#worried ronon
sga-owns-my-soul · 10 months
ronan/woolsey for ship bingo because you're insane
i am insane and i appreciate this so much bc i always want more reasons to scream about them bc i'm SO insane about this ship
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Stargate-Atlantis S5: E8 The Queen
Yes, I skipped Whispers (E7). I watched it the first time through and promised never to watch it again. Absolutely stupid episode. Pretending it doesn't exist.
I would like to start by saying I haven't had a chance to watch any SGA since Monday morning, and it's Wednesday evening. I'm so happy. Also, Todd is so ridiculous, and I love him.
Sheppard's explination to Todd on why Todd should alter his DNA: I could stop waiting for a chance to kill you, in theory.
Sheppard isn't on board as soon as Teyla's life is at risk, and I love that. I love Sheppard, Ronon, and Rodney hanging around for Teyla's surgery, pacing the floor, telling each other to relax, all three of them so worried.
Teyla calls then Darts and not a single Wraith bats an eye. 🤣
I love when Teyla kinda goes full Queen on Todd, and the last shot is him looking...disturbed. I think he thought she would be weak and controllable. Surprise! She's not.
Again, Todd always has a plan within a plan within a plan, and it's great.
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stargatelov3r · 1 year
Ronon: Don’t worry, I’ve got a few knives up my sleeve.
Rodney: I think you mean cards.
Teyla: He did not.
Ronon, pulling out knives: I did not.
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dr-futbol-blog · 13 days
Runner, Pt. 4
We don't get to see the full gamut of McKay's reaction to the realization that they have lost contact with Sheppard and have no idea what has happened to him. We next join McKay and Lorne inside the puddle jumper, and the fact that it's daylight indicates that some time has passed. They are in radio contact with Atlantis, informing Weir of the situation. Lorne seems to have calmed down some, and being able to get instructions from a superior on Atlantis likely helped with that.
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For his part, McKay seems perfectly normal. Like nothing is amiss. Later, McKay mentions that Ford is showing signs of clinical dissociation. The fact that he even knows what it is seems to confirm his long history of therapy, and that he may have some personal experience with dissociation, as it is an extremely common defense mechanism for multiple forms of childhood trauma. For example, McKay most definitely seems to use his work to avoid facing difficult emotions. Now, unlike what he later tells Ford, "talking in the third person" is not a sign of dissociation. Experiencing a traumatic event and having no feelings about it is. Emotional numbness. Behaving in an uncharacteristic way. What we see McKay doing here are all signs of dissociation.
McKay walks in on Lorne's call to Atlantis and makes a request for radiation suits--which is not unreasonable on a planet with nearly lethal levels of radiation (in fact, we see the effects of the radiation on Ford, who is protected by the wraith enzyme and we see Ronon apply some kind of protection on his skin). While Sheppard's attitude toward McKay was being contrarian, it was never that he didn't believe McKay.
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But Lorne, who seems to have adopted Sheppard's attitude toward both McKay and McKay's antics wholesale, seems to think seeking protection from the radiation is ridiculous, which is just ten different kinds of stupid. He gives McKay a look of silent judgement as he makes his request which McKay seems to misinterpret. He thinks that Lorne gives him the look because he thinks he's acting selfishly. He has not caught onto just how little Lorne seems to think of every aspect of who he is.
But the thing is, McKay's focus on this secondary, really quite peripheral concern is also a sign of dissociation. Major Lorne is not equipped to understand why McKay is behaving the way he does, and he doesn't even have a baseline for McKay's normal behaviour. We can't really blame him for not understanding what is going on with McKay, but he is still being dickish for little to no reason. McKay even shows concern for Lorne's men, asking Weir to have all the available suits brought out for them, not just for himself.
But you better believe McKay cares about what has happened to Sheppard. If he cared less, we might see him react in some normal way, be worried, be freaking out, try to think of ways of saving him. This full blown dissociation tells us just how deeply he is affected, and the fact that he mentions the concept of dissociation himself later just invites us to try fitting his foot into this particular shoe, see if it fits.
At the same time, Sheppard is slowly regaining consciousness inside a cave, tied up with Teyla.
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They appear to have been stunned, and while Teyla was hit first, Sheppard is the first to wake up probably due to his bigger body absorbing the blast. Sheppard is trying to make sense of their current situation and surroundings as Teyla stirs behind him:
Teyla: Colonel? Sheppard: You OK? Teyla: My head is pounding. Where are we? Sheppard: I don't know, but I was just about to ask him.
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Sheppard is glad that he's here with Teyla and not McKay. While his hands may be literally tied at the moment, he is still more free to think of what to do, how to get them out of this. He's not paralyzed by fear, he's not distracted by his constant concern for his well-being. This is why he had chosen Teyla to go with him, and this just proved that his choice had been correct.
Now, we've seen several times in the past, especially when Acastus Kolya has been involved, that Sheppard has swallowed down all his smart-ass remarks out of fear for McKay's safety. We saw him physically have to force his hand down not to say what he was thinking in The Eye (S01E11). But now, although he does not know anything about this man other than that he must be dangerous since he had got the drop on them, he seems much more carefree. They're definitely in a tight spot, but he's been in tighter spots than this.
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Sheppard: You might wanna be careful where you point that thing. Looks like you've got the safety off. Sheppard: OK, be that way. But my guess is if you wanted us dead, we'd be dead right now, so why don't you tell us who you are and what you want? Sheppard: Alright, I'll go first. I'm Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard.
Notice how Sheppard keeps direct eye contact with him, trying to come across earnest, trustworthy, stalwart and unthreatening, all at the same time. Make no mistake, he is attempting to charm Ronon into letting them go. This is one of the weapons in his arsenal and he has never been above using it to get what he wants.
So, this is not Ford. They had thought who ever had killed the wraith had been Ford due to the removal of the enzyme sac. But this man, whoever he was, certainly seemed capable of killing a wraith. Maybe they had been wrong. What was the chance they'd find two wraith killers on a planet that doesn't support animal life? So Sheppard isn't worried for McKay. As far as he knew, Lorne and McKay had been tracking the same sound, and they weren't here, and this man obviously hadn't killed himself and Teyla. So, he could pretty safely assume McKay and Lorne were still out there somewhere. That freed him up.
He's even more relieved to learn that this man is a soldier:
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Dex: "Colonel"? Sheppard: It's my rank. Military designation.Dex: Specialist Ronon Dex. Sheppard: That's you? Dex: Name and rank. Sheppard: Military? Dex: I used to be. It was a long time ago.
While he didn't know this man, at least he could understand him. Clearly, he was on the lam. He was running away from something. He could understand that too. Still, he was curious. This man had clearly been through a lot. He could see something of what he felt reflected on this man's face.
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Sheppard: And now? Dex: Now I'm deciding whether to kill you and your friends
Again, the topic of friendship is brought up. Friends, he says. Plural. We don't know whether he has seen the other soldiers, but he has seen Ford and by their fatigues, probably assumes Ford is one of their people. Ford and Teyla make two friends. Sheppard, however, must assume that he means the others.
