#dr javy machado
writercole · 7 months
On Second Thought...
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Summary: Dr. Jake Seresin meets his match. Pairing: Jake Seresin x Vikander!Reader (Omaha's sister) Words: 1901 Warnings: Dr. Jake Seresin, flirting, innuendo, Dr. Javy Machado, Sass, probably some swearing, medical discussions regarding neurological symptoms. Credits: I don't know anymore I know @ryebecca helped with the title and gave her squeak of approval on the graphic. A/N: I literally found this on my thumb drive and...well...it's been a long week. Have a treat.
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Dr. Jacob Seresin, doctor of neurology, Jake to his friends, sighed heavily when he checked his cell phone. He trudged through the parking garage, exhaustion weighing him down after a twelve hour shift where there had been an influx of patients but an absence of nurses or doctors to be found.
The absence of any text messages or missed calls from his ex girlfriend drove him further into a bad mood. Jake had returned home from a long shift, much like the one he had just ended, to find that she had packed all of her things and gone, leaving only a lingering trace of perfume that dissipated after a week.
That had been nearly four months ago.
He had taken time out of almost every day for the first two months to send her a message, whether good morning, good night, or to hope her day was going well, but there had been radio silence, nothing coming back through the phone, though the messages marked as read.
Truthfully, her abrupt departure from his life had barely rattled him. He could still function; his job never took a hit and his patients never noticed a thing. Even the ones who had been with him since he opened his practice. And the nurses had more interesting things to talk about than his vanilla, ethical love life. 
Jake still felt the sting of loneliness, though, a sting that spread through his veins as he cared for patients with loved ones beside their bed. He may not have loved Gretchen, but he missed the companionship and the emotional connection that came with having someone waiting at home. It was something that surprised him, the need for feelings involved in his relationships.
Jake wasn’t surprised when he saw a message from an old med school buddy, Javy Machado. They’d taken residencies at separate hospitals in the same city and still hung out when their off days coincided. The reason for the message, however, was strange.
> Yo, Seresin. I got a tough case here. Need an outsider to come check this out. Tomorrow. I start my rounds at 6 AM.
Jake replied back that he’d be there and asked for any details that he could get before they met up at the hospital. The more he knew going in, the better. It was easier to rule things out that way. 
At 0530 hours, Jake walked into UMCSD and headed for the cardiac wing. He noticed a distinctly different atmosphere as he walked through the halls. There was a peacefulness under the beeping and bustling that SDGMC didn’t have. 
He rounded the corner and scanned the area, not seeing the tall man that had called him here. A short woman was standing at the counter scribbling on a chart and he walked over in the hope that he could get directions to Machado’s office.
“Excuse me, nurse,” he said. She didn’t respond but her posture stiffened slightly. “Nurse?” he called again, getting no response again. He reached up and tapped her on the shoulder as he tried one more time. “Nurse, I’m looking for Dr. Machado.”
She whipped around, her hair slapping him in the arm, and put her hands on her hips. “You aren’t from here, are you?” 
“Uh, no. I just need -”
“Well, how about you actually find the nurse you were looking for instead of asking a doctor who is charting a consult where to find your…lover,” she spat as she eyed Jake up and down. 
“That’s not…no,” Jake shook his head. “I was called in to consult on a patient. I’m Dr. Seresin from General.”
Her eyes narrowed as she stood there, crossing her arms over her chest. “And Dr. Machado called you in? Are you sure?”
“Jake! You’re early!” they heard called across the wing. Neither of them broke eye contact as Javy walked up to them, clapping Jake on the shoulder. “Oh, good, you’ve met Dr. Vikander.”
“Coyote, what the hell did you call him for?” Dr. Vikander hissed as she diverted her fury to her colleague.
“Well, I thought an extra set of eyes on the case would be helpful,” Javy shrugged. “This is Jake Seresin, an old buddy from med school and the best neurologist on the SDGMC campus.”
“I’m the best neurologist in town, Machado,” Jake corrected.
“No, you’re definitely not,” she scoffed.
“Oh, I’m good, sweetheart. I’m very good,” he smirked, “I’ll be happy to show you.”
“I have to see this. Coyote, lead the way to the patient,” she bit back. 
“Not exactly how I was thinking of demonstrating but if you want an audience, sweetheart, I’m fine with that. I know Javy likes to watch." The look on Dr. Vikander’s face delighted Jake. Getting under people’s skin - especially women - happened to be a favorite pastime of his.
"Dude, that was one time and no patients were involved," Javy corrected. "Can we please go see my patient now?"
Dr. Machado led them into the room and introduced them to the patient, giving a brief overview of his symptoms. "Presented with sudden inability to stand and fainting. He's a patient of mine, single bypass. Cardiac workup is clean."
"Did you feel dizzy or lightheaded before you fainted?" She looked at the digital chart on the tablet, pulling up the bloodwork and cardiac workup that Dr. Machado spoke of.
“Not really,” the patient responded.
“Any headaches?”
“I’ve been having headaches almost daily for years. It wasn’t any different than normal.” The patient shrugged and yawned before continuing. “No allergies either.”
“What about fever, nausea, vomiting?” Jake questioned, looking over her shoulder and ignoring the glare she gave him.
“Nope, nothing like that.”
“You didn’t have the flu recently?”
“Yeah, like two weeks ago but it was a normal flu. My doctor tested me and everything.”
