#tgamm aladdin au
tornrose24 · 6 months
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That TGAMM Aladdin AU has more in common with the animated film.... but if I had to include someone who could be Dalia from the live action film, I can't think of anyone else worthy of that role besides @candyheartedchy
I don't think I'm alone in thinking this. She's the hugest Scratch fan girl, so I think she earned it.
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tornrose24 · 6 months
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I keep forgetting about finishing those notes for a TGAMM Aladdin AU… and yet I was reminded of the one scene I wanted to draw out above all else. (And in case it doesn’t make sense, I used inspiration from both the animated and live action versions of Aladdin. But a keen eye can tell which moments I copied from the animated version.)
And once again, thanks  @jackie-sugarskull  for this idea.
(Head's up–if you look at the other drawings I did, the characters were done in my style originally. I choose the show style this time around and I'm glad I did.)
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tornrose24 · 5 months
Last part of my TGAMM Aladdin ideas. Now I can finally conclude this. Like last time, the previous part can be found here.
Part 4
-Back in the kingdom, night has fallen and things aren’t so great. Jinx has imprisoned a lot of people–including the royal family–and already made a few changes to the scenery.
–Meanwhile, Scratch is still in utter despair over the loss of Molly. There was a time where he would have been glad to be rid of her, but now he just wants her alive and back with him. He didn’t realize it until it was too late, but he was happy being with her and her friends and family. He was happy that she didn’t want to instantly make any wishes and actually spent time with him, even if she did drive him crazy a few times. He would have even gotten over his fears and accepted her offer to wish for his freedom–he could even accept the short lifespan of a mortal over his current life–but he lost his chance and is now bound to this awful woman until she makes her last wish, which is starting to either look unlikely or impossible.
-It’s around this time that Molly and Libby manage to return and sneak back into the palace.
–Jinx decides she’s done having a bit of fun and demands for Scratch to bring the original ruler back to life. Scratch flat-out tells her that he cannot do that as one of the three rules that he is bound to.
-At this point Molly manages to sneak into the throne room. Jinx decides that she will do the resurrection herself… but first she wants to torture the royal family for a bit and brings them in.
–Ollie is able to spot Molly and while he’s happy to see her again, realizes what she is after. He decides to use Jinx’s ego and obsession against her by asking why she’d even want to bring back the original ruler and if he was really as great as she says. Jinx buys into it.
-Molly comes upon Scratch who is overwhelmed with relief and joy to see her alive and this time HE’S the one who does the hugging first. They only get a few seconds to reunite before she can continue to go after the lamp that is conveniently abandoned on the throne.
–Unfortunately, despite Ollie’s best efforts, Jinx is able to spot Molly just before the girl can grab the lamp and knocks him away before stopping her.
–Everyone tries to get the lamp–Ollie, Libby, Molly–but they all get stopped somehow. (And likely have to deal with something pun related courtesy of Jinx).
-Then Jinx turns herself into some kind of monstrous creature that goes after Molly. By this point Scratch finally can’t stand by and tries to help the girl, but cannot use his powers against the one he is in servitude to.
-Despite her efforts, Molly isn’t any match for Jinx who begins to slowly crush her as well as Scratch. And of course Jinx is enjoying the hell out of this moment.
–Realizing he is going to lose her for good, Scratch finally confesses to Molly that he should have taken up her offer if he knew this would happen. He would have been happy living a mortal life of freedom with her in it than a life of eternal servitude without her.
-While Molly is touched by Scratch’s confession, this also gives her an idea… so she taunts Jinx and says that Scratch is actually more powerful than her. If he was forced to give her power, he could also take it away.
–Scratch is confused and terrified by what is going on until he realizes where Molly is going with this.
–Jinx takes the bait as she feels like she could have more power than before. She demands Scratch to turn her into the most powerful being imaginable as her third wish. Scratch–gleeful to pull the ‘jerkass genie’ card once again–screws Jinx over by turning her into a genie.
–While Jinx has a brief power trip in her new form, the two friends smugly remind her what being a genie means by revealing her own lamp…. Which she is sent into as she screams and curses them out.
–Scratch gets the honor of banishing Jinx’s lamp to elsewhere. When asked if he’s absolutely sure no one will find it, he just brushes it off. “The odds of her coming back is like planning a third part of a story, only to be shot down by higher powers,” is his weird reasoning.
–Scratch allows Ollie to wish to change all of the changes and damage Jinx is caused and things go back to normal.