The thing is, none of them are really his friends. He doesn't really have a lot of friends despite what he tells Teyla later in Sateda (S03E04), and his response there is also a case of the lady protesting too much. Most of his friends are dead or had walked out on him a long time ago (and one of his dead friends, Dex, actually had the same name as this man, seems like). He wanted to think of Teyla as his friend but they were more collegial. And Rodney. He wanted to be Rodney's friend. He tried really hard to be a friend to him. They had agreed they would be friends. So why was it so difficult? The more he tried, the more it hurt. If he was honest with himself, Rodney was not his friend either. He's not sure he even wanted that. He's not sure that he was able.
But still, who ever this man thought was his friend, he certainly didn't want them to be killed. Being his friend was the quickest way to get killed, really, so it was probably real good he didn't have any.
Back in the jumper, McKay is trying to take care of Sheppard's people who, likely taking after the example of their superiors, seem to not want to listen to their science officer despite being on an actual alien planet of which they know precious little.
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He offers them the suits that they had brought with them from Atlantis but they all just seem to ignore him:
McKay: Hey, wait, aren't any of them gonna... OK, that's just reckless! There are four suits. Lorne: Not exactly designed for moving through dense brush and rough terrain, not to mention possible combat, huh? McKay: No, but by my calculations we've been exposed to 327 millisieverts since the sun came up. It may not sound like much to you but I've been keeping a running tally of my lifetime exposure to radiation: X-rays, cellphones, plane rides, that whole unfortunate Genii nuclear reactor thing. My God, last week we flew dangerously close to the corona of a sun!
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Lorne does not seem to realize how close to crying McKay is here, how he has to stop in the middle of his speech, just as he mentions plane rides (Sheppard is a pilot, has come really close to dying flying a plane very recently), before continuing on to Genii nukes (Sheppard had almost died flying their nuke up to the hive) and recently having flown into the coronasphere of a sun (with Sheppard, they had almost died together). He stops, swallows, and then continues as though he was just listing things. Lorne thinks McKay is just complaining when he is clearly thinking about Sheppard and trying not to unravel right then and there.
But then, we get a really interesting exchange. From having clearly just thought about Sheppard, Sheppard, Sheppard there, McKay's mind then goes directly to having kids and how he might not be able to have them any more, things being as they are:
McKay: As it is, I may have to forego reproducing. Lorne: Yeah, that's funny. I was just thinking that might be wise.
This is another entirely unnecessary dig from Lorne. "Please don't breed because the world doesn't need more people like you," is the gist of it. That's really pretty petty toward someone that has done nothing but try to help him out, offering him his sunscreen, having Weir transport a radiation suit to protect him from deadly radiation, trying to make what seems to be--if not his very first then at least one of the first--missions on an alien planet easier for him through normalizing it with conversation. He's done everything Lorne has asked of him, he has been considerate and helpful. If McKay has done anything here, he's shown what a good parent he would be. He's not only one of the most brilliant minds of his generation, he's clearly Mr Mom. You'd be so lucky to see him with kids.
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But it's interesting, what he says here. During the first season, there were multiple references to children in connection with Sheppard and McKay. In Childhood's End (S01E06) Sheppard told Keras that he might want children one day. And while it first seemed like McKay had neither the desire nor the ability to get along with children, by the end of the episode the youngest children actually clung to him, they seemed to like him best. He was the safe adult for them. He was ready to protect these children with his own life. He was surprisingly good with kids, is the thing. And what McKay says here is that he, just like Sheppard, had thought about having kids. He had planned on having kids but now was beginning to doubt that would or even should happen.
We don't know if Sheppard and McKay ever talked about kids or having kids between the two of them but fact is, they were both ready to bring the kids to Atlantis to keep them safe. It seems like they had been on the same page about this, too. And then, everything had changed. What ever dreams or plans McKay had had, they had now all burned to the ground. The radiation aspect is just an excuse. In his heart of hearts he thinks that it's just not going to happen for him because no one wants him. No one wants to make a family with him. He doesn't deserve to have a family. And even if by some miracle he found someone that would be willing to start a family with him, the most convenient way of procreating just isn't on the table for him. As far as we know, Rodney McKay has never had sex with a woman and has no interest in doing that either.
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And the thing is, this is one of those throw-away lines that the mainstream audience is going to take as evidence of a heterosexual orientation where that's not what he says at all. He's not saying he had so been looking forward to breeding with an available female of his species if only he found the right one. He's saying that he thinks he's too damaged to reproduce, and that he doesn't want to transfer his damage onto his own children (and this really isn't just about the radiation). Heterosexual people don't have a monopoly on wanting to have kids. Non-heterosexual people have had children the world over, from the dawn of history. This tells us that like Sheppard, McKay had been wanting to have kids. It seems to have been a dream that they shared. But that dream had been shattered. And it's interesting that his mind went to having kids from clearly having thought about Sheppard almost dying multiple times.
Back in the cave, Ronon is applying some concoction on his skin to protect himself from the sun like a pussy, if we're going by what the military types seem to be thinking. Sheppard is both trying to reason with the stranger and, in order to try gain his trust, volunteers some information about their operation:
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Sheppard: Look, the men guarding the Stargate are highly-trained soldiers armed with deadly weapons. Dex: Stargate? Sheppard: Stargate. Big circle thing. Dex: I've always known it as the Ring of the Ancestors. No matter, I have to make it through. Sheppard: Look, we didn't come here looking for trouble, and the whole killing thing is really unnecessary. Dex: If your friends try to stop me... Sheppard: They won't, if I tell them not to. Untie us, we'll all go to the gate together and you can be on your way.
Again they make a reference to friends which really seems to be a recurring theme in this episode.
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Ronon seems to have spent many years all on his own and while he can tell these people are not wraith or native to this planet, or seem to want anything to do with him, he's still suspicious of them. As someone that has survived unfathomable dangers, he can tell that these two people are dangerous and while Sheppard probably is being sincere about his offer because he has places to be and people to see that are not this cave and not this man, Ronon can also tell that he's not exactly an honest man. And it's true that while Sheppard has mostly been telling this stranger the truth, he has been trying to game him the whole time too. He has been trying to come across as earnest and trustworthy because a dishonest man can also use the truth as a weapon. Sheppard is an "any means necessary" kind of guy, and here he is trying to figure out what means to apply to this guy. But it's noticeable that, practiced though his calm here is, even though he's tied up, he seems to be perfectly in control of the situation and especially is in control of himself.
What's interesting about this is that Sheppard seems to be talking to Ronon as one would to a child. As one would try to reason with a child. He's talking like a parent trying to get a child to undo something stupid and dangerous, to walk them back from getting themselves hurt. This is similar to what happened in Childhood's End. We are made to think of one of them having children, and then are shown what a great parent the other man would be. Here, both of them are actually exemplifying qualities of good parents: McKay is taking care of people where Sheppard is playing the part of a responsible, firm but compassionate authority figure. Their parenting styles seem complementary. It's too bad McKay now seems to have given up on this dream.
