#textbook solutions manuals
crazyforstudy-cfs · 1 year
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Where can I download PDF of textbooks for free and paid?
PDF textbook is generally referred to digital, interactive intelligent function of textbook content containing intuitive visuals, graphics, audio, and text. It has gained momentum since the pandemic, and as a result, many students take part in virtual lessons at home. Since the rapid proliferation of the internet, many mundane activities go online, and the same can apply to textbooks. Under these circumstances, digital textbooks play a pivotal role in education. You can download a PDF version of Textbook Solutions............read more
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crazyforstudycfs · 2 years
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We provide textbook solutions manual for all students with maximum satisfaction guaranteed. We strive hard to offer our customers quality service, pleasing and satisfying. Our Expert team provides the most accurate and updated solutions manual, study guides, and workbooks to the students, which are highly recommended and approved by the experts.
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hauntedestheart · 7 months
A Business Opportunity (Male Body Swap)
The sequel to "A Business Proposition"
Samson Mann was big, he was strong, he was (people told him) good looking, but most importantly, he was broke.
A few months ago his position at the warehouse (aka the only job he'd ever had since he left high school) had been made "obsolete" by new advances in technology so now, at thirty, he was being forced to brave the job market for the first time. But with just a GED, no special skills, and a resume with one reference, his only real job options were in degrading manual labor positions where the starting pay was insultingly low.
While Samson wasn't the brightest bulb in the drawer, his naturally stocky build and boisterous personality made him perfect for working in a physically demanding social environment like the warehouse... but no, companies would rather hire a robot.
After venting about it to his friends at the gym (one of the few indulgences he allowed himself after he had to start cutting costs) one of them had offered up a solution: a friend of a friend of a friend had begun working for Bod+E, and, if interested, he could hook Samson up with an interview.
While Samson wasn't the type to keep up with the latest tech trends, everyone had heard of Bod+E. Founded by eccentric young tech genius Kim Shinwei, the app was currently in the beta-phase and the only way to get access was through a hookup... which Samson's friend was happy to provide.
Samson didn't think of himself as the app gig type but it was the first offer that had come his way that wasn't entirely degrading, so desperation won out over trepidation and he agreed. Now, after two weeks full of paperwork, background checks, and drug tests, Samson was waiting in an office for a personal meeting with a millionaire.
Who was very, very late.
Samson shuffled in his seat again, his large ass uncomfortable shoved into the expensive chair he'd been told to wait in. A large faux-leather chair (conveniently taller than Samson's) sat empty across the desk from him, flanked by a display case of trophies proclaiming Mr. Shinwei's many, many achievements. Samson got the sense he was supposed to be intimidated, which seemed like overkill because waiting in anticipation already had him sweating.
Forty-five minutes wasn't unreasonable, he reasoned to himself. Right? After all, Kim Shinwei's a very important guy.
The only other person in the room was a slight Asian fellow seated on a couch in the corner- based off of his business casual attire Samson had at first assumed was some kind of secretary, but other than a small nod to Samson when he'd walked in the room the young man hadn't acknowledged him at all. Instead he was leafing through a large textbook and scribbling down notes, looking very much like he did not want to be disturbed.
Samson was debating whether or not to risk asking the not-secretary what was going on when he heard the door swing open behind him.
"There you are!" A voice boomed. "I hope you weren't waiting too long, I got a bit distracted when I was getting ready. You know how it is."
Samson rose from his chair and turned to greet the visitor, but when he saw them he did a double take. Based off of his hazy recollection of the photos he'd seen of Kim Shinwei he had expected to meet a weedy looking Asian man much like the one in the corner, but instead the man in front of him was a tall, strapping white man who gave Samson a real run for his money when they shook hands. Samson took in the way the man's muscles pressed against his thin white button up, and when he sat down and he splayed his legs in a way that created a very noticeable bulge that Samson had to quickly avert his eyes from. He looked like a porn director's idea of a businessman.
"Mr. Shinwei?" Samson asked, failing to keep his handsome face from scrunching up in confusion. He was certain he was being rude, but fortunately the man before him didn't seem to mind.
"In the flesh!" Mr. Shinwei chuckled at some private joke and ran his hand through his fluffy locks of hair. "And please, call me Kim."
"Good to meet you Kim. You uh," Samson cocked his head to the side, searching for an angle that would turn the stud before him into the engineer he'd expected. "You don't look like your photos."
The hunk in front of him smiled mysteriously. "No, I don't suppose I would, would I? But I like to dress up for meetings."
The not-secretary sitting in the back of the room snorted, and Kim flipped him off over his shoulder without turning back. Samson was a bit taken aback by the juvenile display and shuffled in place awkwardly, unsure what he was supposed to do, until Mr. Shinwei looked back at him and stretched a hand out illustratively.
"Why don't you take a seat?" Kim offered, suddenly the picture of professionalism once more, and Samson plunked himself down into the chair gratefully. Kim leaned forwards in his seat and locked eyes with with Samson. "So, Samson Mann, right? Thank you so much for agreeing to meet with us, we really do appreciate it. You came very-" Kim's eyes flicked up and down the length of Samson's body. "-highly recommended."
"Thank you, that's great to hear," Samson straightened his back and cleared his throat, attempting to disguise his discomfort. He wasn't very used to professional environments (if this could be called professional) so he sent up a prayer that he wouldn't do anything to embarrass himself and jeopardize the opportunity. "My buddy seems to really love working for you and I needed a change of pace so I thought, why not?"
"Your buddy... that's Joel Green, right?" Kim asked, and Samson nodded. Kim hummed thoughtfully, glancing up at the ceiling like he was remembering something. "Great, I love Joel. One of our most requested- his ass is to die for, right? That thing can shake."
"Uh-" Samson coughed to cover his surprise, and he stared at Kim in bewilderment. "Is this a test? Are we gonna get in trouble with HR or something?"
Kim chuckled and shook his head. "Yes I suppose that is a very unusual way for a boss to speak about an employee- but then Bod+E is a very unusual company. You're familiar with what we do, correct?"
