#teyla imagen
So, hello and welcome to whumptober day six proof of life. Im doing "ive got a pulse" because... fun? I guess? And day seven will arrive eventually as well as day seven of suptober, anyway today im doing a stargate atlantis one today because i can and no one can stop me. So... have fun <3
Whumptober day 6- proof of life (ive got a pulse)
"John!" Teyla called itching trying to tear off the suit she was wearing. With Mkcay's suit already off due to his near constant compaints of an allergic reaction to the fabric or whatever, he dove in immediately. Once in the icy water he immediately had to surprise the urge to gasp in shock but he had to stay on task. John had been stunned and fell into a body of water, his suit was torn from an earlier interaction with a rusty nail, they all had written it off thinking of it as little more than a minor inconvinience meaning they would have to mend it later, however when it had snagged on thick branch the entire chest of his suit had torn clean open. But it didnt matter in the moment, all that mckay knew was unconscious human plus body of water usually meant a drowned man. Mckay swam fast and hard through the icy water his eyes stunning from the salt content of the water, he shot through the water like a bullet sheddingnhis jacket behind him as he moved to cut down on the drag. He finalky caught sight of the military man's black hair and repositioned himself appropriately to propell towards him efficiently.
He grabbed a hold of the mans vest hauling him up by the shoulder, he kicked hard pulling him up as he swam, his vision blurring from the lack of oxygen and fighting the urge to take a deep inhale. He finally reached the sufrace watching teyla and ronon run towards him on the beach, he held shepherd's head above the water, listeing for any sounds of breath... none. He cursed lightly before feeling teyla and ronon pull the man (more drag really) ashore. Mckay climbed out after him before kneeling next to the man.
"Ok, come on shepherd. Come on." He felt the mans kneck looking for the reliable comforting thump beneath his finger tips. "Ive got a pulse!" He sughed in relief. "Well technically, i guess hes got a pulse... Whatever." He finished before beggining the chest compressions trying to return the natural rhythm to his chest and restore the all too improtant rising and falling to his lungs. Almost immediately shepherd coughed up the salty liquid onto the ground while mckay turned him onto his side so he wouldnt choke.
"Youre ok, youre ok. Just deep breaths." Mckay comforted. "Deep breaths." He repeatedly calmly and softly rubbing the colnels back as he breathed wuth teyla and ronon watching the pair in conern and awe.
"You ok?" The dr asked him.
"Thanks, thanks Mckay. Im good." He breathed depply his head falling to rest in rodney's lap.
" good job mckay!" Ronon aplauded. As teyla produced a nervous chuckle before dissolving into genuine laughter realesing her tention and anxiety through bursts of giggles.
"You sure youre ok?" Rodney asked.
"You arent an MD doctor mckay." John joked smiling up at him.
"Yeah and you almost drowned colonel so just... humour me ok?" His sarvastic facade dropped like a lead balloon revealing just how scared he truly was. This revealed jarred john slightly, shocked to see mckay that open and feeling a sudden onset of guilt for just how scared he had made his friend.
"Yeah, yeah Rodney im fine. Don't worry. I'm all pinsean and needles from the stunned but the suit got most of it, im shivering and cold but im fine. Just a little shaken is all." Shepherd consolled. Trying to soothe the nerves of his friend.
"Ok." Mckay nodded before moving to allow him sit up.
"We should probably go." Shepherd decided before standing up to leave. He could feel mckays worried eyes on him the rest of the way to the gate but by the time he had arrived back in atlantis mckay had already radioed in asking for a medical team to meet them in thencontroll tower. Shepherd was rolled off in a gurney he insisted was unnecessary but mckay informed him it was not up to him.
Beckett insisted that shepherd would be ok and only then did mckay allow himself leave his side to do work and insignificant things as such. John was touched and smittened by mckays caringness and affection towards him obviously he would never admit it to him john was grateful for the extra attention on top of him saving his life. He smiled at the man as he walked away grateful and loving before deciding to turn in, he was pretty tired already from being almost dead so he thought he had earned the extra few hours of rest.
He went to sleep smiling at the though of mckay.
A/N: so i dont know why but for the day 7 one i think it will be another stargate atlantis one for no reason in particular other than i plan to go the hypoglycaemic route for "shaking hands" and i can think of no more appropriate a character for hypoglycemia than Dr Rodney Mckay. Anyway this one probably has way worse grammar, puntiation, etc. Because I'm exhausted. Peace out.
Hope you had fun<3
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Do you gravitate towards certain characters, favorite character you don't write, and are you easily distracted?
The traumatized in some way or another, probably multiple times and way over a course of years, sometimes snarky, often deadly, would die rather than see the people they care about once their wall gets broken down, possibly neurodivergent character. Every. Fucking. Time. Every time Dragon gets into a new show, “Whatever you do, don’t look at xyz character” (this is often evil, and on purpose, and to get me to pick up a muse they already have a toe in the fandom of with a muse of their own). But I really do resist a lot of the time because I don’t want to be writing the SAME characters (I work diligently to have clear cut differences between them all despite what carryovers there may be). Not only that but I don’t want to have so many muses I can’t devote myself to real headcanons and in depth threads and stuff. It might be other people’s thing, they may be able to handle more muses better than I can, I’ve seen it happen, but I’m at a comfortable spot to not really add more on.
Another favorite Teyla Imagen on Stargate: Atlantis. Her quiet fierceness and compassion was something I really liked to see (always helps she was giving Jason Mamoa’s character, Ronon, a run for his money) I had interest in writing her way back when I first started the series, that I’ve since rewatched multiple times, but I also had no interest in trying to work a canon with no real fandom to be found on the forums that favored OCs when I was first writing rp. So I stuck to Nil, and then eventually added Rogue when I switched Nil to tumblr following a few people from the forums.
I have ADHD, inattentive type. I’m distractable as fuck. I’ll be researching a fact or checking the spelling of a thread for a word, next thing you know it’s been 3 hours, and I’ve done 10 things, not a damn one of them being actually writing. THEN I’m also either narcoleptic or have some other health issue creeping in cuz I fall asleep easy as pie even when I’m not distracted. When I’m both awake and fully focused either someone managed to get me hyperfocused, or it’s just a sunshine and everything is going okay kind of day...which is sus. Very sus.
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