Continued in Pt. 5
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mollymorgansshovel · 1 year
POV  you’re a massage therapist on Atlantis and these are your annoying clients
Sheppard: Self-destructive runner type. Gets massaged to get hurt. Like, wants bruising pressure on his tight calves and hamstrings. Doesn’t give direct answers to questions about how the pressure is. Says weird indirect things like, “that’s a real zinger” instead of helpfully asking for less pressure or more time on any particular area. Works very hard and awkwardly to make it clear he’s non-threatening, using the phrase “in your professional opinion” several times.
McKay: Spends ten minutes on intake explaining his medical history, very little of which is relevant. Triple-checks that there are no citrus oils in your massage lotion. Is an absolute baby on the table, wincing and tensing at the slightest bit of pressure, but complaining when you use light pressure that you’re not going to get the knots out of his neck. Asks, “Is that muscle tight?” about every muscle, and when you say yes, he explains the reason why (complaining about his over-athletic friends making him do things.) You try to take the 10-minute intake out of his hands-on massage time so that your appointment doesn’t run late, but he notices the time and asks why you’re finishing early.
Teyla: Very pleasant client, when she’s able to commit to relaxing. Sometimes she is not able to commit to relaxing, and she seems to take it out on you, suggesting you are not doing enough to reduce her shoulder strain. She likes a lot of pressure and does not even mind things like bones being bruised, which is only hard because you do not want to hurt her because she is so nice.
Ronon: Gives you ZERO information to work with. Just answers “sure” to everything. You try to give a very medium-pressure, medium-everything massage, and get pretty much no feedback from it. His muscles soften a little, but it is a lot of muscle mass to manipulate, so it’s physically demanding work and you’re not even sure he’s happy with the results. You ask him to turn over onto his back and he does it in .5 seconds flat as if he was lying there fully alert waiting for something to do. He smiles really nice at you when he leaves though.
Ford: Giggles the whole time. When you find a sore spot. When you find a ticklish spot. When you prod a muscle he didn’t realize he had. When you put an elbow in his glutes. Don’t even get me started on his feet. He apologizes for the giggling, but doesn’t stop.
Elizabeth: Tells you she wants to relax, asks for lavender aromatherapy and everything, but asks you not to get oil in her hair because she just washed it!! How are you supposed to focus on relieving neck tension when you’re supposed to be focusing on absolutely not touching her hair?? And you can tell SHE is lying there being hyper-aware of the proximity of your oily fingers to her hair, which is not conducive to relaxation. Usually scalp massage is a surefire way to calm someone down, but you’re not allowed to touch her head. She also twitches when you use firm pressure on her shoulders, but you’re not sure if it’s in pain or if she’s worried you’re going to accidentally touch her hair. She tells you the pressure is fine. You don’t know what to believe. The relaxing lavender aromatherapy doesn’t seem to work very well.
Woolsey: The only time he talks during the session is to tell you anecdotes about the best spa experiences of his life. Describes the massage he got on a cruise to the Bahamas. Asks if you do this one hot-towel technique he once received at a spa in Sweden. You can tell he is comparing you to these other five-star experiences, and that you are not coming out a winner. You ask if he’d like water after the massage and he says yes, but when you bring him water, he touches it and says, “Oh, it’s cold water. I assumed it would be warm. Cold water after a massage...doesn’t agree with me” and hands it back to you. He leaves you a $50 tip, but it feels like a passive-aggressive pity fee.
Caldwell: Gets 90-minute deep tissue on his back. He needs it. Look how he sits. You tell him that working on his glutes and hamstrings would help with the low-back pain, but he insists it’s just his back that bothers him so you can only work on that. Misuses the word “sciatica.”
Becket: Very vocal client, grunts a lot. Tells you what a good job you’re doing, using very descriptive medical terms. “Is that the sternal head or the clavicular head of the SCM? It’s very tight whatever it is. Clearly I’m not doing a good enough job stretching. Thank you for the reminder.”
Zelenka: Best massage client. Knows how to use the spa to get away from work. Fully relaxes and doesn’t complain about a damn thing. 
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goodwhump-temp · 2 years
John Sheppard Whump - SG: Atlantis
1x01 Rising - Almost shot out of the sky, angry, scared/confused 1x02 Hide and Seek - Tazed, choked 1x04 38 Minutes - (Wraith bug attached to him) knocked unconscious/jolted, intense pain from multiple attempts to remove it, heart stops 1x08 Underground - Kidnapped by Chief O'brien (🤓) 1x10 The Storm - Alone, worries for friends 1x12 Defiant One - Stuck with McKay + nerd, shot, runs into forcefield (knocked down forcefully) 1x13 Hot Zone - Sacrifices self, caught in explosion 1x14 Sanctuary - Held psychologically captive, angry 1x19 The Siege pt. 2 - Shocked unconscious, almost killed by wraith, passes out, sacrificing himself ---------------------------------------------
2x01 The Siege - Fails to save a friend, guilted 2x02 the intruder - Piloting ship taken over by wraith virus, guilt/depressed about Ford 2x03 Runner - Shot/captured by Ronon, shot in the hand, increased guilt about Ford 2x05 Condemned - Jumper shot down, captured, hurts his knee (by being dumb) 2x08 Conversion - Infected with wraith retro-virus, slowly turns into a bug, shot by Ronon 2x09 Aurora - "Captured," shocked by force field multiple times 2x10 The Lost Boys - Kidnapped/stunned unconscious, threatened by the Lost Boys, poisoned, knocked down by an aggressive-drugged Ronon, guilted, Kidnapped/stunned unconscious AGAIN, weak/sore, taken by the Wraith and painfully 'willed'/torture 2x11 The Hive - Stunned unconscious, painfully willed by the queen, guilted 2x12 Epiphany - Stuck in a place where time moves faster/ages quicker/alone (6 months), evolves into bearded John, seriously injured by monster (unconscious + seriously bleeding) multiple times 2x16 Long Goodbye - Possessed by a bitter old man, shot in the shoulder, shocked unconscious and captured, painful convulsions, weak 2x17 Coup D'etat - Genii trap, collapses, captured/tied up ---------------------------------------------
3x01 No Mans Land - Captured, tired 3x03 Irresistible - The only one who isn't in love with Lucius, shot unconscious (sleeping so peacefully wtf), imprisoned 3x04 Sateda - Tranquillized unconscious, captured (+ nice talk with Tayla :)) 3x05 Progeny - Fingers in the brain torture 3x06 Real World - Angst for Weir 3x07 Common Ground - Captured by Kolya, life sucked out of him, exhausted 3x09 Phantoms - Trapped on a planet, Afghanistan PTSD, guilt about the death of another friend, apologizes a million times for literally shooting everybody 3x12 Echoes - Ears bleeding, tortured/hospitalized with equally deaf McKay 3x13 Irresponsible - Western duel against Kolya (gigachad) 3x16 Ark - Almost sucked out into space, collapses from lack O2, sacrifices himself, crashes the ship, exhausted 3x17 Sunday - Beat up by Ronon during training 3x18 Submersion - Freaked out, painfully controlled/willed by wraith lady, exhausted/sore 3x19 Vengeance - Gets in a banter fight with Michael face to face, gets smacked around by a huge bug ---------------------------------------------
4x01 Adrift pt.2 - Emotional about Weir 4x04 Doppleganger - Infected and knocked down by crystal, exhausted, in everybody's nightmares (effects relationships), really beaten up/thrown by himself, dangerously high heart rate 4x05 Travelers - Captured, beaten, threatened, shocked unconscious 4x06 Tabula Rasa - Infected, loss of memory/clueless, shocked unconscious & tied up, exhausted 4x10 This Mortal Coil - Bleeding, Ronon caused injury, captured, acts dead 4x11 Be All My Sins Remember'd - Shocked unconscious, captured 4x12 Spoils of War - Shocked unconscious, painfully willed by Wraith queen (another nice talk with Teyla) 4x15 Outcast - Dad died, emotional, choked unconscious, weak 4x20 The Last Man - Trapped in the future, walking through a rough sandstorm, collapse, weak, trapped in a building collapse ---------------------------------------------
5x01 Search and Rescue - Trapped under rubble, chunk of concrete stabbed in the abdomen, denies surgery, in pain the whole episode 5x02 Seed - Injected with experimental drug with high risk, convulsing, in serious pain, flatlines, crashes into the city, stabbed in the stomach by tentacles 5x03 Broken Ties - Punched unconscious by Ronon, captured, 5x05 Ghost in the Machine - Thrown across the room and wall, weak 5x06 The Shrine - Emotional about McKay 5x08 The Queen - Captured 5x10 First Contact - Stargate explosion 5x11 The Lost Tribe - Caught in Stargate explosion, weak, glass shards in the back 5x13 Inquisition - Knocked out 5x14 The Prodigal - Hanging off a building, badly beaten up by Michael 5x15 Remnants - Abducted, knocked unconscious, beaten, arm chopped off 5x19 Vegas - Dies (Alternate reality)
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allstarnotrek · 10 months
Ronon: Don't worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Teyla: I think you mean cards.