Samson nodded, squeezing his fist beneath the table, and then a beat of silence followed. A sharp look entered Kim's eyes as they flicked over Samson, and he raised his eyebrow expectantly.
"Then tell me about it," Kim leaned forwards and grinned wolfishly at Samson, his pretty face baring a mouth full of pearly white teeth. "If you're considering working for us you have to be comfortable with our service. I want you to tell me what we do here."
"Bod-E, short for Body Exchange, is a silicon-valley startup that-" Samson began, wracking his brain to try to remember what he'd read on the company website.
Kim snapped his fingers and cut Samson off. "No, I don't want the corporate party line bullshit. Tell me what you think it is we do here."
"You uh- you rent out people," Samson said, stumbling over the words a bit. Truthfully, he was still wrapping his head around the idea. When Joel had first told him what he did at his hot new job, Samson had laughed in his face until he realized his friend wasn't joking, and even sitting in front of the creator the reality of it still seemed fake. "You hire guys and then other men pay to take over their bodies and do stuff in them."
Kim leaned back in his chair, a small smile on his face, and the tense atmosphere lifted slightly. Samson exhaled in relief at evidently having passed the test, and he let himself relax a bit as Kim began to speak.
"That's a good start but we're about a little bit more than that," Kim visibly puffed up with pride as he spoke about his work, and Samson tried his best to focus on his words and not the nipples that were poking through his shirt. "Bod-E is about creating experiences, it's about offering people the opportunity to become the man of their dreams and allowing those of us who weren't exactly blessed to work with someone who was to take advantage of their natural goods and get a bit of a break. If a poor man can rent a nicer house when he wants a vacation, why can't an average man rent a more attractive body for a getaway? It sounds too good to be true- but it isn't. And I've proven it."
"I just wanna check," Samson blurted out before he could stop himself. "This isn't a scam, right? You're not gonna steal my organs or something?"
Kim raised an eyebrow. "Why on Earth would I do that? They're far more valuable inside of you."
Samson tensed up when the businessman rose to his feet and slowly circled the desk, trailing his fingers along the polished wood behind him as he zeroed in on the interviewee.
"See, Samson, scams are about money, and I've made enough money to last myself a lifetime," Kim shrugged as if to say just a fact. "I have no motivation to go around scamming random men off the street. No, I do this because I believe in it! Because I care about my fellow man."
Kim was right beside Samson now and he hopped up to take a seat on the table, close enough that the two men's legs brushed together when Kim leaned back to lounge. He began to unbutton the top few buttons of his shirt, tugging it open to expose his shapely pecs, and the fingers of one of his hands idly rubbed at them as he continued to speak.
"Not everyone is born with the same natural advantages Samson," he continued, casually, as if he wasn't stroking himself, and Samson was mesmerized by the motion. "The world is different when you're beautiful, in ways that the beautiful people don't even understand because they think it's normal. And I think everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy that, even if it's just for a night." He snapped his fingers and Samson flinched, looking up to meet a gaze that seared into his soul. "And you're going to get the opportunity to help with that, and make a fuckton of money on the side. Doesn't that sound nice?"
"Uhhh," Samson muttered, a bit stupefied, and he shuffled awkwardly in his seat. "I guess? You kinda lost me a bit in the middle."
Kim chuckled and hopped to his feet, strolling back around to the far side of the table and reclaiming his chair. His shirt, Samson noticed, still hung open. "Let me put it another way then... Samson, are you happy with your body?"
Samson glanced down at himself, and he found no reason to be unhappy. First and foremost, he was healthy. But in terms of looks, he had nothing to complain about either.
While not overly obsessed with his appearance, he was very aware that other people thought he was handsome, and he'd never had any issues attracting a partner. A big guy since he was young, tall and with a stocky build, his years of laboring in a warehouse and the gym had granted him big arms and a small muscle gut- he wasn't cut like a pretty boy model, but he thought he looked good with a bit of fluff around the waist. He had a big, round ass too, and now that "thick" was back in fashion he was more popular than ever.
He flexed his arms subconsciously and nodded. "Yeah, I am."
"I suppose I should have expected that answer from you," Kim said with a laugh, and his eyes roamed Samson's body shamelessly with something close to hunger. "You're tall, strong, handsome- what would you have to be insecure about? But if you would indulge me for a moment, imagine that this wasn't you and you weren't happy with your body. Imagine you looked like..." Kim pointed at the young man still leafing through a textbook at the back of the room. "Like him over there, just to choose a completely random example. Small, skinny, weak, and you had always been that way and you were scared that you were always going to be that way. Never the hero, never the object of desire, always ashamed."
Samson detected a hint of bitterness in Kim's voice, but he wisely chose not to comment on it. Instead he tried to play along and just nodded.
"So if someone told you that you could have the opportunity to feel like this," he gestured towards Samson's powerful body. "to feel like the man you want to be... would you be willing to pay for it?"
"I think I would," Samson found himself agreeing, and he pressed his hands to his belly almost protectively.
"Then you understand why I'm so passionate about the service we provide." Kim smiled, a mischievious glint in his eye. "And here's a follow-up question: On your first day in this hot new body, what would you do?"
"Um..." Samson's brain was overheating and he blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "Honestly? Fuck people."
"See?" Kim cackled with delight. "You're a natural, you've already wrapped your head around our business model." He opened up a folder and slid a sheet of paper across the table towards Samson with some paragraphs and diagrams on it, which the poor man couldn't make heads or tails of. "It's no secret that many of our clients have specific intentions with bodies contracted through our services, but as you can see here, it's all very understandable."
"Sorry but I gotta ask," Samson rubbed the back of his neck nervously, and he was barely able to look at Mr. Shinwei as he spoke the question on his mind. "Isn't this... isn't this prostitution?"
A pause.
"Technically speaking," Kim's words were practiced, as if he'd given this speech several times before. "The government has no name for what's happening here, and can legally do nothing about it. We've followed all appropriate government regulations and are working closely with lawmakers on potential future regulation of the market."