-Molly happily reunites with Libby as well as Ollie. She apologizes to Ollie for all that happened and that she truly wanted to tell him the truth–she was scared the first time, but then she meant to do it the second time. The boy understands though he is worried as to how his parents will react.
-Not wanting Molly to get in any more trouble, Scratch offers to fix things for her. He can make everyone forget that she tricked them, or even send her and her family away. However…. Molly now knows that Scratch truly wants to be free… she knows what her final wish will be.
–And so, to Scratch’s surprise, Molly wishes for his freedom. “I’m keeping my word Scratch… you’re free!”
–And… well… this happens.
-But for those who can’t see the scene/drawings for any reason, Molly’s wish not only frees Scratch, but turns him into a mortal human man. He is freed from his prison, free to do or go wherever as he wishes, and is free to be around Molly and anyone else of his own choosing. While he is stunned at what has happened to him as well as Molly actually giving up a wish for his sake, he is overwhelmed with happiness and the two embrace.
–Ollie decides to come clean to his parents. Fortunately for him, Reuben and Esther have learned from the recent experiences and not only decide to drop the marriage thing, but will not imprison Molly. They admit that perhaps it would do some good to keep Molly around since she did bring some badly needed aid to the kingdom when it needed help the most. They will see how her and her family could be of more service to the kingdom in the future, so Ollie promises that he will stay in touch with Molly.
–With the carpet still in her possession, Libby offers it to Scratch, as she and Molly are aware that he probably doesn’t want to stick around for too long.
–Scratch considers it…. However he’d rather stay with Molly just for a bit longer until he can figure out what he wants to do with his new life and freedom. (He will use that carpet to see the world eventually, and that scene would go down just like in the original animated movie.... just not yet.)
–And so Molly takes Scratch back to her home. As for what happens beyond that? Well, perhaps that’s up to you to decide.
(Side note: I don't have anything for the sequel films or animated series. I didn't think that far ahead and I don't think I could come up with a whole lot).
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tornrose24 · 5 months
I was asked by someone if I would continue my notes for that TGAMM Aladdin AU, since it had been a long time since I continued it… well here it is. The previous part is here.
Part 3
-Molly reaches the palace and Ollie reaches her. He is in a panic as he tells her that his parents are about to announce that he has chosen her as a suitor, despite both their protests. As if on cue, the entire kingdom is already arriving at the palace gates.
-Molly hurries to Libby and the two scared girls try to figure out what to do and how to get out of the city without drawing attention as time runs short. Molly reaches into the pockets of her royal attire and panics when she cannot find the lamp, which in turn means she lost Scratch. To her horror she realizes that the person who bumped into her stole the lamp.
-Right on cue, Reuben and Esther are standing before the entire kingdom and are happily telling people the good news. Meanwhile, June is unhappy since she knows this won’t do any good and was unable to talk her parents out of this announcement. Down below, Pete and Sharon are panicking while Darryl is torn between finding this whole thing cool and being worried for his sister. The kingdom is torn between relief and concern given how young their prince and the mystery princess are.
-Ollie reaches the girls and Molly begs him to let her go so that she can find Scratch. Ollie wonders why she’s so distraught over her advisor going missing until Molly tells him that he’s her friend and she lost him. She needs Ollie’s help to find something very specific in order to find Scratch, and then she needs to come clean to him about a secret she’s been keeping.
–As Reuben and Esther continue the announcement, Jinx manages to sneak up to them and gleefully cuts their happiness short. She sarcastically congratulates them on how fast they can bring happiness to themselves.
-The couple angrily order the guards to take the woman away until she pulls out the lamp and asks them if they know what this is. She then summons Scratch in front of the royal family and the entire kingdom. 
-Scratch is horrified by what is happening and knows things are likely about to go bad, but he can’t do anything. While no one immediately recognizes him in his current form (helped by the fact that he keeps quiet), June only needs a few seconds to do so.
–Jinx tells the couple that she was loyal to the original ruler and therefore should have succeeded him–not a couple of clueless idiots who are squandering the kingdom’s potential. So she orders Scratch to make her the ruler, just as Ollie rushes in and witnesses this. Molly and Libby are right behind the boy, and both of them have to hide out of sight. Molly is horrified to see just who stole the lamp from her and is trying to figure out a way to steal it back.
–An unamused Scratch (who knows that this wish didn’t actually accomplish anything) just gives Jinx a fancier outfit and tells her, “Yeah, ok whatever.”