John: no he doesn't.
Ronon, pulling knives out of his sleeve: no I don't.
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logicgunn · 4 months
the book was better
On AO3
...all things being equal, the simplest explanation tends to be the right one.  
“No, no, no. That’s a total bastardisation of Occam’s Razer, which is in itself a logical fallacy, because there are very few things in the known universe whose complexity can even be measured, never mind compared, and it’s a leading contributing factor to—”  
Ronon’s only half listening to McKay. He used to think him verbose, obtuse, and a bunch of other words that McKay uses to describe anyone who annoys him. Lately it’s been a comfort. If a movie is his biggest worry? Ronon can sleep soundly.  
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spurious · 1 year
8 for the kissing meme
Kissing prompt ask meme: send a number~
8: "in secrecy" oooooooh this was FUN
There are days that Rodney doesn’t mind having to keep things between them a secret. He’s, despite evidence to the contrary, actually somewhat of a private person, and he doesn’t feel like everyone in the city needs to know he and Sheppard are together. He knows it would fuel gossip among the personnel, knows his scientists would never let it go, and, well, Ronon and Teyla know, and usually that’s enough.
Today is not one of those days, though. Today is a day that Rodney wants to tear down the American military establishment, wants to scream the truth in everyone’s smug fucking faces, to tongue-kiss John in the goddamn gate room. It’s petty, sure, but Rodney’s never claimed not to be a petty person. Watching John get dragged off by the latest beautiful alien princess, seeing the congratulating and back-slapping among the Marines when he’d come back looking rumpled—and Rodney trusts John with his life, of fucking course he trusts him not to cheat, so it’s not that he’s worried, or jealous, he just…wants, to be able to be more than something shared in the quiet dark, to have the same respect for his relationship that anyone else would be afforded.
He could get angry at John about it, has gotten angry at John about in the past, has refused to speak to him for days until they both broke, making eye contact across the mess and just laughing, stupid and light with it, edges softened. If he wanted to rant about for a while, John would listen to that, too, would let Rodney pace and shout and wave his hands until he got tired.
Right now, though, all he wants is to be alone with John, to feel him under his hands, to confirm, confirm, confirm. He presses John back against the door, tilts his head up and noses across the line of John’s jaw.
“She didn’t touch you?” Rodney asks, because he needs to know whether he has to put John in the shower before they get any further with this.
“No,” John says, shakes his head. He lifts his hands and clutches at Rodney’s shoulders, tight and desperate like he needs this too. “Only you.”
“That’s right,” Rodney murmurs, kissing John’s chin, his cheekbones, before landing on his mouth. John opens for him with a quiet little sound, muffled against Rodney’s lips, and, well—John like this, soft and beautiful and giving himself up so perfectly, so easily: that’s something Rodney’s glad to keep to himself.
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batsyforyou · 1 year
How I Think the Elves Will React to a P90
Describes it as “Thunder on the wind but with no clouds in sight.” Or “Thunderous roar of noise and echo. And dragon fire.” He is weary of it and distrustful. Mostly concerned with finding ways of defending against it. 
Slack jawed horror on his face. As a healer this is his literal worst nightmare wrapped up in a pretty black bow. It might be best if you briefly inform him of armor-piercing bullets and energy weapons that burn literal holes in people. Examples like Ronon’s gun or Goa’uld staff weapons. While weapons like that could be considered similar to dragon fire. The idea of wraith stunners and Goa’uld zat’nik’tels (zats) will both alarm him but also put him at ease. Knowing that not every weapon of your world is meant to cause as much damage as humanly possible. Though the zats ability to stun with the first shot, kill with the second and completely disintegrate the body on the third where there is literally nothing left. Adds to his PTSD and gives him many more sleepless nights and nightmares then he already had. Though he isn’t forgetting the fact that if the men of your world fight with these weapons against their enemies it isn’t too much of a stretch to say that they fight amongst themselves with the same weapons. Therefore if men from your world were to cross over and chose to wage war against the elves and other known peoples of the world there would be heavy losses. 
Lets not vibes *uneasy smile* He doesn’t like it. Mostly because the loud roar the gun makes reminds him (slightly) of the Balrogs/dragons that attacked Gondolin. So, it mostly brings up bad memories. 
Absolutely not. The living (polite) embodiment of “get that thing back where it came from or so help me!” 
Neutral: “Hmm, it is a formidable weapon.” He stroked his beard in thought, “It is unfortunate that such a weapon exists and I am quite glad that it is not of this world.” (He has the “Just don’t use it often or near me" vibes. And when explaining the gun to him and about the wraith and other threats of your world. Gandalf has a knowing look in his eye that tells you that despite you not telling him about the original purpose of the weapon, he knows that its likely that the men of your world fight and kill with the same weapons and that the purpose was not for the wraith and other enemies, much like Elrond.) 
Glares from a distance. He is 10/10 the most judgmental of the weapon out of all the elves. His first and only thought is how the weapon was probably being used for men against men conflicts. And since men fighting against each other isn’t uncommon it was usually understood that they’d have each other's back when defending themselves from Sauron like Rohan coming to aid Gondor. Though there was a time where men had problems with food, disease and starvation and had turned on each other. So he takes it as an example of the weakness of man, the weak will of man or the overall frail nature of men.  