Then Kim smirked. "But that's just the bullshit I have to deal with. All you need to know is that you'd work on commission, so it would be in your best interest to, well, remain as appealing as possible. No one will be allowed to use your body for anything you don't consent to," Kim paused and tapped at the page he'd laid down on the table. "But our data does show that gigs are weighted heavily towards employees who do allow clients to perform sex acts in their bodies, so, make of that what you will. Do you understand what I'm getting at here?"
Kim linked eyes with Samson, and the bigger man nodded. Deep down he'd known what he was getting into, but hearing it said aloud was still very unsettling.
"And it's safe, right?" Samson asked, and Kim smiled at him.
"We watch out for our people," he said simply. "Our security measures are airtight- I designed them myself, and we haven't had an incident yet."
Samson opened his mouth to ask something else, but Kim cut him off before he could speak.
"You seem nervous," the businessman said bluntly. "So let me just assure you that you have nothing to worry about- you're definitely..." Kim licked his lips. "Qualified, for the job. I can see you doing very, very well here, but only if you're willing to take a leap of faith on this opportunity."
"I can see from your resume that you were laid off from your last job because your company replaced you with a machine. Well congratulations, you've stumbled in to the one line of work where guys like you can never be replaced."
Although Kim was trying to put Samson at ease, something about the way the businessman spoke sent a shiver down the big man's back. Still, Kim's words made sense, and at the end of the day Samson needed the money so he girded his loins and plastered a smile on his face.
"But..." the big man faltered. "The pay's good?"
"Ah yes, money," Kim's nose wrinkled up for a moment, then he sighed dramatically. "It always comes back to that, doesn't it? Well, if that's what you're looking for, you're in the right place. Depending on how much of your time you're willing to offer to the company you can expect to take in somewhere between six to eight thousand dollars a month. Perhaps more if you establish regulars who request you privately."
Samson whistled- that was a lot of money! Definitely more than he'd ever made at any of his other jobs. A lot of questions still swirled around his mind but when the numbers were laid out like that, he knew that there was only one answer.
"I cannot believe I'm gonna say this but... I'll do it!"
"Well then!" Kim clapped his hands and stood up, extending one hand forwards, and Samson rose to meet him with a handshake. "All that's left is the trial run."
"Trial run?" A look of bewilderment crossed Samson's face, and then he grasped the implication of Mr. Shinwei's words. "You mean..."
"A test swap," Kim smiled sweetly, but Samson could see that he was practically trembling with excitement. "With me, of course. I vet all of our new hires personally. After all, I wouldn't market a product without testing it first!"
Samson grimaced slightly at being referred to as a "product," but he nodded his head. This was what he'd signed up for after all, might as well get used to it now.
"Allow me to just confer with my associate here for a moment," Kim turned towards the Asian man sitting in the back of the room– Samson had almost forgotten he was there. "Peter, would you mind?"
The man called Peter looked up from his book and rolled his eyes, then picked up the phone next to him and tapped on its screen. Suddenly, both men froze in place and their faces went blank, eyes staring blindly into space. Samson glanced at the two nervously, wondering if he should go for help, when suddenly they snapped back to attention.
Samson watched as the man in front of him stumbled, and he reached out to steady him.
"Mr. Shinwei? Are you okay?" Samson asked, a little nervously, but the man in front of him just sighed and jabbed his thumb back towards the man seated with the books.
"I'm over here actually!" The not-secretary waved, rising from his seat and walking over to join them . "And please, I told you, call me Kim."
It took Samson a moment to put it together.
"You mean, that whole time we were talking, you were–" Unable to articulate himself, Samson rapidly pointed between the two of them.
"Swapped?" Kim chuckled, his voice much reedier in his real body. The real Kim Shinwei was shorter than both Peter and Samson, but as he stood beside them he had a presence that towered over both of them. He slapped the shoulder of the body he'd just been inhabiting, and the man inside rolled his eyes. "Yes, Peter is my... let's just say assistant, and I like to use his body for negotiations since his dashing visage has a certain presence that I lack."
"You mean I exercise and shower," Peter remarked with an eye roll, and Kim just laughed.
"That's one way to put it," Kim mused, a razor sharp smile on his face. "And yet, which one of us is rich?"
Peter grumbled incoherently then plucked something from the back of his neck and dropped it into Kim's palm. Kim held it up in the air for Samson to see: a small white bead of plastic.
"Now, crash course, this is the neurolinker that's going to facilitate the swap," he explained, rotating item in the air to show it from every angle. To Samson it just looked like a jellybean, but Kim proudly declared that it was jam packed full of intense tech. "It's going to bind seamlessly to the back of your neck– you might feel a little tickle, but that's it. Do you mind?"
He pointed towards the back of Samson's neck, and Samson nodded. Kim passed the bead back to Peter, who crossed behind Samson and placed a hand on his neck.
Samson tensed up. "Warn me before you-"
"It's already on," Peter said, and sure enough, when Samson reached back he felt a small bump at the base of his neck that he assumed was the neurolinker. He blinked in surprise– he hadn't even felt it attach.
"Everything feel okay?" Kim asked, and Samson nodded, still rubbing his fingers over the device in fascination. Kim grinned when he noticed Samson's interest. "Like I said, seamless! Comfort was a major factor I considered while designing it."
He held his hand out to the side, and Peter slipped a phone into it.
"They're activated wirelessly via the app– and don't worry about it activating by accident, the commercial models our customers receive are activated a three factor identification system tied to biometrics." Kim tapped at his screen as he spoke. "But I have an admin copy with special privileges so the process will be a bit more streamlined for us today. All I have to do is just–"
Everything went white for a moment, and when Samson blinked again, he was staring at himself.
"Tap right there on the screen!" Kim said, finishing the sentence he'd begun in his own body. "And the transfer happens instantaneously."
