#tgm hospital au
writercole · 7 months
On Second Thought...
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Summary: Dr. Jake Seresin meets his match. Pairing: Jake Seresin x Vikander!Reader (Omaha's sister) Words: 1901 Warnings: Dr. Jake Seresin, flirting, innuendo, Dr. Javy Machado, Sass, probably some swearing, medical discussions regarding neurological symptoms. Credits: I don't know anymore I know @ryebecca helped with the title and gave her squeak of approval on the graphic. A/N: I literally found this on my thumb drive and...well...it's been a long week. Have a treat.
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Dr. Jacob Seresin, doctor of neurology, Jake to his friends, sighed heavily when he checked his cell phone. He trudged through the parking garage, exhaustion weighing him down after a twelve hour shift where there had been an influx of patients but an absence of nurses or doctors to be found.
The absence of any text messages or missed calls from his ex girlfriend drove him further into a bad mood. Jake had returned home from a long shift, much like the one he had just ended, to find that she had packed all of her things and gone, leaving only a lingering trace of perfume that dissipated after a week.
That had been nearly four months ago.
He had taken time out of almost every day for the first two months to send her a message, whether good morning, good night, or to hope her day was going well, but there had been radio silence, nothing coming back through the phone, though the messages marked as read.
Truthfully, her abrupt departure from his life had barely rattled him. He could still function; his job never took a hit and his patients never noticed a thing. Even the ones who had been with him since he opened his practice. And the nurses had more interesting things to talk about than his vanilla, ethical love life. 
Jake still felt the sting of loneliness, though, a sting that spread through his veins as he cared for patients with loved ones beside their bed. He may not have loved Gretchen, but he missed the companionship and the emotional connection that came with having someone waiting at home. It was something that surprised him, the need for feelings involved in his relationships.
Jake wasn’t surprised when he saw a message from an old med school buddy, Javy Machado. They’d taken residencies at separate hospitals in the same city and still hung out when their off days coincided. The reason for the message, however, was strange.
> Yo, Seresin. I got a tough case here. Need an outsider to come check this out. Tomorrow. I start my rounds at 6 AM.
Jake replied back that he’d be there and asked for any details that he could get before they met up at the hospital. The more he knew going in, the better. It was easier to rule things out that way. 
At 0530 hours, Jake walked into UMCSD and headed for the cardiac wing. He noticed a distinctly different atmosphere as he walked through the halls. There was a peacefulness under the beeping and bustling that SDGMC didn’t have. 
He rounded the corner and scanned the area, not seeing the tall man that had called him here. A short woman was standing at the counter scribbling on a chart and he walked over in the hope that he could get directions to Machado’s office.
“Excuse me, nurse,” he said. She didn’t respond but her posture stiffened slightly. “Nurse?” he called again, getting no response again. He reached up and tapped her on the shoulder as he tried one more time. “Nurse, I’m looking for Dr. Machado.”
She whipped around, her hair slapping him in the arm, and put her hands on her hips. “You aren’t from here, are you?” 
“Uh, no. I just need -”
“Well, how about you actually find the nurse you were looking for instead of asking a doctor who is charting a consult where to find your…lover,” she spat as she eyed Jake up and down. 
“That’s not…no,” Jake shook his head. “I was called in to consult on a patient. I’m Dr. Seresin from General.”
Her eyes narrowed as she stood there, crossing her arms over her chest. “And Dr. Machado called you in? Are you sure?”
“Jake! You’re early!” they heard called across the wing. Neither of them broke eye contact as Javy walked up to them, clapping Jake on the shoulder. “Oh, good, you’ve met Dr. Vikander.”
“Coyote, what the hell did you call him for?” Dr. Vikander hissed as she diverted her fury to her colleague.
“Well, I thought an extra set of eyes on the case would be helpful,” Javy shrugged. “This is Jake Seresin, an old buddy from med school and the best neurologist on the SDGMC campus.”
“I’m the best neurologist in town, Machado,” Jake corrected.
“No, you’re definitely not,” she scoffed.
“Oh, I’m good, sweetheart. I’m very good,” he smirked, “I’ll be happy to show you.”
“I have to see this. Coyote, lead the way to the patient,” she bit back. 
“Not exactly how I was thinking of demonstrating but if you want an audience, sweetheart, I’m fine with that. I know Javy likes to watch." The look on Dr. Vikander’s face delighted Jake. Getting under people’s skin - especially women - happened to be a favorite pastime of his.
"Dude, that was one time and no patients were involved," Javy corrected. "Can we please go see my patient now?"
Dr. Machado led them into the room and introduced them to the patient, giving a brief overview of his symptoms. "Presented with sudden inability to stand and fainting. He's a patient of mine, single bypass. Cardiac workup is clean."
"Did you feel dizzy or lightheaded before you fainted?" She looked at the digital chart on the tablet, pulling up the bloodwork and cardiac workup that Dr. Machado spoke of.
“Not really,” the patient responded.
“Any headaches?”
“I’ve been having headaches almost daily for years. It wasn’t any different than normal.” The patient shrugged and yawned before continuing. “No allergies either.”
“What about fever, nausea, vomiting?” Jake questioned, looking over her shoulder and ignoring the glare she gave him.
“Nope, nothing like that.”
“You didn’t have the flu recently?”
“Yeah, like two weeks ago but it was a normal flu. My doctor tested me and everything.”
“How about vision loss, double vision, being extra tired, numbness?” Dr. Vikander continued.
“Some numbness. Definitely extra tired. Occasional double vision.” The patient’s voice had quieted, almost as if he were recognizing the seriousness of the condition, the extent of the things he’d been experiencing becoming symptoms.
“Any pain or swelling?”
“Yes, but I just thought it was from the weather changing. You know how it gets when you’ve worked jobs that are hard on your joints and stuff.”
“We’re going to need a few more tests,” Dr. Vikander told him gently. “I’m hoping that we can get this figured out quickly and get you home to your family.”
“Thank you, doctors.”
The three physicians stepped out of the room, the two neurologists following behind Dr. Machado all the way to his office in silence.
“Well, what are we looking at?” Javy asked as he leaned on the edge of his desk.
“Meningitis,” Jake announced with confidence at the same time that she said “multiple sclerosis.”
“Well, those are both easy treatments but they’re vastly different treatments.”
“You can’t possibly be thinking meningitis,” she scoffed. 
“There’s no way that could be MS,” Jake retorted.
“Meningitis doesn’t cause vision problems.” 
“And MS doesn’t cause headaches.”
“He said he’s had those headaches for longer than the other symptoms.”
“Guys,” Javy called. He wasn’t surprised when the two doctors ignored him, facing off against one another for their diagnoses.
“Well, a spinal tap will confirm my suspicions and prove who the better doctor is,” Dr. Vikander stated, crossing her arms over her chest.
“And an MRI and blood culture will confirm mine.” Jake slipped his hands into the pockets of his scrubs, confidence oozing off of him.
“Well that MRI will also show indications of MS.”
“And your spinal tap will show meningitis.”
“At least the two of you agree on the tests that need to be done,” Javy mumbled under his breath, prepping the orders for the patient to have a spinal tap and MRI as well as blood cultures as soon as possible. After the requests were in, he sat back, watching his two friends argue their sides to one another.
He sighed as he watched. The whole point of having her and Jake consult on this patient was to show Jake that UMCSD fit him better. The toxic relationships from SDGMC were non-existent, the doctors worked together better, and while the funding was lower, they helped the patients who needed it the most. And Javy knew that’s what Jake got into medicine for.
“And another thing,” she shouted.
“Enough!” Javy exclaimed as he stood. “I need you guys to work together on this case. It’s not a competition. I’m in over my head and I need as many ideas as I can get. I trust the both of you can do that.”
“Yeah,” Jake mumbled while his shoulders sagged.
“I will try. For you, Machado. But don’t get your hopes up on a diagnosis from this guy,” she said. “Man thought I was a nurse when he got here.”
“You were at the nurse’s station. What else was I supposed to think?”
“I was charting. I’m in a lab coat. I don’t know where you’re from, but around here, lab coats and open charts indicate doctor not nurse.”
“Seriously, if I can’t get you two to work together, I will call another neurologist. And the only one who isn’t retired that I can actually tolerate is Cain. And you know what he’s going to say if I have to call him,” Javy explained.
“Sorry,” the other two doctors muttered. Their heads hung forward and their shoulders curled in, both avoiding eye contact with the cardiologist.
“Thank you. Now, if you will excuse me. I have more rounds to make.” 
The three doctors stepped outside of the office, the two neurologists watching Javy walk away.
“Can I buy you a coffee? As an apology?” Jake offered.
Dr. Vikander eyed him suspiciously and nodded, gesturing for him to follow her. They walked in silence through the hallways, twisting and turning their way towards the little coffee shop that was nestled near the front lobby. “How long have you known Javy?”
“Since our first year as med students. He came in from Tulane, I came in from UT Austin.”
“So you were in the same med school classes, then?”
She hummed with a small smile as they approached the barista and ordered their coffees, surprising each other when she got a quad with 2 sugars and Jake ordered a vanilla frappuccino with extra whipped cream. The smile on her face stayed while their coffees were made, confounding Jake, pushing his buttons until he couldn’t hold back any longer.
“Why is Javy and I being in the same med school class making you so happy?” he questioned.
“Oh, no reason,” she denied. As they collected the coffees placed on the counter, she added, “just that I’ve been practicing longer than you.”
Jake stared after her as she walked back towards the entrance. Several emotions swirled in his body. Disbelief and surprise swelled at the core of his being, surrounded by jealousy, a need to be better than her, and also a sense of enchantment. 
She captured his attention with her fire and her passion, the way she fought for a patient she didn’t even know. She stood her ground when confronted with a different opinion. Her intelligence and wit challenged him in a way that made him want to both stare in awe and scream in anger.
She was going to be a problem for him.
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I have the urge to write a seven-season-long medical drama, so here is a concept for Top Gun Hospital AU with ER hate-to-love hangster AU that no one asked for.
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as a warning: this is a bit incohesive and silly
All the aviators are doctors and all the WSOs are nurses. With the exception of Bradley (but there’s an explanation for it).
Mav — cardiothoracic surgeon; Ice — former neurosurgeon and Chief of Surgery, current Head of Patient and Medical Services (so, entirely admin). I imagine they have the same kind of relationship as House and Cuddy in this, including Ice keeping an entire legal team for Mav’s unconventional practice methods. They've met during med school and had been rivals up until they both finished general surgery residency. Slider is an OR nurse turned anesthesia nurse. Goose was an ER nurse and met Mav during his rotation as a med student and died after an incident in the ER during Mav’s residency (that was the moment he switched from emergency medicine to surgery).
Phoenix — emergency, but she managed the impossible (like Mav) and switched from obgyn residency after the first year (only chose obgyn in the first place because of her mom, a renowned obgyn in Oregon), she's still really passionate about the obgyn field but didn't enjoy the work enough to do it for the rest of her life; Javy — general surgery; Payback — emergency with sub-spec in pediatrics; Friz — respiratory medicine; Omaha — oncology; Yale — ortho surgery.
Bob — a former OBGYN nurse, left because of a toxic work environment, working in the ER six months now, Phoenix's favorite nurse now, duh; Fanboy — started in peds oncology, had to switch because it was too hard on him mentally and is now peds emergency; Halo — started as a palliative care nurse, switched to oncology after a few years; Harvard — OR nurse, switched from general team to ortho
Hangman is the new trauma surgeon starting in their ER. Born and raised on a ranch, was expected to take over the ranch but never wanted to. Thankfully, he had too perfect grades to not send him to college — his parents wanted him to be a vet, which obviously didn’t happen, so he could stay close to the family business. He moved to California for his MD. He has terrible bedside manners with patients and patients’ family, but is surprisingly decent with kids, has lost respect for nurses sometime during his first residency year, and had a terrible case of Ego hit him during his trauma surg fellowship.
Now, about Rooster:
Bradley got into a pre-med program, Mav (who had set up Bradley’s college fund) said he’s not going to pay for it since he doesn’t want Bradley to be a doctor (long hours, lack of work-life balance, burnout, high stress, etc. It was more complicated because Mav still has the Goose trauma). So they had the fallout, Bradley moved out and deferred college to find a way to pay for it and, wanting to gather hospital experience, started working as a CNA in Peds ICU at a children’s hospital which accidentally was having a new CNA intake at the time. He liked it, actually loved it, and started hesitating whether he should continue with pre-med and be like Mav or go for nursing, like his dad. Year after, he got an offer from the hospital that said hey, we’ll fund some of your BSN as long as you work for us while you study and then work for us for another four years after getting your license. So he became a nurse, got certified as peds nurse after working two years in PICU and after another three, switched to the Pediatric Rapid Response Team, where he stayed for another two years before getting a spot as a senior nurse in adult/peds ER in a different hospital.
His relation to Mav and Ice only came to light a few months after the hiring process, as Bradley didn’t even know they worked there when he applied and it’s still a hash-hash topic in the ER. He’s been in the ER for almost three years now and has become an unofficial second-in-command as one of the few with substantial experience.
I imagine he’s definitely one the best nurses you could have as a patient — he’s honest but in an empathetic way, he’s worked in the most demanding environments with the most complex patients (ICU and RRT), he’s skilled and experienced in most procedures. Because he is one of the few male nurses, he’s the one dealing with inappropriate patients, aggressive patients, patients that need restraint, frequent flyers, etc. and he genuinely doesn’t mind — he is the perfect mix of calm and firm that makes him very reliable in most difficult situations. He is absolutely most reassuring and guiding with new stuff, be it new nurses or med students that don’t know what’s happening, and he doesn’t judge. It does help, too, that he was partially raised by two very cocksure surgeons and therefore knows how to deal with doctors that turned a bit too arrogant.
Before I go to the hangster part of this shit, I want y’all to know it all started because I found this Rooster-coded scrubs:
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I imagine that he buys most of his scrubs since the work-issued scrubs don’t fit well on men (most unisex ones are very much just female fit stamped with unisex label) and peds nurses can have lots of cute ones so the kids feel less nervous around them
Also, this is a warning that yes, Bradley is trans in this scenario, too, because I said so. It's relevant to a few scenes, I think?? and there's tw for transphobic OC
Now, a bunch of scenarios I can see for this AU:
On the first day at his new workplace, Jake makes a reputation for himself. He confuses Nat, in her hospital-issued scrubs and with her doctor tag clearly on display, for a nurse and literally talks over her in front of a patient. Same thing happens with Billy because he’s Filipino and there is a large number of Filipino nurses everywhere and he’s stereotyping. Then he makes another patient’s parents agitated. This is when he meets Bradley — he takes over to talk to the parents and calm them down before it can escalate, basically shushing Jake out of the room. Jake doesn’t clock he’s a nurse at first — he’s a big, very fit, very well-built, very handsome dude with a questionable mustache who looks comical in a pastel pink scrub top with a teddy bear pattern and a matching headband on his forehead, but also the sheer shock of how different to all the nurses he looks gives Jake a pause  — so he doesn’t say anything even if it pisses him off a nurse just forced him out of the room.
It starts innocently with Bradley though — Bradley comes up and asks, “Jake, can you put the narcotics order into the system for Lily?” and Jake scoffs and corrects, “Doctor,” tapping his full tag with Dr. Jacob Seresin.
Bradley, as the nurse’s tag says, raises an eyebrow and says, “Doctor Jake, can you put the narcotics order for Lily?”  Natasha, standing behind him, snorts. Jake doesn’t even have the time to tell him off because he’s already gone when his brain processes.
Natasha drops off a patient on him — a taxi driver who had a stroke while driving and had been in a car accident, that had been thrombolysed but might need emergency surgery because of a suspected GI bleed. He’s stable, so they're going to check if he can be admitted to neurosurg and wait for his turn there or if Jake will need to take over before that.
Bradley hands him a tablet the minute he walks into the room.
“What’s that?”
“Results,” he supplies before going back to setting up an oxygen cylinder at the bottom of the bed.
“I didn’t order that,” he notes. The blood and urine panels are what he would order with suspected operable GI bleed but he’s barely looked at the patient’s case before he walked in there.
“I did,” Bradley tells him as he switches the oxygen from the wall socket to the tank supply. “Faster this way.”
“No,” Jake says, blood boiling. “You do exactly what I tell you to do and only that.”
Natasha raises her eyebrows, high on her forehead. Bradley doesn’t hesitate — waves on Bob from behind the glass wall and they both grab each side of the bed.
“I supposed you want to put the CT order yourself then,” Bradley says as Bob takes the small back monitor and attaches it to the frame. He steps on the bed brake and rolls out the bed, straight into Jake and Nat, fast enough that he moves out of the way on instinct. “Better do it fast because it’s free now and I’m going.” *
“Did you see that? Who the heck does he think he is?” Jake asks Nat.
“Better put that CT scan order,” is all Natasha replies as she walks away.
It’s Reuben’s patient, an eleven years old boy with blunt trauma, and Jake makes a verbal order to Bradshaw, who is the boy’s nurse. “I understand but I think that—” and Jake goes, “If I want your opinion, I’ll ask for it.”
The whole room gets quiet and everyone looks to him — Reuben, Mickey, and the technician are wide-eyed.
Bradley just says, “Alright,” in a perfectly leveled voice and leaves the room.
 Mickey is not making eye contact as he quips under his nose, on his way out of the room, “You do realize he basically runs this ER, right? You’re making your life a lot harder.”
