#tgc crit
bird-in-thesky · 11 months
im so tired of grinding in sky it feels like every new addition just jacks up prices more or in some way makes it even more grindy (like with tickets and stuff). Actually insane to me that if i wanted to get just TWO spirit’s of the upcoming season’s stuff, i’d have to play 40 of 70 days if i were f2p.
I have never seen a game company that was so bold in assuming you’d play their game every day for a ton (70) days straight. Never. It’s crazy. It’s evil. They’re just milking this, and it’s terrible
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sammekh · 2 years
Anyways I need. TGC to makcool pants that look good with the. Black cape because Rythm pants are the ones that looks best but I dont wanna wear rythm pants
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hallofharmony · 1 year
my old tgc critical posts are suddenly getting notes again im sure people have positive views on the company ^-^
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sky-cotl-addict · 2 years
*goes through the tgc crit tag like i still play*
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core-crystal · 4 years
Affinity chart edits and creation is in full swing, I've started with the edits and so far they're going pretty good. I need to hammer out very few details, as for creation im going into creating malos's royaly blind. I've got like 6 arts to choose from, no idea what to call his specials or what field skills he'd have, the same goes for the ocs but I've got pouch favorites and some minor details. Amy ideas on what Malos affinity chart would look like
helllllllllllllll yeah! for field skills it seems to be a Thing that Aegises have focus (unless the reason both pyra and mythra had it is bc of the shared body thing and NOT an aegis thing) so I’d say he’d probably have Focus as his first field skill, then maybe... dark mastery and superstrength? I’m iffy on the superstrength bc he’s a Strong Boi but I also headcanon him as like. a surprisingly kickass chef who just Does Not Care about the presentation so all his food looks bad until you put it in your mouth and then you never want to eat anyone else’s cooking ever again
if you run off the idea of malos being like... the executor core or whatever it is? then I think it’d follow that while he’s still smart he’s less of the calculating type the way Mythra is so I don’t think he’d be quite so focused on crits the way mythra has a crit-heavy build. in the same way, comparing the two Malos wouldn’t have foresight. in tgc we get to see a little of what malos is like at full power--he’d probably have a skill that boosts his power in certain situations (kinda like how zenobia gets stronger against unique monsters but proabably against somehting else???) and I think he’d have a build that super boosts his ability to dodge--since we can see in tgc that he can fuckin teleport over I think just short distances? but it’s like a short lil blip of teleporting so I think that’d be reflected in his affinity chart as a skill that boosts his dodge rate cus if he could use it in combat I think he would. so an increased power in certain situations and a dodge rate booster, which leaves one remaining potential skill for his chart... while I don’t think he’d be a crit heavy build the way mythra is, I do think he focuses on technique more than the untrained eye would think he does--like his fighting style is decisive, effective hits that are so powerful they don’t give the opponent the chance to fight back, so maybe he’d have a skill that boosts his crit rate somewhat?
as for his specials and arts, the arts change depending on who’s actually wielding the blade weapon, which I like to think means the arts are also a reflection of the user’s personality and fighting style? which you can kind of see for example between rex’s and zeke’s ether cannon arts but that’s a different topic entirely and this post is gonna be long enough on its own dskjfhdwskjhf but likewise I think the blade specials also reflect the blade’s personality (like how cutesy kora is in hers or how azami’s are more true to her personality) so while I don’t have great ideas for names or how exactly they’d play out right now I think they’d be a lot more heavy-handed??? I’m also trying to think within canon which is hard bc of how much I exclusively owrk from aegiswap canon sdkjfhsakjfhdsjfhg
feelin a little incoherent and rambly so I really hope this all came across!!! sorry for rambling and I hope your afifnity charts and the like turn out well!! I’m interested to hear how it goes!~
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cdicdd · 7 years
Assistants Comptables (H/F)
CRIT recrute des Assistants comptables (H/F) sur la région d'El Jadida
CRIT recrute des Assistants comptables (H/F) sur la région d’El Jadida Assistants Comptables Expérimentés (H/F):
CRIT recrute pour le compte d’un cabinet d’audit des assistants comptables (H/F) sur la région d’El Jadida. A ce titre, vos principales missions seront comme suit : – Garantir et assurer la réalisation des opérations comptables propres aux différents processus comptables (fournisseurs,…
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bird-in-thesky · 2 years
decided to refine a previous post on why exactly I believe sky children of light is a failed MMO. 