"Woah," Samson muttered, clearing his throat a few times before he realized the reason his voice sounded different was because it wasn't his voice.
Even knowing what was going to happen hadn't prepared him for what it would actually be like to be in another man's body. He was short now. More than that, he was skinny. Not even just skinny, a twig. He patted himself down, feeling only the frail bones of an under-exercised engineer, and he shivered. Who knew having no meat on his bones would make him so... chilly?
If being in another body was strange, seeing his own body from the outside was even stranger. He knew he was a big guy, but from his new smaller body he looked like a giant, and Mr. Shinwei was clearly having the time of his life with it.
There was an expression of glee on his face as Kim inspected his body from the inside, and the man had zero shame about groping Samson's body right in front of its owner. Samson watched as Kim glanced over his shoulder at his backside and then began shaking his hips around and Samson saw his ass jiggle around- he hadn't even known that his butt did that.
"Oh this is nice, this is very nice!" Kim exclaimed, then he turned his attention back front and tore his shirt open (literally tore the buttons off, which made Samson wince since that was his only dress shirt) to expose his sexy, hairy body to the room. He licked his lips at the sight of the powerful pecs that sat above Samson's belly, letting out a chuckle as he tweaked one of his nipples.
"Would you mind if I-?" Kim glanced at Samson and then gestured down towards his pants. Still speechless, Samson nodded yes, and Kim tugged his waistband forwards and looked inside. He smiled. "Oh, this is definitely workable."
Samson's mouth gaped, and all he could think to do was mutter a stunned "thank you."
"You know, it wouldn't kill you to show a little self-restraint," Peter said, clearly less impressed by what was happening, and Kim flipped him off.
"And it wouldn't kill you to lighten up a little!" He chastised his assistant, strolling across the room to stand before a full length mirror in the corner of the office. "Look at where I am and what I'm doing. Look at this body!" The flexed his borrowed biceps like a bodybuilder, grinning ear to ear at the sight of his new muscles, and he smacked at his belly. "Why wouldn't I enjoy it?"
He snapped his fingers and pointed towards the door, then turned his full attention to the mirror and began removing his pants. A still speechless Samson managed to catch a glimpse of his own bare ass before an arm wrapped around his shoulder and tugged him away- he grunted in protest, but unfortunately his new body was too weak to put up a fight.
"I'll take you to HR to fill out some paperwork," Peter muttered as he ushered Samson towards the door. "He's gonna be at this for a while."
The last thing Samson heard before the door shut behind them was the sound of skin on skin, and his own voice groaning.
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anarcho-physicist · 5 months
i helped* write a new physics textbook and it has a cool (and free) website: softmatterbook.online
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*a little bit. The vast majority of the book was written by van Saarloos, Vitelli, and Zeravcic, but a whole bunch of people contributed little bits of writing (myself included) and are credited in the preface.
This book is an accumulation of some of the most fundamental results in soft matter physics, many of which were first discovered or derived very recently. The website hosts a bunch of extra resources (videos, notes, demos, etc.) sorted by the chapters of the book:
Fluid Dynamics
Brownian Motion
Liquid Crystals
Interfaces, Surfaces, & Membranes
Pattern Formation out of Equilibrium
Active Matter
From Designing Matter to Mimicking Life
It also lists a whole bunch of labs all around the world that are studying the sorts of systems described in the book, as well as mailing lists you can sign up for, conferences, workshops, youtube channels, and software packages. I'm absolutely biased (see below) but I think it's a really great resource for anybody interested in soft matter!
I spent the first year of my PhD helping to put this thing together. I translated research papers into problems, hunted for typos, and wrote most of the solutions in the instructor's manual. I don't make any money off the book sales (my PI told me they made it available for as cheap of a price as the publisher would allow), but my PhD stipend was funded for the year to work on this thing instead of having to TA.
I was ridiculously lucky to get the chance to work on this thing, even if at times it felt like learning how the academic sausage gets made.
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sabakos · 8 months
The neat thing about mathematics is that you learn how to work things out for yourself, and in some sense this is a necessary skill to develop if you really want to understand any higher math; if you work through the problem sets in most undergraduate mathematics textbooks on your own, you'll not only know but also "understand" the content, in a way you wouldn't if you only read those books but didn't do any of the problems.
And what I'm calling "understanding" in this context is a more secure and accessible form of knowledge than most other forms of knowledge. You could learn that all of the other math students you had ever met were simply copying the instructor's solutions manual for each textbook, that your professors had all done the same in their time, that even the textbook author themself relied on someone else's solutions, and that none of them really understood the material in the same way that you did, and it wouldn't threaten the security of your own knowledge that you have understood mathematics. Even if you ever had any reason to doubt your memories or your senses, you still could rederive the mathematics yourself to make sure you still understood, while all of your memories of childhood would rely on the testimony of others or sense data on the external world. You could even begin to doubt the existence of the external world before you doubted your own understanding.
But we run into a new epistemic difficulty at this point. Suppose that all of your mathematics classmates really are frauds and charlatans. How could you, as someone who has truly understood mathematics, convince all of them that they hadn't? They don't understand, so they can't understand what they're missing. Some of them might just be willing to try deriving proofs for themselves if you ask them nicely enough, but it's not clear that there's any way you could win them over with rational arguments in order to get them to do so. Instead, you'd need to appeal to their irrationality, and find a way to get them to believe that it was worth their time to try, that they would be risking very little in exchange for something they'll only appreciate the value of once they've finished. Maybe some puzzles or riddles that throw them off balance, that create a need to seek more understanding. You might be lucky enough that some of them believe you.
So if all has gone well, you now have initiates, and you've all decided that together you want to restore the field of mathematics to its former glory, and purge the corruption of rote memorization from the academy. You'll learn quickly that much like you can verify your own understanding, it's also possible for you to identify those who have really understood math - you can present them with a proof for something they've never seen before, that's related to something they have seen, and they can work it out to a state that you or any initiate who truly understands can identify. And happily, they can use these methods of proof on each other. And so you can spread your knowledge and understanding via those who have also understood.