Jake orders IV fluids for one of his patients which is also in Rooster’s section that day and he bleeps the order info to Rooster. Fifteen minutes later he sees that it hasn’t been filled and is like, hah, I knew there is a reason I hate that guy. Finds him when he passes Jake in the corridor and is like, “I want you to start the IV for room 7. Now,” and Rooster  just tells him, “No, do it yourself or find someone else.” 
They have a little back and forth as Jake follows him down the corridor which ends with another, “No.”
There’s still no charge nurse in the ER (she’s on medical leave that will most likely end with her leaving employment, from what Jake gathers) so he makes a datix and the ER nurse manager (Warlock) following up is apprehensive because obviously, he knows Bradley, and hears about what actually happened — Bradley was getting an igel for a toddler from the peds side and deemed it more important than starting a bag of saline to bust someone's blood pressure.
Jake feels like an idiot.
Jake and Reuben are charting next to each other and Reuben gets bleeped his patient’s lab results. Jake, who is also waiting for lab results, complains about how he sent a pod to the lab before Reuben. Reuben just gives him a look and says, “Yeah, that’s because I asked Bradley to put my request in.”
And Jake is like, “What does he have to do with anything?”
Reuben looks at him like he’s dumb and says, “He has more sway with the lab,” and walks away with his tablet.
Javy is doing a consult for Nat and stops to chat to Jake (they know each other from residency days) and Bradley comes by and says, “Maggie’s becoming hypotensive again,” and Javy observes as Jake looks at the nurse that came, gives him a very long, very detailed look and licks his lips.
He manages to think Oh before Jake asks, “Maggie?”
The nurse looks seconds from rolling his eyes. “Mrs. Lawrence? Room 5?” 
“That's Margaret.”
“She prefers Maggie.”
And it goes on, with Jake standing there rigid, puffing up his chest and cocking his hip out. “Did you start the fluids?”
“Finshed already.”
“Start another bag.”
The nurse looks unimpressed and instead of confirming says, slowly, like he’s talking to a child, “Her fluid balance is positive. She’s usually on pressors.” Jake’s face gets red and he goes, “Then put an order for her.”
It’s kind of funny to observe and to be fair, the nurse does give Jake a minute to go over what he said, leaning his elbow on the counter, eyebrows raised, before he points out, in that damn slow, unimpressed tone, “I can't put orders for things like pressors."
He hands Jake the closest tablet and starts walking away.
Jake calls after him. "What, you're not even going to draft it for me?"
He doesn't even turn around and Javy is silently shaking from the laughter he's holding in, "I thought I wasn't allowed to do that, doctor."
Mav comes down to the ER to talk to Rooster on a slower day — about how they’re about to sponsor a new CRNA for the cardiothoracic surg unit and maybe he could put a good word for their development team for Bradley and yada yada.
It happens like that: Mav comes down, Bradley is charting next to the monitors station, Jake is going over a scan on the opposite side when The Dr. Mitchell himself comes down and stops next to Bradley. He gives Bradley and his pink Paw Patrol scrubs a look and clears his throat a couple of times before Bradley raises his gaze toward him, turning away a second later and ignoring him again.
Jake is freaking out — this is The Dr. Mitchell and one of the reasons Jake wanted to work in this exact hospital, along with the rumored to-be-announced cardiothoracic surg fellowship under Dr. Mitchell he had his eyes on. He’s been thinking about how to make contact with Dr. Mitchell since he started in the ER and here he is, telling unresponsive Bradshaw, “I heard you’re looking to go back for your Master’s in the near future.” Bradshaw doesn’t say anything and Dr. Mitchell adds, “We have a CRNA development spot for—” and Bradley tells him, not turning away from the screen, “I’m not an OR nurse,” and then taps his card on the computer’s reader to log out and walks away.
Dr. Mitchell is a fucking legend, a VIP of this hospital, so Jake just stands there, contemplating how the heck Bradshaw could do that and hears him mumbling under his breath, “Really slick, Mav,” and jumps on the opportunity to say, “I’ll be talking to his supervisor about this, his attitude is unacceptable, Dr. Mitchell.”
And Dr. Mitchell turns to him, raises an eyebrow and asks, “Excuse me?” 
“The nurse you were talking to. He might be senior in here but his attitude’s been horrible and I’ll personally step in. This won’t happen again.”
Dr. Mitchell gives him a look before slowly saying, “I suggest you mind your own business, Dr. Seresin,” and walks away.
Nat is silently laughing a few feet away and Jake asks her what’s so funny. His heart dead-ass stops when she says, “You do know Dr. Mitchell is Bradley’s dad, right? They might not be on the best of terms but that’s still his son.” And Jake has the urge to bang his head on the keyboard in front of him. 
TW for transphobia.
There’s a new nurse practitioner to be (graduated, about to get her cert) that's rumored to be a candidate for the charge nurse position. Izzy. She’s quite young for that, younger than Bradley for sure, must have barely worked in the clinical area before going for her Master’s. Jake doesn’t know if it’s on purpose but the nurse manager and Bradley keep on putting her in his section.
She’s—well, she’s a bit too in his face. She agrees with everything Jake says and doesn’t roll his eyes at him, which is boring, and she’s, for an NP, not that knowledgeable. She doesn’t argue with him, which is a change, and Jake starts to hate it after about five hours. Her voice is saccharine sweet, she keeps on standing a bit too close to him at all times, and she’s decent with patients, but she keeps on asking him about the smallest of things.
Jake’s section is less busy, usually, since he deals primarily with trauma in the ER, but she never bounces off to help others when she is free, like Bradley did. She’s clinging to his section, a little bit, and he doesn’t get why. It’s not like he is any nicer to her than to Bradley or any other nurse.
She is busy taking bloods and Bradley finds him when he has a second alone, finally, and enlightens him about why.
“If you don’t believe me, you can just ask any other nurse. Everyone noticed.”
“If you really think that then why do you keep putting her in my sections?”
“I don’t. She’s senior as an NP, she’s taken over allocation from me now.”
Jake’s mind only focuses on one detail. “You were allocating yourself to my sections?”
“Only because no one wants to work with you and because I’m actually certified in trauma.” That makes sense. It’s not like Bradley would work with him voluntarily. “Look, all I’m saying, you watch out — you fool around with her and then reject her and she’s going to HR. I know the type.”
“The type?”
“You know, the girl that thought she’ll become a nurse, snag a rich doctor and never work again? Well, it’s not always women, there are guys who do that too, but in this case, she’s very much the type.”
“And you think she’s trying to—snag me?”
“She’s certainly not going after the residents that are getting paid twelve bucks an hour or Reuben who is married,” he points out. Which, again, fair, even if he didn’t know Reuben is married prior to this strange conversation.
Jake stares at him, processing, until he blurts out, “I’m gay.”
“Then you’ve got nothing to worry about,” Bradley says after a second, eyes barely noticeably a bit wider, before he walks away.
“Was he bothering you, doctor?”
She calls him doctor, always, and it honestly makes him grit his teeth. Now even more. He’s got a bad feeling about it.
It gets confirmed later when Jake is taking care of a six-year-old girl who had fallen down the stairs. She’s dehydrated and Izzy’s just tried to put a cannula on her three times before Jake told her to grab the bedside ultrasound and not make the girl cry even more.
Bradley passes by the room and Jake’s learned that he can’t leave a distressed child alone, so he comes in and gets the parents and the girl relaxed. He’s about to go in and tell him to leave it alone until Izzy brings the ultrasound when Nat grabs him by the arm and tells him, “He was in a Rapid Response Team, I’m pretty sure he can put a cannula in blind. Just let him do it.”
And he does let him. Watches, expecting the girl to burst into tears at any moment but she never does. Bradley’s literally been in the room for less than ten minutes and it’s all back to calmness.
Izzy comes back with the ultrasound. It should not have taken her so long to grab it. “What is he doing there? That's my patient.”
"He said he can put the IV line without the ultrasound.” Well, Nat said so. Jake can’t believe he’s saying but, “He’s a peds nurse, he’ll be fine.”
“I’m sure the girl's parents wouldn’t want him anywhere near her.”
This sets alarm bells in Jake’s head. “What do you mean?”
"People like him shouldn't be around kids," she says, to his horror. She leans in, way closer than needed, and conspiringly whispers, "Dr. Seresin, haven't you known that he is, you know, a she in disguise?"
He’s dumbstruck. "I'm sorry?"
"He's actually a woman, just pretending to be a man because he's mentally—You're the doctor, I'm sure you know better than I how the brains of people like them work. He shouldn't be around that girl, is what I'm saying. I certainly wouldn't like him around my child, if I had one."
Jake didn’t know this about Bradley but he understands what she means, even with how awful she is about it. This, however, should not be a piece of information thrown around in public if Bradley didn't wish to disclose it, and certainly not in such a manner. "And how do you know that, exactly?"
"Nurses share a locker room, it's not hard to notice how she, you know, mutilated herself."
Jake doesn’t say anything out loud but mentally he is preparing datix report in his head. He catches the ER’s nurse manager before he goes home, too, because that’s some shit he doesn’t stand for. He might be an asshole but he’s not a bigot.
Next time he comes to work, Bradley is back in his section and Izzy is no longer employed.
“Thanks,” Bradley says, when they’re at the station, next to each other, in a relatively slow moment. “If I went on my own, we’d have a weeks-long investigation that would probably end with her or me moving to a different unit.”
“She said this shit to your face?”
“Kept calling me she in front of patients,” Bradley admits after a moment. “I think most of them thought they misheard but—I knew.”
“Well, good riddance then.”
Bradley snorts, but he’s looking down at the tablet in his hands, smiling, and wow, the apples of his cheeks are so round and his eyes so bright and Jake can't breathe for a second.
(there might be a second part coming because I meant seven-season-long medical drama literally-- including Jake realizing he's an idiot, Mavdad drama, Jake having his hands inside Bradley (in the literal, surgical sense) and jealousy that could rival the McDreamy/Dr. Grey drama)
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Time of Our Lives | Dancer!Jake Seresin x dancer!reader | Dirty Dancing AU
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TGM masterlist
Characters & pairings: dancer!Jake Seresin x dancer!reader (romantic)
Content warnings: fluff, light profanity, pop culture references | Female!reader (she/her) | WC: 8.8k
Requested 📨 yes/no (for @eternalsams 🩶🥹)
Premise: what happens when two childhood best friends from well off families reunite at a country club leading into a summer that would impact their careers for eternity while dancing around a decades worth of brewing feelings and recreating an iconic dance for the country clubs annual showcase? Here’s a hit, it’s gonna be like that one song Baby and Johnny fell in love to.
Note: I am alive and just know I (quite literally) had the time of my life writing this piece. It brought me back to my 80s movies/dirty dancing hyperfixation 😭 @eternalsams thank you so much for your patience and requesting this gem. I hope I did you Justice and dancer Jake has my heart and soul. Thank you for trusting me with your vision 🩶
“You could at least act like you’re having fun, Y/n,” came the scolding words of her mother when she noticed the unamused expression Y/n possessed.
A natural state she would describe since they arrived at the resort. And what Y/n could not depart from no matter how hard she tried.
Summertime. The best time of year for some folks who are eager to get away from the stress and drama of work and school to relax and have fun. Whether it be a week or two whole months. For high school dance teacher Y/n L/n, her ideal summer vacation would be in the comfort of her own home with a book or chilling at her favorite resultant sipping on Margaritas while enjoying live music. Going out with her small select group of friends to dance was also on her list of summer necessities…but her family had other plans.
To kick off her 2023 summer break—which is to last nearly three weeks if she manages to survive—Y/n and her family were at an upscale Catskills resort located in the Appalachian Mountains not too far from New York, the place she currently called home. A snazzy estate one may add, for it was filled with alumni from the top Ivy League schools in the country.
And Y/n’s personal hell.
Of course she loved spending time with her parents and siblings….to an extent. But, when they’re constantly berating her life choices by becoming a dance instructor—on top of displeased opinions of her love life—-Y/n felt suffocated by them.
It was like she could never live up to the expectation they had of her no matter how much she proved herself and her talent. Not only were her parents highly respected doctors in their community, but her sister graduated Summa Cum Laude at Yale Law School, marrying her college sweetheart before taking a job at one of the city’s top firms. Then there was her brother. He went on to become a naval fighter pilot, distinguished and respected with his place at number one in his class during his year at Top Gun. His wife was a trauma nurse who worked at the same hospital as her parents.
Yet here she was—mind you, a former member of the New York City Ballet Company, Juilliard Alumni, performed at the Super Bowl, toured with Rihanna in the mid early 2010s, appeared in several music videos, and teaches at the Frank Sinatra School of the Arts—unable to adhere to their standards.
Parents…they want what’s best for their children. Right?
Yeah she found that hard to believe.
If only they saw her in the Ballroom. And no, not talking about the kind you see on Dancing With The Stars. She’s talking about the Ballroom that calls New York its home.
But also ballroom dancing. Her sister would have a heart attack if she discovered Y/n danced Bachata with Prince Royce at a New York latin club.
“Fun?” Y/n scoffed, sipping at her glass of champagne resulting in a light cringe at the taste. For rich people one would think they’d have the best there was. What just hit her tastebuds was something out of a box container imposing as fancy liquor. “I don’t see how anyone could find this type of rendezvous fun, mother.” She received a scolding glare.
“Keep your voice down,” the older woman kept looking around to see if anyone heard, “these are our friends.”
“Your friends,” Y/n corrected. There was no way in hell she’d consider any of the fake people in front of her friends. No matter how long their families have been acquainted. None of them liked each other, and were always trying to one up whenever someone voiced an accomplishment.
Instead of answering, Y/n’s mother simply walked away with an annoyed huff. No longer in the mood to argue. Rolling her eyes, Y/n downed the last of her champagne before making way out the french doors of the lounge and into one of the many patios. The sunshine greeted her with its vibrant and warm rays. Chatter from the guests sitting under umbrellas and beside the pool filled her ears. Y/n placed her sunglasses and booked it across until she was on the pathway leading to the guesthouse she and her family were staying.
“Y/n!” Had it been anyone else the woman would’ve mentally signed, but the voice behind the greeting was none other than her childhood best friend growing up, Natasha. A genuine smile appeared on her face as she turned around.
“Hey, Nat!” the two embraced in a hug, “Been a while, huh?” In truth the two hadn’t seen each other face to face since 2019 when Natasha moved to California to base her talent agency. Despite this, Natasha still traveled every year to Caskilles around this time to see her family, whereas Y/n remained in New York due to shows and gigs.
“More like four years,” a playful nudge was sent her way, “girl you left me here to fend for myself. I should feel betrayed,” Nat smirked, “but I can’t blame you. The only reason I keep coming to this place is to please my mom. It’s the only time all of us siblings are under the same roof.”
Natasha was the oldest of four and the only daughter to three sons. Her father had been the Mayor of New York City while her mother was the former District Attorney. All of her brothers had achieved prospective careers. Antonio, the second oldest, had been drafted by the MLB and currently played for the Washington Nationals. Dominic, the middle brother, was a nuclear engineer who rarely ever got time off but always managed to get a week in the summer. Lastly the youngest of the bunch, Victor, was a professional photographer who went on tour with artists like Journey, Lionel Richie, Daddy Yankee, and Stevie Nicks.
For Natasha, she had fallen in love with the fashion industry at a young age. After graduating from the Fashion Institute of Technology Natasha received an intern position at Vogue Magazine before becoming a product and brand marketing manager at Louis Vuitton, for which she got the opportunity to live in Paris, France for four years. There she got to work closely with Virgil Abloh, who unfortunately passed away in 2021, and Nicolas Ghesquiere.
As of 2022 Nat relocated to San Francisco and developed her own talent agency for aspiring models and fashion photographers who come from low-income backgrounds, LGBTQIA+, people of color and disabilities. With its success Nat’s had several clients on the face of Vogue and walking runways at every fashion week.
“I’m sorry,” Y/n said, the two beginning to walk down the path together, “Life’s been hectic. During the pandemic there were little to no gigs so I had no idea what to do.” Unfortunately being in the dance industry meant competitive opportunities with a maybe 10% success rate if lucky. Y/n’s last big break was dancing with Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande in their ‘Rain on Me’ music video. Y/n occasionally attended the Balls in New York, but hadn’t walked a category in ages.
She did have a following on social media, which bought in a reasonable amount of income. Over 100k on YoutTube and roughly 2 half a million on TikTok. Instagram had close to 3 million since it had been the primary platform in the 2010s and several of her dance videos went viral.
“I understand,” Nat nodded solemnly, “It was like that for me too. It’s nice the world is slowly going back to normal. Although,” she paused to chuckle, “the amount of damage control getting bookings back to their normal pace was probably the most stressful point in my career.”
“Has it been easier now?” They stopped at a little bench overlooking the lake, “I saw you were at fashion week.”
Nat instantly brightened. “Much better than before I will say. We’ve got a great wave of new clientele—I just landed this fella a cover with GQ so I’m pleased with that.” Y/n congratulated her before the agent changed the subject, “But enough about me, what about you?”
The woman scoffed, “Well my last big thing was the Lady Gaga music video—and that was going on three years now,” the thought made her frown. It wasn’t like her to go so long without a gig. “I auditioned for a spot on Beyoncé’s tour.”
“The Renaissance tour,” Nat nearly gagged. It was all anyone could talk about since tickets went on sale earlier that year. Nat managed to snag two for her and her boyfriend for the Los Angeles show. “And?”
“I’ll know in about a month or so if I book it.”
