re so worried about her why don’t you just ask her?” Ashara looked away and sighed 
She responded “she won’t listen to me she thinks I’m just some Jedi who only wants turn her to the light” Kyradia could understand that worry but Ashara was definitely not like that
Kyradia put a hand on her shoulder “then show her you’re not cause no offence you’re not the shining example of a jedi what with the crowd you hang around with” she chuckled “seem like a bad influence if you ask me” Ashara gave a reluctant smile
Ashara got up “ok I’ll try I’m gonna be upfront and honest” Kyradia nodded she had no idea how this was gonna go but she hoped it would make the bickering stop she had a feeling there was something else there 
Kyradia joked “you sound like you’re about to ask someone to a dance” Ashara shot her a glare her cheeks turning a darker orange
She folded her arms “shut up” she had a little smile as she ‘stormed’ away
Kyradia sat there silently for a couple of minutes wondering how it was going and trying to keep a sense of calm, maybe she should try that meditating thing again. She put down the food she’d been snacking on and tried to clear her mind, however as she did she felt a force pull her back to a familiar place
She opened her eyes and was back in the void space with an enraged Zash “I bet you think you’re pretty clever” she was nursing her shoulder a clear burn mark where Kyradia’s saber had gone through “but if you’re going to avoid me I’ll just have to make the connection myself” Kyradia was again surprisingly calm seeing Zash so rattled was kinda vindicating
Kyradia folded her arms “what do you want Zash I thought you were too busy running away” Zash snarled at her the true form bringing back many bad memories for Kyradia.
Zash grabbed her arm “you only stand a chance because of this power you hold I’m well on my way to finding it but I need to be one step ahead and you’re going to help me” Kyradia felt Zash try and access her memory but she was ready grabbing onto Zash’s head
Kyradia sneered “I think you’ve over-extended yourself here” she felt Zash’s memories becoming clear “remember ‘Master’ this is a two way street” with that she felt them travel back before suddenly stopping falling into what seemed like an alley.
Kyradia could hear explosions and battle all around her, the architecture reminded her of the republic Zash got up looking around in surprise “NO how did you? Here?” Kyradia smiled at the clearly surprised Zash
She smiled “struck a nerve have I?” Zash went to lunge at Kyradia but she moved effortlessly out the way “you’re not the only one who can use this bond Zash, now let’s see about you” Kyradia had to admit she was curious
Zash’s face was covered with rage “you think this is going to affect me, I’m not ashamed or hiding anything like you” Kyradia watched as a family rushed into the alley hiding behind the dumpster. Zash continued “this is Corellia during the Great Galactic War and that is me” she pointed to a little girl with the family
Kyradia folded her arms “I bet you were secretly wrinkled as a baby too, you certainly weren’t a cute one” Zash ignored the comment as they watched the family trying to keep the young Zash quiet
Zash scoffed “they were useless, it’s no wonder we ended up in a warzone” Kyradia frowned at the contempt she clearly felt towards them, as she spoke Kyradia noticed a platoon of soldiers pass by the alleyway. Zash laughed “here he comes ‘my saviour’” Kyradia frowned as the platoon stopped and the looming form of Darth Malgus came into view but a much younger version who lacked the breathing mask he would become so known for.