But you haven't gotten out of the woods yet, and your difficulty is not just that you're outnumbered. Once you've made a bit of a name for yourself and attracted a following, there will be other initiates who seek fame and glory, but yet can't or won't understand anything, and are no better off than before you met them despite your best efforts- they can't prove new theorems they haven't seen, they can't confirm the validity of others proofs, and they can't devise questions that others will be able to solve. Often these others will insist that they really are taking the same steps as everyone else, from their perspective, the rest of you all must be lying, or else something about them must be broken. Neither possibility will make them happy, and for the rest of it's existence your movement's survival depends on filtering these people off. If these sorts figure out how to fool the rest of you, or they go out in your name claiming to teach "real" mathematics, all will be lost, and your rare understanding will be diluted by their more common lack of it.
Unfortunately, at some point you will die, and everything you understand for yourself will be lost to the world. Your initiates who have truly understood you will die as well, and those they have taught will, in turn, also die. There are no immortal guardians who will safeguard the true understanding of mathematics, and it cannot be written down, only experienced directly, or it would have been written down before. Those who have understood this must always continue to spread understanding to those who might understand, and each generation of them must combat the threat of those others who have not, or else all may again be lost and forgotten.
But yet, there is one last glimmer of hope; though what you have found may one day be lost again, what has been lost may yet again be found, else you would not have been able to find it. Perhaps this is enough to hold onto.
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ranahan · 5 months
Free tactical medicine learning resources
If you want to learn first aid, emergency care or tactical medical care for real, you will need to practice these skills. A lot. Regularly. There’s no way to learn them just from books. But if you’re looking to supplement your training, can’t access hands on training, are a layperson doing research for your writing or otherwise just curious, here are some free resources (some may need a free account to access them).
The current gold standard in the field is Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC), developed by the US army but used by militaries around the world. There is also a civilian version of the system called Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC). Training materials, Standards of Care, instructional videos, etc. can be accessed at deployedmedicine.com. You’ll need a free account. This should be your first and possibly only stop.
There’s also an app and a podcast if those are more your thing, although I haven’t personally tried them.
More TCCC (video) resources
STOP THE BLEED® Interactive Course
TCCC-MP Guidelines and Curriculum presentations and training videos
EURMED’s Medical Beginner's Resource List has suggested list of video materials (disclaimer: I haven’t watched the playlists, but I have been trained by nearly all of the linked systems/organisations and can vouch for them)
Tactical Medical Solutions training resource page (requires registration; some of the courses are free)
North American Rescue video downloads
Emergency medicine
WHO-ICRC Basic Emergency Care: approach to the acutely ill and injured — an open-access course workbook for basic emergency care with limited resources
Global Health Emergency Medicine — open-access, evidence-based, peer-reviewed emergency medicine modules designed for teachers and learners in low-resource health setting
AFEM Resources — curricula, lecture bank, reviews, etc.
Global Emergency Medicine Academy Resources (links to more resources)
OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology textbook
Open-access anatomy and physiology learning resources
Principles of Pharmacology – Study Guide
Multiple Casualty Incidents
Management of Multiple Casualty Incidents lecture
Bombings: Injury Patterns and Care blast injuries course (scroll down on the page)
Borden Institute has medical textbooks about biological, chemical and nuclear threats
Psychological first aid: Guide for field workers
Prolonged field care
When the evac isn’t coming anytime soon.
Prolonged Field Care Basics lecture (requires registration)
Aerie 14th Edition Wilderness Medicine Manual (textbook)
Austere Emergency Medical Support (AEMS) Field Guide (textbook)
Prolonged Casualty Care (PCC) Guidelines
Wilderness Medical Society Clinical Practice Guidelines
Austere Medicine Resources: Practice Guidelines — a great resource of WMS, PFC, TCCC, etc. clinical practice guidelines in one place
The Wilderness and Environmental Medicine Journal (you can read past issues without a membership)
Prolonged Field Care Collective: Resources
National Park Services Emergency Medical Services Resources
Guerilla Medicine: An Introduction to the Concepts of Austere Medicine in Asymmetric Conflicts (article)
Mental health & PTSD
National Center for PTSD
Psychological first aid: Guide for field workers
Combat and Operational Behavioral Health (medical textbook)
Resources for doctors and medical students
Or you know, other curious people who aren’t afraid of medical jargon.
Borden Institute Military Medical Textbooks and Resources — suggestions: start with Fundamentals of Military Medicine; mechanism of injury of conventional weapons; these two volumes on medical aspects of operating in extreme environments; psychosocial aspects of military medicine; or Combat Anesthesia
Emergency War Surgery textbook and lectures
Disaster Health Core Curriculum — online course for health professionals
Médecins Sans Frontières Clinical guidelines
Pocket book of hospital care for children: Second edition — guidelines for the management of common childhood illnesses in low resource settings
Grey’s Quick Reference: Basic Protocols in Paediatrics and Internal Medicine For Resource Limited Settings
The Department of Defense Center of Excellence for Trauma: Trauma Care Resources (links to more resources)
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ausetkmt · 1 year
In the last stanzas of the 1926 poem “I, too,” Langston Hughes writes: “Tomorrow, / I’ll be at the table / When company comes. / Nobody’ll dare / Say to me, / ‘Eat in the kitchen,’ / Then. / Besides, / They’ll see how beautiful I am / And be ashamed— / I, too, am America.”
This sentiment remains relevant for Black people today, as K-12 schools continue to grapple with how to best (or even at all) integrate Black history into social studies and language arts curricula. Too often, this essential content is relegated to metaphorically “eat in the kitchen” by only being introduced during Black History Month. The integration of Black history into U.S. core curricula is a missed opportunity in elementary school, a period in young children’s development during which there is boundless potential to nurture their creativity.
