#tgs everly
I have a problem. That problem is that I ship Virginia Ito and Everly Solanki Lanyon so hard that it hurts. There is no media. I shall sob.
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viro-lil-goat · 9 months
Failed tgs drawings i never posted
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It was supposed to be stain glass but i couldn't fully figure out how to do it and didn't know what characters to put there
And it has yellow stains now from markers so i made it grayscale so its not so distracting
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This one also has stains but the original reason why i abandoned it us because i accidentally colored her coat red (i was drawing with bad lighting) but then i painted on top with pink justtt to abandon it again
But i guess its fine as it is
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Modern AU
Jekyll, Lanyon, and Everly are out to dinner
Stranger: Oh, what a pretty lady.
Everly: Thank you.
Stranger: Which one of you gentlemen is third wheeling?
Everly: That would be the pretty lady.
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Lanyon headcanons! I'm sorry if some of these have already been said; I haven't looked through everyone else's.
(Quick sidenote: lots of people have said that Jekyll is autistic, which I could see, but I definitely see him more as having OCD instead. For lots of reasons, but mainly because I relate to him way too much, and the whole moral scrupulosity part of OCD. If you don't know what it is, please look it up. It's him. Spot on.) (Also !! There's a lot of stigma and misunderstanding and belittling of OCD. So it would be good to look into that too because lots of people definitely just don't understand it and can say harmful things!)
Anyway !! Back to my guy Lanyon <3 He is quite possibly my favorite character, like, ever, and he deserves more love
- He's not good at keeping secrets. At all. Of course, he barely knows the lodgers, and definitely doesn't trust them, so he's less likely to tell them anything. But with people he's close to (especially Rachel, since they would gossip in Jekyll's kitchen) he will tell them everything he knows. If someone tells him something and says not to tell anyone, he will immediately tell someone. Probably Rachel.
- He DOES NOT like werewolves. We've kind of seen that with Jasper, but that is also probably just him not trusting anyone until he really knows them and feels comfortable around them. I haven't read bleeding heart, but I've heard that some people definitely see Morcant as predatory (Jekyll's 19 I think and I don't think it says how old she is? Don't judge me if I'm wrong). So I feel like he doesn't just hate Morcant because she was with Jekyll, but because she was creepy and predatory. So now he won't ever trust or even like a werewolf (also because they're wolves. Big, hairy, dirty. Not his thing)
- He has religious trauma <3 No this is not me projecting (a lie). Sabrina has said that Lanyon's atheist (and Jekyll's agnostic). And Victorian England was VERY Christian. And the comic shows Jekyll going to church, which implies that Lanyon does too. So like, not only does he have religious trauma, he also has to continue reliving it every week. I feel like he specifically got it from his mom, her forcing him to be a "good Christian man," and, whether or not she knew he's gay, scolding him, saying he's going to hell, making him "pray for his immortal soul," and the likes.
- He's a Capricorn. He's definitely a winter baby, and Capricorns are December - January. He's practical, he keeps a small circle of friends that he is very loyal to, he seems cold and detached, but he's actually very sensitive! He feels emotions very strongly, but he does not want to show "weakness." He's also stubborn and can hold grudges for a long time. And Caps can get a lot of hate, like him unfortunately :(
- He mostly doesn't like animals (again, dirty and gross), but if he had to choose an animal he would pick a snake. I'm thinking some kind of viper? Probably bush vipers. They look cool asf, and he likes their large fangs and dangerous venom. He likes that snakes don't have fur, hair, or feathers. He'd be too scared to hold a snake, but he thinks they're pretty cool.
- His dad knows he's gay. He probably wouldn't just come out, so he was outed. Maybe when he was 16 or 17? Not in public or anything, just to his father. His father knows there's nothing he can do to change it, and that if Robert wants to do something (men) he's gonna do it, whether or not he tells him not to. So he basically told him that he can do whatever he wants, as long as no one finds out. Especially with how hard he's worked, his father would do anything to keep the family name respectable. And he really does care about his son.