-At this point Ollie doesn’t see the lamp and doesn’t recognize who the strange blue spirit is, given he is distracted by more important matters. 
–When Jinx tries to order the guards to imprison the royal family, Ollie–who has had enough of being told what to do in his life–tells the guards that his parents saw their potential and gave them positions to ensure peace throughout the kingdom. Was such loyalty worth throwing away for some ursuper who only gave herself a title? Is she someone worth following?
–Ollie’s family is impressed and the guards obey the boy. Scratch just does a face-palm because the little idiot might have done something worse than make Jinx realize she wasted a wish.
–As Jinx is distracted, Molly desperately runs to Scratch who is more than relieved to see her. Unfortunately, in the moment of chaos, he accidentally blurts out her real name in front of everyone. Remembering she still has another way out of this, Jinx demands Scratch to give her powers worthy of a sorceress as her second wish. Despite his attempts to resist and Molly’s desperate pleas to not do it, Scratch has to obey whether he wants to or not.
-The sky goes dark and nearly everyone down below runs away as a storm begins courtesy of Jinx. All the guards are sent away and the royal family is seperated from Jinx and the two friends by magic.
-Delighted with how fast things are working in her favor, Jinx separates Molly from Scratch and keeps her suspended in the air to keep her away from him.
–“I had you figured out for a long time, kid,” Jinx sneers at a terrified Molly. “If you were smart, you would have asked for better wishes or ran away.”
–Scratch pleads for Molly’s life, and that’s when Jinx understands why Molly still had the lamp after all this time–the girl befriended the lamp’s prisoner and the feeling is very much mutual. She finds it hilarious that such a thing was even possible and mocks the both of them for it.
–Ollie tries to save Molly, but he gets knocked away for his troubles. Jinx then decides–with sadistic glee–that she wants to make Molly suffer a bit before getting rid of her.
–Jinx first tells Ollie and his family that Molly is nothing but an imposter who deceived all of them. The one who gifted the girl all that power and prestige was the same one who gave Jinx power over the kingdom. Jinx then tells Scratch that everything he gave to the girl will be taken away–after all, did she even deserve her wishes?
–As for Molly, Jinx has her transformed before everyone’s eyes–her beautiful attire is once again the rags of the daughter of a poor class family.
-Ollie is stunned, June isn’t (since she knew something was off the whole time), but their parents are shocked that they were lied to. Molly pleads to Ollie she was going to come clean and that was one of the big reasons why she wasn’t going to agree to the marriage arrangement, but it’s too late as not only have the few people remaining seen the reveal, but Jinx cuts the girl off.
–Since Jinx is feeling especially a bit of a sadist, she’s going to send the girl to the ends of the earth to die a slow, agonizing death, much to the horror of a few, but especially Scratch who truly cannot do anything to help Molly.
-However, Jinx fails to see Libby, who has the carpet and goes after Molly before the spell is completed and the girl vanishes from sight.
-And so, things are officially bad. Jinx has control over the kingdom and no one can do anything. Scratch–who has lost the only person who ever cared for him–falls into despair.
-Elsewhere, Molly is trapped in a snowy region of the world, and if the temperature isn’t about to kill her, the landscape certainly will. She’s too miserable to even think over how things came to this. However, much to her luck, Libby came after the girl with the carpet and quickly takes her away from the place and orders the carpet to take them home.
–Molly apologizes for getting Libby involved. She then tearfully unloads all her regrets–she wished she had been honest with Ollie when she had the chance, she wished she didn’t get into a fight with Scratch or that she kept a better eye on the lamp because now he’s a prisoner to that awful woman, and she just wishes she made better choices because all she wanted was to help the kingdom, but apparently it was never going to be enough.
–Libby reassures Molly and tells her best friend that it’s true she should have been honest to Ollie. But the other stuff was not her fault–Molly was still able to do noticeable good for the kingdom, it’s just that there were some bad cards against her. And as for Scratch, maybe he was just scared and not ready for what his freedom would mean.
–The friends share a hug as they head home and try to prepare themselves for the worst as well as come up with a plan to get the lamp back. Libby even offers to make the wish to change things back to normal, so that Molly can still have her last wish for Scratch if everything works in her favor. The girl deeply appreciates this, but knows that she can’t use that wish unless she knows that’s exactly what he wants.
To be continued in part 4….