As the push to suppress marginalized people’s histories, stories, and lived experiences continues across the country, it has become all the more urgent to preserve, protect, and amplify Black history narratives in schools. Early elementary—grades K through 2—is a particularly fertile time for children to learn about and explore these stories, making elementary educators critical in raising students’ consciousness and working toward racial justice. Moreover, an expansive exploration of Black history in elementary schools can be used to ignite children’s ingenuity and investment in school.
There is no manual or checklist for how elementary schools can eschew a Eurocentric approach to learning. However, to elevate, center, and value Black children’s lives and perspectives, educators must begin with a deep commitment to humanizing, amplifying, and honoring Black history. Elementary teachers must be willing—and trained—to suspend the conventional notions of knowledge building and content mastery, sincerely appreciate the brilliance Black students bring to the classroom, and be willing to continue learning themselves. Only then will schools be able to provide a liberatory education.
Many U.S. elementary teachers and administrators fail to believe in Black children’s intelligence and refuse to center Black histories. Children can be central to curriculum development and implementation—thinking alongside one another and the classroom teacher, uncovering and recounting historical narratives that they find relevant and enriching, and documenting their own voices. They can write poetry, design a textbook, pose a question of concern about their community, and generate a multimodal (audio, visual, and/or written) project that proposes solutions.
Before we meaningfully integrate Black people’s stories and narratives into elementary schools, we must recognize that Black children are themselves knowledge holders and generators. As such, the sociopolitical knowledge Black students already possess should serve as the foundation for facilitating teaching and learning. As naturally inquisitive beings, children can meaningfully inform curriculum and challenge schools to be more equitable.
If provided the opportunity to enact agency in their classrooms, children can take on this role of curriculum shapers, whose perspectives matter for what and how they learn. This opportunity is especially significant for Black children who are engaging Black histories that have traditionally been omitted in schools.
In U.S. schools, Black history is often flattened to focus primarily on enslavement, the civil rights movement, and, more recently, the election of President Barack Obama. Elementary schools tend to elevate the lives of well-known individual Black historical giants like Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, and the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., while ignoring myriad other Black people—lesser known, unsung heroes—who have worked for racial justice. Furthermore, narratives of oppression, dehumanization, and anti-Blackness take precedence over Black people’s beauty, joy, and intellect.
Elementary curricula should also include concentrated periods of creation within Black communities throughout U.S. history. Teaching about the Harlem Renaissance and the Black Arts Movement of the 1960s and 1970s, for example, can enhance the incomplete Black histories that are predominately taught.
What makes these artistic movements ripe for teaching young children? They are models of times when creative expression—be it literature, visual arts, music, or theater—celebrated the richness of Black life, affirmed the humanity of Black people, and centered Black resistance to white supremacy and Black liberation. Black cultural production across time can serve as a model for imagination, artistic expression, and innovation, as well as racial justice.
We continue to wait for “tomorrow” to be “at the table,” in the words of Langston Hughes. Black children deserve an education that validates their existence and nurtures their sociopolitical sensibilities. They deserve curriculum that fully accounts for the beauty and ingenuity of their ancestors.
As inequity persists and anti-Blackness abounds, early educators must bring Black history and cultural production to the forefront of how Black children make sense of themselves and society in the classroom. In doing so, we can reimagine elementary schools as spaces that sustain Black students’ identities—making those identities the source from which we should derive standards, learning objectives, and lesson plans.
We are not a historically mature society until we acknowledge that everyone’s history matters. In this special collection, a slate of Black history researchers and educators help lead us down that road to historical maturity and LaGarrett J. King offers practical resources for improving Black history instruction.
Wintre Foxworth Johnson is an assistant professor in the department of curriculum, instruction, and special education at the University of Virginia’s School of Education and Human Development. She is a faculty affiliate of the Center for Race and Public Education in the South (CRPES) and Youth-Nex, the university’s Center to Promote Effective Youth Development.
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flashhwing · 2 years
thought I had a pdf of my textbook but it turned out to be the instructor’s manual. thought I could find one on chegg but it wants to send me a physical book. okay but the solutions on chegg should still have the original problem transcribed out, right? nope!
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sorrellegiance · 2 years
am i actually the one person in orgo to have the bright idea to check out a copy of the textbook solutions manual from the library
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jessejames1802 · 1 year
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crazyforstudycfs · 2 years
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alright, so. i think i mentioned in one of my previous posts that i seem to struggle with posting positive stuff. from now on, i’ll try to post more small joyful things that happen in my life.
SO, HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY. it’s super small but i spotted a mistake in a textbook lmao
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16^3 is 4096, not 65536. they accidentally put solution to 16^4 here instead of 16^3. the example below the table is wrong as well since they kept using incorrect solution, so i made manual calculation myself for the sake of getting practice in converting hexadecimal numbers.
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andddd yeah i got it right
OK OK THIS IS STUPID BUT I FEEL REALLY PROUD OF MYSELF TODAY like. i’m really, and i mean really bad at math. and i haven’t picked anything related to math in 10 years, and back in school it was the only subject i kept chronically, systematically failing. plus i have a massive brain fog whole day so studying was a bit challenging. i initially wanted to drop the whole thing for now because i couldn’t concentrate. and that mistake they made sort of confused me even more BUT I DID IT YOOOOOO according to messaging history from my live blogging the whole thing to friends, it took me less than 10 minutes to go from “the fuck is going on??? what the hell are ... sixteen... something?? numbers??” to nailing it and making calculations above
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ngl part of the reason why i feel so good about this is because at some point math classes became absolutely unbearable to me. i grew up associating everything related to math with inevitable failure, assuming that every thing i pick that involves it will forever confuse me and i will never understand even the simplest basics. i actually hesitated picking up the course because deep down i was convinced that the school-era-math-test-exam scenario will play out... somehow? idk man brains are weird
a really odd comfort zone to break through, or rather, a comfort zone that i never even thought existed within my psyche, but here we are lmao
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ippnoida · 23 days
Creative Concepts and Solutions acquires Bindwel BW@2500
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Noida-based Creative Concepts and Solutions has enhanced its book-binding capacity and capabilities with the recent addition of a BW@2500 from Bindwel in its post-press segment. According to Puneet Bajaj, director of Creative Concepts and Solutions, the 6-clamp perfect binder installed in March 2024, has substantially enhanced its daily book production from 5,000 to 15,000 volumes. For printing the books and manuals that it produces, the company uses a Heidelberg 2-color perfecting sheetfed offset press.