Kyradia looked to Zash “So what he killed your parents and you resent him come on Zash you’re better than petty revenge” she paused “well then again I guess you aren't” Zash turned to Kyradia raising her eyebrow
Zash laughed “don’t be so sure you know me apprentice” she turned to Malgus “I believe he’s back right? He really is the definition of a cockroach no one could kill him not even his greatest ally” she chuckled “but that is the way of the sith” Malgus strode up to the family and called them out
He looked at them folded arms “I sense someone among you, they could be valuable but only if they were strong enough” Zash seemed to be trying to suppress a grin 
The parents began to deny the fact “no there’s no one special here we’re not anything special just factory-” Malgus cut them off as he looked closer at the child
He bent down “why are they trying to hide you child” the little Zash looked away not making eye contact with Malgus, “you know what I think, I think they’re trying to hide your potential I think they’re scared of you” the little Zash nodded. Malgus smiled lifting up a piece of rubble with his hand crushing it “but to reach your potential I find the weak must be snuffed out, to be honest they should be scared of you” the little Zash smiled “now can you prove yourself to me” she nodded turning to the parents
Kyradia’s eyes widened looking at Zash “y-you killed your parents” Zash’s face was transfixed on what was happening
Zash cackled “no Kyradia I slaughtered them” Kyradia watched as they began to gasp for air as they were lifted high off the ground and soon were being slammed against the wall “he was right they were holding me back, but that was the only thing he was right about” Kyradia felt a little sick as the parents fell to the ground dead
Malgus ruffled the kids hair “very good I think you’re going to fit in well with my associate” the vision faded leaving them in the blank space
Zash smiled “I don’t believe that had the desired effect Kyradia” she didn’t even seemed phased by it she almost seemed energised by it 
Kyradia shivered “you really are a monster aren’t you, I don’t think you need the sisters gift” Zash only smiled deviously
Zash tutted “I’m not a monster I’m a pragmatist nothing will stand in my way and if something only enhances my best traits I don’t see a downside do you?” Kyradia had never thought in her wildest dreams Zash was this rotten she had to be stopped “you know you would’ve liked him too but hey what do I know I’m just a monster” Kyradia suddenly jolted awake leaving her back in the cave.
She breathed heavily not quite sure what she just saw and who were they talking about?...
Meanwhile Ashara made her way to see what Malora was doing, she snuck up so as to not disturb her and found her fiddling with the chips trying to pry it off. 
She seemed like she was having a lot of trouble with it and after five minutes Ashara decided to speak up “um Malora do you uh need some help” she turned around shocked and quickly the surprise turned to anger
Malora sneered “no Jedi go away! I’m fine” Ashara folded her arms raising her eyebrow
She responded sarcastically “really because you’ve been trying to fix that thing since we got here, I know it got broken in the fight you can at least let me help get it off” Malora looked away still fuming
She shook her head “this is something I have to do myself it’s not that simple” her anger seemed different it was more like defensive anger than offensive
Ashara wasn’t giving up “I promise I’m not gonna judge you or try and turn you I’m not actually a proper Jedi I mean I have more sith teachings than Jedi you” Malora cut her off
She shook her head “It’s not that Ashara I don’t think people should see me like this” Ashara frowned 
Ashara walked up to her “hey I mean I promise I won’t judge you I’ve seen some pretty messy things but I don’t think it’s good to hide things” Malora didn’t make eye contact still clearly angry at her
Malora gritted her teeth “I’d rather that no one see me like that but” her voice echo seemed to shift and change “the lightning short circuited it, it can’t contain everything” Ashara was confused by what she meant
She sat down next to her “well then we need to fix it right?” Malora looked away nodding
Malora sighed “but I don’t want… Why am I telling you these things Jedi? what are you trying to do!” Ashara nodded understandingly 
Ashara shrugged “uh nothing really I came to try and clear up what you wanted from us but now you seem in pain I kinda wanna help with that”
Malora frowned at her “why? You don’t benefit from that” Ashara’s eyes widened 
Ashara smiled warmly “I’m uh not trying to gain anything Malora but I see a person in pain and I can’t really leave them it’s kinda annoying at times Kyradia could tell you all about it” Malora looked at her stil jittery
She laughed “you have a compulsive need to help people? That must be awful” Ashara couldn’t help but laugh 
She nodded “yeah it’s pretty annoying but really I just want to help” Malora nodded fiddling with the screwdriver she’d been using
Malora frowned “I am being genuine I don’t want anything but my plant back after everything fell apart it was a sign I could still perform experiments and maybe fix this” Malora frowned looking at Ashara “why am I telling you all this I never tell people this stuff” Ashara stroked her chin thinking
Ashara responded “well I doubt you’ve been around many people that don’t want to stab you in the back” Malora slowly nodded agreeing with the idea
Malora mumbled “I still don’t trust you Jedi, no one is this nice just for the sake of it” Ashara didn’t blame her really