- His mom Does Not know he's gay. She would basically disown him if she found out. So he and his father keep it a secret (this is one of the few secrets he can actually keep). Even as he gets older, they still make sure she doesn't find out. He kind of always knew he was gay, or at least that he was different. He was ashamed of it for a while, but when he was about 14 or 15, he became friends with a bi/pan girl (Who was also aspec. Because I said so) who was just so openly proud of her sexuality (as openly as you could be in Victorian England). She just was so happy about being queer, which influenced him to also be happy about it! He probably took a while to get all the way there, but even just like acknowledging it and being okay with it was so huge to him.
- He likes to sit on the piano bench next to Everly while she plays piano !! (They're not the gay/lesbian solidarity we deserved, but the gay/lesbian solidarity we needed.) It's very nice for him, to just relax and focus on the music. He does like music, he just hated being forced to learn the violin. So it's really good for him to de-stress (heaven knows our boy needs it) and just be more of himself-- not faking smiles or having perfect posture-- because he trusts his wife. In general, he's comfortable enough around her to laugh, smile, not be a "perfect gentleman."
- Speaking of his wife !! (except she's my wife actually because I said so). She gets overwhelmed by being around lots of people, and obviously Lanyon knows this. So when he sees her start to get anxious, as he's known her long enough to see the warning signs, he goes to her, links her arm with his, pardons them, and takes her to an isolated room. Whenever she goes to an event with him, he makes sure he knows the venue/house at least a little bit, to know where he can take her. He sits with her, holding and rubbing her hands, until she calms down. If it's bad enough, he'll leave the event, no matter how important it is, to get her out of there. Because even though it's not in a romantic way, he loves his wife <3
- He'd never admit it, but he sings. No matter how much he denies it, Everly sometimes hears him humming or singing softly to himself while he's getting ready, etc. He usually sings Scottish lullabies (that he knows from Jekyll from university) or songs Everly wrote. She thinks his singing is really cute, and it makes her so happy when he sings her songs. She used to be too nervous to play piano around him, but after so many years she got comfortable enough to do it. And when he shows that he likes her writing in ways like this, it makes her more confident in herself.
- He likes to press flowers! It's very calming and therapeutic for him, and he can take his time with it. He likes using different meanings with flowers (the Victorian flower language). He loves the beautiful payoff it gives after weeks of pressing. It's something he doesn't really tell people about, because he knows they will think it's too 'feminine' for a man. But even though he's a bit insecure about it, he still lets himself do it, because it makes him happy!
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thedarkone121 · 4 months
Hello! Have a ramble card, you may ramble about whatever you like :3
Oh, Dust. Dust, my good fellow and now-fellow mutual, I don’t even know where to begin with this power you have given me… I’m ill-prepared for such a responsibility! But, I guess I can start my rambling off with some facts about Anne-Marie.
Anne-Marie is mixed-race, her biological mother originated from the Caribbean Islands but she fled to England during the wars for independence and to get away from her own family situation. Anne-Marie’s biological father was a wealthy Englishman, one who went after immigrant women. He’s a slimeball, plain and simple.
Anne-Marie has no desire to know her biological father. Jekyll is her dad and that’s end of it. Her mother, Isabella, is still alive but Anne-Marie doesn’t know nor does she care. Anne-Marie wants nothing to do with Isabella and would rather leave her in the past. They did not have a good relationship.
Anne-Marie did have a group of friends while she was at the Orphanage. She was the youngest so the older kids did their best to look after her. They were the ones who gave her the name Anne because of her tendency to question things by saying “And?”.
I meant to save this for a sketch on the first day of Pride Month but I guess I’ll say it here; Anne-Marie is asexual — like most of my OCs, to be honest 🤣 she falls more on the sex-repulsed side of things, which confused the heck out of Hyde. Speaking of Hyde, Jekyll and him were both very confused when Anne-Marie came out but they were still supportive in their own ways. They’re trying, okay? 🤣 They did have a huge sigh of relief when they realized that Anne-Marie wasn’t interested in fooling around with anybody when she reached her teenage/adult years.
Do not mention the words Anne-Marie and marriage in the same sentence around Jekyll. Jekyll does not want to think about marrying her off. He wants her to be the sole inheritor of everything he owns. He WILL delay marriage talks for as long as he can.