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tornrose24 · 5 months
So if Jinx idolizes the werewolf who bit scratch then would that werewolf be like the chairman from season 1 in a way?
Also do you ever plan to finish your Aladdin AU
The werewolf IS in fact the Chairman. I first hinted at his identity when I first drew him and a friend of mine instantly figured it out upon close inspection.
Chairman!Werewolf is the one werewolf all werewolves fear. He doesn't have a postion of power, but that's not what makes him terrifying. There is no trace of his humanity when he transforms–he is no different than a murderer as any human or creature who crosses his path dies by his hand. Even as a human, there is nothing human about him–he has no concept of love or friendship, kindness, or a sense of right and wrong. He has no reservations about who he attacks as not even a child would be safe. He fights only for himself as well as the thrill of it. Many have tried to go after him, given the threat he poses to both the supernatural and the human sides, but he is nigh impossible to find, let alone kill. If you aren't human, you can almost smell the aura of death and blood from miles away, but depending on what creature you are, it might already be too late. If he shows interest in attacking you, then you are out of luck.
(And speaking of–yes, Todd was LUCKY he was only biten because he would have been killed. He was not going to escape that encounter without some consequence, and he was severely traumatized by it even before he first transformed.)
You also might notice that he is missing a nose in my drawings. It was ripped off during a past fight. This detail extends to his human form, but it is NOT a pretty sight, even if thats one of the very few visual clues you get in order to find him. Your only other hope of finding him is to pay attention to his hunting patterns, which is what the Chen family has done across the years.
As for the Aladdin AU, I kept forgetting about it and it felt like other people forgot about it as well. So it's nice that someone is showing interest and wants to here how it will end, as well as the other details. Perhaps I need to think on it this week.
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tornrose24 · 8 months
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I remembered @jackie-sugarskulls Aladdin comparison to TGAMM and was all 'Ok, I HAVE to draw that out. Though in this case it would barrow elements from both the original and 2019 versions.
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God, I love designing Molly's princess dress. Especially because I got to include her Thai heritage in it.
(Also, it's painfully obvious which characters I haven't drawn as much. Ah well.)
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tornrose24 · 7 months
Sorry for the wait for more of those TGAMM Aladdin AU ideas. I saw how long it took between the first and last post. I got very busy, especially with working on a certain fan fic. Here is part 2. (Part one is here in case you forgot).
-So as said before, Molly wants to pass herself off as a rich princess so that she can provide for her kingdom AND be able to see Ollie again. However, Libby (who is passing herself off as a handmaiden) forms the entire background and backstory of a made-up kingdom so that Molly’s lie isn’t exposed that easily. The main problem is ensuring Molly is convincing enough to sell the story since she’s not a good liar. Somewhere there is a montage where Molly is being taught how to lie and struggles with it (likely a certain fake magician is an unwitting test subject, much to her displeasure).
–Elsewhere Jinx is angry about the loss of the lamp and is looking for other methods. Ollie shows suspicion, which makes her further eager to hurry up. Except there’s a big commotion that disrupts her and it’s coming outside…
–There’s a huge procession leading up to the Chen’s palace. Singing is optional (I’m not sure Scratch would be keen on singing in this case, but the “Physique, weak at my knees” line would need to be omitted if that happens since that’s not appropriate to sing regarding a young teenage girl. If you want to imagine him dressing in drag, you are free to do so).
-So they enter the palace. Molly barely manages to be convincing as she tells Reuben and Esther that she wishes to provide some financial aid for the kingdom. However she is completely thrown off when they assume that she is here for their son’s hand in marriage. Molly tries to backpedal and say that’s not why she was here.
-But of course, Scratch (who is posing as her advisor and disguised as a human, as you might recall) makes things worse by saying that she’s trying to figure out if OLLIE is good enough to be married to her. Libby has to do quick damage control before both Molly and Scratch anger the sultan and his wife by asking if they should stay for the night since it’s the festival today (this plot point comes from the 2019 film). Reuben and Esther manage to agree since they are desperate for someone by this point.
-June sees right through the BS. She can tell there’s something off about this princess, unlike the others who came before her. What kind of princess wouldn’t know that her brother was available for marriage? Also wow that advisor is kind of a jerk and doesn’t seem to have any problems speaking so casually with the princess in public.
–Ollie is just not comfortable with the whole thing. He feels like this princess is trying to sell herself off and doesn’t actually care about providing financial aid.
-Jinx watches all this and she finds the princess to be oddly familiar-looking.