Ashara nodded “I don’t really trust you either but at least that’s one thing we can agree on” Malora stifled a laugh “hey was that a laugh?” Malora’s eyes widened
She shook her head “no! This chip is just causing me problems” Ashara looked at it, it seemed to be sparking every few seconds
Ashara picked up a screwdriver “well I can help you remove it if you want” Malora’s anger returned 
She shook her head “no I don’t want anyone to see that it’s worse” Ashara frowned it couldn’t be that bad
Ashara tried to persuade her “come on I promise I won’t judge you” Malora seemed torn as she jittered
Malora sighed “I uh I don’t want people to see me as I monster ok I’m a scientist and this mistake it doesn’t define me” Ashara started to understand
Ashara folded her arms “I won’t see you any differently one of the greatest scientists in the galaxy is a giant slug Malora, and the most pretty person in world can be rotten to the core just look at Zash”
Malora conceded “Fine but don’t say I didn’t warn you” she turned around and let Ashara get the chip off her neck with a quick pry
But as she did she heard an echoed shriek from Malora as her hair suddenly shot out of her head draping over the majority of her body, Ashara saw as her skin hardened and her armour seemingly jutted out as if something had grown underneath. Her boots seemed strained as Ashara heard the echoed voice turn to a much more raspy pained voice as she fell to the floor.
She collapsed on the ground hardly visible under all the hair she spoke up a pained raspy voice exiting her mouth “the chip suppresses the extreme growth, I uh did an experiment that went wrong and it’s what caused the growth of the spines, the hair and the skin hardening” She brushed the red and black hair out of her eyes and looked at Ashara, she could now see Malora’s skin was solid and cracked the spines much more prominent on her face “still think I’m not a monster?” 
Ashara was baffled unsure of what to do “I uh I was not expecting that” Malora sighed picking up the chip and beginning to work on fixing it
Malora mumbled “I knew it this was a mistake, don’t tell anyone Jedi or I will make sure you never speak another word” Ashara was still stunned but she had to make it right
Ashara shook her head “no no I don’t think you’re a monster I mean it I just I thought you’d turned yourself into a rakghoul or something” Malora shook her head as she tried to work on the chip
Malora responded “no of course not only a madman would do that, I tried to use an ancient sith ritual to give me more power but when I tried to apply it scientifically the ritual cursed me for daring to think different” she sighed “I got the power but it turned me into this, you haven’t even seen the worst of the spines under the armour” Ashara sighed she had no idea Malora was going through this
Ashara comforted her “You’re not a monster Malora you clearly just weren’t like the other sith and believe me I can respect different sith” Malora nodded as she continued
She seemed much sadder without the chip on “I designed this thing almost immediately to combat it but it hurts and the more time that passes the more I grow and the more strained the chip is” she seemed to be getting frustrated “this hair is the worst part I can hardly see a kriffing thing!!!” Ashara thought about that she might have a solution
Ashara sat down next to her “well we could always braid it” Malora looked at her frowning her stoney brow cracking a little as she did
Malora joked “what are we apprentices talking about boys” Ashara chuckled 
She shook her head “well no but surely it’d take strain off the chip right” Malora considered the idea for a second
Malora responded “well yes but for that I’d need someone else to do it” Ashara raised her eyebrow at her starting to brain the back “hey what are you doing!!!” Ashara had to admit maybe Malora wasn’t so bad once you got passed her stoney exterior
Ashara ignored the protests “I’m helping you Malora I can braid it for you and then you won’t be as strained controlling the spines” Malora didn’t seem happy about it but seemed relieved to be able to work on her chip
Malora conceded “fine but if you make me look stupid I will make sure you don’t live to see morning” Ashara nodded as she began an eleborate design that would hopefully make her look like less of a wookie
Ashara questioned her “so have you found any other way to combat it minus this chip?” she didn’t know if she was getting too personal
Malora seemed engrossed in her work “yes that’s what the plant was about I’ve been investigating similar compounds that may hold a way to stop the growth” Ashara understood now why she was so intent on helping “it seems impossible to reverse the damage beyond what the chip managed to compress but I may be able to stop it getting worse” Ashara nodded this was gonna take forever
Ashara thought she’d reassure Malora “to be honest Malora you don’t look that bad like the skin is obviously worrying and the voice isn’t ideal but you still look just fine” Malora didn’t seem to be too fazed by the comment
She tutted “forgive me if I’m not flattered by you saying I look fine minus my entire body” Ashara knew Malora knew that wasn’t what she meant “ok I’ve fixed the chip how are you doing?” Ashara had ages left to go
Ashara stammered “we’re gonna be here’s for a few hours Malora this is kinda complex and I’m not so good at it” Malora sighed as she put the chip back on, this metamorphosis was much less extreme as her voice and body returned to normal
The echoed voice rang out “fine but if this is the case we’re going to do it silently I’ve done enough sharing today with you Jedi” Ashara nodded that was fair enough...