“You so got it,” Nat assured with a tap on her shoulder, “You’re one of the best dancers in the world. You danced with Madonna at the Super Bowl,” her gaze became pointed, “and toured with Rihanna. You have nothing to worry about.”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Nat,” Y/n laughed, though deep down she felt the hope in her rise.
Rolling her eyes, Natasha leaned back against the bench and was about to comment when someone in the distance caught her eye. “Is that who I think it is?”
Peeking over her shoulder, Y/n suddenly straightened her posture upon seeing the blonde man grinning from ear to ear as they made eye contact. Jake Seresin certainly landed on the right side of the puberty coin. With his tan, muscular frame, gorgeous green eyes, blonde hair and smile that belonged on the cover of a magazine, he was a sight for sore eyes.
“Ladies, fancy seeing you two here on this beautiful afternoon.”
A wave of butterflies simmered in Y/n’s tummy, a shy smile forming as he approached the bench. It’d been several years since the two saw each other despite being friends since childhood. “Jake,” she greeted, moving to accept his hug when he opened his arms. Natasha followed before the two sat back down, “It’s good to see you. Is your mom with you?”
Like Natasha and her family, Jake’s were part of the same circuit in terms of highly respected, sometimes influential people. His mother, a doctor, was a colleague of Y/n’s parents, and his late father was one of Texas’ Congressmen during the 2000-2010s. Jake’s only sibling, his sister Krista, was a young adult novelist with over ten publications.
Jake on the other hand was like Y/n: a professional dancer and known in the industry as a real life Ken Doll. He had a massive following online, choreographed music videos and tours—even went on tour with Bruno Mars, Justin Bieber, & Ariana Grande—and was a guest judge on ‘So You Think You Can Dance,”. During the pandemic a lot of his dance sequences went viral and became trends, Y/n even posted on to which he reposted with the caption, “you know I had to shine the spotlight on my favorite dance partner. Miss you Y/n/n.”
You can bet Y/n experienced internal fireworks.
There was no denying she had a crush on Jake growing up. The two were inseparable whenever their families stayed at the resort. They’d even make trips out to each other during winter break, eventually attended Juilliard at the same time, and collaborated early in their careers. Jake and Y/n used to sneak out of the country club when they were younger to dance on the dock while blasting music from the boom box they’d stolen from the lounge. They learned ballroom together, competing in competition without Y/n’s family having knowledge of it.
Unlike Y/n’s parents, Jake’s mom and dad approved of his career choice. Though skeptical in the beginning, they grew to be very supportive and attended his showcases at school, the concert he was performing in and kept up with what he was doing.
Because of their disapproval of her pursuing dance, Y/n believes their learning of Jake’s endeavors resulted in them no longer coming to the country club if he and his family were there. They also never asked about him or worked with his mother despite being in the same field. It’s like they blamed Jake for Y/n not becoming what they wanted her to be: a doctor or a lawyer.
“She and my sis are settling in,” he gestured down the path he came, where several cabins were located. “We just got in about an hour ago.”
“How long are you guys here for?” The question came from Nat, who threw a look at Y/n.
Jake didn’t notice, “a couple weeks. Needed a break from the world—and Mr. Collins asked me to help him with this showcase he’s putting together.” Y/n raised her brow.
“It’s more for the youngins,” Jake explained. “He asked if I could help teach some dance lessons for those interested.” Though it physically hurt not to react, Y/n somehow managed to remain neutral. Even putting a semi-fake smile.
How come Mr. Collins didn’t ask her?
“Stop it,” the voice in her head said, “it’s not a competition and you know Jake would never be upset if the roles were reversed.”
“Wow, Jake, that's great!” She was happy for him. And scolded herself mentally for the childish thought she had. Jake was an exceptional dancer and a great teacher. Y/n had watched some of his YouTube videos in passing and had no doubt he could get the job done.
“Say if you have the time I’d be happy to have you join in,” he flashes a smile that would have any girl weak in the knees. “I’d say you’re more of an expert in certain areas that I’m not really well acquainted with.” Warmth fills her chest.
“I’d love to. Thank you, Jake.”
The second he departed Natasha was on Y/n. “Girl, if you do not hop on that—.”
“What?” She whispers shouts after being hushed, “you’re into him, he’s so into you,” Y/n’s expression is that of, ‘You’re delusional’. “Skip the previews and start the movie.” Now that was a metaphor Y/n had not heard before, but clever nonetheless.
“Jake and I have been friends for years,” Y/n brushed her off. “I am not going to risk ruining what we have because of some middle school crush.” The brunette rolls her eyes.
“But it’s not, ‘some middle school crush.’ You’ve had feelings for him for over decades now—which is a conversation for another day,” Y/n makes a sound of offense, but does not deny the woman. “It’s time to put on your big girl panties and get your man.”
She’s quiet for a moment, glancing to her feet, “What if it’s not meant to be. My family would never approve—.”
“Like you’ve let them dictate what you do in life.”
“My point is—,” Y/n cuts back, “I’ve already disappointed them with my career path. Call me naive or delusional, but I don’t want to have to deal with constantly being berated for my choice of partner. Jake is wonderful in every aspect, but what he does will just set my parents off again for another twenty years if by some miracle we start something up.”
Natasha sighs, placing a comforting hand on her friend’s shoulder, “Sometimes you have to accept that parents are always going to have their opinions that are unchangeable. And you have to let go of the hope they’ll come around. Y/n, you’ve dealt with this since you were seventeen, maybe it’s time to distance yourself from it.”
“And if it all backfires and I end up alone?”
“You’ll never be alone,” she nudges her, “I’m here. And even if it all blows to hell, then at least you can say you tried.”
The next day Y/n found Jake at the little studio room the club used to teach waltz lessons. She was met with his gorgeous smile and an army of preteens in the middle of showing off who could do the best tik tok dance. “I see I’ve interrupted a very important matter.”
“None wanted to do the one I created,” he dramatically pouts, “saying it was too complicated.”
She laughed, “Well they’re not wrong.”
For the next week, Y/n and Jake spent four hours a day--two in the morning and two in the afternoon--with the kids teaching them different styles of dance. Of course the crowd favored breakdancing, hip hop, modern, and vogue, but would request to watch Jake and Y/n perform routines they used to do back in the day. Swing was a popular one, as was quickstep and jive because of its upbeat and face paced. One day Jake busted out his tap dancing skills while Y/n displayed some ballet.
“How can a person do that?” a kid commented as she stood on revelé. Jake leaned down, whispering, “she’s secretly an alien from another planet.”
“C’mon I wanna show you something,” Jake grabs her hand one night after dinner. He leads her to a cabin not too far from the main resort where members of the staff have started a party. On the speakers were some 2000s hits that summed up the millennial crowd. Jake waved to some of the guys who ran group activities in the corner, Y/n spotted the culinary department at the food table. And if she were to glance at the door on the opposite end of the cabin, she’d see the housekeeping passing around an object containing a certain plant.
“What’s this?”
“The only place where the workers get to catch a break after spending all day with those uptight rich folks. They call it ‘Dirty Dancing’,” Y/n’s expression becomes amused, letting out a soft laugh.
“Like the 80s movie with Patrick Swayze?” Jake beams.
“The one and only,” taking her hand once more, he leads her to the makeshift dance floor. “Let’s show them how it’s done.”
To say the two became the life of the party was an understatement. Jake spun Y/n to the sound of her laughter and Elvis ‘Jailhouse Rock’. Jumping up and down with a crowd around them to Pitbull’s “Give Me Everything.”
“Tonight, I want all of you tonight,” They pointed to each other, “Give me everything tonight.” Y/n pointed to the girl beside her, “For all we know we might not get tomorrow. Let’s do it tonight.” Jake fist pumped with some guys around him, “Don’t care what they say, or what games they play. Nothing is enough, ‘til they handle love.” people in the back shouted “let’s do it tonight.”
“I want you tonight, I want you to stay,” Jake gave Y/n a look, “I want you tonight,” she squealed upon him pulling her toward him, “Grab somebody sexy tell ‘em hey.” the entire house exploded into the chorus. Everyone having the time of their lives, it felt like a scene from a movie.
Y/n pulled girls into the middle during Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies.’ Then they carried the party when ‘Year 3000’ by the Jonas Brothers came on. “He said, ‘I've been to the year 3000. Not much has changed, but they lived underwater. And your great-great-great-granddaughter is doing fine!”
Some staff who happened to be part of the New York Ballscene recognized Y/n, leading to a vogue battle to commence. “This is what I wanna see!”
Let’s just say….that was the moment Jake knew he was in love.
“‘Cause we are living in a material world. And I am a material girl,” The next morning Y/n was rudely awoken by her ringtone. “Hello,” her groggy voice answered, hearing Jake on the opposite end sounding equally as tired.
“Are you busy this afternoon in between lessons?”
“Not that I know of. What’s up?”
“I just got off the phone with Collin,” his tone shifted to one she couldn’t decipher, “He’s asking if you and I would be interested in performing at the showcase.” Jolting from the bed, Y/n was fully awake.
“Come again.”
“You and me. Me and you,” Jake repeated, “we put on a little number for the finale.”
Fiddling with her pajama top, Y/n suddenly became nervous. The night before she was on Cloud 9 with the way Jake was looking at her. They danced the night away and those feelings she desperately tried to hide were slowly becoming difficult to keep down. “What did you have in mind?”
“Time of My Life, really?” The two were at the studio dressed in comfy attire they usually danced in. “Don’t you think that’s a little cliche.”
“I thought it was fitting,” the blonde rebutted. Jake suggested the two perform the iconic dance sequence at the end of the 80s classic. “What, you got something against it?”
She rolled her eyes, “Only that my parents blame my childhood obsession with it as the reason I didn’t follow their dreams for me.” Jake made a face.
“They’re still not over that?”
“Nope,” She popped the ‘p’. “In fact they still remind me every chance they get about it.”
Jake finished setting up the song loop, standing from his crouching position, “Well, let’s prove just how wrong they were when you blow their mind with your talent at the showcase.”
Between the giggles and constantly finding any moment to procrastinate, it was a miracle the two managed to choreograph a routine. It wasn’t an exact copy of the iconic dance Baby and Johnny performed, but they kept some elements in.
Including the lift.
“Jake, I don’t know about this,” Y/n shivered when her body hit the cold water, following him until their waists were submerged. The whole idea made her nervous. It was an intimidating maneuver.
Jake, however, did not show any sign of hesitation. “Worried I’d drop you?” he teased, “I thought you trusted me? We used to do this all the time as kids.”
“Exactly. I do trust you, but we’re not fifteen anymore. I’m not--,” he cut her off gently.
“Don’t say what I think you’re about to say,” his look was soft but serious at the same time. “You have nothing to worry about. And besides, we’re out here taking precautions instead of being in the studio where if something did go wrong, we’re not as likely to end up in the ER.”
Sighing, Y/n rubbed her eyes. “Fine, let’s just get this over with, before I drown in embarrassment..”
About two and half hours of non-stop repetition of Jake lifting Y/n in the air passed. Sometimes he purposely lost footing so they both planted into the freezing lake water and other times he genuinely faltered. “Jake!”
“I’m sorry!” Thankfully at least one out of every ten attempts were a success. By that we’re talking they were able to hold the position for more than four seconds. “Okay, we’re done for the day.”
As the sun started to set, Jake climbed onto the dock before pulling Y/n up. “Thanks,” she took the towel he handed her, immediately squeezing the excess water from her hair. “Well that was fun.”
“Yeah,” he chuckled, grabbing his towel. “I think we made some great progress. We’ll go through the whole routine tomorrow and see what needs adjustments.” The showcase was in just over a week, meaning they were crunching down on time.
“Sounds like a plan.” Stars painted the sky, the two eventually sitting on the dock with their towels wrapped around them. Soft music played from Jake’s speaker.
“How’s it been for you?” Jake was the one to break the silence, “thinking about it, we haven’t really got the chance to catch up. New York still treating you well?”
“Oh uh,” Y/n swallowed, unsure of how to answer without sounding too pessimistic. “It’s been alright. I’ve been teaching for the last two years.”
“A teacher you say? Where at?”
“Frank Sinatra School of Arts.” Jake’s smile grew.
“That’s amazing!” Butterflies erupted at his praise. “I’m happy for you, Y/n, really. You’re inspiring the next generation.”
“Thanks,” she looked away, unable to keep eye contact when her heart was beating so fast. ‘Geez, why am I like this? He’s making me feel like I’m fourteen again.’ “I’ve enjoyed it. My students were amazing.” Jake raised a curious brow.
“Are you not teaching anymore?”
Y/n bit her lip, “well, I haven’t renewed my contract for the upcoming school year yet,” she paused before adding, “I’m waiting to find out if I got a spot on this tour I auditioned for.” Now Jake was super curious. Lots of artists were touring that summer. The Jonas Brothers, Big Time Rush, Kesha, SZA, and of course the much anticipated Era’s and Renaissance tours of Taylor Swift and Beyonce.
And Jake was going to be involved in one.
“Is it okay if I ask which one?” his tone had an underlying hint of excitement at the thought the two might work together. Traveling across the country in what would be one of the best experiences in their lives.
Her eyes narrowed with suspicion, “something tells me you have a secret, Jake Seresin. Would you like to share with the class what’s on your mind?”
Scratching his head, Jake answered, “I’m not really supposed to say…..but,” she held her breath, releasing with a low gasp, “I’ll be touring with Taylor Swift.”
“Wow,” the woman was speechless, breaking into a massive grin. “I-uh, wow, Jake that’s incredible! Congratulations!”
“Thank you,” he accepted her hug, not caring that their clothes were still damp. “I honestly didn’t believe I’d get it.” a playful slap landed on his arm.
“Please,” came her scoff, “You really thought Miss Americana herself would not see the talent in front of her?” Y/n mentally cheered in victory at the sight of his blush. “She’d be foolish to not have you as part of her time.”
“Okay okay,” he swatted her hands away with a chuckle. “Now answer my question.”
Once revealing who’s tour Y/n auditioned for, the two embarked on an hour long conversation about their careers and life. Jake mentioned how he had been in a relationship but it didn’t work out. Y/n vented on the ongoing emotional feud with her family--to which Jake told her, “It’s their loss for not seeing you the way the rest of the world does.”
Yeah, that made her melt.
By the end of the night there was a shift in the atmosphere. Both felt it, glancing away when they held eye contact longer than usually without a word passing by. They had suddenly become quiet, only the crickets singing through the trees.
“It’s getting late,” Y/n rushed out, moving to stand. “Same time tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” Jake mirrored her movements. “Same time.” Heading back to the cabins their families were staying at, they arrived at Y/n’s first.
Opening her mouth to say goodnight and avoid an awkward moment, Y/n’s words paused upon seeing Jake’s expression, “You look troubled.”
“I--,” he began before stopping, causing Y/n’s nerves to rise. “It’s nothing.”
The dancer wasn’t having it, “No, no no,” she playfully raised a hand, “you can’t leave me hanging like that, Jake. I thought we were friends.” Suddenly it became quiet again. Next thing Y/n knew was Jake softly grabbing her hand.
“You know I adore you right?”
Her heart skipped, “Not really, but I do now,” the light chuckle was obviously embedded with nerves. “I adore you too.”
“And we’ve been….rather close for a long time.”
“Yes,” the word trailed off her tongue, somehow managing to hold the eye contact Jake was giving her. She was practically pinned where she stood.
“I realize this isn’t the best time or way to say this,” his cheeks become rosy, “but I’ve really enjoyed these past couple weeks catching up and being able to dance again like we used to. And I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bring back some feelings I tried to ignore for fear it would ruin what we have.”
Y/n couldn’t believe what was happening, “Bring back?” Did the man she secretly longed for since they were teenagers want her too? After all this time? She nearly pinched herself.
Jake looked away, bringing his other hand to scratch his neck. “Yeah. Look, I understand if you don’t feel the same and I’m sorry for dropping this on you but after the party I felt like my world was finally on its axis. You…” he struggles finding the right words, “I can’t stop thinking about you and what we could be. You’re my best friend, Y/n. And I view you as someone I wanna dance with till we’re old and gray.”
“Jake,” his name was the softest it had ever been coming out of her mouth. Here was the moment she had been dreaming about. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that.”
His reaction was immediate, “You--you feel the same?” The tone was that of disbelief and hope. Heart pounding beneath his skin.
Y/n cupped his face in her hands, grinning ear to ear, “There is no one else in this world I’d rather dance with than you, Jake. I’ve felt this way about you for as long as I can remember.”
Not wasting a second longer, Jake leaned down and captured her lips in a sweet kiss. Fireworks exploded between the two, the butterflies escaping their stomachs to swarm around them. Jake's lips were soft against hers, moving slowly as though to commit them to memory. When they pulled away, he kept his forehead against hers, “wow.”
She giggled, repeating, “wow.”
“Is this what Could 9 is supposed to feel like? Because I’m getting those vibes.”
Y/n threw her head back, laughing before covering her mouth when she remembered her family was asleep on the other side of the door, “You’re not the only one, hot shot. If this is what cloud 9 feels like then I never want to lose it.”
In the days following that magical night, the two continued their practice session. Perfecting the dance to where they didn’t even hear the music to be able to hit the steps right. When it came to the lift, however, Y/n was still worried of a disaster. Thankfully after several successful attempts at the studio she was able to let go of her doubt.
Plus she was tired of hearing Jake’s teasing.