-The night of the festival arrives. There’s dancing and food (guess who goes for the latter and terrifies the onlookers?) A lot of people are showing great interest in Molly and want to know about her kingdom, but she wants to talk about theirs and how she could help them. Thankfully Libby is still guiding her a few times. She is able to win everyone over with her joy and eagerness. Even Reuben and Esther are starting to be impressed.
-Eventually, Molly just wants to party with her friends. She even gets Scratch to dance with her and he is starting to have fun with her. She is happy that she got him to open up a bit more.
–The latter does not escape Ollie. He is not used to seeing a princess treat her subjects as equals like that, and it’s oddly refreshing. June voices her concerns to Ollie that Molly might not be who she claims to be, and advises him to be cautious.
-Libby found a way to sneak in the magic carpet and offers it to Molly, because she is a bit of a shipper and knows what can set the mood.
–Scratch finds out and isn’t impressed. He thinks it would be neat if Molly did manage to get herself a prince, but he’s starting to worry that maybe he’s getting her too deep into things. Also, he doesn’t like how Jinx has been constantly looking at Molly.
-Molly eventually tries to approach Ollie. June gets in her way at first, but the girl realizes Molly has at least been sincere in wanting to aid the kingdom, so she lets her meet up with her brother. June intends on learning more about the girl, because maybe this could be someone Ollie might want to be with someday, compared to the usual girls.
-Ollie tries to explain to the princess that he is NOT interested in marrying so soon. He already has a lot to shoulder before he’s old enough to take the throne, and finding a wife this soon is the last thing on his mind. Molly admits that’s not what she wants either, and that most kids should be thinking of boyfriends and girlfriends instead of future husbands or wives. She also tells him that he truly could be a great ruler if he was free to rule as he wished.
–Somewhere around this time, Molly accidentally reveals something that gives away her identity. Likely a phrase or key word. Ollie catches it as Molly offers him the experience of a lifetime–riding a magic carpet–and to just get to be a teenager for one night and not think about huge burdens.
-Cue the ‘Whole New World’ montage where its two kids going on a carpet ride, exploring the lands beyond the city, and falling in innocent young love.
-As Molly and Ollie stare out at the city, Ollie’s suspicions grow. He is able to trick Molly into revealing that she’s the girl he met that one time.
–In a panic, Molly (as expected) lies and claims that she is a real princess who was in disguise since she doesn’t want to admit the truth or give away who made her a princess. A part of Ollie isn’t convinced, but he goes with it.
-Scratch finds out that Molly lied and is not impressed, even if he appreciates that she was trying to keep him a secret. In fact, he’s getting a bit concerned.
-Ok, so the drowning scene would be a combination of the original and 2019 films. Jinx has Molly captured, chained up, and taken to a body of water. Libby is the one who catches this and takes the lamp and carpet to follow after them because she is scared that things will go south.
–Jinx accuses Molly of not being who she is and that she has the lamp. Molly lies (partly because she does NOT want Scratch to end up in this woman’s possession, and she’s gotten an idea of what her fate would of been, had she brought the lamp to her.)
-The drowning scene plays out how you’d expect. Molly ends up in the water, but gets the lamp and activates it. Scratch panics and has to get her to make her second wish to be saved and he gets her out of there before she drowns. She is relieved to be saved and he is upset because he almost lost her and he’s grown attached to this girl. In fact she is the first human he’s ever cared about to this extent.
-Scratch enters ‘Papa Wolf’ mode as he returns to the palace with Molly in human form and demands the attention of June and Ollie because he knows someone tried to kill Molly and they need to bring that person to justice. He is mad as hell and terrifies the siblings a bit, but Molly calms him down and tells him who was responsible, which leads to everyone to make a plan.
-June had done some research beforehand and realized that Molly’s kingdom is entirely made up. However, she sets aside confronting Molly about it since she finds it odd someone would go out of their way to drown her.
-The next day, Jinx is shocked that Molly is alive. The girl has told Reuben and Esther what happened, and they confront Jinx and want to know what is going on. In a desperate move, Jinx tries to hypnotize the couple into believing her lies… and at this point I realize that I didn’t think of giving her the staff. Let’s just say that she has one, and Molly can figure it out and breaks it.
Of course, even though Jinx ends up getting arrested, she not only escapes, but she realizes that Molly does have the lamp. Not only that, she is able to correctly guess who Scratch is. The fact that their seems to be a genuine friendship between the two doesn’t escape her notice.