In this, let’s think of time as money; in a way, you’re making an investment choice when you choose to play the game, let alone when you choose to actively buy things from it. You could be playing xyz other games, or doing other things.
And in that case... what is there even to invest in? 
The gameplay loop is very grindy, and it’s not exactly fun in any way. Most MMOs have games (think a kiddy website) or a raiding aspect (think WoW) that they focus on to varying degrees, even if it’s just a way of earning in game currency/items. 
Sky doesn’t really... have that. Calling the quests a game is stretching it; it’s just “go to locations A, B, C, and D” most of the time, which isn’t exactly fun. Each season, the season-based quests are interesting, but again not very engaging as far as gameplay/challenge goes outside of Prophecy, and add roughly 30 minutes of content every 2ish months. 
The game is well crafted for a person to spend a month-ish on it, exploring and doing all the main quests, doing Eden once or twice, and then being done with it. What is there to stay for? The primary answer is your friends, but the ways of socializing in this game are extremely limited, primarily due to the aforementioned lack of engaging content (minigames/raids/etc). 
I personally realized at some point when I was considering letting a bot grind candles for me and not play otherwise that maybe playing this game just wasn’t fun. The cosmetics are just cosmetics, and often ridiculous prices, and the seasonal stuff comes back anyways for the most part, which really lowers incentive to buy it. I bought stuff for exclusive items and to give some money to TGC, but those items stopped being exclusive (you’re basically paying $10 for just the end items and to get them early if you’re a long term player) and the money doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, what with the small and clunky design of the new seasonal areas (30-60 mins of content + some clunky design choices that leads to areas never being visited again except for lights, such as lack of wax in Abyss and why isn’t the stage a passive wax area???). 
I think when you’re a new player, Sky is really fun. It’s a very beautiful and impressive game, and giving it a playthrough like Journey is just perfect. But as an MMO, as something you hypothetically could dump a lot of time into over months, years? I think it’s a failure; there’s not enough there. I only stayed because I wanted it to eventually be good, because it became habit... but a majority of people will trickle off just as I have. 
tl;dr/conclusion: Sky doesn’t really have anything that makes it worth staying, let alone buying, and I believe this lack of engaging content will lead to it dying a slow death. 
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bird-in-thesky · 1 year
oh my god last minute days of color rant: I CAN’T EVEN SPEND MY TICKETS
You can see a more even keel look at my issues with tickets here, but I’m here to rant.
They don’t convert (which is stupid) I didn’t get enough for the cape (ALSO STUPID BECAUSE IT WAS SO EXPENSIVE AND REQUIRED LIKE 30 MINS / DAY, DAILY, which like sorry tgc, but i actually pride myself on having a LIFE), and the amount of spells you can buy/day is limited SO I CAN’T EVEN BUY THE JUNKY SPELLS (let alone the cape)
The fact they don’t convert already had me sour grapes about it, because that meant my literal hours of grinding was going to just POOF because I couldn’t quite manage to get the cape since TGC’s expectations of average players are completely unrealistic, but I was happy to get a ton of spells… only to be cut off from that as well. I literally hate this company. This is one decision in a long line of stupid decisions, and it’s the straw that’s making me quit this stupid game.
To all of you happy with the ticket system and other recent changes: I’m happy you can find joy. But I urge you to consider the question of reasonable expectations from players— is it reasonable for TGC to expect the average player base to login, say, 6/7 days of the week for 10-20 mins per day? Especially to get, say, seasonal content they already paid real money for, or just limited time items? Really, they typically have been expecting MORE, actually. Very few games have this rigorous a grind schedule for limited time items. In my opinion, it’s not reasonable— especially when, frankly, there’s not much to fill your time when you do play, from an actual gameplay perspective (kind of wandering around with little challenge or ability to meaningfully interact with others is hardly fun after some time). I think this will lead to the death of sky, and honestly, if they don’t change things, I won’t be too sad to see it go.
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bird-in-thesky · 1 year
Now that we’ve been through an event and are into another, I’m wondering how people feel about the tickets? I asked before, but it was at the beginning of Days of Color.
Please reblog and explain your feelings (or at least just reblog)!
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bird-in-thesky · 6 months
Played a bit more sky again (had been taking a semi permanent break) cuz I wanted the snowboard item and not to be immediately negative, but man, it’s disappointing it just disappears into the ground you’re sliding on. Jumping with it looks awesome, but most of the time it clips into the ground… what’s the point
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