Each night after parting ways that afternoon the two would meet up at the docks. Spending hours laying on the wood to watch the stars twinkle and talk about life. Then Jake would walk her back to the cabin, saying goodbye with a sweet kiss. With every minute they spent together, every dance, every kiss, both Jake and Y/n were falling more and more for each other.
One could go as far as to say it was love.
One could say they were having the time of their lives.
But of course what is life without a little drama? Y/n silently prayed drama would be avoided. Once in her life could things just be great? Without the everlying feeling of something going wrong?
Yeah, it was too good to be true.
“Jake!” a voice interrupted the peaceful morning, ripping the two apart from their kiss. They had gone for a jog together that morning around the lake, stopping at their usual spot of the docks before heading to the studio to practice for the night's event. Turning to the direction of the voice, Y/n’s eyes landed on a fiery redhead storming up the path. Her attention was on the man beside her, not hiding the obvious fact she was furious. “Who the hell is that?”
“Tatiana?” Jake’s tone was of shock and confusion. He let go of Y/n’s face he had been cradling, but kept a firm touch on her arm. “W-what are you--.”
“Is it so much to ask for you to answer your phone?” stopping in front of the two, her blazing hazel eyes locked on Y/n. “Who are you? And why the fuck were you making out with my boyfriend.”
“Excuse me?” she stammered, glacing at Jake who now looked pissed off. ‘He’s had a girlfriend this whole time?”
“I haven’t been your boyfriend since December, Tatiana,” he raised a pointed finger, casting a look to Y/n with pleading eyes that he was telling the truth. “We’ve been broken up for a while now.” he turned back to his ex, “You made that clear to me when you had me choose between the career I’ve spent decades building and you.”
There was anger in his tone, not pleased with her claims. Y/n didn’t know what to believe, all she could feel was a weight clamping down on her shoulder.
“Oh really,” removing her phone from her back pocket, Tatiana tapped the screen a few times before pushing it in Y/n’s face, “Does that seem like it to you.” Leaning forward, Y/n gulped at the sight of text messages indicating Jake and Tatianna had been in contact a few months prior. From the looks of it, Tatiana was hoping the two could pick up where they left off and Jake replying, ‘I’ll think about it,’ then it was silent until this past week where Tatiana sent texts asking when they could meet up. Jake, however, responded it wasn’t a good time and believed the two should stay friends.
“Y/n,” Jake started, glancing back between her and Tatiana, which only made her more perplexed. Unable to decipher what he was thinking. “Just please, wait right here.” He gently squeezed her arm, brushing their fingers together as he let go. Then before she could say anything, Y/n watched Jake gently escort Tatiana away from the docks. They went a good distance away to where Y/n was unable to hear the two. With Jake’s back to her, Y/n’s view was of the red head’s angry expression as she pushed her finger into Jake’s chest.
She saw him gently raise his hands, stepping away to escalate the situation. Y/n’s head spun, feeling a wave of nausea and the woman grabbed her water bottle from the ground. In a fast pace, Y/n stepped off the dock and onto the path leading back to the clubhouse. Once a distance away she broke out into a run, unaware if Jake saw her leave considering his back was to her. This was confirmed when she didn’t hear him call out for her.
Sprinting past the clubhouse, Y/n made a beeline for her cabin. Throwing the door open she moved past the living room not caring if anyone was there and straight to her bedroom where she locked the door behind her, pressing her back against it and sliding down to the floor to finally catch her breath.
Her water bottle had been drained, sweat coating her forehead and tears threatening to spill. Covering her mouth, Y/n refused to let the sob forming in her throat to release. There was no time to let her heartbreak. Not when the showcase was fast approaching.
The showcase.
“Fuck,” she sniffed, kicking off her shoes in the process. Of course it had to be that day all blows to hell. The perfect world she thought she finally obtained crashing down.
Of course she was being dramatic. Her life was shy from perfect, and this was another dent in the walls she tried to build.
She kept thinking of Jake. Willing herself to not jump to conclusions. He was clearly taken aback by Tatiana’s appearance. Even more when she called herself his girlfriend. Jake appeared rather offended by the accusation they were still together. Bottom line of the story: there was tension--especially animosity--between them, unfinished business if Y/n had to guess.
Whatever it was, she couldn’t bear to witness it. Right now she needs to think with a blank mind. And with Jake already spamming her phone, the solution for peace and quiet was to turn off her phone. Going as far as to power off her apple watch and not have music play while she showered.
The tears slowly cascaded while Y/n stood beneath the water. It was eerie with the silence, but it assisted with the clearing of her thoughts. Once clean Y/n dressed in comfy clothes and decided to nap for the remainder of the day. The morning had drained her, and until it came time to get ready for her dance with Jake--which she already dreaded--Y/n willed herself to sleep imagining what the day had been if his ex had never stepped foot on the docks.
“Need some help?” Y/n jumped, the hair clip falling from her hand. In the mirror she found Nat staring back at her with a sympathetic smile. “You look like you could use a hand.”
“Thanks,” she picked up the clip, holding up for Nat, who took it in her hand and stood behind Y/n. Gathering her hair up, Nat styled it in a messy but pretty updo.
“You seem tense for someone so used to the spotlight by now.”
A frown appeared, “It’s always nerve racking going on stage in front of people no matter how long you’ve done it.” Nat wasn’t buying it.
“Wanna talk about it? I know it’s more than a few nerves rustling your feathers, Y/n.”
Biting her lip, the dancer shrugged. “It wasn’t meant to be, Nat. Simple as that.” Sadness washed over her for the millionth time since that morning. She hasn’t seen Jake since, only replying to his several texts after a dozen unanswered calls to confirm she would still do the showcase.
Although part of her thought about backing out.
“What exactly happened?” Nat softly asked, moving to now help Y/n on her makeup. She was going for a simple look so she lightly concealed, blushed, highlighted and added some minimal eye makeup.
“Everything felt so amazing” she started, looking up as Nat dabbed the beauty blender under her eyes. “After we did the lift at the lake, we talked for hours on the dock and when he walked me back to the cabin….he told me how he felt about me,” Y/n could still feel the tingles on her lips, “and we kissed.”
Nat withheld squealing, knowing it was a bad moment considering it didn’t end the way she hoped for her best friend. Now she was conspiring on how to get payback on Jake. Filled with sudden disdain.
“The next few days went by--like I was walking on cloud 9. The way he looked at me, Nat,” Y/n connected their eyes, “It was magical.” Nat brushed powder onto her cheeks, followed by light blush and highlighter.
“And then what happened.”
Y/n’s shoulders dropped, making her slouch, “Jake’s ex showed up this morning.” Nat’s hand froze, a second passing before continuing its movement. “They broke up last year, but I guess they were in the works of getting back together. Because she was very vocal about it--not shy of asking who the fuck I was and why was I with her boyfriend.”
“And what was Jake’s reaction?”
Y/n waited until after Nat finished sweeping a thin coat of eyeliner to answer, “He denied it--was very shocked when she showed up out of the blue. Said that she ended things because he refused to choose her over his career. Then she went on about how they were talking things out--that a few months ago he said he’d think about it.” Y/n thought back to the texts, “She showed me the messages from this week. He rejected her invite to meet up and said that they should remain friends. Then he pulled her aside to talk where I couldn’t hear. I sorta left after that.”
Nat grabbed the mascara, “You didn’t wait for him to explain?”
“Could you blame me?” Y/n rebutted, a little on the defense but not saying it in a mean tone. “I was dealing with a hundred emotions. Confusion, embarrassment, shame, sadness, anger. I wanted to cry, I wanted to yell. But the only thing I could do was shut down and walk away.”
Nat said nothing, spraying Y/n’s face with a setting mist before handing her the tube of her favorite lipstick.
“I know,” Y/n groans, “I should’ve stayed--to at least hear him out. But I didn’t want to face the humiliation if it were true.”
“And if it’s not true?” Nat suggested, “What if he was genuine and they really are done? Where does that leave you two?”
Blotting the color onto her lips, Y/n capped the tube and threw it into her makeup bag with a shug, “I don’t know, Nat. We’ll find out tonight I guess.” Taking one last glance in the mirror, she added, “That’s if he shows up--which I doubt he won’t. He wouldn’t want to let Collins down.” leaning back in the char, Y/n turns to her friend. “Thanks for the hair and makeup.”
Nat patted her shoulder, “anytime. You look beautiful. That dress was made for you.” Y/n bore a light pink dress with a flowy skirt and corset styled top. It was similar to the one Baby wore in Dirty Dancing, ironically enough, but unique in its own way. She paired it with simple dance shoes.
“Thank you, Nat.”
A thought suddenly came to the brunette, “Hey, did you ever hear back from that audition?”
There was no hiding her grin, Y/n looked like a child having just received a gift from Santa, “I got a call back. They’re having me fly to L.A. next week to dance for them again.” Nat jumped from her seat, squealing and pulling the woman into a hug.
“Ah that’s amazing! Congratulations--I’m so so happy for you!!”
“Thank you,” Nat’s happiness was contagious, making Y/n giggle as they swayed side to side. “I can’t believe I’m so close.”
“I knew you’d get it,” Nat maveled, playfully pinching Y/n’s side making her swat at her hand.
The happy moment was interrupted right on cue as Mr. Collins rushed in. “There you are!” He was frantic, clipboard in hand. “I’ve been looking all over for you. Have you seen Mr. Seresin?” Y/n’s heart dropped.
“No,” was her response, heat coating her skin. “I thought he was here already.” Collins took a peek at his watch, groaning in annoyance.
“You guys are the last ones so that gives me hope he’s just running late,” Motioning for Y/n to follow him, the man leads the two out of the makeshift dressing room. “You’ll wait by the end of the side stage while the other performers have their turn. Then I’ll announce--hopefully both of you--and we’ll call this showcase a success. Which by the way,” he spins around, stopping Y/n in her tracks, “Do you happen to have a backup plan by any chance if our friend decides to be a no-show?”
Y/n stuttered lightly, hands up in a ‘Not really?’ She goes, “I mean I can whip something up--Not to toot my own horn but I’m pretty good at what I do and will dance to any music you give me.”
“Fantastic,” Collins snaps his finger, “We’ll work with that.” Spinning back again, Collins high tails it to the stage, Y/n taking claim to a chair a few paces from the steps. She spotted Nat seated with her family, Y/n’s own folks at a table in the far back. Almost like they were hiding from the rest of the guests, causing her heart to sink further.
Collins opened the showcase with an animated greeting to the audience. After some announcements and thanks to staff and sponsors who helped put the showcase together, he introduced the first of 10 performers on the list. Nearly all were the teens and children Y/n taught with Jake, the woman standing from her chair to cheer them on. At the eighth performance she froze at the sight of the blonde man behind the curtain. He hadn’t seen her yet, so Y/n ducked back to her chair, peeking slightly to find him conversing with Collins.
‘Well looks like I’m not getting out of this one,’ she thought to herself.
When the second to last performer appeared, Y/n found Nat in the audience. The two shared a look, Nat able to see the unease seeping off Y/n, and throwing her thumbs up in hopes to relieve some of it. The (y/h/c) shook her head slightly, but appreciated the gesture nonetheless with a small smile.
Mr. Collins glides to the stage one final time, “And now,” a quick glance to his clipboard, then to the side of the stage opposite of Y/n, a smile curling on his lips. “We have a very special presentation from two people who were kind enough to help me put this whole shabang together,” raising a hand out he announces, “Please welcome the beautiful and ever so talented, here to bring you the time of your life, Jake Seresin and Y/n L/n!!”
There was a light applause from the adults overshadowed by the children, teens, staff members, and Natasha. Y/n’s parents were unreactive, glancing at her siblings wondering if they knew to which they received shrugs.
Still sitting in a chair just off the stage, not moving despite the lights flashing on her, Y/n’s head was down. The door was not far. She could easily make an escape. But she felt eyes on from those within view and felt trapped. To run now would be a lifetime of embarrassment and shame.
“C’mon, Y/n,” she scolded under her breath. “It’s just one dance.” "Then you can go back to New York and pray this whole thing never happened.”
As the thought left her mind, footsteps came toward her, and Y/n glanced up to find Jake, dressed in black slacks and buttoned down enough to make a girl weak in the knees, staring down at her with an expression that took her breath away. It was as though they were the only two in the room, much like in the studio. Everyone else simply disappeared. Leaving two people who danced around feelings for years only to come together at that very moment.
Whatever hostility Y/n had for Jake was gone. She saw the pure love in his eyes. Pleading with her to give him a chance.
Simply holding his hand out to her, Jake held her gaze and spoke clearly for everyone to hear, “Nobody puts Y/n in a corner.” Had her heart not been beating at 100 miles per second, Y/n would’ve laughed at the reference. Considering how fitting it was to their situation.
The beginning lyrics of the song echoed as Jake led her to the middle of the stage. Already igniting applause from the audience who recognized it. “Now I’ve had the time of my life.” An arm snaked around her waist, pulling her to him. Never once straying eye contact “No, I’ve never felt this way before.” Y/n dipped back, Jake keeping her from falling to the floor until she was upright, “Yes I swear, It’s the truth. And I owe it all to you.”
“‘Cause I’ve,” Jake came around to her left, Y/n bringing up a hand which his own followed the trail of her arm. She caressed the side of his face. His group of friends hooting and hollering, “had the time of my life. And I owe it all to you.” A gentle kiss was placed on her nose.
Cheers from their students erupted when Jake spun Y/n, bringing a smile to both their faces as they began their routine. “I’ve been waiting for so long. Now I’ve finally found someone to stand by me.” Natasha whistled from her seat, “Yeah!”
“We saw the writing on the wall. As we felt this magical fantasy.”
All through the dance Y/n never once stopped grinning. Jake’s aura, the nostalgia of the song, and the love she had for dance were contagious. “Now with passion in our eyes, there’s no way we could disguise it secretly.” Unbeknownst to the woman, her parents and siblings were watching in awe. Having been the first time they truly watched her perform. “So we take each other’s hands,” Jake spun her again, Y/n throwing her arms in the air, head swaying back and forth. “‘Cause we seem to understand the urgency.”
“Just remember,” the pace picked up. “You’re the one thing. I can’t get enough of. So I’ll tell you something,” Y/n was lifted, dress flowing as Jake twirled them in circles. The audience applauded with glee.
“I’ve had the time of my life. No, I never felt this way before.” The cheers heightened when the two pressed against each other, the sight very intimate. “Yes, I swear, it’s the truth. And I owe it all to you.” Jake snuck a kiss to her cheek, moving away to leap off the stage. “Hey, baby!” Y/n tilted her head back in laughter, fingers on the hem of her dress skirt and swaying to the beat.
“With my body and soul, I want you more than you’ll ever know. So we’ll just let it go, don’t be afraid to lose control, no.” It was Jake’s moment to shine. He fed off the energy of the crowd, winking at his boys in the back hyping him up. Y/n caught Natasha’s thumbs up, the two sharing a silent victory. “Yes I know what’s on your mind. When you say, ‘Stay with me tonight’.”
“Stay with me. Just remember,” Jake danced up and down the aisle, “You’re the one thing. I can’t get enough of. So I’ll tell you something,” locking eyes, they gave each other a nod. “This could be love,” staff helped Y/n off the stage, the woman bolting toward Jake, “because--.” Squeezing every muscle in her body, Y/n exhaled in relief as she was successfully lifted in the air.
“I’ve had the time of my life. No, I’ve never felt this way before.” It was a spectacular scene around them with everyone jumping from their seats, in awe of what they were witnessing. “Yes, I swear (yes I swear), it’s the truth. And I owe it all to you.”
Y/n giggled the whole way down, arms sliding over Jake’s shoulder who shared her happiness. “‘Cause I’ve had the time of my life. And I’ve searched through every open door,” Several people joined in the celebration. Spouses dancing together, children off beat but having the time of their life like the song called for. “‘Til I found the truth. And I owe it all to you.” Even Y/n’s parents managed to get on their feet.
Finally seeing their daughter for who she was.
“Are you okay?” he asked her, the first words spoken between the two. It made her heart skip, filled with an overwhelming surge of happiness.
“I feel like I’m on cloud 9,” the response had Jake chuckle, pulling her closer to him as he voiced, “me too, doll.”
They kept their gaze on one another, swaying chest to chest, the tune became softer, “Now I’ve had the time of my life. No I never felt this way before (never felt this way),” Jake’s hand caressed her cheek, Y/n leaning into it. “Yes, I swear, It’s the truth (It’s the truth),” the two leaned in at the same time, Bill Medley’s voice belting the final lyric of the bridge, “And I owe it all to you!”
The kiss set off a million fireworks. Just like it did the first time. They didn’t know if the cheers around them were intended for the two, but they didn’t stop the kiss to find out. Y/n’s hand covering Jake’s on her face, brushing her fingers over his knuckles, “I’ve had the time of my life. No, I never felt this way before (never felt this way). Yes, I swear, it’s the truth (it’s the truth). And I owe it all to you.” Pulling away, Jake’s touch remained.
“Be my dance partner,” were his words, pushing through the ending chorus. ‘Be mine,’ “Forever.”
“‘Cause I’ve had the time of my life. And I’ve searched through every open door.”
Y/n brushed her lips against his. Uttering nothing more than a simple, “Yes.”