“How about vision loss, double vision, being extra tired, numbness?” Dr. Vikander continued.
“Some numbness. Definitely extra tired. Occasional double vision.” The patient’s voice had quieted, almost as if he were recognizing the seriousness of the condition, the extent of the things he’d been experiencing becoming symptoms.
“Any pain or swelling?”
“Yes, but I just thought it was from the weather changing. You know how it gets when you’ve worked jobs that are hard on your joints and stuff.”
“We’re going to need a few more tests,” Dr. Vikander told him gently. “I’m hoping that we can get this figured out quickly and get you home to your family.”
“Thank you, doctors.”
The three physicians stepped out of the room, the two neurologists following behind Dr. Machado all the way to his office in silence.
“Well, what are we looking at?” Javy asked as he leaned on the edge of his desk.
“Meningitis,” Jake announced with confidence at the same time that she said “multiple sclerosis.”
“Well, those are both easy treatments but they’re vastly different treatments.”
“You can’t possibly be thinking meningitis,” she scoffed. 
“There’s no way that could be MS,” Jake retorted.
“Meningitis doesn’t cause vision problems.” 
“And MS doesn’t cause headaches.”
“He said he’s had those headaches for longer than the other symptoms.”
“Guys,” Javy called. He wasn’t surprised when the two doctors ignored him, facing off against one another for their diagnoses.
“Well, a spinal tap will confirm my suspicions and prove who the better doctor is,” Dr. Vikander stated, crossing her arms over her chest.
“And an MRI and blood culture will confirm mine.” Jake slipped his hands into the pockets of his scrubs, confidence oozing off of him.
“Well that MRI will also show indications of MS.”
“And your spinal tap will show meningitis.”
“At least the two of you agree on the tests that need to be done,” Javy mumbled under his breath, prepping the orders for the patient to have a spinal tap and MRI as well as blood cultures as soon as possible. After the requests were in, he sat back, watching his two friends argue their sides to one another.
He sighed as he watched. The whole point of having her and Jake consult on this patient was to show Jake that UMCSD fit him better. The toxic relationships from SDGMC were non-existent, the doctors worked together better, and while the funding was lower, they helped the patients who needed it the most. And Javy knew that’s what Jake got into medicine for.
“And another thing,” she shouted.
“Enough!” Javy exclaimed as he stood. “I need you guys to work together on this case. It’s not a competition. I’m in over my head and I need as many ideas as I can get. I trust the both of you can do that.”
“Yeah,” Jake mumbled while his shoulders sagged.
“I will try. For you, Machado. But don’t get your hopes up on a diagnosis from this guy,” she said. “Man thought I was a nurse when he got here.”
“You were at the nurse’s station. What else was I supposed to think?”
“I was charting. I’m in a lab coat. I don’t know where you’re from, but around here, lab coats and open charts indicate doctor not nurse.”
“Seriously, if I can’t get you two to work together, I will call another neurologist. And the only one who isn’t retired that I can actually tolerate is Cain. And you know what he’s going to say if I have to call him,” Javy explained.
“Sorry,” the other two doctors muttered. Their heads hung forward and their shoulders curled in, both avoiding eye contact with the cardiologist.
“Thank you. Now, if you will excuse me. I have more rounds to make.” 
The three doctors stepped outside of the office, the two neurologists watching Javy walk away.
“Can I buy you a coffee? As an apology?” Jake offered.
Dr. Vikander eyed him suspiciously and nodded, gesturing for him to follow her. They walked in silence through the hallways, twisting and turning their way towards the little coffee shop that was nestled near the front lobby. “How long have you known Javy?”
“Since our first year as med students. He came in from Tulane, I came in from UT Austin.”
“So you were in the same med school classes, then?”
She hummed with a small smile as they approached the barista and ordered their coffees, surprising each other when she got a quad with 2 sugars and Jake ordered a vanilla frappuccino with extra whipped cream. The smile on her face stayed while their coffees were made, confounding Jake, pushing his buttons until he couldn’t hold back any longer.
“Why is Javy and I being in the same med school class making you so happy?” he questioned.
“Oh, no reason,” she denied. As they collected the coffees placed on the counter, she added, “just that I’ve been practicing longer than you.”
Jake stared after her as she walked back towards the entrance. Several emotions swirled in his body. Disbelief and surprise swelled at the core of his being, surrounded by jealousy, a need to be better than her, and also a sense of enchantment. 
She captured his attention with her fire and her passion, the way she fought for a patient she didn’t even know. She stood her ground when confronted with a different opinion. Her intelligence and wit challenged him in a way that made him want to both stare in awe and scream in anger.
She was going to be a problem for him.
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redfurrycat · 2 years
🌟 🚀 🚪Stargate & Top Gun (AU) - SG-1 Team🌟 🚀🚪[Part 4]
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Colonel Pete Maverick Mitchell
Major Javy Coyote Machado
Dr./Major Jake Hangman Seresin
Dr. Jackson Daniels
[Part 1] - [Part 2] - [Part 3] - [Part 4] - [Part 5] - [Part 6] - [Part 8] - [Part 9]
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ryebecca · 2 years
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it’s time to go back to school and meet your professors 📚
dr. jake seresin, associate professor of classics
dr. bob floyd, assistant professor of art history
dr. bradley bradshaw, assistant professor of aerospace engineering
dr. natasha trace, associate professor of physics
dr. javy machado, associate professor of chemistry
dr. mickey garcia, assistant professor of english language and literature
dr. reuben fitch, associate professor of economics
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hangmansgbaby · 7 months
Royally Pucked O N E
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San Diego was beautiful. I had only ever visited on vacation as a child but now, standing outside of my new job and looking at the ocean, I loved it even more.