Hours later Kyradia was sitting by the fire still a little shaken up as Ashara returned with Malora who now had a long braid of hair running down her back where the heck had that come from “so we’re not gonna talk about how you two had a brading party and didn’t invite me?” Ashara chuckled sitting down next to Kyradia
Ashara smiled “I just helped Malora with her chip don’t worry you didn’t miss much” Kyradia frowned she’d know Malora was hiding something about herself but she’d assumed it wasn’t hair of all things
Kyradia joked “it seemed like I missed a gals sleepover you owe me one both of you” Malora’s glare was very clear as Kyradia continued to joke “unless it was a different kind of sleepover” both their eyes widened
Ashara punched her in the arm “shut up you’re the one who told me to go and help her you jerk” Kyradia chuckled watching Ashara go deep orange was always fun
Kyradia sighed getting serious “well while you were gone Zash tried to mess with me again” Ashara was ready to freak out but Kyradia stopped her “don’t worry I actually messed with her, she’s losing her temper and that’s good news for us” Ashara seemed to consider that
Ashara folded her arms “well still we should be careful are you ok” Kyradia didn’t quite know how to answer
She nodded “mostly I was just reaffirmed at how evil Zash is” she hated she’d ever been close to that
Suddenly Kyradia’s comm sprung to life “Kyradia come in are you there” Andronikos’ voice rang through she could always rely on Andy to be prompt
Kyradia smiled “ah my saviour get to these coordinates and quick if we’re here any longer I feel like there may be a confession” Ashara’s face turned to embarrassed anger as Kyradia chuckled. “I’m just kidding hun we need to get back to Odessen pronto Zash is vulnerable right now we gotta strike the iron while it’s hot”... 
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chubbyooo · 4 years
Terri fiddling with a yogurt cup: Fucking stupid lid!
Ashara: Terri!!!
Ashara *looks at Kyradia*: where did she get that from?
Kyradia (sith inquisitior): the fucking fridge
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chubbyooo · 4 years
Blurred Lines: Cursed Past Chapter 72 - A Common Enemy
hey all had a little block but it’s over now :D
Kyradia and Ashara head to Kowak to follow Zash’s trail
Kyradia saw the planet of Kowak come into view; well this was bound to be interesting, she could only begin to imagine the reasons why Zash had broken into a botanical plant. She was up to something with the nightsisters but the planet selection didn’t add up what the heck was there on Kowak except those weird monkey lizards certainly no magick.
Still there must be something on these planets that the nightsisters wanted, she never understood the culture even though she despised it the Wrath had never really explained her methods. She was feeling weirdly calm, Dzûsa’s weird class had chilled her out somewhat, it was kinda odd, she was just glad no one had seen it. How long would it last though she already felt her brain freaking out a little in the back of her mind, it never ever stopped not since she could remember she doubted it ever would. It was difficult to explain her mind to be honest if she understood it she’d probably not have such a problem dealing with it.