“‘Til I found the truth. And I owe it all to you…”
TGM tag list: @avaleineandafryingpan @caitsymichelle13 @poppyalice2001 @cutelittlepotatofry @luckyladycreator2 @americaarse @elenavampire21 @back-tooo-black @wildellaa @artemissunn @pinkpantheris @kmc1989
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tgm fic recs
@stcverogers tagged one of my fics in a rec list yesterday and i thought it was such a good idea, i wanted to share some of my own favs
in no particular order:
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one time thing // kiss the sun (fight the fire) // love that’s a real long shot  He nods again like that’s exactly what he expected you to say. “I think you’re wrong. Doesn’t matter now though, does it?” i would rec anything by @callsignvalley but this is probably the series that got me most. i also love tailspin and its rooster follow up steady
california coast in your green eyes // i’ll carry my bags just until i can hold you again (2 different series) Bob’s older sister gets the news that his plane went down during a training drill, and shows up at the hospital at the same time as an arrogant pilot. //  Six months after they break up, Jake shows up at Julie’s Family thanksgiving. A second chance holiday romance with fake dating, family drama, and fall festivities. @theharddeck these fics, esp carry my bags, feel so so real and human to me, i love julie and the characterisation of jake feels so on point i also love her series out of the clear, blue sky as well as kinda might, sorta like, love you a little bit + its follow ups
i’ve been holdin’ out so long (4 part series) You can’t stand Hangman, but your dreams lately say otherwise. He notices. @steadfastconviction i adore Bluegrass and her sass
do not engage (series) You hate Hangman. Really, you do... Or so you like to think, until it begins to seem like that distaste might not be as strong as you’d prefer to believe. @clints-lucky-arrow the entire f&f universe is great but Duchess especially is a badass
afterburn (series) It had been clear from the moment you got inside a cockpit that you were going to be something special. You certainly weren’t the youngest Naval Aviator to be invited to TOPGUN, but you had been the youngest to graduate at number one in more than thirty years. Which is all the more reason why it was so tragic that you would never, ever, be able to fly again. @top-hhun is a master of setting a scene
the off-season (series) It was supposed to just be one summer. But somehow you found yourself living in your grandparent’s Maine vacation house indefinitely. It was quiet when the summer tourists left, but tolerable. That was, until your brother’s friend from college needed a place to crash and he somehow wound up staying in your guest bedroom. Also indefinitely. @ereardon just started this series but i’m so into this world (au) already
fuck (the universe) (series) You’re a Kazansky–Tom “Iceman” Kazinsky’s youngest daughter–and you’ve taken after your father and become a Naval aviator. You finished at the top of your class at Top Gun and have worked diligently and fruitlessly to get to where you are now: North Island. You don the call-sign Wisteria not only because the beauty of the flower but because of its lethal qualities. i mention @roosterbruiser below bc i read landslide first but holy fuck indeed
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landslide (series) It’s been almost three years since the accident that took half of her, and Faye “Clover” Ledger seems fine, really. She loves her old house, she has a perpetually expanding vinyl collection, she’s got a job she likes on base, and she is only a short drive from the beach. She’s grounded--literally. @roosterbruiser landslide is one of those fics i have to read in little bits because it’s just too good. beautiful writing that just transports me (and i love faye, she may be the most developed fanfic oc i’ve ever read - and I love her taste in music)
baby let’s play house // pt 2  you got yourself in trouble. bradley has a bit of a savior complex. together, you come up with what could potentially be the worst idea in the longstanding and illustrious history of bad ideas. @seasonsbloom i just really love this fic, it shows all the quietest best parts of bradley
first impressions  at the induction day for the newest recruits of the Golden Warriors of VFA 87, rooster assumes you’re a civilian, instead of, you know, a member of his team? you see how far you can push it before he figures it out.  @ohcaptains‘s pilot in this fic is the badass bitch i wish i could be. as well as fucking funny.
like i can (series) After yet another bad date and tired of swiping on apps, the Dagger Squad steps in to help you out by setting you up on a series of blind dates. Much to Rooster’s dismay. @sometimesanalice perfect blend of cute, funny and heartmelting
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he’s so pretty (when he goes down on me) // pt 2  things between you and Bob are strictly business: he’s your backseater, and that’s all there is. @seasonsbloom‘s writing is so good it made me want to try writing fic myself
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hangman x rooster
we’re fools to make war In a Walmart at three am, between beef jerky and tortilla chips, with the lights flickering above them like it’s the fucking twilight zone, Bradley wants him more than he’s ever wanted anyone. or: it's a hundred degrees in texas. i can’t find a tumblr link for this but the writer is @baroness-elsa. this is 66k words and i read it in two days which probably says enough. holy shit.
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there are many many more (this fandom is FULL of talented writers, damn) but this already took me an hour so that’ll be part 2 haha
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redfurrycat · 1 year
🐓🤠Hangster Fic Recs🤠 🐓
🐓🤠Hangster Goodies to Read! 🐓🤠
[Recs List 2]
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
List of Hangster Ao3 Authors in Recs List 2:
13sapphirestars13 ~~~ Alecjbi | Allylikethecat | AnadoraBlack ~~~ Blood_mocha_latte | Boobooblue | Bottledyarn ~~~ Chase_acow | Chexmix | Content_Scrapbooker | Cryinginthebronco ~~~ Dalearden | Dancingdisaster | Dandeliondick | Drhorrible ~~~ Earthangel_44 ~~~ Flowersonmymind | Fuddlewuddle ~~~ Ginnydear | Greenstuff ~~~ Hangmanbradshaw | Happypuppys | Honeywhatever  ~~~ Infinitejaust | Iridescent ~~~ Jaejae_live | Jeston17 ~~~ K0ralik ~~~ LadyLanera | Lilgreyarea | Lovelybattle ~~~ Merieltla | Minimicawber | Miraculousmultifan ~~~ Nightfuryy ~~~ Onionsoupbowl | Orphan_account ~~~ Percyjacksonfan3 | Phoebe ~~~ Ravens_words | ReformedTsundere | Renai_chan ~~~ SaintClaire | Sceld | Soisserieux | Spiritsontheroof | Sycamoretree ~~~ Thegeckbros | The_splendid_wren | ToukoJalorda003 ~~~ Vannral ~~~ Xforeveryoursx | Xo_em ~~~
[Recs List 1] - [Recs List 2] - [Recs List 3] - [Recs List 4] - [Recs List 5]
it's such a magical mysteria, when you get that feeling by hangmanbradshaw {E}
“So, they pulled you away from some bone dig for this? Let me guess, you were looking for a velociraptor?” He asked as he pulled out a toothpick and stuck it in his mouth.
“It’s a little more than that.” Bradley replied with a furrowed brow. He was annoyed that he was right.
“Sounds like a lot of sand and dirt to me. Then again, your type always loves that stuff. I’m shocked they were able to pull you away from it.” The man said with a smirk around his toothpick. He was being obnoxious, but the smirk sent a jolt down Bradley’s spine.
“You’ll have to excuse Mr. Seresin here.” Simpson said with an annoyed grimace. “He suffers from a case of extreme personality.”
“It’s Dr. Seresin.”
Simpson rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”
Or The Jurassic Park TGM AU with a twist
Baby You Look Good by soisserieux {_}
He finds his name and desk number and heads in the direction of his seat, only to stop short when he sees the guy in the other chair. 
The guy is sitting there comfortably, with all of his shit unpacked, like he’s been there for a while. He’s got this old-looking Hawaiian print shirt on, and this mustache that looks like it came straight out of a trashy porno. And the worst part is, Jake can’t tear his eyes away. It’s like everything else happening in the lab suddenly came to a screeching halt, and he can’t do anything but stare at this guy. 
The spell is finally broken when the guy looks up at him. “Do you need something? Or…”
Jake regains his composure and plasters a well-practiced cocky smile on his face. “Well, if you don’t mind, I need you to help me pass this damn class… Partner.”
It’s kind of dumb and Jake almost wishes he didn’t say it, but it’s too late to take it back now. He’s stuck with it, just like he’s stuck with this guy as his lab partner. Fate has spoken. 
One of the guy’s eyebrows shoots up. “You’re my lab partner?”
Jake sets his stuff down and sits down in the open chair, sidling up next to his new partner. “Lucky for you.”
Caroline Bradshaw by Ravens_Words
been you all along {T}
Somehow, in a truly horrifying twist of fate, Bradley's mortal enemy became his daughter's favorite person.
Or Five times Jake was his daughter's favorite person, and the one time he was Bradley's too.
if my heart was a house, you'd be home {T}
Jake gets hurt. For the first time, when he wakes up in the hospital, he's not alone.
many happy returns {T}
Jake's birthday is a little (a lot) different this year.
little love {T}
Jake is deployed. He, Bradley and Caroline try to deal with it.
Golden Boy by Earthangel_44 {E}
“Say it.” Jake says smiling. His face is so close to Bradley’s that Bradley has to duck his chin to look at him.
“You’re a bird, Jake.” Bradley replies and Jake beams.
“I already have the wings.” Jake says happily as he presses short quick kisses to Bradley’s lips. Bradley smiles and Jake kisses that too. “Now say you’re a bird.”
Bradley laughs and he smiles until his eyes crinkle. “Well if you’re a bird, I’m a bird.”
A Notebook AU because Glen Powell ships Hangster.
Jack Bradshaw-Seresin and the Downfall of the Tooth Fairy by cryinginthebronco {G}
It’s just a few weeks after his 8th birthday when Jack Bradshaw-Seresin starts to suspect that his dads are lying to him.
are you thinking about me too? ('cause I can't stop thinking about you) by cryinginthebronco {T}
Jake doesn’t have a chance to make things right with Bradley before they part ways. But with the mission still fresh in his memory, he decides to take the risk.
Or, Jake and Bradley’s love story told through letters.
Or, the love letters fic.
Running Rings Around You by Content_Scrapbooker {T}
Hangman and Rooster had a deep and complicated history, even before the special detachment that would change both of their lives. But in the spirit of secrets coming to light, they both probably would have appreciated it if no one had found out they were married in the middle of the mission.
Trouble by drh0rrible {E}
When he gets to the bar after being recalled to Top Gun, bored and horny, Hangman tries his luck with an older guy, not realizing who he is.
kiss me, please by miraculousmultifan {M}
Pulling his gaze away from over Hangman’s shoulder, Rooster backed himself against the wall, pulling Hangman with him until he murmured desperately, his gaze still flicking to the side, “Kiss me. Please.”
*** Rooster needs to hide from an old ex, and who better to back him against a wall and kiss him stupid than Jake “Hangman” Seresin?
Like They Do in Texas Please by Renai_chan {M}
The team play strip poker. Jake is not good at it.
Dare you to love me. The truth is I already do. by Fuddlewuddle {E}
Payback suggests the team play Truth or Dare. Which would be fine if Rooster wasn't crushing on Hangman big time and didn't want that truth getting out because he didn't know how Hangman felt in return. Good job he can't say no to a dare then, isn't it?
Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore by Renai_chan {E}
Hangman and Maverick have been getting closer these last few days, and Rooster is finding it... unsettling.
A girl, she once told me I'd be happy again... by AnadoraBlack {M}
Rooster has gotten himself into a bit of a predicament. If only because he agreed to be Hangman's fake date at his sister's wedding, when they've just barely started considering each other friends. Nothing can go wrong, right?
Tedious misunderstandings by AnadoraBlack {M}
Jealousy is a bitch. Hangman is even more of a bitch.
[Or what happens when Jake is planning to seduce Rooster at Mav's birthday party, and things go south...]
To Feel a Little Love by allylikethecat {_}
“You saved my life,” said Rooster, crashing into the blonde, without thinking Hangman reached out, grabbing him by the belt loops to steady him.
Bob snorted and gave Hangman a mock salute. “Thank god- he’s your problem now.”
“What did y’all do to him?” Hangman asked, looking from Phoenix to Bob. Like Rooster, they were clad in their civvies. Unlike Rooster, they were both nearly sober, or at least appeared to be.
“Shots,” said Phoenix with a shrug. “Not everyday you come back from the dead- twice.”
Long-term mission by AnadoraBlack {M}
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin expected his training at Top Gun to be the best opportunity to get himself laid. . Unfortunately for his brain and his heart, it mostly was an opportunity to become absolutely obsessed with one stached menace called Rooster.
Top Gun: Maverick retold by Fuddlewuddle
I'll ride in this life with you {E}
Rooster is called back to Top Gun along with 11 other pilots for an important mission. Not only does he have to deal with the unresolved issues with Maverick now the Captain is going to be the one training them, but he's also been assigned to live with the one person who seemingly lives to infuriate him; Hangman.
He'll be lucky if he even makes it to fly in the mission in the first place.
(Or, my alternate take on the events of Top Gun: Maverick if Rooster was made to live with Hangman).
Promise me, Just hold my hand {E}
It follows Rooster and Hangman's relationship over the months and years following them getting together. Each chapter will be a difference slice of life--some will be between the end of the previous fic and the epilogue, and some will be after the epilogue. It will also expand on Maverick's developing relationship with Cyclone as hinted at in the previous fic.
Hangman Gets It by 13SapphireStars13
Phoenix Does Not Deserve to Deal With These Idiots {G}
Hangman shows up in a shirt practically stolen from Rooster's wardrobe looking like a snack, and everyone at the Hard Deck has to deal with Rooster and his shenanigans.
Phoenix deserves coworkers who actually have things like emotionally maturity and control.
Looking for Trouble {T}
Hangman's POV of "Phoenix Does Not Deserve to Deal With These Idiots" with a bit of a twist
can't start a fire without a spark by phoebe
There's something happening, somewhere {E}
What comes to Jake’s mind thinking about his his days in San Diego is a list of sensations, of feelings, short frames of his trainings shared with his teammates.
This evening, yet, there’s something missing.
- Or, what happens when you save everyone's ass and still feel like shit for days after that because someone has stopped flirting back.
Let me try with pleasured hands to take you in the sun {E}
Cyclone calls them all back one year later, after That Day where they almost died and after That Thing That Happened That Night between them. Hangman's confused, Rooster's confused, no one really knows what to do about this. Plus, they are babysitting a bunch of new recruits with incredibly stupid callsigns.
- Or, how it took them one whole year to go on a date.
Sky’s locking up, I think (I call off the chase) {E}
“Do you think they know?” Bradley shrugs. “I don’t think so.” “I mean, I’ve been flirting with you consistently for over a year,” adds Jake flashing his signature shit-eating grin. “But you flirt with everyone,” Bradley points out. “That,” Jake says, biting his lip with a mix of pride and shame, “is very true. I have absolutely nothing to say to that.”
- Or, how everybody finds out about them. And how Jake falls in love.
Can't take my eyes off of you by FlowersOnMyMind {T}
An Alpha at the Hard Deck won't leave Rooster alone. Hangman steps in. Oh, and did I mention that Hangman is close to his rut?
a place to rest your head by ginnydear {E}
“Whoa,” Bradley says, stepping into the bathroom and letting the door close. He leans back heavily against it, tilting his head to the side. “What the hell is happening here?”
“Can’t you tell,” Jake starts, turning so he’s facing Bradley entirely. “Penny’s doing a new chippendales thing.”
Bradley snorts, shoulders shaking slightly as he laughs. “You’re missing the bowtie.”
Bad Idea by lovelybattle {E}
“I told my parents I’m bringing a guy that I’ve been dating home with me to get them off my back,” Jake said, and Phoenix’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Let me guess, you haven’t been dating anyone and you don’t have anyone to bring.” Phoenix said, setting her drink down and folding her arms on the table.
 got to get your lovin' (one more time) by Percyjacksonfan3 {E}
When the first opening for an assignment comes his way he grasps it with both hands. It’s long, it’s far away, and it’s a distraction. It’s that mission that he gets his first and so far only kill, marking him as the only Navy pilot in active duty to have one. A couple of the TOPGUN graduates text him congratulations when they hear. A couple of them don’t. Jake grits his teeth and moves on. It's the backstory breakup fic that I couldn't not write after watching this movie, along with these two figuring themselves out after the events of Maverick to realize they actually did belong together all along. Also Phoenix and Coyote are the best friends two disasters like Rooster and Hangman could ask for, and I love them.
Speaking but not receiving by JaeJae_Live {G}
In which the ESAT isn't working, and the tower can hear Pete "Maverick" Mitchell and Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw but the two in question cannot.
Life Still Goes On by Renai_chan
Got to Make It on My Own {E}
Jake and Bradley spend one night together under the heavy, heavy influence of alcohol. It does not go well. But it goes worse for Jake than it does for Bradley because he wakes up with a bonding bite and his new alpha nowhere to be found.
When they're recalled for a special training detachment eight years later, Jake finds out that Bradley doesn't remember giving him the bite at all and Bradley finds out about it for the first time.
It still does not go well.
This Time I Know It's for Real {E}
This takes place two years later when Jake and Bradley's bond has settled down and Jake's heats have turned regular again. Or so they think.
On Bradley's first deployment away from Jake, Jake suddenly finds himself in the throes of an unexpected heat, and with Bradley halfway across the world, he has to again deal with it without his alpha. Except this time, he's already gotten used to having Bradley to help him through them, and not even Javy can suffice as a substitute anymore.
I Can't Get Over the Way You Love Me Like You Do {T}
Bradley reflects on being a dad and a husband.
auction-verse by ChexMix
love (with a REAL naval aviator) {T}
The flyer in his hand reads:
Navy Auction to Raise Money for Breast Cancer Prevention
August 12th, 2019
Underneath it is a photo of the one and only Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. 
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
crush (on a REAL naval aviator) {T}
According to the Oxford dictionary, the word crush has seven different definitions; three verbs and four nouns. Rooster finds that two, in particular, describe his situation spectacularly well:
make (someone) feel overwhelmingly disappointed or embarrassed (verb) a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable (noun)
An example sentence:
Rooster is crushed to realise that he has a crush on Hangman.  