And the rink! It's gorgeous! Walking in, the awe factor only grows! I'm distracted by the architecture when someone calls my name.
"Dr Thomas!" I turn and see the man walk towards me. He has dirty blonde hair with a slight curl and brown eyes, which is pretty much all I can focus on at the moment.
"Hi." I say as I shake his hand. "And please, Layne is fine."
"Layne, I'm Bradley, Alt captain and Right Wing for the Daggers. They asked me to show you to your office." Bradley smiles, "Plus I figure I could give you a tour along the way."
"A tour would be lovely." I smile and he leads me down a hallway.
"So down here is where you have all the main offices. Operations, general, and PR managers. Farther down are the conference rooms, the press conference room is all the way at the end." Bradley explains as we walk through the lobby of the practice arena. Bradley leads me towards a hallway on the other side of the lobby as he talks. "So what brought you all the way out here from…?"
"Texas, and I just needed a change of scenery." I responded.
"Well there is plenty of that here." Bradley smiles as he opens the door for me. "This is where the team can usually be found. Locker rooms to the right, gym to the left with views of the practice rink. And of course your office is just past and connected to the gym." Bradley turns to face me once we arrive at the door. "Sports tables and equipment are in here and your office is through the door on the back wall."
"Thank you so much, Bradley, really."
"No problem. Oh," Bradley reaches into his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper and quickly writes something down. "If you need anything just gimme a call or text me, okay? Anything at all."
"I will." I smile. "Thanks again, Bradley."
"Of course, Layne." He replies before walking back into the lobby.
I sigh softly as I enter my office. I glance around, taking a quick inventory of my desk and filing cabinets. The door behind me opens and I turn, expecting to see the assistant who works here, but instead l see an unfamiliar woman. She looks at me for a few seconds before speaking.
"You're the new PT?"
"Yep. That's me." I smile.
"You won't let the boys walk all over you right?" I shake my head and she immediately sighs. "Good! I'm Nat, my husband is Javy. You should have a file on his shoulder injury from last season." My eyes scan my desk to find it third from the top of a stack right in the middle. "Yes that one. He's gonna say he's fine and doesn't need tape or a physical. He's insane, and please tape him." Nat nods before making her way back out.
I laugh as I open her husbands folder. The folder contains a lot of information about what happened and how the healing process has been. The previous PT was pretty thorough on top of the physician's notes.
I'm nearly through the file when I hear voices coming from the PT room and I immediately recognize one that I thought I'd never hear again.
"She talked to the new PT already?"
"I don't even know how she got here so fast!" The other voice exclaims. "She dropped the kids off not even 10 minutes ago, and it's a 30 minute drive from the school!"
"You must be Mr. Machado." I laugh, walking into the room and over to one of the storages. The two men snap their heads up and stare at me like I've grown another head.
"I… uh…" Machado stammers before glancing over his shoulder at the his friend. "Yea, I'm sure you've already spoken to my wife."
"I did and I assured her that you couldn't convince me to not follow doctors orders."
"Dammit." Javy mutters as he hops up onto the table.
"You're screwed, dude." His friend laughs as he sits on another table.
"And you are?" I ask as I start wrapping Javy's shoulder.
"Jake Seresin. I'm captain on the team."
"Jake." I give him a soft smile, lifting up to meet his eyes. They're the same as the ones I looked into last year in Denver.
"Could we chat for a sec?" Jake asks, motioning to my office.
"I'm kinda busy." I laugh, applying some tape to hold the wrap in place.
"Please." Jake almost pleads with me.
I'm about to protest Javy interrupts. "Well this feels great! I think I'm gonna go catch up with the other guys. See ya, Doc." He gives Jake a wink before heading to the exit.
"Alright." I say, returning the supplies to their home before walking to my office.
"So are we not gonna talk about it?" Jake questions as he follows me.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Seresin." I reply, gathering a clipboard and my jacket.
"Seriously?" He seems almost hurt by my statement.
I'm not going to talk about Denver with Roc- Jake. We work together. It's unprofessional and I for one prefer not to make that mistake again.
"I don't. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to the ice," I say as I walk past him, "which I assume, you should too."
Taglist (join here): @mamachasesmayhem @sarahsmi13s @thedroneranger @kmc1989 @dempy @buckysteveloki-me @hangmanshoney @hookslove1592 @mrsevans90 @midnightmagpiemama @djs8891 @xoxabs88xox
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soleilnewspaper · 4 months
Who will I write for?
A list of what fandoms/characters I will write for
Divider creators: @saradika-graphics, @strangergraphics, @bwbatta, @firefly-graphics
Request: OPEN!!