*Faints* Has nightmares. More anxiety. And looks toward Elrond with an incredibly worried expression on his face. When he considers all the possibilities and worst case scenarios he can’t really handle it. And he rationalized it to himself by saying that he trusts Elrond’s judgment and will follow his lead. 
*Winces* It is an interesting make, noise aside, I wonder . . . What went through the creators mind? . .  Why would someone have need of such a weapon? What enemy could be so fierce that such an extreme weapon had to be made? (Considering that the original purpose for the weapon was to kill other humans it would probably be best if you only mention the wraith killing part. As the notion that the same weapons were being used against other men doesn’t really cross his mind.) 
He is drawn to it and is curious but doesn't want to use it. He is the most open minded about it and laughs at the offer of firing it. He lifts his sword and says he would rather stick with what he knows but he thanks you for the offer. He doesn’t think much about its purpose: who, what, when, where and why doesn’t cross his mind. He just thinks it's cool human ingenuity. 
She is scared of it and rightfully so. She does mention though that you should refrain from firing the weapon around elven ears. As she herself does not enjoy listening to the ringing of her ears. Because elven ears are highly sensitive and can hear a great deal more than the average man. 
Considering you probably meet this elf while either being attacked by spiders or simply captured with the rest of the dwarven party and being lost in the darkest forest you’ve seen in your life. You probably don’t get many opportunities to actually demonstrate the P90s firing ability or any of your other gear. Though when explaining what your strange weapon does and about other weapons like Ronon’s or Goa’uld zats be prepared to find a very protective, angry and concerned elf. He will most likely interrogate you about all the possible weapons, enemies, and different ways of defending from such weapons in the hopes of defendings his people. Considering that's actually very reasonable and how you (probably) don’t want to spend the rest of your life stuck in jail, I don't see why you wouldn’t share such information. Thranduil doesn’t trust you though, as you are from another world and could have brought new, strange and (possibly) stronger enemies to Arda. 
He doesn’t like it. But when you explain the wraith and other enemies to him (keeping the original purpose of the gun from him) he understands the need for having such powerful weapons and wishes you luck in defending your people. He later tries to help you return home but with little luck. When the two of you become friends he will offer you a place amongst his people and promises that his father, the King, won’t try to have you jailed or killed. You don’t really believe him. 
Your presence in Mirkwood disturbs him and with the kinds of weapons described to him. He is on high alert. He questions you constantly day in and day out about weapons and defense methods. In the middle of the night even! He's possibly even more persistent about it than Thranduil. While on one hand he can sympathize with you about the enemies you face in your world but on the other hand he is more concerned about you having brought those enemies with you. 
Poor thing. He has such a fear of the weapons you tell him about. However, he puffs up his chest with courage and says if his king asks him to fight he would.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 2 months
Hello my lovely! 😊 I've popped back in with another ask of my random atlantis thoughts as I'm going through my rewatch
Idk if it's ever said outright, but I'm pretty sure Teyla is the first friend John's ever had who's been pregnant. Like, he DOES NOT know what to do with her and he's overly protective (which is very sweet but clearly irritating for Teyla)
Bro is TERRIFIED because she's his family! And her baby is his family!! Especially considering the guilt he feels about losing Elizabeth and Carson, of course he's going to be fiercely protective of her!!😭
Sidenote: Ronon found her exercising and she was worried that she wouldn't be able to "keep up" with the rest of the team once the baby was born if she didn't and his response was literally "Who says you have to keep up?" that just 🥺 Literally saying they're going to take care of her no matter what. They're so family I can't 😭😭
john sheppard is afraid of clowns, iratus bugs, and pregnant women and that is fucking canon to me. that man would rather SCALE THE FUCKING TOWER than be around a pregnant woman and i for one think that's fucking hilarious
ALSO i know it was like. Huge Asshole Energy when john grounded teyla from missions but like. all i can think about is how john places the responsibility to keep his team safe 100% on his own shoulders, and i FULLY believe that his team (which is strongest for AR-1 but obviously extends to the whole city) includes the athosians, and by this point they've gone missing, and i really do think john believes he's to blame for it. i think johns harsh reaction was purely fear based- teyla's baby, who very well could end up being the Last Athosian, is at risk because they got shot by stunners. not only is john feeling the guilt from teyla getting stunned, but he now thinks he's putting her baby at risk. of course he freaks out!!!!!! he JUST found out about torren and in the same breath finds out he might've led teyla into a situation where she could lose her baby???????? anyways this was a lot to say yes john 100% sees teyla and torren as family and is SO overprotective of both of them.
also i'm literally never over teyla and ronon's friendship, i LOVE how ronon pivots between beating the shit out of teyla because he knows she'll give it as good as she gets and being the softest most tender soul with her. like the scene where they find out and he holds her hand and congratulates her and asks about kanan 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 IM GONNA SOB AT WORK THEYRE SO god i fucking love teyla and ronon's friendship it's SO fucking good
also you didn't mention this but i'm incapable of talking about teyla's pregnancy without commenting on how obsessed i am with the fact that rodney is the one who delivered her baby. like. i just. it's everything to me i genuinely think it's my favourite thing to happen in the entire show it was the BEST possible decision for the writers to make and i love it it's my favourite thing and i like to think rodney has a special bond with torren bc of it
thank you for the team feels they're Everything
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lightthewaybackhome · 6 months
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What's not to love about this episode?
This is one of those episodes I like to watch privately because it always makes me cry. (Not a public crier, which is funny because I cry very easily, at everything. If I'm happy, I cry. If I'm sad, I cry. If I'm angry, I cry.)
I love Rodney's story arc. He goes from doing lots of big things for the world, for the SGA, for Atlantis, all while trying to ascend. But, it's not until he starts doing things for HIS people specifically that he starts finding peace. He has to show love, not to the world, not even to Atlantis, but to Teyla, Ronon, Elizabeth, Radak, and in a way, Sheppard and Carson before he can ascend or save himself.
I love Elizabeth telling Sheppard he has to help Rodney and that Rodney has to let him because she knows Sheppard is who Rodney listens to, but they're both not good with emotional stuff, so she orders them.
But, what I love best about this episode is that what really fixes Rodney, gives him the space he needs to figure the problem out, and allows him to "release his burdens" is knowing that his people love him. I think he must carry some deep-seated fears that he's unlovable. I think Sheppard fears he's going to hurt his people or be unable to rescue them or not be there when they need him. Rodney fears that no one loves him. That's why he's kinda mean. If he keeps everyone at arm's length, he doesn't have to worry about whether they love him or not. He won't get hurt if he just assumes no one likes him. Then he gets to Atlantis, and he's needed, and he's saving people, and now it actually matters, and they actually matter. Rodney desperately wants to be loved even if he's unlovable. So, when Elizabeth says that they all love him, and they affirm that to him, he can 'ascend.'