Andronikos grumbled “is this that place where those weird monkey lizards are from” Kyradia chuckled Andronikos had always been uncomfortable around them
Ashara nodded “yeah Nik why do you not like them?” Andronikos didn’t respond just looked away
Kyradia chuckled “he thinks they’re creepy he’s super scared of them” Ashara chuckled as Andronikos glowered at Kyradia
Ashara stifled her laughs “oh wow are you serious Andronikos” Kyradia gave a teasing smile Andronikos was all too familiar with at this point.
Andronikos sulked “I’m not scared of them they’re just creepy have you heard their laughs why would anyone have them as a pet” Kyradia recalled the time she’d chased Andronikos around the ship in a monkey lizard mask last Harvest day, needless to say he was less than pleased with the costume
Kyradia smirked “He won’t let me have one as a pet Ashara I can’t see any reason why” Ashara chuckled clearly enjoying the quarrel
Ashara smiled “I can’t see any reason why not maybe we’ll find one while we’re there” Andronikos narrowed his eyes as he landed the ship
He turned around “I swear you better not Ashara” Kyradia chuckled getting up and giving him a peck on the cheek
Kyradia smiled “you’ll have to wait and see” she gestured for Ashara to follow as they headed to the landing ramp
Ashara turned to her as they exited the ship “so I assume we’re not actually gonna do that?” Kyradia smirked and shook her head
She chuckled “oh no trust me he’d kill me if we did I just enjoy messing with him, he’ll get me back soon enough” Ashara nodded with a smile as they began to walk towards the plant
Ashara responded “he seems to be starting to accept I’m back, I think me saving your life helped with that” Kyradia laughed yeah that would help
“Yeah he may have been harsh at first but Andy can’t hold a grudge for too long” she laughed “otherwise he’d be furious at me for a million pranks” Ashara chuckled looking away for a second
Ashara’s tone shifted “and what about you are you feeling better?” Kyradia didn’t know if better was the word for it
Kyradia nodded “sorta I guess” she looked away “I dunno I feel calmer but it’s kinda tough keeping it all at bay” Ashara nodded she looked a little dejected, Kyradia knew she wanted to know what was up but Kyradia couldn't explain it’s just too much.
Ashara smiled “well I’m here regardless and I got us a lead that didn’t damage your psyche so that’s a win if you ask me” Kyradia guessed that was a plus but they would’ve gotten here sooner if she’d been involved
Kyradia folded her arms “what is this place anyway?” They were now at the front gates of a moderately sized compound that looked a little damaged, the break in was clear but Zash had never been subtle.
Ashara held her chin “it’s some kind of botanical plant, they were testing the effects of certain plant pheromones and substances on the monkey lizards” Kyradia frowned she understood very little of that sentence
Kyradia sighed “uh Ashara can you dumb that down to someone who wasn’t educated in the republic or empire” Ashara’s eyes widened realising her confusion
Ashara nodded “they were testing the plant stuff against the animals to see if their behaviour changed” Kyradia nodded since when did plants affect animals, science was a mystery.
Kyradia stroked her chin “and what was the result?” she had a hunch but it wasn’t confirmed yet
Ashara shrugged “dunno didn’t read that much into it” Ashara knocked on the door then realised there was an intercom and shuffled over to it awkwardly “Hi this is Ashara Zavros I called earlier about helping with the break in” she seemed a little stunted talking to normal people Kyradia doubted she’d done a lot of it in a while.
A crackle came back “what’s your clearance” oh great clearence everyones favourite bureaucratic bs.
Kyradia walked up to the comm “Commander Kyradia of the Alliance I’m pretty sure there is no higher clearance” hopefully she sounded agitated enough
There was a long pause before “oh yes of course come right in commander” Kyradia smiled gesturing for Ashara to follow, they made their way across the compound to the large glass building.
As they reached the door a Duros waiting for them, he stammered “y-you’re the commad-” Kyradia didn’t have time for this guy
Kyradia interrupted “-der of the alliance yes I know I’m amazing such a honour to meet me take me to you boss before I decide to use your head as a kickball” the duros’ eyes widened as he quickly led them into the lab.