Request rules here
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King George Duke Simon Basset Anthony Bridgerton Benedict Bridgerton Francesca Bridgerton Eloise Bridgerton
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Any characters from the Netflix series
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Dr. Spencer Reid Special Agent Emily Prentiss Special Agent Aaron Hotchner
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All BAU members
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Nightwing - Richard “Dick” Grayson
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Finnick Odair Peeta Mallark Johanna Mason Katniss Evergreen Young Coryo Lucy Grey Baird
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Any characters mentioned in the series
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Remus Lupin Sirius Black James Potter Lily Evans
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Poly wolfstar Poly moonwater Poly jilly Poly marauders
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Pandora Evan Rosier Barty Crouch Jr Marlene McKinnon Mary McDonald Dorcas Meadows
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Spiderman - Peter Parker The winter soldier - James “Bucky” Barnes Scarlet Witch – Wanda Maximoff Quicksliver – Pietro Maximoff Hawkeye – Katherine “Kate” Bishop
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Black Widow – Natasha Romanoff Iron Man – Anthony “Tony” Stark Hawkeye – Clint Barton Thor Odionson Doctor Strange – Dr Stephan Strange
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Lt Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw Lt Jake “Hangman” Seresin Lt Robert “Bob” Floyd Lt Natasha “Phoenix” Trace Lt Javy “Coyote” Machado Lt/Captain Pete “Maverick” Mitchell Admiral/Lt Tom “Iceman” Kazansky Lt Nick “Goose” Bradshaw
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Lt Reuben “Payback” Fitch Lt Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia Carole Bradshaw
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topguncortez · 10 months
I’m team Dr./Auntie Val Machado coming in with the unicorn stickers and sitting through scary scans. She gives Arizona Robins from Greys.
I bet her heart sank when she heard Ella was rushed in. And you KNOW she’s gonna check Ella’s charts and be momma bear when it comes to Ella’s care.
Also Jake won’t cry In front of wifey to be strong for his family but he will cry with Javy and thank Val for being with his baby.
when i write Val, i write her thinking about Santana Lopez and Cristina Yang. She’s sassy, but will fight for her loved ones. She grew up privileged but doesn’t let it blind her. So whenever Val gets news about any of her loved ones being in the hospital, she is running to their side.
Val’s heart absolutely stopped in her chest when she heard that Ella was in the ER. And even tho Shy!Wifey and Jake can’t be back in the exam rooms or operating rooms, Val is there the whole time, overseeing (sometimes tryna butt in) what’s going on.
She’s a firm believer in tough love and you’ll see it more in Are You With Me. She kinda kicks Jake and gets him to get his shit together
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50calmadeuce · 1 year
Ch. 6 Rejected
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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Since you had worked late the night before, you were able to finish up work at noon. Jake had stayed with you the whole time and really enjoyed feeding the animals and helping.
The two of you walk out to your truck and Jake looks at you.
"I had a really good time this morning. Thank you," he says as he opens your car door and helps you in and you look at him.
"You're welcome," you reply as you move a piece of loose hair out of your eyes.
You could feel your heart start to beat faster as Jake's face started to get closer.
"Dr. Holloway!" a female voice yells and the two of you separate as you see Misty run out of the building. Jake walks around and gets in on the passenger side as you talk to Misty.
"What's up?" You asked, slightly relieved to be out of the kissing range.
"There's a message for you," Misty says and hands you a piece of paper. "Some guy," Misty adds after you take the paper.
"Thank you, Misty. See you in a couple of days." 'Seriously. You couldn't just hold onto this message?' your mind asks itself.
Misty smiles and then looks at Jake through your truck windows. "No problem. See you then." She takes off back into the building and you get into your truck.
"You're not going to read the message?" Jake asks as you fold the paper and put it on your console holder.
"Nah. I'm not at work."
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He looks at you, a charming yet sexy grin on his face. "And what are you going to do this afternoon?"
"Do you really want to know?"
The two of you look into each other's eyes intensely.
"Yes," he replies.
You look away and start your truck. "Get some more sleep." You look at him briefly and see the look of shock on his face. "Did you need me to drop you off some place?"
He sits back and rubs his fingers through his hair. A look of trying to act not surprised on his face. "Uhm, yeah. You can drop me off at my place."
"Great. What's the address?"
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When you walked into your apartment, Finley comes out of her bedroom. "What are you doing home?" she asks surprised.
"Hi to you too," you respond.
"You're supposed to be..."
"Out with Jake?" You finish the sentence for her.
"Maybe?" she says raising a questioning eyebrow.
"I can't believe you tried that," you say as you walk to the refrigerator for a bottle of water.
"Come on, Y/N. Live a little."
You take the bottle out of the fridge, open it and take a drink. "Trust me. I am. The Lifeguard competition is next weekend. Tomorrow is my last day of training. I need some rest."
"I'm sure Jake would help you with that."
You side eye her. "Not that kind of rest." You grab the message you left on the island along with your keys and open it up. You freeze and turn white.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Finley asks as she cautiously walks up to you.
You shake your head, tear up the note, and throw it into the trash. "Yeah. I'm fine."
Finley raises and eyebrow. "You sure?"
"Yeah. I'm going to go lay down." You walk to your bedroom.
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Javy 'Coyote' Machado lets out a loud laugh. "The almighty Hangman was rejected! I never thought I'd see this day."
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Jake walks around the pool table. "Seriously. Am I losing my touch?" He leans over the pool table to take his shot.
"Maybe Finley can answer that questions since she just walked in," Javy said as Finley walked over to him and he placed a kiss on her lips.
"What question?" Finley asks.
"Why your friend rejected my buddy here," Javy replies as he points at Jake.