–Reuben and Esther are thankful to Molly and say that they are in debt to her. They say that they would gladly be happy to have her as their son’s future wife. Molly tells them that she doesn’t think she is ready to marry Ollie, and wants to respect what he wants. The couple is still insistent, and Molly tells them that she would genuinely need time to think about that, because all she wanted was to help the kingdom. However they are still insistent and in her panic, she runs away.
–She is too overwhelmed. Even if she likes Ollie, she knows that she is not ready for that future right now, not to mention the lies she told that could get her in trouble.
-While Molly and Scratch are alone, he snarkily wonders if Molly is going to take back her promise to free him and use her last wish on herself. To his shock, Molly does NOT want to go back on her word. However, she needs to figure out what to do about the situation she is trapped in, without resorting to that. She tries to reassure Scratch that she will free him like ehe promised…
-“Whoah, I didn’t ever say I wanted to be free, Moll. Do you have any idea what that would mean for me?”
–And so, Scratch gets defensive when Molly tries to figure out why he would suddenly be so against the wish when he has made it clear that he HATES the position he is stuck in. He explodes on her and tells her that being reduced to a powerless, pathetic mortal who can easily die without any magic to protect him like her and everyone else is the scariest thing he can imagine. Molly counters that while that could happen, living out your life, no matter how short, is better than being trapped, alone, and forced to answer to another if you don’t want that.
–Scratch gives up and locks himself back in the lamp. A frustrated Molly leaves the palace.
–Molly returns home to her family who are relieved, and she tells them everything. She tearfully admits that she doesn’t want to have to keep living a lie for the sake of everyone and she doesn’t want to abandon her family or get married so young. She also deeply regrets pushing Scratch and wishes that she could help him be happy.
–Pete and Sharon tell her that it is better to be yourself. They don’t want to see her suffer and to be honest they aren’t ready to give her up yet, even if it was to a prince. They also tell her to give the situation with Scratch time and maybe the two could talk things over. If he wanted to, he could even stay with them (Though he has to get his own food).
–Molly smiles and tells them she will do that and mention that offer. Besides, she could gift him the carpet if he wants to see the world. However, she must be honest with the royal family first–this is one problem she needs to solve on her own.
–As Molly heads toward the palace someone bumps into her on the streets. Confused, Molly continues on, but fails to realize Jinx was in disguise and took the lamp.
–A wickedly delighted Jinx summons Scratch out of the lamp in private. He is deeply confused at first and is about to grumble to Molly until he realizes who awakened him. He then realizes that things are about to go south, but unfortunately, he can’t do anything about it.
To be continued in part 3.
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tornrose24 · 7 months
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Revisited the TGAMM Aladdin AU idea because I wanted to doodle my take on the drowning/second wish scene. Because even in an AU I care more about Molly and Scratch's friendship over any romantic stuff, and also its a VERY in-character scene for both of them.
(The fourth drawing takes inspiration from the 2019 film where Aladdin had help exposing Jafar, and Genie was present in human form that time. Except in THIS case, Scratch's 'Papa Wolf' mode is on high alert and he's not leaving Molly's side as long as he is can help it.)
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tornrose24 · 8 months
TGAMM Aladdin AU ideas part 1
Was thinking of those TGAMM Aladdin AU doodles I made and thought of adding more details to that AU:
-This version of Agrabah used to be ruled by a tyrant (the Chairman) with an iron fist until the Chen family overthrew and disposed of him. While Reuben and Esther are far more benevolent in comparison as rulers, the kingdom is still slowly recovering and is a shadow of what it once was.
-Jinx liked how things were ran under the old ruler and wants to overthrow the Chen family and claim the throne. This is where her need to find the lamp would come in.
-The McGees aren’t poor, but they are just barely getting by. Pete desires to restore the kingdom to its glory days and he and Sharon do whatever they can to make money. Molly is the same way. Darryl is still getting into shady stuff to make money the easy way, but tends to get cheated out of whatever he makes.
-Esther and Reuben are seeking potential future brides for their son and to form a political alliance that could help the kingdom. Ollie would rather focus on restoring the kingdom without resorting to that. June is more of an inventor who keeps to herself and has no interest in getting married off either.
-Molly and Libby are still good friends, and Libby’s mother is also barely getting by as a bookseller and poet for hire. Especially after her husband abandoned their family.
-Andrea is one of the potential brides who doesn’t make the cut. (She’s secretly relieved because she already has her eye on someone else).