(In a future scenario where everything is happy, an older Anne-Marie does end up being in a nice queerplantonic marriage with a Jonathan Harker-inspired OC who is AroAce. Lanyon and Everly helped set it up.)
Everly is Anne-Marie’s piano teacher, something that happened not long after Robert first met the girl. The two got along together swimmingly and Anne-Marie would often play Everly’s sonnets as a form of lessons. Everly is probably the only Lanyon Anne-Marie genuinely likes. Everly sees her as the daughter she wishes she could have.
It’s such a shame that Anne-Marie doesn’t like Robert because those two would’ve gotten along swimmingly on dissing the upper-class while they were at parties. While Anne-Marie, like Jekyll, was taught upper-class etiquette but she didn’t thrive off it like her father. She’s actually pretty crabby whenever she had to deal with snobs. The only reason she is able to get away with acting as the perfect proper daughter is because Jekyll lets her loose it in either an isolated room or during the carriage ride on the way home.
She has a collection of scary stuffed toys in her room. Stuff like bears with large teeth and creepy button eyes. It freaks Lanyon and some of the Lodgers out. Jekyll has gotten used to them. Hyde is still weird out by them.
Anne-Marie’s tends to favor spicy food. Her favorite is that Chicken Paprika their family lawyer got from a fellow lawyer friend. Jekyll and Hyde can NOT handle spicy food but they still try to eat it with her. Hyde keeps going despite how much pain he’s in.
I guess it’s time to mention some stuff I have in regards to Jekyll being a dad. I can’t imagine him having any biological children. I can’t imagine this man procreating. In any form of media, might I add. It is easier to see him pick up a child from somewhere and him becoming a dad that way.
No matter how much his reputation means to him, I think Jekyll is willing to go to war if somebody ever sighted Anne-Marie the wrong way. If Anne-Marie tells her side of the story of an incident she’s involved with, he WILL believe her. Frankenstein learned that the hard way.
Him reading her bedtime stories are the only times Jekyll is able to sleep. Anne-Marie is a koala bear when she’s tired and Jekyll is never able to escape when she latches on. Welcome to the life of a dad, Jekyll.
Speaking of which, I almost forgotten to mention that I don’t think Jekyll ever planned to have kids. He likes children and sometimes don’t mind their company, but he never saw himself as a dad. Him adopting Anne-Marie was a decision that still surprises him to this day.
One last thing to close off the whole ramble, Anne-Marie is able to hold her stare for a long time. It’s something she developed when she was on the streets. She uses it as a form of intimidation, as she found out that people can unnerved by holding a long form of eye contact with them. She’s still well-known for this trick, even when she lost her sight. So if she is staring in a general direction, the Lodger who is on the receiving end of it is still freaked out.
And that’s end of the ramble! Not sure if this counts since I tend to be organized when I’m writing but thank you Dust Mint for letting me get some of ideas out!
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deschainartnerd · 1 year
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Regularly scheduled bemoaning
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echooefrost · 9 months
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Is this Historically accurate? no. Does that matter? no.
Alright, This is gonna be a lot, so thou shalt be warned
In the Au, Robert is a prince and Lanyon Sr. is the King, they rule over a small kindom somewhere in England - name TBA (so not like real monarchies which rule over entire countries etc.) The premise is basically; The Lanyon's personal/private doctor recently passed away so they call in a new doctor/chemist from Scotland - did you guess? yep, It's Jekyll. Hyde exists before Henry/Edward meets Robert (I haven't worked out the exact logistics about it yet, but I will) Jekyll/Hyde are more Chemists/Alchemists than Doctors but they are both still very good doctors regardless (so they don't really wear the 'plague mask' thing) I aged only Jekyll, Hyde and Lanyon down to about their early 20's so it matches around the original timing of when J&H met Robert in TGS. There are other smaller reasons but they aren't to important, all you need to know is that it doesn't really change anything
Lanyon is betrothed to Everly from a neighbouring kingdom -this is where it differs slightly from TGS, it's a political marriage not a lavender marriage. Neither Robert nor Everly are happy about this however, they are both only children in royalty so they don't really have an option.