"Oh, that's easy. She needed to get some rest. The Lifeguard competition is next weekend and tomorrow is her last day of training."
Jake looked at Finley. "What? Lifeguards compete?"
"Oh, yeah. It's a big thing around here. This is Y/N's first time, so she's been really training. She's usually at the gym or swimming or jogging at the beach."
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Javy looked shocked and Jake was like: What the fuck?
"Are you serious?" Jake asks. "She's an aquatic veterinarian, a lifeguard, a rescue diver and she also competes?" He says counting his fingers.
Finley shrugs. "There's probably more, but I don't want to scare you off."
"Oh, I'm not scared."
Javy looks at him. "You sure?"
Jake looks at him. "You may be."
"I'm also not saying that she'll be at the Coronado Lifeguard station at 8 in the morning, but she will be."
Javy and Jake look at each other.
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coyotesamachado · 2 years
10 fandoms ; 10 tags ; 10 characters tag game
Thank you to @justfandomwritings and @goose-bradshaw for tagging me. I'm terribly behind on this, I hope you can forgive me. This is in no particular order
Javy "Coyote" Machado (Top Gun: Maverick)
Donna Noble (Dr Who)
Merlin (Merlin)
James Palmer (NCIS)
Thor Odinson (MCU)
Jason Mendoza (The Good Place
Matilda Webber (Macguyver)
Stiles (Teen Wolf)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Robin Buckley (Stranger Things)
No Pressure Mutuals Tags: @notroosterbradshaw @gretagerwigsmuse @callsign-joyride @yummycastiel @bucky-barmes @mothdruid @pollyna @bobfloydsbabe @thesewordsareallihavetogive @lgg5989
If you've already done this, I apologize.
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joaquinwhorres · 2 years
Mobile Masterlist
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📚 Archive of Our Own (AO3) or 📚 Fanfiction.net (FFN)
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💖 Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia - Javy "Coyote" Machado - Jake "Hangman" Seresin - Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw - Bob Floyd
⭐ Tailspin - Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia x OC
📚 Read More Top Gun Fics »
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💖 Joaquin Torres - Steve Rogers - Bucky Barnes - Clint Barton - Peter Parker (TASM + MCU) - Pietro Maximoff
⭐ Gazes - Joaquín Torres x OC
📚 Read More Marvel Fics »
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💖 Fred Weasley - George Weasley - Gideon Prewett - James Potter - Lee Jordan - Lorcan Scamander - Lysander Scamander - Remus Lupin - Scorpius Malfoy - Sirius Black - Teddy Lupin 
⭐ The Fool - Fred Weasley x OC ⭐ Crooked Wood - George Weasley x OC
📚 Read More Harry Potter Fics »
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💖 Ben Hargreeves - Diego Hargreeves
⭐ The Dating Game - Diego Hargreeves x Reader
📚 Read More Umbrella Academy Fics »
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💖 Stiles Stilinski - Isaac Lahey
⭐ Lunatics - Stiles Stilinski x OC
📚 Read More Teen Wolf Fics »
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💖 Kendall Knight - Logan Mitchell - Chris Halliwell - Reid Garwin - Jaime Lannister - Theon Greyjoy - Arthur - Eames - Eomer - Haldir - Jim Kirk - Leonard McCoy
⭐ Into the Rush - Kendall Knight x Reader ⭐ Treacherous Waters - Dr. Leonard McCoy x Reader
📚 Read More Miscellaneous Fics »
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💖 Brian May - Roger Taylor - Nicholas Scratch - Donald Pierce - Ransom Drysdale - Sweet Pea - Billy Hargrove - Steve Harrington - Pat Murray
⭐ Bottle Rockets - Sweet Pea x Reader ⭐ Bedside Manner - Roger Taylor x Reader ⭐ Idiot - Steve Harrington x Reader
📚 Read More Ex-Fandom Fics »
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buckyr00s · 2 years
main masterlist
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✑ hello! i'm @buckyr00s (she/they). welcome to my blog and welcome to my main masterlist!
✑ last update: 09/27/2022
✑ requests are always open, but i cannot guarantee that i'll get to it and get to it in a timely manner.
✑ i write primarily for myself and i write when i have the time and capacity. thanks for understanding!
✑ i currently write for the characters listed below. please note that i am not comfortable writing about the actors who play these characters, so please don't request it.
✑ before hopping into my ask box and send a request, please take the time to read the tl;dr of this post if anything
✑ i hope this goes without saying but i'll do it anyway: the following posts are my original work. please do not copy, translate, and/or repost it anywhere.
✑ happy exploring! any interactions and feedback is always welcome and appreciated!
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〚 Marvel Cinematic Universe 〛
✧ James Bucky Barnes
✧ College!Peter Parker
✧ Joaquín Torres
✧ Sam Wilson
〚 Top Gun: Maverick 〛
✧ Young Guns
✧ Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
✧ Reuben "Payback" Fitch
✧ Robert “Bob” Floyd
✧ Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia
✧ Javy "Coyote" Machado
✧ Jake “Hangman” Seresin
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writercole · 4 months
On Second Thought...
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Part 2
Summary: Dr. Seresin and Dr. Vikander come to an agreement. Words: 1926 Warnings: Dr. Jake Seresin, Dr. Vikander, sass, fluff, Dr. Javy Machado, medical terminology, medical diagnoses A/N: Here's part 2! Not that anyone asked for it. Except Becca.