Sequel/Companion to love (with a REAL naval aviator).
When Love is all That’s Desired (And Annoyances Don’t Count) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
After the mission, with everyone still alive, all Rooster wanted was to finally have a good time with the others.
And sure, his day hadn’t started off great, but that was fine. He was going to probably have the chance to actually talk to Hangman - tell him how he felt.
…Well. He would if his ex would ever go away.
When Jake Met Bradley by infinitejaust
When jake Met Bradley {M}
They annoyed each other, then they were friends, and then they were more. All it took was fifteen years.
DVD Extras for When Jake Met Bradley {M}
Extra scenes and epilogues for When Jake Met Bradley
Forever your begonia by MerielTLA {T}
“This is not for me.” Mickey grinned like a fucking maniac as he held out a small envelope for everyone to see, pointing at the signature in it.
The blond felt his world tilt as he frowned at the offending four letters of his name. What. The. Fuck. He pulled the card away from the other´s hand as he looked at the fancy lettering in horrified amazement.
“Oh my GOD! Bagman has an admirer?!” Paybay yelled
Or Jake Hangman Seresin had never gotten flowers...until he did.
Functioning Flight Feathers (Most Important for any Bird) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
Rooster was having a great time, for once. Flying in their new squadron, on top of everything?
…Too bad Payback suddenly having his wing broken somehow resulted in Bradley being sent back to Top Gun. Again. With Hangman.
He had a feeling this was going to be more trouble than it was worth.
the way we surrender (tender, no pretense) by vannral {E}
’��Well, Rooster, you’d better not be expectin’ any flowers, though, that’s not gonna happen.”
A small, treacherous part under Bradley’s sternum falters, twists into knots. No. It’s a bad idea. You’re gonna get hurt in the long run. There’s a reason why you two are always at odds.’
In which Bradley and Jake agree to blow off steam together, all the while being in love with each other and convinced this is all they're able to have.
It’s a train wreck from the start.
play stupid games, win stupid prizes by dalearden {M}
The Navy knows how important it is to provide comfort to its people (including sex) so they created a function of a comfort crew member, who aside from his military duties also provides sexual services to his fellow soldiers. Managed well - it can get you many useful connections and career prospects, but there are also many who see comfort crew members as whores and not real military. Jake became a comfort crew member for his previous squads and he was doing it for years. When after the mission brass creates a permanent Dagger squad, the Team is offered a choice of a comfort crew member and are shocked that Jake is on the list. And Jake - he is ready to show them just how good he is in what he is doing. That is of course if Rooster doesn’t murder his teammates first to get rid of the competition. Give me confident, sexy Jake who takes pride in his skills both - as a pilot and sex god and pining jealous Rooster. Bonus: a new aviator is assigned to the squad and he and his WSO are trying to shame Jake, but Hangman doesn’t give a shit about their opinion.
Time is Only Illusionary (Yet as Real as Clockwork) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
Trying to pick the perfect moment was…really not Rooster’s thing. Clearly, that much has long since been established.
Even Hangman had said as much.
…Just this once, though, Bradley wished that his timing was better, because he absolutely adored Hangman - and if he thought it was possible he’d the first to consider finally doing something about it.
home for the holidays by alecjbi {E}
“Aren’t you going home?”  
“I usually just stay with Javy and his brother and their family,” Jake explained. There was some sort of a sad look in his eye, something far away, like a fresh wound that had just started to scab over. 
“Mav and Ice can take care of me,” he tried.
Jake just stared at him, unimpressed. “You and Mav would kill each other within a week.” or-- jake takes care of bradley.
We're Better Together by Jeston17 {T}
In the aftermath of the mission, Jake stays the night at Bradley’s to make sure he settles in with the minor injuries he sustained. A nightmare, a late-night conversation, lots of tears, and closure ensue.
Or: The mission makes Jake and Bradley realize that they’re still in love and that life is too short to not try again.
Until the World Ends by greenstuff {T}
Nothing in Bradley Bradshaw’s thirty years of life on Earth prepared him to leave it. He knows he’s staring at the receding ball of land and sea with mouth agape and he probably looks like an idiot, but he can’t quite get over the fact they’re in space.
To his left, Jake Seresin competently pilots their spaceship (no matter how many times Seresin corrects him, Bradley isn’t buying it; they’re in space, it’s a spaceship). To his right blackness and stars stretch out far beyond the limits of his human sight and if he turns just a bit he can watch the planet growing incrementally smaller. If they don’t succeed, the planet below them will be destroyed in under two weeks.
No pressure
-- The Armageddon-inspired AU no one asked for
wanna ride this life with you by vannral {M}
’Rooster beams at Hangman, whose gaze is heavy and darkened with something like unadulterated longing and hunger.
Okay. Phoenix sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. Screw subtlety apparently. She really shouldn’t be surprised.’
In which Rooster serenades Hangman, the Dagger Squad is unimpressed with their mating dance, an asshole hits on Rooster, followed by confessions of several sorts.
Bonus chapter: Hangman & Rooster watch Coyote and Phoenix’s relationship develop and provide important background commentary.
(is it too soon to do this yet?) 'cause I know that it's delicate by cryinginthebronco {E}
5 times Bradley helps Jake fall asleep + 1 time he gets to wake him up
An Offer He Can't Refuse by dalearden {_}
Detective Jake Seresin has been on the trail of the Layton gang for a long time. When he starts getting too close he finds himself drawn into their world to the point where he starts to question everything he thought he knew about who he is and what he does. The fact he's also undeniably attracted to one Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw only serves to further complicate matters.
For the Joy of It All by Renai_chan {E}
Jake is really into yoga, and Bradley is really into Jake.
The Colour Of An Avocado by SaintClaire {M}
Four times Jake got jealous and one time Bradley did.
The thing about Tim is that he’s probably a decent guy.
Jake would know this if he was willing to spend more than twenty seconds talking to him, but alas, he’s not.
He’s Bradley’s ex, and that’s three strikes out and a fourth for good measure, as far as Jake’s concerned.
You Belong With Me by Jeston17 {T}
Bradley and Jake have made up after the mission, and quickly start to become close friends. Before they know it, they’ve become each other’s source of comfort from the post-mission stress, and Phoenix sees right through them. She takes it upon herself to get the two of them together, because despite their obvious mutual pining, they’re the two most oblivious people on the planet.
Or: Jake and Bradley are falling in love, and it takes a Taylor Swift song at karaoke night for them to realize it.
In a Series of Dates (When the Dates are the Worst Part) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
Rooster really needed to stop taking Tasha’s word for everything. One minute, she was a concerned friend, and the next, he had agreed to go on a date.
…Somehow that morphed into a series of dates, mostly in which he realized that all of them were…subpar.
(And for some reason, Hangman still wanted to tease him about it, and wasn’t going to leave Bradley be, was he?)
snow on the beach (weird but fucking beautiful) by k0ralik {G}
Jake has always felt like a partridge in a pear tree – out of place.
He just never felt like he really belonged.
And then there came a man with the most beautiful brown eyes Jake has ever seen. He was tall and unruly, broad and composed, golden and vibrant. He was a dream.
And Jake fell so quickly, so rapidly, like a plane that’d been shot down with no prior dogfight.
Now, Jake belongs with him.
And they are going to his family home for Christmas. Which is... terrifying, to say the least.
Stories from a Wedding Day by xForeverYoursx
Wedding Day {_}
It's Jake's wedding day and Bradley is drinking.
Before the Wedding Day {_}
It's two days before his wedding, at his bachelor party, and Jake is drinking.
After the Wedding Day {_}
After Jake has run out on his own wedding (with the other Daggers in tow), and Bradley has been drinking at the Hard Deck all morning (with Maverick and Penny supervising) the two finally meet up and maybe, possibly, get the ending they deserve this time.
A Boyfriend for Christmas by dandeliondick {E}
Ice left Bradley a cabin in need of some TLC, but Rooster can fix a car but not a kitchen cabinet. Jake "Hangman" Seresin has finally given up the asshole act and his fight against how lovable Bradley is. So Jake flies out to help a sentimental bird fix up a cabin in a small town in Colorado near Christmas....nothing will happen...right?
A Hallmark Hangster Christmas by infinitejaust {T}
Bradley Bradshaw hates Christmas and he hates small towns. He especially hates that this year, he’s going to have to spend Christmas in a small town. A cutesy one, with all sorts of annoyingly festive Christmas traditions.
Jake Seresin loves Christmas. He has a Christmas sweater for every day of December. He loves life in a small town. He's not about to befriend a big city Scrooge.
The townspeople of Alta Pistola, Colorado, have plans for both of them.
Dresses and Formal Things (Certainly Aren’t Salsa and Swing) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
Rooster really, really hated being forced to go to any formal event - most of all their annual ball. He just didn’t like it. It wasn’t his thing.
But Tasha had already asked him for a dance, so he supposed that he could deal with it.
…At least he would, if everybody he didn’t want to see would just leave him alone. Naturally, Hangman himself wasn’t doing that. Rooster…might not have minded quite as much as he made it out to seem.
Go on, Romeo. by dandeliondick {T}
Javy’s tone wavered, “I’m tired of watching him wait for someone who isn’t waiting for him.”
Bradley felt whatever walls he had left crumble at the desperate tone. Javy didn’t know that his last thought before ejecting was about Jake. That he never got to say I’m sorry and that he never got to kiss him at least once.
Javy’s grip loosened his eyes softening, “You were, huh? You were just waiting to take the shot.”
Rooster’s laugh sounded broken to his own ears as he slumped inwards, “Jake always said I flew too slow and thought too much.”
The Twelve Days of Leave by orphan_account
The Twelve Days of Leave {T}
When Bradley made plans to meet his godfather for the holidays, the last thing he expected was to get marooned in an airport en route...
When Jake had to rush home for a family emergency, the last thing he expected was to run into a fellow fighter pilot on the way...
Now that the two former-rivals had joined up to spend Christmas in Jake's home town, would unexpected sparks fly? Or would they crash and burn?
A fun, fluffy holiday romp with a pinch of angst, a dash of cheer, and a sprig of holly, all wrapped in a big red bow.
The Bonus Day of Leave {E}
Bonus smut shot for my holiday story, The Twelve Days of Leave. Highly recommend reading that first.
"But the man’s completely unexpected appearance wasn’t what stopped Rooster dead in his tracks.  No, it was the fact that Jake was standing there in a Santa hat, red velvet thong, and… nothing else.
“Merry Christmas, baby,” the blond smiled lasciviously.
Eyes trailing down that perfectly sculpted torso of their own volition, Bradley found himself lost for words.
Jake’s smile widened.  “What, the Rooster not gonna crow for me?”
His gaze never leaving the other man’s semi-nakedness, Bradley mindlessly quipped back, “Baby, I gotta feeling I’m about to crow for you all night long.”"
seven by minimicawber {_}
For six years, Jake Seresin has just been another US charm school scholarship kid. He’s smart, he’s wicked on a broom and he’s a pain in the ass. Nothing should change in the seventh year.
Or, alternatively: How Rooster got his nickname, got a boyfriend and made a memory worth a Patronus.
of a feather by lilgreyarea {G}
jake and his three-year-old daughter, sophie, run into bradley while trick-or-treating.
bombs are falling everywhere (it's heartbreak warfare) by blood_mocha_latte {T}
He doesn’t really remember the first time that he met Jake Seresin.
(Or, the childhood friends to enemies to lovers to rivals to lovers we all desire, coupled with angst with a happy ending and a side of icemav)
Men Like Us by DancingDisaster
Men Like Us {M}
Seresin men love with reckless abandon. It’s put every man before him in the ground.
Jake refuses to be buried.
He flies like he has nothing left to lose (he doesn’t), a one man army (he is), leaving everyone else in the dust (so they don’t leave him). Admiral Kazansky claps him on the shoulder, says he expects great things from him, and Jake’s smile is feral as the rest of his flight school cohort looks on in disbelief.
Hangman, they all say, like Jake’s entire personality was a long con, and he ranks first in class.
Rooster doesn’t look at all.
(They've got history spanning the better part of a decade and they are absolutely, positively not over it.)
Bowerbirds And Other Mating Displays {T}
“Why does Seresin keep calling you Bowerbird, Bradshaw?” Mickey asks a few days later during their break between training hops.
Natasha laughs so hard coffee almost comes out of her nose.
Or— It starts, as many poor decisions do, with a trip to Target.
When you're ready by The_Splendid_Wren {_}
After the suicide-mission-that-wasn't the pilots of TOP GUN go their separate ways to enjoy a much earned week of leave. Rooster is set to spend his time with Maverick in an attempt to rekindle their familial relationship but it gets complicated when unresolved trauma from nearly dying keeps him from truly opening up. With a host of other issues like his unknown next assignment and his feelings for a rival paralyzing him, he truly has no idea how he ends up at the Seresin ranch house in Austin, Texas with the object of his desires right in front of him.
Or, Rooster is suffering PTSD and his friends and family try to help him. Whether that's getting therapy or confessing his very deeply buried feelings remains to be seen.
Let's Trade Vows by ReformedTsundere {G}
“You ready for this, Bradshaw?” Bradley finds her eyes on him in the mirror and nods. He tucks his piece of paper into his suit jacket and gives himself a final once-over. He looks as good as he’s going to get. A chime from Natasha’s phone draws his attention away, regardless. She’s smirking down at the screen, and when her eyes meet his, he already knows what she’s going to say. “Showtime. The bride is on his way.”
Haven't you herd, I rather love you by Fuddlewuddle {M}
Bradley knows Jake loves him, he just never expected the man to arrange a herd of cows into the shape of a heart for him. Being honest, he probably should've done.
fever started a long ago by vannral {M}
'Okay, Bradley has to admit, this wasn’t one of his brightest ideas.
He should’ve stayed home, taken some ibuprofen and just sucked it up and passed out but no. He had to push it.
And here he is, dealing with the consequences of his own stupidity.'
In which Bradley gets sick, Jake gets jealous of a guy at the bar and takes care of Bradley. They’re both pining for each other and are even worse at hiding it.
Amelia's Big Brothers by nightfuryy {_}
Amelia's first period happens when she's staying with Jake and Bradley. Cue the best big brothers.
Paw in Paw by ReformedTsundere {T}
"Look, are you gonna help or not? Cause I didn't drive twenty minutes outside of town just to let this dog die, okay?" He knows he's not being exactly fair. It's fifteen minutes past nine, and he's pretty sure when he clicked on the clinic's navigation on google, it had said they were closing soon. But Bradley's also just come off a ten-hour shift, and the anxiety of having a potentially dying animal in his back seat as he'd broken one or three speeding laws wasn't improving his mood much.
Hangman's early grave by sycamoretree {M}
The Navy accidentally announces the demise of Jake Seresin. He has to deal with the consequences.
don't text me (tell it straight to my face) by happypuppys {_}
roost: thank u for ur wingman duties
bobs: what did i do
or, Bob helps Rooster get with his man and earns some money in the process
I’d come back if you'd just call by spiritsontheroof {T}
Jake never thinks about Bradley as the one that got away.
That implies that something happened, something beyond control and beyond reason and beyond their best efforts, and it just didn’t work out.
But Bradley left. So he didn’t get away. He pulled Jake’s heart out of his chest and crushed it on the tarmac after their TOPGUN graduation, and drove away like Jake wasn’t in the rearview.
That’s all they had. Eight weeks, something like ten years ago, that was it. And they spent more of it bickering than they did doing anything else, besides finding secluded corners and supply closets that locked to steal ten minutes alone in. They fought and argued and competed, and spent every moment they could together in-between. Eight weeks.
It took less than half of that for Jake to be more than half in love.
Old Habits by Sceld {T}
Jake shuts his eyes and wonders if Bradley knows he’s still here. Wonders if he’s lying awake and wishing with every fibre of his being that he was with Jake. Jake’s hand runs over the worn down fabric of the couch cushion directly in front of his face, letting himself believe for only a second that if he was face to face with Bradley right now he’d have the courage to stroke his cheek and slide into Bradley's embrace rather than making do with his own attempt at it. He'd finally find the words to say what his mind has been screaming for months every time he catches sight of the other.
But maybe that’s just Jake.
or; Jake has a system that steers him clear of rekindling old romances. It fails.
jealousy (is something that distracts you) by DancingDisaster {M}
“You know,” Bradley says, “I’ve never actually gone to bed with someone twice.”
“Don’t worry, Bradshaw," Jake tells him. “Your status as an unrepentant manwhore is well established by now. Double-dipping just this once hardly has me hearing wedding bells.”
“Look, maybe I really am that big an asshole—”
“You are,” Jake confirms with a lazy shrug.
"Pot meet kettle," Bradley says pointedly.
“Fucking hell, Hangman,” Crosseye mutters darkly. “What crawled up your ass and died?”
(The redhead in the impossibly short, garishly neon orange dress who has her arms draped around Bradshaw’s shoulders like a limpet—)
Jake scowls at him—or maybe at Bradshaw’s pending bedpost notch. It’s hard to say given that they’re both in his line of sight.
Clipped Pinions Can’t Soar (But can be Molted) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
Routine missions and things like that really weren’t even a surprise anymore, after the whole group of them became their own strike squadron.
What was a surprise, in Rooster’s opinion, was seeing Hangman nearly take a hit from three opposing planes.
…And hell no was Rooster just about to sit back and allow that, regardless of what Hangman would likely later think.