Hyde is essentially the local gremlin that has in-built eyebags and a sense to sell you things not very discreetly that he probably shouldn't be selling. His Cape is comedically large and has a very extensive collection of illegal powders, drugs, and other nefarious items. Almost everybody knows Hyde becasue at some point they have all needed some rare item from him. - this is where the blackfog comes in (yes it exists!) the Blackfog is basically the same but Hyde really wants to go so he can buy/sell lots of items for his little side-business he has going on, however Lanyon Sr. is opposed to it and it's existence because well... illegal.
*Hyde also goes by: The Spirit of [insert Kingdom's name] at night (soooooo original, ik)
Jekyll stays pretty much the same, He really cares about his reputation so he can move up on the social ladder and create his own Science business at some point, and I mean he doesn't want to make a fool of himself in front of the King of all people, that wouldn't be a very good look, would it?
In this universe, The lodgers are all citizens of the small kingdom and they all sort of have different occupations/roles in the town. They can't all be scientists, but do not fear because they still as equally crazy and chaotic as before. Rachel is the Lanyon's personal chef but she also helps run the bakery in town with Mr. Doddle. Jasper looks after most of the animals and creatures in the kingdom, he used to be a farmer but moved to get away from home. I am yet to work out how Jekyll and Jaspers relationship dynamic stays the same in this universe but I will figure something out.
There is A LOT of Jekyon and Lanyde going on here, so I've got something for everyone, (there may or may not be a masquerade at some point...) and it's not just centred around romance, there is lots of other plot stuff happening so do not fear my ace/aro friends (or just people who aren't a fan of romance)!
That's most of it for now... I'll draw some more stuff at some point and give some extra details, If you have any questions please ask (my asks are open) I'd love to hear from you all!!! Don't be afraid to offer any suggestions or other criticisms. Maybe I'll write a fanfic one day who knows, we will see.
Thanks for listening to my rant (*^▽^*)
*Footnote - I don't think you guys realise how hard it was to make hyde not look like either A.) a fucking elf or B.) Link. Did I succeed? not sure.
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currently-tired · 6 months
tgs fandom. Everly Lanyon content 🙏🙏🙏🙏
there is so little of it. guys. consider.
she is very good and cool
she spends her time composing and playing music!
she gossips with Lanyon. The two of them are like “Oh My God, You’d never believe this but…” “Oh Wow, really?! Oh, and I heard…” They got a big pot of tea and a couple of hours, and some people are getting smearedd!!
Lanyon needs someone to call him out on his BS, and someone who is logical and calm. (points aggressively!!) like,, imagine it.
Lanyon is ranting.
Everly; *side eye* My man, this is not it.
they’re the friends of all time! if Lanyon is feeling confused or off, he asks for advice! He encourages her with her music, and other pursuits! (i can see her dabbling in other hobbies. maybe art? literature. Everly in a comfy armchair, with a book.)
everly lanyon hcs. art. guys, you so should!
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heheheheheheh lanyon
okay!! tgs lanyon it is!!!!! (thanks for clarifying that its tgs lolol its very different for the canon material xD)
sexuality hc: gayyyyy gay gay
a ship I have with him: him with both jekyll and hyde is nice ^-^ I also like just him and jekyll, but it doesnt feel perfect unless we include hyde lolol
a brotp I have with him: HIM AND RACHEL >>>> also him and everly lolol
a notp I have with him: uh idk of any other lanyon ships lolol
a random hc: he used to be a total germaphobe but after hanging around the society a bit its eased into a strong dislike for dirt and germs and stuff lolol. its very easy to gross him out and the other lodgers have a fun time trying to see who can gross him out the most. he hates that little competition.
general opinion over said character: I uh. dont like him. just because of how self centered he is and how he cares so little for the feelings of other people. other characters can pull it off bc they make it funny or something, or they have other character traits, but with him its just annoying and cold lolol.
that being said, I really liked him when he first showed up because of his drama and theatrics. if that resurfaced a bit I might become a little more partial to him.
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namunull · 2 years
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Another panel redraw! The Lanyons.