Part 1 | Master Post
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The next day, the MRI and preliminary spinal tap results were back. The issue became the lack of any evidence signaling multiple sclerosis or meningitis. 
"Before we go into the patient's room and deliver these results, can we discuss - calmly - possible other diagnoses?" Javy asked his two colleagues 
“Age before beauty,” Jake smirked as he nodded towards Dr. Vikander.
“I’m not biting,” she sighed, turning to Javy. “We still have to wait for the oligoclonals but I think we may have to consider that the symptoms are unrelated.”
Jake scoffed. “Unrelated? There’s too many coincidences for them to be unrelated.”
“I know there’s a ton of things that point this way and that way but -”
“No, this is meningitis. It's just a different strain,” Jake insisted.
“Why is it that you’re insistent it’s an infection we can’t see?” she questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.
“This is classic meningitis. It’s not that hard to diagnose. I don’t understand why you’re insisting it’s not.”
“For starters,” she spat, “there’s no elevated white blood cell count. There’s nothing on the MRI. There’s nothing on the spinal tap. For either of our diagnoses.”
“Well, there isn’t always evidence where you expect it to be.”
“I know you did not just -” she squeezed her eyes shut as she took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, mon ami, I cannot work with him,” she growled before striding out of the room.
Javy looked over at his friend and sighed. “Jake, she’s literally the best neurologist in this hospital. Hell, I’d venture that she’s better than you. But you’ve got your head shoved so far up your own ass that you can’t admit when you could even possibly be wrong.”
“You think she’s better than me?” 
“Is that really the only thing you took from this?! Seresin, that fucking hospital has turned you into someone you’re not.” Javy left Jake standing in his office, slamming the door behind himself as he went to figure out a way to get her back on the case.
Jake stood in silence, in the office of a friend he’d had since medical school, and allowed himself to take in what Javy had insinuated. Is it possible that he wasn’t the best neurologist in the city? Of course. Could she be better than him? Possibly. Was his head shoved so far - no, he decided before his brain even replayed the question fully. 
But the last accusation nagged at him. Had SDGMC really turned him into a bigger asshole? How had he not noticed that fact? No one else had complained about his stubbornness. 
Realization dawned on him as he stood in the empty office. Jake sank down into one of the chairs across from Javy’s desk and dropped his head into his hands. No one else had complained to his face. But he heard the whispers and the snickers when they thought he’d left the station. He tuned them out and focused on his work, his patients. But that didn’t stop the rumors from being true. 
Jake was a difficult man to work with, that much he admitted. He was stubborn, opinionated, and egotistical, not that he’d ever admit to those things in public. The other doctors in the hospital all applauded his tactics; he had the best recovery rate of any specialist in the health system. But he almost always worked alone. He was only really consulted on cases when he was on call and they didn’t have a choice. 
And then there was Gretchen. She disappeared so fast and left no reasoning behind. She had complained before about the amount of time that Jake spent away from home or the level of care for his patients maybe being too high. He often tuned her out when she started rambling about things he was and wasn’t doing, his brain refusing to process her complaints. Maybe Javy was right. Maybe SDGMC had turned him into the worst version of himself.
“Vikander, wait up,” Javy called down the hallway as he jogged behind her. He’d searched the entirety of the neurology wing, including her office, without finding her and he wasn’t going to let her slip through his fingers again.
“What, Javy?” She sighed as she turned around, her shoulders slumped in defeat. “I really hope you’re not going to persuade me to work with that horse’s ass again.”
“No, nothing like that,” Javy assured her. “I, uh, I just need to apologize. I should have told you that I was calling in another neuro.”
“Ya think?”
“No, I know. I know how he came across and I know that’s not how he really is. He’s a good man deep down.”
“Yeah but deep down doesn’t do much when you have to work with your competition. Because like it or not, admit it or not, I’m his competition. And he’s threatened by that.”
“I need a local neurologist on the team. My patient depends on a successful neuro diagnosis and treatment.”
“I agree. But you’re going to have to tap someone else. I can’t, Javy. I can’t if he’s going to be so…so…” she trailed off, trying to find the right words.
“Such a horse’s ass?” Javy suggested with a small grin.
“Yes, exactly.” She smiled back at her friend and colleague. Her gratitude for the kindness he had shown her since day one was deep, deep enough that she felt a desire to help him.
“I need you on this case. And if that means I have to send Seresin back to General to get you to agree, I’ll do it.”
“No,” she sighed, “but you owe me so big, Machado.”
“Three king sized Fast Break bars. Got it.” He winked and wrapped his arm around her shoulder with a chuckle, grateful that she agreed and he didn’t have to chase down any other neurologist.
Jake was surprised when Javy walked back into the room accompanied by Dr. Vikander. He was sure the woman would refuse to be in the same hospital as him, much less the same room. He stood from his chair and opened his mouth before Javy raised his hand.
“Don’t say a word, Seresin. I’ve managed to convince Vikander that you’re not a complete horse’s ass. Don’t ruin it.”
Jake nodded and slipped his hands into his pockets, hanging his head in embarrassment. His epiphany had been enough that he was determined to make a better impression.
“What are some other things that can cause muscular weakness?” Javy questioned as he moved back behind his desk.