And this is why Ronon's hug at the end is so important. They weren't just saying this because Rodney was dying, and they didn't just love him for what he could do for them. They love him. Rodney McKay. Ronon, the big lug, just gave him the most genuine hug. We've seen Ronon hug Sheppard, or toss him around, in the Return. We've seen him be gentle with Teyla, but this is the episode where we see his love for Rodney.
I do love this episode. Even if I have to wait for days to find a good time to watch it.
@sheppardsmckay this one is about your favorite. 🖤
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trainofcommand · 1 year
Stargate Kink Meme Themed Post: John Sheppard
Looking for some Sheppard-centric kink meme prompts? Well don't worry, I've carefully combed through the prompt post and picked out a handful that are just begging for some fills! (with handy direct links to the prompts)
John Sheppard/any character, manipulation, mindgames, dub con: John knows how people see him, as easy going and casual. He works hard to put on a good act, so people do what he wants (any guy character, character not realizing they're being manipulated, dark John Sheppard, bonus points for begging and messiness).
Carter/Sheppard, femme domme, combat boots/leather: Sheppard can't help but notice, Carter is hot when she's in charge.
Weir/Ronon + Sheppard, voyeurism: It technically doesn't break any rules if Sheppard doesn't actually touch her.
John/poly, ace!John, polyamory: John's ACE and is in a relationship, or getting into one, with others. Prefer the others to be Rodney/Jennifer, or Rodney/Teyla/Ronon, or Rodney/Ronon. John's the only ACE one. Domesticity and comfort preferred, rather than heavy angst.
John/Any, gags, (semi) public sex: Something something someone putting their hand over John's mouth and his oral fixation kicking in.
Sheppard/Woolsey, casual fun hookup: Just two colleagues having a cigar together, having a drink together, …getting off together (any way you want, mutual masturbation, blowjob(s), frotting, fucking, whatever)
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dr-futbol-blog · 8 days
Runner, Pt. 9
While McKay hits the target he intended, never having meant to actually injure Ford, all he manages to do is to piss him off. And as soon as he sees Ford's face, he takes off at a run, not even thinking about taking another shot at somewhere he wouldn't be able to walk away from. Sheppard had taken losing Ford very hard, so taking Ford out was never an option for him. But McKay knows he's in trouble now. He poked a grizzly.
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Even though McKay must be exhausted, having traversed difficult terrain all day with no food and drink, his survival instinct seems to give him a second wind. And it's noticeable that McKay actually manages to outrun Ford. In spite of his enhanced physical condition, Ford never catches up to him. This probably means that the enzyme is losing its effect on him, or that due to thinking the enzyme is all that he needs, he has been neglecting things like sustenance and rest for a while now. Instead of making him superhuman, it is consuming him.
As he's running through the trees and bushes, McKay decides to empty his clip into the air to alert anyone at all that might be able to help him, and this is when Sheppard hears gunshots coming out of the woods. He takes off at a run, immediately. The thing is, he probably can tell from the gunfire that this is McKay. McKay is emptying a handgun in rapid fire into the air where his men are sporting P-90s. It's possible this is even something that Sheppard has instructed McKay to do in an emergency (he fires once, and then four times in succession), but certainly for a career soldier the sound is recognizable, and it tells him that McKay has to be in some kind of trouble.
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Between sending his men to look for McKay and just having told Teyla and Beckett he would now join them in the search, McKay has been on his mind. And this isn't worry for his science officer, for his team mate, or even a friend. Sheppard takes off without saying another word to Beckett and Teyla. He was in the middle of giving them instructions, but as soon as he hears the gunfire, they don't exist for him anymore. His world narrows to the size of McKay and he has to find him.
And McKay is trying to make finding him easy. He probably realizes there's no use in trying to hide from Ford, so he's trying to make as much sound as possible to draw attention to his whereabouts. He's screaming for help, and again this is played out for comedy. A grown man, crying for help as he's chased through the dark woods by a crazed mutant soldier--hilarious. Especially the way he screams like a woman as he runs out of bullets.
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But McKay knows he's not a match for Ford. He wasn't a match for Ford back when he was still a regular GI Joe. He also knows that there are people around who both can protect him and whose job it is to do so. Despite not caring whether he lives or dies back when he was dissociating, it is very clear here that McKay does not have a death wish. And even though he doesn't know what has happened to Sheppard, whether he's in some kind of trouble or if they've already found their way back to the jumper as he wishfully thought earlier, he is screaming for Sheppard here. This is not a general cry for help, even though he would take all the help he can get. The thing is, if McKay has learned something about himself, it's that he wants to spend his final moment with Sheppard. If he is going to die in these woods, he really needs to find Sheppard.
Everything seems to come to a head as the wraith fly three darts through the gate, probably both looking for Ronon and wanting to find out why one of their own has gone missing on this planet. Major Lorne radios the information to Sheppard, and it's notable that his reaction ("Great") is the same here as it was when Lorne told him he'd lost McKay.
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Sheppard had been expecting for the wraith to come sooner or later but the thing that's interesting here is that he seems to have no plan, no strategy, no orders or instructions to give to his men. He receives the message from Lorne and he doesn't even slow down. Knowledge that the darts have come through the gate doesn't change his current mission, finding McKay. If anything, he just needs to find him that much faster.
He continues running full speed toward where the gunfire had sounded and had now fallen quiet. Even when Teyla contacts him to let him know that Ronon has escaped, he merely tells them to get back to the jumper, seeming not to spare a single thought for the tall, dark and stranger. He barely seems to register what Teyla is actually telling him, his response to her is basically "Not now!" He doesn't actually respond to what she says, he merely gives her an order and he gives the order in a tone of voice that lets her know not to bother him with this right now. He currently doesn't have the bandwidth to deal with all of that.
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Deep in the woods, McKay seems to have managed to keep his distance to Ford, he has been running very fast in his rubber radiation suit, and he probably could have made it to the jumper before Ford but, as it happens, he runs directly into a trap. It's a simple snare trap likely put up by Ronon, to be used against the wraith.
McKay is flung high up into the air, hanging from a tree by his foot, helpless as a trapped animal. It has to be quite painful but the fact that he, once more, shows very few signs of pain may well be a sign of dissociation. If anything, he's pissed off.
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McKay has reached the limit of how much he can take, and it seem as though there is nothing he can do as Ford catches up to him now. What's interesting is that both Sheppard and McKay find themselves helpless and incapacitated, tied up by Ronon's rope in this episode. And like Sheppard, McKay does attempt to talk himself out of this even though from the time he has spent with Ford in the woods recently has taught him that the man is well beyond being reasoned with.
McKay is trying to sound calm and collected, trying to think his way out of this even when he is quite literally at the end of his rope.
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Ford: Well, look at you! McKay: Yes, look at me! It's funny, huh? You set this up? It's clever. Ford: It wasn't me. McKay: No, huh? Well, I'm glad we could both still laugh about this together. How about cutting me down now? Ford: No. I think I'm still gonna kill you. McKay: What?! What do you mean, ‘still'?! When did this escalate to killing?! Ford: When you shot me.