Kyradia had never been in a botanical lab and was surprised to see it looked just like a regular jungle, they must have tonnes of rare species in here, Ashara shuffled up to Kyradia and whispered “maybe don’t threaten every person who’s helping us” Kyraida scoffed she wasn’t allowed to threaten people now
Kyradia folded her arms “but he’s helping us out faster now” Ashara frowned at her “fine I’ll use ‘tact’” Ashara smiled and followed along behind her. 
Soon the Duros led them into a more open lab room with no plants in it, there was a woman with red and black hair seemingly working at a desk, Kyradia frowned that wasn’t very common. The Duros mumbled “here we are may I go now” Kyradia nodded barely registering the Duros as she focussed on the woman.
Ashara spoke up “I thought they were supposed to be testing on plants in here” Kyradia has to agree but had a feeling the answer would be Zash
A very familiar modulated echoed voice filled the chamber “that’s exactly the reason you are here” she turned around “it was vandi…” she stopped in shock as her eyes met with Kyradia’s, Kyradia smiled she knew she recognised that hair it was Darth Malora “c-commander it’s such a surprise to see you here this seems a little above your pay grade” Kyradia smiled she wished she had that effect on everyone
Kyradia strode over “yes well I have a personal interest in your burglars” Malora nodded stroking her chin “I have been on their tail for a while now and I need to know what happened here, but first…” Kyradia pulled up a chair “I have to know how a dark council member ended up as a low level scientist on Kowak” Malora narrowed her eyes containing her anger as Kyradia taunted her
Ashara shuffled up “um did I miss something, you two know each other?” Kyradia turned to Ashara she guessed Ashara had always just missed their interactions
Malora spoke “we were apprentices at the same time and had helped each other out a few times, Darth Malora a ‘pleasure’ to meet you” Ashara was clearly a bit put off by Malora’s looks the corruption had certainly done a number on her or maybe the science could be either
Kyradia smiled “Former Darth actually, we met last year on Ossus she was the new dark council member until Malgus kinda threw her off the landing platform” Kyradia could see an audible shudder from Malora clearly that was a sore point “so I see it didn’t get better after that?” Malora gritted her teeth clearly furious with Kyradia
Kyradia wasn’t scared she’d beat her in a second, Malora folded her arms “After your offer to join the alliance I decided taking some time to regain some of my lost potential was important, at heart I am a scientist so I began a new batch of experiments” Kyradia frowned she guessed that made sense but with alliance funding she could’ve done much more.
Ashara frowned “so you came to Kowak?” Malora nodded seeming to not see any problem with that
She had a rather weird smile “there is a plant here called springwort its bile has a remarkable effect on animals; turns them savage and carnivorous” Kyradia’s eyes widened. That was not good if Zash had it regardless of the ways she used it but what if… Malora continued “I was thinking if manipulated the right way I could create a new type of foot soldier kind of like my Geonosians” Kyradia shook her head out of a daze she’d fallen into
She frowned “you mean the Geonosians that you lost control of and they attacked everyone?” Malora gritted her teeth clearly not a fan of Kyradia pointing out the problems in her ideas
Ashara gasped “she did what?!” Kyradia nodded looking between them
“Yeah I had to clear the mess up she still hasn’t said thanks” Kyradia did want that thanks from her, she frowned realising they were very off track.
Malora let out a loud sigh “this wouldn’t be like that believe me I’ve learned my lesson from using mutations they’re unstable and can easily change this would be something I could turn on and off like a sort of berserker rage” Kyradia knew all too well what going into a rage felt like but she could see it’s application definitely more so than the geonosian idea.