“Um, disk compression, Lou Gherig’s, nerve pinch,” Jake supplied.
“Lyme disease,” Dr. Vikander included. 
Both Jake and Javy looked at her, matching expressions of confusion on their faces. She was looking down, her bottom lip between her teeth. The men could see the gears turning in her head.
“It all fits. The swelling, the pain, even the flu. We need to check him for ticks,” she explained. She looked up and saw both of the other doctors staring at her, one dumbfounded and one proud. But oddly, not the ones she expected.
“It all fits,” Jake repeated. “How didn’t we see it before? Vikander, you’re a genius!”
Vikander beamed at him, excitement making her eyes sparkle. “Let’s go talk to him, maybe we can find something out.”
Jake followed her out of the room willingly, neither of them realizing that Javy was still sitting at his desk, staring blankly at the space that the two neurologists had been occupying. 
By the time Javy made it to the patient’s room, Jake and Dr. Vikander had found the telltale tick bite and defined a detailed treatment plan including extraction and antibiotics. They pinpointed exactly when the tick bite occurred and had a nurse draw up a notice to the state department of wildlife as well as the CDC to inform them of the infection and the time frame.
Javy looked on as the pair worked together, collaborating with one another expertly. The animosity that the pair shared had completely dissolved as they worked the case, one anticipating the other’s next move as if they shared a brain. 
Jake walked over while Vikander finished explaining the details to the patient and his wife. He noticed Javy’s smug smirk and rolled his eyes. It was rare that the cardiologist didn’t have ulterior motives when he got that look on his face. Jake chose not to say anything as he stood beside his friend, watching his colleague talking to the couple.
“Nice working somewhere where people are actually getting helped, isn’t it?” Javy quipped. He looked at Jake out of his periphery and noted his relaxed posture and expression of accomplishment.
“I don’t need the speech, Machado,” Jake insisted.
“No speech,” he denied. Jake fixed him with a look of disbelief, raised eyebrows and pursed lips, and he laughed. “Okay, so maybe there was a little speech planned.”
“I’ve got a couple months left on my contract at General so your speech would have been for nothing anyway.”
“Oh, it’s never for nothing.” Javy folded his arms as Dr. Vikander approached them with a relieved smile. “Everything good?”
“Great, actually. He’s excited to go home. I reminded him that it’s likely going to be a long road back to where he was but he didn’t care. He was just grateful that we figured it out.”
“And I’m grateful that I didn’t have to explain why a neurologist from General was dead in my office,” Javy chuckled. 
“It wasn’t that bad, Coyote.” She rolled her eyes and smiled at the jest. Dr. Seresin was a complete pain in her ass but he wasn’t a bad man. Not like some of the other doctors from SDGMC that she’d worked with. 
The doctors bid the patient goodbye one last time, promising to check up later in the day, and stepped out of the patient’s room to the peaceful corridors of UMCSD. As soon as the door shut behind them, she faced the two men. 
“Gentlemen, it’s been interesting. But I have to be…anywhere else right now.” She took her leave in a whirl of long hair, practically running away from where Jake and Javy were standing.
“She always do that?” Jake tucked his hands in his pockets as he watched her retreating form turn a corner.
“Never,” Javy admitted quietly. “Come on, I’ll buy you one of those disgusting soy kale wheatgrass smoothie things that you drink before you go.
“You should know that those smoothie things are great for your heart.”
“Doesn’t make them taste good.”
Jake laughed as they walked down the hallway. “I’ll never understand why you stayed here instead of going home to be a cardiologist in New Orleans. You’d have so much business.”
“Yeah, that’s the point,” Javy sassed, “I’d never have time off down there. Here? Everyone’s so health conscious that I can take a vacation or two every year and not worry.”
“I wouldn’t know what a vacation is anymore,” Jake admitted with a groan.
“Do they not give you time off at San Diego General? Man, that place is worse than I thought.”
“It’s not just the hospital, Yote, it’s everything. I take time off and my parents insinuate that I’m lazy, my sisters try and set me up with everyone, my girlfriend - ex-girlfriend - would demand I take her to LA and go shopping. It’s never about relaxing.”
“No wonder you and Vikander don’t get along,” Javy scoffed.
“Why? Because I’m so popular that she’s jealous?”
“No. Because you’re exactly alike.”
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redfurrycat · 2 years
🐓🌉👻🤠Just Like Heaven AU🤠👻🌉🐓
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Jake Seresin works at the San Francisco General Hospital as a pediatrician whose patients absolutely adore him. His job is everything to him: he lives and breathes being a doctor. His best friend Dr Machado, a renowned surgeon, tries desperately to set him up on dates, but Jake always makes excuses and leaves his dates hanging.  
However, after invoking the Bro Pact, Javy manages to make Jake promise he’ll come at his house for dinner (and a blind date, but Jake doesn’t know it). On his way to Javy’s, Jake is in a car accident and falls into a coma.
A few months later, Bradley Bradshaw finds a very nice apartment in San Francisco which he takes a sublet on. Bradley is a grieving dad, his daughter Elizabeth Natasha Bradshaw, or Lizzie-Nat, died of an undiagnosed  disease, and Bradley still feels responsible. He thinks he should have seen his daughter wasn’t feeling very well much sooner, maybe then…?