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Now, Ford clearly thinks that McKay was trying to kill him. The enzyme is making him paranoid. But what McKay tells him is true: he intended to just slow him down and had no intention of killing him.
It's interesting that McKay makes a second reference to escalation here. He's the one that escalated things to physical violence. Given that McKay has clearly received some weapons training, likely from Sheppard, he probably has also explained to him the continuum of force use and levels of conflict escalation. But escalation isn't limited to the use of physical force. Escalation is also necessary for the formation of intimate relationships. McKay's repeated question "When did this escalate?" is interesting in this regard. And the thing is, his relationship with Sheppard seemed to escalate in stages from the very beginning.
Regardless, Ford is so far gone that he is actually intending to kill McKay. At this stage, McKay isn't even trying to make noise as a strategy anymore, he is honestly crying out for dear life. And what's interesting, and not altogether insignificant, is that he's saved by Ronon. McKay is saved at the very last moment, Ford's gun already going off as Ronon tackles him down. Not knowing who this guy is, McKay can only helplessly hang from the tree and watch these two duke it out underneath him like Roman gladiators.
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Ronon told Sheppard earlier, "You get this tracking device out of me, I'll get your friend back for you." At that point, he was referring to Ford as the 'friend'. He promised that if Sheppard can get the tracker out of him, he would get Ford back to him. And it might seem like he's keeping his promise, here. He had left the cave to look for Ford, and we can assume his plan was to deliver him to Sheppard. Only, even though he has every reason to believe that Ford is Sheppard's friend and is important to him, Ronon makes the choice to save McKay instead here. And the fact that he makes this choice is important, especially to Sheppard.
He doesn't know what McKay means to Sheppard, and since Ford is wearing the same fatigues as Sheppard and Teyla, he has every reason to believe them about this being their friend who is sick, and needs their help. And even then, he makes the choice to stop Ford from killing McKay. And he's not pulling his punches, either. He seems ready to take Ford out permanently if it comes down to that. They both seem ready to take the other out permanently.
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Still running to find McKay, Sheppard hears the P-90 go off. It had been a while since he had heard the handgun go off and since he changes direction here and the sound of the handgun must have come pretty much from the same direction as the P-90 sound is coming from now, the fact that he changes direction here just means that it allowed him to get a better bearing on where it was coming from (he is notoriously bad at orienting himself on the ground). The look on his face is pure fear. The look on his face here is zero percent about Ford. For sure, they came on this planet looking for Ford, and he wants to take the young soldier back to Atlantis. But this look on his face, this fear, is for McKay. The only possible motivation for Sheppard to look like this is not knowing if McKay is alright, fearing his life is in danger. There is no other possible explanation for him to look like this.
When Sheppard arrives on the scene, he sees McKay hanging from a tree with Ford and Ronon fighting apparently to the death underneath him, and he knows the gunshots he had heard earlier had not come from this stranger with a space blaster. He very quickly seems to reach the conclusion that it was Ronon, the man whose life they had just basically saved, that was trying to protect McKay's life here. Ford had tried to kill McKay, had posed a danger to him.
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And although it is the last thing he wants, however much he hoped Caldwell had been wrong about this, Sheppard does seem ready to take Ford out. Where McKay had only wanted to wound Ford, Sheppard very much seems to be ready to do what ever it takes. The whole scene that is here before him tells him more than he wants to know about the condition Ford is in. And we see here that if he was forced to make a choice between McKay and Ford, the choice would not be difficult for him. He seems quite ready to take out anyone that poses a threat to McKay.
As Sheppard is momentarily distracted by the wraith darts flying overhead, Ford takes off at a run. And it's interesting that Sheppard takes after him, with not a word to either McKay or Ronon, not acknowledging either of them in any way. He doesn't care about McKay and he's obsessed with catching Ford, right? But the thing is, Sheppard is fairly certain Ronon isn't dangerous to innocent people. He was a former soldier that had been trying to survive the wraith, not psychokiller. Like he'd told Beckett, while he probably was dangerous and could have killed McKay in the blink of an eye, he was fairly certain that he wouldn't, having no motivation for it.
But at the same time, he does what he often does when there are hostiles around, he pretends McKay means nothing to him. All around McKay is more safe if Ronon never realizes how much the man hanging from the tree means to him, lest he take McKay hostage to get through the gate, which he knows is Ronon's plan. It's better if this stranger thinks that Ford is his main motivation and the man in the tree is inconsequential to him, especially since he has no time to stop and make sure that he's safe, he has to take out the clear and present danger first. He has to get all of them out of this planet as quickly as possible, which means taking Ford down first.
But he does hesitate for a moment. His eyes go up to the darts in the sky, stop on McKay for a moment on their way down back to Ford, and for a split second he hesitates before he takes after Ford. For a split second his mind is on McKay, and Ford manages to use this moment to escape. That brief moment between the darts and Ford that his mind is on McKay is everything here.
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Sheppard catches up with Ford, and he seems increasingly desperate. He had lost all control of this situation, he had precious little authority to project for trying to reach the young soldier. Sheppard stops at the edge of the forest, not wanting to go further out into the open lest he get caught up by the darts sweeping the terrain.
Sheppard doesn't know what had happened between McKay and Ford earlier, how McKay had been in a similar position trying to decide how to deal with Ford. The difference is that Ford didn't believe McKay had it in him to take the shot whereas he knows perfectly well that Sheppard is capable of it. While neither wants it, both are ready to take the other's life here.
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Yes, Sheppard's heart seems to be breaking here, as he is forced to take a shot at Ford, he's forced to make the hard decision of whether to take him out permanently or to let him go his own way. He trained this young man, he cared about him. Sheppard's eyes are teared up here, this is not an easy decision for him to make.
But it's not just Ford. Ford symbolizes everything Sheppard had in his life before the wraith siege. He had his team, his family, his home on Atlantis. They had each others' backs, they took care of each other. For a moment, he had let himself be happy. Even with the impending attack, or perhaps because of it, he had been alive in a way he had never been before. He had been in love, and he had been loved by many different people, in many different ways. And even though he knew it was a bad idea, he had allowed himself to love. He had loved Ford, like the son he never had, or like a little brother. He had considered Ford family. And like he always did, he ended up destroying what he loved.
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Up until this moment, he had allowed himself to believe that if only he could bring Ford back, everything might go back to normal. The four of them would be a team, they would explore alien planets in another galaxy for technologies and marvels undreamt of by man, and they would built their home together on Atlantis.
He would share his bed and his life with McKay, and everything would be like it had been before. McKay would still look at him the way he had before. Would still touch him like he used to. They would still speak in all the different ways they had discovered between them, with mouths, and their bodies, and their eyes, and their words, in whispered tones and breathed syllables, the way their bodies were angled toward one another. They would work together, they would protect each other and keep one another safe. If only he could make Ford understand. If only he could bring Ford back home.