Must Have Been the Mistletoe by ReformedTsundere {G}
Bradley hadn't thought trying to arrange a fourteen-person Christmas party would be so hard. He supposes he should have known better, given the summer barbeque debacle a few months prior and the Thanksgiving disaster that had just happened at Ice and Mav's. Still, he'd been under some impression that the Christmas spirit would make the majority of his friends (his family, really) more manageable. By the fourth phone call in as many as two hours, Bradley is contemplating faking his death and having the entire thing called off.
Promise Me, Just Hold My Hand by Earthangel_44 {G}
The five times Rooster hints that he wants kids, and the one time Hangman agrees.
AKA: Bradley has baby fever and Jake doesn't like kids.
Mothering a Mother Hen by Jeston17 {T}
Bradley comes home from deployment with a bad case of the flu, ruining some of the plans he and Jake made for their time off. But Jake doesn't mind, all he wants is to be there for his boyfriend to help him get better.
Or: an incredibly self-indulgent fic that is basically just 4,000 words of the boys being soft and Jake taking care of Bradley because I'm a sucker for that.
Pulling It Off by greenstuff {E}
During their first time at Top Gun, Bradley loses a bet and has to show up at The Hard Deck head to toe in Jake’s Texas Longhorns gear. Jake’s reaction isn’t what he expected, and the night surprises them both.
How Long Does It Take? by HoneyWhatever {T}
A passionate goodbye leads to long lasting consequences for Jake.
Tell the World That You’re Mine (Mine, Mine, Mine) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
Here’s the thing about Hangman: he didn’t pride himself on being a particularly patient person.
But here’s the other thing about Hangman: on the ground, he could be very, very patient if (and only if) he deemed something important enough to matter.
When it came to actual, romantic love, Hangman was willing to wait.
Until he found out that maybe, just maybe, he didn’t have a shot after all.
find me a face that I want to hold (that I can memorize) by thegeckbros {E}
Jake and Bradley (re)meet at a masquerade party. Or, well, Jake meets Bradley and Bradley meets a hot stranger.
low key in love by iridescent {T}
In which Hangman is often freezing and Bradley, who is a human furnace, notices and starts feeling begrudgingly obliged to do something about it.
Plus One by dandeliondick {E}
“Hangman?” He took a deep breath while Bradley waited, “I was watching you cry at my sister’s wedding while holding my hand and I think it broke me. I was sitting there thinking about how close I came to sitting here alone and mourning and how close I am to having you right where I want you.” Bradley’s breath hitched before he smiled, “Jake, for once I’m waiting for you to catch up.” - Coyote can't come to Texas for Jake's little sister's wedding, but who comes to save the day? Rooster, obviously. Can a few days of close quarters, meddling family members, and two idiots being unbelievably hot in suits make these two idiots figure it out?
like shooting stars by bottledyarn {T}
“Well," the gate agent said. "Only uniformed military members and their spouses can board priority, but—”
“That works out,” Bradshaw said, his voice tinny and distant in Jake's ringing ears. “Because this is my fiancé.”
If Jake hadn’t been able to choke down a piece of toast this morning, he thought he might be light-headed enough to just pass out right then and there.
-- Jake is trying to fly home for Thanksgiving and not have a panic attack on the airplane. Bradley is trying to skip town and spend the holiday in a mountain cabin to distract from another Thanksgiving alone. Between the two of them, they might both get where they need to go.
playing for keeps by ginnydear {_}
“He’s uh,” he starts, trying to pull himself together. Phoenix has wandered over now, mouth open as she looks at the scene in front of her. “He’s cuddly, when he’s sleepy.”
“Javy,” Hangman hisses, though it’s not nearly as biting as it could be. “To the grave, dude.”
The Exes of Texas Are Upon You by chase_acow {M}
While trying to enjoy their day off, a bet comes back to haunt Hangman forcing Rooster into a tight spot.
Drive by LadyLanera {T}
Song fic based off Halsey's "Drive." After Rooster's Bronco won't start, Hangman drives them up to Northern California for a long weekend to meet the rest of the team and Maverick. Hangman's struggling after the mission and wondering if he belongs there at all. Could the answer be found in a thirteen hour drive from North Island?
epic skill displays and their aftercare by boobooblue {T}
So, the plan. The plan consisted of impressing Rooster with his Upgraded Epic Pool Skills™️.
soar with me by vannral {M}
”You – so what was it, you were trying to help me or something?” Bradley stammers, his whole perspective reeling off its axis at the revelation. Jake looks up, and his eyes are piercing, but there’s something raw, vulnerable underneath it."
In which Bradley and Jake deal with the aftermath and their feelings for each other and everybody gets swept into their pining mess.
Taking The Long Way 'Round by DancingDisaster {T}
This probably wouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, but he and Seresin hadn’t exactly hit it off when they first met. That said, they did hit it off eventually, and they did it with a bang so resounding it probably should’ve devolved into a fist fight.
By the end of the week, Bradley realized there was one small potential problem with the first close friendship he’d managed in years: he thought Jake was beautiful.
Well fuck.
“It’s not like he doesn’t know, Javy.”
“I think you’re underestimating Bradshaw’s tendency towards obliviousness here, Jake.”
A Perch Built for Two by chase_acow {E}
Rooster is well known for keeping his own company, but between Maverick's reemergence and the suicide mission, Hangman manages to weasel his way into Bradley's attention. He's never let an alpha so close to him before, but Hangman might be the best choice - experienced and unlikely to ask for more than Bradley was willing to give. Unfortunately for him, it's Bradley who wants more, and he has no idea how to ask for it.
Jake to the Rescue by nightfuryy {_}
Bradley finds himself going into heat around a pushy alpha. He calls Jake for help. Fluff happens.
big brother duties by ginnydear {G}
“But what I’m trying to say,” Bradley says after a moment, handing Jake a clip and touching Amelia’s shoulder, “is that… well, you have me now.”
“Ew, are you offering to be my brother?”
five times jake helps bradley with amelia and the one time amelia helps bradley with jake.
spend it like it's gold by onionsoupbowl {E}
“Oh my god, shut the fuck up,” Maverick snapped, finally turning towards Jake and slamming his bottle down so hard it was a miracle it didn’t shatter on the spot. “I am trying to have a moment with you because if I don’t, I will be miserable for the rest of my life because Bradley won’t take his head out of his ass and see that you’re fucking smitten with him and has resigned himself to sulking about it for the rest of eternity because Pretty Boy won’t give him the time of day despite him being about as observant as a dead cockroach. As your superior, you are going to listen to me or I will take away your fucking wings, so help me god.”
There was little Hangman could do but gape, beer completely forgotten and lukewarm beside him.
“Jesus, I’ve become my mother - oh well. Could have done that better but you’re an asshole and have finally stopped talking so it doesn’t matter. My point is: I know you’ve got it bad for Rooster, and I’m telling you that you gotta do something about it.”
Maverick, tired of Hangman and Rooster's shit, decides help out a bit. It goes better than either of them could have hoped.
hitting the canopy by blood_mocha_latte {T}
Maverick thought that if Jake Seresin died flying, it’d be because he couldn’t slow down.
He doesn’t think his ears will ever stop ringing when Bradley manages to flip on the receiver from the ground, talking directly into it and nearly blowing out his eardrums, voice starting to bleed from a strained calm to frantic questions.
“Where is he, he’s not showing up on any of the radars–”
“–We saw him eject, Rooster, it’s just taking a minute for the tracker to boot in–” Phoenix tries to talk over him, but Bradley continues to ramble, talking over the scuffling on the speakers that’s clearly someone trying to wrestle the receiver away from him.
“–He should be visible by now, where’s his parachute? Can you see him – can you see him on the ground, is he down there? Did he - did he hit the canopy? Find him, he’s not showing up on the radar, you need to find him–”
The Stuff of Fairy Tales by Fuddlewuddle {T}
Rooster sees some asshole harassing Hangman in the bar and so decides to help his fellow pilot (who he may be in love with) out. And by help he means pretend to be his boyfriend to get the other guy to leave. Lucky for Rooster, Hangman is very much on board with this plan, though maybe they don't have to pretend to be boyfriends, maybe?
And if Love was Fire, Baby let me Burn by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
Their suicide mission over, all Rooster wanted was to sit back and possibly get slightly drunk, all while avoiding Hangman - who had been driving him insane for weeks and who he was absolutely not going to confess his love to. Nope. That’s why he was at the bar.
And everything was just fine.
Until it wasn’t. And Hangman wasn’t going to let anything happen on his watch.
show me again by lilgreyarea {E}
He hasn’t had a roommate on land-based assignments in years, not since flight school, so it takes him by surprise. He just isn’t used to it, not anymore. And he’s especially not used to sharing a room with fucking Bradley Bradshaw.
cowboy, take me away by ginnydear {T}
jake has a cowboy hat he doesn't just let anyone wear. bradley takes that as a challenge.
Wings in the Sky at Dawn (When Nothing Could go Wrong) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
When all was said and done, Rooster…hadn’t really expected that he would be going back to Top Gun.
Frankly, he still couldn’t believe that he was in their own squadron, flying with the others everyday.
But mostly Hangman. Because of course he got sent back to Top Gun temporarily, too. What else was Rooster expecting?
Sweet Tooth by xo_em
Sweet Tooth {T}
“Here,” Bradley says, thrusting the candy into his sight line. “You look like you could use this.”
Tiramisu (Take Me Home) {T}
It’s always like this - going home. It takes so much out of him. But what is leave for, if not family?
What a Great Word, Milkshake {T}
Bradley curses Natasha under his breath. He’d let slip in recent conversation that he might be developing decidedly not-so-platonic feelings for the man currently sitting in his passenger seat. A mistake, apparently.
Birthday Cake {M}
It’s Jake’s birthday today and he hates it.
Toothache {T}
Bradley wakes with his arms full.
No Sweeter Fruit Than This (Apple Pie) {E}
There are a few peculiar things of note about Jake Seresin.
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bobgasm · 6 months
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I’ve been wanting to do something like this for a while, and what better time than now?!
I’ve compiled a list of AU prompts and specific tropes for this challenge. The idea is to step out of your comfort zone and try something new (who knows, you might absolutely love it!)
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this challenge will run continuously
any fandom can participate, just know that i only read for the tgm fandom + lewis pullman characters
send me an ask/message to let me know you are participating. you are more than welcome to use more than one prompt from the lists
tag/message me when you have posted!
can be a oneshot or a series (it’s entirely up to you!)
please use the read more feature if your fic is over 500 words
use the tag #auwc so we can read and reblog your work!
you don’t have to be following me, but a reblog to signal boost this challenge is much appreciated!
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academic au
actor au
ancient rome au
arranged marriage au
assassin au
athlete au
bartender au
bodyguard au
bounty hunter au
camgirl/camboy au
ceo au | @pinkdaisies9285
chef au
cowboy au
demon au
fairytale au
guardian angel au
historical au | @bobfloydsbabe
hitchhiker au
hospital au | @bradshawssugarbaby
kidnapping au
lifeguard au
lumberjack au
mafia/mob au
magic au
mechanic au
mermaid au
model au
murder mystery au | @sio-ina-bottle
office/coworker au
omegaverse au
pirate au
reincarnation au
road trip au
roommate au | @purelyfiction
rockstar au
royalty au
soulmate au
slasher au
spy au | @purelyfiction
sugar daddy au | @cottagecori
stripper au | @sorchathered
teacher/professor/tutor au
time travel au
vampire au
vigilante au | @laracrofted
age gap
best friend
blind date
enemies to lovers
fake dating
forbidden love
friends with benefits
idiots to lovers
love triangle
marriage pact
mutual pining
return to hometown
sunshine one/grumpy one
there’s only one bed
vegas/drunk marriage
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WIP / Upcoming
This is an overview of the content I'm currently working on, and what I'm planning or wanting to do in the (near or far) future.
[ This is mostly for me. To remind me what I planned, to keep my priorities straight. I'm also counting on this being somewhat of a promise I make to myself and a kick in the ass to actually commit and pull through instead of just daydreaming about doing it *fingers crossed* ]
Disclaimer: There is no guarantee these will be actually done, I might never get to them. But that's what I'm planning/wishing to do. The list is subject to change.
(additional info) [comment, other additions]
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader:
Legacies (in progress, ~17 chapters)
Nightly Confessions sequel
Little Spiderbro (LSB) series:
Part 5 - Halloween [get written/finished until Halloween!]
Part 4 Bonus scene (Steve & Bucky adventure at Peter's school)
Part 6 (continuation of Stolen Fluffy Kisses) -> Conference Kiss
Avengers Olympics series:
revamp the design for the masterpost
possibly rebrand the entire series to 'Olympia Mania' or something else, not just exclusive for avengers but also including other ce characters and tgm?
Unnamed Ransom Drysdale story (knives out wip 2, ransom's long-distance relationship)
Children's hospital (wip name)
Not Fake At All (wip name)
BotB au! - Ari Levinson x Reader
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majorxmaggiexboy · 3 years
idk if i’m actually going to attempt to participate but i still want to make a little list of Tober/Tember prompts and ideas of what to do with them. also tagging @f-ro-g bc New Pack. Every time i do one of these i start forgetting every media i’ve ever consumed so we’re going to see if i can at least get more than like three different fandoms on here. Might or might not come back through and flesh these out with actual details later on.
Whumptober Ideas
1) All Trussed Up and Nowhere to Go/”You have to let go”/Barbed Wire/Bound - Hadestown, full stop. The whole prompt is Hadestown. It’s in the lyrics, even. It is this post that makes me finally notice the “Keep on walking and don’t look back” line in Wait For Me and i’m so angry right now
2) Talking is Overrated/Garotte/Choking/Gagged - I’m thinking a rewrite of my first Three Musketeers fic just because it was funny the first time around and also wouldn’t take much Effort. Next.
3) Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But.../Taunting/Insults/”Who did this to you?”
The Bradmadge Brawl of S2E1 but with passion and malice next question
4) Trust Fall/”Do you trust me?”/Taken Hostage/Pushed
Nothing springs immediately to mind but i’m leaning toward Psych or The New Pack
5) Red In My Ledger/Betrayal/Misunderstanding/Broken Nose
*slams hand on table* New Pack. Mordaunt. It writes itself.
6) Touch and Go/Bruises/Touch-Starved/Hunger
On-Drakon we’re going to give Arman and Mira some love even if only two people on this website even know them.
7) My Spidey-Sense is Tingling/Helplessness/Numbness/Blindness
TASM just for the sake of it? Undecided
8) Coughing Up a Lung/Pneumothorax/Exotic Illness/”Definitely Just a Cold”
Ben Tallmadge and the Delaware Dive next question
9) Rumors of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated/Presumed Dead/Blind Rage/Tears
Bucky it’s your turn babe
10) Oops, I Did It Again/Hospital/Flare-Up/Ice Chips
Ben you’re going back in the Delaware it’ll be so funny
11) Just Keep Swimming/Adrift/Drowning/Dehydration
Personally i think having a third Ben vs. Water fic would be the funniest possible move but Grimaud or Mordaunt could also work here
12) It’ll Be Fun, They Said/Torture/Made to Watch/Begging
Jean-Olivier comes to mind but hmmmmm there was also that one TURN S3 au that could work
13) That’s Gonna  Leave a Mark/This Is Gonna Suck/Burns/Cauterization
Hmmmmmm OH! OH! Raoul! The New Pack. Done.
14) Under Pressure/Crush Injuries/Beaten/Force
It says Force and Force is Star Wars so naturally this is Mando’s number.
15) Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever/Delirium/Fever Dream/Bees
Ben Tallmadge guess what....
16) On a Need-to-Know Basis/Recovery/Scars/Aftermath
I’m thinking the Psych Not-Ghost AU would work here but there are certainly other options.
17) Field-Care 101/”Please don’t move!”/Hemorrhage/Dread
Might go with something Leverage right here just because i just watched Leverage. Nothing’s jumping immediately to mind. Warm Bodies could also work though.
18) The Doctor is In/”Now smile for the camera!”/Doctor’s visit/CPR
I’m thinking Reid just because Dr. and i’ve never been able to write Doctor Who so. What other Doctor characters are there. McStuffins isn’t in the running here. Oh! We could do something MCU, Bruce is a Doctor isn’t he? God can you imagine Dr. Hulk trying to
19) Just a Scratch/Bitten/Bleeding/Stabbing
Didn’t ... d’Artagnan once utter the phrase “it’s just a scratch” in relation to someth.....first episode, i think? Great so we have a winner, good job everybody.
20) Lost & Found/Trunk/Trapped underwater/Solitary Confinement
Weirdly Mando is the first character to come to mind. Someone beat me to 80% of my other idea but there’s potential.
21) That’s Where the Blood’s Supposed to Be/Bleeding Through Bandages/Pressure/Blood-Matted Hair
Let’s be real the only two options for this one are Bucky or Eliot and they’re virtually the same character so where does that leave me
22) They Made Me Do It/Cursed/Demon/Obsession
*vague wave* Merlin ?
23) You Break It, You Buy It/Auction/Ransom/Pursuit
That one 3M au with Athos and the big mix-up and the Oops and all the...stuff, yeah. That works.
24) One Down, Two to Go/Self-Induced Injuries to Escape/Flashback/Revenge
Holy sh- i didn’t see this one initially. I mean? Jean? Ow.
25) Hide & Seek/Escape/Flight/Hiding
Psych? Orrrrr....TGM?