-I did not assign anyone to Dalia’s role, because I’m leaving that spot open for anyone’s self-insert/oc.
-The way Molly and Ollie meet up would be like in the 2019 film, which would also involve trying to get her brother out of trouble. (Again.) Like in the 2019 film, she would sneak into the palace to meet up with Ollie, who is trying to pass himself off as a servant. Molly is aided by her brother and Libby in sneaking into the palace.
-The two bond over wanting to help the kingdom's people and to restore it back to what it used to be.
-Molly sneaking into the palace is what gets Jinx’s attention. The woman has Molly, Libby, and Darryle captured and claims that she will only let them go without being reported on IF Molly enters the Cave of Wonders. She doesn’t bother mentioning the real identity of the boy Molly visited since its a waste of her time.
-The trio do find a magic carpet.
–Molly finds the lamp. However Darryl is the one who tries to take some treasure for himself, which triggers the collapse.
-While the magic carpet gets Darryl and Libby out of the cave, Molly gets knocked off at one point and becomes trapped. The carpet leaves so fast that Jinx doesn’t see it happen and assumes that her efforts were all for nothing.
-So yeah, no surprise–Scratch is the genie of the lamp. And he is NOT happy that his new master is a very excited young girl who is delighted to have made a new friend who has magic.
-She still manages to trick him into getting her out of the cave and back home though.
-So desperate to get rid of Molly, Scratch tells her about the three wishes and fully intends to screw her over with each one. Except there’s 2 problems. One is that Molly realizes that she has way too many wishes (mostly to better her kingdom) and cannot narrow them down to save her life. The other is that she doesn’t want to lose Scratch THAT fast and refuses to actually make any wishes until she knows for sure what she wants.
-Naturally, he is NOT HAPPY ABOUT THIS.
-Scratch has a much easier time granting wishes of Molly’s very shocked, but also delighted family, though they quickly wise up to the fact that he’s screwing them over on a few.
-He has even less luck with Libby who is VERY genre savvy about genies. She has to coach Molly on how to approach the matter when she is ready.
-Eventually Molly remembers Ollie and tries to go see him, only to find out that he is in fact the crown prince. She is crushed since she hasn’t seen him since before the cave, but there’s no way she can see him if she’s not even a child of nobility.
-However she knows that he cares about the kingdom as much as she does, and decides upon a wish that can do a lot of good. One that can be both selfless AND selfish.
-Molly tells Scratch that she wants him to turn her into a princess. One wealthy enough to gift the kingdom with enough money and goods to keep it going for a decade or two. If she gets the royal family’s attention, she can visit Ollie once more. Scratch is not entirely impressed with the plan, especially after realizing Molly has a crush on the boy, but hey she’s finally making a wish.
-Molly then makes an offer–since she’s had a hard time coming up with wishes, she will use her final wish for Scratch. Whatever he truly wants, she will wish it for him. He admits that he doesn’t exactly enjoy being forced to grant others wishes and wants to be freed from the job. He’s surprised at Molly’s offer, though he’s sure it won’t come to pass.
-However what he does NOT tell Molly is that if he is freed from the lamp, he will be reduced to a powerless mortal capable of dying and without a place to call home, and that idea terrifies him.
-So Scratch grants Molly’s first wish, even if he’s pretty sure its not entirely going to end well. He turns himself into a human and passes himself off as her advisor to keep an eye on things (and to get a front-row seat because this is BOUND to be somewhat entertaining). Libby also wants in and is made Molly’s handmaiden since she doesn’t want a large role that also forces her into the spotlight.
As for what happens next… well, keep an eye out for part 2.
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tornrose24 · 2 months
So a fews days ago, @chinirom05 asked me some questions regarding my art and writing, and I told them the question was too good to be just on a DM, because my response might help other creatives/writers.
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So to answer the questions...
When it comes to fashion, it really depends on a few factors. Since I’ve mainly done fan art on here, it boils down to ‘What’s the event/time period’ and ‘who is the character I’m dressing up.’ As a bonus, sometimes I try to factor in if I want to pay homage to the character’s ethnicity/heritage (I did this for those TGAMM Aladdin AU drawings for the princess attire).
So I’m going to go WAY back in the past for one example that the CU fandom might recall–remember the CU Tangled AU drawings and fics I collaborated with @princeasimdiya12 ?