They needed to get back on track, the gloating time was over, they were here for leads on Zash “and I’m guessing the bile is what the burglars stole?” Malora nodded gesturing to a pile of blackened roots
She gripped the arm of her chair tightly as she spoke “not only that they turned the plant to that, it was as big as this room before hand” typical Zash if she has it no one else can “I tried to fight off the acolytes but I underestimated the blonde she was very powerful” Kyradia somehow wasn’t surprised
Kyradia shook her head “well that’ll be because that blonde was not just a young acolyte that was my old master Darth Zash” Malora frowned at that her face turning to a smile
She chuckled “very funny Nox but I’d prefer you be serious” Kyradia narrowed her eyes and quickly Malora’s expression changed filling with dread “oh you’re serious” Kyradia nodded
She explained “years ago she tried to steal my body but I trapped her in my Dashade, as soon as I could I then trapped her in a mind prison, it took her years but she got out and took a very powerful young acolyte with her taking her form, that’s why she’s such a threat” Malora nodded her expression becoming far more serious and maybe a little fearful
Ashara spoke up “you knew Zash too?” Malora held her chin shaking her head
She responded “not personally but I knew her through Kyradia and by reputation I knew her power” Ashara looked at Kyradia and frowned
She folded her arms “Since when were you and Malora friends?” Kyradia rolled her eyes Ashara had just met her and already questioning 
Kyradia shook her head “I told you, we weren’t friends we just had done a few favours for each other” Malora nodded clearly agreeing
Malora sighed “yes and after Zash became a darth you and her disappeared from Korriban, but if she’s back why hasn’t she revealed herself to the dark council?” Kyradia wasn’t exactly sure beyond the fact that the current dark council was a bunch of melon headed idiots.
Kyradia shrugged “I assume it’s because she wants to accumulate more power before revealing herself, the bile was a step towards that” Malora nodded she had become a lot less angry and more pensive since she brought up Zash
Malora frowned “Do you know how, is there some property I missed? And if so are you sure it was even her” Kyradia sighed someone was in heavy denial
Kyradia folded her arms “well honestly I don’t know what she wants with it but I do know how to know it was her, was she with a Mirilian with white hair” Malora nodded reluctantly “and the giant dent in the floor and the dead plant suggests an immense amount of power she wields so those are clues too, not the first time you’ve been thrown off something by a powerful sith” she couldn’t help herself
Malora scoffed “yes alright I was bested again you can stop gloating because I know where they’re going” Kyraida’s eyes went wide “but I have a condition on telling you” Kyradia’s hand brushed over her saber “I want to come with you, this research is important to me and I’m not going to let someone as self serving as Zash take it from me” Kyradia’s grip relaxed off her saber
She looked to Ashara “I don’t see any reason why not, I mean I offered you a job before I think she has plenty of potential” Malora laughed at that dismissing the comment
She shook her head “let me be clear this is just about my research working with you is unfortunately a necessity” Kyradia didn’t believe that but whatever
Ashara nodded “of course it is Malora, still welcome aboard but if you’re going to join us there are a few rules” Kyradia nodded as Malora let out and echoed groaned
Kyradia cut in “no sitting on the ship, when using the force you cannot use lightning when I’m around, if you ever ask me about my tattoos ‘meaning’ I will gut you, no talking after 1pm, no forks and knives only spoons, when you... ” Ashara was glaring at Kyradia
Ashara spoke up “those are all false… except maybe the tattoos one” Kyradia nodded “the actual rules are simple, no secrets unless they’re traumatic, listen to me if you’re stressed out or angry and uh try to act with a hint of morality” Malora nodded cocking her head at Kyradia
Malora smiled “has this one made you go soft Kyradia” Kyradia raised her eyebrow soft how dare she
She stood up “why don’t you come over here and find out” Malora nodded seemingly satisfied with the threat “now where are they going?” Malora got out a datapad and started to find the planet
Malora explained “A desert planet called Savareen I managed to track the hyperlane they took due to… previous engagements I had it ready to track” Kyradia chuckled paranoid much “I don’t know what they’re doing there but we can catch up if we go now” Ashara nodded seemingly ready to go
Kyradia raised her eyebrow “alright Malora wanna go kick a sith’s teeth in?” Malora smiled seemingly excited to get back to the action, she tossed her lab coat aside and followed after them...
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chubbyooo · 4 years
Terri: Don’t you miss the vivid imagination of childhood?
Zash: I never had one
Terri: an imagination or a childhood
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