26) You Will Go Down With This Ship/Fallen/Waterfall/Trap Door
I’m trying to think of literally anything i’ve ever read or watched that’s got a ship in it ummmmmmm hey what if we interpret “ship” as yeaaaah let’s do another Mando one that’ll work
27) “I’m Fine, I Prom...”/Passing Out/Vertigo/Collapse
I mean..... .... ... is there a character this doesn’t work for though? Wait. No actually let’s do Childermass since he gets that what is it an allergic reaction to magic? I mean i know Segundus gets like that to so....ha let’s make it be Both of them.
28) It’s Not Just In Your Head/”Good, you’re finally awake”/Nightmares/Panic
First thought is New Pack but it might take some pondering.
29) All Work and No Play/”You’re still not dead?”/Too weak to move/overworked
it’s like Civil War but with Bucky and Jean-Olivier having an all-out brawl good lord it’s an either/or situation.
30) Digging Your Grave/Major Character Death/Left For Dead/Ghosts
*shot of choc milk* the exact TURN AU i was Just thinking about yesterday,,,
31) Hurt & Comfort/Disaster Zone/Trauma/Prisoner
I feel like i need to put Gwynplaine here just because he hasn’t had a turn yet
Alt. Prompts
1) Losing Control
Arman. Very obviously extramuch Arman definitely. Let’s have another one with the involuntary dragon himbo.
2) Threats
*chin hands* trying to think of a character who gets threatened a lot. will circle back. I’m actually thinking Psych again but idk.
3) Caning
Ro we’ve genuinely discussed about 16 different variations on this one i think it’s Time
4) Mercy
5) Forgotten
Is it time for Jack Frost of all people to make an appearance or is this just Bucky again
6) Head Injury
It would be real easy to just put the headbonk au here but i’m going to try to show some restraint and do a different headbonk story
7) Screaming
Going to assign Gwynplaine here just because he really has been neglected in this lineup and also it would probably be good for him to vent a little bit in this manner
8) Comfort
Someone’s going to get petted like a cat and i just haven’t decided whomst but when i do it’s over for everybody
9) Self-Sacrifice
What do i even say to that i Feels like another New Pack but it’s still up for grabs tbh
10) Trapped
Tempted to pour one out and just say Bucky but idk idk we’ll think of something this is very much a first draft stream of thought general idea planning session
11) Near Death Experience
It would be hilarious to just put something like Meet Joe Black for this one but WAIT NO NO GO BACK ACTUALLY WARM BODIES LET’S DO WARM BODIES
12) Regret
It’s gotta either be Psych or TURN
13) Tragedy
My first thought is to do a damn Hannibal fic without ever having actually watched the show just because i’m still angry about how i read it ended but considering that i only know the characters’ voices from tumblr chatposts i feel like that’s not the best venue to
heck we might just do New Pack
14) Battlefield
Either TURN or New Pack or....the song’s a little bit dramatic for a Bucky but actually....unless? no....but Maybe,
15) Anxiety
Every character i’ve ever cared about could potentially fit right here so :/ Arman could have 3rd ficlet but again, literally every character, i,,,,,they’ve all got anxiety X’D
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writercole · 4 months
On Second Thought...
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Part 2
Summary: Dr. Seresin and Dr. Vikander come to an agreement. Words: 1926 Warnings: Dr. Jake Seresin, Dr. Vikander, sass, fluff, Dr. Javy Machado, medical terminology, medical diagnoses A/N: Here's part 2! Not that anyone asked for it. Except Becca.
Part 1 | Master Post
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The next day, the MRI and preliminary spinal tap results were back. The issue became the lack of any evidence signaling multiple sclerosis or meningitis. 
"Before we go into the patient's room and deliver these results, can we discuss - calmly - possible other diagnoses?" Javy asked his two colleagues 
“Age before beauty,” Jake smirked as he nodded towards Dr. Vikander.
“I’m not biting,” she sighed, turning to Javy. “We still have to wait for the oligoclonals but I think we may have to consider that the symptoms are unrelated.”
Jake scoffed. “Unrelated? There’s too many coincidences for them to be unrelated.”
“I know there’s a ton of things that point this way and that way but -”
“No, this is meningitis. It's just a different strain,” Jake insisted.
“Why is it that you’re insistent it’s an infection we can’t see?” she questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.
“This is classic meningitis. It’s not that hard to diagnose. I don’t understand why you’re insisting it’s not.”
“For starters,” she spat, “there’s no elevated white blood cell count. There’s nothing on the MRI. There’s nothing on the spinal tap. For either of our diagnoses.”
“Well, there isn’t always evidence where you expect it to be.”
“I know you did not just -” she squeezed her eyes shut as she took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, mon ami, I cannot work with him,” she growled before striding out of the room.
Javy looked over at his friend and sighed. “Jake, she’s literally the best neurologist in this hospital. Hell, I’d venture that she’s better than you. But you’ve got your head shoved so far up your own ass that you can’t admit when you could even possibly be wrong.”
“You think she’s better than me?” 
“Is that really the only thing you took from this?! Seresin, that fucking hospital has turned you into someone you’re not.” Javy left Jake standing in his office, slamming the door behind himself as he went to figure out a way to get her back on the case.
Jake stood in silence, in the office of a friend he’d had since medical school, and allowed himself to take in what Javy had insinuated. Is it possible that he wasn’t the best neurologist in the city? Of course. Could she be better than him? Possibly. Was his head shoved so far - no, he decided before his brain even replayed the question fully. 
But the last accusation nagged at him. Had SDGMC really turned him into a bigger asshole? How had he not noticed that fact? No one else had complained about his stubbornness. 
Realization dawned on him as he stood in the empty office. Jake sank down into one of the chairs across from Javy’s desk and dropped his head into his hands. No one else had complained to his face. But he heard the whispers and the snickers when they thought he’d left the station. He tuned them out and focused on his work, his patients. But that didn’t stop the rumors from being true. 
Jake was a difficult man to work with, that much he admitted. He was stubborn, opinionated, and egotistical, not that he’d ever admit to those things in public. The other doctors in the hospital all applauded his tactics; he had the best recovery rate of any specialist in the health system. But he almost always worked alone. He was only really consulted on cases when he was on call and they didn’t have a choice. 
And then there was Gretchen. She disappeared so fast and left no reasoning behind. She had complained before about the amount of time that Jake spent away from home or the level of care for his patients maybe being too high. He often tuned her out when she started rambling about things he was and wasn’t doing, his brain refusing to process her complaints. Maybe Javy was right. Maybe SDGMC had turned him into the worst version of himself.
“Vikander, wait up,” Javy called down the hallway as he jogged behind her. He’d searched the entirety of the neurology wing, including her office, without finding her and he wasn’t going to let her slip through his fingers again.
“What, Javy?” She sighed as she turned around, her shoulders slumped in defeat. “I really hope you’re not going to persuade me to work with that horse’s ass again.”
“No, nothing like that,” Javy assured her. “I, uh, I just need to apologize. I should have told you that I was calling in another neuro.”
“Ya think?”
“No, I know. I know how he came across and I know that’s not how he really is. He’s a good man deep down.”
“Yeah but deep down doesn’t do much when you have to work with your competition. Because like it or not, admit it or not, I’m his competition. And he’s threatened by that.”
“I need a local neurologist on the team. My patient depends on a successful neuro diagnosis and treatment.”
“I agree. But you’re going to have to tap someone else. I can’t, Javy. I can’t if he’s going to be so…so…” she trailed off, trying to find the right words.
“Such a horse’s ass?” Javy suggested with a small grin.
“Yes, exactly.” She smiled back at her friend and colleague. Her gratitude for the kindness he had shown her since day one was deep, deep enough that she felt a desire to help him.
“I need you on this case. And if that means I have to send Seresin back to General to get you to agree, I’ll do it.”
“No,” she sighed, “but you owe me so big, Machado.”
“Three king sized Fast Break bars. Got it.” He winked and wrapped his arm around her shoulder with a chuckle, grateful that she agreed and he didn’t have to chase down any other neurologist.
Jake was surprised when Javy walked back into the room accompanied by Dr. Vikander. He was sure the woman would refuse to be in the same hospital as him, much less the same room. He stood from his chair and opened his mouth before Javy raised his hand.
“Don’t say a word, Seresin. I’ve managed to convince Vikander that you’re not a complete horse’s ass. Don’t ruin it.”
Jake nodded and slipped his hands into his pockets, hanging his head in embarrassment. His epiphany had been enough that he was determined to make a better impression.
“What are some other things that can cause muscular weakness?” Javy questioned as he moved back behind his desk.
“Um, disk compression, Lou Gherig’s, nerve pinch,” Jake supplied.
“Lyme disease,” Dr. Vikander included. 
Both Jake and Javy looked at her, matching expressions of confusion on their faces. She was looking down, her bottom lip between her teeth. The men could see the gears turning in her head.
“It all fits. The swelling, the pain, even the flu. We need to check him for ticks,” she explained. She looked up and saw both of the other doctors staring at her, one dumbfounded and one proud. But oddly, not the ones she expected.
“It all fits,” Jake repeated. “How didn’t we see it before? Vikander, you’re a genius!”
Vikander beamed at him, excitement making her eyes sparkle. “Let’s go talk to him, maybe we can find something out.”
Jake followed her out of the room willingly, neither of them realizing that Javy was still sitting at his desk, staring blankly at the space that the two neurologists had been occupying. 
By the time Javy made it to the patient’s room, Jake and Dr. Vikander had found the telltale tick bite and defined a detailed treatment plan including extraction and antibiotics. They pinpointed exactly when the tick bite occurred and had a nurse draw up a notice to the state department of wildlife as well as the CDC to inform them of the infection and the time frame.
Javy looked on as the pair worked together, collaborating with one another expertly. The animosity that the pair shared had completely dissolved as they worked the case, one anticipating the other’s next move as if they shared a brain. 
Jake walked over while Vikander finished explaining the details to the patient and his wife. He noticed Javy’s smug smirk and rolled his eyes. It was rare that the cardiologist didn’t have ulterior motives when he got that look on his face. Jake chose not to say anything as he stood beside his friend, watching his colleague talking to the couple.
“Nice working somewhere where people are actually getting helped, isn’t it?” Javy quipped. He looked at Jake out of his periphery and noted his relaxed posture and expression of accomplishment.
“I don’t need the speech, Machado,” Jake insisted.
“No speech,” he denied. Jake fixed him with a look of disbelief, raised eyebrows and pursed lips, and he laughed. “Okay, so maybe there was a little speech planned.”
“I’ve got a couple months left on my contract at General so your speech would have been for nothing anyway.”
“Oh, it’s never for nothing.” Javy folded his arms as Dr. Vikander approached them with a relieved smile. “Everything good?”
“Great, actually. He’s excited to go home. I reminded him that it’s likely going to be a long road back to where he was but he didn’t care. He was just grateful that we figured it out.”
“And I’m grateful that I didn’t have to explain why a neurologist from General was dead in my office,” Javy chuckled. 
“It wasn’t that bad, Coyote.” She rolled her eyes and smiled at the jest. Dr. Seresin was a complete pain in her ass but he wasn’t a bad man. Not like some of the other doctors from SDGMC that she’d worked with. 
The doctors bid the patient goodbye one last time, promising to check up later in the day, and stepped out of the patient’s room to the peaceful corridors of UMCSD. As soon as the door shut behind them, she faced the two men. 
“Gentlemen, it’s been interesting. But I have to be…anywhere else right now.” She took her leave in a whirl of long hair, practically running away from where Jake and Javy were standing.
“She always do that?” Jake tucked his hands in his pockets as he watched her retreating form turn a corner.
“Never,” Javy admitted quietly. “Come on, I’ll buy you one of those disgusting soy kale wheatgrass smoothie things that you drink before you go.
“You should know that those smoothie things are great for your heart.”
“Doesn’t make them taste good.”
Jake laughed as they walked down the hallway. “I’ll never understand why you stayed here instead of going home to be a cardiologist in New Orleans. You’d have so much business.”
“Yeah, that’s the point,” Javy sassed, “I’d never have time off down there. Here? Everyone’s so health conscious that I can take a vacation or two every year and not worry.”
“I wouldn’t know what a vacation is anymore,” Jake admitted with a groan.
“Do they not give you time off at San Diego General? Man, that place is worse than I thought.”
“It’s not just the hospital, Yote, it’s everything. I take time off and my parents insinuate that I’m lazy, my sisters try and set me up with everyone, my girlfriend - ex-girlfriend - would demand I take her to LA and go shopping. It’s never about relaxing.”
“No wonder you and Vikander don’t get along,” Javy scoffed.
“Why? Because I’m so popular that she’s jealous?”
“No. Because you’re exactly alike.”
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Charlie's Top Gun & Top Gun: Maverick Master List
#Top Gun: Maverick, #Top Gun (1986), #Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw, #Jake 'Hangman' Seresin, #Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, #Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace, #Javy 'Coyote' Machado, #Robert 'Bob' Floyd, #Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia, #Reuben 'Payback' Fitch, #Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw, #Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky, #slooserole, #Ron 'Slider' Kerner, #Carole Bradshaw, #hangster, #icemav, #bobnix, #fanback, #MavDad, #Polish Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky, #Italian Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, #Dagger Squad, #Trans Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw, #Ace Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
ignition [hangster, firefighter!Bradley AU, 5+1, humour]
#ignition tag
(sometimes I feel) like a monkey pilot [trans Bradley, transition-related, icemav as dads, hangster, getting back together]
#(sometimes I feel) like a monkey pilot tag
slow down (you're doing fine) [Bradley-centric, icemav as dads, hangster, getting back together]
#slow down (you're doing fine) tag
just hold my hand [Mav's POV, the mission if hangster never broke up, mpreg and Mav/Ice as grandpas]
#just hold my hand tag
This hellsite only:
mini fics:
Family of Seven (Bradley and Jake accidentally adopt five kids) #Family of Seven tag
Angsty Baby Bradley series (Bradley POV, WIP snippets, Slider POV, IceMav POV, Adult Bradley POV) [hangster, icemav raised Bradley, Uncle Slider]
fic ideas/drabbles/prompts :
Mav is declared KIA and Ice finds out he's in his will as Bradley's guardian
Mav stays with Charlie until he becomes Bradley's guardian, Ice starts helping with raising him before they even get together
Carole and Mav get married after Goose dies and Ice and Slider pine
Ice is in denial about his feelings for Mav and Slider takes things into his own hands [fwb Slimav, pre-Icemav] Part 1 (Slider POV), Part 2 (Mav POV)
Polish!Ice and Italian!Mav headcanons
Ice and Mav wear matching clothes - Jake and Bradley mimic it years later
Post on Bradley calling Mav dad
Carole and Ice are Catholics and attend Polish Church together
4+1 'Ice checking on Bradley during the night' ficlet [icemav raising Bradley, hangster allusions]
Ice passes away in his sleep and what is left [Jake POV; ice and mav getting older, icemav as bradley's parents, icemav, hangster]
hangster starts here >>
Mav finds out Bradley who he hasn't talked to in over 10 years (and Jake) have a whole load of kids [mavdad angst, hangster, mpreg?? idea]
Jake realizing how much of Bradley's hot mannierism is inherited from Mav (and Ice)
Firefighters AU - legacy ff! Bradley, bat chief! Mav and baby ff! Jake training under new captain Bradshaw [hangster as cap/probie]
Jake and Bradley becoming flight instructors and becoming a good and bad cop in the eyes of their students [older and 'secretly' married hangster]
Bradley wants to organize a wedding (vow renewal) that Mav and Ice never had - he is terrible at it and needs help from someone who isn't - Jake [hangster, rom com vibes, getting back together]
Bradley learns to pick locks (and people's hearts) [hangster, icemav raised Bradley]
Humour fic AU idea where Bradley's papers haven't been pulled and he does land in USNA but he's doing everything and anything not to be labeled as the nepo baby [icemav as bradley's parents, hangster]
Bradley can't cut onions [hangster, mavdad]
High school AU with Bradley and Jake in secret relationship because Mav disapproves
High school AU hangster being nominated for 'most likely to get married' despite not being a couple (Part 1, Part 2)
Bradley gets Jake small thoughtful gifts (and continues to buy them after they break up)
Jake and Bradley still find their most attractive features to be the ones they had from the beginning [soft hangster headcanon about physical attraction]
Ace!Rooster is avoiding Hangman's advances
Hangster A/B/O with O! Bradley and A! Jake [mpreg & angst, set during TGM and after]
Jake didn't go to USNA AU and met struggling Bradley at college
Hospital AU with nurse!Bradley and doctor!Jake [hangster enemies to lovers, ER coworkers, surgeons icemav] #hangster hospital AU
Actor!Bradley AU where he's filming an ala TOPGUN movie with Jake as his assigned by the Navy aviator, Mav is Jake's CO [hangster, enemies to lovers, mavdad drama]
Jake's dad adores Bradley - or Bradley keeps collecting dads [icemav raised Bradley, hangster]
Hangman and Rooster as a pilot-WSO pair AU
Before Bradley takes the hit on the mission, he says goodbye ala Steve Rogers
10 Things I Hate About You hangster AU idea
Happiest Season AU, Jake takes Bradley for Christmas home
Jake being jealous of Nat (pre-canon)
#Pacific Rim AU - dossier files, idea
Actor tags:
#Glen Powell, #Miles Teller, #Monica Barbaro, #Lewis Pullman, #Tom Cruise, #Val Kilmer, #Jay Ellis, #Greg Tarzan Davis, #Danny Ramirez, #Top Gun: Maverick cast (containing more than one of the crew)
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