(drawing background is >:( !!)
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vampire-mina · 2 years
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some inspiration from the tgs cast
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theorieswiththeo · 2 years
Hello, I am officially Everly's Nr. 1 Fan
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Sklslajsl look at her!!!! She is just an adorable gay musician
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buymyfinepies · 2 years
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gay people… pretty..
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h7jfangirl · 2 years
Everly is so pretty, i'm gonna cry 😭😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💕💕
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move outta the way gay boy i’m about to get it
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dolorum-magne · 2 years
So the new tgs page just came out and I need to talk about it because I have a lot to say about it
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I was incredibly shocked by this revelation.
in hind sight, seeing the little bits and pieces about him (mainly from the conversation he had with Everly) that we gradually picked up I did start to wonder wether or not he was really a bad person as I had initially thought for a lot of the comic. Mainly when Robert mentions that whenever he found interest in something, his father would push him towards it and in turn Robert would immediately drop it to spite him. This seemed less like trying to force him towards it and more like encouragement than anything else though it’s obvious Robert didn’t see it that way.
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Or when Robert talked about how when he was learning Violin or latin he mentioned having to work a lot harder than the other boys his age. Roberts father tells him that people like them have to work harder to get by in the world and while upsetting and unfortunate, he wasn’t wrong.
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It’s pretty obvious (especially considering the time this is set in and what everly talks about afterwards which in itself is very sad) that this is about racism. Unfortunately while fanciful creatures exist in this world, the oppression and prejudices present in the real world also exist in the tgs universe as well. While it would obviously have been upsetting to hear (especially at a young age) it’s something that had to be said because unfortunately it was true. They did have to work harder to get by.
with each new bit of info we’ve learned more recently about Roberts father, I’ve hated him less and less than I initially had but still greatly disliked him for the same reason I initially hated him.
his alleged calling Robert “a complete waste of a human being”.
this may be in part influenced by my own issues with my own father but I immediately hated him for allegedly calling his son this, presumably multiple time during arguments and refused to forgive it no matter what because you should never under any circumstances call your child this or anything similar. This belief has not changed.
now though, it’s revealed he never said this to him at all. It may have felt this way to Robert and his feelings are valid, but he never actually said this during those arguments which blew all my previous feelings about him away completely.
he told Robert that he felt he was wasting his potential and he’s right.
This entire time, Robert has dropped interests just to spite his father, was obviously a trouble maker and didn’t seem to work too hard in university to the point that he was (likely) skipping class and giving his minded the slip in order to hang out with his friends the whole time, and even now he’s trying to run from his responsibilities and planned on even quitting on the society! He IS wasting his potential!
now, with everything we know about his father laid out it’s safe to say that my initial interpretation that Roberts father was unsupportive and a bad parent is completely wrong. This also gives a whole new perspective to the earlier point about Lanyon Sr. telling Robert he would no longer fund the society. While it may have come off harshly to Robert, he probably just didn’t want him to rely on him for everything (He is an adult after all, plus he may not have even been able to afford to do this for very long) and take on the responsibility of working hard to keep the society afloat.
now looking at it the more likely thing seems to be that in reality, while Robert may have felt that his father was against him (and he is entitled to those feelings. They definitely should have a conversation about them.) Lanyon Sr. has likely been trying to encourage him from the start, and truly does care about his son. This is something that I am extremely happy to see (and I really hope it turns out this way and that maybe, Robert can actually talk about his feelings and they can have a good relationship)
I’m very excited to see how this conversation between the two of them pans out and very much hope to see them maybe talk it out. (wishful thinking perhaps? We know none of them like talking about their feelings very much in this story)
that being said, idk if this is just me but I’d very much like to learn more about Roberts mother.
we don’t know very much about his father but know enough to make an opinion about him but we know virtually nothing about his mother besides the fact that her and his father likely didn’t love each-other (at least not romantically. I hope they were at least friends like Everly and Robert are) and that she planted and took care of tulips in their garden. We haven’t even seen what she looks like, and she’s barely mentioned!
idk if this is something that will ever be touched upon but just something I would very much like to see and learn more about.
I love this comic so much
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