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Sheppard and McKay both take a shot at Ford, but they have different strategies. McKay feels threatened by Ford, so he clips the hand that is holding the weapon, wanting to keep Ford from harming him. Sheppard clips him in the leg because he wants to keep Ford from walking out on him, and actually leaves Ford's hand free to point a gun at him. People walking out on him, whether by choice because they just don't want to be with him, or through death, is Sheppard major malfunction. It's what hurts him the most, so he wants to stop Ford from being able to do this. To Sheppard, being walked out on seems to be worse than death.
Rather than to let him make his own decisions about his own life, Sheppard feels like he knows better than Ford does what's good for him, and so takes it upon himself to make the decision. And this has very little to do with the chain of command, or Ford disobeying his direct order because he would really be a hypocrite if claimed that meant anything to him. But it was about loyalty, and it was about love, and it was about not wanting to lose things that mattered to him.
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Sheppard blinks here, as he looks up at the dart flying away with Ford. He is clearly holding back tears. The last time he had watched Ford walk (fly) away from him through the gate, he had been livid. He had felt betrayed. But now, he felt abandoned. He felt alone. Despite everything he had done, however hard he had tried, things just kept falling apart. And for sure he deserved it. He had even left the most important thing in his life hanging from a tree trying to hold on to the last threads of when they had been happy.
But also notice this: he looks up at the sky where the dart had been, and where Ford had been taken. He seems utterly lost, for a moment. But then, his head turns and he looks back at the direction he came from. Immediately after reaching the conclusion there was nothing he could do here, his mind and body were drawn back to where he had come from, where he had taken off at a run after Ford.
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Because as much as he had lost, as adrift as he was, McKay was still alive. He had left something behind that he needed to retrieve.
Continued in Pt. 10
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🔦hello people and creatures of the Pegasus and Milky Way galaxy we are the members of the Atlantis expedition so we’re gonna interduce ourselves . I will also had this not for rp but we are fictives and their are also oc fictives here be patient our headmates share the account of @lupinegirl
🔦I am Lt. Connel John Sheppard
🖋️Nice to meet you all I am dr. Elizabeth weir
📼Rodney McKay . Smartest mind in two galaxys
🪲Hello people I am Teyla Emmagan
🗡️I’m Lt. Ford .
💉I’m Dr. Carson Beckett
🔪The names Ronon. Ronon Dex
🧪Dr. Radek Zalenka pleasure to meet you
⚔️Major Evan Lorne nice to meet you
🪽Hello I am Connel Sam Carter pleasure to meet you
🛡️Lt. General Jack O’Neil here
🖊️I’m doctor Daniel Jackson
💐Hi!hi! I’m Willow Jackson nice to meet yall!!
🦢My name Is Talon Emmagan
🔭Zee McKay here!! Don’t worry I’m not as annoying as my father :)
🌰I’m Lt. Chester Sheppard.
🎇I am Night . A robotic fox and a security system of Atlantis .
🐺I’m Storm . A robotic wolf and a Medical system of Atlantis.
🏜️Hiya!! I’m Dune!! A robotic coyote and a science research system!!
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goodwhump-temp · 2 years
Rodney McKay Whump - SG: Atlantis
1x03 Hide and Seek - First human trial (DNA manipulated), given a shot, pushed off a balcony, shot (in the leg/off-screen), "punched," verbally bullied, panicking, sacrifices himself, unconscious, sore 1x06 Childhoods End - Annoyed by children, held at arrow-point, exhausted 1x08 Underground - Captured & threatened by Bashirs best friend 1x09 Home - Stranded on earth, captured, unconscious, 1x10 The Storm - Held captive by the Genii, threatened, arm squeezed 1x11 The Eye - Hostage, thoroughly pissed 1x13 Hot Zone - In danger the whole episode, attacked by a vision ghost (schizophrenic), coping (emotional) 1x14 Sanctuary - argument with sheppard, didn't sleep, only person not in love with the fancy evil "priestess" 1x19 The Siege - Falls from a great height, "permanent back damage," offended, emotional (not about himself)
2x01 The Siege pt. 3 - Almost killed, forced to fight the wraith 2x02 The Intruder - Attacked by coolidge leak, scared by transport beam (is weird), sickened by Sheppards flying, attacked by wraith virus controlled ship 2x03 Runner - Captured/threatened by Ford, caught in a trap upside-down 2x04 Duet - Trapped inside Wraith dart, collapses, unconscious, hospitalized, another consciousness in his body; ego destroyer, angry, sore, fighting for body control, seizure, emotional, kisses Beckett, collapses 2x05 Condemned - shot down, chipped a tooth (?), captured, threatened 2x06 Trinity - Obsessive, makes Sheppard worry/pity, emotional 2x08 Conversion - Worried about Sheppard 2x10 Lost Boys - Kidnapped, threatened 2x11 The Hive - takes dose of wraith enzyme, passes out, goes through insane withdrawal, hospitalized, unconscious 2x14 Grace Under Pressure - Serious head injury, trapped hundreds of feet under water, hallucinating sam, cold and wet 2x17 Coup D'etat - Genii trap, collapses, captured
3x04 Sateda - Takes an arrow to the butt, immense pain, cared for 3x07 Common Ground - Scared by a mouse 3x08 McKay and Mrs. Miller - Alternate reality Rodney, emotional rollercoaster 3x09 Phantoms - Shot in the chest 3x12 Echoes - Worsening headache, nose bleed, passes out, deaf 3x14 Tao of Rodney - Hit by energy pulse (gene mutation), nervous, acting increasingly strange, insomnia, emotional, overstimulated headache, passes out, hospitalized, flatlines 3x16 The Ark - Almost sucked out into space 3x20 First Strike - Caught in explosion, visible face injury
4x02 Lifeline - Captured 4x03 Reunion - Attacked by wraith, alone, betrayed, shot unconscious, captured 4x04 Doppleganger - Faces greatest fear, flatlines/cardiac arrest, beaten up 4x06 Tabula Rasa - Deadly disease/lose memory, shot unconscious, running/hiding from militia 4x08 The Seer - sees vision of them getting captured 4x09 Millers Crossing - he and his sister kidnapped, threatened, great bonding with Sheppard 4x10 This Mortal Coil - Captured 4x12 Spoils of War - shot unconscious, captured, almost tortured 4x13 Quarantine - Panicking, ultimate pessimist --> causes his own heartbreak (how NOT to get a girl), L rizz 4x14 Harmony - Forced to guard a child, held at gunpoint 4x16 Trio - Falls, trapped in a cavern, in danger & panicks the whole episode 4x20 The Last Man - Old, depressing backstory, technically dead
5x01 Search and Rescue - Some face scratches, bleeding, panicks 5x02 The Seed - Panicking x100 5x03 Broken Ties - Captured 5x04 Daedalus Variations - Shot in the arm (worse than it sounds) 5x06 the shrine - Intense memory loss, serious pneumonia, coma, hospitalized, panicking/insanely emotional help infected, intense headache, surgery 5x08 The Queen - Captured 5x09 Tracker - Bonding with Ronon, chased and punched by a wraith, manhandled, sore, shot at 5x10 First Contact - Captured, sore 5x12 Outsiders - Captured 5x13 Inquisition - Knocked unconscious 5x16 Brain Storm - Freezing
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