Couch-potatoeing and drinking become Bradley’s daily life. The man can’t work anymore, it’s too painful: he used to be a voice actor for kids shows; shows his daughter loved to listen to because of his dad’s voice. And despite his best friend and firefighter Natasha’s best efforts (to matchmake, amongst other things), Bradley becomes a reclusive.
Until one day, a blonde man inserts himself into Bradley’s home and life, and begins to boss the guy around (“Step off that perch of yours, Bradley McNugget Bradshaw!”). However, Bradley is convinced he’s become crazy as he’s the only one able to see the infuriating man and talk to him…
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ryebecca · 1 year
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meet the professors: dr. javy machado, associate professor of chemistry “just remember, class - gold is the best element because it’s AU-some.” 🌟 🧪
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siempre-bucky · 2 years
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here is every character that I will write for! Don't see your favorite? feel free to ask!
M C U Druig Kingo Ikaris Dane Whitman Bucky Sam Wilson Steve Rogers Dr. Stephen Strange Peter Parker (Holland, Garfield) Thor Loki Shang-Chi Marc Spector, Steven Grant Wanda Maximoff Natasha Romanoff Yelena Belova Kate Bishop Makkari Sersi Thena
B A R R Y K E O G H A N Druig Dympna Devers Pavel George Mills Joe
P A U L D A N O The Riddler | Edward Nashton Dwayne Hoover Klitz Calvin Weir-Fields
B R I D G E R T O N Anthony Bridgerton Benedict Bridgerton Colin Bridgerton Daphne Bridgerton Kate Sharma
S T R A N G E R T H I N G S Eddie Munson Steve Harrington Nancy Wheeler Robin Buckley Johnathan Byers
T O P G U N : M A V E R I C K
Robert 'Bob' Floyd Jake 'Hangman' Seresin Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia Reuben 'Payback' Fitch Javy 'Coyote' Machado Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace
O U T E R R A N G E Rhett Abbott
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writercole · 2 years
Top Gun: Maverick Master List
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All You Get - Poly!Squad (Hangman, Rooster, Bob, Phoenix, Reader)
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Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw Playlist
Just a Memory - Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw
Crash Landing - Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw
Stranger In My House
Shot Down
You’re No Bun
exile. - They’ve seen this film before.
Drive Me Crazy - A chance at a promotion becomes more than a chance encounter and a date is far better than par.
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Jake 'Hangman' Seresin Playlist
The Best Benefits (Series)
She's Mine? (Series)
Whispered Promises - Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin (NSFW)
Mercy - Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin (NSFW)
Why Don’t You Stay - Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin (Drabble Mini-series)
Can you keep a secret? (Feat Adm. Beau Simpson)
Disney (Imagine)
Seat (Imagine)
Need To Serve (Imagine - NSFW)
Baby (Imagine)
Bad Girl (Feat Bob Floyd)
His Ring (NSFW)
Ask Me Again - Jake loses a bet to Phoenix and has to finally man up.
Toxic Brat - Sometimes, toxic tiktok is not the best source for ideas.
A Guardian Angel and Her Knight - Jake meets his match.
Possession - They were just friends, at Jake’s insistence. So why does he want to break his wingman’s fingers?
exile. - They’ve seen this film before.
Heatwave - A ten week long heatwave tests the limits of even the strongest and most acclimated people.
Game. Set. Match. - Jake sometimes has more luck than sense.
Cat’s out of the bag - Jake Seresin has some secrets.
On Second Thought... - Dr. Jake Seresin has met his match.
Dangerous Distractions - A secret mission. A formal gala. Two agents that hate each other. What could go wrong?
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Robert 'Bob' Floyd Playlist
Something Like That (coming soon) - Sometimes the future shows up in the form of a blast from the past.
Fireworks - Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd (NSFW)
Call Me By My Name - Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd (NSFW)
You Didn't Ask (Feat Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia)
Enlightened - Bob is the stupidest man on earth that thinks he’s got it all figured out. Until a date backfires and then he becomes enlightened.
Quit - A missed date. An insatiable boss. And a frustrated Robert Floyd.
The Perfect Ratio - The first time Bob sees his friend get drunk, they both get more than the bargained for.
Wifey - Bob’s bachelor party doesn’t quite go as planned.
Here Comes The Sun -  Bob Floyd is the best husband and the best father.
Bad Girl (Feat Jake Seresin)
The Line (Feat Hangman)
Period Woes
Heatwave - A ten week long heatwave tests the limits of even the strongest and most acclimated people.
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Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace Playlist
Stockings (Drabble)
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Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia Playlist
A New Hope - A day off brings more than Mickey bargained for.
Falcon? -  In which the Daggers find Fanboy’s doppelganger.
It’s a Date - After the Falcon debate, the squad heads to the bar where Fanboy gets an outside opinion...and something that surprises him.
The Nap Date - It had been a week since Mickey had seen his girl. But then her coworker had a genius idea.
Interrupted (NSFW) - Turnabout is fair play.
Sealed With a Kiss - A secret identity. A secret pining. And one mutual friend who knows all the secrets.
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Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson Playlist
Can you keep a secret? (Feat Lt. Jake Seresin)
Use Your Words (Drabble)
Mardi Gras King
Dog Man
You, Me, and the Sounds You Make - Beau Simpson’s honeymoon starts off exactly as planned.
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Javy 'Coyote' Machado Playlist
Blind Date - Blind dates aren’t always the worst
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Pet Names
Civilian Jobs
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