With calibrated book clamps and a thickness indicator, the perfect binding machine runs at a speed of 2,500 cycles an hour. It can bind books ranging from 150 mm x 100 mm to 440 mm x 230 mm. The smart human-machine interface (HMI) control system provides all the information on settings, and production, helping to improve efficiency.
Beyond its entire book printing and production services, Creative Concepts and Solutions offers a wide range of designing services, including corporate branding solutions. Established in 1998, it initially outsourced its printing work. However, eight months ago, the company made a strategic decision to bring the entire printing production process in-house.
Bajaj explains, “You don’t get big orders until you have everything in-house.” The move, he said, was motivated by several key factors, including job security, quality control, cost-effectiveness, and meeting deadlines.
During an interaction with the company’s directors Puneet Bajaj and Sumit Bajaj at their Noida office, the younger brother Sumit said customization is the new game in the industry. He stressed the importance of constantly innovating and coming up with new ideas to stay strong in the business. For him, customization ideas can come from any side, be it the customer or the printer. The execution of these ideas, however, is the printer’s job. Therefore, printers need to constantly search for new technologies in the market to serve their clients better.
The Creative Concepts team is more focused on printing books for the education sector. Though textbooks are generally considered a seasonal business, the brothers say that coaching institutions are continuously in need of printed materials, which is why the education printing work is no longer a seasonal business for them. The brothers informed us about their expansion plan at a new and larger location in Noida – it is planned that the new plant will be equipped with several new equipment and machines for pre-press, printing, and post-press-related finishing and binding work.
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anandhu-transorze · 23 days
Are there any hidden fees or additional costs for medical coding course by Transorze Kochi?
At Transorze Solutions in Kochi, you won't have to worry about hidden fees or additional costs when enrolling in their medical coding course. The course fee, which is available at an affordable rate, covers everything you need. This includes textbooks, coding manuals, access to online resources, and all your sessions, whether you choose the online or offline format.
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Transorze Solutions makes it clear from the start what you’re paying for, so you won’t be surprised by any unexpected charges later. Even the costs for medical coding exams and certification provided by Transorze Solutions are included in the course fee.
Transorze Solutions aim to make the entire process transparent and straightforward, allowing you to focus on learning without any financial surprises. This all inclusive pricing approach helps you plan your medical coding budget effectively, ensuring a worry free learning experience.
For more detailed information, visit our official website: https://transorze.com/
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Empowering Enterprises: Sify's Digital Asset Management Solutions
In the dynamic realm of digital content, managing assets efficiently and effectively is critical for businesses aiming to maintain a competitive edge. Sify Technologies stands tall as a trailblazer in digital transformation, offering comprehensive Digital Asset Management (DAM) solutions designed to streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and maximize the value of digital assets for enterprises across industries.
The Sify Advantage
Sify’s Digital Asset Management solutions are built on a foundation of innovation, expertise, and customer-centricity, empowering enterprises to unlock the full potential of their digital assets. With a focus on scalability, security, and usability, Sify helps businesses harness the power of digital content to drive engagement, accelerate workflows, and achieve business objectives with confidence.
Key Offerings
Centralized Asset Repository: Sify’s DAM solutions provide a centralized repository for storing, organizing, and managing digital assets, including images, videos, documents, and multimedia files. With intuitive search and navigation capabilities, businesses can quickly locate and access assets from anywhere, at any time, enabling seamless collaboration and content reuse.
Workflow Automation: Sify’s DAM solutions automate key workflows and processes related to asset creation, review, approval, and distribution, streamlining content production cycles and reducing time-to-market. By eliminating manual tasks and bottlenecks, businesses can accelerate workflows, improve efficiency, and drive productivity across teams and departments.
Version Control and Asset Tracking: Sify’s DAM solutions provide robust version control and asset tracking capabilities, ensuring that stakeholders always have access to the latest and most accurate versions of digital assets. By maintaining a single source of truth for digital content, businesses can minimize errors, reduce duplication, and maintain brand consistency across channels and touchpoints.
Security and Access Control: Security is a top priority in the digital age, and Sify’s DAM solutions are equipped with robust security features to protect digital assets against unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber threats. With granular access controls, encryption, and audit trails, businesses can safeguard sensitive content and maintain regulatory compliance with confidence.
Sify’s DAM solutions cater to a wide range of industries and use cases, including:
Marketing and Advertising: Streamline campaign management, asset sharing, and brand compliance with centralized asset management and collaboration tools.
Media and Entertainment: Manage digital rights, licensing, and distribution workflows for media assets, including images, videos, and music files.
Retail and E-commerce: Optimize product content management, merchandising, and cataloging processes to drive sales and enhance customer experiences.
Publishing and Education: Digitize content production, publishing, and distribution workflows for educational materials, textbooks, and e-learning resources.
In today’s digital-first world, managing digital assets effectively is essential for businesses seeking to stay ahead of the curve. With Sify’s Digital Asset Management solutions, enterprises can streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and maximize the value of their digital content with confidence and efficiency. Empower your business with Sify’s DAM solutions and unlock new opportunities for success in the digital age.
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Use the Best School ERP Software to Streamline Your School Operations 
In a time of perpetual technological progress and changing pedagogical approaches, school administration has grown increasingly challenging. Every educational institution, from elementary schools to universities, has a variety of difficulties in managing administrative, academic, and extracurricular activities daily. The realm of school management has expanded beyond textbooks and classrooms to include a wide range of tasks such as curriculum development, student welfare, financial planning, resource allocation, and more. In response to the need for streamlined management of academic and extracurricular activities, developers created school ERP software to effectively simplify and oversee various school functions.