While there was inspiration from the movie its based on, I also had to research the time period the movie supposedly takes place in (I think it was around the 1790s if I remember correctly). Edith was the best challenge for this one because there were a lot of dresses to put her in, but I also needed to design them in a way that reflected her character as well as would look good for her body type since she has a plus sized figure. The apron from the first fic was meant to show off her creative side, Her castle dress had polka dots as a nod to her canon outfit, and the ballgown used colors I thought would be good on her–but blue was a necessary element due to her iconic blue eyes. (damn, that was YEARS ago and when I had my old tablet!) Also I loved getting an excuse to research period outfits and creating dresses. George and Harold’s outfits outfits took inspiration from the characters they were based on, but I kept their color schemes and looked up clothes boys might have worn back then.
A more recent example was from the TGAMM fic Her First Forever Friend, and I did do drawings for it, including the example I’m about to talk about. It comes late in the fic (chapter 13, to be specific), but for the moment in question, I wanted to give Molly a new outfit that was meant to be symbolic/reflective of her nature and growth in the story (especially given how limited her wardrobe is in the show). I researched sundresses (or just dresses) for a girl her age, until I found a design I could work with that also looked like something Molly would wear. I also used yellow daisies in her appearance as a theme and for the symbolism behind it (I wanted to use pink lotus flowers at first, but their meaning didn’t exactly fit what I was after). If you’ve read the fic or seen my drawings for the fic (which includes her in that dress), then you’d understand the meaning behind it as well as what the outfit is meant to be parallel to. (Also, if anyone is reading this, do NOT click the link if you haven't seen the series finale of The Ghost and Molly McGee, or read up to ch 13 of my fic.)
If you mean inspiration for fashion… I get it from almost anywhere. For art in general? Well, I started taking inspiration from anime, and then gradually cartoons.
For the writing question… well, it’s not easy. When I have a story, I focus on the ideas and plan things out in my head. However, I might not have the things in between right away, so I might have scenes that take a bit more work to figure out compared to others. There are also some times where I realize an idea might not work so I’ll have to plan it out differently, or I want the story to go in another direction (or I just can’t use an idea).
One good example of this is–again–Her First Forever Friend. I thought I’d be doing a one shot, but it had the potential to be more, so I gave it a go. Here were some challenges:
-Since Molly came to Brighton earlier than usual, how would certain events change as a result? If she’s meant to defeat The Chairman just like in canon, how do I get to that? What’s going to be the big moment where ‘everything changes?’
-Chapter 4. Everyone who read this fic knows this chapter for lots for reasons. As I wrote in my notes, I had a huge decision in ‘who will stay and who will go’ by the end of it. I knew I had a much more interesting story on my hands if I made the choice that I ultimately went with, as well as a really good character arc for someone who needed it… and my readers really enjoyed how that character arc developed. (There’s one line in chapter 6 that best reflects this arc and my readers quoted it in their comments on archive.) In the chapter that came after this, I wanted to put the fortune teller oc in the dream sequence, but I opted not too as it would have made the scene too messy and I needed to keep attention on the three characters already in it.
–When I got to chapter 8, I had an idea of what I wanted to do, but then I realized ‘wait a minute, I’m seeing a problem/plot hole in the future if I just continue forward.’ So I had to give the duo a new problem as well as a way to find the solution–it extended the story to about 2/3 chapters but it was worth it, and I got some good moments to write out.
So yeah, just some examples of my writing process. Sometimes I have things planned, and sometimes I don’t. Especially if I don’t have the entire story arc in my head.
Also, I’ve learned that I need to try to simplify some sentences to make them flow–especially if there’s action in it (a reader commented that my fighting scenes needed shorter sentences to make them easier to read many years back). However, I like going all out on the more emotional moments–if there’s a heartwarming moment in any of my fics, chances are that’s something I loved working on the most and went all out. Also, I’m sorry if you ever need to look up words–I guess that’s the academic side of me wanting to include things that hopefully the readers will look into.
Now if you are collaborating with someone, like I did with princeasimdiya12? There’s a bit of compromise, but I’ve tried to include all of our ideas and put them together. It’s been a long time since I wrote the Tangled CU AU fics and I can’t recall which exact story elements were his at the moment but I made sure to make a note as to which story elements were his. (Also, I’ve seen some collaboration fics where it looks like there’s a scene going on, but everything looks painfully out of order as if the two are writing responses at different or later times, and I can’t handle it.)
Anyway, I hope that advice helps somewhat.
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