The use of technology has greatly changed the education sector. This is evident in the way that online courses, virtual classrooms, and digital materials are replacing conventional teaching and learning techniques. This lowers the possibility of errors and guarantees data correctness by doing away with the requirement for inconsistent systems and manual record-keeping. Additionally, the centralization of data makes it easier for departments to communicate with one another, promoting cooperation and better decision-making.
Tailored specifically for educational institutions, school ERP software solutions offer an extensive toolkit that simplifies every aspect of campus management. Whether you oversee the planning of lessons, admissions, attendance, or academic development of your students, the school ERP solution provides a seamless platform to maximise efficiency and foster success.
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What is a School ERP System?
A piece of software called an ERP system for schools enables schools or groups of schools to oversee daily operations. It is a method for overseeing both internal and external resources for the organization. It supports the administration of all minor and major operations of the institution, including the library, transportation, fees and payments, teaching and administrative staff records, student records, and so forth. It also links multiple departments to a central system, reducing redundant data inaccuracies, automating processes, and raising staff productivity in schools.
How Your School Can Expand with the Use of ERP Software
A comprehensive tool that may assist educational institutions of all sizes in managing their daily operations more successfully and efficiently is enterprise resource planning, or ERP, software. ERP software unifies all of the essential operations, academics, finance, human resources, and student records of a school into a single system. This can facilitate better departmental coordination and communication as well as work automation and process streamlining.  
Why Educational Institutions Need ERP Software?
Intelligent technology
Enhanced resource administration
Collaboration and Communication
Protection and safety of data
Enhanced control
Intelligent technology:
The focus of the younger learning generation is on technology. As a result, ERP software needs to be flexible enough to adjust to students' changing technological needs.   
Enhanced resource administration:
In schools, universities, and other educational institutions, resource management serves the general goal of making sure that money may be allocated effectively for these needs. Handling them by hand is very difficult because of the variety of resources that are used. As a result, to properly handle this, your institution needs to track its inventory and resource utilisation using extremely effective ERP software.
You can develop trustworthy and accurate information about present and future needs and maintain an up-to-date record of the stock that is necessary and available with the help of the ERP programme. You can anticipate needs and maximise functions more easily as a result, avoiding the risks of overstocking or understocking.  
Collaboration and Communication: 
Collaboration between parents, teachers, and students using the school ERP system. By providing communication tools like discussion boards, announcements, and messaging, it encourages participation and makes it easier for the school community to communicate effectively.  
Protection and safety of data:
It should come as no surprise that you must retain a substantial amount of scholarly material for a long time. In addition to maintaining track of ongoing operational data, you also need to archive student records from the point of enrolment through the course and beyond.
It is never safe to manage the physical records of this data. ERP software is necessary since it must be able to safely store data and retrieve it when needed. To protect data integrity and privacy, the system also provides restricted access to information and only permits authorised users to enter. As a result, it guarantees complete security against data breaches.
Enhanced control: 
With an integrated database at your fingertips, an ERP software solution helps schools handle all administrative tasks from a single, central location.  
Benefits of using a School ERP Software in Zambia:
Better Connectivity
Increased Efficiency in Administration
Improved academic results for students
Enhanced Interaction
Enhanced transparency
Teacher-Parent Collaboration
Administration Made Simpler
Save Money
Better Connectivity:
The ability to automate school operations and save operating costs is one of the main advantages of adopting ERP software. Planning and decision-making are optimized by the school ERP system with the aid of an insightful reporting system that is tailored to each department of the school. Paper forms are unnecessary since you will always have digital access to all of your records, wherever you are at any time. Additionally, you'll discover that implementing an ERP system facilitates improved staff-student contact, which benefits all parties engaged in the educational process.  
Increased Efficiency in Administration:
Routine administrative chores like scheduling, grading, and attendance monitoring can be automated to free up time for administrators and educators to work on higher-value projects, creating a more productive work environment.  
Improved academic results for students:
Enhancing productivity and efficacy in schools through the use of ERP software can benefit student results. Students might gain from improved resource availability, more individualized instruction, and a more encouraging learning atmosphere, for instance.   
Enhanced Interaction:
By promoting improved communication between educators, parents, and students, these solutions create a collaborative learning environment.  
Enhanced transparency:
With the use of ERP software, parents may obtain their child's grades, attendance records, and other crucial data. This can support parents' involvement in their child's education and keep them informed.  
Teacher-Parent Collaboration: 
With the help of the software, parents can stay up to current on their child's academic progress, attendance, and other important information. It promotes engagement and cooperation between parents, teachers, and other carers, creating a supportive learning environment.   
Administration Made Simpler:
School ERP software eases the workload of manual data entry and automates repetitive operations for administrators. In addition to generating reports and keeping track of grades and attendance, the system may be used to track student enrolment and establish class schedules. Administrators can devote more time to strategic leadership and enhancing the educational experience for all students. Putting in place a complete student information system,  at your school improves community, productivity, and efficiency. After the initial phase of training and transfer, educators, parents, and students will question how the school managed to operate without it. Schools can reallocate resources to the classroom for the ultimate benefit of student learning and success thanks to the time and money savings.  
Save Money:
You can save a significant amount of money with ERP software for your school, which is one of its main benefits. Many procedures in your school can be automated with the use of ERP software. This can free up employees' time so they can concentrate on more crucial work. Additionally, it can assist lessen the need for paper records, which can save your school money on printing and storage expenses.  
Use of School ERP Software System is a Game Changer in Zambia:
To sum up, educational resource planning software is a game-changer for educational establishments, offering a thorough, flexible, and easy-to-use way to improve the performance of educational and administrative systems such as schools. There are numerous advantages to utilising an ERP system for schools, and their market is expanding swiftly. While many schools have already integrated an ERP system into their operations, a large number of others are currently debating this technology's benefits and drawbacks before committing. Make sure to conduct thorough research and select an ERP system that best suits your needs if your school is thinking about using one.
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